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        <option value="KR"> South Korea (KRW ₩) </option>
        <option value="SS"> South Sudan (USD $) </option>
        <option value="ES"> Spain (EUR €) </option>
        <option value="LK"> Sri Lanka (LKR ₨) </option>
        <option value="BL"> St. Barthélemy (EUR €) </option>
        <option value="SH"> St. Helena (SHP £) </option>
        <option value="KN"> St. Kitts &amp; Nevis (XCD $) </option>
        <option value="LC"> St. Lucia (XCD $) </option>
        <option value="MF"> St. Martin (EUR €) </option>
        <option value="PM"> St. Pierre &amp; Miquelon (EUR €) </option>
        <option value="VC"> St. Vincent &amp; Grenadines (XCD $) </option>
        <option value="SD"> Sudan (USD $) </option>
        <option value="SR"> Suriname (USD $) </option>
        <option value="SJ"> Svalbard &amp; Jan Mayen (USD $) </option>
        <option value="SE"> Sweden (SEK kr) </option>
        <option value="CH"> Switzerland (CHF CHF) </option>
        <option value="TW"> Taiwan (TWD $) </option>
        <option value="TJ"> Tajikistan (TJS ЅМ) </option>
        <option value="TZ"> Tanzania (TZS Sh) </option>
        <option value="TH"> Thailand (THB ฿) </option>
        <option value="TL"> Timor-Leste (USD $) </option>
        <option value="TG"> Togo (XOF Fr) </option>
        <option value="TK"> Tokelau (NZD $) </option>
        <option value="TO"> Tonga (TOP T$) </option>
        <option value="TT"> Trinidad &amp; Tobago (TTD $) </option>
        <option value="TA"> Tristan da Cunha (GBP £) </option>
        <option value="TN"> Tunisia (USD $) </option>
        <option value="TR"> Turkey (USD $) </option>
        <option value="TM"> Turkmenistan (USD $) </option>
        <option value="TC"> Turks &amp; Caicos Islands (USD $) </option>
        <option value="TV"> Tuvalu (AUD $) </option>
        <option value="UM"> U.S. Outlying Islands (USD $) </option>
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        <option value="UA"> Ukraine (UAH ₴) </option>
        <option value="AE"> United Arab Emirates (AED د.إ) </option>
        <option value="GB"> United Kingdom (GBP £) </option>
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        <option value="UY"> Uruguay (UYU $) </option>
        <option value="UZ"> Uzbekistan (UZS ) </option>
        <option value="VU"> Vanuatu (VUV Vt) </option>
        <option value="VA"> Vatican City (EUR €) </option>
        <option value="VE"> Venezuela (USD $) </option>
        <option value="VN"> Vietnam (VND ₫) </option>
        <option value="WF"> Wallis &amp; Futuna (XPF Fr) </option>
        <option value="EH"> Western Sahara (MAD د.م.) </option>
        <option value="YE"> Yemen (YER ﷼) </option>
        <option value="ZM"> Zambia (USD $) </option>
        <option value="ZW"> Zimbabwe (USD $) </option>
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Red (Keyboard new box damaged) Add to cart
View product - QwertyKey Rice Hotswap Mechanical Gaming Keyboard


$74.00 CAD $56.00 CAD

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BrownRed Add to cart
View product - QwertyKey61 Hotswap RGB Black Mechanical Gaming Keyboard


$98.00 CAD

Red (Keyboard new box damaged) Add to cart
View product - QwertyKey Rice Hotswap Mechanical Gaming Keyboard


$74.00 CAD $56.00 CAD

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View product - QwertyKey Rice Hotswap Black Mechanical Gaming Keyboard


$74.00 CAD

Akko V3 Cream Blue Pro Tactile SwitchAkko V3 Cream Yellow Pro Switch Linear Add
to cart
View product - QwertyKey65 Hurricane Hotswap RGB Mechanical Gaming Keyboard


$113.00 CAD

Akko V3 Cream Blue Pro Tactile SwitchAkko V3 Cream Yellow Pro Switch Linear Add
to cart
View product - QwertyKey65 Arcade Hotswap RGB Mechanical Gaming Keyboard


$113.00 CAD

Akko V3 Cream Yellow Pro Switch LinearAkko V3 Cream Blue Pro Linear Switch Add
to cart
View product - QwertyKey65 Metric Hotswap RGB Mechanical Gaming Keyboard


$113.00 CAD

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BrownRed Add to cart
View product - QwertyKey61 Hotswap RGB Mechanical Gaming Keyboard


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BrownRed Add to cart
View product - QwertyKey61 Hotswap RGB Black Mechanical Gaming Keyboard


$98.00 CAD

Red (Keyboard new box damaged) Add to cart
View product - QwertyKey Rice Hotswap Mechanical Gaming Keyboard


$74.00 CAD $56.00 CAD

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View product - QwertyKey Rice Hotswap Black Mechanical Gaming Keyboard


$74.00 CAD

Akko V3 Cream Blue Pro Tactile SwitchAkko V3 Cream Yellow Pro Switch Linear Add
to cart
View product - QwertyKey65 Hurricane Hotswap RGB Mechanical Gaming Keyboard


$113.00 CAD

Akko V3 Cream Blue Pro Tactile SwitchAkko V3 Cream Yellow Pro Switch Linear Add
to cart
View product - QwertyKey65 Arcade Hotswap RGB Mechanical Gaming Keyboard


$113.00 CAD

Akko V3 Cream Yellow Pro Switch LinearAkko V3 Cream Blue Pro Linear Switch Add
to cart
View product - QwertyKey65 Metric Hotswap RGB Mechanical Gaming Keyboard


$113.00 CAD



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View product - Dareu Tiger Wireless Fastcharge - Limited Edition


$133.00 CAD $119.00 CAD

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View product - Keychron M1 Wireless Ultra-Light Optical White


$74.00 CAD

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View product - Keychron M1 Wireless Ultra-Light Optical Black


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View product - Dareu Butterfly Ultra Light


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View product - Dareu Coal Wireless RGB


$68.00 CAD

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View product - Dareu Kobe Ultra Light


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View product - Dareu Maki RGB


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View product - Dareu Sakura Wireless RGB


$68.00 CAD

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View product - Dareu Sky Wireless RGB


$68.00 CAD

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View product - Dareu Tiger Wireless Fastcharge - Limited Edition


$133.00 CAD $119.00 CAD

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View product - Keychron M1 Wireless Ultra-Light Optical White


$74.00 CAD

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View product - Keychron M1 Wireless Ultra-Light Optical Black


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View product - Dareu Butterfly Ultra Light


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View product - Dareu Coal Wireless RGB


$68.00 CAD

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View product - Dareu Kobe Ultra Light


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View product - Kobe Bryant QWERTY Keyboard Set Profile OEM Material PBT – double


$48.00 CAD $39.00 CAD

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View product - Set QWERTY Keys Lilac Translucent Profile OEM Material ABS –
double shot


$39.00 CAD

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View product - Lilac-Ocean Translucent QWERTY Key Set OEM Profile Material PBT -
double shot


$48.00 CAD

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View product - Translucent Milky Pudding Keyset OEM Profile Material PBT


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View product - Black Sea Translucent QWERTY Key Set OEM Profile Material ABS –
double shot


$39.00 CAD

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View product - QWERTY Key Set Black-Red Devil Translucent Profile OEM Material
PBT - double shot


$48.00 CAD

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View product - QWERTY Key Set Crimson Translucent Profile OEM Material PBT -
double shot


$48.00 CAD

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View product - Joker QWERTY Key Set Profile OEM Material PBT – double shot


$48.00 CAD $39.00 CAD

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View product - Kobe Bryant QWERTY Keyboard Set Profile OEM Material PBT – double


$48.00 CAD $39.00 CAD

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View product - Set QWERTY Keys Lilac Translucent Profile OEM Material ABS –
double shot


$39.00 CAD

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View product - Lilac-Ocean Translucent QWERTY Key Set OEM Profile Material PBT -
double shot


$48.00 CAD

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View product - Translucent Milky Pudding Keyset OEM Profile Material PBT


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View product - Black Sea Translucent QWERTY Key Set OEM Profile Material ABS –
double shot


$39.00 CAD

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View product - QWERTY Key Set Black-Red Devil Translucent Profile OEM Material
PBT - double shot


$48.00 CAD



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View product - Deskmat Mousepad QwertyKey LiftOff 4mm stitched edges


$39.00 CAD

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View product - Deskmat Mousepad QwertyKey Black 4mm stitched edges


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View product - Deskmat Mousepad QwertyKey Octopus Yellow 4mm stitched edges


$39.00 CAD

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View product - Deskmat Mousepad QwertyKey Forest 4mm stitched edges


$39.00 CAD

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View product - Deskmat Mousepad QwertyKey Carpathian 4mm stitched edges


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View product - Deskmat Mousepad QwertyKey Arcade 4mm stitched edges


$39.00 CAD

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View product - Deskmat Mousepad QwertyKey Metric 4mm stitched edges


$39.00 CAD

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View product - Deskmat Mousepad QwertyKey RGB JapanWave 4mm stitched edges


$45.00 CAD

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View product - Deskmat Mousepad QwertyKey RGB Sharingan Eye 4mm stitched edges


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View product - Deskmat Mousepad QwertyKey Spaceman Irregular 4mm stitched edges


$39.00 CAD

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View product - Deskmat Mousepad QwertyKey Hurricane 4mm stitched edges


$39.00 CAD

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View product - Deskmat Mousepad QwertyKey Kyoto 4mm stitched edges


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View product - Deskmat Mousepad QwertyKey LiftOff 4mm stitched edges


$39.00 CAD

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View product - Deskmat Mousepad QwertyKey Black 4mm stitched edges


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View product - Deskmat Mousepad QwertyKey Octopus Yellow 4mm stitched edges


$39.00 CAD

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View product - Deskmat Mousepad QwertyKey Forest 4mm stitched edges


$39.00 CAD

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View product - Deskmat Mousepad QwertyKey Carpathian 4mm stitched edges


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View product - Deskmat Mousepad QwertyKey Arcade 4mm stitched edges


$39.00 CAD



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View product - 45 pieces Akko Match Green Switches


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View product - 45 pieces Akko Radiant Red Switches


$19.00 CAD

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View product - 45 pieces Akko Rose Red Switches


$19.00 CAD

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View product - 45 pieces Akko Jelly Black Switches


$25.00 CAD

White Add to cart
View product - 45 pieces Akko Jelly White Switches


$25.00 CAD

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View product - 45 pieces Akko Lavender Purple Switches


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View product - 45 pieces Akko Match Green Switches


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View product - 45 pieces Akko Radiant Red Switches


$19.00 CAD

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View product - 45 pieces Akko Rose Red Switches


$19.00 CAD

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View product - 45 pieces Akko Jelly Black Switches


$25.00 CAD

White Add to cart
View product - 45 pieces Akko Jelly White Switches


$25.00 CAD

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View product - 45 pieces Akko Lavender Purple Switches


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View product - Lubricant Krytox XHT-BDZ


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View product - Size 0 lubricant brush


$6.00 CAD

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View product - Stem Holder


$9.00 CAD

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View product - Clicky Keyboard QwertyKey toy


$15.00 CAD

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View product - Large Colorful Switch Toy


$15.00 CAD

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View product - Lube Station Modular


$36.00 CAD

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View product - Switch Tester x4


$9.00 CAD

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View product - Switch Tester X9


$15.00 CAD

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View product - Keycap Puller White


$5.00 CAD

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View product - Keycap/Switch puller


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View product - Lubricant Krytox GPL 105


$24.00 CAD

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View product - Lubricant Krytox GPL 205 Grade 0


$24.00 CAD

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View product - Lubricant Krytox XHT-BDZ


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View product - Size 0 lubricant brush


$6.00 CAD

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View product - Stem Holder


$9.00 CAD

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View product - Clicky Keyboard QwertyKey toy


$15.00 CAD

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View product - Large Colorful Switch Toy


$15.00 CAD

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View product - Lube Station Modular


$36.00 CAD



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View product - QwertyKey bag


$6.00 CAD

Men LMen MMen SLady LLady MLady S Add to cart
View product - Lesh Go T-shirt


$24.00 CAD

Men LMen MMen SLady LLady MLady S Add to cart
View product - QwertyKey Keyboard T-shirt


$24.00 CAD

LMS Add to cart
View product - Lesh Go Hoodie White


$39.00 CAD

LMS Add to cart
View product - Lesh Go Hoodie Black


$39.00 CAD

LMXS Add to cart
View product - Black QwertyKey Jacket


$56.00 CAD

LMS Add to cart
View product - Lesh Go Orange Hoodie


$39.00 CAD

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View product - QwertyKey mug


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View product - QwertyKey x Bold Persons Bracelet


$15.00 CAD

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View product - QwertyKey Donut poster


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View product - QwertyKey Switch poster


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RON 100.00RON 300.00RON 500.00RON 1,000.00 Add to cart
View product - QwertyKey Gift Card


From $29.60 CAD

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View product - QwertyKey bag


$6.00 CAD

Men LMen MMen SLady LLady MLady S Add to cart
View product - Lesh Go T-shirt


$24.00 CAD

Men LMen MMen SLady LLady MLady S Add to cart
View product - QwertyKey Keyboard T-shirt


$24.00 CAD

LMS Add to cart
View product - Lesh Go Hoodie White


$39.00 CAD

LMS Add to cart
View product - Lesh Go Hoodie Black


$39.00 CAD

LMXS Add to cart
View product - Black QwertyKey Jacket


$56.00 CAD



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View product - Artisan Skull


$9.00 CAD

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View product - Artisan X Controller


$9.00 CAD

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View product - Keycap Mug


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Artisan Dojutsu (all 3)Sage ModeSasuke RinneganSharingan Add to cart
View product - Dojutsu Artisan


From $9.00 CAD

AkatsukiArtisan Dojutsu V2 (all 3)ItachiKakashi Add to cart
View product - Artisan Dojutsu V2


From $9.00 CAD

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View product - Artisan Heart


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Artisan MarsArtisan Mars+Moon Add to cart
View product - Artisan Mars


From $8.00 CAD

Full Moon BlackFull Moon WhiteLarge Moon Phase BlackLarge Moon Phase WhiteSmall
Moon Phase BlackSmall Moon Phase White Add to cart
View product - Artisan Moon Phase


From $9.00 CAD

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View product - Artisan Pixel Heart


$9.00 CAD

Greatball - BlackGreatball Black + Pokeball BlackGreatball Black + Pokeball
RedPokeball - BlackPokeball - Red Add to cart
View product - Artisan Pokeball


From $9.00 CAD

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View product - Artisan PS Controller


$9.00 CAD

Pumpkin HalloweenPumpkin Halloween + Ghost Add to cart
View product - Artisan Pumpkin Halloween


From $6.00 CAD

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View product - Artisan Skull


$9.00 CAD

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View product - Artisan X Controller


$9.00 CAD

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View product - Keycap Mug


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Artisan Dojutsu (all 3)Sage ModeSasuke RinneganSharingan Add to cart
View product - Dojutsu Artisan


From $9.00 CAD

AkatsukiArtisan Dojutsu V2 (all 3)ItachiKakashi Add to cart
View product - Artisan Dojutsu V2


From $9.00 CAD

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View product - Artisan Heart


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from 695 reviews
Andreea Salih


Este super din toate punctele de vedere!!!

K400 White Ocean Hotswap Tastatura Mecanica Gaming

Andreea Lupu


Set Taste QWERTY Sakura Translucide Profil OEM Material ABS – double shot

Set Taste QWERTY Sakura Translucide Profil OEM Material ABS – double shot


Feeling extraordinar si acustica dorita

Am comandat acest set pentru a inlocui unul mai cheap de tip ABS de pe Tiger
Lite. In primul rand ambalarea si modul de prezentare al celor de la Akko este
deosebit, pe mine unul m-au convins sa mai achizitionez si alte seturi de la ei.
Tastele au legende super clean, centrate, crisp, ma declar multumit :)

Set Taste Blue On White Akko PBT Double Shot Profil ASA

Andreea Salih


Este super

Dareu Sky Wireless RGB

Matei Chifane


Keychron C1 Pro Hotswap RGB Tastatura Mecanica

Keychron C1 Pro Hotswap RGB Tastatura Mecanica


O tastatura care merita

Unboxing-ul este super si iti da impresia de calitate.
Tastatura pare solida. Greutatea ei pentru mine este ideala.
Cea mai mare surpriza pentru mine au fost switch-urile Akko yellow cream v3 pro.
Nu ma asteptam sa fie asa bune. Lubrefierea din fabrica este on point, nu am
simtit nevoia sa le lubrefiez manual. Nu sunt silentioase, dar sunetul produs
este unul placut.
Bateria tine in jur de o saptamana, cu RGB-ul inchis.

In schimb, am fost profund dezamagit de stabilizatoare. Atat cele de la tasta
space, cat si cele de la tasta enter au venit cu un exces de material provenit
din procesul de productie. Consecinta la apasarea tastei a fost un traiect...
oblic, deranjant si scratchy. Problema s-a rezolvat cu un kit de stabilizatoare

Daca as putea, as acorda 4,5 stele, din cauza stabilizatoarelor.
Thumbs up pentru alegerea switch-urilor.

QwertyKey75 Carpathian Bluetooth Wireless Hotswap RGB Gasket Mounted Tastatura
Mecanica Gaming

Ilie Stamboala


Dareu Dream Wireless RGB

Dareu Dream Wireless RGB


Superi tari!! Recomand!!!

Suna bine rau si se simt super bine, le recomand cu toata increderea!!

45 bucăți Akko Jelly White Switchuri

Eduard Roman


aceasta tastatura e pur și simplu dumnezeiască.e absolut uimitoare.se mișcă
bine,are timpul de reacție uimitor,switch-urile sunt lafel amazing,ce ai putea
sa îți doresti mai mult?

Dareu EK861 Hotswap RGB Tastatura Mecanica Gaming

Mario Marian

O tastatura buna la un pret foarte accesibil.

Merita fiecare ban.

QwertyKey65 Metric Hotswap RGB Tastatura Mecanica Gaming

Stoica Ianis


Dareu EK861 Hotswap RGB Tastatura Mecanica Gaming

Dareu EK861 Hotswap RGB Tastatura Mecanica Gaming


Cele mai bune keycapuri care le-am cumpărat până acum!

Am cumpărat aceste keycapuri acum 2 săptămâni și pot sa zic ca sunt excelente
mai ales materialul din care sunt făcute Alex de la qwertykey a făcut o treabă
foarte bună la aceste keycapuri,am pus keycapurile acestea pe o tastatură gk61x
cu gateron optical yellow switches si sunetul este incredibil.

Set taste QwertyKey LiftOff Profil XDA Material PBT


nice keyboard, fair for price (little mess up tho)

Just got my Carpathian, looks good. I have an epomaker th80 and id say they are
the same base board. this Doesn't feel as heavy tho... build quality is fine
everything you would expect for price but the look is amazing and packaging on
point. once i started typing realised the switches Aren't the ones I ordered!
Just send an email in and hope they will resolve the issue will update.

QwertyKey75 Carpathian Bluetooth Wireless Hotswap RGB Gasket Mounted Tastatura
Mecanica Gaming

Luca Raducu


Keychron C2 Pro Hotswap RGB Tastatura Mecanica

Keychron C2 Pro Hotswap RGB Tastatura Mecanica

Florin Croitoru


E a doua tastatura de tip QK 75 pe care o comand, mai am un Carpathian, raport
calitate pret imbatabil, acustica foarte buna, exact ce mi am dorit de la o
tastatura, orice switch ai pune pe ea, se adapteaza si se ridica la standardele
asteptate. Urmeaza si QK 75 Terminal curand, sa completez colectia, un produs ca
multe altele de la Qwerty care isi merita banii ( din punctul meu de vedere,
desigur ).

QwertyKey75 Ramen Bluetooth Wireless Hotswap RGB Gasket Mounted Tastatura
Mecanica Gaming


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Islands (KYD $) Central African Republic (XAF Fr) Chad (XAF Fr) Chile (USD $)
China (CNY ¥) Christmas Island (AUD $) Cocos (Keeling) Islands (AUD $) Colombia
(USD $) Comoros (KMF Fr) Congo - Brazzaville (XAF Fr) Congo - Kinshasa (CDF Fr)
Cook Islands (NZD $) Costa Rica (CRC ₡) Côte d’Ivoire (XOF Fr) Croatia (EUR €)
Curaçao (ANG ƒ) Cyprus (EUR €) Czechia (CZK Kč) Denmark (DKK kr.) Djibouti (DJF
Fdj) Dominica (XCD $) Dominican Republic (DOP $) Ecuador (USD $) Egypt (EGP ج.م)
El Salvador (USD $) Equatorial Guinea (XAF Fr) Eritrea (USD $) Estonia (EUR €)
Eswatini (USD $) Ethiopia (ETB Br) Falkland Islands (FKP £) Faroe Islands (DKK
kr.) Fiji (FJD $) Finland (EUR €) France (EUR €) French Guiana (EUR €) French
Polynesia (XPF Fr) French Southern Territories (EUR €) Gabon (XOF Fr) Gambia
(GMD D) Georgia (USD $) Germany (EUR €) Ghana (USD $) Gibraltar (GBP £) Greece
(EUR €) Greenland (DKK kr.) Grenada (XCD $) Guadeloupe (EUR €) Guatemala (GTQ Q)
Guernsey (GBP £) Guinea (GNF Fr) Guinea-Bissau (XOF Fr) Guyana (GYD $) Haiti
(USD $) Honduras (HNL L) Hong Kong SAR (HKD $) Hungary (HUF Ft) Iceland (ISK kr)
India (INR ₹) Indonesia (IDR Rp) Iraq (USD $) Ireland (EUR €) Isle of Man (GBP
£) Israel (ILS ₪) Italy (EUR €) Jamaica (JMD $) Japan (JPY ¥) Jersey (USD $)
Jordan (USD $) Kazakhstan (KZT 〒) Kenya (KES KSh) Kiribati (USD $) Kosovo (EUR
€) Kuwait (USD $) Kyrgyzstan (KGS som) Laos (LAK ₭) Latvia (EUR €) Lebanon (LBP
ل.ل) Lesotho (USD $) Liberia (USD $) Libya (USD $) Liechtenstein (CHF CHF)
Lithuania (EUR €) Luxembourg (EUR €) Macao SAR (MOP P) Madagascar (USD $) Malawi
(MWK MK) Malaysia (MYR RM) Maldives (MVR MVR) Mali (XOF Fr) Malta (EUR €)
Martinique (EUR €) Mauritania (USD $) Mauritius (MUR ₨) Mayotte (EUR €) Mexico
(USD $) Moldova (MDL L) Monaco (EUR €) Mongolia (MNT ₮) Montenegro (EUR €)
Montserrat (XCD $) Morocco (MAD د.م.) Mozambique (USD $) Myanmar (Burma) (MMK K)
Namibia (USD $) Nauru (AUD $) Nepal (NPR ₨) Netherlands (EUR €) New Caledonia
(XPF Fr) New Zealand (NZD $) Nicaragua (NIO C$) Niger (XOF Fr) Nigeria (NGN ₦)
Niue (NZD $) Norfolk Island (AUD $) North Macedonia (MKD ден) Norway (USD $)
Oman (USD $) Pakistan (PKR ₨) Palestinian Territories (ILS ₪) Panama (USD $)
Papua New Guinea (PGK K) Paraguay (PYG ₲) Peru (PEN S/.) Philippines (PHP ₱)
Pitcairn Islands (NZD $) Poland (PLN zł) Portugal (EUR €) Qatar (QAR ر.ق)
Réunion (EUR €) Romania (RON Lei) Russia (USD $) Rwanda (RWF FRw) Samoa (WST T)
San Marino (EUR €) São Tomé & Príncipe (STD Db) Saudi Arabia (SAR ر.س) Senegal
(XOF Fr) Serbia (RSD РСД) Seychelles (USD $) Sierra Leone (SLL Le) Singapore
(SGD $) Sint Maarten (ANG ƒ) Slovakia (EUR €) Slovenia (EUR €) Solomon Islands
(SBD $) Somalia (USD $) South Africa (USD $) South Georgia & South Sandwich
Islands (GBP £) South Korea (KRW ₩) South Sudan (USD $) Spain (EUR €) Sri Lanka
(LKR ₨) St. Barthélemy (EUR €) St. Helena (SHP £) St. Kitts & Nevis (XCD $) St.
Lucia (XCD $) St. Martin (EUR €) St. Pierre & Miquelon (EUR €) St. Vincent &
Grenadines (XCD $) Sudan (USD $) Suriname (USD $) Svalbard & Jan Mayen (USD $)
Sweden (SEK kr) Switzerland (CHF CHF) Taiwan (TWD $) Tajikistan (TJS ЅМ)
Tanzania (TZS Sh) Thailand (THB ฿) Timor-Leste (USD $) Togo (XOF Fr) Tokelau
(NZD $) Tonga (TOP T$) Trinidad & Tobago (TTD $) Tristan da Cunha (GBP £)
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$) Tuvalu (AUD $) U.S. Outlying Islands (USD $) Uganda (UGX USh) Ukraine (UAH ₴)
United Arab Emirates (AED د.إ) United Kingdom (GBP £) United States (USD $)
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Venezuela (USD $) Vietnam (VND ₫) Wallis & Futuna (XPF Fr) Western Sahara (MAD
د.م.) Yemen (YER ﷼) Zambia (USD $) Zimbabwe (USD $)

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