en.keyenergy.it Open in urlscan Pro
2600:9000:2250:ce00:13:78b9:9680:93a1  Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://fwxpbg5i.r.eu-west-1.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2Fen.keyenergy.it%2Fhelpdeskticket/1/01020186db3265d0-634ed594-dc35-4649-ad23-da012...
Effective URL: https://en.keyenergy.it/link/helpdeskticket
Submission: On March 14 via manual from IT — Scanned from IT

Form analysis 5 forms found in the DOM

POST /visit/info/reserved-area

<form action="/visit/info/reserved-area" method="post" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
  <input type="text" name="email" id="email"><br>
  <input type="password" name="password" id="password"><br>
  <div class="field--check">
    <label>Remember Me</label>
    <input type="checkbox" name="remember_me" id="remember_me" value="1">
  <button name="submit" id="submit" type="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-more">Enter</button>
  <p><a class="ar__link" href="/visit/info/reserved-area/reset-password">Reset Password</a>
  <p><a class="ar__link" href="/visit/info/reserved-area/register">New visitor? Register now</a>

GET /link/search

<form method="get" class="searchform" action="/link/search" style="display: none;">
    <input type="text" name="zoom_query" placeholder="Search..." id="zoom_searchbox">
    <input type="submit" value="header-cerca-button">
    <i class="fa fa-close"></i>

GET /link/search

<form method="get" class="searchform" action="/link/search" style="display: none;">
    <input type="text" name="zoom_query" placeholder="Search..." id="zoom_searchbox">
    <input type="submit" value="header-cerca-button">
    <i class="fa fa-close"></i>

GET /link/search

<form method="get" class="searchform" action="/link/search" style="display: none;">
    <input type="text" name="zoom_query" placeholder="Search..." id="zoom_searchbox">
    <input type="submit" value="header-cerca-button">
    <i class="fa fa-close"></i>

Name: datiPOST

<form name="dati" id="dati" class="navbar-form navbar-left" method="post">
  <input type="hidden" name="ext_form_submit" value="/base/visitatori/info_visitatori.asp">
  <input type="hidden" name="Prenotato" id="Prenotato" value="S">
  <input type="hidden" name="codset" id="codset" value="N">
  <input type="hidden" name="risultatotoken" id="risultatotoken" value="">
  <input type="hidden" name="analisi_in" value="KEN23">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-12 col-xs-12">
      <p>To obtain information, complete the online form. You will be contacted just as soon as possible.</p>
      <p><b>Attention!</b> The fields marked with an asterisk (*) are compulsory. </p>
      <p><b>PERSONAL DATA</b></p>
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-6 col-xs-12">
      <p>First Name*<br><input type="text" id="nome" name="nome"></p>
    <div class="col-md-6 col-xs-12">
      <p>Last Name*<br><input type="text" id="cognome" name="cognome"></p>
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-6 col-xs-12">
      <p>Company Name*<br><input type="text" id="ragionesociale" name="ragionesociale"></p>
    <div class="col-md-6 col-xs-12">
      <p>E-mail*<br><input type="text" id="email" name="email" value=""></p>
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-6 col-xs-12">
      <p>Mobile phone<br><input type="text" id="cell" name="cell"></p>
    <div class="col-md-6 col-xs-12">
      <p>Country*<br><select name="nazione">
          <option value=""></option>
          <option value="239!!AF">Afghanistan</option>
          <option value="240!!AL">Albania</option>
          <option value="241!!DZ">Algeria</option>
          <option value="242!!AS">American Samoa</option>
          <option value="243!!AD">Andorra</option>
          <option value="244!!AO">Angola</option>
          <option value="245!!AI">Anguilla</option>
          <option value="246!!AQ">Antarctica</option>
          <option value="247!!AG">Antigua and Barbuda</option>
          <option value="248!!AR">Argentina</option>
          <option value="249!!AM">Armenia</option>
          <option value="250!!AW">Aruba</option>
          <option value="251!!AU">Australia</option>
          <option value="252!!AT">Austria</option>
          <option value="253!!AZ">Azerbaijan</option>
          <option value="254!!BS">Bahamas</option>
          <option value="255!!BH">Bahrain</option>
          <option value="256!!BD">Bangladesh</option>
          <option value="257!!BB">Barbados</option>
          <option value="258!!BY">Belarus</option>
          <option value="259!!BE">Belgium</option>
          <option value="260!!BZ">Belize</option>
          <option value="261!!BJ">Benin</option>
          <option value="262!!BM">Bermuda</option>
          <option value="263!!BT">Bhutan</option>
          <option value="264!!BO">Bolivia</option>
          <option value="265!!BA">Bosnia and Herzegovina</option>
          <option value="266!!BW">Botswana</option>
          <option value="267!!BV">Bouvet Island</option>
          <option value="268!!BR">Brazil</option>
          <option value="269!!IO">British Indian Ocean Territory</option>
          <option value="270!!BN">Brunei</option>
          <option value="271!!BG">Bulgaria</option>
          <option value="272!!BF">Burkina Faso</option>
          <option value="273!!BI">Burundi</option>
          <option value="274!!KH">Cambodia</option>
          <option value="275!!CM">Cameroon</option>
          <option value="276!!CA">Canada</option>
          <option value="277!!CV">Cape Verde</option>
          <option value="278!!KY">Cayman Islands</option>
          <option value="279!!CF">Central African Republic</option>
          <option value="280!!TD">Chad</option>
          <option value="281!!CL">Chile</option>
          <option value="282!!CN">China</option>
          <option value="283!!CX">Christmas Island</option>
          <option value="284!!CC">Cocos (Keeling) Islands</option>
          <option value="285!!CO">Colombia</option>
          <option value="286!!KM">Comoros</option>
          <option value="287!!CG">Congo</option>
          <option value="288!!CK">Cook Islands</option>
          <option value="289!!CR">Costa Rica</option>
          <option value="290!!CI">Cote d´Ivoire</option>
          <option value="291!!HR">Croatia (Hrvatska)</option>
          <option value="292!!CU">Cuba</option>
          <option value="293!!CY">Cyprus</option>
          <option value="294!!CZ">Czech Republic</option>
          <option value="295!!CD">Congo (DRC)</option>
          <option value="296!!DK">Denmark</option>
          <option value="297!!DJ">Djibouti</option>
          <option value="298!!DM">Dominica</option>
          <option value="299!!DO">Dominican Republic</option>
          <option value="300!!TP">East Timor</option>
          <option value="301!!EC">Ecuador</option>
          <option value="302!!EG">Egypt</option>
          <option value="303!!SV">El Salvador</option>
          <option value="304!!GQ">Equatorial Guinea</option>
          <option value="305!!ER">Eritrea</option>
          <option value="306!!EE">Estonia</option>
          <option value="307!!ET">Ethiopia</option>
          <option value="308!!FK">Falkland Islands (Islas Malvin</option>
          <option value="309!!FO">Faroe Islands</option>
          <option value="310!!FJ">Fiji Islands</option>
          <option value="311!!FI">Finland</option>
          <option value="312!!FR">France</option>
          <option value="313!!GF">French Guiana</option>
          <option value="314!!PF">French Polynesia</option>
          <option value="315!!TF">French Southern and Antarctic </option>
          <option value="316!!GA">Gabon</option>
          <option value="317!!GM">Gambia</option>
          <option value="318!!GE">Georgia</option>
          <option value="319!!DE">Germany</option>
          <option value="320!!GH">Ghana</option>
          <option value="321!!GI">Gibraltar</option>
          <option value="322!!GR">Greece</option>
          <option value="323!!GL">Greenland</option>
          <option value="324!!GD">Grenada</option>
          <option value="325!!GP">Guadeloupe</option>
          <option value="326!!GU">Guam</option>
          <option value="327!!GT">Guatemala</option>
          <option value="328!!GN">Guinea</option>
          <option value="329!!GW">Guinea-Bissau</option>
          <option value="330!!GY">Guyana</option>
          <option value="331!!HT">Haiti</option>
          <option value="332!!HM">Heard Island and McDonald Isla</option>
          <option value="333!!HN">Honduras</option>
          <option value="334!!HK">Hong Kong SAR</option>
          <option value="335!!HU">Hungary</option>
          <option value="336!!IS">Iceland</option>
          <option value="337!!IN">India</option>
          <option value="338!!ID">Indonesia</option>
          <option value="339!!IR">Iran</option>
          <option value="340!!IQ">Iraq</option>
          <option value="341!!IE">Ireland</option>
          <option value="342!!IL">Israel</option>
          <option value="343!!IT">Italy</option>
          <option value="344!!JM">Jamaica</option>
          <option value="345!!JP">Japan</option>
          <option value="346!!JO">Jordan</option>
          <option value="347!!KZ">Kazakhstan</option>
          <option value="348!!KE">Kenya</option>
          <option value="349!!KI">Kiribati</option>
          <option value="350!!KR">Korea</option>
          <option value="351!!KW">Kuwait</option>
          <option value="352!!KG">Kyrgyzstan</option>
          <option value="353!!LA">Laos</option>
          <option value="354!!LV">Latvia</option>
          <option value="355!!LB">Lebanon</option>
          <option value="356!!LS">Lesotho</option>
          <option value="357!!LR">Liberia</option>
          <option value="358!!LY">Libya</option>
          <option value="359!!LI">Liechtenstein</option>
          <option value="360!!LT">Lithuania</option>
          <option value="361!!LU">Luxembourg</option>
          <option value="362!!MO">Macao SAR</option>
          <option value="363!!MK">Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Rep</option>
          <option value="364!!MG">Madagascar</option>
          <option value="365!!MW">Malawi</option>
          <option value="366!!MY">Malaysia</option>
          <option value="367!!MV">Maldives</option>
          <option value="368!!ML">Mali</option>
          <option value="369!!MT">Malta</option>
          <option value="370!!MH">Marshall Islands</option>
          <option value="371!!MQ">Martinique</option>
          <option value="372!!MR">Mauritania</option>
          <option value="373!!MU">Mauritius</option>
          <option value="374!!YT">Mayotte</option>
          <option value="375!!MX">Mexico</option>
          <option value="376!!FM">Micronesia</option>
          <option value="377!!MD">Moldova</option>
          <option value="378!!MC">Monaco</option>
          <option value="379!!MN">Mongolia</option>
          <option value="380!!MS">Montserrat</option>
          <option value="381!!MA">Morocco</option>
          <option value="382!!MZ">Mozambique</option>
          <option value="383!!MM">Myanmar</option>
          <option value="384!!NA">Namibia</option>
          <option value="385!!NR">Nauru</option>
          <option value="386!!NP">Nepal</option>
          <option value="387!!NL">Netherlands</option>
          <option value="388!!AN">Netherlands Antilles</option>
          <option value="389!!NC">New Caledonia</option>
          <option value="390!!NZ">New Zealand</option>
          <option value="391!!NI">Nicaragua</option>
          <option value="392!!NE">Niger</option>
          <option value="393!!NG">Nigeria</option>
          <option value="394!!NU">Niue</option>
          <option value="395!!NF">Norfolk Island</option>
          <option value="396!!KP">North Korea</option>
          <option value="397!!MP">Northern Mariana Islands</option>
          <option value="398!!NO">Norway</option>
          <option value="399!!OM">Oman</option>
          <option value="400!!PK">Pakistan</option>
          <option value="401!!PW">Palau</option>
          <option value="402!!PA">Panama</option>
          <option value="403!!PG">Papua New Guinea</option>
          <option value="404!!PY">Paraguay</option>
          <option value="405!!PE">Peru</option>
          <option value="406!!PH">Philippines</option>
          <option value="407!!PN">Pitcairn Islands</option>
          <option value="408!!PL">Poland</option>
          <option value="409!!PT">Portugal</option>
          <option value="410!!PR">Puerto Rico</option>
          <option value="411!!QA">Qatar</option>
          <option value="412!!RE">Reunion</option>
          <option value="413!!RO">Romania</option>
          <option value="414!!RU">Russia</option>
          <option value="415!!RW">Rwanda</option>
          <option value="416!!WS">Samoa</option>
          <option value="417!!SM">San Marino</option>
          <option value="418!!ST">São Tomé and Príncipe</option>
          <option value="419!!SA">Saudi Arabia</option>
          <option value="420!!SN">Senegal</option>
          <option value="422!!SC">Seychelles</option>
          <option value="423!!SL">Sierra Leone</option>
          <option value="424!!SG">Singapore</option>
          <option value="425!!SK">Slovakia</option>
          <option value="426!!SI">Slovenia</option>
          <option value="427!!SB">Solomon Islands</option>
          <option value="428!!SO">Somalia</option>
          <option value="429!!ZA">South Africa</option>
          <option value="430!!GS">South Georgia and the South Sa</option>
          <option value="431!!ES">Spain</option>
          <option value="432!!LK">Sri Lanka</option>
          <option value="433!!SH">St. Helena</option>
          <option value="434!!KN">St. Kitts and Nevis</option>
          <option value="435!!LC">St. Lucia</option>
          <option value="436!!PM">St. Pierre and Miquelon</option>
          <option value="437!!VC">St. Vincent and the Grenadines</option>
          <option value="438!!SD">Sudan</option>
          <option value="439!!SR">Suriname</option>
          <option value="440!!SJ">Svalbard and Jan Mayen</option>
          <option value="441!!SZ">Swaziland</option>
          <option value="442!!SE">Sweden</option>
          <option value="443!!CH">Switzerland</option>
          <option value="444!!SY">Syria</option>
          <option value="445!!TW">Taiwan</option>
          <option value="446!!TJ">Tajikistan</option>
          <option value="447!!TZ">Tanzania</option>
          <option value="448!!TH">Thailand</option>
          <option value="449!!TG">Togo</option>
          <option value="450!!TK">Tokelau</option>
          <option value="451!!TO">Tonga</option>
          <option value="452!!TT">Trinidad and Tobago</option>
          <option value="453!!TN">Tunisia</option>
          <option value="454!!TR">Turkey</option>
          <option value="455!!TM">Turkmenistan</option>
          <option value="456!!TC">Turks and Caicos Islands</option>
          <option value="457!!TV">Tuvalu</option>
          <option value="458!!UG">Uganda</option>
          <option value="459!!UA">Ukraine</option>
          <option value="460!!AE">United Arab Emirates</option>
          <option value="461!!GB">United Kingdom</option>
          <option value="462!!US">United States</option>
          <option value="463!!UM">United States Minor Outlying I</option>
          <option value="464!!UY">Uruguay</option>
          <option value="465!!UZ">Uzbekistan</option>
          <option value="466!!VU">Vanuatu</option>
          <option value="467!!VA">Vatican City</option>
          <option value="468!!VE">Venezuela</option>
          <option value="469!!VN">Viet Nam</option>
          <option value="470!!VG">Virgin Islands (British)</option>
          <option value="471!!VI">Virgin Islands</option>
          <option value="472!!WF">Wallis and Futuna</option>
          <option value="473!!YE">Yemen</option>
          <option value="474!!ZM">Zambia</option>
          <option value="475!!ZW">Zimbabwe</option>
          <option value="477!!EH">West Sahara</option>
          <option value="479!!PS">Palestine</option>
          <option value="481!!TL">Timor East</option>
          <option value="483!!ME">Montenegro</option>
          <option value="485!!RS">Serbia</option>
          <option value="487!!GG">United Kingdom - Guernsey</option>
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-12 col-xs-12">
      <p>I wish to obtain assistance for:*<br>
        <select id="tipo" name="tipo" onchange="MostraDettCampi(this.id)">
          <option value="" selected=""></option>
          <option value="A|Biglietteria|infovisitatori@iegexpo.it">Ticket office</option>
      <div style="display: none;" id="ass1">
        <input name="dettass" value="A1|Difficoltà nella registrazione di un biglietto cartaceo/virtuale (specificare nelle note)|helpdesk.rn@iegexpo.it" type="radio">Problems in registering a paper/virtual ticket (specify in notes)<br>
        <input name="dettass" value="A2|Mi sono registrato all'area riservata ma non ho ricevuto l'email di attivazione|helpdesk.rn@iegexpo.it" type="radio">I registered in the restricted area but never received the start-up email<br>
        <input name="dettass" value="A3|Ho perso la password di accesso all'area riservata e non riesco a recuperarla|helpdesk.rn@iegexpo.it" type="radio">I have lost my restricted area access password and cannot manage to recover it<br>
        <input name="dettass" value="A4|Vorrei accedere in fiera ma non ho un biglietto cartaceo/virtuale|helpdesk.rn@iegexpo.it" type="radio">I should like to enter the fair but have no paper/virtual ticket<br>
        <textarea id="note" name="note" rows="4" cols="62" value=""></textarea>
      <p>Insert the number indicated on the image*<br>
        <label id="sh" value=""></label><br><input name="cod_tolnum" type="hidden" id="cod_tolnum" value="750">
        <input name="cod_captcha" type="text" id="cod_captcha" value=""><img src="https://banneriisssl.iegexpo.cloud/base/include/captcha.asp?yy=750" id="imgCaptcha">
        <textarea rows="4" name="S1" cols="62" readonly="true">
						Pursuant to the articles 13 and 14 of the EU Privacy Regulation 679/2016 ("GDPR") we inform you that the personal data provided by the interested party ("you"), for yourself or for the organization to which you belong, to Italian Exhibition Group S.p.A. ("IEG" or "we"), on the occasion of or in connection with events, exhibitions, events, conferences / congresses, championships / competitions and / or workshops (the "Events"), organized by us, hosted or participated also in collaboration with third-party partners, they are treated in compliance with the principles of lawfulness, fairness, correctness, proportionality, necessity, accuracy, completeness and security and other legal obligations in force.
The "Events" can also be held on online platforms (eg SWAPCARD, My Agenda, etc ...), both in virtual and on-site form or in full digital form; these platforms allow for online meetings between exhibitors and visitors / buyers, with the creation, among other opportunities, of an agenda of meetings that will put interested parties in direct contact. The aforementioned platforms can also be used by the visitor / buyer to request contacts with the exhibitors present on them, through the following actions: saving one or more exhibitors on the "favorites" list, chat, networking, specific appointment requests, etc ... .
Categories of interested parties. Processing operations and collection methods
The processed data concerns customers (i.e. exhibitors, visitors, buyers, conference / congress participants, participants in workshops, webinars and / or business meetings with virtual and / or personal meetings who have held their respective roles over the last 10 years) and prospects (subjects who have expressed interest in the "Events" over the last 10 years - for example also by completing this form - journalists), intended as individuals over the age of 14 acting on their own and / or as internal contacts of legal persons, entities or other organizations. The individual categories of data collected are indicated in our collection forms which supplement this information.
The processing takes place with electronic and paper tools and with logic connected to the individual purposes stated below.
IEG collects data i) via online forms or paper forms or via pre-registration or participation app filled in and / or acquired by third party operators authorized by us or ii) via mobile devices such as tablets, smartphones present in the place of the "Events".
The data collected may be processed by personnel expressly authorized by IEG, within the limits strictly necessary for the performance of the respective activities assigned to them (e.g. legal, commercial, marketing, administrative, logistic, IT, management control, etc.).
Purpose of the processing
The processing has the following purposes:
1 Fulfillment of contractual and legal obligations deriving from participation in the contracted initiative with the interested party, both in virtual and onsite, or full digital form, this will allow for example the participation, through a specific platform, in virtual business meetings also through the presentation by the exhibitors of texts, videos, presentations, live section; insights and paths on trends and innovation, guided tour itineraries, sharing and communication of important corporate events, as well as other optional services.
Exhibitors who request the publication of data in the Event catalog will automatically have the data transferred to the platform (eg Swapcard).
Visitors / buyers will have a form available on the digital platform and the possibility of searching for all the profiles of the exhibiting companies, as well as interacting with their contents (public comment on event page content, group, etc.) contact form (participation in events , private messages, groups by invitation, etc.).
IEG will be able to communicate, in fulfillment of the contractual relationship intended to facilitate relations between exhibitors and visitors / buyers, the contact details of visitors / buyers who have shown interest in requesting a meeting / appointment with the chosen exhibitor or who have expressed interest. to one or more exhibitors, to the aforementioned exhibitors, through specific actions (eg chat, networking, saving the exhibitor in favorites, specific appointment requests, etc…) on specific digital platforms (eg Swapcard, My Agenda, etc…. ). In this case, the data will be processed by the exhibitor as the Autonomous Owner.
2. Planning and organizational management of events, eg issue and payment of securities, credits and entry passes (including check of payment termination by third-party services), management of personal identification tags (with photo ID) for security, planning and management of specific services requested by you (for example translation services, hostesses, catering, accompaniment), management of the contracts we stipulate with third-party suppliers of goods and / or services used by you during or during Events; publication of name and surname or company name and name, telephone number, fax, e-mail, website, in the public online and paper catalog of the Event in which you participate; communication, upon your request for pre-contractual information (eg programs, proposals, etc.) connected to the Events, drafting of invitation letters for consular visa applications. As part of the aforementioned purpose, IEG will also be able to offer the visitor / buyer the possibility of using the QR code technology, with which the visitor / buyer can transmit their data directly to the exhibitor of interest at his stand, or scan the QR code. present at the booth of the chosen exhibitor. In both cases, the data will be processed by the exhibitor as the Autonomous Owner.
3. Sending (via email, ordinary mail, SMS, MMS, push-up messages, instant messaging functions such as whatsapp, telefax, telephone calls with operator, social networks and other automated tools) of commercial communications, advertising and sales offers products / services related to those of your interest or relating to exhibition / congress and / or related products / services (eg sector publishing, championships / competitions, etc.) (overall activities defined as "soft spam").
4. Profiling. The profiling detects for privacy purposes only if it concerns natural persons, that is individual companies or partnerships and relative partners / directors, or internal referents of corporations, institutions or organizations.
The profiling uses some data supplied by you and sometimes associates them with company data taken from public databases (eg the Business Register of the Chamber of Commerce). For example, we treat the following data:
i) in the case of exhibitors: name and surname, business name of the organization to which they belong, contact details, residence or location, country of origin, website, sector of activity, types of product or service offered, annual promotional / advertising budget , type of distribution - store, department store, concept store, markets of interest, brand;
ii) in the case of buyers/visitors: name and surname, business name of the organization to which they belong, job attachment, level of professional responsability, contact details, residence or location, country of origin, website, year of foundation of the company, turnover, employees number, sector of activity, percentage of business connected to Italy and to the foreign, Italian and foreign regions of interest, main categories of products or services of interest to the buyer and / or marketed by the same also as a percentage of sales by geographical area, categories of customers of the company, purpose of the visit;
iii) in the case of journalists: name and surname, contact details, sector and title, country of origin, language,
iv) in the case of event / conference presenters / conference presenters: name and surname, contact details, sector to which they belong, professionalism / topics covered.
In some cases, if you are a customer or a prospect, we associate the data you provide to us with your personal data acquired during your browsing on our websites or during the use of the services provided by these sites (eg cookies relating to pages of our website that you have visited, to the country from which you connect) or through other communication channels (eg social media) or through mass mailing of commercial e-mail (eg which messages have arrived, such as e-mails you has opened, what proposals you have accepted through specific actions such as opening an attachment or adhering to our request to link to landing pages or attachments to the email message, etc.).
The profiling allows us, in particular, to limit the sending to you of promotional communications not pertinent to your probable expectations and needs or through unwanted channels.
The limited nature of profiling does not exclude you from specific advantages or from the possibility to freely exercise your privacy rights, nor has any particular legal effects; in particular it does not in any way prejudice your ability to participate in the Events and / or take advantage of our services (eg online pre-registration, purchase of services).
5. Only with your separate consent: communication of data to our third-party partners (eg Event organizers, exhibitors for which eg. visitor/buyer has not expressed interest or other operators active in the Events), for autonomous direct marketing actions related to goods / services concerning such third-party partners.
Legal basis of the processing. Mandatory or optional nature of providing data and consequences of failure to provide data
The processing for the purposes of sub 1 has its legal basis in our need to fulfill the obligations assumed through the stipulated contract or to stipulate with you (and to carry out all the actions necessary for the correct and complete execution of the commitments therein) and / or to the legal obligations connected to it including facilitating the management of relations between exhibitors and visitors. Therefore this treatment does not require your prior consent and you are also free not to give your data, however, in this case, we will not be able to stipulate the requested contract and / or regularly provide the service requested by you or by the organization to which you belong (eg make you participate in the Event of interest and provide you with related services) and / or we will not be able to fulfill the legal obligations connected with the contract.
The processing for the purposes of sub 2 has its legal basis in our legitimate interest to organize Events, plan and manage all organizational activities useful to allow you to participate efficiently and effectively in Events ” and to manage contacts with exhibitors of interest and the relations with third party suppliers of functional and event-related goods and services. In particular, the request for personal data and documents, especially for foreign guests, will make the correct understanding of the data more reliable, but above all, the reliability of the company that requires an entry visa is safer.
You are free not to provide the data, but in this case you will not be able to participate in the Event.
During the Events we are made by us and / or by photographers and / or videomakers authorized by us, video footage (including voice) and / or photographs. These generic images concern trade fairs that can be qualified as public events and are therefore treated, without your consent, for publication on our websites / landing pages and social profiles (eg Twitter, Facebook, Whatsapp, Youtube, Vimeo, etc.) and on brochures, catalogs, flyers and other printed material that promotes the Events.
In the event that, however, the aforementioned images portray you in a recognizable way, IEG may publish them for the same promotional purposes, on the aforementioned our printed materials or electronic / digital channels intended for the public (eg catalogs, brochures, flyers, websites / landing pages, blogs, social networks), only with the necessary prior consent (which is the legal basis of the processing), issued on the spot to our official photographer and / or videomaker.
In the latter case, you can deny consent thus inhibiting the aforementioned treatment; on the other hand, by giving us your consent, you expressly waive any financial compensation for using your image. You can request at any time the obscuring of the face portrayed in the images published online, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing operated up to the date of obscuration. IEG does not guarantee the obscuration of third-party autonomous data controllers on online channels.
The treatment for the purposes of sub 3 (soft spam) has its legal basis in our legitimate interest in contacting our customers freely, as well as the prospects, in order to be able to offer them new opportunities relating to services through electronic / telephone / paper channels. products similar to those previously purchased / contracted (in the case of customers) or to those for which interest has been expressed (in the case of prospects), or relating to products / services for exhibitions / conferences and / or related to them (eg publishing of sector, championships / races, etc.). Therefore the cd. Soft spam, as described above, can lawfully take place even without your prior consent, which is therefore not necessary.
The treatment for the purposes of sub 4 (profiling) has a legal basis in our legitimate interest to maintain and analyze a limited set of information concerning you, in order to be able to more effectively recontact you if you are our client or prospect. Given the limited data perimeter used in profiling, it also occurs without his prior consent, which is therefore not necessary.
The processing for the purposes of sub 5 (transfer of data to third parties) takes place only upon your specific express consent (constituting, therefore, the legal basis of the lawfulness of the processing).
The consent requested may be freely denied by you, without prejudice to your right to participate in the events and / or to obtain the services requested by you.
Communication and dissemination of data
For the purposes under 1 and 2 the data are communicated by us to: suppliers of the management and maintenance service of our IT systems, websites and databases, photographers and / or videomakers who make the video-audio materials or the related post production, journalists and newspapers, companies entrusted with services necessary for the organization and management of events (eg installation of fittings and equipment, publishers of paper and online catalogs, logistics, security, private security, first aid, hostesses, etc.), diplomatic representatives (Embassy, Consulate,ecc…) consultants, banks (for the execution or receipt of payments connected to the Events), to IEG personnel authorized to process data (Communication, Travel, Sales, Marketing, etc.). to any exhibitors of interest to the visitor / buyer in order to schedule virtual and / or on-site meetings in fulfillment of the contractual relationship and / or to interact with them.
For the purposes under 3 and 4 the data are communicated to: companies charged with marketing analysis, advertising, communication and / or public relations agencies, digital and paper publishing companies that produce our advertising or promotional materials, production companies of websites or blogs, web marketing companies, subjects in charge of the design and / or maintenance of promotional materials, IT management and maintenance companies, websites and databases used to organize and manage events, image agencies.
These third parties will process the data in the capacity of External Managers in accordance with our written guidelines and under our supervision.
For all the aforementioned purposes, we also communicate the data to third-party commercial partners who participate in the creation and / or promotion of the Events, which will treat the data as autonomous (eg. exhibitors in which interest has been expressed through specific actions on digital platforms) or Joint Controllers or external managers, including in particular, Swapcard Corporation with registered office at 6 rue de Paradis - Paris, which provides one of the digital platforms present. You can ask us for a list of co-owners, autonomous and responsible owners (see the "rights of the interested party" section of this information).
Transfer of data abroad
We communicate the data to third party recipients based outside the EU (companies controlled by the Data Controller, partners - eg. People's Republic of China, United Arab Emirates, Colombia, Hong-Kong - cloud service providers, or suppliers and customers (hereinafter the "importers ").
The list of third parties recipients of the data is available on the website section - https://www.iegexpo.it/images/TAB.IMPORTATORI_DI_DATI_30.07.2019.pdf.
This data transfer takes place in the face of adequate guarantees, consisting of the prior stipulation by the third importer of a contractual agreement with us through which he, for the treatments within his competence, undertakes to comply with privacy obligations substantially equivalent to those provided. from EU legislation to ns. load (through the use of standard contractual clauses - or "CCS" - compliant at least with the text adopted by the EU Commission, except for any additions and / or changes more favorable to the interested party).
In some cases of data transfer to cloud suppliers based outside the EU, these suppliers are subject to the regulatory powers of local public authorities and in some situations, based on foreign legislation, (in the USA: the Federal Trade Commission, 'Article 702 of the FISA and the Executive Order EO 12333) the importer may be obliged to communicate the personal data transferred, in response to requests received from public authorities, to meet national security requirements (e.g. anti-terrorism) or application of local law (with consequent possible access to data, of which the importer, based on local legislation, may not have to give notice to the exporter and the interested party, who will therefore not be able to exercise the relative rights normally recognized by the GDPR).
Therefore, in the abstract, the risk cannot be excluded that in certain and exceptional situations related to the aforementioned specific requirements, the foreign public authority may process such data without applying substantially equivalent safeguards to those provided for by the GDPR to the data subject. However, the risk that the American public authority actually has an interest in applying local legislation to the transferred data appears to be reasonably negligible based on the following circumstances:
i) the performance of the exporter (IEG) in favor of the interested parties whose data the importer processes and the consequent data processing, have a limited object (the provision of exhibition services) and a limited purpose (the management of technical processes - organizational functional to the aforementioned services and the fulfillment of legal obligations); the performance does not involve the publication of personal opinions, comments or similar information, nor the making available of services or products that can be used in activities against national security;
ii) the types of personal data transferred are limited (eg personal, contact, contractual, administrative data); no particular categories of data are transferred (e.g. on political and religious opinions, biometrics); the categories of interested parties to which the data refer are limited (exhibitors, visitors, participants in events, buyers, journalists, speakers) and they concern operators belonging to product or economic categories that are not reasonably relevant with regard to national security purposes ( eg tourism, wellness, machine handling, sports activities, and so on).
Therefore, IEG believes that the CCS applied in the relationship with importers (in particular the USA) effectively guarantee protection of the rights of interested parties substantially similar to that provided for by the GDPR, regardless of the application of any additional measures to the processing in question.
The adoption of additional contractual measures by IEG towards importers (e.g. obligations to communicate public access, the right to suspend or terminate the transfer and to terminate the contract with the importer, and the like), may be introduced in at any time by the exporter following any information provided to operators by the EDPB - European Data Protection Board following the judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Communities (ECJ of 17 July 2020 which declared the bilateral agreement called "Privacy Shield").
The transfer of data to the non-EU country takes place in any case also because it is necessary for the execution of i) a contract concluded between the interested party and IEG and / or pre-contractual measures adopted at the request of the interested party, or ii) of a contract stipulated between IEG and another natural or legal person (e.g. our subsidiary, supplier, with headquarters outside the EU, etc.) in favor of the interested party.

Duration of treatment
In the case of the purposes sub 1 e/o 2 we treat the data for 10 years from date of the contract (in the case of customers) from the collection of the data of the interested party (in the case of prospects).
In the case of the purposes sub 3 and 4 we treat the data for 10 years from the collection of the data of the interested party (in the case of customers and prospects).
We process the data for a period of 5 years from the publication of the product in the case of promotion of editorial products.
We process the data for a period of 60 days, after the end of each Event, in the case of data made available at collection points for requests for assistance, communicate to us by visitors and exhibitors (including insurance desk, Info point and Emergency Room).
We treat the data contained in the promotional catalog (paper and / or digital) of the individual Events for a maximum of 2 editions of the catalog.
We treat certification data of the Events / Events up to the end of the certification and therefore until certification has taken place.
We treat the data necessary for the purposes of computer security (eg log-in registrations, failed logs and log-outs, when accessing restricted areas on the IEG websites related to the Events) for 1 year from collection. The recordings of the logs related to the reading of IEG online privacy information and the on-line actions (eg clicks, flags and the like) through which IEG is informed of the data subject's consent are kept for 10 years from collection .
In the event of a dispute between you and us or our third party suppliers process the data for the time necessary to exercise the protection of our rights or those of the third party suppliers, that is up to the issue and full execution of a provision having the value of a res judicata between the parties or of a transaction.
The data connected to the "Business Matching" service provided during the Events are treated for 3 months from the end of the single Event to which they refer.
The data related to the drafting of invitation letters for the request of consular visas (eg. Copy of the passport, etc.) are processed for 3 months from the end of the single Event to which they refer.
Once the aforementioned maximum duration has ceased, the personal data are definitively destroyed or made totally anonymous.
Rights of Data Subject
You have the right to:
- ask us to confirm whether or not a processing of personal data concerning you is in progress and, in this case, to obtain access to personal data and the following information: a) the purposes of the processing; b) the categories of personal data in question; c) the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal data have been or will be communicated, in particular if they are recipients of third countries or international organizations; d) when possible, the period of storage of personal data provided or, if this is not possible, the criteria used to determine this period; e) the existence of the data subject's right to request the data controller to rectify or delete personal data or limit the processing of personal data concerning him or to oppose their processing; f) the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority; g) if the data is not collected from the interested party, all available information on their origin; h) the existence of an automated decision-making process, including profiling and, at least in such cases, significant information on the logic used, as well as the expected importance and consequences of such treatment for the data subject.
- if personal data is transferred to a third country or an international organization, the data subject has the right to be informed of the existence of adequate guarantees relating to the transfer;
- request, and obtain without undue delay, the correction of inaccurate data; taking into account the purposes of the processing, the integration of incomplete personal data, also providing a supplementary declaration;
- request deletion of data if: a) personal data are no longer necessary with respect to the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed; b) the data subject revokes the consent on which the processing is based and there is no other legal basis for the processing; c) the data subject opposes the processing, and there is no prevailing legitimate reason to proceed with the processing, or he opposes the processing carried out for direct marketing purposes (including the functional profiling of such direct marketing); d) personal data have been unlawfully processed; e) personal data must be deleted in order to fulfill a legal obligation established by Union law or the Member State to which the data controller is subject; f) personal data has been collected regarding the offer of information society services.
- request the limitation of the processing that concerns you, when one of the following hypotheses occurs: a) the data subject disputes the accuracy of the personal data, for the period necessary for the data controller to verify the accuracy of such personal data; b) the processing is unlawful and the data subject opposes the deletion of personal data and requests instead that its use be limited; c) although the data controller no longer needs it for the purposes of processing, personal data is necessary for the data subject to ascertain, exercise or defend a right in court; d) the person concerned has opposed the processing carried out for direct marketing purposes, pending verification regarding the possible prevalence of the legitimate reasons of the data controller with respect to those of the interested party;
- to obtain from the data controller, upon request, the communication of the third-party recipients to whom the personal data have been transmitted;
- revoke at any time the consent to the processing where previously communicated for one or more specific purposes of one's personal data, it being understood that this will not prejudice the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before the revocation.
- receive in a structured format, commonly used and readable by automatic device, the personal data concerning you provided by you and, if technically feasible, to have these data transmitted directly to another data controller without hindrance on our part, if necessary the following (cumulative) condition: a) the processing is based on the consent of the interested party for one or more specific purposes, or on a contract to which the interested party is a party and to whose execution the treatment is necessary; and b) the processing is carried out by automated means (software) - overall right to the c.d. "Portability." The exercise of the right c.d. portability is without prejudice to the right to cancellation provided above;
- not be subjected to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which produces legal effects that concern him or that significantly affects his person.
- lodge a complaint with the competent control authority based on the GDPR (that of its place of residence or domicile); in Italy it is the Data Protection Authority.
You can exercise your rights by writing to the Data Controller Italian Exhibition Group S.p.A., with registered office in Via Emilia, 155 - 47921 Rimini (Italy), e-mail address: privacy@iegexpo.it.
In order to ensure compliance with the GDPR and the laws applicable to the processing of personal data, we have appointed Avv. Luca De Muri, domiciled for the position at Italian Exhibition Group S.p.A.

The Legal Representative of the company or the Representative of the organization undertakes to communicate this Information to the other subjects belonging to the company or to the organization itself and of which it declares to legitimately supply the relative data. Likewise, the consent given for the purposes sub 5 by the Legal Representative of a company or by the Representative of an organization is also extended to other subjects belonging to the company or to the organization itself.


      <input type="hidden" value="1" name="consenso1" id="consenso1">
      <input type="hidden" value="0" name="consenso2" id="consenso2">
      <input type="hidden" value="0" name="consenso3" id="consenso3">
				<em><strong>Consent for the purposes of privacy</strong><br>Having read the above information notice, I hereby give my consent to the processing of any photographs and/or videos/voices which purposefully portray my face for the promotional/information purposes outlined in point <strong>2</strong> of the information notice</em>
				<input  type="radio" value="1" name="consenso1" id="consenso1" /> I grant my consent 
				<input  type="radio" value="0" name="consenso1" id="consenso1"/> I deny my consent				
				<em>as well as to data processing for the purposes of direct marketing (market research, commercial, press releases, promotional and advertising communications with offers of goods and services by ordinary post, telephone with operator, automated call systems, fax, email, sms, mms and other similar instruments) inherent to IEG activities (further purpose in point <strong>3</strong> in the information notification)</em>
				<input  type="radio" value="1" name="consenso2" id="consenso2" /> I grant my consent 
				<input  type="radio" value="0" name="consenso2" id="consenso2"/> I deny my consent				
				<em>as well as to data processing for profiling purposes (purposes outlined in point <strong>4</strong> of the information notice)</em>
				<input  type="radio" value="1" name="consenso3" id="consenso3" /> I grant my consent 
				<input  type="radio" value="0" name="consenso3" id="consenso3"/> I deny my consent			
        <em><strong>Consent for the purposes of privacy</strong><br>Having read the information communicated to me, I declare the following about the processing of data for autonomous direct marketing purposes by IEG third partners (purpose
          <strong>5</strong> of the information).</em>
        <input type="radio" value="1" name="consenso4" id="consenso4"> I grant my consent <input type="radio" value="0" name="consenso4" id="consenso4"> I deny my consent <br><br>
        <button type="submit" class="btn btn-default" name="B1" onclick="return (CheckCampi(this.form));">Send</button>

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 * 16th edition
 * 22nd - 24th March 2023
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 * 16th edition
 * 22nd - 24th March 2023
 * Rimini Expo Centre, Italy

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Afghanistan Albania Algeria American Samoa Andorra Angola Anguilla Antarctica
Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas
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Tomé and Príncipe Saudi Arabia Senegal Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore
Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Georgia and the
South Sa Spain Sri Lanka St. Helena St. Kitts and Nevis St. Lucia St. Pierre and
Miquelon St. Vincent and the Grenadines Sudan Suriname Svalbard and Jan Mayen
Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syria Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand Togo
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Islands Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States
United States Minor Outlying I Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Vatican City Venezuela
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Pursuant to the articles 13 and 14 of the EU Privacy Regulation 679/2016
("GDPR") we inform you that the personal data provided by the interested party
("you"), for yourself or for the organization to which you belong, to Italian
Exhibition Group S.p.A. ("IEG" or "we"), on the occasion of or in connection
with events, exhibitions, events, conferences / congresses, championships /
competitions and / or workshops (the "Events"), organized by us, hosted or
participated also in collaboration with third-party partners, they are treated
in compliance with the principles of lawfulness, fairness, correctness,
proportionality, necessity, accuracy, completeness and security and other legal
obligations in force. The "Events" can also be held on online platforms (eg
SWAPCARD, My Agenda, etc ...), both in virtual and on-site form or in full
digital form; these platforms allow for online meetings between exhibitors and
visitors / buyers, with the creation, among other opportunities, of an agenda of
meetings that will put interested parties in direct contact. The aforementioned
platforms can also be used by the visitor / buyer to request contacts with the
exhibitors present on them, through the following actions: saving one or more
exhibitors on the "favorites" list, chat, networking, specific appointment
requests, etc ... . Categories of interested parties. Processing operations and
collection methods The processed data concerns customers (i.e. exhibitors,
visitors, buyers, conference / congress participants, participants in workshops,
webinars and / or business meetings with virtual and / or personal meetings who
have held their respective roles over the last 10 years) and prospects (subjects
who have expressed interest in the "Events" over the last 10 years - for example
also by completing this form - journalists), intended as individuals over the
age of 14 acting on their own and / or as internal contacts of legal persons,
entities or other organizations. The individual categories of data collected are
indicated in our collection forms which supplement this information. The
processing takes place with electronic and paper tools and with logic connected
to the individual purposes stated below. IEG collects data i) via online forms
or paper forms or via pre-registration or participation app filled in and / or
acquired by third party operators authorized by us or ii) via mobile devices
such as tablets, smartphones present in the place of the "Events". The data
collected may be processed by personnel expressly authorized by IEG, within the
limits strictly necessary for the performance of the respective activities
assigned to them (e.g. legal, commercial, marketing, administrative, logistic,
IT, management control, etc.). Purpose of the processing The processing has the
following purposes: 1 Fulfillment of contractual and legal obligations deriving
from participation in the contracted initiative with the interested party, both
in virtual and onsite, or full digital form, this will allow for example the
participation, through a specific platform, in virtual business meetings also
through the presentation by the exhibitors of texts, videos, presentations, live
section; insights and paths on trends and innovation, guided tour itineraries,
sharing and communication of important corporate events, as well as other
optional services. Exhibitors who request the publication of data in the Event
catalog will automatically have the data transferred to the platform (eg
Swapcard). Visitors / buyers will have a form available on the digital platform
and the possibility of searching for all the profiles of the exhibiting
companies, as well as interacting with their contents (public comment on event
page content, group, etc.) contact form (participation in events , private
messages, groups by invitation, etc.). IEG will be able to communicate, in
fulfillment of the contractual relationship intended to facilitate relations
between exhibitors and visitors / buyers, the contact details of visitors /
buyers who have shown interest in requesting a meeting / appointment with the
chosen exhibitor or who have expressed interest. to one or more exhibitors, to
the aforementioned exhibitors, through specific actions (eg chat, networking,
saving the exhibitor in favorites, specific appointment requests, etc…) on
specific digital platforms (eg Swapcard, My Agenda, etc…. ). In this case, the
data will be processed by the exhibitor as the Autonomous Owner. 2. Planning and
organizational management of events, eg issue and payment of securities, credits
and entry passes (including check of payment termination by third-party
services), management of personal identification tags (with photo ID) for
security, planning and management of specific services requested by you (for
example translation services, hostesses, catering, accompaniment), management of
the contracts we stipulate with third-party suppliers of goods and / or services
used by you during or during Events; publication of name and surname or company
name and name, telephone number, fax, e-mail, website, in the public online and
paper catalog of the Event in which you participate; communication, upon your
request for pre-contractual information (eg programs, proposals, etc.) connected
to the Events, drafting of invitation letters for consular visa applications. As
part of the aforementioned purpose, IEG will also be able to offer the visitor /
buyer the possibility of using the QR code technology, with which the visitor /
buyer can transmit their data directly to the exhibitor of interest at his
stand, or scan the QR code. present at the booth of the chosen exhibitor. In
both cases, the data will be processed by the exhibitor as the Autonomous Owner.
3. Sending (via email, ordinary mail, SMS, MMS, push-up messages, instant
messaging functions such as whatsapp, telefax, telephone calls with operator,
social networks and other automated tools) of commercial communications,
advertising and sales offers products / services related to those of your
interest or relating to exhibition / congress and / or related products /
services (eg sector publishing, championships / competitions, etc.) (overall
activities defined as "soft spam"). 4. Profiling. The profiling detects for
privacy purposes only if it concerns natural persons, that is individual
companies or partnerships and relative partners / directors, or internal
referents of corporations, institutions or organizations. The profiling uses
some data supplied by you and sometimes associates them with company data taken
from public databases (eg the Business Register of the Chamber of Commerce). For
example, we treat the following data: i) in the case of exhibitors: name and
surname, business name of the organization to which they belong, contact
details, residence or location, country of origin, website, sector of activity,
types of product or service offered, annual promotional / advertising budget ,
type of distribution - store, department store, concept store, markets of
interest, brand; ii) in the case of buyers/visitors: name and surname, business
name of the organization to which they belong, job attachment, level of
professional responsability, contact details, residence or location, country of
origin, website, year of foundation of the company, turnover, employees number,
sector of activity, percentage of business connected to Italy and to the
foreign, Italian and foreign regions of interest, main categories of products or
services of interest to the buyer and / or marketed by the same also as a
percentage of sales by geographical area, categories of customers of the
company, purpose of the visit; iii) in the case of journalists: name and
surname, contact details, sector and title, country of origin, language, iv) in
the case of event / conference presenters / conference presenters: name and
surname, contact details, sector to which they belong, professionalism / topics
covered. In some cases, if you are a customer or a prospect, we associate the
data you provide to us with your personal data acquired during your browsing on
our websites or during the use of the services provided by these sites (eg
cookies relating to pages of our website that you have visited, to the country
from which you connect) or through other communication channels (eg social
media) or through mass mailing of commercial e-mail (eg which messages have
arrived, such as e-mails you has opened, what proposals you have accepted
through specific actions such as opening an attachment or adhering to our
request to link to landing pages or attachments to the email message, etc.). The
profiling allows us, in particular, to limit the sending to you of promotional
communications not pertinent to your probable expectations and needs or through
unwanted channels. The limited nature of profiling does not exclude you from
specific advantages or from the possibility to freely exercise your privacy
rights, nor has any particular legal effects; in particular it does not in any
way prejudice your ability to participate in the Events and / or take advantage
of our services (eg online pre-registration, purchase of services). 5. Only with
your separate consent: communication of data to our third-party partners (eg
Event organizers, exhibitors for which eg. visitor/buyer has not expressed
interest or other operators active in the Events), for autonomous direct
marketing actions related to goods / services concerning such third-party
partners. Legal basis of the processing. Mandatory or optional nature of
providing data and consequences of failure to provide data The processing for
the purposes of sub 1 has its legal basis in our need to fulfill the obligations
assumed through the stipulated contract or to stipulate with you (and to carry
out all the actions necessary for the correct and complete execution of the
commitments therein) and / or to the legal obligations connected to it including
facilitating the management of relations between exhibitors and visitors.
Therefore this treatment does not require your prior consent and you are also
free not to give your data, however, in this case, we will not be able to
stipulate the requested contract and / or regularly provide the service
requested by you or by the organization to which you belong (eg make you
participate in the Event of interest and provide you with related services) and
/ or we will not be able to fulfill the legal obligations connected with the
contract. The processing for the purposes of sub 2 has its legal basis in our
legitimate interest to organize Events, plan and manage all organizational
activities useful to allow you to participate efficiently and effectively in
Events ” and to manage contacts with exhibitors of interest and the relations
with third party suppliers of functional and event-related goods and services.
In particular, the request for personal data and documents, especially for
foreign guests, will make the correct understanding of the data more reliable,
but above all, the reliability of the company that requires an entry visa is
safer. You are free not to provide the data, but in this case you will not be
able to participate in the Event. During the Events we are made by us and / or
by photographers and / or videomakers authorized by us, video footage (including
voice) and / or photographs. These generic images concern trade fairs that can
be qualified as public events and are therefore treated, without your consent,
for publication on our websites / landing pages and social profiles (eg Twitter,
Facebook, Whatsapp, Youtube, Vimeo, etc.) and on brochures, catalogs, flyers and
other printed material that promotes the Events. In the event that, however, the
aforementioned images portray you in a recognizable way, IEG may publish them
for the same promotional purposes, on the aforementioned our printed materials
or electronic / digital channels intended for the public (eg catalogs,
brochures, flyers, websites / landing pages, blogs, social networks), only with
the necessary prior consent (which is the legal basis of the processing), issued
on the spot to our official photographer and / or videomaker. In the latter
case, you can deny consent thus inhibiting the aforementioned treatment; on the
other hand, by giving us your consent, you expressly waive any financial
compensation for using your image. You can request at any time the obscuring of
the face portrayed in the images published online, without prejudice to the
lawfulness of the processing operated up to the date of obscuration. IEG does
not guarantee the obscuration of third-party autonomous data controllers on
online channels. The treatment for the purposes of sub 3 (soft spam) has its
legal basis in our legitimate interest in contacting our customers freely, as
well as the prospects, in order to be able to offer them new opportunities
relating to services through electronic / telephone / paper channels. products
similar to those previously purchased / contracted (in the case of customers) or
to those for which interest has been expressed (in the case of prospects), or
relating to products / services for exhibitions / conferences and / or related
to them (eg publishing of sector, championships / races, etc.). Therefore the
cd. Soft spam, as described above, can lawfully take place even without your
prior consent, which is therefore not necessary. The treatment for the purposes
of sub 4 (profiling) has a legal basis in our legitimate interest to maintain
and analyze a limited set of information concerning you, in order to be able to
more effectively recontact you if you are our client or prospect. Given the
limited data perimeter used in profiling, it also occurs without his prior
consent, which is therefore not necessary. The processing for the purposes of
sub 5 (transfer of data to third parties) takes place only upon your specific
express consent (constituting, therefore, the legal basis of the lawfulness of
the processing). The consent requested may be freely denied by you, without
prejudice to your right to participate in the events and / or to obtain the
services requested by you. Communication and dissemination of data For the
purposes under 1 and 2 the data are communicated by us to: suppliers of the
management and maintenance service of our IT systems, websites and databases,
photographers and / or videomakers who make the video-audio materials or the
related post production, journalists and newspapers, companies entrusted with
services necessary for the organization and management of events (eg
installation of fittings and equipment, publishers of paper and online catalogs,
logistics, security, private security, first aid, hostesses, etc.), diplomatic
representatives (Embassy, Consulate,ecc…) consultants, banks (for the execution
or receipt of payments connected to the Events), to IEG personnel authorized to
process data (Communication, Travel, Sales, Marketing, etc.). to any exhibitors
of interest to the visitor / buyer in order to schedule virtual and / or on-site
meetings in fulfillment of the contractual relationship and / or to interact
with them. For the purposes under 3 and 4 the data are communicated to:
companies charged with marketing analysis, advertising, communication and / or
public relations agencies, digital and paper publishing companies that produce
our advertising or promotional materials, production companies of websites or
blogs, web marketing companies, subjects in charge of the design and / or
maintenance of promotional materials, IT management and maintenance companies,
websites and databases used to organize and manage events, image agencies. These
third parties will process the data in the capacity of External Managers in
accordance with our written guidelines and under our supervision. For all the
aforementioned purposes, we also communicate the data to third-party commercial
partners who participate in the creation and / or promotion of the Events, which
will treat the data as autonomous (eg. exhibitors in which interest has been
expressed through specific actions on digital platforms) or Joint Controllers or
external managers, including in particular, Swapcard Corporation with registered
office at 6 rue de Paradis - Paris, which provides one of the digital platforms
present. You can ask us for a list of co-owners, autonomous and responsible
owners (see the "rights of the interested party" section of this information).
Transfer of data abroad We communicate the data to third party recipients based
outside the EU (companies controlled by the Data Controller, partners - eg.
People's Republic of China, United Arab Emirates, Colombia, Hong-Kong - cloud
service providers, or suppliers and customers (hereinafter the "importers ").
The list of third parties recipients of the data is available on the website
section - https://www.iegexpo.it/images/TAB.IMPORTATORI_DI_DATI_30.07.2019.pdf.
This data transfer takes place in the face of adequate guarantees, consisting of
the prior stipulation by the third importer of a contractual agreement with us
through which he, for the treatments within his competence, undertakes to comply
with privacy obligations substantially equivalent to those provided. from EU
legislation to ns. load (through the use of standard contractual clauses - or
"CCS" - compliant at least with the text adopted by the EU Commission, except
for any additions and / or changes more favorable to the interested party). In
some cases of data transfer to cloud suppliers based outside the EU, these
suppliers are subject to the regulatory powers of local public authorities and
in some situations, based on foreign legislation, (in the USA: the Federal Trade
Commission, 'Article 702 of the FISA and the Executive Order EO 12333) the
importer may be obliged to communicate the personal data transferred, in
response to requests received from public authorities, to meet national security
requirements (e.g. anti-terrorism) or application of local law (with consequent
possible access to data, of which the importer, based on local legislation, may
not have to give notice to the exporter and the interested party, who will
therefore not be able to exercise the relative rights normally recognized by the
GDPR). Therefore, in the abstract, the risk cannot be excluded that in certain
and exceptional situations related to the aforementioned specific requirements,
the foreign public authority may process such data without applying
substantially equivalent safeguards to those provided for by the GDPR to the
data subject. However, the risk that the American public authority actually has
an interest in applying local legislation to the transferred data appears to be
reasonably negligible based on the following circumstances: i) the performance
of the exporter (IEG) in favor of the interested parties whose data the importer
processes and the consequent data processing, have a limited object (the
provision of exhibition services) and a limited purpose (the management of
technical processes - organizational functional to the aforementioned services
and the fulfillment of legal obligations); the performance does not involve the
publication of personal opinions, comments or similar information, nor the
making available of services or products that can be used in activities against
national security; ii) the types of personal data transferred are limited (eg
personal, contact, contractual, administrative data); no particular categories
of data are transferred (e.g. on political and religious opinions, biometrics);
the categories of interested parties to which the data refer are limited
(exhibitors, visitors, participants in events, buyers, journalists, speakers)
and they concern operators belonging to product or economic categories that are
not reasonably relevant with regard to national security purposes ( eg tourism,
wellness, machine handling, sports activities, and so on). Therefore, IEG
believes that the CCS applied in the relationship with importers (in particular
the USA) effectively guarantee protection of the rights of interested parties
substantially similar to that provided for by the GDPR, regardless of the
application of any additional measures to the processing in question. The
adoption of additional contractual measures by IEG towards importers (e.g.
obligations to communicate public access, the right to suspend or terminate the
transfer and to terminate the contract with the importer, and the like), may be
introduced in at any time by the exporter following any information provided to
operators by the EDPB - European Data Protection Board following the judgment of
the Court of Justice of the European Communities (ECJ of 17 July 2020 which
declared the bilateral agreement called "Privacy Shield"). The transfer of data
to the non-EU country takes place in any case also because it is necessary for
the execution of i) a contract concluded between the interested party and IEG
and / or pre-contractual measures adopted at the request of the interested
party, or ii) of a contract stipulated between IEG and another natural or legal
person (e.g. our subsidiary, supplier, with headquarters outside the EU, etc.)
in favor of the interested party. Duration of treatment In the case of the
purposes sub 1 e/o 2 we treat the data for 10 years from date of the contract
(in the case of customers) from the collection of the data of the interested
party (in the case of prospects). In the case of the purposes sub 3 and 4 we
treat the data for 10 years from the collection of the data of the interested
party (in the case of customers and prospects). We process the data for a period
of 5 years from the publication of the product in the case of promotion of
editorial products. We process the data for a period of 60 days, after the end
of each Event, in the case of data made available at collection points for
requests for assistance, communicate to us by visitors and exhibitors (including
insurance desk, Info point and Emergency Room). We treat the data contained in
the promotional catalog (paper and / or digital) of the individual Events for a
maximum of 2 editions of the catalog. We treat certification data of the Events
/ Events up to the end of the certification and therefore until certification
has taken place. We treat the data necessary for the purposes of computer
security (eg log-in registrations, failed logs and log-outs, when accessing
restricted areas on the IEG websites related to the Events) for 1 year from
collection. The recordings of the logs related to the reading of IEG online
privacy information and the on-line actions (eg clicks, flags and the like)
through which IEG is informed of the data subject's consent are kept for 10
years from collection . In the event of a dispute between you and us or our
third party suppliers process the data for the time necessary to exercise the
protection of our rights or those of the third party suppliers, that is up to
the issue and full execution of a provision having the value of a res judicata
between the parties or of a transaction. The data connected to the "Business
Matching" service provided during the Events are treated for 3 months from the
end of the single Event to which they refer. The data related to the drafting of
invitation letters for the request of consular visas (eg. Copy of the passport,
etc.) are processed for 3 months from the end of the single Event to which they
refer. Once the aforementioned maximum duration has ceased, the personal data
are definitively destroyed or made totally anonymous. Rights of Data Subject You
have the right to: - ask us to confirm whether or not a processing of personal
data concerning you is in progress and, in this case, to obtain access to
personal data and the following information: a) the purposes of the processing;
b) the categories of personal data in question; c) the recipients or categories
of recipients to whom the personal data have been or will be communicated, in
particular if they are recipients of third countries or international
organizations; d) when possible, the period of storage of personal data provided
or, if this is not possible, the criteria used to determine this period; e) the
existence of the data subject's right to request the data controller to rectify
or delete personal data or limit the processing of personal data concerning him
or to oppose their processing; f) the right to lodge a complaint with a
supervisory authority; g) if the data is not collected from the interested
party, all available information on their origin; h) the existence of an
automated decision-making process, including profiling and, at least in such
cases, significant information on the logic used, as well as the expected
importance and consequences of such treatment for the data subject. - if
personal data is transferred to a third country or an international
organization, the data subject has the right to be informed of the existence of
adequate guarantees relating to the transfer; - request, and obtain without
undue delay, the correction of inaccurate data; taking into account the purposes
of the processing, the integration of incomplete personal data, also providing a
supplementary declaration; - request deletion of data if: a) personal data are
no longer necessary with respect to the purposes for which they were collected
or otherwise processed; b) the data subject revokes the consent on which the
processing is based and there is no other legal basis for the processing; c) the
data subject opposes the processing, and there is no prevailing legitimate
reason to proceed with the processing, or he opposes the processing carried out
for direct marketing purposes (including the functional profiling of such direct
marketing); d) personal data have been unlawfully processed; e) personal data
must be deleted in order to fulfill a legal obligation established by Union law
or the Member State to which the data controller is subject; f) personal data
has been collected regarding the offer of information society services. -
request the limitation of the processing that concerns you, when one of the
following hypotheses occurs: a) the data subject disputes the accuracy of the
personal data, for the period necessary for the data controller to verify the
accuracy of such personal data; b) the processing is unlawful and the data
subject opposes the deletion of personal data and requests instead that its use
be limited; c) although the data controller no longer needs it for the purposes
of processing, personal data is necessary for the data subject to ascertain,
exercise or defend a right in court; d) the person concerned has opposed the
processing carried out for direct marketing purposes, pending verification
regarding the possible prevalence of the legitimate reasons of the data
controller with respect to those of the interested party; - to obtain from the
data controller, upon request, the communication of the third-party recipients
to whom the personal data have been transmitted; - revoke at any time the
consent to the processing where previously communicated for one or more specific
purposes of one's personal data, it being understood that this will not
prejudice the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before the
revocation. - receive in a structured format, commonly used and readable by
automatic device, the personal data concerning you provided by you and, if
technically feasible, to have these data transmitted directly to another data
controller without hindrance on our part, if necessary the following
(cumulative) condition: a) the processing is based on the consent of the
interested party for one or more specific purposes, or on a contract to which
the interested party is a party and to whose execution the treatment is
necessary; and b) the processing is carried out by automated means (software) -
overall right to the c.d. "Portability." The exercise of the right c.d.
portability is without prejudice to the right to cancellation provided above; -
not be subjected to a decision based solely on automated processing, including
profiling, which produces legal effects that concern him or that significantly
affects his person. - lodge a complaint with the competent control authority
based on the GDPR (that of its place of residence or domicile); in Italy it is
the Data Protection Authority. You can exercise your rights by writing to the
Data Controller Italian Exhibition Group S.p.A., with registered office in Via
Emilia, 155 - 47921 Rimini (Italy), e-mail address: privacy@iegexpo.it. In order
to ensure compliance with the GDPR and the laws applicable to the processing of
personal data, we have appointed Avv. Luca De Muri, domiciled for the position
at Italian Exhibition Group S.p.A. The Legal Representative of the company or
the Representative of the organization undertakes to communicate this
Information to the other subjects belonging to the company or to the
organization itself and of which it declares to legitimately supply the relative
data. Likewise, the consent given for the purposes sub 5 by the Legal
Representative of a company or by the Representative of an organization is also
extended to other subjects belonging to the company or to the organization

Consent for the purposes of privacy
Having read the information communicated to me, I declare the following about
the processing of data for autonomous direct marketing purposes by IEG third
partners (purpose 5 of the information).

I grant my consent I deny my consent


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