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 1. Home
 2. Policies
 3. 2024 State of the Digital Decade package


The 2024 State of the Digital Decade report tracks the EU’s progress towards a
digital transformation that benefits people, businesses, and the environment.


Every year starting from 2023, the European Commission publishes the State of
the Digital Decade. The report explores the progress of the EU in its digital
transformation, measured in 4 key areas: digital infrastructure, digital skills,
digitalisation of public services and digitalisation of businesses. This years'
report also explores key drivers and challenges, including the current
geopolitical paradigm, the complex economic context, influenced by new
technologies such as generative AI, and their impact on competitiveness. It
highlights the need to keep people and societies engaged in an increasingly
hybrid and complex context. Finally, the publication also highlights the EU’s
position as a global policy innovator and discusses how to strengthen the EU’s
industrial basis.

For the first time, the 2024 report evaluates the National Digital Decade
Strategic Roadmaps adopted by Member States in 2023. It also provides an
overview of their digitalisation efforts, offers recommendations for
improvement, and monitors the application of the European Declaration on Digital
Rights and Principles.

The 2024 State of the Digital Decade report is a wakeup call, urging Member
States to make greater efforts. It identifies as main issues the lack of
sufficient progress towards objectives and targets, and significant disparities
among Member States. These issues are analysed in clusters, defined around their
contribution to: 

 * a competitive, sovereign, and resilient EU 

 * protecting and empowering people 

 * leveraging digital transformation for smart greening 

 * harmonising digital policies and spending 


The success of the Digital Decade is paramount for the Europe’s prosperity and
competitiveness. The targets emphasise not just economic growth, but also our
societal well-being. The Digital Decade represents a significant opportunity for
the EU to shape its future, leveraging digital technologies to drive innovation,
improve quality of life, and ensure a sustainable and inclusive society.

However, the 2024 State of the Digital Decade report raises concerns about the
EU’s performance in its digital transformation. Urgent actions are needed to
speed up progress and ensure a coordinated approach. The EU has not yet fully
achieved convergence on most targets and objectives, and the pace of progress on
some targets is slower than anticipated. This is particularly true in the fields
of skills, high-quality connectivity, the adoption of Artificial Intelligence
(AI) and data analytics by businesses, semiconductors, and start-up ecosystems.
Moreover, the full potential of the Digital Single Market is yet to be untapped,
especially because the digital transition still needs to be completed.

Progress at both the national and EU levels has been inadequate, and there is
still a considerable amount of fragmentation along national lines. The report
highlights the necessity for Member States to collaborate and maintain the
commitments they have assumed on their strategic roadmaps. 


Below you will be able to download the main report and its annexes. You will
also find 2 Staff Working Documents (SWDs) and a methodological note followed by
a range of supporting studies. Most of the links lead to downloadable PDF

 * The ‘State of the Digital Decade 2024’ Communication takes stock of the EU’s
   progress towards a successful digital transformation, as set out in the
   Digital Decade Policy Programme 2030.
   * Annex 1 ‘Competitiveness and sovereignty, people, smart greening, policy
     coherence and synergies’ describes the progress at EU level on the
     different dimensions tracked by the Digital Decade Policy Programme 2030,
     and the effect on the EU's economy and society.
   * Annex 2 ‘Update of the EU-level projected trajectories for the digital
     targets’ maps the projected trajectories by 2030 of Member States, based on
     available data
   * Annex 3 ‘Short EU 27 Member States reports' includes summaries of country








Netherlands   Bulgaria Greece Poland   Croatia Hungary Portugal   Cyprus Ireland
Romania   Czechia Italy Slovakia   Denmark Latvia Slovenia   Estonia Lithuania
Spain   Finland Luxembourg Sweden


 * The SWD on Country chapters delineate in full each Member State's progress in
   the targets and objectives in the last year. You can download the individual
   report for each country from the link above.
 * The ‘DESI Methodological Note’ defines the methodology used to track the EU's
 * The SWD ‘Digital Decade in 2024: Implementation and perspective’ part 1 and
   part 2.
   * Annex 1 ‘List of relevant policy initiatives’ takes stock of the policy
     initiatives that contribute to foster our digital economy and protect
     European citizens online.
   * Annex 2 ‘Update on MCPs / EDICs’ describes the current state of play of
     cross-border projects that bring Member States to collaborate together with
     and within the EU
   * Annex 3 ‘Analysis of national Digital Decade strategic roadmaps’ provides
     an in-depth analysis of Member States' roadmaps, including the measures,
     actions and budget dedicated to achieving the targets and objectives of the
     Digital Decade.
   * Annex 4 ‘Monitoring of the European Declaration on Digital Rights and
     Principles’ analyses in detail the advancement towards the Digital Decade
     objectives and the implementation of Digital Rights and Principles.

The package also includes:

 * The International benchmarking study benchmarks the EU against seven non-EU
   countries identified as digitalisation global best performers (Australia,
   China, Israel, Japan, South Korea, the United Kingdom, and the United States)
   on the four cardinal points of the Digital Decade.
 * Study: Monitoring of the Implementation of the Declaration on Digital Rights
   and Principles
 * The Broadband coverage study monitors the Member States progress towards
   targets set out in the Digital Decade Policy programme, namely: ‘Gigabit
   connectivity for all by 2030’ and ‘at least 5G in all populated areas.’
 * The eGovernment study monitors Europe’s digitalisation of public services in
 * The eHealth study presents the results of the baseline assessment on EU27
   countries towards delivering the e-health target of 100% EU citizens’ access
   to electronic health records by 2030.
 * The State of the Digital Decade Eurobarometer 2024 presents the European
   citizens' view and opinion on key aspects of the digital transformation in
   the 27 EU Member States.
 * The 5G Observatory Report assesses the progress made towards goal for Europe
   to be the most connected continent by 2030.



Digital Decade 2024: Country fact pages
Digital Decade 2024: General fact page
DESI visualization tool



Europe's Digital Decade

The EU is pursuing a human-centric, sustainable vision for digital society
throughout the digital decade to empower citizens and businesses.


National Digital Decade strategic roadmaps

Member States must submit to the Commission national roadmaps, detailing the
actions they plan to implement to collectively reach the 2030 Digital Decade

European Digital Infrastructure Consortium (EDIC)

The European Digital Infrastructure Consortium (EDIC) is a legal framework
aiding Member States to set up and implement multi-country projects.

DigitalEU Ambassadors

The DigitalEU Ambassadors bring together journalists, editors and influencers,
active in the field of digital & tech topics.

European Digital Rights and Principles

The European Declaration on Digital Rights and Principles promotes a digital
transition shaped by European values.

Leading the Digital Decade 1-2 June 2021

Leading the Digital Decade, held 1-2 June, was a two-day online event focused on
Europe’s digital transformation towards 2030.

The Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI)

From 2014 to 2022, the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) summarised
indicators on Europe’s digital performance and tracked the progress of EU



3 July 2024


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