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        <h3 data-product-type="title" data-product-id="17981276168" data-pf-type="ProductTitle" class="sc-hFLmAl UoRSm pf-19_">SkinClear Elixir</h3>
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          <p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 12.0pt 0cm;"><span style="font-size: 10.5pt; font-family: 'Segoe UI',sans-serif; color: #212b36;">SkinClear Elixir is a 100%&nbsp;plant-based supplement which works from the inside out&nbsp;to tackle&nbsp;the
              number 1 cause of oily, blemish-prone skin: the androgen hormones.</span></p>
          <p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 12.0pt 0cm;"><span style="font-size: 10.5pt; font-family: 'Segoe UI',sans-serif; color: #212b36;">While anti-oxidants, collagen-boosting and skin brightening nutrients provide a radiant glow and assist skin
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            <span style="font-size: 10.5pt; font-family: 'Segoe UI',sans-serif; color: #212b36;">We believe clear skin is best achieved by supplementing our diet with natural ingredients&nbsp;which are grounded in science.&nbsp;Helping women
              everywhere to regain their confidence and shine.</span></p>
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            <span style="font-size: 10.5pt; font-family: 'Segoe UI',sans-serif; color: #212b36;">One month supply: 60 vegan capsules.</span></p>
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264 reviews

SkinClear Elixir is a 100% plant-based supplement which works from the inside
out to tackle the number 1 cause of oily, blemish-prone skin: the androgen

While anti-oxidants, collagen-boosting and skin brightening nutrients provide a
radiant glow and assist skin healing.

We believe clear skin is best achieved by supplementing our diet with natural
ingredients which are grounded in science. Helping women everywhere to regain
their confidence and shine.

One month supply: 60 vegan capsules.

One-time purchase: £24.95
Subscribe & save (10%): £22.46
Delivery every 30 Days 30 Days
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Saw palmetto berries, native to Florida, have demonstrated the ability to
balance androgen hormones. Androgens are male hormones including testosterone,
which are present in both men and women.

Androgens are thought to be the most common cause of skin blemishes, leading to
excess oil production in the skin. They also play a role in polycystic ovary
syndrome and thinning hair.

Coconut oil and sunflower oil exhibit similar properties to saw palmetto.
Androgens can fluctuate at any stage of life, often responsible for blemishes in


Natural Vitamin A (as beta-carotene) helps to promote skin cell turnover,
supporting the skin's natural healing process. 

Natural Vitamin C from acerola cherry helps to support collagen formation,
contributing to a youthful healthy glow. Healthy collagen formation is essential
to heal red marks.

Omegas and anti-oxidants help to reduce the impact of free radicals on the skin.


Rich in Lauric Acid, anti-oxidants, and omega fatty acids


Rich in Lauric Acid, anti-oxidants, and omega fatty acids


Rich in Lauric Acid, anti-oxidants, and omega fatty acids


Rich in Lauric Acid, anti-oxidants, and omega fatty acids


Rich in Lauric Acid, anti-oxidants, and omega fatty acids



Saw palmetto berries provide natural hormone balance, helping to balance oil
production and reduce blemishes.


Rich in hormone-balancing and anti-bacterial lauric acid, as well as
anti-oxidants and omega fatty acids; coconut oil is a skin superstar. 


Acerola cherries contain a natural source of vitamin C, which contributes to
healthy collagen formation, skin brightening and radiance, as well as reduction
of oxidative stress and tiredness and fatigue.


Our unique high oleic variety of sunflower oil is rich in hormone-balancing
oleic acid (the healthy omega 9 fatty acid), alongside anti-oxidants including
vitamin E. High oleic sunflower oil can help fight blemishes, balance oil
production and fight free radicals.


A plant source of Vitamin A, which helps to promote skin cell turnover and


What makes SkinClear Elixir capsules different?

The botanicals in SkinClear Elixir were chosen specifically for their abilities
to work inside the body to balance the hormones and clear skin at the root.  

How long until my skin clears?

Where is Skin Clear Elixir made?

Can this be taken alongside vitamins?

Should I take two capsules together or at different times?

I struggle to swallow capsules, can I open them and swallow the powder instead?

Can Skin Elixir be taken alongside prescribed medications? 

Can I take this while pregnant or breastfeeding? 

Can men use SkinClear Elixir? 

Can this be taken by teenagers? 








I’m a 23 year old female, and my skin concerns are mostly hormone related. I saw
an ad for these and decided to try since the reviews were good. I’m a sceptical
consumer, so I was very happy when I noticed a real change in my skin within the
first month. I’ll be getting these every month now because they worked very well
for me. When I stopped taking oral contraceptives my skin FLARED up big time. I
needed something that could get my hormone levels to calm down. These are what
really changed my complexion, more consistency and a huge reduction in the
number of blemishes I get. In a month my skin cleared up almost completely. I
also noticed a much more even oil balance in general across my face. I feel I
can trust this as a long term solution as the ingredients are natural and vegan.

Precious A


If you really do suffer with bad hormonal skin I can't recommend this enough! I
had tried EVERYthing on the market for my skin but I was still getting raised,
sore chin blemishes that I couldn't hide with makeup.I didn't even realise how
much it was affecting my confidence until this product cleared it up for me! I
like a natural look and I'm well into my health and fitness and felt my skin was
letting me down through no fault of my own and making me look... unhealthy at
best! This product is worth every penny I just look at the price like it's a gym
membership for my skin!

Elena-Leigh L


I really can't fault this product - it really has worked wonders for my skin.
I've gone from years of putting up with painful blemishes spread across my chin
to clear, smooth skin that I no longer need to be embarrassed about. I've even
ditched my concealer which I usually wouldn't be seen without! I could never
fully predict when my blemishes were going to randomly appear but now, I'm fully
comfortable with leaving the house with no makeup on. In the past, I'd tried
multiple products but when nothing seemed to work I came to terms with the fact
I was always going to have bad skin, but I was so wrong!! Thank god I tried
Botanycl. This product has really increased my confidence and proven that going
back to basic with herbal, plant based products really is the way forward. I
love it.

Sarah-Jane P



Plant-based herbs, vitamins and anti-oxidants benefit the whole body as well as
the skin. Zero synthetic vitamins or fillers. Free from side effects of typical
skin treatments that utilise harsh chemicals.


Works from within to address the hormonal triggers of blemishes, rather than
just suppressing the symptoms externally. 


We are committed to helping the environment, using recyclable glass bottles and
shipping in plastic-free packaging.



What makes SkinClear Elixir capsules different?

The botanicals in SkinClear Elixir were chosen for their abilities to work
inside the body to balance the hormones and clear skin at the root.

Most other skin treatments use harsh chemicals and simply mask the symptoms
externally, without addressing the root cause. 

What are the ingredients in SkinClear Elixir?

The full ingredient list is: Standardised Saw Palmetto Berry Extract, Coconut
Oil, Acerola Cherry providing Vitamin C, Natural Mixed Carotenoids, providing
Vitamin A and High Oleic Sunflower Seed Oil. The capsule shell is vegetable

How long will it be until my skin clears?

Everyone is different, but results typically show within 2 months of using our
skin clearing supplement. But it can take up to 3 months for some people.

Where is SkinClear Elixir made?

All our supplements are manufactured in the UK to strict GMP standards.

Can this be taken alongside vitamins?

Yes, the natural vitamins in SkinClear Elixir are included at levels which will
enable you to take your multi-vitamin supplements. 

Should I take two capsules together or at different times?

Whichever is easier for you - you can either take them together or at two
separate times, however we do recommend taking them with meals which contain
some fat as this helps with absorption. 

Can SkinClear Elixir be taken alongside prescribed medicines?

As with other food supplements, if you are taking medication, including the
combined birth control pill or blood thinning medication; or if you are under
medical supervision, consult your healthcare practitioner before use. 

Can I take this while pregnant or breastfeeding?

We do not recommend using this while pregnant or breastfeeding. 

Can men take SkinClear Elixir?

SkinClear Elixir does work for men but can balance androgen hormones (a form of
testosterone which is associated with oily skin). We advise men to try 1 capsule
a day.

We are looking into developing a male supplement for clear skin. 

Can this be taken by teenagers?

We would recommend speaking to your GP about teenagers using this, most
importantly for teenage boys.  

Can I use this for blemishes on other areas of the body?

Yes, SkinClear Elixir is effective for blemishes on the back, neck and chest, as
well as the face.

I struggle to swallow capsules. Can I open them and swallow the powder instead?

Yes, the powder can be emptied into drinks, salads, cereals etc, or directly
into your mouth. It does not have an unpleasant taste.


What makes SkinClear Elixir capsules different?

The botanicals in SkinClear Elixir were chosen for their abilities to work
inside the body to balance the hormones and clear skin at the root.

Most other skin treatments use harsh chemicals and simply mask the symptoms
externally, without addressing the root cause. 

What are the ingredients in SkinClear Elixir?

The full ingredient list is: Standardised Saw Palmetto Berry Extract, Coconut
Oil, Acerola Cherry providing Vitamin C, Natural Mixed Carotenoids, providing
Vitamin A and High Oleic Sunflower Seed Oil. The capsule shell is vegetable

How long will it be until my skin clears?

Everyone is different, but results typically show within 2 months of using our
skin clearing supplement. But it can take up to 3 months for some people.

Where is SkinClear Elixir made?

All our supplements are manufactured in the UK to strict GMP standards.

Can this be taken alongside vitamins?

Yes, the natural vitamins in SkinClear Elixir are included at levels which will
enable you to take your multi-vitamin supplements. 

Should I take two capsules together or at different times?

Whichever is easier for you - you can either take them together or at two
separate times, however we do recommend taking them with meals which contain
some fat as this helps with absorption. 

Can SkinClear Elixir be taken alongside prescribed medicines?

As with other food supplements, if you are taking medication, including the
combined birth control pill or blood thinning medication; or if you are under
medical supervision, consult your healthcare practitioner before use. 

Can I take this while pregnant or breastfeeding?

We do not recommend using this while pregnant or breastfeeding. 

Can men take SkinClear Elixir?

SkinClear Elixir does work for men but can lower androgen hormones (a form of
testosterone) which is associated with oily skin. We advise men to try 1 capsule
a day.

We are looking into developing a male supplement for clear skin. 

Can this be taken by teenagers?

We would recommend speaking to your GP about teenagers using this, most
importantly for teenage boys.  

Can I use this for blemishes on other areas of the body?

Yes, SkinClear Elixir is effective for blemishes on the back, chest and neck, as
well as the face.

I struggle to swallow capsules. Can I open them and swallow the powder instead?

Yes, the powder can be emptied into drinks, salads, cereals etc, or directly
into your mouth. It does not have an unpleasant taste.


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After being on many prescribed pills from the doctors to help with my skin, the
course of treatment would eventually come to an end meaning my skin would go
back to square one.
After reading about the Skinclear Elixir, it was the first none prescribed
solution that actually target the problem so decided to give them a go.
I’m only a week in but the blemishy patches on my cheeks have close to
disappeared completely and the more dominate areas around the chin and mouth
have began to fade and heal quicker.
Excited for this journey!

*had a quick question whether I could take them travelling with me and the
Botanycl team not only responded super fast but also reassured me that the
bottles themselves are made to withstand pressure from the aircraft!



Game Changer

Lovely product, that has transformed my dry, blotchy, lifeless skin
Better than any creams or serums on the market .This product actually works
Great team with great customer service



Wouldn’t be without it!

I wouldn’t be without the skinclear elixir now, it has absolutely transformed my
skin after getting me down for so many years with its unpredictability. The
subscription service works so well too and is super flexible (reminder received
beforehand which allows you to change/skip if needed, although I wouldn’t dare
skip!). Thank you!


Tara Harrison

Clearer Skin

I started using Botanycl in March 2023 after speaking to someone at the gym
about how down I felt about the condition of my skin. She recommended I use
Botanycl instead of booking a private 20minute consultation with a dermatologist
which would have cost £200...
I decided to take my chances and give it a go, I had nothing to lose and her
skin was completely flawless. After my first package arrived and I started to
use the product, it didn't start to work until about 4/5 months into treatment.
I religiously take this supplement everyday and would highly recommend it to
others who are feeling self conscious, low self confidence and low in mood due
to their skin. I feel alot better about my skin now and hope it continues to
improve as time goes on. Thank you so much ☺️


ghazala khazran


I am using these from last 3 months and I noticed from the first week my
blemishes stopped and in last 3 months I hardly had 2 or 3, my skin looks more
clear and even as I never saw from last 20 years, l always had bad skin doesn't
matter if it's winter or summer. I had my hormonal test with GP and they said
everything is fine no action needed but as I started this it stopped magically I
couldn't believe that I spent lot of money on expensive brands and treatments
but nothing worked, please please ladies before wasting your money on expensive
treatments and products for your skin please give this a go. Its magic. Thank
you so much for making my skin beautiful.









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