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* Alpha Adroit * Home - Alpha Adroit * Search... * Who is Alpha Adroit? * Our Mission * Our Values * Our Vision * Our Quality Statement * Our Licenses, Associations, and Affiliations * Environmental Sustainability * Corporate Social Responsibility * Causes We Support! * Knowledge Library... * What is Geotechnical Engineering? * Observational Method * Health, Safety, and Environment Protection Resources * Services * Geotechnical Engineering * Soil Compaction Testing * Pile Design, Inspection, and Testing * Slope Stability Analysis, Design, and Repair * Retaining Walls Design * Geotechnical Instrumentation * Geotechnical Engineering in Alberta * Geotechnical Engineering in British Columbia * Geotechnical Engineering and Materials Testing Services in Fort McMurray, Alberta * Geohazard Assessment and Management * Geotechnical Engineering in The Middle East * Materials Testing * Concrete Testing Services * Concrete Testing Services in Saskatchewan * Soil Compaction Testing Services * Soil Compaction Testing in Saskatchewan * Construction Quality Control Services * Materials Testing Services in Alberta * Environmental Consulting * Forensic Geotechnical Engineering and Expert Witness * Foundation Failure Investigation and Repair * Mining Geotechnical Engineering * Offshore Geotechnical Engineering * Offshore Geotechnical Site Investigation * Permafrost and Frozen Ground Engineering * Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) * Building Information Modeling (BIM) * Unconventional Solutions — R&D * Data Science and Engineering Services * Markets * Land development, Buildings, and Infrastructures * Dams, Levees, and Dikes * Mining and Metals * Oil, Gas, Power, and Pipelines * Other Industries * Careers * Career Opportunities at Alpha Adroit * Submit Application * Notices * Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, and Legal Disclaimer * Data Security * Indigenous Peoples, First Nations, and Aboriginal Groups * Contact Us * Contact Us! * Advanced Concrete Testing Lab in Edmonton * VIP Room- Current Clients * VIP Room- Employees Search... OFFSHORE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING SERVICES Alpha Adroit Engineering Ltd is a Canadian engineering consulting company specializing in Offshore Geotechnical Site Investigation expertise, as well as, providing a wide range of underwater (offshore, nearshore, coastal, river, and reservoir) geotechnical engineering services for subsea pipelines, offshore wind turbines, offshore wind farms, artificial islands, marine platforms, harbors, subsea infrastructures, subsea cables, and offshore oil and gas industry infrastructures in Canada and Internationally. Alpha Adroit's Offshore Geotechnical Engineering Services include: * Desk Study for Offshore Geotechnical Engineering Applications * Underwater geotechnical investigation and geological characterization * Marine Geophysical Survey and Geoscience Expertise * Marine site characterization * Offshore Geotechnical Engineering (including also Offshore Geotechnical Survey) for Arctic and Subarctic Regions * Accurate geotechnical characterization and determining engineering properties of soft marine clays, seabed mud, seabed sand, under consolidated clays, and other near-surface (near mud-line) seabed materials * Conducting Offshore Cone Penetration Testing (CPT), Piezo-Cone Penetration Testing (PCPT), Seismic Cone Penetration Testing with Pore-water Pressure Measurement (SCPTu), Shear Vane Testing, Self-boring Pressuremeter Test (SPMT), Piston Sampler * CPT-based and Non-CPT-based geotechnical characterization methods for offshore geotechnical investigations * Field and laboratory soil and rock testing for offshore and nearshore applications * Advanced Materials Testing * Underwater Technology for geotechnical investigations * Offshore laboratory testing of subsea soil samples * Integration of geophysical and geotechnical data to develop ground models * Geotechnical engineering for shallow and deep foundations, embankments, excavations, and engineered fills for offshore and nearshore infrastructures and installations * Shoring analysis and design * Coastal Geotechnical Engineering * Underwater slope stability analysis, slope failure control, slope stabilization, and landslide remediation for offshore and nearshore applications * Offshore foundation engineering consulting services including analysis, design, load testing, inspection, confirmation, and failure investigation for offshore and nearshore applications * Offshore foundation engineering consulting services including instrumentation, monitoring, upgrading, remedial consultation, and materials testing for offshore and nearshore applications * Subsea and shallow water permafrost and frozen ground engineering, insulation design, and permafrost construction consultation * Advanced and routine field and laboratory testing, geotechnical instrumentation, specialty soil testing, and specialty borehole logging and coring * Offshore geotechnical site Investigation, analysis, and control of geohazards, including subsea landslides, sea bed frost and thaw actions, liquefaction, sensitive soils, soft soils, ground collapse, buried valleys, underground cavities, and large-scale subsidence for underwater applications * Numerical modeling and geotechnical risk analysis including also ice-water-soil-structure interaction * Specialized geotechnical engineering, testing, and monitoring services for artificial island developments, offshore wind farms, subsea cables, offshore towers, offshore oil and gas infrastructures, and offshore and nearshore pipelines (subsea pipelines) * Offshore foundation repair consultation and engineering * Artificial Intelligence Design for Offshore Foundations * Cement-treated and lime-treated marine clays * Provision of advanced geotechnical engineering and technological consultation, knowledge, design specifications, methodology, failure and performance criteria, and specialty testing procedures for unique offshore and nearshore projects * Provision of Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) for Offshore Infrastructures * BIM (Building Information Modeling) for Offshore Infrastructures * Advanced Offshore Geotechnical Site Investigation * Forensic, preventive, and remedial offshore geotechnical engineering (failure investigation and remedial engineering) A Summary of some of Alpha Adroit's Offshore Geotechnical Engineering Services is provided below: OFFSHORE GEOTECHNICAL SITE INVESTIGATION AND CHARACTERIZATION Each site investigation and characterization project is planned for the specific requirements and objectives of that particular project, and may consist of: * Conducting desk study * Offshore Geotechnical Survey * Marine site characterization * Marine geotechnics * Identifying, mapping, analyzing and controlling geotechnical hazards * Field sampling via drilling, coring, Piston sampling, SPT tube sampling, and ground freezing techniques * Conducting SPT (Standard Penetration Test), CPT (Cone Penetration Test), SCPTu (Seismic Cone Penetration Test with pore-water pressure measurement), PMT (Pressuremeter Test), DCP (Dynamic Cone penetrometer Test), shear vane, field load test, hydraulic fracturing, and other testing techniques as required * Determination of seismic material properties of subsea soils and liquefaction analysis * Conducting Standard, advanced, and custom-designed lab tests on field samples or specimens prepared in the lab * Installing geotechnical instruments and monitoring field performance * Developing geological, geotechnical, and hydrogeological conceptual models for soil, rock, ore, discontinuities, and groundwater — interconnected with databases of material properties and chronological instrument data required to establish technical knowledge for geotechnical analysis and design * Investigating failures and evaluating the performance of geo-structures and foundations (Forensic Offshore Geotechnical Engineering) INSTRUMENTATION AND MONITORING Alpha Adroit Engineering Ltd provides: * Planning and designing geotechnical instrumentation and monitoring programs for the specific objectives of the projects * Installing instruments, logging data, and interpreting the collected data for evaluating geotechnical safety and performance, as well as, for using with Observational Method based design and construction * Installing and monitoring a wide range of instruments for offshore geotechnical engineering applications * Instrumentation as part of ongoing offshore geotechnical investigation and marine site characterization * Developing new instruments as required for specific applications OFFSHORE FOUNDATION ENGINEERING — INVESTIGATION, ANALYSIS, AND DESIGN Alpha Adroit Engineering Ltd provides: * Offshore geotechnical investigation for foundation analysis and design * Bearing capacity and deformation analysis for various types of subsea foundations, submerged foundations, deep water foundations, and foundations subject to high sea-ice and sea-wave loads * Analysis of complex soil-structure and soil-structure-liquid interactions * Machine foundations and foundations subject to dynamic loads * Watch tower and offshore radar tower foundations * Offshore pile load tests and interpretation of the test results for project-specific applications * Instrumentation and monitoring of offshore foundations SUBSEA SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS AND LANDSLIDE REMEDIATION Alpha Adroit Engineering Ltd provides: * Stability analysis of natural and human-made subsea or submerged slopes * Design of shallow and deep open subsea excavations * Advanced coupled stress-deformation, seepage, seismic, and limit-equilibrium analysis for subsea slopes * Design of alternative instability prevention and subsea landslide remediation measures * Instrumentation, monitoring, and Observational Method based analysis and design for subsea applications ADVANCED NUMERICAL MODELING AND ANALYSIS We use advanced analytical analysis, numerical modeling, and laboratory modeling for: * Marine site characterization * Modeling of load-deformation, creep, and relaxation behavior of geomaterials, soil structures, soil-structure interactions, and soil-structure-liquid interactions under various static, dynamic, and thermal loading and boundary conditions for offshore and nearshore applications * Staged construction modeling, Observational Method, and calibration of computerized models for predicting short and long-term behavior and stability of offshore and nearshore infrastructures * Scenario-based risk analysis, geotechnical stability, and performance evaluation * Risk analysis and development of site-specific and project-specific factors of safety and Limit States Design (LSD) load and resistance factors * Optimizing the design of artificial geomaterials for use in offshore construction SUBSEA PERMAFROST AND FROZEN GROUND ENGINEERING Alpha Adroit Engineering Ltd provides: * Offshore geotechnical site investigation for seabed permafrost * Geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering for subsea frozen and partially frozen seabed * Determination of frost-induced and thaw-induced deformations and instability * Design of foundations, slopes, insulation systems, excavations, and retaining systems in subsea permafrost * Implications of frozen seabed for designing and stability of artificial islands * More Permafrost and frozen ground engineering services FORENSIC AND REMEDIAL OFFSHORE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING Alpha Adroit Engineering Ltd provides: * Failure and mal-performance investigations including cracks, deformations, subsea slope failure, foundation bearing failures, and other geo-structure instability or general failures * Design and conduct of specialty or project-specific field and laboratory testing to develop the accurate analytical knowledge required for forensic geotechnical engineering investigations * Design of remedial solutions * Forensic geotechnical engineering and expert witness services for litigations, insurance claims, and arbitration settlement procedures * Unique designs for remediation or prevention of slope failures (submerged or partially submerged) PARTNERSHIP Alpha Adroit aims to be the No. 1 Offshore Geotechnical Company globally. Even though Alpha Adroit provides a wide range of services for offshore geotechnical site investigation and other offshore geotechnical engineering services, if there are particular offshore services that are not provided by Alpha Adroit Engineering Ltd (https://www.alphaadroit.ca/services/offshore-geotechnical-engineering.html), Alpha Adroit may consider partnering with one of our competitor or other offshore engineering firms to deliver the desired expert services for your particular project requirements. — Call us Toll-Free: 1-844-4-ADROIT (1-844-423-7648) or please contact us here for more information. Alpha Adroit Engineering Ltd provides offshore geotechnical engineering, materials testing, and construction monitoring services in Canada and internationally. Please contact for availability of our services for your particular project. Alpha Adroit Engineering Ltd is a professional member of APEGA (The Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta), EGBC (Engineers and Geoscientists BC), APEGS (Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan), CNSC (Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission), ACSA (Alberta Construction Safety Association), and CGS (Canadian Geotechnical Society). Contact us now! Edmonton: 780-708-4110 Calgary: 403-918-4110 Vancouver: 778-322-4110 Saskatoon: 306-881-4115 Red Deer: 403-918-4115 Fort McMurray: 780-607-4114 Toll-Free: 1-844-4-ADROIT (1-844-423-7648) Quick Links: Geotechnical Engineering Concrete Testing Soil Compaction Testing Environmental Consulting Permafrost Engineering NDT — Non-Destructive Testing BIM — Building Information Modeling Services Forensic Geotechnical Engineering Copyright © 2013—2024 Alpha Adroit Engineering Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Follow us on social media! LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Google+ Goto Top * Alpha Adroit * Home - Alpha Adroit * Search... * Who is Alpha Adroit? * Our Mission * Our Values * Our Vision * Our Quality Statement * Our Licenses, Associations, and Affiliations * Environmental Sustainability * Corporate Social Responsibility * Causes We Support! * Knowledge Library... * What is Geotechnical Engineering? * Observational Method * Health, Safety, and Environment Protection Resources * Services * Geotechnical Engineering * Soil Compaction Testing * Pile Design, Inspection, and Testing * Slope Stability Analysis, Design, and Repair * Retaining Walls Design * Geotechnical Instrumentation * Geotechnical Engineering in Alberta * Geotechnical Engineering in British Columbia * Geotechnical Engineering and Materials Testing Services in Fort McMurray, Alberta * Geohazard Assessment and Management * Geotechnical Engineering in The Middle East * Materials Testing * Concrete Testing Services * Concrete Testing Services in Saskatchewan * Soil Compaction Testing Services * Soil Compaction Testing in Saskatchewan * Construction Quality Control Services * Materials Testing Services in Alberta * Environmental Consulting * Forensic Geotechnical Engineering and Expert Witness * Foundation Failure Investigation and Repair * Mining Geotechnical Engineering * Offshore Geotechnical Engineering * Offshore Geotechnical Site Investigation * Permafrost and Frozen Ground Engineering * Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) * Building Information Modeling (BIM) * Unconventional Solutions — R&D * Data Science and Engineering Services * Markets * Land development, Buildings, and Infrastructures * Dams, Levees, and Dikes * Mining and Metals * Oil, Gas, Power, and Pipelines * Other Industries * Careers * Career Opportunities at Alpha Adroit * Submit Application * Notices * Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, and Legal Disclaimer * Data Security * Indigenous Peoples, First Nations, and Aboriginal Groups * Contact Us * Contact Us! * Advanced Concrete Testing Lab in Edmonton * VIP Room- Current Clients * VIP Room- Employees