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Submitted URL: http://www.wellnessjourney.fun/
Effective URL: https://www.mtsmanagementgroup.com/
Submission: On December 10 via api from US — Scanned from US
Effective URL: https://www.mtsmanagementgroup.com/
Submission: On December 10 via api from US — Scanned from US
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For more information, contact us at michael@mtsmanagementgroup.com Navigation * Home * About * Awards And Charting * Services * Current Artists * Testimonials * Contact * Privacy Policy * Search * Home * About * Awards And Charting * Services * Current Artists * Testimonials * Contact * Privacy Policy * Search LATEST NEWS APRICOT MAGAZINE REVIEWS HEISTHEARTIST’S “HOLLY JOLLY 2.0” apricotchristmasheistheartistHolly jolly 2.0 ROADIE MUSIC REVIEWS RENE BENTON’S “2 LIVE IN O-MA-HAW” guitarmetalmtsRene bentonroadie DULAXI REVIEWS VZHM’S “HERE COMES TOMORROW” #pittsburghhere Comes tomorrowmtsventovento ziggy hawk & mccarthy OBSCURE SOUND REVIEWS PAM ROSS’ “KANSAS” kansasmtspam musicpam ross THE REAL DING REVIEWS JEFF CHRISTIE’S “ORDINARY PEOPLE” jeff christiemtsordinary peoplethe real ding THOUGHTS WORDS ACTION REVIEWS PETE PRICE’S “HOUSE OF MIRRORS” americanahouse of mirrorsmtspete pricethoughts words action THE PERFECT STORM IS “SINGLED OUT” BY ANTI MUSIC FOR “MAGIC FEELING” anti musicmtssingled outthe perfect storm MTS AND ARTISTS RECEIVE 22 VOICES OF GOSPEL MUSIC AWARDS NOMINATIONS alabamagospel musicmtsnominationsvogma THE CURSE OF KK HAMMOND RECEIVES TWO OFFICIAL SELECTIONS, NY/LA BEST FILM AWARDS best film awardslos angelesnew yorkshe is my preciousthe curse of kk hammond SYD TAYLOR’S SECOND SINGLE “HONEYCOMB” – A TIMELESS ODE TO FALLING IN LOVE Rising star Syd Taylor has just dropped her highly anticipated second single, “Honeycomb,” now available on all streaming platforms. The song is a stunning showcase of her raw talent, blending vintage with a modern twist to create an unforgettable sonic experience. Written and produced by Syd herself in her bedroom studio, “Honeycomb” captures the warmth and intensity of falling in … Read More honeycombindie soullove songpianopopsyd taylor * Page 1 of 1,355 * * 1 * 2 * 3 * ... * 1355 * → MTS Management Group is more than a publicity and promotions company...it is a bonafide ROCK STAR in the music industry! Utilizing today's cutting edge methods, 13+ years of developing relationships, and constant innovation, MTS offers their clients the BEST services at a FAIR price, while giving back to both their artists and their community. Join the MTS Family today! GET ALL THE MTS UPDATES! And at https://mtsmanagementgroup.droptrack.com/join/ * Assign a Menu For more information, please contact us at michael@mtsmanagementgroup.com Type and Press “enter” to Search