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Submitted URL: http://www.garmontromania.com/js/jquery.mmenu.min.all.js
Effective URL: https://www.garmontromania.com/js/jquery.mmenu.min.all.js
Submission: On April 05 via api from US — Scanned from US
Effective URL: https://www.garmontromania.com/js/jquery.mmenu.min.all.js
Submission: On April 05 via api from US — Scanned from US
Form analysis
0 forms found in the DOMText Content
/* * jQuery mmenu v4.7.4 * @requires jQuery 1.7.0 or later * * mmenu.frebsite.nl * * Copyright (c) Fred Heusschen * www.frebsite.nl * * Licensed under the MIT license: * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License */ ! function(e) { function n() { l = !0, d.$wndw = e(window), d.$html = e("html"), d.$body = e("body"), e.each([i, a, o], function(e, n) { n.add = function(e) { e = e.split(" "); for (var t in e) n[e[t]] = n.mm(e[t]) } }), i.mm = function(e) { return "mm-" + e }, i.add("wrapper menu inline panel nopanel list nolist subtitle selected label spacer current highest hidden opened subopened subopen fullsubopen subclose"), i.umm = function(e) { return "mm-" == e.slice(0, 3) && (e = e.slice(3)), e }, a.mm = function(e) { return "mm-" + e }, a.add("parent"), o.mm = function(e) { return e + ".mm" }, o.add("toggle open close setSelected transitionend webkitTransitionEnd mousedown mouseup touchstart touchmove touchend scroll resize click keydown keyup"), e[t]._c = i, e[t]._d = a, e[t]._e = o, e[t].glbl = d } var t = "mmenu", s = "4.7.4"; if (!e[t]) { var i = {}, a = {}, o = {}, l = !1, d = { $wndw: null, $html: null, $body: null }; e[t] = function(n, s, i) { this.$menu = n, this.opts = s, this.conf = i, this.vars = {}, "function" == typeof this.___deprecated && this.___deprecated(), this._initMenu(), this._initAnchors(), this._initEvents(); var a = this.$menu.children(this.conf.panelNodetype); for (var o in e[t].addons) e[t].addons[o]._add.call(this), e[t].addons[o]._add = function() {}, e[t].addons[o]._setup.call(this); return this._init(a), "function" == typeof this.___debug && this.___debug(), this }, e[t].version = s, e[t].addons = {}, e[t].uniqueId = 0, e[t].defaults = { classes: "", slidingSubmenus: !0, onClick: { setSelected: !0 } }, e[t].configuration = { panelNodetype: "ul, ol, div", transitionDuration: 400, openingInterval: 25, classNames: { panel: "Panel", selected: "Selected", label: "Label", spacer: "Spacer" } }, e[t].prototype = { _init: function(n) { n = n.not("." + i.nopanel), n = this._initPanels(n); for (var s in e[t].addons) e[t].addons[s]._init.call(this, n); this._update() }, _initMenu: function() { this.opts.offCanvas && this.conf.clone && (this.$menu = this.$menu.clone(!0), this.$menu.add(this.$menu.find("*")).filter("[id]").each(function() { e(this).attr("id", i.mm(e(this).attr("id"))) })), this.$menu.contents().each(function() { 3 == e(this)[0].nodeType && e(this).remove() }), this.$menu.parent().addClass(i.wrapper); var n = [i.menu]; n.push(i.mm(this.opts.slidingSubmenus ? "horizontal" : "vertical")), this.opts.classes && n.push(this.opts.classes), this.$menu.addClass(n.join(" ")) }, _initPanels: function(n) { var t = this; this.__findAddBack(n, "ul, ol").not("." + i.nolist).addClass(i.list); var s = this.__findAddBack(n, "." + i.list).find("> li"); this.__refactorClass(s, this.conf.classNames.selected, "selected"), this.__refactorClass(s, this.conf.classNames.label, "label"), this.__refactorClass(s, this.conf.classNames.spacer, "spacer"), s.off(o.setSelected).on(o.setSelected, function(n, t) { n.stopPropagation(), s.removeClass(i.selected), "boolean" != typeof t && (t = !0), t && e(this).addClass(i.selected) }), this.__refactorClass(this.__findAddBack(n, "." + this.conf.classNames.panel), this.conf.classNames.panel, "panel"), n.add(this.__findAddBack(n, "." + i.list).children().children().filter(this.conf.panelNodetype).not("." + i.nopanel)).addClass(i.panel); var l = this.__findAddBack(n, "." + i.panel), d = e("." + i.panel, this.$menu); if (l.each(function() { var n = e(this), s = n.attr("id") || t.__getUniqueId(); n.attr("id", s) }), l.each(function() { var n = e(this), s = n.is("ul, ol") ? n : n.find("ul ,ol").first(), o = n.parent(), l = o.children("a, span"), d = o.closest("." + i.panel); if (o.parent().is("." + i.list) && !n.data(a.parent)) { n.data(a.parent, o); var r = e('<a class="' + i.subopen + '" href="#' + n.attr("id") + '" />').insertBefore(l); l.is("a") || r.addClass(i.fullsubopen), t.opts.slidingSubmenus && s.prepend('<li class="' + i.subtitle + '"><a class="' + i.subclose + '" href="#' + d.attr("id") + '">' + l.text() + "</a></li>") } }), this.opts.slidingSubmenus) { var r = this.__findAddBack(n, "." + i.list).find("> li." + i.selected); r.parents("li").removeClass(i.selected).end().add(r.parents("li")).each(function() { var n = e(this), t = n.find("> ." + i.panel); t.length && (n.parents("." + i.panel).addClass(i.subopened), t.addClass(i.opened)) }).closest("." + i.panel).addClass(i.opened).parents("." + i.panel).addClass(i.subopened) } else { var r = e("li." + i.selected, d); r.parents("li").removeClass(i.selected).end().add(r.parents("li")).addClass(i.opened) } var u = d.filter("." + i.opened); return u.length || (u = l.first()), u.addClass(i.opened).last().addClass(i.current), this.opts.slidingSubmenus && l.not(u.last()).addClass(i.hidden).end().appendTo(this.$menu), l }, _initAnchors: function() { var n = this; d.$body.on(o.click, "a", function(s) { var a = e(this), l = !1, r = n.$menu.find(a).length; for (var u in e[t].addons) if (e[t].addons[u]._clickAnchor && (l = e[t].addons[u]._clickAnchor.call(n, a, r))) break; if (!l && r) { var c = a.attr("href") || ""; if ("#" == c.slice(0, 1)) try { e(c, n.$menu).is("." + i.panel) && (l = !0, e(c).trigger(n.opts.slidingSubmenus ? o.open : o.toggle)) } catch (p) {} } if (l && s.preventDefault(), !l && r && a.is("." + i.list + " > li > a") && !a.is('[rel="external"]') && !a.is('[target="_blank"]')) { n.__valueOrFn(n.opts.onClick.setSelected, a) && a.parent().trigger(o.setSelected); var h = n.__valueOrFn(n.opts.onClick.preventDefault, a, "#" == c.slice(0, 1)); h && s.preventDefault(), n.__valueOrFn(n.opts.onClick.blockUI, a, !h) && d.$html.addClass(i.blocking), n.__valueOrFn(n.opts.onClick.close, a, h) && n.$menu.trigger(o.close) } }) }, _initEvents: function() { var n = this; this.$menu.on(o.toggle + " " + o.open + " " + o.close, "." + i.panel, function(e) { e.stopPropagation() }), this.opts.slidingSubmenus ? this.$menu.on(o.open, "." + i.panel, function() { return n._openSubmenuHorizontal(e(this)) }) : this.$menu.on(o.toggle, "." + i.panel, function() { var n = e(this); n.trigger(n.parent().hasClass(i.opened) ? o.close : o.open) }).on(o.open, "." + i.panel, function() { e(this).parent().addClass(i.opened) }).on(o.close, "." + i.panel, function() { e(this).parent().removeClass(i.opened) }) }, _openSubmenuHorizontal: function(n) { if (n.hasClass(i.current)) return !1; var t = e("." + i.panel, this.$menu), s = t.filter("." + i.current); return t.removeClass(i.highest).removeClass(i.current).not(n).not(s).addClass(i.hidden), n.hasClass(i.opened) ? s.addClass(i.highest).removeClass(i.opened).removeClass(i.subopened) : (n.addClass(i.highest), s.addClass(i.subopened)), n.removeClass(i.hidden).addClass(i.current), setTimeout(function() { n.removeClass(i.subopened).addClass(i.opened) }, this.conf.openingInterval), "open" }, _update: function(e) { if (this.updates || (this.updates = []), "function" == typeof e) this.updates.push(e); else for (var n = 0, t = this.updates.length; t > n; n++) this.updates[n].call(this, e) }, __valueOrFn: function(e, n, t) { return "function" == typeof e ? e.call(n[0]) : "undefined" == typeof e && "undefined" != typeof t ? t : e }, __refactorClass: function(e, n, t) { return e.filter("." + n).removeClass(n).addClass(i[t]) }, __findAddBack: function(e, n) { return e.find(n).add(e.filter(n)) }, __transitionend: function(e, n, t) { var s = !1, i = function() { s || n.call(e[0]), s = !0 }; e.one(o.transitionend, i), e.one(o.webkitTransitionEnd, i), setTimeout(i, 1.1 * t) }, __getUniqueId: function() { return i.mm(e[t].uniqueId++) } }, e.fn[t] = function(s, i) { return l || n(), s = e.extend(!0, {}, e[t].defaults, s), i = e.extend(!0, {}, e[t].configuration, i), this.each(function() { var n = e(this); n.data(t) || n.data(t, new e[t](n, s, i)) }) }, e[t].support = { touch: "ontouchstart" in window.document } } }(jQuery); /* * jQuery mmenu offCanvas addon * mmenu.frebsite.nl * * Copyright (c) Fred Heusschen */ ! function(e) { var t = "mmenu", o = "offCanvas"; e[t].addons[o] = { _init: function() {}, _setup: function() { if (this.opts[o]) { var t = this, s = this.opts[o], p = this.conf[o]; "string" != typeof p.pageSelector && (p.pageSelector = "> " + p.pageNodetype), a.$allMenus = (a.$allMenus || e()).add(this.$menu), this.vars.opened = !1; var r = [n.offcanvas]; "left" != s.position && r.push(n.mm(s.position)), "back" != s.zposition && r.push(n.mm(s.zposition)), this.$menu.addClass(r.join(" ")).parent().removeClass(n.wrapper), this.setPage(a.$page), this[o + "_initBlocker"](), this[o + "_initWindow"](), this.$menu.on(i.open + " " + i.opening + " " + i.opened + " " + i.close + " " + i.closing + " " + i.closed + " " + i.setPage, function(e) { e.stopPropagation() }).on(i.open + " " + i.close + " " + i.setPage, function(e) { t[e.type]() }), this.$menu[p.menuInjectMethod + "To"](p.menuWrapperSelector) } }, _add: function() { n = e[t]._c, s = e[t]._d, i = e[t]._e, n.add("offcanvas slideout modal background opening blocker page"), s.add("style"), i.add("opening opened closing closed setPage"), a = e[t].glbl }, _clickAnchor: function(e) { if (!this.opts[o]) return !1; var t = this.$menu.attr("id"); if (t && t.length && (this.conf.clone && (t = n.umm(t)), e.is('[href="#' + t + '"]'))) return this.open(), !0; if (a.$page) { var t = a.$page.attr("id"); return t && t.length && e.is('[href="#' + t + '"]') ? (this.close(), !0) : !1 } } }, e[t].defaults[o] = { position: "left", zposition: "back", modal: !1, moveBackground: !0 }, e[t].configuration[o] = { pageNodetype: "div", pageSelector: null, menuWrapperSelector: "body", menuInjectMethod: "prepend" }, e[t].prototype.open = function() { if (this.vars.opened) return !1; var e = this; return this._openSetup(), setTimeout(function() { e._openFinish() }, this.conf.openingInterval), "open" }, e[t].prototype._openSetup = function() { var e = this; a.$allMenus.not(this.$menu).trigger(i.close), a.$page.data(s.style, a.$page.attr("style") || ""), a.$wndw.trigger(i.resize, [!0]); var t = [n.opened]; this.opts[o].modal && t.push(n.modal), this.opts[o].moveBackground && t.push(n.background), "left" != this.opts[o].position && t.push(n.mm(this.opts[o].position)), "back" != this.opts[o].zposition && t.push(n.mm(this.opts[o].zposition)), this.opts.classes && t.push(this.opts.classes), a.$html.addClass(t.join(" ")), setTimeout(function() { e.vars.opened = !0 }, this.conf.openingInterval), this.$menu.addClass(n.current + " " + n.opened) }, e[t].prototype._openFinish = function() { var e = this; this.__transitionend(a.$page, function() { e.$menu.trigger(i.opened) }, this.conf.transitionDuration), a.$html.addClass(n.opening), this.$menu.trigger(i.opening) }, e[t].prototype.close = function() { if (!this.vars.opened) return !1; var e = this; return this.__transitionend(a.$page, function() { e.$menu.removeClass(n.current).removeClass(n.opened), a.$html.removeClass(n.opened).removeClass(n.modal).removeClass(n.background).removeClass(n.mm(e.opts[o].position)).removeClass(n.mm(e.opts[o].zposition)), e.opts.classes && a.$html.removeClass(e.opts.classes), a.$page.attr("style", a.$page.data(s.style)), e.vars.opened = !1, e.$menu.trigger(i.closed) }, this.conf.transitionDuration), a.$html.removeClass(n.opening), this.$menu.trigger(i.closing), "close" }, e[t].prototype.setPage = function(t) { t || (t = e(this.conf[o].pageSelector, a.$body), t.length > 1 && (t = t.wrapAll("<" + this.conf[o].pageNodetype + " />").parent())), t.addClass(n.page + " " + n.slideout), a.$page = t }, e[t].prototype[o + "_initWindow"] = function() { a.$wndw.on(i.keydown, function(e) { return a.$html.hasClass(n.opened) && 9 == e.keyCode ? (e.preventDefault(), !1) : void 0 }); var s = 0; a.$wndw.on(i.resize, function(e, t) { if (t || a.$html.hasClass(n.opened)) { var o = a.$wndw.height(); (t || o != s) && (s = o, a.$page.css("minHeight", o)) } }), e[t].prototype[o + "_initWindow"] = function() {} }, e[t].prototype[o + "_initBlocker"] = function() { var s = e('<div id="' + n.blocker + '" class="' + n.slideout + '" />').appendTo(a.$body); s.on(i.touchstart, function(e) { e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), s.trigger(i.mousedown) }).on(i.mousedown, function(e) { e.preventDefault(), a.$html.hasClass(n.modal) || a.$allMenus.trigger(i.close) }), e[t].prototype[o + "_initBlocker"] = function() {} }; var n, s, i, a }(jQuery); /* * jQuery mmenu buttonbars addon * mmenu.frebsite.nl * * Copyright (c) Fred Heusschen */ ! function(t) { var n = "mmenu", a = "buttonbars"; t[n].addons[a] = { _init: function(n) { this.opts[a], this.conf[a], this.__refactorClass(t("div", n), this.conf.classNames[a].buttonbar, "buttonbar"), t("." + i.buttonbar, n).each(function() { var n = t(this), a = n.children().not("input"), o = n.children().filter("input"); n.addClass(i.buttonbar + "-" + a.length), o.each(function() { var n = t(this), i = a.filter('label[for="' + n.attr("id") + '"]'); i.length && n.insertBefore(i) }) }) }, _setup: function() {}, _add: function() { i = t[n]._c, o = t[n]._d, r = t[n]._e, i.add("buttonbar"), s = t[n].glbl } }, t[n].defaults[a] = {}, t[n].configuration.classNames[a] = { buttonbar: "Buttonbar" }; var i, o, r, s }(jQuery); /* * jQuery mmenu counters addon * mmenu.frebsite.nl * * Copyright (c) Fred Heusschen */ ! function(t) { var e = "mmenu", n = "counters"; t[e].addons[n] = { _init: function(e) { var s = this, d = this.opts[n]; this.conf[n], this.__refactorClass(t("em", e), this.conf.classNames[n].counter, "counter"), d.add && e.each(function() { var e = t(this).data(o.parent); e && (e.find("> em." + a.counter).length || e.prepend(t('<em class="' + a.counter + '" />'))) }), d.update && e.each(function() { var e = t(this), n = e.data(o.parent); if (n) { var d = n.find("> em." + a.counter); d.length && (e.is("." + a.list) || (e = e.find("> ." + a.list)), e.length && !e.data(o.updatecounter) && (e.data(o.updatecounter, !0), s._update(function() { var t = e.children().not("." + a.label).not("." + a.subtitle).not("." + a.hidden).not("." + a.search).not("." + a.noresultsmsg); d.html(t.length) }))) } }) }, _setup: function() { var a = this.opts[n]; "boolean" == typeof a && (a = { add: a, update: a }), "object" != typeof a && (a = {}), a = t.extend(!0, {}, t[e].defaults[n], a), this.opts[n] = a }, _add: function() { a = t[e]._c, o = t[e]._d, s = t[e]._e, a.add("counter search noresultsmsg"), o.add("updatecounter"), d = t[e].glbl } }, t[e].defaults[n] = { add: !1, update: !1 }, t[e].configuration.classNames[n] = { counter: "Counter" }; var a, o, s, d }(jQuery); /* * jQuery mmenu dragOpen addon * mmenu.frebsite.nl * * Copyright (c) Fred Heusschen */ ! function(e) { function t(e, t, n) { return t > e && (e = t), e > n && (e = n), e } var n = "mmenu", o = "dragOpen"; e[n].addons[o] = { _init: function() {}, _setup: function() { if (this.opts.offCanvas) { var s = this, p = this.opts[o], d = this.conf[o]; if ("boolean" == typeof p && (p = { open: p }), "object" != typeof p && (p = {}), p = e.extend(!0, {}, e[n].defaults[o], p), p.open) { if (Hammer.VERSION < 2) return; var f, c, h, m, u = {}, g = 0, l = !1, v = !1, _ = 0, w = 0; switch (this.opts.offCanvas.position) { case "left": case "right": u.events = "panleft panright", u.typeLower = "x", u.typeUpper = "X", v = "width"; break; case "top": case "bottom": u.events = "panup pandown", u.typeLower = "y", u.typeUpper = "Y", v = "height" } switch (this.opts.offCanvas.position) { case "left": case "top": u.negative = !1; break; case "right": case "bottom": u.negative = !0 } switch (this.opts.offCanvas.position) { case "left": u.open_dir = "right", u.close_dir = "left"; break; case "right": u.open_dir = "left", u.close_dir = "right"; break; case "top": u.open_dir = "down", u.close_dir = "up"; break; case "bottom": u.open_dir = "up", u.close_dir = "down" } var b = this.__valueOrFn(p.pageNode, this.$menu, r.$page); "string" == typeof b && (b = e(b)); var y = r.$page; switch (this.opts.offCanvas.zposition) { case "front": y = this.$menu; break; case "next": y = y.add(this.$menu) } var $ = new Hammer(b[0], p.vendors.hammer); $.on("panstart", function(e) { switch (m = e.center[u.typeLower], s.opts.offCanvas.position) { case "right": case "bottom": m >= r.$wndw[v]() - p.maxStartPos && (g = 1); break; default: m <= p.maxStartPos && (g = 1) } l = u.open_dir }).on(u.events + " panend", function(e) { g > 0 && e.preventDefault() }).on(u.events, function(e) { if (f = e["delta" + u.typeUpper], u.negative && (f = -f), f != _ && (l = f >= _ ? u.open_dir : u.close_dir), _ = f, _ > p.threshold && 1 == g) { if (r.$html.hasClass(a.opened)) return; g = 2, s._openSetup(), s.$menu.trigger(i.opening), r.$html.addClass(a.dragging), w = t(r.$wndw[v]() * d[v].perc, d[v].min, d[v].max) } 2 == g && (c = t(_, 10, w) - ("front" == s.opts.offCanvas.zposition ? w : 0), u.negative && (c = -c), h = "translate" + u.typeUpper + "(" + c + "px )", y.css({ "-webkit-transform": "-webkit-" + h, transform: h })) }).on("panend", function() { 2 == g && (r.$html.removeClass(a.dragging), y.css("transform", ""), s[l == u.open_dir ? "_openFinish" : "close"]()), g = 0 }) } } }, _add: function() { return "function" != typeof Hammer ? (e[n].addons[o]._init = function() {}, e[n].addons[o]._setup = function() {}, void 0) : (a = e[n]._c, s = e[n]._d, i = e[n]._e, a.add("dragging"), r = e[n].glbl, void 0) } }, e[n].defaults[o] = { open: !1, maxStartPos: 100, threshold: 50, vendors: { hammer: {} } }, e[n].configuration[o] = { width: { perc: .8, min: 140, max: 440 }, height: { perc: .8, min: 140, max: 880 } }; var a, s, i, r }(jQuery); /* * jQuery mmenu fixedElements addon * mmenu.frebsite.nl * * Copyright (c) Fred Heusschen */ ! function(o) { var t = "mmenu", s = "fixedElements"; o[t].addons[s] = { _init: function() { if (this.opts.offCanvas) { var t = o("div, span, a", e.$page), d = this.__refactorClass(t, this.conf.classNames[s].fixedTop, "fixed-top"), i = this.__refactorClass(t, this.conf.classNames[s].fixedBottom, "fixed-bottom"); d.add(i).appendTo(e.$body).addClass(a.slideout) } }, _setup: function() {}, _add: function() { a = o[t]._c, d = o[t]._d, i = o[t]._e, a.add("fixed-top fixed-bottom"), e = o[t].glbl } }, o[t].defaults[s] = {}, o[t].configuration.classNames[s] = { fixedTop: "FixedTop", fixedBottom: "FixedBottom" }; var a, d, i, e }(jQuery); /* * jQuery mmenu footer addon * mmenu.frebsite.nl * * Copyright (c) Fred Heusschen */ ! function(t) { var o = "mmenu", e = "footer"; t[o].addons[e] = { _init: function(a) { var d = this, i = this.opts[e], r = t("div." + n.footer, this.$menu); r.length && (i.update && a.each(function() { var o = t(this), a = t("." + d.conf.classNames[e].panelFooter, o), u = a.html(); u || (u = i.title); var l = function() { r[u ? "show" : "hide"](), r.html(u) }; o.on(s.open, l), o.hasClass(n.current) && l() }), t[o].addons.buttonbars && t[o].addons.buttonbars._init.call(this, r)) }, _setup: function() { var a = this.opts[e]; if ("boolean" == typeof a && (a = { add: a, update: a }), "object" != typeof a && (a = {}), a = t.extend(!0, {}, t[o].defaults[e], a), this.opts[e] = a, a.add) { var s = a.content ? a.content : a.title; t('<div class="' + n.footer + '" />').appendTo(this.$menu).append(s), this.$menu.addClass(n.hasfooter) } }, _add: function() { n = t[o]._c, a = t[o]._d, s = t[o]._e, n.add("footer hasfooter"), d = t[o].glbl } }, t[o].defaults[e] = { add: !1, content: !1, title: "", update: !1 }, t[o].configuration.classNames[e] = { panelFooter: "Footer" }; var n, a, s, d }(jQuery); /* * jQuery mmenu header addon * mmenu.frebsite.nl * * Copyright (c) Fred Heusschen */ ! function(e) { var t = "mmenu", a = "header"; e[t].addons[a] = { _init: function(s) { var i = this, o = this.opts[a], l = (this.conf[a], e("." + n.header, this.$menu)); if (l.length) { if (o.update) { var h = l.find("." + n.title), c = l.find("." + n.prev), f = l.find("." + n.next), p = l.find("." + n.close), u = !1; r.$page && (u = "#" + r.$page.attr("id"), p.attr("href", u)), s.each(function() { var t = e(this), s = t.find("." + i.conf.classNames[a].panelHeader), r = t.find("." + i.conf.classNames[a].panelPrev), l = t.find("." + i.conf.classNames[a].panelNext), p = s.html(), u = r.attr("href"), v = l.attr("href"), m = r.html(), b = l.html(); p || (p = t.find("." + n.subclose).html()), p || (p = o.title), u || (u = t.find("." + n.subclose).attr("href")); var x = function() { h[p ? "show" : "hide"](), h.html(p), c[u ? "attr" : "removeAttr"]("href", u), c[u || m ? "show" : "hide"](), c.html(m), f[v ? "attr" : "removeAttr"]("href", v), f[v || b ? "show" : "hide"](), f.html(b) }; t.on(d.open, x), t.hasClass(n.current) && x() }) } e[t].addons.buttonbars && e[t].addons.buttonbars._init.call(this, l) } }, _setup: function() { var s = this.opts[a]; if (this.conf[a], "boolean" == typeof s && (s = { add: s, update: s }), "object" != typeof s && (s = {}), "undefined" == typeof s.content && (s.content = ["prev", "title", "next"]), s = e.extend(!0, {}, e[t].defaults[a], s), this.opts[a] = s, s.add) { if (s.content instanceof Array) { for (var d = e("<div />"), r = 0, i = s.content.length; i > r; r++) switch (s.content[r]) { case "prev": case "next": case "close": d.append('<a class="' + n[s.content[r]] + '" href="#"></a>'); break; case "title": d.append('<span class="' + n.title + '"></span>'); break; default: d.append(s.content[r]) } d = d.html() } else var d = s.content; e('<div class="' + n.header + '" />').prependTo(this.$menu).append(d), this.$menu.addClass(n.hasheader) } }, _add: function() { n = e[t]._c, s = e[t]._d, d = e[t]._e, n.add("header hasheader prev next close title"), r = e[t].glbl } }, e[t].defaults[a] = { add: !1, title: "Menu", update: !1 }, e[t].configuration.classNames[a] = { panelHeader: "Header", panelNext: "Next", panelPrev: "Prev" }; var n, s, d, r }(jQuery); /* * jQuery mmenu labels addon * mmenu.frebsite.nl * * Copyright (c) Fred Heusschen */ ! function(l) { var e = "mmenu", s = "labels"; l[e].addons[s] = { _init: function(e) { var n = this.opts[s]; this.__refactorClass(l("li", this.$menu), this.conf.classNames[s].collapsed, "collapsed"), n.collapse && l("." + a.label, e).each(function() { var e = l(this), s = e.nextUntil("." + a.label, "." + a.collapsed); s.length && (e.children("." + a.subopen).length || (e.wrapInner("<span />"), e.prepend('<a href="#" class="' + a.subopen + " " + a.fullsubopen + '" />'))) }) }, _setup: function() { var a = this.opts[s]; "boolean" == typeof a && (a = { collapse: a }), "object" != typeof a && (a = {}), a = l.extend(!0, {}, l[e].defaults[s], a), this.opts[s] = a }, _add: function() { a = l[e]._c, n = l[e]._d, o = l[e]._e, a.add("collapsed uncollapsed"), t = l[e].glbl }, _clickAnchor: function(l, e) { if (e) { var s = l.parent(); if (s.is("." + a.label)) { var n = s.nextUntil("." + a.label, "." + a.collapsed); return s.toggleClass(a.opened), n[s.hasClass(a.opened) ? "addClass" : "removeClass"](a.uncollapsed), !0 } } return !1 } }, l[e].defaults[s] = { collapse: !1 }, l[e].configuration.classNames[s] = { collapsed: "Collapsed" }; var a, n, o, t }(jQuery); /* * jQuery mmenu searchfield addon * mmenu.frebsite.nl * * Copyright (c) Fred Heusschen */ ! function(e) { function s(e) { switch (e) { case 9: case 16: case 17: case 18: case 37: case 38: case 39: case 40: return !0 } return !1 } var n = "mmenu", t = "searchfield"; e[n].addons[t] = { _init: function(n) { var i = this, l = this.opts[t], d = this.conf[t]; if (l.add) { switch (l.addTo) { case "menu": var c = this.$menu; break; case "panels": var c = n; break; default: var c = e(l.addTo, this.$menu).filter("." + a.panel) } c.length && c.each(function() { var s = e(this), n = s.is("." + a.menu) ? d.form ? "form" : "div" : "li"; if (!s.children(n + "." + a.search).length) { if (s.is("." + a.menu)) var t = i.$menu, r = "prependTo"; else var t = s.children().first(), r = t.is("." + a.subtitle) ? "insertAfter" : "insertBefore"; var o = e("<" + n + ' class="' + a.search + '" />'); if ("form" == n && "object" == typeof d.form) for (var c in d.form) o.attr(c, d.form[c]); o.append('<input placeholder="' + l.placeholder + '" type="text" autocomplete="off" />'), o[r](t) } l.noResults && (s.is("." + a.menu) && (s = s.children("." + a.panel).first()), n = s.is("." + a.list) ? "li" : "div", s.children(n + "." + a.noresultsmsg).length || e("<" + n + ' class="' + a.noresultsmsg + '" />').html(l.noResults).appendTo(s)) }) } if (this.$menu.children("." + a.search).length && this.$menu.addClass(a.hassearch), l.search) { var h = e("." + a.search, this.$menu); h.length && h.each(function() { var n = e(this); if ("menu" == l.addTo) var t = e("." + a.panel, i.$menu), d = i.$menu; else var t = n.closest("." + a.panel), d = t; var c = n.children("input"), h = i.__findAddBack(t, "." + a.list).children("li"), u = h.filter("." + a.label), f = h.not("." + a.subtitle).not("." + a.label).not("." + a.search).not("." + a.noresultsmsg), p = "> a"; l.showLinksOnly || (p += ", > span"), c.off(o.keyup + " " + o.change).on(o.keyup, function(e) { s(e.keyCode) || n.trigger(o.search) }).on(o.change, function() { n.trigger(o.search) }), n.off(o.reset + " " + o.search).on(o.reset + " " + o.search, function(e) { e.stopPropagation() }).on(o.reset, function() { n.trigger(o.search, [""]) }).on(o.search, function(s, n) { "string" == typeof n ? c.val(n) : n = c.val(), n = n.toLowerCase(), t.scrollTop(0), f.add(u).addClass(a.hidden), f.each(function() { var s = e(this); e(p, s).text().toLowerCase().indexOf(n) > -1 && s.add(s.prevAll("." + a.label).first()).removeClass(a.hidden) }), e(t.get().reverse()).each(function(s) { var n = e(this), t = n.data(r.parent); if (t) { var d = n.add(n.find("> ." + a.list)).find("> li").not("." + a.subtitle).not("." + a.search).not("." + a.noresultsmsg).not("." + a.label).not("." + a.hidden); d.length ? t.removeClass(a.hidden).removeClass(a.nosubresults).prevAll("." + a.label).first().removeClass(a.hidden) : "menu" == l.addTo && (n.hasClass(a.opened) && setTimeout(function() { t.trigger(o.open) }, 1.5 * (s + 1) * i.conf.openingInterval), t.addClass(a.nosubresults)) } }), d[f.not("." + a.hidden).length ? "removeClass" : "addClass"](a.noresults), i._update() }) }) } }, _setup: function() { var s = this.opts[t]; this.conf[t], "boolean" == typeof s && (s = { add: s, search: s }), "object" != typeof s && (s = {}), s = e.extend(!0, {}, e[n].defaults[t], s), "boolean" != typeof s.showLinksOnly && (s.showLinksOnly = "menu" == s.addTo), this.opts[t] = s }, _add: function() { a = e[n]._c, r = e[n]._d, o = e[n]._e, a.add("search hassearch noresultsmsg noresults nosubresults"), o.add("search reset change"), i = e[n].glbl } }, e[n].defaults[t] = { add: !1, addTo: "menu", search: !1, placeholder: "Search", noResults: "No results found." }, e[n].configuration[t] = { form: !1 }; var a, r, o, i }(jQuery); /* * jQuery mmenu toggles addon * mmenu.frebsite.nl * * Copyright (c) Fred Heusschen */ ! function(e) { var t = "mmenu", s = "toggles"; e[t].addons[s] = { _init: function(t) { var a = this; this.opts[s], this.conf[s], this.__refactorClass(e("input", t), this.conf.classNames[s].toggle, "toggle"), this.__refactorClass(e("input", t), this.conf.classNames[s].check, "check"), e("input." + c.toggle + ", input." + c.check, t).each(function() { var t = e(this), s = t.closest("li"), l = t.hasClass(c.toggle) ? "toggle" : "check", n = t.attr("id") || a.__getUniqueId(); s.children('label[for="' + n + '"]').length || (t.attr("id", n), s.prepend(t), e('<label for="' + n + '" class="' + c[l] + '"></label>').insertBefore(s.children("a, span").last())) }) }, _setup: function() {}, _add: function() { c = e[t]._c, a = e[t]._d, l = e[t]._e, c.add("toggle check"), n = e[t].glbl } }, e[t].defaults[s] = {}, e[t].configuration.classNames[s] = { toggle: "Toggle", check: "Check" }; var c, a, l, n }(jQuery);