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By Maura Judkis
August 1, 2018 at 3:23 p.m. EDT

(Andrew Harnik/AP)

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Is it any surprise that the man who lived in a gilded penthouse doesn’t know how
grocery stores work? At a Florida rally on Tuesday, President Trump related
voter ID laws to grocery shopping.

“If you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card, you
need ID,” Trump said at the event at the Florida State Fairgrounds. “You go out
and you want to buy anything, you need ID and you need your picture.”

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Purchases of alcohol, cigarettes or cold medicine, or payments made with a check
require a photo ID. Purchases of, say, Cap’n Crunch or rhubarb or frozen chicken
nuggets do not. “This man has never bought a carton of milk in his life, has
he?” tweeted Kaili Joy Gray of Shareblue.

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Of course he hasn’t. Respectfully: Duh.

The grocery store is a minefield for politicians. In 1992, President George H.W.
Bush, who had “lived the cloistered life of a top Washington bureaucrat for
decades,” according to the New York Times, was described as being amazed by an
electronic grocery scanner, technology that had been in use for more than a
decade — though his team later clarified that he had been impressed by a
particular scanner that could read torn bar codes. Still, in a recession, the
characterization that he was out of touch took hold — all the way to the polls.


He’s not the only politician to fall in the grocery trap: During his 2007
presidential campaign, Rudolph W. Giuliani underestimated the cost of milk and
bread by more than half. And even politicians who go into the store can be
criticized for shopping at the wrong one, or buying the wrong thing. In a famous
gaffe, then-candidate Barack Obama posed a question at an Iowa rally: “Anybody
gone into Whole Foods lately and see what they charge for arugula? I mean,
they’re charging a lot of money for this stuff.” There were no Whole Foods
stores in Iowa at the time — and besides, why wasn’t he eating iceberg or
romaine like a Real American, anyway?

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It’s a great clueless-rich-person trope in pop culture, too. On the sitcom “30
Rock,” executive Jack Donaghy (played by Alec Baldwin), having expanded his
television company’s empire to include couches, gives a rousing speech: “As we
speak, our fellow countryman are rolling out our Kabletown Couches on the
assembly line, earning an honest day’s pay so they can go to the store and buy
milk for their family, which costs … oh, I don’t know, $90 a gallon.” In another
episode, he refers to the price of a 10-pound bag of potatoes as $400, and says
he gets them from the “grocery concierge.” Lucille Bluth, the cluelessly rich
matriarch of “Arrested Development,” has similar grocery problems. “I mean, it’s
one banana, Michael,” she says to her son. “What could it cost? $10?”

The Washington Post’s John Wagner reports that at a briefing Wednesday, White
House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said she was “not sure” when Trump
last went to a grocery store, and added that she wasn’t sure it mattered,
either. She later said that the comment was in reference to purchasing alcohol,
though Trump did not mention alcohol in his remarks and has previously claimed
he does not drink it, and has never smoked a cigarette. Others, like Stormy
Daniels’s lawyer Michael Avenatti, were quick to criticize the remarks, and
people on Twitter piled on.

British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher “used to wield a shopping basket and
talk about the price of the pound and say something needed to be done about it,”
British columnist Tim Montgomerie told the BBC. Documents released by the
Margaret Thatcher Foundation show that the prime minister was briefed on the
prices of common goods like eggs, milk and beer. And weeks after her 2016 loss
to President Trump, Hillary Clinton was spotted shopping for ingredients for her
Thanksgiving dinner in Chappaqua, N.Y. Former vice president Joe Biden attended
the grand opening of a Costco in the District and ate a bunch of free samples.
(Politicians: They’re just like us! Except when they aren’t.)


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Grocery stores and certain products have come to be political signifiers on
their own, too. Trump won only 22 percent of counties with a Whole Foods, wrote
Michael Hendrix of the Manhattan Institute. There are “Whole Foods Republicans”
and “Sam’s Club’s Republicans.” Belgian endive became a constant joke in the
1988 election, after candidate Michael Dukakis suggested struggling corn and
soybean farmers try growing the less-common produce — and sales of the vegetable
shot up immediately.

If knowing the price of common goods is an indicator of how in touch a
politician is, perhaps a better indicator for Trump would be fast food. He is
known to enjoy McDonald’s and Kentucky Fried Chicken. But if you ask him the
price of a Big Mac, there’s a good chance Trump wouldn’t know the answer any
better than he’d understand a grocery store: Aides were responsible for picking
up his meals.

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