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<div class="select-container"><select class="md-input">
<option disabled="disabled" hidden="hidden" value="">Country/Location</option>
<option value="AUT"> AUSTRIA </option>
<option value="AFG"> Afghanistan </option>
<option value="ALB"> Albania </option>
<option value="DZA"> Algeria </option>
<option value="ASM"> American Samoa </option>
<option value="AND"> Andorra </option>
<option value="AGO"> Angola </option>
<option value="AIA"> Anguilla </option>
<option value="ATA"> Antarctica </option>
<option value="ATG"> Antigua and Barbuda </option>
<option value="ARG"> Argentina </option>
<option value="ARM"> Armenia </option>
<option value="ABW"> Aruba </option>
<option value="AUS"> Australia </option>
<option value="AZE"> Azerbaijan </option>
<option value="BHS"> Bahamas </option>
<option value="BHR"> Bahrain </option>
<option value="BGD"> Bangladesh </option>
<option value="BRB"> Barbados </option>
<option value="BLR"> Belarus </option>
<option value="BEL"> Belgium </option>
<option value="BLZ"> Belize </option>
<option value="BEN"> Benin </option>
<option value="BMU"> Bermuda </option>
<option value="BTN"> Bhutan </option>
<option value="BOL"> Bolivia </option>
<option value="BON"> Bonaire </option>
<option value="BES"> Bonaire </option>
<option value="BIH"> Bosnia and Herzegovina </option>
<option value="BWA"> Botswana </option>
<option value="BVT"> Bouvet Island </option>
<option value="BRA"> Brasil </option>
<option value="IOT"> British Indian Ocean </option>
<option value="BRN"> Brunei Darussalam </option>
<option value="BGR"> Bulgaria </option>
<option value="BFA"> Burkina Faso </option>
<option value="BUR"> Burma </option>
<option value="BDI"> Burundi </option>
<option value="KHM"> Cambodia </option>
<option value="CMR"> Cameroon </option>
<option value="CAN"> Canada </option>
<option value="CPV"> Cape Verde Islands </option>
<option value="CYM"> Cayman Islands </option>
<option value="CAF"> Central African Republic </option>
<option value="TCD"> Chad Republic </option>
<option value="CHL"> Chile </option>
<option value="CHN"> China </option>
<option value="CXR"> Christmas Island </option>
<option value="CCK"> Cocos Keeling Island </option>
<option value="COL"> Colombia </option>
<option value="COM"> Comoros </option>
<option value="COK"> Cook Islands </option>
<option value="CRI"> Costa Rica </option>
<option value="HRV"> Croatia </option>
<option value="CUB"> Cuba </option>
<option value="CUR"> Curacao </option>
<option value="CYP"> Cyprus </option>
<option value="CZE"> Czech Republic </option>
<option value="CIV"> Côte d'Ivoire </option>
<option value="DNK"> Denmark </option>
<option value="DEU"> Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz </option>
<option value="DJI"> Djibouti </option>
<option value="DMA"> Dominica </option>
<option value="DOM"> Dominican Republic </option>
<option value="UAE"> Dubai </option>
<option value="TMP"> East Timor </option>
<option value="ECU"> Ecuador </option>
<option value="EGY"> Egypt </option>
<option value="SLV"> El Salvador </option>
<option value="GNQ"> Equatorial Guinea </option>
<option value="ERI"> Eritrea </option>
<option value="ESP"> España </option>
<option value="EST"> Estonia </option>
<option value="ETH"> Ethiopia </option>
<option value="FLK"> Falkland Islands </option>
<option value="FRO"> Faroe Islands </option>
<option value="FJI"> Fiji Islands </option>
<option value="FIN"> Finland </option>
<option value="FRA"> France </option>
<option value="GUF"> French Guiana </option>
<option value="PYF"> French Polynesia </option>
<option value="ATF"> French South. Territ </option>
<option value="GAB"> Gabon </option>
<option value="GMB"> Gambia </option>
<option value="GEO"> Georgia </option>
<option value="GHA"> Ghana </option>
<option value="GIB"> Gibraltar </option>
<option value="GRC"> Greece </option>
<option value="GRL"> Greenland </option>
<option value="GRD"> Grenada </option>
<option value="GLP"> Guadeloupe </option>
<option value="GUM"> Guam </option>
<option value="GTM"> Guatemala </option>
<option value="GIN"> Guinea </option>
<option value="GNB"> Guinea-Bissau </option>
<option value="GUY"> Guyana </option>
<option value="HTI"> Haiti </option>
<option value="HMD"> Heard and McDonald Island </option>
<option value="HND"> Honduras </option>
<option value="HKG"> Hong Kong, China </option>
<option value="HUN"> Hungary </option>
<option value="ISL"> Iceland </option>
<option value="IND"> India </option>
<option value="IDN"> Indonesia </option>
<option value="IRQ"> Iraq </option>
<option value="IRL"> Ireland </option>
<option value="PAR"> Islands </option>
<option value="ISR"> Israel </option>
<option value="ITA"> Italia </option>
<option value="JAM"> Jamaica </option>
<option value="JPN"> Japan </option>
<option value="JOR"> Jordan </option>
<option value="KAZ"> Kazakhstan </option>
<option value="KEN"> Kenya </option>
<option value="KIR"> Kiribati </option>
<option value="KWT"> Kuwait </option>
<option value="KGZ"> Kyrgyzstan </option>
<option value="LAO"> Laos </option>
<option value="LVA"> Latvia </option>
<option value="LBN"> Lebanon </option>
<option value="LSO"> Lesotho </option>
<option value="LBR"> Liberia </option>
<option value="LBY"> Libya </option>
<option value="LIE"> Liechtenstein </option>
<option value="LTU"> Lithuania </option>
<option value="LUX"> Luxembourg </option>
<option value="MAC"> Macao, China </option>
<option value="MCD"> Macedonia </option>
<option value="MDG"> Madagascar </option>
<option value="MWI"> Malawi </option>
<option value="MYS"> Malaysia </option>
<option value="MDV"> Maldives </option>
<option value="MLI"> Mali Republic </option>
<option value="MLT"> Malta </option>
<option value="MHL"> Marshall Islands </option>
<option value="MTO"> Martinique </option>
<option value="MRT"> Mauritania </option>
<option value="MUS"> Mauritius </option>
<option value="MYT"> Mayotte Island </option>
<option value="FXX"> Metropolitan France </option>
<option value="MEX"> Mexico </option>
<option value="FSM"> Micronesia </option>
<option value="MDA"> Moldova </option>
<option value="MCO"> Monaco </option>
<option value="MNG"> Mongolian People's Republic </option>
<option value="MNE"> Montenegro </option>
<option value="MSR"> Montserrat </option>
<option value="MAR"> Morocco </option>
<option value="MOZ"> Mozambique </option>
<option value="MMR"> Myanmar </option>
<option value="NAM"> Namibia </option>
<option value="NRU"> Nauru </option>
<option value="NPL"> Nepal </option>
<option value="NLD"> Netherlands </option>
<option value="ANT"> Netherlands Antilles </option>
<option value="NCL"> New Caledonia </option>
<option value="NZL"> New Zealand </option>
<option value="NIC"> Nicaragua </option>
<option value="NGA"> Nigeria </option>
<option value="NIU"> Niue </option>
<option value="NFK"> Norfolk Island </option>
<option value="NOR"> Norge </option>
<option value="MNP"> Northern Mariana Isl </option>
<option value="OTH"> OTHER </option>
<option value="OMN"> Oman </option>
<option value="PAK"> Pakistan </option>
<option value="PLW"> Palau </option>
<option value="PSE"> Palestine </option>
<option value="PAN"> Panama </option>
<option value="PNG"> Papua New Guinea </option>
<option value="PRY"> Paraguay </option>
<option value="PER"> Peru </option>
<option value="PHL"> Philippines </option>
<option value="PCN"> Pitcairn Islands </option>
<option value="POL"> Poland </option>
<option value="PRT"> Portugal </option>
<option value="PRI"> Puerto Rico/USA </option>
<option value="QAT"> Qatar </option>
<option value="COG"> Republic of Congo </option>
<option value="YMD"> Republic of Yemen </option>
<option value="REU"> Reunion Island </option>
<option value="ROM"> Romania </option>
<option value="RUE"> Russia </option>
<option value="RWA"> Rwanda </option>
<option value="SGS"> S. Georgia/S. Sandwich Is </option>
<option value="SXM"> SINT MAARTEN </option>
<option value="CHS"> SWITZERLAND </option>
<option value="WSM"> Samoa (Western Ind S) </option>
<option value="SMR"> San Marino </option>
<option value="SAU"> Saudi Arabia </option>
<option value="SEN"> Senegal Republic </option>
<option value="SRB"> Serbia </option>
<option value="SYC"> Seychelles Islands </option>
<option value="SLE"> Sierra Leone </option>
<option value="SGP"> Singapore </option>
<option value="SVK"> Slovakia </option>
<option value="SVN"> Slovenia </option>
<option value="SLB"> Solomon Islands </option>
<option value="SOM"> Somalia </option>
<option value="ZAF"> South Africa </option>
<option value="KOR"> South Korea </option>
<option value="LKA"> Sri Lanka </option>
<option value="SHN"> St Helena </option>
<option value="STK"> St Kitts </option>
<option value="KNA"> St Kitts and Nevis </option>
<option value="LCA"> St Lucia </option>
<option value="STM"> St Maarten </option>
<option value="SPM"> St Pierre and Miquelon </option>
<option value="VCT"> St. Vincent & Grenadi </option>
<option value="SUR"> Suriname </option>
<option value="SJM"> Svalbard and Jan Mayen Is </option>
<option value="SWE"> Sverige </option>
<option value="SWZ"> Swaziland </option>
<option value="STP"> São Tomé and Príncipe </option>
<option value="TWN"> Taiwan, China </option>
<option value="TJK"> Tajikistan </option>
<option value="TZA"> Tanzania </option>
<option value="THA"> Thailand </option>
<option value="TGO"> Togo </option>
<option value="TKL"> Tokelau </option>
<option value="TON"> Tonga Islands </option>
<option value="TTO"> Trinidad and Tobago </option>
<option value="TUN"> Tunisia </option>
<option value="TUR"> Turkey </option>
<option value="TKM"> Turkmenistan </option>
<option value="TCA"> Turks and Caicos Island </option>
<option value="TUV"> Tuvalu </option>
<option value="UMI"> U.S. Minor Out Islands </option>
<option value="UGA"> Uganda </option>
<option value="UKR"> Ukraine </option>
<option value="ARE"> United Arab Emirates </option>
<option value="GBR"> United Kingdom </option>
<option value="USA"> United States </option>
<option value="URY"> Uruguay </option>
<option value="UZB"> Uzbekistan </option>
<option value="VUT"> Vanuatu </option>
<option value="VAT"> Vatican City </option>
<option value="VEN"> Venezuela </option>
<option value="VNM"> Vietnam </option>
<option value="VGB"> Virgin Islands (Brit) </option>
<option value="VIR"> Virgin Islands (U.S.) </option>
<option value="WLF"> Wallis and Futuna Island </option>
<option value="ESH"> Western Sahara </option>
<option value="YEM"> Yemen </option>
<option value="YUG"> Yugoslavia </option>
<option value="ZAR"> Zaire </option>
<option value="ZMB"> Zambia </option>
<option value="ZWE"> Zimbabwe </option>
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CRUISING IS BACK Learn more about current health protocols and travel requirements. UNITED STATES 866-562-7625 Royal Caribbean Cruises FIND A CRUISE DEALS SHIPS DESTINATIONS MANAGE MY CRUISE Sign In 866-562-7625 Sign In * Find a Cruise Cruise Deals Cruise Ships Destinations Manage My Cruise FAQ Royal Caribbean Blog Crown & Anchor Society Perfect Day at CocoCay * Back to Main Menu Search Cruises Cruise Deals Weekend Cruises Last Minute Cruises Family Cruises 2021-2022 Cruises Cruising Guides All Cruise Ships Deck Plans Cruise Dining Onboard Activities Cruise Rooms The Cruise Experience All Cruise Destinations Cruise Ports Shore Excursions Perfect Day at CocoCay Caribbean Cruises Bahamas Cruises Alaska Cruises European Cruises Mediterranean Cruises Cruise Planner Book a Flight Check-In for My Cruise Make a Payment Redeem Cruise Credit Update Guest Information Beverage Packages Dining Packages Shore Excursions Transportation Royal Gifts My Account All FAQs Future Cruise Credit Travel Documents Check-in & Boarding Pass Transportation Perfect Day at CocoCay Beverage Packages UNITED STATES Family Surfing at the beach HP Jumbotron 1920 1080 FAM B 2x CRUISES FROM THE U.S. ARE BACK 60% OFF SECOND GUEST + UP TO $150 OFF CRUISES FROM $166 BOOK NOW Find a Cruise Cruising to Any Destination Departing from Any Departure Port Leaving Any Date Search Cruises Woman swimming underwater in clear tropical waters in front of exotic island WEEKEND GETAWAYS STARTING FROM $166 BOOK NOW perfect day coco cay dare devils tower sunny day PERFECT DAY AT COCOCAY STARTING FROM $166 BOOK NOW Turtle Swimming in the Ocean, Willemstad, Curacao 7 Night Caribbean Cruises STARTING FROM $331 BOOK NOW 60% OFF SECOND GUEST ON SELECT CRUISES Plus up to $150 off. 3 NIGHT BAHAMAS & PERFECT DAY CRUISE Departs From Miami, Florida Onboard Freedom of the Seas From USD* $ 179 view 11 dates 2 NIGHT BAHAMAS CRUISE Departs From Miami, Florida Onboard Freedom of the Seas From USD* $ 179 view 1 date 3 NIGHT PERFECT DAY BAHAMAS GETAWAY Departs From Miami, Florida Onboard Freedom of the Seas From USD* $ 182 view 7 dates 3 NIGHT BAHAMAS & PERFECT DAY CRUISE Departs From Orlando (Port Canaveral), Florida Onboard Independence of the Seas From USD* $ 199 view 9 dates 3 NIGHT BAHAMAS & PERFECT DAY CRUISE Departs From Orlando (Port Canaveral), Florida Onboard Mariner of the Seas From USD* $ 199 view 9 dates 4 NIGHT WESTERN CARIBBEAN CRUISE Departs From Galveston, Texas Onboard Independence of the Seas From USD* $ 224 view 2 dates 4 NIGHT WESTERN CARIBBEAN CRUISE Departs From Tampa, Florida Onboard Serenade of the Seas From USD* $ 224 view 7 dates 4 NIGHT WESTERN CARIBBEAN CRUISE Departs From Galveston, Texas Onboard Adventure of the Seas From USD* $ 226 view 4 dates 4 NIGHT BAHAMAS & PERFECT DAY CRUISE Departs From Orlando (Port Canaveral), Florida Onboard Independence of the Seas From USD* $ 229 view 9 dates 4 NIGHT BAHAMAS & PERFECT DAY CRUISE Departs From Miami, Florida Onboard Freedom of the Seas From USD* $ 229 view 13 dates View All 78 Itineraries In this Category We've circled the globe and couldn't find any sailings that match your search. View All Cruises We're having trouble retrieving these cruises. View All Results View All 78 Itineraries Cruise With Confidence Our Cruise with Confidence program ensures you have the flexibility to cancel your cruise close to departure, while knowing that you'll cruise at the best price out there. Learn More OY Dsktp 1920 800 new sky CRUISE FROM FORT LAUDERDALE ODYSSEY OF THE SEAS JULY 2021 Book Now City Skyline during Sunset, Los Angeles ,California CRUISE FROM LOS ANGELES NAVIGATOR OF THE SEAS NOVEMBER 2021 BOOK NOW Couple Strolling by a Rock Formation, Barbados CRUISE FROM BARBADOS GRANDEUR OF THE SEAS NOVEMBER 2021 Book Now The Blaster at Sea, Navigator of the Seas THE WAIT IS OVER ALL ADVENTURES ARE A GO MORE SHIPS. MORE PORTS. THIS FALL Explore More You Make The Memories, We Take Care Of The Rest. You Make The Memories, We Take Care Of The Rest. 100% Fresh, Filtered Air Our HVAC system continuously intakes 100% fresh ocean air, filtering it for supply to all indoor rooms and areas. 100% fresh, filtered Air Our HVAC system constantly supplies and filters 100% fresh air from outdoors to all indoor rooms and areas. Medical Grade Cleaning Standards Our new sanitization protocols use EPA-certified disinfectants and techniques like electrostatic fogging to clean frequently and consistently. Medical Grade Cleaning Standards Our new sanitization protocols use EPA-certified disinfectants and techniques like electrostatic fogging to clean frequently and consistently. Upgraded Medical Facilities & Expert Care More doctors and nurses, upgraded facilities, equipment, and sound care plans. Upgraded Medical Facilities & Expert Care More doctors and nurses, upgraded facilities, equipment, and sound care plans. Safe, Timely Return Home In Any Scenario We’ve partnered with local authorities to develop transport protocols to get you home safely. Safe, Timely Return Home In Any Scenario We’ve partnered with local authorities to develop transport protocols to get you home safely. Times Change, So Do Our Protocols We’re continually evaluating these protocols and will make updates as public health standards evolve. Booked guests will be advised of the latest requirements within 30 days of sailing. Visit the Healthy Sail Center Visit the Healthy Sail Center -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GET ROYAL DEALS, SIGN UP TODAY First Name Missing First Name Last Name Missing Last Name Email Address mail_outline Missing Email Address Country/Location Country/Location AUSTRIA Afghanistan Albania Algeria American Samoa Andorra Angola Anguilla Antarctica Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Australia Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bonaire Bonaire Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Bouvet Island Brasil British Indian Ocean Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burma Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Islands Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad Republic Chile China Christmas Island Cocos Keeling Island Colombia Comoros Cook Islands Costa Rica Croatia Cuba Curacao Cyprus Czech Republic Côte d'Ivoire Denmark Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Dubai East Timor Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea España Estonia Ethiopia Falkland Islands Faroe Islands Fiji Islands Finland France French Guiana French Polynesia French South. Territ Gabon Gambia Georgia Ghana Gibraltar Greece Greenland Grenada Guadeloupe Guam Guatemala Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Heard and McDonald Island Honduras Hong Kong, China Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iraq Ireland Islands Israel Italia Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macao, China Macedonia Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Republic Malta Marshall Islands Martinique Mauritania Mauritius Mayotte Island Metropolitan France Mexico Micronesia Moldova Monaco Mongolian People's Republic Montenegro Montserrat Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands Netherlands Antilles New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua Nigeria Niue Norfolk Island Norge Northern Mariana Isl OTHER Oman Pakistan Palau Palestine Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Pitcairn Islands Poland Portugal Puerto Rico/USA Qatar Republic of Congo Republic of Yemen Reunion Island Romania Russia Rwanda S. Georgia/S. Sandwich Is SINT MAARTEN SWITZERLAND Samoa (Western Ind S) San Marino Saudi Arabia Senegal Republic Serbia Seychelles Islands Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Korea Sri Lanka St Helena St Kitts St Kitts and Nevis St Lucia St Maarten St Pierre and Miquelon St. Vincent & Grenadi Suriname Svalbard and Jan Mayen Is Sverige Swaziland São Tomé and Príncipe Taiwan, China Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand Togo Tokelau Tonga Islands Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Turks and Caicos Island Tuvalu U.S. Minor Out Islands Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Vatican City Venezuela Vietnam Virgin Islands (Brit) Virgin Islands (U.S.) Wallis and Futuna Island Western Sahara Yemen Yugoslavia Zaire Zambia Zimbabwe Sign Up Sign up to receive information about our special offers and deals. You can unsubscribe at any time. For more details about how we use your information, view our Privacy Policy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TAKE ADVENTURE TO NEW HEIGHTS EVERYONE DESERVES A VACATION. YOU’LL FIND ENDLESS OPPORTUNITIES TO MAKE THE MOST OF EVERY MOMENT — LIKE GAME-CHANGING ACTIVITIES, WORLD-CLASS DINING, SHOW-STOPPING ENTERTAINMENT, AND PLENTY OF WAYS TO UNWIND IN THE SUN. HP Mobile 750 910 ALK B 2x ALASKA Perfect Day at CocoCay, Bahamas, private island, aerial, drone shot of island, Up, Up, and Away balloon aloft on left, lagoon, Daredevil''s Tower, Mariner of the Seas docked at pier below PERFECT DAY AT COCOCAY Paradise Island Lighthouse During Sunset, Nassau, Bahamas BAHAMAS Mount Liamuiga Couple taking the Volcano Hike. Basseterre, St. Kitts Nevis CARIBBEAN Chichen Itza Ruins Mexico MEXICO Family Jumping Through Rocks, Oranjestad, Aruba SOUTHERN CARIBBEAN Whale Watching, Icy Strait Point, Alaska ALASKA WHALE WATCHING & WILDLIFE THE MOST EXCITING CRUISE DESTINATIONS AND AWARD-WINNING SHIPS Unlock some of the most incredible travel destinations. Get on island time and unwind on some of the best beaches in the world, venture deep into the rainforests, and snorkel the most vibrant reefs on a Caribbean or Bahamas cruise getaway with the whole family. Earn your wilderness badge as you cruise between the Alaska glaciers, pan for gold in prospecting towns, and trek across the rugged tundra on an Alaska vacation. And savor all the Old World flavor with visits to ancient, culture-rich ports in the Mediterranean, the British Isles, Scandinavia and beyond on an unforgettable cruise through Europe. No matter where in the world you choose to wander, cruises can take you deep into top-rated cruise ports and off-the-beaten-path gems, so you can experience each one like a local. It all starts with the boldest cruise ships at sea — and ours have won awards for everything from world class dining and spectacular entertainment, to record-setting onboard thrills and groundbreaking innovation. Whether you’re traveling solo or vacationing with the whole extended family, you’ll have all kinds of ahh-inducing cruise rooms to choose from, like affordable connecting staterooms that are perfect for groups, romantic rooms for couples craving rejuvenation and relaxation, and even a thrill-filled Ultimate Family Suite with a private game room and in-suite slide. Prior to booking, please consult all applicable U.S. Centers for Disease Control travel advisories, warnings, or recommendations relating to cruise travel, at cdc.gov/travel/notices. If a certain threshold level of COVID-19 is detected onboard the ship during your voyage, the voyage will end immediately, the ship will return to the port of embarkation, and your subsequent travel, including your return home, may be restricted or delayed. Health and safety protocols, guest conduct rules, and regional travel restrictions vary by ship and destination, and are subject to change without notice. Due to evolving health protocols, imagery and messaging may not accurately reflect onboard and destination experiences, offerings, features, or itineraries. These may not be available during your voyage, may vary by ship and destination, and may be subject to change without notice. CRUISE WITH CONFIDENCE Cancel up to 48 hours before your sail date and get a future cruise credit good for 12 months or more. Applies to existing bookings and new ones made by October 31, 2021. Learn More *Please see all applicable Terms & Conditions for Promotions here. 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