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                      Title: "Hajde timer i gjate",
                      Intro: "Perfito nga ofertat e marsit ne Neptun per te gjitha kategorite, smartphone ne oferte, smartwatch ne oferte, laptop ne oferte, kufje ne oferte, tablet ne oferte, nga brandet me te njohura samsung, lg, asus, lenovo, apple, philips, roborock, tv ne oferte, lavatrice ne oferte, frigorifere ne oferte, elektroshtepiake ne oferte, pajisje te kujdesit personal ne oferte, behu pjese e shorteut euro 2024, bli me keste deri ne 5 vite",
                      Content: '<div style="margin-bottom: 20px;" class="banner-countdown"><a href="" title="black friday offers"><img style="width: 100%;" src="" alt="black friday offers" /><\/a>\n<div class="timer"><span class="datetime" id="days"><\/span> <span class="datetime" id="hours"><\/span><span class="datetime" id="minutes"><\/span> <span class="datetime" id="seconds"><\/span><\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div>\n<script>\n    var countDownDate = new Date("November 17, 2023 00:00:00").getTime();\n    var x = setInterval(function() {\n    var now = new Date().getTime();\n    var distance = countDownDate - now;\n    var days = Math.floor(distance / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));\n    var hours = Math.floor((distance % (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)) / (1000 * 60 * 60));\n    var minutes = Math.floor((distance % (1000 * 60 * 60)) / (1000 * 60));\n    var seconds = Math.floor((distance % (1000 * 60)) / 1000);\n    document.getElementById("days").innerHTML =   "<strong>"+ days + "<\/strong>"+"<i>ditë<\/i>";\n    document.getElementById("hours").innerHTML =  "<strong>"+ hours + "<\/strong>" + "<i>orë<\/i>" ;\n    document.getElementById("minutes").innerHTML =  "<strong>"+ minutes + "<\/strong>" + " <i>minuta<\/i> " ;\n    document.getElementById("seconds").innerHTML =  "<strong>"+ seconds + "<\/strong>"  + "<i> sekonda<\/i> " ;\n    if (distance < 0) {\n                     clearInterval(x);\n                     document.getElementById("days").style.display = "none";\n                     document.getElementById("hours").style.display = "none";\n                     document.getElementById("minutes").style.display = "none";\n                     document.getElementById("seconds").style.display = "none";\n                     }\n                     }, 1000);\n                     <\/script>\n<\/div>\n<style>\n    .neptunContent {\n    padding:0px;\n    margin:0px;\n    }\n    .timer{\n    position: absolute;\n    top: 25%;\n    left: 40%;\n    color: white;\n    display: flex;\n    text-align: center;\n    text-shadow:2px 2px 5px #0f4a76;\n    }\n    .banner-countdown img{\n    margin-bottom:0;\n    }\n    .datetime{\n    padding:0 20px;\n    }\n    .datetime i{\n    font-size:20px;\n    display:block;\n    }\n    .datetime strong{\n    font-size:42px;\n    display:block;\n    line-height:1.2;\n    }\n    @media screen and  (max-width: 1200px) {\n    .timer { \n    position:relative;\n    top:0;\n    left:0;\n    max-width:520px;\n    margin:auto;\n    }\n    .datetime{\n    margin:auto;\n    }\n    .banner-countdown{\n    background-color:#003d77;\n    }\n    }\n    @media screen and  (max-width: 520px) {\n    .datetime i{\n    font-size:14px;\n    }\n    .datetime strong{\n    font-size:30px;\n    }\n    }\n  <\/style>',
                      TitleEn: "BEST OFFERS LUCKY DAYS",
                      ContentEn: '<!--<div style="margin-bottom: 20px;" class="banner-countdown"><a href="" title="oferta mars 2024"><img style="width: 100%;" src="" alt="oferta mars 2024" /><\/a>\n<div class="timer"><span class="datetime" id="days"><\/span> <span class="datetime" id="hours"><\/span><span class="datetime" id="minutes"><\/span> <span class="datetime" id="seconds"><\/span><\/div>\n<\/div>-->\n<p style="text-align: center;"><img style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border-top: 2px solid #333;" src="" /><\/p>\n<div class="carousel">\n<div style="text-align: center;" class="carousel-item col-md-4"><a class="zoom" style="text-align: center;" href=";page=1&amp;priceRange=1390_12490&amp;promotion=801" title="duke filluar nga 15% ulje ne tituj lojrash"><img class="zoom" style="width: 60%;" src="" alt="duke filluar nga 15% ulje ne tituj lojrash" /><\/a><\/div>\n<div style="text-align: center;" class="carousel-item col-md-4"><a class="zoom" style="text-align: center;" href="" title="meso si mund te marresh pjese ne shorteun euro 2024"><img class="zoom" style="width: 60%;" src="" alt="meso si mund te marresh pjese ne shorteun euro 2024" /><\/a><\/div>\n<div style="text-align: center;" class="carousel-item col-md-4"><a class="zoom" style="text-align: center;" href="" title="specialja e bajramit 3 dite"><img style="width: 60%;" src="" alt="specialja e bajramit 3 dite" class="zoom" /><\/a><\/div>\n<\/div>\n<p><a href=""><img class="price-gua" src="" style="z-index: 10; 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                      TitleAl: "OFERTAT ME TE MIRA LUCKY DAYS",
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                                          <a href="/categories/lavastovilje2/LAVASTOVILJE-BOSCH-SMI2ITS33E-LS0484"><div class="col-sm-12 p0"><div class="product-list-item__image"><div class="imageWrapper"><!-- ngIf: product.Thumbnail --><img alt="product image" ng-if="product.Thumbnail" ng-src="/2024/04/02/LS0484.JPG?width=185" loading="lazy" class="ng-scope" src="/2024/04/02/LS0484.JPG?width=185"><!-- end ngIf: product.Thumbnail --> <!-- ngIf: !product.Thumbnail --><!-- ngIf: product.HasDiscount --><div class="eyeCatcher2 ng-scope" ng-if="product.HasDiscount"><span class="bb ng-binding">-37%</span> <b label-for="DISCOUNT_SHORT" class="ng-isolate-scope"><span ng-bind="model.key.LocalizedString()" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Ulje</span></b></div><!-- end ngIf: product.HasDiscount --><!-- ngIf: product.PromoImage --><div class="eyeCatcher promoImg ng-scope" ng-if="product.PromoImage"><img ng-src="/2024/04/02/EYECATCHER__5_.webp?width=80" src="/2024/04/02/EYECATCHER__5_.webp?width=80"></div><!-- end ngIf: product.PromoImage --><!-- ngIf: product.WebPromotionImage --></div></div></div><div class="col-sm-12"><h2 class="product-list-item__content--title text-left ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Title">LAVASTOVILJE BOSCH SMI2ITS33E</h2></div></a>
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                                                    class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.DiscountPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">49.990</span> <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding"
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                                            <div class="Regular">
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                                                <div class="product-price__amount"><span class="product-price__type pull-left"><span ng-bind="product.RegularPriceName" class="ng-binding">Çmimi</span></span> <span
                                                    class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.RegularPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">78.990</span> <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding"
                                            <div class="clearfix"></div>
                                </div><!-- end ngRepeat: product in group -->
                            </div><!-- end ngRepeat: group in model.groups -->
                            <div uib-slide="" ng-repeat="group in model.groups" index="$index" ng-swipe-left="$parent.$" ng-swipe-right="$parent.$parent.prev()" style="display:none;" class="ng-scope ng-isolate-scope item">
                              <div class="text-center" ng-transclude=""><!-- ngRepeat: product in group -->
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                                                    class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.DiscountPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">54.990</span> <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding"
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                                            <div class="Regular">
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                                                <div class="product-price__amount"><span class="product-price__type pull-left"><span ng-bind="product.RegularPriceName" class="ng-binding">Çmimi</span></span> <span
                                                    class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.RegularPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">66.990</span> <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding"
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                                </div><!-- end ngRepeat: product in group -->
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                                          <div class="col-sm-12">
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                                                    class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.DiscountPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">42.990</span> <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding"
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                                            <div class="Regular">
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                                                <div class="product-price__amount"><span class="product-price__type pull-left"><span ng-bind="product.RegularPriceName" class="ng-binding">Çmimi</span></span> <span
                                                    class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.RegularPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">64.990</span> <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding"
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                                </div><!-- end ngRepeat: product in group -->
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                                          <div class="col-sm-12">
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                                                    class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.DiscountPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">42.990</span> <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding"
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                                            <div class="Regular">
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                                                <div class="product-price__amount"><span class="product-price__type pull-left"><span ng-bind="product.RegularPriceName" class="ng-binding">Çmimi</span></span> <span
                                                    class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.RegularPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">64.990</span> <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding"
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                                </div><!-- end ngRepeat: product in group -->
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                                                    class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.DiscountPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">49.990</span> <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding"
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                                            <div class="Regular">
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                                                <div class="product-price__amount"><span class="product-price__type pull-left"><span ng-bind="product.RegularPriceName" class="ng-binding">Çmimi</span></span> <span
                                                    class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.RegularPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">62.990</span> <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding"
                                            <div class="clearfix"></div>
                                </div><!-- end ngRepeat: product in group -->
                            </div><!-- end ngRepeat: group in model.groups -->
                            <div uib-slide="" ng-repeat="group in model.groups" index="$index" ng-swipe-left="$parent.$" ng-swipe-right="$parent.$parent.prev()" style="display:none;" class="ng-scope ng-isolate-scope item">
                              <div class="text-center" ng-transclude=""><!-- ngRepeat: product in group -->
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                                          <a href="/categories/te_gjithe_tv/TV-LG-55UR73003LA-AEUQ-TV5132"><div class="col-sm-12 p0"><div class="product-list-item__image"><div class="imageWrapper"><!-- ngIf: product.Thumbnail --><img alt="product image" ng-if="product.Thumbnail" ng-src="/2024/01/12/TV5132.JPG?width=185" loading="lazy" class="ng-scope" src="/2024/01/12/TV5132.JPG?width=185"><!-- end ngIf: product.Thumbnail --> <!-- ngIf: !product.Thumbnail --><!-- ngIf: product.HasDiscount --><div class="eyeCatcher2 ng-scope" ng-if="product.HasDiscount"><span class="bb ng-binding">-23%</span> <b label-for="DISCOUNT_SHORT" class="ng-isolate-scope"><span ng-bind="model.key.LocalizedString()" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Ulje</span></b></div><!-- end ngIf: product.HasDiscount --><!-- ngIf: product.PromoImage --><div class="eyeCatcher promoImg ng-scope" ng-if="product.PromoImage"><img ng-src="/2024/04/02/EYECATCHER__5_.webp?width=80" src="/2024/04/02/EYECATCHER__5_.webp?width=80"></div><!-- end ngIf: product.PromoImage --><!-- ngIf: product.WebPromotionImage --></div></div></div><div class="col-sm-12"><h2 class="product-list-item__content--title text-left ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Title">TV LG 55UR73003LA.AEUQ</h2></div></a>
                                          <div class="col-sm-12">
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                                                <div class="product-price__amount"><span class="product-price__type pull-left"><span ng-bind="product.DiscountPriceName" class="ng-binding">Çmimi me ulje</span></span> <span
                                                    class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.DiscountPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">45.990</span> <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding"
                                              </div><!-- end ngIf: product.HasDiscount -->
                                            <div class="Regular">
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                                                <div class="product-price__amount"><span class="product-price__type pull-left"><span ng-bind="product.RegularPriceName" class="ng-binding">Çmimi</span></span> <span
                                                    class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.RegularPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">59.990</span> <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding"
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                                </div><!-- end ngRepeat: product in group -->
                                <div ng-repeat="product in group" class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-md-3 p0 pFix ng-scope">
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                                          <div class="col-sm-12">
                                            <div class="HappyCard"><!-- ngIf: product.HasDiscount -->
                                              <div class="product-price ng-scope" ng-if="product.HasDiscount">
                                                <div class="product-price__amount"><span class="product-price__type pull-left"><span ng-bind="product.DiscountPriceName" class="ng-binding">Çmimi me ulje</span></span> <span
                                                    class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.DiscountPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">29.990</span> <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding"
                                              </div><!-- end ngIf: product.HasDiscount -->
                                            <div class="Regular">
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                                                <div class="product-price__amount"><span class="product-price__type pull-left"><span ng-bind="product.RegularPriceName" class="ng-binding">Çmimi</span></span> <span
                                                    class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.RegularPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">59.990</span> <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding"
                                            <div class="clearfix"></div>
                                </div><!-- end ngRepeat: product in group -->
                                <div ng-repeat="product in group" class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-md-3 p0 pFix ng-scope">
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                                          <a href="/categories/lavastovilje2/LAVASTOVILJE-BEKO-BDIN38521Q-LS0537"><div class="col-sm-12 p0"><div class="product-list-item__image"><div class="imageWrapper"><!-- ngIf: product.Thumbnail --><img alt="product image" ng-if="product.Thumbnail" ng-src="/2023/06/29/LS0537.JPG?width=185" loading="lazy" class="ng-scope" src="/2023/06/29/LS0537.JPG?width=185"><!-- end ngIf: product.Thumbnail --> <!-- ngIf: !product.Thumbnail --><!-- ngIf: product.HasDiscount --><div class="eyeCatcher2 ng-scope" ng-if="product.HasDiscount"><span class="bb ng-binding">-35%</span> <b label-for="DISCOUNT_SHORT" class="ng-isolate-scope"><span ng-bind="model.key.LocalizedString()" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Ulje</span></b></div><!-- end ngIf: product.HasDiscount --><!-- ngIf: product.PromoImage --><div class="eyeCatcher promoImg ng-scope" ng-if="product.PromoImage"><img ng-src="/2024/04/02/EYECATCHER__5_.webp?width=80" src="/2024/04/02/EYECATCHER__5_.webp?width=80"></div><!-- end ngIf: product.PromoImage --><!-- ngIf: product.WebPromotionImage --></div></div></div><div class="col-sm-12"><h2 class="product-list-item__content--title text-left ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Title">LAVASTOVILJE BEKO BDIN38521Q</h2></div></a>
                                          <div class="col-sm-12">
                                            <div class="HappyCard"><!-- ngIf: product.HasDiscount -->
                                              <div class="product-price ng-scope" ng-if="product.HasDiscount">
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                                                    class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.DiscountPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">38.990</span> <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding"
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                                            <div class="Regular">
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                                                <div class="product-price__amount"><span class="product-price__type pull-left"><span ng-bind="product.RegularPriceName" class="ng-binding">Çmimi</span></span> <span
                                                    class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.RegularPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">59.990</span> <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding"
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                                </div><!-- end ngRepeat: product in group -->
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                                                    class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.DiscountPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">52.990</span> <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding"
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                                            <div class="Regular">
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                                                    class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.DiscountPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">34.990</span> <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding"
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                                                    class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.DiscountPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">31.990</span> <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding"
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                                                    class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.RegularPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">49.990</span> <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding"
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                            Title: "FRIGORIFER SAMSUNG BRB26602FWW/EF",
                            ShortTitleEn: "REFRIGERATOR SAMSUNG BRB26602FWW/EF",
                            ShortTitleAl: "FRIGORIFER SAMSUNG BRB26602FWW/EF",
                            ShortTitleMk: "FRIGORIFER SAMSUNG BRB26602FWW/EF",
                            Description: "<ul>\r\n<li><ul><li>Teknologjia SpaceMax&trade; - M&euml; shum&euml; hap&euml;sir&euml; brenda, e nj&euml;jta madh&euml;si jasht&euml;<\/li><li>All Around Cooling - ftoh &ccedil;do ndarjet n&euml; m&euml;nyr&euml; t&euml; nj&euml;trajtshme nga cepi n&euml; cep<\/li><li>No Frost - Nuk humbni koh&euml; dhe energji me shkrirjen e frigoriferit<\/li><li>Rafti i ndryshuesh&euml;m - Fusni m&euml; shum&euml; n&euml; der&euml;<\/li><\/ul><\/li><\/ul>\r\n",
                            DescriptionEn: "<ul>\r\n<li><ul><li>Teknologjia SpaceMax&trade; - M&euml; shum&euml; hap&euml;sir&euml; brenda, e nj&euml;jta madh&euml;si jasht&euml;<\/li><li>All Around Cooling - ftoh &ccedil;do ndarjet n&euml; m&euml;nyr&euml; t&euml; nj&euml;trajtshme nga cepi n&euml; cep<\/li><li>No Frost - Nuk humbni koh&euml; dhe energji me shkrirjen e frigoriferit<\/li><li>Rafti i ndryshuesh&euml;m - Fusni m&euml; shum&euml; n&euml; der&euml;<\/li><\/ul><\/li><\/ul>\r\n",
                            DescriptionAl: "<ul>\r\n<li><ul><li>Teknologjia SpaceMax&trade; - M&euml; shum&euml; hap&euml;sir&euml; brenda, e nj&euml;jta madh&euml;si jasht&euml;<\/li><li>All Around Cooling - ftoh &ccedil;do ndarjet n&euml; m&euml;nyr&euml; t&euml; nj&euml;trajtshme nga cepi n&euml; cep<\/li><li>No Frost - Nuk humbni koh&euml; dhe energji me shkrirjen e frigoriferit<\/li><li>Rafti i ndryshuesh&euml;m - Fusni m&euml; shum&euml; n&euml; der&euml;<\/li><\/ul><\/li><\/ul>\r\n",
                            ShortDescription: "<ul>\r\n<li><ul><li>Teknologjia SpaceMax&trade; - M&euml; shum&euml; hap&euml;sir&euml; brenda, e nj&euml;jta madh&euml;si jasht&euml;<\/li><li>All Around Cooling -Ftohja e gjithanshme e ftoh &ccedil;do ndarje n&euml; m&euml;nyr&euml; t&euml; nj&euml;trajtshme nga cepi n&euml; cep<\/li><li>No Frost - Nuk humbni koh&euml; dhe energji me shkrirjen e frigoriferit<\/li><li>Rafti i ndryshuesh&euml;m - Shfryt&euml;zoni hap&euml;sir&euml;n e der&euml;s s&euml; frigoriferit me fleksibilitet, n&euml; m&euml;nyr&euml; q&euml; t&euml; ruani m&euml; shum&euml; dhe t&euml; kurseni hap&euml;sir&euml;.<\/li><\/ul><\/li><\/ul>\r\n",
                            ShortDescriptionAl: "<ul>\r\n<li><ul><li>Teknologjia SpaceMax&trade; - M&euml; shum&euml; hap&euml;sir&euml; brenda, e nj&euml;jta madh&euml;si jasht&euml;<\/li><li>All Around Cooling -Ftohja e gjithanshme e ftoh &ccedil;do ndarje n&euml; m&euml;nyr&euml; t&euml; nj&euml;trajtshme nga cepi n&euml; cep<\/li><li>No Frost - Nuk humbni koh&euml; dhe energji me shkrirjen e frigoriferit<\/li><li>Rafti i ndryshuesh&euml;m - Shfryt&euml;zoni hap&euml;sir&euml;n e der&euml;s s&euml; frigoriferit me fleksibilitet, n&euml; m&euml;nyr&euml; q&euml; t&euml; ruani m&euml; shum&euml; dhe t&euml; kurseni hap&euml;sir&euml;.<\/li><\/ul><\/li><\/ul>\r\n",
                            ShortDescriptionEn: "<ul>\r\n<li><ul><li>Teknologjia SpaceMax&trade; - M&euml; shum&euml; hap&euml;sir&euml; brenda, e nj&euml;jta madh&euml;si jasht&euml;<\/li><li>All Around Cooling -Ftohja e gjithanshme e ftoh &ccedil;do ndarje n&euml; m&euml;nyr&euml; t&euml; nj&euml;trajtshme nga cepi n&euml; cep<\/li><li>No Frost - Nuk humbni koh&euml; dhe energji me shkrirjen e frigoriferit<\/li><li>Rafti i ndryshuesh&euml;m - Shfryt&euml;zoni hap&euml;sir&euml;n e der&euml;s s&euml; frigoriferit me fleksibilitet, n&euml; m&euml;nyr&euml; q&euml; t&euml; ruani m&euml; shum&euml; dhe t&euml; kurseni hap&euml;sir&euml;.<\/li><\/ul><\/li><\/ul>\r\n",
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                            Id: 24030,
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                            Description: '<ul>\r\n<li><p>Efikasiteti energjetik i klasit "Triple A", performanca e lart&euml; e centrifug&euml;s dhe niveli i ul&euml;t i zhurm&euml;s.<\/li><li>Mir&euml;mbajtje inteligjente me 18% m&euml; shum&euml; mbrojtje ndaj rrobave.<\/li><li>Bazuar n&euml; t&euml; dh&euml;nat e shumta dhe p&euml;rvoj&euml;n e grumbulluar t&euml; larjes, AI DD&trade; ofron l&euml;vizjet m&euml; t&euml; optimizuara t&euml; larjes p&euml;r t&euml; mir&euml;mbajtur si&ccedil; duhet rrobat tuaja.<\/li><li>AI DD&trade; jo vet&euml;m q&euml; zbulon pesh&euml;n, por gjithashtu regjistron but&euml;sin&euml; e p&euml;lhur&euml;s dhe zgjedh n&euml; m&euml;nyr&euml; t&euml; pavarur l&euml;vizjet optimale p&euml;r p&euml;lhur&euml;n.<\/li><li>Niveli m&euml; i lart&euml; i higjien&euml;s. Teknologjia LG steam&trade; me avull heq 99,9% t&euml; alergeneve, t&euml; tilla si pluhuri, t&euml; cil&euml;t mund t&euml; shkaktojn&euml; alergji ose probleme t&euml; frym&euml;marrjes.<\/li><li>Me teknologjin&euml; TurboWash&trade;360&deg;, nj&euml; larje e plot&euml; zgjat vet&euml;m 39 minuta dhe &euml;sht&euml; edhe m&euml; e but&euml; me p&euml;lhur&euml;n. Sp&euml;rkatja 3D intensive e ujit q&euml; vjen nga 4 drejtime arrin &ccedil;do centimet&euml;r t&euml; rrobave.<\/li><li>Lavatri&ccedil;e-thar&euml;se e kombinuar e LG &euml;sht&euml; nj&euml; nga teknologjit&euml; kryesore t&euml; pajisjeve sht&euml;piake.Ju kurseni hap&euml;sir&euml; n&euml; sht&euml;pin&euml; tuaj, duke l&euml;n&euml; m&euml; shum&euml; hap&euml;sir&euml; p&euml;r pajisjet e tjera n&euml; familje.<\/li><li>Kazan i p&euml;rsosur higjienik dhe i q&euml;ndruesh&euml;m me material inoxi.<\/li><li><img src="/2023/12/26/WM-Vivace-V900-VC2-White-04-1-TurboWash-360-Desktop01.webp" alt="" width="1600" height="1416" style="height: auto;" /><\/p><\/li><\/ul>\r\n',
                            DescriptionEn: '<ul>\r\n<li><p>Efikasiteti energjetik i klasit "Triple A", performanca e lart&euml; e centrifug&euml;s dhe niveli i ul&euml;t i zhurm&euml;s.<\/li><li>Mir&euml;mbajtje inteligjente me 18% m&euml; shum&euml; mbrojtje ndaj rrobave.<\/li><li>Bazuar n&euml; t&euml; dh&euml;nat e shumta dhe p&euml;rvoj&euml;n e grumbulluar t&euml; larjes, AI DD&trade; ofron l&euml;vizjet m&euml; t&euml; optimizuara t&euml; larjes p&euml;r t&euml; mir&euml;mbajtur si&ccedil; duhet rrobat tuaja.<\/li><li>AI DD&trade; jo vet&euml;m q&euml; zbulon pesh&euml;n, por gjithashtu regjistron but&euml;sin&euml; e p&euml;lhur&euml;s dhe zgjedh n&euml; m&euml;nyr&euml; t&euml; pavarur l&euml;vizjet optimale p&euml;r p&euml;lhur&euml;n.<\/li><li>Niveli m&euml; i lart&euml; i higjien&euml;s. Teknologjia LG steam&trade; me avull heq 99,9% t&euml; alergeneve, t&euml; tilla si pluhuri, t&euml; cil&euml;t mund t&euml; shkaktojn&euml; alergji ose probleme t&euml; frym&euml;marrjes.<\/li><li>Me teknologjin&euml; TurboWash&trade;360&deg;, nj&euml; larje e plot&euml; zgjat vet&euml;m 39 minuta dhe &euml;sht&euml; edhe m&euml; e but&euml; me p&euml;lhur&euml;n. Sp&euml;rkatja 3D intensive e ujit q&euml; vjen nga 4 drejtime arrin &ccedil;do centimet&euml;r t&euml; rrobave.<\/li><li>Lavatri&ccedil;e-thar&euml;se e kombinuar e LG &euml;sht&euml; nj&euml; nga teknologjit&euml; kryesore t&euml; pajisjeve sht&euml;piake.Ju kurseni hap&euml;sir&euml; n&euml; sht&euml;pin&euml; tuaj, duke l&euml;n&euml; m&euml; shum&euml; hap&euml;sir&euml; p&euml;r pajisjet e tjera n&euml; familje.<\/li><li>Kazan i p&euml;rsosur higjienik dhe i q&euml;ndruesh&euml;m me material inoxi.<\/li><li><img src="/2023/12/26/WM-Vivace-V900-VC2-White-04-1-TurboWash-360-Desktop01.webp" alt="" width="1600" height="1416" style="height: auto;" /><\/p><\/li><\/ul>\r\n',
                            DescriptionAl: '<ul>\r\n<li><p>Efikasiteti energjetik i klasit "Triple A", performanca e lart&euml; e centrifug&euml;s dhe niveli i ul&euml;t i zhurm&euml;s.<\/li><li>Mir&euml;mbajtje inteligjente me 18% m&euml; shum&euml; mbrojtje ndaj rrobave.<\/li><li>Bazuar n&euml; t&euml; dh&euml;nat e shumta dhe p&euml;rvoj&euml;n e grumbulluar t&euml; larjes, AI DD&trade; ofron l&euml;vizjet m&euml; t&euml; optimizuara t&euml; larjes p&euml;r t&euml; mir&euml;mbajtur si&ccedil; duhet rrobat tuaja.<\/li><li>AI DD&trade; jo vet&euml;m q&euml; zbulon pesh&euml;n, por gjithashtu regjistron but&euml;sin&euml; e p&euml;lhur&euml;s dhe zgjedh n&euml; m&euml;nyr&euml; t&euml; pavarur l&euml;vizjet optimale p&euml;r p&euml;lhur&euml;n.<\/li><li>Niveli m&euml; i lart&euml; i higjien&euml;s. Teknologjia LG steam&trade; me avull heq 99,9% t&euml; alergeneve, t&euml; tilla si pluhuri, t&euml; cil&euml;t mund t&euml; shkaktojn&euml; alergji ose probleme t&euml; frym&euml;marrjes.<\/li><li>Me teknologjin&euml; TurboWash&trade;360&deg;, nj&euml; larje e plot&euml; zgjat vet&euml;m 39 minuta dhe &euml;sht&euml; edhe m&euml; e but&euml; me p&euml;lhur&euml;n. Sp&euml;rkatja 3D intensive e ujit q&euml; vjen nga 4 drejtime arrin &ccedil;do centimet&euml;r t&euml; rrobave.<\/li><li>Lavatri&ccedil;e-thar&euml;se e kombinuar e LG &euml;sht&euml; nj&euml; nga teknologjit&euml; kryesore t&euml; pajisjeve sht&euml;piake.Ju kurseni hap&euml;sir&euml; n&euml; sht&euml;pin&euml; tuaj, duke l&euml;n&euml; m&euml; shum&euml; hap&euml;sir&euml; p&euml;r pajisjet e tjera n&euml; familje.<\/li><li>Kazan i p&euml;rsosur higjienik dhe i q&euml;ndruesh&euml;m me material inoxi.<\/li><li><img src="/2023/12/26/WM-Vivace-V900-VC2-White-04-1-TurboWash-360-Desktop01.webp" alt="" width="1600" height="1416" style="height: auto;" /><\/p><\/li><\/ul>\r\n',
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                            Description: '<ul>\r\n<li><p>Efikasiteti energjetik i klasit "Triple A", performanca e lart&euml; e centrifug&euml;s dhe niveli i ul&euml;t i zhurm&euml;s.<\/li><li>Mir&euml;mbajtje inteligjente me 18% m&euml; shum&euml; mbrojtje ndaj rrobave.<\/li><li>Bazuar n&euml; t&euml; dh&euml;nat e shumta dhe p&euml;rvoj&euml;n e grumbulluar t&euml; larjes, AI DD&trade; ofron l&euml;vizjet m&euml; t&euml; optimizuara t&euml; larjes p&euml;r t&euml; mir&euml;mbajtur si&ccedil; duhet rrobat tuaja.<\/li><li>AI DD&trade; jo vet&euml;m q&euml; zbulon pesh&euml;n, por gjithashtu regjistron but&euml;sin&euml; e p&euml;lhur&euml;s dhe zgjedh n&euml; m&euml;nyr&euml; t&euml; pavarur l&euml;vizjet optimale p&euml;r p&euml;lhur&euml;n.<\/li><li>Niveli m&euml; i lart&euml; i higjien&euml;s. Teknologjia LG steam&trade; me avull heq 99,9% t&euml; alergeneve, t&euml; tilla si pluhuri, t&euml; cil&euml;t mund t&euml; shkaktojn&euml; alergji ose probleme t&euml; frym&euml;marrjes.<\/li><li>Kazan i p&euml;rsosur higjienik dhe i q&euml;ndruesh&euml;m me material inoxi.i<\/li><li><img src="/2023/12/26/WM-Vivace-V900-VC2-White-08-Steam-Plus-info-Desktop.webp" width="1600" height="500" style="height: auto;" caption="false" /><\/p><\/li><\/ul>\r\n',
                            DescriptionEn: '<ul>\r\n<li><p>Efikasiteti energjetik i klasit "Triple A", performanca e lart&euml; e centrifug&euml;s dhe niveli i ul&euml;t i zhurm&euml;s.<\/li><li>Mir&euml;mbajtje inteligjente me 18% m&euml; shum&euml; mbrojtje ndaj rrobave.<\/li><li>Bazuar n&euml; t&euml; dh&euml;nat e shumta dhe p&euml;rvoj&euml;n e grumbulluar t&euml; larjes, AI DD&trade; ofron l&euml;vizjet m&euml; t&euml; optimizuara t&euml; larjes p&euml;r t&euml; mir&euml;mbajtur si&ccedil; duhet rrobat tuaja.<\/li><li>AI DD&trade; jo vet&euml;m q&euml; zbulon pesh&euml;n, por gjithashtu regjistron but&euml;sin&euml; e p&euml;lhur&euml;s dhe zgjedh n&euml; m&euml;nyr&euml; t&euml; pavarur l&euml;vizjet optimale p&euml;r p&euml;lhur&euml;n.<\/li><li>Niveli m&euml; i lart&euml; i higjien&euml;s. Teknologjia LG steam&trade; me avull heq 99,9% t&euml; alergeneve, t&euml; tilla si pluhuri, t&euml; cil&euml;t mund t&euml; shkaktojn&euml; alergji ose probleme t&euml; frym&euml;marrjes.<\/li><li>Kazan i p&euml;rsosur higjienik dhe i q&euml;ndruesh&euml;m me material inoxi.i<\/li><li><img src="/2023/12/26/WM-Vivace-V900-VC2-White-08-Steam-Plus-info-Desktop.webp" width="1600" height="500" style="height: auto;" caption="false" /><\/p><\/li><\/ul>\r\n',
                            DescriptionAl: '<ul>\r\n<li><p>Efikasiteti energjetik i klasit "Triple A", performanca e lart&euml; e centrifug&euml;s dhe niveli i ul&euml;t i zhurm&euml;s.<\/li><li>Mir&euml;mbajtje inteligjente me 18% m&euml; shum&euml; mbrojtje ndaj rrobave.<\/li><li>Bazuar n&euml; t&euml; dh&euml;nat e shumta dhe p&euml;rvoj&euml;n e grumbulluar t&euml; larjes, AI DD&trade; ofron l&euml;vizjet m&euml; t&euml; optimizuara t&euml; larjes p&euml;r t&euml; mir&euml;mbajtur si&ccedil; duhet rrobat tuaja.<\/li><li>AI DD&trade; jo vet&euml;m q&euml; zbulon pesh&euml;n, por gjithashtu regjistron but&euml;sin&euml; e p&euml;lhur&euml;s dhe zgjedh n&euml; m&euml;nyr&euml; t&euml; pavarur l&euml;vizjet optimale p&euml;r p&euml;lhur&euml;n.<\/li><li>Niveli m&euml; i lart&euml; i higjien&euml;s. Teknologjia LG steam&trade; me avull heq 99,9% t&euml; alergeneve, t&euml; tilla si pluhuri, t&euml; cil&euml;t mund t&euml; shkaktojn&euml; alergji ose probleme t&euml; frym&euml;marrjes.<\/li><li>Kazan i p&euml;rsosur higjienik dhe i q&euml;ndruesh&euml;m me material inoxi.i<\/li><li><img src="/2023/12/26/WM-Vivace-V900-VC2-White-08-Steam-Plus-info-Desktop.webp" width="1600" height="500" style="height: auto;" caption="false" /><\/p><\/li><\/ul>\r\n',
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                            Id: 24403,
                            Title: "FRIGORIFER SAMSUNG RB34C672ESA/EF",
                            ShortTitleEn: "FRIGORIFER SAMSUNG RB34C672ESA/EF",
                            ShortTitleAl: "FRIGORIFER SAMSUNG RB34C672ESA/EF",
                            ShortTitleMk: "FRIGORIFER SAMSUNG RB34C672ESA/EF",
                            Description: '<ul>\r\n<li><h3 style="text-align: center; font-size: 30px; font-weight: bold; margin: 20px;">Kursimi inteligjent i energjis&euml; deri n&euml; 15%<\/h3>\n<h4 style="text-align: center; font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold; margin: 10px;">Modaliteti SmartThings AI Energy<\/h4>\n<p style="font-size: 17px; text-align: center;">Ulni p&euml;rdorimin e energjis&euml; deri n&euml; 15%* me modalitetin AI Energy.<\/p>\n<p><img src="" style="border-radius: 30px; width: 100%;" /><\/p>\n<h3 style="text-align: center; font-size: 30px; font-weight: bold;">M&euml; shum&euml; hap&euml;sir&euml; n&euml; t&euml; nj&euml;jtat dimensione<\/h3>\n<h4 style="text-align: center; font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold;">Teknologjia SpaceMax&trade;<\/h4>\n<p style="font-size: 17px; text-align: center;">Ruani m&euml; shum&euml; ushqime n&euml; nj&euml; frigorifer shum&euml; t&euml; madh 344 litra me nj&euml; dizajn standard t&euml; thell&euml; 600 mm q&euml; do t&euml; p&euml;rputhet pa probleme me dollap&euml;t tuaj. Izolimi me performanc&euml; t&euml; lart&euml; i teknologjis&euml; SpaceMax&trade; i b&euml;n muret shum&euml; m&euml; t&euml; holl&euml;. K&euml;shtu q&euml; krijon m&euml; shum&euml; hap&euml;sir&euml; ruajt&euml;se, pa dal&euml; nga desktopi juaj.<\/p>\n<p><img src="" style="border-radius: 30px; width: 100%;" /><\/p>\n<h3 style="text-align: center; font-size: 30px; font-weight: bold; margin: 20px;">Ftohje e nj&euml;trajtshme<\/h3>\n<h4 style="text-align: center; font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold; margin: 10px;">Sistem ftohje e nj&euml;trajtshme<\/h4>\n<p style="font-size: 17px; text-align: center;">Sigurohuni q&euml; i gjith&euml; ushqimi juaj t&euml; jet&euml; i ftohur si&ccedil; duhet, kudo q&euml; t&euml; jet&euml;. Sistemi i ftohjes All-Around Cooling ftoh n&euml; m&euml;nyr&euml; t&euml; barabart&euml; t&euml; gjith&euml; frigoriferin. Ajri i ftoht&euml; kanalizohet p&euml;rmes kanaleve t&euml; shumta t&euml; ajrit n&euml; nivelin e &ccedil;do rafti, duke ruajtur k&euml;shtu nj&euml; shp&euml;rndarje konstante t&euml; ftohjes n&euml; &ccedil;do pjes&euml; t&euml; frigoriferit, si rezultat i t&euml; cilit ushqimi mbetet i fresk&euml;t p&euml;r nj&euml; periudh&euml; t&euml; gjat&euml; kohore.<\/p>\n<p><img src="" style="border-radius: 30px; width: 100%;" /><\/p>\n<div style="width: 100%;" class="container">\n<div class="row">\n<div class="col-md-6"><\/div>\n<div class="col-md-6"><\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<h3 style="text-align: center; font-size: 30px; font-weight: bold; margin: 20px;">Ftohje ose ngrirje e shpejt&euml; sipas d&euml;shir&euml;s<\/h3>\n<h4 style="text-align: center; font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold; margin: 10px;">Power Cool / Power Freeze<\/h4>\n<p style="font-size: 17px; text-align: center;">Shijoni performanc&euml;n e shpejt&euml; t&euml; ftohjes. Me prekjen e nj&euml; butoni, Power Cool shp&euml;rndan aj&euml;r t&euml; fort&euml; t&euml; ftoht&euml; brenda frigoriferit p&euml;r t&euml; ftohur shpejt perimet ose pijet tuaja t&euml; preferuara. Nga ana tjet&euml;r, Power Freeze jep aj&euml;r t&euml; ftoht&euml; n&euml; ngrir&euml;s. &Euml;sht&euml; i p&euml;rshtatsh&euml;m p&euml;r ngrirjen ose stabilizimin e ushqimeve t&euml; ngrira.<\/p>\n<p><img src="" style="width: 100%;" /><\/p><\/li><\/ul>\r\n',
                            DescriptionEn: '<ul>\r\n<li><h3 style="text-align: center; font-size: 30px; font-weight: bold; margin: 20px;">Kursimi inteligjent i energjis&euml; deri n&euml; 15%<\/h3>\n<h4 style="text-align: center; font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold; margin: 10px;">Modaliteti SmartThings AI Energy<\/h4>\n<p style="font-size: 17px; text-align: center;">Ulni p&euml;rdorimin e energjis&euml; deri n&euml; 15%* me modalitetin AI Energy.<\/p>\n<p><img src="" style="border-radius: 30px; width: 100%;" /><\/p>\n<h3 style="text-align: center; font-size: 30px; font-weight: bold;">M&euml; shum&euml; hap&euml;sir&euml; n&euml; t&euml; nj&euml;jtat dimensione<\/h3>\n<h4 style="text-align: center; font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold;">Teknologjia SpaceMax&trade;<\/h4>\n<p style="font-size: 17px; text-align: center;">Ruani m&euml; shum&euml; ushqime n&euml; nj&euml; frigorifer shum&euml; t&euml; madh 344 litra me nj&euml; dizajn standard t&euml; thell&euml; 600 mm q&euml; do t&euml; p&euml;rputhet pa probleme me dollap&euml;t tuaj. Izolimi me performanc&euml; t&euml; lart&euml; i teknologjis&euml; SpaceMax&trade; i b&euml;n muret shum&euml; m&euml; t&euml; holl&euml;. K&euml;shtu q&euml; krijon m&euml; shum&euml; hap&euml;sir&euml; ruajt&euml;se, pa dal&euml; nga desktopi juaj.<\/p>\n<p><img src="" style="border-radius: 30px; width: 100%;" /><\/p>\n<h3 style="text-align: center; font-size: 30px; font-weight: bold; margin: 20px;">Ftohje e nj&euml;trajtshme<\/h3>\n<h4 style="text-align: center; font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold; margin: 10px;">Sistem ftohje e nj&euml;trajtshme<\/h4>\n<p style="font-size: 17px; text-align: center;">Sigurohuni q&euml; i gjith&euml; ushqimi juaj t&euml; jet&euml; i ftohur si&ccedil; duhet, kudo q&euml; t&euml; jet&euml;. Sistemi i ftohjes All-Around Cooling ftoh n&euml; m&euml;nyr&euml; t&euml; barabart&euml; t&euml; gjith&euml; frigoriferin. Ajri i ftoht&euml; kanalizohet p&euml;rmes kanaleve t&euml; shumta t&euml; ajrit n&euml; nivelin e &ccedil;do rafti, duke ruajtur k&euml;shtu nj&euml; shp&euml;rndarje konstante t&euml; ftohjes n&euml; &ccedil;do pjes&euml; t&euml; frigoriferit, si rezultat i t&euml; cilit ushqimi mbetet i fresk&euml;t p&euml;r nj&euml; periudh&euml; t&euml; gjat&euml; kohore.<\/p>\n<p><img src="" style="border-radius: 30px; width: 100%;" /><\/p>\n<div style="width: 100%;" class="container">\n<div class="row">\n<div class="col-md-6"><\/div>\n<div class="col-md-6"><\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<h3 style="text-align: center; font-size: 30px; font-weight: bold; margin: 20px;">Ftohje ose ngrirje e shpejt&euml; sipas d&euml;shir&euml;s<\/h3>\n<h4 style="text-align: center; font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold; margin: 10px;">Power Cool / Power Freeze<\/h4>\n<p style="font-size: 17px; text-align: center;">Shijoni performanc&euml;n e shpejt&euml; t&euml; ftohjes. Me prekjen e nj&euml; butoni, Power Cool shp&euml;rndan aj&euml;r t&euml; fort&euml; t&euml; ftoht&euml; brenda frigoriferit p&euml;r t&euml; ftohur shpejt perimet ose pijet tuaja t&euml; preferuara. Nga ana tjet&euml;r, Power Freeze jep aj&euml;r t&euml; ftoht&euml; n&euml; ngrir&euml;s. &Euml;sht&euml; i p&euml;rshtatsh&euml;m p&euml;r ngrirjen ose stabilizimin e ushqimeve t&euml; ngrira.<\/p>\n<p><img src="" style="width: 100%;" /><\/p><\/li><\/ul>\r\n',
                            DescriptionAl: '<ul>\r\n<li><h3 style="text-align: center; font-size: 30px; font-weight: bold; margin: 20px;">Kursimi inteligjent i energjis&euml; deri n&euml; 15%<\/h3>\n<h4 style="text-align: center; font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold; margin: 10px;">Modaliteti SmartThings AI Energy<\/h4>\n<p style="font-size: 17px; text-align: center;">Ulni p&euml;rdorimin e energjis&euml; deri n&euml; 15%* me modalitetin AI Energy.<\/p>\n<p><img src="" style="border-radius: 30px; width: 100%;" /><\/p>\n<h3 style="text-align: center; font-size: 30px; font-weight: bold;">M&euml; shum&euml; hap&euml;sir&euml; n&euml; t&euml; nj&euml;jtat dimensione<\/h3>\n<h4 style="text-align: center; font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold;">Teknologjia SpaceMax&trade;<\/h4>\n<p style="font-size: 17px; text-align: center;">Ruani m&euml; shum&euml; ushqime n&euml; nj&euml; frigorifer shum&euml; t&euml; madh 344 litra me nj&euml; dizajn standard t&euml; thell&euml; 600 mm q&euml; do t&euml; p&euml;rputhet pa probleme me dollap&euml;t tuaj. Izolimi me performanc&euml; t&euml; lart&euml; i teknologjis&euml; SpaceMax&trade; i b&euml;n muret shum&euml; m&euml; t&euml; holl&euml;. K&euml;shtu q&euml; krijon m&euml; shum&euml; hap&euml;sir&euml; ruajt&euml;se, pa dal&euml; nga desktopi juaj.<\/p>\n<p><img src="" style="border-radius: 30px; width: 100%;" /><\/p>\n<h3 style="text-align: center; font-size: 30px; font-weight: bold; margin: 20px;">Ftohje e nj&euml;trajtshme<\/h3>\n<h4 style="text-align: center; font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold; margin: 10px;">Sistem ftohje e nj&euml;trajtshme<\/h4>\n<p style="font-size: 17px; text-align: center;">Sigurohuni q&euml; i gjith&euml; ushqimi juaj t&euml; jet&euml; i ftohur si&ccedil; duhet, kudo q&euml; t&euml; jet&euml;. Sistemi i ftohjes All-Around Cooling ftoh n&euml; m&euml;nyr&euml; t&euml; barabart&euml; t&euml; gjith&euml; frigoriferin. Ajri i ftoht&euml; kanalizohet p&euml;rmes kanaleve t&euml; shumta t&euml; ajrit n&euml; nivelin e &ccedil;do rafti, duke ruajtur k&euml;shtu nj&euml; shp&euml;rndarje konstante t&euml; ftohjes n&euml; &ccedil;do pjes&euml; t&euml; frigoriferit, si rezultat i t&euml; cilit ushqimi mbetet i fresk&euml;t p&euml;r nj&euml; periudh&euml; t&euml; gjat&euml; kohore.<\/p>\n<p><img src="" style="border-radius: 30px; width: 100%;" /><\/p>\n<div style="width: 100%;" class="container">\n<div class="row">\n<div class="col-md-6"><\/div>\n<div class="col-md-6"><\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<h3 style="text-align: center; font-size: 30px; font-weight: bold; margin: 20px;">Ftohje ose ngrirje e shpejt&euml; sipas d&euml;shir&euml;s<\/h3>\n<h4 style="text-align: center; font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold; margin: 10px;">Power Cool / Power Freeze<\/h4>\n<p style="font-size: 17px; text-align: center;">Shijoni performanc&euml;n e shpejt&euml; t&euml; ftohjes. Me prekjen e nj&euml; butoni, Power Cool shp&euml;rndan aj&euml;r t&euml; fort&euml; t&euml; ftoht&euml; brenda frigoriferit p&euml;r t&euml; ftohur shpejt perimet ose pijet tuaja t&euml; preferuara. Nga ana tjet&euml;r, Power Freeze jep aj&euml;r t&euml; ftoht&euml; n&euml; ngrir&euml;s. &Euml;sht&euml; i p&euml;rshtatsh&euml;m p&euml;r ngrirjen ose stabilizimin e ushqimeve t&euml; ngrira.<\/p>\n<p><img src="" style="width: 100%;" /><\/p><\/li><\/ul>\r\n',
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                            Id: 24321,
                            Title: "FRIGORIFER LG GBV3100DPY",
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                            Description: "<ul>\r\n<li><p>Mobiloni kuzhin&euml;n tuaj me nj&euml; dizajn me dyer t&euml; sheshta, frigorifer t&euml; rehatsh&euml;m t&euml; pajisur me dollap q&euml; mund t&euml; instalohet direkt n&euml; mur pa probleme.<\/li><li>Shijoni ushqim t&euml; fresk&euml;t me teknologjin&euml; e kontrollit t&euml; temperatur&euml;s dhe ftohjes s&euml; LG q&euml; e mban ushqimin tuaj m&euml; t&euml; fresk&euml;t dhe m&euml; gjat&euml;.<\/li><li>LinearCooling&trade; redukton luhatjet e temperatur&euml;s brenda &plusmn;0,5℃, duke u mbyllur n&euml; freski deri n&euml; 7 dit&euml;.<\/li><li>DoorCooling+&trade; siguron ftohje m&euml; t&euml; shpejt&euml; q&euml; shp&euml;rndahet n&euml; m&euml;nyr&euml; t&euml; barabart&euml; n&euml; an&euml;t e der&euml;s. Kjo jo vet&euml;m q&euml; i mban pijet m&euml; t&euml; ftohta, por me ajrim t&euml; posa&ccedil;&euml;m, lejon freski pavar&euml;sisht se ku vendosen ushqimet n&euml; frigorifer.<\/li><li>Total No Frost ruan freskin&euml; me Multi Air Flow n&euml; &ccedil;do cep. Ju &ccedil;liron nga nevoja p&euml;r t&euml; hequr ngric&euml;n me dor&euml;.<\/li><li>Smart Inverter Compressor&trade; rregullon shpejt&euml;sin&euml; e motorit p&euml;r t&euml; ftohur n&euml; m&euml;nyr&euml; efikase duke kursyer konsumin e energjis&euml; dhe garanton performanc&euml; t&euml; q&euml;ndrueshme me garancin&euml; e tij 10-vje&ccedil;are.<\/p><\/li><\/ul>\r\n",
                            DescriptionEn: "<ul>\r\n<li><p>Mobiloni kuzhin&euml;n tuaj me nj&euml; dizajn me dyer t&euml; sheshta, frigorifer t&euml; rehatsh&euml;m t&euml; pajisur me dollap q&euml; mund t&euml; instalohet direkt n&euml; mur pa probleme.<\/li><li>Shijoni ushqim t&euml; fresk&euml;t me teknologjin&euml; e kontrollit t&euml; temperatur&euml;s dhe ftohjes s&euml; LG q&euml; e mban ushqimin tuaj m&euml; t&euml; fresk&euml;t dhe m&euml; gjat&euml;.<\/li><li>LinearCooling&trade; redukton luhatjet e temperatur&euml;s brenda &plusmn;0,5℃, duke u mbyllur n&euml; freski deri n&euml; 7 dit&euml;.<\/li><li>DoorCooling+&trade; siguron ftohje m&euml; t&euml; shpejt&euml; q&euml; shp&euml;rndahet n&euml; m&euml;nyr&euml; t&euml; barabart&euml; n&euml; an&euml;t e der&euml;s. Kjo jo vet&euml;m q&euml; i mban pijet m&euml; t&euml; ftohta, por me ajrim t&euml; posa&ccedil;&euml;m, lejon freski pavar&euml;sisht se ku vendosen ushqimet n&euml; frigorifer.<\/li><li>Total No Frost ruan freskin&euml; me Multi Air Flow n&euml; &ccedil;do cep. Ju &ccedil;liron nga nevoja p&euml;r t&euml; hequr ngric&euml;n me dor&euml;.<\/li><li>Smart Inverter Compressor&trade; rregullon shpejt&euml;sin&euml; e motorit p&euml;r t&euml; ftohur n&euml; m&euml;nyr&euml; efikase duke kursyer konsumin e energjis&euml; dhe garanton performanc&euml; t&euml; q&euml;ndrueshme me garancin&euml; e tij 10-vje&ccedil;are.<\/p><\/li><\/ul>\r\n",
                            DescriptionAl: "<ul>\r\n<li><p>Mobiloni kuzhin&euml;n tuaj me nj&euml; dizajn me dyer t&euml; sheshta, frigorifer t&euml; rehatsh&euml;m t&euml; pajisur me dollap q&euml; mund t&euml; instalohet direkt n&euml; mur pa probleme.<\/li><li>Shijoni ushqim t&euml; fresk&euml;t me teknologjin&euml; e kontrollit t&euml; temperatur&euml;s dhe ftohjes s&euml; LG q&euml; e mban ushqimin tuaj m&euml; t&euml; fresk&euml;t dhe m&euml; gjat&euml;.<\/li><li>LinearCooling&trade; redukton luhatjet e temperatur&euml;s brenda &plusmn;0,5℃, duke u mbyllur n&euml; freski deri n&euml; 7 dit&euml;.<\/li><li>DoorCooling+&trade; siguron ftohje m&euml; t&euml; shpejt&euml; q&euml; shp&euml;rndahet n&euml; m&euml;nyr&euml; t&euml; barabart&euml; n&euml; an&euml;t e der&euml;s. Kjo jo vet&euml;m q&euml; i mban pijet m&euml; t&euml; ftohta, por me ajrim t&euml; posa&ccedil;&euml;m, lejon freski pavar&euml;sisht se ku vendosen ushqimet n&euml; frigorifer.<\/li><li>Total No Frost ruan freskin&euml; me Multi Air Flow n&euml; &ccedil;do cep. Ju &ccedil;liron nga nevoja p&euml;r t&euml; hequr ngric&euml;n me dor&euml;.<\/li><li>Smart Inverter Compressor&trade; rregullon shpejt&euml;sin&euml; e motorit p&euml;r t&euml; ftohur n&euml; m&euml;nyr&euml; efikase duke kursyer konsumin e energjis&euml; dhe garanton performanc&euml; t&euml; q&euml;ndrueshme me garancin&euml; e tij 10-vje&ccedil;are.<\/p><\/li><\/ul>\r\n",
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                            Description: "<ul>\r\n<li><ul><li>AI Control: personalizon tharjen duke kujtuar zakonet tuaja.<\/li><li>Programi DrumClean+: Kazan i past&euml;r dhe i fresk&euml;t<\/li><li>Funksioni Bubble Soak ndihmon n&euml; heqjen e nj&euml; shum&euml;llojshm&euml;rie njollash t&euml; forta, si gjaku, &ccedil;aji, vera, grimi dhe bari.<\/li><li>Hygiene Steam &euml;sht&euml; nj&euml; program i fuqish&euml;m pastrimi me avull q&euml; heq papast&euml;rtit&euml; e vazhdueshme dhe 99% t&euml; baktereve dhe alergeneve.<\/li><li>Eco Bubble: p&euml;rfitoni pastrim efikas, edhe n&euml; temperatura t&euml; ul&euml;ta.<\/li><li>Foleja StayClean: Ndaloni harxhimet e detergjentit dhe shmangni pun&euml;n e lodhshme t&euml; pastrimit t&euml; foles&euml; t&euml; detergjentit.<\/li><\/ul><\/li><\/ul>\r\n",
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                            Title: "LAVASTOVILJE BOSCH SMI2ITS33E",
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                            Description: '<ul>\r\n<li><p>Kur shikon p&euml;rmbajtje n&euml; nj&euml; televizor Grundig UHD 4K, po shikon 8,3 milion&euml; piksels. &Euml;sht&euml; nj&euml; p&euml;rvoj&euml; e mrekullueshme shikimi. Rezolucioni 4K jep cil&euml;si mahnit&euml;se t&euml; figur&euml;s, detaje komplekse dhe ngjyra t&euml; gjalla, me kat&euml;r her&euml; m&euml; shum&euml; piksel se televizor&euml;t standard t&euml; plot&euml; HD.<\/li><li>Android TV ju jep nj&euml; m&euml;nyr&euml; m&euml; t&euml; zgjuar dhe m&euml; t&euml; leht&euml; p&euml;r t&euml; p&euml;rfituar m&euml; shum&euml; nga televizori juaj. Zgjidhni nga mbi 400,000 filma dhe shfaqje nga t&euml; gjitha sh&euml;rbimet e transmetimit. K&euml;rkoji Google t&euml; kontrolloj&euml; televizorin tuaj, t&euml; marr&euml; rekomandime se &ccedil;far&euml; t&euml; shikosh, t&euml; zbeh dritat dhe t&euml; tjera me z&euml;rin t&euml;nd.<\/li><li>K&euml;rkoji Google p&euml;r nj&euml; ndihm&euml; t&euml; vog&euml;l n&euml; ekranin e madh. P&euml;rdorni z&euml;rin tuaj p&euml;r t&euml; k&euml;rkuar shfaqje, p&euml;r t&euml; kontrolluar televizorin, p&euml;r t&euml; planifikuar dit&euml;n tuaj dhe m&euml; shum&euml;. K&euml;rkoni p&euml;r shfaqje, k&euml;rkoni rekomandime dhe madje kontrolloni televizorin tuaj m&euml; shpejt me z&euml;rin tuaj.<\/li><li>Me Grundig Magic Fidelity TV mund t&euml; p&euml;rjetoni filma, seriale dhe shum&euml; m&euml; tep&euml;r n&euml; nj&euml; dimension t&euml; ri tingulli. Edhe tonet e buta transmetohen n&euml; veshin tuaj n&euml; nj&euml; m&euml;nyr&euml; krejt&euml;sisht t&euml; kuptueshme dhe t&euml; qart&euml;, nd&euml;rsa vuferi shtes&euml; siguron tinguj bas t&euml; klasit t&euml; par&euml;.<\/p>\n<p><\/p>\n<p><\/p>\n<p><img src="" width="500" height="500" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" caption="false" /><\/p><\/li><\/ul>\r\n',
                            DescriptionEn: '<ul>\r\n<li><p>Kur shikon p&euml;rmbajtje n&euml; nj&euml; televizor Grundig UHD 4K, po shikon 8,3 milion&euml; piksels. &Euml;sht&euml; nj&euml; p&euml;rvoj&euml; e mrekullueshme shikimi. Rezolucioni 4K jep cil&euml;si mahnit&euml;se t&euml; figur&euml;s, detaje komplekse dhe ngjyra t&euml; gjalla, me kat&euml;r her&euml; m&euml; shum&euml; piksel se televizor&euml;t standard t&euml; plot&euml; HD.<\/li><li>Android TV ju jep nj&euml; m&euml;nyr&euml; m&euml; t&euml; zgjuar dhe m&euml; t&euml; leht&euml; p&euml;r t&euml; p&euml;rfituar m&euml; shum&euml; nga televizori juaj. Zgjidhni nga mbi 400,000 filma dhe shfaqje nga t&euml; gjitha sh&euml;rbimet e transmetimit. K&euml;rkoji Google t&euml; kontrolloj&euml; televizorin tuaj, t&euml; marr&euml; rekomandime se &ccedil;far&euml; t&euml; shikosh, t&euml; zbeh dritat dhe t&euml; tjera me z&euml;rin t&euml;nd.<\/li><li>K&euml;rkoji Google p&euml;r nj&euml; ndihm&euml; t&euml; vog&euml;l n&euml; ekranin e madh. P&euml;rdorni z&euml;rin tuaj p&euml;r t&euml; k&euml;rkuar shfaqje, p&euml;r t&euml; kontrolluar televizorin, p&euml;r t&euml; planifikuar dit&euml;n tuaj dhe m&euml; shum&euml;. K&euml;rkoni p&euml;r shfaqje, k&euml;rkoni rekomandime dhe madje kontrolloni televizorin tuaj m&euml; shpejt me z&euml;rin tuaj.<\/li><li>Me Grundig Magic Fidelity TV mund t&euml; p&euml;rjetoni filma, seriale dhe shum&euml; m&euml; tep&euml;r n&euml; nj&euml; dimension t&euml; ri tingulli. Edhe tonet e buta transmetohen n&euml; veshin tuaj n&euml; nj&euml; m&euml;nyr&euml; krejt&euml;sisht t&euml; kuptueshme dhe t&euml; qart&euml;, nd&euml;rsa vuferi shtes&euml; siguron tinguj bas t&euml; klasit t&euml; par&euml;.<\/p>\n<p><\/p>\n<p><\/p>\n<p><img src="" width="500" height="500" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" caption="false" /><\/p><\/li><\/ul>\r\n',
                            DescriptionAl: '<ul>\r\n<li><p>Kur shikon p&euml;rmbajtje n&euml; nj&euml; televizor Grundig UHD 4K, po shikon 8,3 milion&euml; piksels. &Euml;sht&euml; nj&euml; p&euml;rvoj&euml; e mrekullueshme shikimi. Rezolucioni 4K jep cil&euml;si mahnit&euml;se t&euml; figur&euml;s, detaje komplekse dhe ngjyra t&euml; gjalla, me kat&euml;r her&euml; m&euml; shum&euml; piksel se televizor&euml;t standard t&euml; plot&euml; HD.<\/li><li>Android TV ju jep nj&euml; m&euml;nyr&euml; m&euml; t&euml; zgjuar dhe m&euml; t&euml; leht&euml; p&euml;r t&euml; p&euml;rfituar m&euml; shum&euml; nga televizori juaj. Zgjidhni nga mbi 400,000 filma dhe shfaqje nga t&euml; gjitha sh&euml;rbimet e transmetimit. K&euml;rkoji Google t&euml; kontrolloj&euml; televizorin tuaj, t&euml; marr&euml; rekomandime se &ccedil;far&euml; t&euml; shikosh, t&euml; zbeh dritat dhe t&euml; tjera me z&euml;rin t&euml;nd.<\/li><li>K&euml;rkoji Google p&euml;r nj&euml; ndihm&euml; t&euml; vog&euml;l n&euml; ekranin e madh. P&euml;rdorni z&euml;rin tuaj p&euml;r t&euml; k&euml;rkuar shfaqje, p&euml;r t&euml; kontrolluar televizorin, p&euml;r t&euml; planifikuar dit&euml;n tuaj dhe m&euml; shum&euml;. K&euml;rkoni p&euml;r shfaqje, k&euml;rkoni rekomandime dhe madje kontrolloni televizorin tuaj m&euml; shpejt me z&euml;rin tuaj.<\/li><li>Me Grundig Magic Fidelity TV mund t&euml; p&euml;rjetoni filma, seriale dhe shum&euml; m&euml; tep&euml;r n&euml; nj&euml; dimension t&euml; ri tingulli. Edhe tonet e buta transmetohen n&euml; veshin tuaj n&euml; nj&euml; m&euml;nyr&euml; krejt&euml;sisht t&euml; kuptueshme dhe t&euml; qart&euml;, nd&euml;rsa vuferi shtes&euml; siguron tinguj bas t&euml; klasit t&euml; par&euml;.<\/p>\n<p><\/p>\n<p><\/p>\n<p><img src="" width="500" height="500" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" caption="false" /><\/p><\/li><\/ul>\r\n',
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                          }, {
                            Id: 20404,
                            Title: "LAVATRICE ELECTROLUX EW6FN448W",
                            ShortTitleEn: "WASHING MACHINE ELECTROLUX EW6FN448W",
                            ShortTitleAl: "LAVATRICE ELECTROLUX EW6FN448W",
                            ShortTitleMk: "LAVATRICE ELECTROLUX EW6FN448W",
                            Description: '<ul>\r\n<li><p>Makina lar&euml;se me teknologjin&euml; PerfectCare 600 me Sistemin SensiCare rregullon gjat&euml;sin&euml; e koh&euml;s s&euml; programit ndaj madh&euml;sis&euml; s&euml; ngarkes&euml;s, duke p&euml;rdorur m&euml; pak energji e uj&euml; dhe duke parandaluar q&euml; &ccedil;do pelhure t&euml; lahet p&euml;r nj&euml; koh&euml; t&euml; gjat&euml;. Duke mund&euml;suar cikle m&euml; ekonomike edhe p&euml;r ngarkesat tuaja m&euml; t&euml; vogla.<\/p>\n<ul>\n<li>P&euml;lhurat duken si t&euml; reja p&euml;r dy her&euml; m&euml; shum&euml; me SensiCare<\/li>\n<li>Opsioni SoftPlus lan paraprakisht dhe shp&euml;rndan rrobat n&euml; m&euml;nyr&euml; t&euml; barabart&euml;<\/li>\n<li>Programi AntiAllergy Vapor p&euml;r larjen e rrobave n&euml; 60 &ordm;C mund&euml;son trajtimin me avull n&euml; fund t&euml; ciklit p&euml;r larjen higjienike dhe t&euml; plot&euml; t&euml; rrobave.<\/li>\n<li>Me funksionin Eco TimeManager, ju mund t&euml; rregulloni koh&euml;zgjatjen e larjes me koh&euml;n q&euml; keni n&euml; dispozicion<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<div style="width: 100%;" class="container">\n<div class="row-fl">\n<div class="col-md-6"><img src="" /><\/div>\n<div class="col-md-6">\n<div class="tekst">\n<h3 style="font-size: 24px;">P&euml;lhurat duken si t&euml; reja p&euml;r dy her&euml; m&euml; shum&euml;<\/h3>\n<p style="font-size: 17px;">Sistemi yn&euml; SensiCare rregullon automatikisht cil&euml;simet e programit p&euml;r t\'iu p&euml;rshtatur madh&euml;sis&euml; s&euml; ngarkes&euml;s. Sensor&euml; inteligjent&euml; pak&euml;sojn&euml; koh&euml;n, ujin dhe energjin&euml; e p&euml;rdorur, q&euml; do t&euml; thot&euml; se edhe ngarkesat e vogla lahen me precizion. P&euml;r nj&euml; pastrim efektiv pa asnj&euml; rrezik d&euml;mtimi t&euml; p&euml;lhur&euml;s.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div class="row-fl">\n<div class="col-md-6">\n<div class="tekst">\n<h3 style="font-size: 24px;">Preket &ccedil;do fib&euml;r, &ccedil;do pelhur&euml; m&euml; e but&euml;<\/h3>\n<p style="font-size: 17px;">SoftPlus zbut paraprakisht dhe shp&euml;rndan veshjet n&euml; m&euml;nyr&euml; t&euml; barabart&euml;. Duke siguruar q&euml; t&euml; arrihet &ccedil;do fib&euml;r dhe se &ccedil;do veshje t&euml; jet&euml; e but&euml; dhe t&euml; ruaj arom&euml; t&euml; fresk&euml;t m&euml; gjat&euml;.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div class="col-md-6"><img src="" /><\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div class="row-fl">\n<div class="col-md-6"><img src="" /><\/div>\n<div class="col-md-6">\n<div class="tekst">\n<h3 style="font-size: 24px;">Shtoni avull p&euml;r past&euml;rti t&euml; v&euml;rtet&euml;<\/h3>\n<p style="font-size: 17px;">Programi i larjes n&euml; 60&ordm;C AntiAllergy Vapor siguron avull n&euml; fund t&euml; ciklit, p&euml;r t\'u dh&euml;n&euml; rrobave tuaja past&euml;rti dhe efikase. Kjo ndihmon n&euml; pak&euml;simin e baktereve dhe alergjen&euml;ve nga rrobat tuaja dhe ndihmon p&euml;r higjien&euml;n m&euml; t&euml; mir&euml; t&euml; rrobave.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div class="row-fl">\n<div class="col-md-6">\n<div class="tekst">\n<h3 style="font-size: 24px;">M&euml; pak energji, m&euml; shum&euml; koh&euml;<\/h3>\n<p style="font-size: 17px;">Eco TimeManager ju lejon t&euml; rregulloni koh&euml;zgjatjen e ciklit t&euml; larjes ndaj koh&euml;s q&euml; keni n&euml; dispozicion. Duke ju kursyer si koh&euml; ashtu edhe energji pa absolutisht asnj&euml; kompromis p&euml;r larjen e plot&euml; q&euml; marrin rrobat tuaja.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div class="col-md-6"><img src="" /><\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div class="row-fl">\n<div class="col-md-6"><img src="" /><\/div>\n<div class="col-md-6">\n<div class="tekst">\n<h3 style="font-size: 24px;">Pastroni rrobat kur &euml;sht&euml; e leverdishme<\/h3>\n<p style="font-size: 17px;">Rregulloni fillimin e ciklit p&euml;r t\'iu p&euml;rshtatur planit tuaj me funksionin shtyrja e programit n&euml; makin&euml;n lar&euml;se. Rrobat do t&euml; jen&euml; gati p&euml;r t\'u shkarkuar kur t&euml; jeni gati p&euml;r t\'i shkarkuar, duke i mbajtur ato sa m&euml; t&euml; fresk&euml;ta dhe sa m&euml; aromatike q&euml; t&euml; jet&euml; e mundur. &Euml;sht&euml; m&euml;nyra m&euml; e leverdishme p&euml;r t&euml; pastruar.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<style>\n  .row-fl{\n  display:flex;\n  flex-direction:row;\n  align-items:center;\n  justify-content:center;\n  }\n  h3{\n  margin:10px; \n  }\n  p{\n  \n margin:10px; \n  }\n  @media(max-width:700px){\n  .row-fl{\n  flex-direction:column!important; \n  } \n  }\n  @media(max-width:280px){\n  .row-fl{\n  flex-direction:column!important; \n  } \n  }\n<\/style><\/li><\/ul>\r\n',
                            DescriptionEn: '<ul>\r\n<li><p>Makina lar&euml;se me teknologjin&euml; PerfectCare 600 me Sistemin SensiCare rregullon gjat&euml;sin&euml; e koh&euml;s s&euml; programit ndaj madh&euml;sis&euml; s&euml; ngarkes&euml;s, duke p&euml;rdorur m&euml; pak energji e uj&euml; dhe duke parandaluar q&euml; &ccedil;do pelhure t&euml; lahet p&euml;r nj&euml; koh&euml; t&euml; gjat&euml;. Duke mund&euml;suar cikle m&euml; ekonomike edhe p&euml;r ngarkesat tuaja m&euml; t&euml; vogla.<\/p>\n<ul>\n<li>P&euml;lhurat duken si t&euml; reja p&euml;r dy her&euml; m&euml; shum&euml; me SensiCare<\/li>\n<li>Opsioni SoftPlus lan paraprakisht dhe shp&euml;rndan rrobat n&euml; m&euml;nyr&euml; t&euml; barabart&euml;<\/li>\n<li>Programi AntiAllergy Vapor p&euml;r larjen e rrobave n&euml; 60 &ordm;C mund&euml;son trajtimin me avull n&euml; fund t&euml; ciklit p&euml;r larjen higjienike dhe t&euml; plot&euml; t&euml; rrobave.<\/li>\n<li>Me funksionin Eco TimeManager, ju mund t&euml; rregulloni koh&euml;zgjatjen e larjes me koh&euml;n q&euml; keni n&euml; dispozicion<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<div style="width: 100%;" class="container">\n<div class="row-fl">\n<div class="col-md-6"><img src="" /><\/div>\n<div class="col-md-6">\n<div class="tekst">\n<h3 style="font-size: 24px;">P&euml;lhurat duken si t&euml; reja p&euml;r dy her&euml; m&euml; shum&euml;<\/h3>\n<p style="font-size: 17px;">Sistemi yn&euml; SensiCare rregullon automatikisht cil&euml;simet e programit p&euml;r t\'iu p&euml;rshtatur madh&euml;sis&euml; s&euml; ngarkes&euml;s. Sensor&euml; inteligjent&euml; pak&euml;sojn&euml; koh&euml;n, ujin dhe energjin&euml; e p&euml;rdorur, q&euml; do t&euml; thot&euml; se edhe ngarkesat e vogla lahen me precizion. P&euml;r nj&euml; pastrim efektiv pa asnj&euml; rrezik d&euml;mtimi t&euml; p&euml;lhur&euml;s.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div class="row-fl">\n<div class="col-md-6">\n<div class="tekst">\n<h3 style="font-size: 24px;">Preket &ccedil;do fib&euml;r, &ccedil;do pelhur&euml; m&euml; e but&euml;<\/h3>\n<p style="font-size: 17px;">SoftPlus zbut paraprakisht dhe shp&euml;rndan veshjet n&euml; m&euml;nyr&euml; t&euml; barabart&euml;. Duke siguruar q&euml; t&euml; arrihet &ccedil;do fib&euml;r dhe se &ccedil;do veshje t&euml; jet&euml; e but&euml; dhe t&euml; ruaj arom&euml; t&euml; fresk&euml;t m&euml; gjat&euml;.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div class="col-md-6"><img src="" /><\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div class="row-fl">\n<div class="col-md-6"><img src="" /><\/div>\n<div class="col-md-6">\n<div class="tekst">\n<h3 style="font-size: 24px;">Shtoni avull p&euml;r past&euml;rti t&euml; v&euml;rtet&euml;<\/h3>\n<p style="font-size: 17px;">Programi i larjes n&euml; 60&ordm;C AntiAllergy Vapor siguron avull n&euml; fund t&euml; ciklit, p&euml;r t\'u dh&euml;n&euml; rrobave tuaja past&euml;rti dhe efikase. Kjo ndihmon n&euml; pak&euml;simin e baktereve dhe alergjen&euml;ve nga rrobat tuaja dhe ndihmon p&euml;r higjien&euml;n m&euml; t&euml; mir&euml; t&euml; rrobave.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div class="row-fl">\n<div class="col-md-6">\n<div class="tekst">\n<h3 style="font-size: 24px;">M&euml; pak energji, m&euml; shum&euml; koh&euml;<\/h3>\n<p style="font-size: 17px;">Eco TimeManager ju lejon t&euml; rregulloni koh&euml;zgjatjen e ciklit t&euml; larjes ndaj koh&euml;s q&euml; keni n&euml; dispozicion. Duke ju kursyer si koh&euml; ashtu edhe energji pa absolutisht asnj&euml; kompromis p&euml;r larjen e plot&euml; q&euml; marrin rrobat tuaja.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div class="col-md-6"><img src="" /><\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div class="row-fl">\n<div class="col-md-6"><img src="" /><\/div>\n<div class="col-md-6">\n<div class="tekst">\n<h3 style="font-size: 24px;">Pastroni rrobat kur &euml;sht&euml; e leverdishme<\/h3>\n<p style="font-size: 17px;">Rregulloni fillimin e ciklit p&euml;r t\'iu p&euml;rshtatur planit tuaj me funksionin shtyrja e programit n&euml; makin&euml;n lar&euml;se. Rrobat do t&euml; jen&euml; gati p&euml;r t\'u shkarkuar kur t&euml; jeni gati p&euml;r t\'i shkarkuar, duke i mbajtur ato sa m&euml; t&euml; fresk&euml;ta dhe sa m&euml; aromatike q&euml; t&euml; jet&euml; e mundur. &Euml;sht&euml; m&euml;nyra m&euml; e leverdishme p&euml;r t&euml; pastruar.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<style>\n  .row-fl{\n  display:flex;\n  flex-direction:row;\n  align-items:center;\n  justify-content:center;\n  }\n  h3{\n  margin:10px; \n  }\n  p{\n  \n margin:10px; \n  }\n  @media(max-width:700px){\n  .row-fl{\n  flex-direction:column!important; \n  } \n  }\n  @media(max-width:280px){\n  .row-fl{\n  flex-direction:column!important; \n  } \n  }\n<\/style><\/li><\/ul>\r\n',
                            DescriptionAl: '<ul>\r\n<li><p>Makina lar&euml;se me teknologjin&euml; PerfectCare 600 me Sistemin SensiCare rregullon gjat&euml;sin&euml; e koh&euml;s s&euml; programit ndaj madh&euml;sis&euml; s&euml; ngarkes&euml;s, duke p&euml;rdorur m&euml; pak energji e uj&euml; dhe duke parandaluar q&euml; &ccedil;do pelhure t&euml; lahet p&euml;r nj&euml; koh&euml; t&euml; gjat&euml;. Duke mund&euml;suar cikle m&euml; ekonomike edhe p&euml;r ngarkesat tuaja m&euml; t&euml; vogla.<\/p>\n<ul>\n<li>P&euml;lhurat duken si t&euml; reja p&euml;r dy her&euml; m&euml; shum&euml; me SensiCare<\/li>\n<li>Opsioni SoftPlus lan paraprakisht dhe shp&euml;rndan rrobat n&euml; m&euml;nyr&euml; t&euml; barabart&euml;<\/li>\n<li>Programi AntiAllergy Vapor p&euml;r larjen e rrobave n&euml; 60 &ordm;C mund&euml;son trajtimin me avull n&euml; fund t&euml; ciklit p&euml;r larjen higjienike dhe t&euml; plot&euml; t&euml; rrobave.<\/li>\n<li>Me funksionin Eco TimeManager, ju mund t&euml; rregulloni koh&euml;zgjatjen e larjes me koh&euml;n q&euml; keni n&euml; dispozicion<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<div style="width: 100%;" class="container">\n<div class="row-fl">\n<div class="col-md-6"><img src="" /><\/div>\n<div class="col-md-6">\n<div class="tekst">\n<h3 style="font-size: 24px;">P&euml;lhurat duken si t&euml; reja p&euml;r dy her&euml; m&euml; shum&euml;<\/h3>\n<p style="font-size: 17px;">Sistemi yn&euml; SensiCare rregullon automatikisht cil&euml;simet e programit p&euml;r t\'iu p&euml;rshtatur madh&euml;sis&euml; s&euml; ngarkes&euml;s. Sensor&euml; inteligjent&euml; pak&euml;sojn&euml; koh&euml;n, ujin dhe energjin&euml; e p&euml;rdorur, q&euml; do t&euml; thot&euml; se edhe ngarkesat e vogla lahen me precizion. P&euml;r nj&euml; pastrim efektiv pa asnj&euml; rrezik d&euml;mtimi t&euml; p&euml;lhur&euml;s.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div class="row-fl">\n<div class="col-md-6">\n<div class="tekst">\n<h3 style="font-size: 24px;">Preket &ccedil;do fib&euml;r, &ccedil;do pelhur&euml; m&euml; e but&euml;<\/h3>\n<p style="font-size: 17px;">SoftPlus zbut paraprakisht dhe shp&euml;rndan veshjet n&euml; m&euml;nyr&euml; t&euml; barabart&euml;. Duke siguruar q&euml; t&euml; arrihet &ccedil;do fib&euml;r dhe se &ccedil;do veshje t&euml; jet&euml; e but&euml; dhe t&euml; ruaj arom&euml; t&euml; fresk&euml;t m&euml; gjat&euml;.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div class="col-md-6"><img src="" /><\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div class="row-fl">\n<div class="col-md-6"><img src="" /><\/div>\n<div class="col-md-6">\n<div class="tekst">\n<h3 style="font-size: 24px;">Shtoni avull p&euml;r past&euml;rti t&euml; v&euml;rtet&euml;<\/h3>\n<p style="font-size: 17px;">Programi i larjes n&euml; 60&ordm;C AntiAllergy Vapor siguron avull n&euml; fund t&euml; ciklit, p&euml;r t\'u dh&euml;n&euml; rrobave tuaja past&euml;rti dhe efikase. Kjo ndihmon n&euml; pak&euml;simin e baktereve dhe alergjen&euml;ve nga rrobat tuaja dhe ndihmon p&euml;r higjien&euml;n m&euml; t&euml; mir&euml; t&euml; rrobave.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div class="row-fl">\n<div class="col-md-6">\n<div class="tekst">\n<h3 style="font-size: 24px;">M&euml; pak energji, m&euml; shum&euml; koh&euml;<\/h3>\n<p style="font-size: 17px;">Eco TimeManager ju lejon t&euml; rregulloni koh&euml;zgjatjen e ciklit t&euml; larjes ndaj koh&euml;s q&euml; keni n&euml; dispozicion. Duke ju kursyer si koh&euml; ashtu edhe energji pa absolutisht asnj&euml; kompromis p&euml;r larjen e plot&euml; q&euml; marrin rrobat tuaja.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div class="col-md-6"><img src="" /><\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div class="row-fl">\n<div class="col-md-6"><img src="" /><\/div>\n<div class="col-md-6">\n<div class="tekst">\n<h3 style="font-size: 24px;">Pastroni rrobat kur &euml;sht&euml; e leverdishme<\/h3>\n<p style="font-size: 17px;">Rregulloni fillimin e ciklit p&euml;r t\'iu p&euml;rshtatur planit tuaj me funksionin shtyrja e programit n&euml; makin&euml;n lar&euml;se. Rrobat do t&euml; jen&euml; gati p&euml;r t\'u shkarkuar kur t&euml; jeni gati p&euml;r t\'i shkarkuar, duke i mbajtur ato sa m&euml; t&euml; fresk&euml;ta dhe sa m&euml; aromatike q&euml; t&euml; jet&euml; e mundur. &Euml;sht&euml; m&euml;nyra m&euml; e leverdishme p&euml;r t&euml; pastruar.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<style>\n  .row-fl{\n  display:flex;\n  flex-direction:row;\n  align-items:center;\n  justify-content:center;\n  }\n  h3{\n  margin:10px; \n  }\n  p{\n  \n margin:10px; \n  }\n  @media(max-width:700px){\n  .row-fl{\n  flex-direction:column!important; \n  } \n  }\n  @media(max-width:280px){\n  .row-fl{\n  flex-direction:column!important; \n  } \n  }\n<\/style><\/li><\/ul>\r\n',
                            ShortDescription: "<ul>\r\n<li><ul><li>P&euml;lhurat duken si t&euml; reja p&euml;r dy her&euml; m&euml; shum&euml; me SensiCare<\/li><li>Opsioni SoftPlus lan paraprakisht dhe shp&euml;rndan rrobat n&euml; m&euml;nyr&euml; t&euml; barabart&euml;<\/li><li>Programi AntiAllergy Vapor p&euml;r larjen e rrobave n&euml; 60 &ordm;C mund&euml;son trajtimin me avull n&euml; fund t&euml; ciklit p&euml;r larjen higjienike dhe t&euml; plot&euml; t&euml; rrobave.<\/li><li>Me funksionin Eco TimeManager, ju mund t&euml; rregulloni koh&euml;zgjatjen e larjes me koh&euml;n q&euml; keni n&euml; dispozicion<\/li><\/ul><\/li><\/ul>\r\n",
                            ShortDescriptionAl: "<ul>\r\n<li><ul><li>P&euml;lhurat duken si t&euml; reja p&euml;r dy her&euml; m&euml; shum&euml; me SensiCare<\/li><li>Opsioni SoftPlus lan paraprakisht dhe shp&euml;rndan rrobat n&euml; m&euml;nyr&euml; t&euml; barabart&euml;<\/li><li>Programi AntiAllergy Vapor p&euml;r larjen e rrobave n&euml; 60 &ordm;C mund&euml;son trajtimin me avull n&euml; fund t&euml; ciklit p&euml;r larjen higjienike dhe t&euml; plot&euml; t&euml; rrobave.<\/li><li>Me funksionin Eco TimeManager, ju mund t&euml; rregulloni koh&euml;zgjatjen e larjes me koh&euml;n q&euml; keni n&euml; dispozicion<\/li><\/ul><\/li><\/ul>\r\n",
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                            Description: '<ul>\r\n<li><section style="width: 100%; background-color: black;" class="container">\n<h2 class="up_main_title">Nj&euml; p&euml;rvoj&euml; televizive e nivelit m&euml; t&euml; lart&euml;<\/h2>\n<p><video width="100%" height="600px" autoplay="autoplay" loop="loop" muted=""><source type="video/webm" src="" /><\/video><\/p>\n<h3 class="main_title">Procesori &alpha;5 AI 4K (gjenerata e 6-t&euml;) u jep televizor&euml;ve LG UHD edhe m&euml; shum&euml; mund&euml;si p&euml;r t\'ju dh&euml;n&euml; nj&euml; p&euml;rvoj&euml; edhe m&euml; zhyt&euml;se.<\/h3>\n<div style="margin-top: 80px;" class="row-flex">\n<div class="col-md-6"><img class="product_img" src="" /><\/div>\n<div class="col-md-6">\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>Zbulo edhe detajet m&euml; t&euml; vogla<\/h2>\n<p>Me teknologjin&euml; HDR10 Pro, televizori LG UHD ofron ngjyra t&euml; gjalla dhe nj&euml; imazh jasht&euml;zakonisht t&euml; detajuar me ndri&ccedil;im t&euml; optimizuar.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div class="row-flex">\n<div class="col-md-6">\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>Nj&euml; gam&euml; e re e televizor&euml;ve UHD<\/h2>\n<p>Admironi p&euml;rmbajtjen tuaj t&euml; preferuar tani nga af&euml;r n&euml; televizorin ultra t&euml; madh 4K UHD!<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div class="col-md-6"><img class="product_img" src="" /><\/div>\n<\/div>\n<h2 class="up_main_title">E pershtatur sipas shijes tuaj. Home Screen i webOS 23 &euml;sht&euml; nj&euml; nd&euml;rfaqe qendrore p&euml;r leht&euml;sin&euml; tuaj - nga p&euml;rmbajtja juaj e preferuar deri te cil&euml;simet tuaja t&euml; preferuara, t&euml; gjitha n&euml; nj&euml; vend.<\/h2>\n<video width="100%" height="600px" autoplay="autoplay" loop="loop" muted=""><source type="video/webm" src="" /><\/video>\n<div style="margin-top: 80px;" class="row-flex">\n<div class="col-md-6"><img class="product_img" src="" /><\/div>\n<div class="col-md-6">\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>Nj&euml; p&euml;rvoj&euml; magjeps&euml;se n&euml; sht&euml;pin&euml; tuaj si n&euml; kinema<\/h2>\n<p>Shijoni p&euml;rvoj&euml;n e shikimit t&euml; TV 4K sikur t&euml; jeni ulur n&euml; kinema!<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div style="margin-top: 80px;" class="row-flex">\n<div class="col-md-6">\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>Loj&euml;rat m&euml; t&euml; mira AAA fillojn&euml; k&euml;tu<\/h2>\n<p>P&euml;rvoja e shpejt&euml; dhe e vazhdueshme e loj&euml;rave krijon p&euml;rvoja t&euml; reja ku mund t&euml; ndiheni v&euml;rtet n&euml; mes t&euml; loj&euml;s.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div class="col-md-6"><video width="100%" height="600px" class="product_img" autoplay="autoplay" loop="loop" muted=""><source type="video/webm" src="" /><\/video><\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/section>\n<style>\n  .row-flex{\n  display:flex;\n  margin-top:50px;\n  flex-direction:row;\n  align-items:center;\n  justify-content:center;\n  padding-bottom:30px;\n  gap:20px!important; \n  }\n  @media(max-width:800px){\n  .row-flex{\n  flex-direction:column; \n  }\n  section .row-flex:nth-of-type(even){\n  flex-direction: column-reverse !important;\n  }\n  }\n  .product_img {\n  border-radius: 20px !important;\n  margin-bottom: 10px;\n  }\n  .text-box h2 {\n  margin-bottom: 10px !important;\n  display: block !important;\n  margin-bottom: 10px;\n  color: white  !important;\n  padding-top: 20px !important;\n  margin-top: 0px !important;\n  border-bottom: none  !important;\n  font-weight: 900;\n  font-size: 25px !important;\n  } \n  .text-box p {\n  font-size: 15px !important;\n  color: white;\n  }\n  @media(max-width:600px){\n  .tabsDetails .tab-pane {\n  padding: 0px !important;\n  }\n  .panel-body {\n  padding: 0px;\n  }\n  .tabsDetails .tab-pane ul li {\n  padding: 0px !important;\n  }\n  }\n  .up_main_title {\n  display: block !important;\n  color: white  !important;\n  padding-top: 80px !important;\n  margin-bottom: 10px !important;\n  margin-top: 0px !important;\n  border-bottom: none  !important;\n  padding-bottom: 30px !important;\n  font-weight: 900;\n  font-size: 35px !important;\n  text-align: center;\n  }\n  .main_title {\n  width: 70% !important;\n  padding-top: 20px !important;\n  margin: 0  auto !important;\n  color: white  !important;\n  border-bottom: none  !important;\n  padding-bottom: 0px !important;\n  font-weight: 500;\n  font-size: 17px !important;\n  }\n<\/style><\/li><\/ul>\r\n',
                            DescriptionEn: '<ul>\r\n<li><section style="width: 100%; background-color: black;" class="container">\n<h2 class="up_main_title">Nj&euml; p&euml;rvoj&euml; televizive e nivelit m&euml; t&euml; lart&euml;<\/h2>\n<p><video width="100%" height="600px" autoplay="autoplay" loop="loop" muted=""><source type="video/webm" src="" /><\/video><\/p>\n<h3 class="main_title">Procesori &alpha;5 AI 4K (gjenerata e 6-t&euml;) u jep televizor&euml;ve LG UHD edhe m&euml; shum&euml; mund&euml;si p&euml;r t\'ju dh&euml;n&euml; nj&euml; p&euml;rvoj&euml; edhe m&euml; zhyt&euml;se.<\/h3>\n<div style="margin-top: 80px;" class="row-flex">\n<div class="col-md-6"><img class="product_img" src="" /><\/div>\n<div class="col-md-6">\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>Zbulo edhe detajet m&euml; t&euml; vogla<\/h2>\n<p>Me teknologjin&euml; HDR10 Pro, televizori LG UHD ofron ngjyra t&euml; gjalla dhe nj&euml; imazh jasht&euml;zakonisht t&euml; detajuar me ndri&ccedil;im t&euml; optimizuar.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div class="row-flex">\n<div class="col-md-6">\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>Nj&euml; gam&euml; e re e televizor&euml;ve UHD<\/h2>\n<p>Admironi p&euml;rmbajtjen tuaj t&euml; preferuar tani nga af&euml;r n&euml; televizorin ultra t&euml; madh 4K UHD!<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div class="col-md-6"><img class="product_img" src="" /><\/div>\n<\/div>\n<h2 class="up_main_title">E pershtatur sipas shijes tuaj. Home Screen i webOS 23 &euml;sht&euml; nj&euml; nd&euml;rfaqe qendrore p&euml;r leht&euml;sin&euml; tuaj - nga p&euml;rmbajtja juaj e preferuar deri te cil&euml;simet tuaja t&euml; preferuara, t&euml; gjitha n&euml; nj&euml; vend.<\/h2>\n<video width="100%" height="600px" autoplay="autoplay" loop="loop" muted=""><source type="video/webm" src="" /><\/video>\n<div style="margin-top: 80px;" class="row-flex">\n<div class="col-md-6"><img class="product_img" src="" /><\/div>\n<div class="col-md-6">\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>Nj&euml; p&euml;rvoj&euml; magjeps&euml;se n&euml; sht&euml;pin&euml; tuaj si n&euml; kinema<\/h2>\n<p>Shijoni p&euml;rvoj&euml;n e shikimit t&euml; TV 4K sikur t&euml; jeni ulur n&euml; kinema!<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div style="margin-top: 80px;" class="row-flex">\n<div class="col-md-6">\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>Loj&euml;rat m&euml; t&euml; mira AAA fillojn&euml; k&euml;tu<\/h2>\n<p>P&euml;rvoja e shpejt&euml; dhe e vazhdueshme e loj&euml;rave krijon p&euml;rvoja t&euml; reja ku mund t&euml; ndiheni v&euml;rtet n&euml; mes t&euml; loj&euml;s.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div class="col-md-6"><video width="100%" height="600px" class="product_img" autoplay="autoplay" loop="loop" muted=""><source type="video/webm" src="" /><\/video><\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/section>\n<style>\n  .row-flex{\n  display:flex;\n  margin-top:50px;\n  flex-direction:row;\n  align-items:center;\n  justify-content:center;\n  padding-bottom:30px;\n  gap:20px!important; \n  }\n  @media(max-width:800px){\n  .row-flex{\n  flex-direction:column; \n  }\n  section .row-flex:nth-of-type(even){\n  flex-direction: column-reverse !important;\n  }\n  }\n  .product_img {\n  border-radius: 20px !important;\n  margin-bottom: 10px;\n  }\n  .text-box h2 {\n  margin-bottom: 10px !important;\n  display: block !important;\n  margin-bottom: 10px;\n  color: white  !important;\n  padding-top: 20px !important;\n  margin-top: 0px !important;\n  border-bottom: none  !important;\n  font-weight: 900;\n  font-size: 25px !important;\n  } \n  .text-box p {\n  font-size: 15px !important;\n  color: white;\n  }\n  @media(max-width:600px){\n  .tabsDetails .tab-pane {\n  padding: 0px !important;\n  }\n  .panel-body {\n  padding: 0px;\n  }\n  .tabsDetails .tab-pane ul li {\n  padding: 0px !important;\n  }\n  }\n  .up_main_title {\n  display: block !important;\n  color: white  !important;\n  padding-top: 80px !important;\n  margin-bottom: 10px !important;\n  margin-top: 0px !important;\n  border-bottom: none  !important;\n  padding-bottom: 30px !important;\n  font-weight: 900;\n  font-size: 35px !important;\n  text-align: center;\n  }\n  .main_title {\n  width: 70% !important;\n  padding-top: 20px !important;\n  margin: 0  auto !important;\n  color: white  !important;\n  border-bottom: none  !important;\n  padding-bottom: 0px !important;\n  font-weight: 500;\n  font-size: 17px !important;\n  }\n<\/style><\/li><\/ul>\r\n',
                            DescriptionAl: '<ul>\r\n<li><section style="width: 100%; background-color: black;" class="container">\n<h2 class="up_main_title">Nj&euml; p&euml;rvoj&euml; televizive e nivelit m&euml; t&euml; lart&euml;<\/h2>\n<p><video width="100%" height="600px" autoplay="autoplay" loop="loop" muted=""><source type="video/webm" src="" /><\/video><\/p>\n<h3 class="main_title">Procesori &alpha;5 AI 4K (gjenerata e 6-t&euml;) u jep televizor&euml;ve LG UHD edhe m&euml; shum&euml; mund&euml;si p&euml;r t\'ju dh&euml;n&euml; nj&euml; p&euml;rvoj&euml; edhe m&euml; zhyt&euml;se.<\/h3>\n<div style="margin-top: 80px;" class="row-flex">\n<div class="col-md-6"><img class="product_img" src="" /><\/div>\n<div class="col-md-6">\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>Zbulo edhe detajet m&euml; t&euml; vogla<\/h2>\n<p>Me teknologjin&euml; HDR10 Pro, televizori LG UHD ofron ngjyra t&euml; gjalla dhe nj&euml; imazh jasht&euml;zakonisht t&euml; detajuar me ndri&ccedil;im t&euml; optimizuar.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div class="row-flex">\n<div class="col-md-6">\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>Nj&euml; gam&euml; e re e televizor&euml;ve UHD<\/h2>\n<p>Admironi p&euml;rmbajtjen tuaj t&euml; preferuar tani nga af&euml;r n&euml; televizorin ultra t&euml; madh 4K UHD!<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div class="col-md-6"><img class="product_img" src="" /><\/div>\n<\/div>\n<h2 class="up_main_title">E pershtatur sipas shijes tuaj. Home Screen i webOS 23 &euml;sht&euml; nj&euml; nd&euml;rfaqe qendrore p&euml;r leht&euml;sin&euml; tuaj - nga p&euml;rmbajtja juaj e preferuar deri te cil&euml;simet tuaja t&euml; preferuara, t&euml; gjitha n&euml; nj&euml; vend.<\/h2>\n<video width="100%" height="600px" autoplay="autoplay" loop="loop" muted=""><source type="video/webm" src="" /><\/video>\n<div style="margin-top: 80px;" class="row-flex">\n<div class="col-md-6"><img class="product_img" src="" /><\/div>\n<div class="col-md-6">\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>Nj&euml; p&euml;rvoj&euml; magjeps&euml;se n&euml; sht&euml;pin&euml; tuaj si n&euml; kinema<\/h2>\n<p>Shijoni p&euml;rvoj&euml;n e shikimit t&euml; TV 4K sikur t&euml; jeni ulur n&euml; kinema!<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div style="margin-top: 80px;" class="row-flex">\n<div class="col-md-6">\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>Loj&euml;rat m&euml; t&euml; mira AAA fillojn&euml; k&euml;tu<\/h2>\n<p>P&euml;rvoja e shpejt&euml; dhe e vazhdueshme e loj&euml;rave krijon p&euml;rvoja t&euml; reja ku mund t&euml; ndiheni v&euml;rtet n&euml; mes t&euml; loj&euml;s.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div class="col-md-6"><video width="100%" height="600px" class="product_img" autoplay="autoplay" loop="loop" muted=""><source type="video/webm" src="" /><\/video><\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/section>\n<style>\n  .row-flex{\n  display:flex;\n  margin-top:50px;\n  flex-direction:row;\n  align-items:center;\n  justify-content:center;\n  padding-bottom:30px;\n  gap:20px!important; \n  }\n  @media(max-width:800px){\n  .row-flex{\n  flex-direction:column; \n  }\n  section .row-flex:nth-of-type(even){\n  flex-direction: column-reverse !important;\n  }\n  }\n  .product_img {\n  border-radius: 20px !important;\n  margin-bottom: 10px;\n  }\n  .text-box h2 {\n  margin-bottom: 10px !important;\n  display: block !important;\n  margin-bottom: 10px;\n  color: white  !important;\n  padding-top: 20px !important;\n  margin-top: 0px !important;\n  border-bottom: none  !important;\n  font-weight: 900;\n  font-size: 25px !important;\n  } \n  .text-box p {\n  font-size: 15px !important;\n  color: white;\n  }\n  @media(max-width:600px){\n  .tabsDetails .tab-pane {\n  padding: 0px !important;\n  }\n  .panel-body {\n  padding: 0px;\n  }\n  .tabsDetails .tab-pane ul li {\n  padding: 0px !important;\n  }\n  }\n  .up_main_title {\n  display: block !important;\n  color: white  !important;\n  padding-top: 80px !important;\n  margin-bottom: 10px !important;\n  margin-top: 0px !important;\n  border-bottom: none  !important;\n  padding-bottom: 30px !important;\n  font-weight: 900;\n  font-size: 35px !important;\n  text-align: center;\n  }\n  .main_title {\n  width: 70% !important;\n  padding-top: 20px !important;\n  margin: 0  auto !important;\n  color: white  !important;\n  border-bottom: none  !important;\n  padding-bottom: 0px !important;\n  font-weight: 500;\n  font-size: 17px !important;\n  }\n<\/style><\/li><\/ul>\r\n',
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                            Title: "LAVATRICE BEKO WUV8612XSW",
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                            Description: "<ul>\r\n<li><ul><li>Programi StainExpert&trade;: Pastrim i njollave p&euml;r 24 lloje njollash<\/li><li>Programi Xpress Super Shkurt 14 Min: 2 kg rroba t&euml; pastra n&euml; 14 min<\/li><li>AntiRrudha: Lavanderi pa rrudha<\/li><li>AquaWave&reg;: Kazan me veprim si val&euml; p&euml;r trajtim m&euml; t&euml; but&euml;<\/li><\/ul><\/li><\/ul>\r\n",
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                            Title: "LAVASTOVILJE BEKO BDIN38521Q",
                            ShortTitleEn: "DISHWASHER BEKO BDIN38521Q",
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                            ShortDescription: "<ul>\r\n<li><ul><li>LedSpot&trade;: Drit&euml; treguese e statusit<\/li><li>Fast+: Pastrim 3 her&euml; m&euml; i shpejt&euml;<\/li><li>Dispanzer rr&euml;shqit&euml;s detergjenti: Dispanzer q&euml; hapet leht&euml;<\/li><li>SteamGloss&reg;: Gota pa shenja uji<\/li><li>Mbajt&euml;sja e pjatave Easy-fold: Hap&euml;sir&euml; shtes&euml; p&euml;r tenxhere dhe tigan<\/li><\/ul><\/li><\/ul>\r\n",
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                            Id: 24132,
                            Title: "PS5 PLAYSTATION 5 CONSOLE SLIM",
                            ShortTitleEn: "PS5 PLAYSTATION 5 CONSOLE SLIM",
                            ShortTitleAl: "PS5 PLAYSTATION 5 CONSOLE SLIM",
                            ShortTitleMk: "PS5 PLAYSTATION 5 CONSOLE SLIM",
                            Description: '<ul>\r\n<li><div style="width: 100%;" class="container">\n<div class="row-fl">\n<div class="col-md-6"><img class="product_img" src="$Minor_Section_Desktop$" /><\/div>\n<div class="col-md-6">\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>Dizajn i holl&euml;<\/h2>\n<p>Me PS5&reg;, lojtar&euml;t marrin teknologji t&euml; fuqishme lojrash t&euml; paketuar brenda nj&euml; dizajni elegant dhe kompakt t&euml; konsol&euml;s.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>1 TB hap&euml;sir&euml; ruajt&euml;se<\/h2>\n<p>Mbajini gati loj&euml;rat tuaja t&euml; preferuara dhe presin q&euml; t&euml; futeni dhe t&euml; luani me 1 TB hap&euml;sir&euml; ruajt&euml;se SSD t&euml; integruar.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>SSD me shpejt&euml;si ultra t&euml; lart&euml;<\/h2>\n<p>Maksimizoni seancat tuaja t&euml; luajtjes me koh&euml; ngarkimi af&euml;rsisht t&euml; menj&euml;hershme p&euml;r loj&euml;rat e instaluara PS5&reg;.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>I/O e integruar<\/h2>\n<p>Integrimi i personalizuar i sistemeve t&euml; konzoll&euml;s PS5&reg; i lejon krijuesit t&euml; t&euml;rheqin t&euml; dh&euml;nat nga SSD aq shpejt sa t&euml; mund t&euml; dizajnojn&euml; loj&euml;ra n&euml; m&euml;nyra q&euml; nuk ishte e mundur m&euml; par&euml;.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div style="width: 100%;" class="container">\n<div class="row-fl">\n<div class="col-md-6">\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>Ray Tracing<\/h2>\n<p>Zhytuni n&euml; bot&euml; me nj&euml; nivel t&euml; ri realizmi pasi rrezet e drit&euml;s simulohen individualisht, duke krijuar hije dhe reflektime reale n&euml; loj&euml;rat e mb&euml;shtetura PS5&reg;..<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>Loj&euml;ra 4K n&euml; TV<\/h2>\n<p>Luaj loj&euml;rat tuaja t&euml; preferuara PS5&reg; n&euml; televizorin tuaj mahnit&euml;s 4K.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>Deri n&euml; 120 fps me dalje 120 Hz<\/h2>\n<p>Shijoni loj&euml;n e qet&euml; dhe me shpejt&euml;si t&euml; lart&euml; t&euml; frames deri n&euml; 120 fps, me mb&euml;shtetje p&euml;r dalje 120 Hz n&euml; ekranet 4K.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>Teknologjia HDR<\/h2>\n<p>Me nj&euml; televizor HDR, loj&euml;rat e mb&euml;shtetura PS5&reg; shfaqin nj&euml; gam&euml; ngjyrash t&euml; pabesueshme vibrante dhe reale.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div class="col-md-6"><img class="product_img" src="$Minor_Section_Desktop$" /><\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div style="width: 100%;" class="container">\n<div class="row-fl">\n<div class="col-md-6"><img class="product_img" src="$Minor_Section_Desktop$" /><\/div>\n<div class="col-md-6">\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>Feedback haptik<\/h2>\n<p>P&euml;rjetoni reagimet haptike p&euml;rmes kontrolluesit me val&euml; DualSense&reg; n&euml; tituj t&euml; zgjedhur t&euml; PS5&reg; dhe ndjeni efektet dhe ndikimin e veprimeve tuaja n&euml; loj&euml; p&euml;rmes reagimeve dinamike ndijore.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>P&euml;rfshin ASTRO\'S playroom<\/h2>\n<p>Eksploroni kat&euml;r bot&euml;, secila prej t&euml; cilave shfaq nj&euml; loj&euml; inovative duke p&euml;rdorur ve&ccedil;orit&euml; e gjithanshme t&euml; kontrolluesit me val&euml; DualSense&reg;, n&euml; k&euml;t&euml; loj&euml; t&euml; p&euml;rfshir&euml; p&euml;r t&euml; gjith&euml; p&euml;rdoruesit e konsol&euml;s PS5&reg;.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>P&euml;rputhshm&euml;ria prapa dhe rritja e loj&euml;s<\/h2>\n<p>Konsola PS5&reg; mund t&euml; luaj&euml; mbi 4000 loj&euml;ra PS4&reg;. Me ve&ccedil;orin&euml; Game Boost, mund t&euml; shijoni edhe shpejt&euml;si m&euml; t&euml; shpejta dhe m&euml; t&euml; buta t&euml; frames n&euml; disa nga loj&euml;rat m&euml; t&euml; m&euml;dha t&euml; konsol&euml;s PS4&reg;.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<style>\n  .row-fl{\n  display:flex;\n  flex-direction:row;\n  align-items:center;\n  justify-content:center;\n  margin-bottom: 25px;\n  }\n  @media(max-width:700px){\n  .row-fl{\n  flex-direction:column; \n  }\n  .panel-body ul li .container:nth-of-type(even) .row-fl {\n  flex-direction: column-reverse!important;\n  }\n  }\n  .product_img {\n  border-radius: 20px !important;\n  margin-bottom: 10px;\n  }\n  .text-box h2 {\n  margin-bottom: 10px !important;\n  font-size: 20px !important;\n  }\n  .text-box p {\n  font-size: 14px !important;\n  }\n<\/style><\/li><\/ul>\r\n',
                            DescriptionEn: '<ul>\r\n<li><div style="width: 100%;" class="container">\n<div class="row-fl">\n<div class="col-md-6"><img class="product_img" src="$Minor_Section_Desktop$" /><\/div>\n<div class="col-md-6">\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>Dizajn i holl&euml;<\/h2>\n<p>Me PS5&reg;, lojtar&euml;t marrin teknologji t&euml; fuqishme lojrash t&euml; paketuar brenda nj&euml; dizajni elegant dhe kompakt t&euml; konsol&euml;s.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>1 TB hap&euml;sir&euml; ruajt&euml;se<\/h2>\n<p>Mbajini gati loj&euml;rat tuaja t&euml; preferuara dhe presin q&euml; t&euml; futeni dhe t&euml; luani me 1 TB hap&euml;sir&euml; ruajt&euml;se SSD t&euml; integruar.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>SSD me shpejt&euml;si ultra t&euml; lart&euml;<\/h2>\n<p>Maksimizoni seancat tuaja t&euml; luajtjes me koh&euml; ngarkimi af&euml;rsisht t&euml; menj&euml;hershme p&euml;r loj&euml;rat e instaluara PS5&reg;.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>I/O e integruar<\/h2>\n<p>Integrimi i personalizuar i sistemeve t&euml; konzoll&euml;s PS5&reg; i lejon krijuesit t&euml; t&euml;rheqin t&euml; dh&euml;nat nga SSD aq shpejt sa t&euml; mund t&euml; dizajnojn&euml; loj&euml;ra n&euml; m&euml;nyra q&euml; nuk ishte e mundur m&euml; par&euml;.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div style="width: 100%;" class="container">\n<div class="row-fl">\n<div class="col-md-6">\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>Ray Tracing<\/h2>\n<p>Zhytuni n&euml; bot&euml; me nj&euml; nivel t&euml; ri realizmi pasi rrezet e drit&euml;s simulohen individualisht, duke krijuar hije dhe reflektime reale n&euml; loj&euml;rat e mb&euml;shtetura PS5&reg;..<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>Loj&euml;ra 4K n&euml; TV<\/h2>\n<p>Luaj loj&euml;rat tuaja t&euml; preferuara PS5&reg; n&euml; televizorin tuaj mahnit&euml;s 4K.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>Deri n&euml; 120 fps me dalje 120 Hz<\/h2>\n<p>Shijoni loj&euml;n e qet&euml; dhe me shpejt&euml;si t&euml; lart&euml; t&euml; frames deri n&euml; 120 fps, me mb&euml;shtetje p&euml;r dalje 120 Hz n&euml; ekranet 4K.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>Teknologjia HDR<\/h2>\n<p>Me nj&euml; televizor HDR, loj&euml;rat e mb&euml;shtetura PS5&reg; shfaqin nj&euml; gam&euml; ngjyrash t&euml; pabesueshme vibrante dhe reale.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div class="col-md-6"><img class="product_img" src="$Minor_Section_Desktop$" /><\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div style="width: 100%;" class="container">\n<div class="row-fl">\n<div class="col-md-6"><img class="product_img" src="$Minor_Section_Desktop$" /><\/div>\n<div class="col-md-6">\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>Feedback haptik<\/h2>\n<p>P&euml;rjetoni reagimet haptike p&euml;rmes kontrolluesit me val&euml; DualSense&reg; n&euml; tituj t&euml; zgjedhur t&euml; PS5&reg; dhe ndjeni efektet dhe ndikimin e veprimeve tuaja n&euml; loj&euml; p&euml;rmes reagimeve dinamike ndijore.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>P&euml;rfshin ASTRO\'S playroom<\/h2>\n<p>Eksploroni kat&euml;r bot&euml;, secila prej t&euml; cilave shfaq nj&euml; loj&euml; inovative duke p&euml;rdorur ve&ccedil;orit&euml; e gjithanshme t&euml; kontrolluesit me val&euml; DualSense&reg;, n&euml; k&euml;t&euml; loj&euml; t&euml; p&euml;rfshir&euml; p&euml;r t&euml; gjith&euml; p&euml;rdoruesit e konsol&euml;s PS5&reg;.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>P&euml;rputhshm&euml;ria prapa dhe rritja e loj&euml;s<\/h2>\n<p>Konsola PS5&reg; mund t&euml; luaj&euml; mbi 4000 loj&euml;ra PS4&reg;. Me ve&ccedil;orin&euml; Game Boost, mund t&euml; shijoni edhe shpejt&euml;si m&euml; t&euml; shpejta dhe m&euml; t&euml; buta t&euml; frames n&euml; disa nga loj&euml;rat m&euml; t&euml; m&euml;dha t&euml; konsol&euml;s PS4&reg;.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<style>\n  .row-fl{\n  display:flex;\n  flex-direction:row;\n  align-items:center;\n  justify-content:center;\n  margin-bottom: 25px;\n  }\n  @media(max-width:700px){\n  .row-fl{\n  flex-direction:column; \n  }\n  .panel-body ul li .container:nth-of-type(even) .row-fl {\n  flex-direction: column-reverse!important;\n  }\n  }\n  .product_img {\n  border-radius: 20px !important;\n  margin-bottom: 10px;\n  }\n  .text-box h2 {\n  margin-bottom: 10px !important;\n  font-size: 20px !important;\n  }\n  .text-box p {\n  font-size: 14px !important;\n  }\n<\/style><\/li><\/ul>\r\n',
                            DescriptionAl: '<ul>\r\n<li><div style="width: 100%;" class="container">\n<div class="row-fl">\n<div class="col-md-6"><img class="product_img" src="$Minor_Section_Desktop$" /><\/div>\n<div class="col-md-6">\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>Dizajn i holl&euml;<\/h2>\n<p>Me PS5&reg;, lojtar&euml;t marrin teknologji t&euml; fuqishme lojrash t&euml; paketuar brenda nj&euml; dizajni elegant dhe kompakt t&euml; konsol&euml;s.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>1 TB hap&euml;sir&euml; ruajt&euml;se<\/h2>\n<p>Mbajini gati loj&euml;rat tuaja t&euml; preferuara dhe presin q&euml; t&euml; futeni dhe t&euml; luani me 1 TB hap&euml;sir&euml; ruajt&euml;se SSD t&euml; integruar.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>SSD me shpejt&euml;si ultra t&euml; lart&euml;<\/h2>\n<p>Maksimizoni seancat tuaja t&euml; luajtjes me koh&euml; ngarkimi af&euml;rsisht t&euml; menj&euml;hershme p&euml;r loj&euml;rat e instaluara PS5&reg;.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>I/O e integruar<\/h2>\n<p>Integrimi i personalizuar i sistemeve t&euml; konzoll&euml;s PS5&reg; i lejon krijuesit t&euml; t&euml;rheqin t&euml; dh&euml;nat nga SSD aq shpejt sa t&euml; mund t&euml; dizajnojn&euml; loj&euml;ra n&euml; m&euml;nyra q&euml; nuk ishte e mundur m&euml; par&euml;.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div style="width: 100%;" class="container">\n<div class="row-fl">\n<div class="col-md-6">\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>Ray Tracing<\/h2>\n<p>Zhytuni n&euml; bot&euml; me nj&euml; nivel t&euml; ri realizmi pasi rrezet e drit&euml;s simulohen individualisht, duke krijuar hije dhe reflektime reale n&euml; loj&euml;rat e mb&euml;shtetura PS5&reg;..<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>Loj&euml;ra 4K n&euml; TV<\/h2>\n<p>Luaj loj&euml;rat tuaja t&euml; preferuara PS5&reg; n&euml; televizorin tuaj mahnit&euml;s 4K.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>Deri n&euml; 120 fps me dalje 120 Hz<\/h2>\n<p>Shijoni loj&euml;n e qet&euml; dhe me shpejt&euml;si t&euml; lart&euml; t&euml; frames deri n&euml; 120 fps, me mb&euml;shtetje p&euml;r dalje 120 Hz n&euml; ekranet 4K.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>Teknologjia HDR<\/h2>\n<p>Me nj&euml; televizor HDR, loj&euml;rat e mb&euml;shtetura PS5&reg; shfaqin nj&euml; gam&euml; ngjyrash t&euml; pabesueshme vibrante dhe reale.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div class="col-md-6"><img class="product_img" src="$Minor_Section_Desktop$" /><\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div style="width: 100%;" class="container">\n<div class="row-fl">\n<div class="col-md-6"><img class="product_img" src="$Minor_Section_Desktop$" /><\/div>\n<div class="col-md-6">\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>Feedback haptik<\/h2>\n<p>P&euml;rjetoni reagimet haptike p&euml;rmes kontrolluesit me val&euml; DualSense&reg; n&euml; tituj t&euml; zgjedhur t&euml; PS5&reg; dhe ndjeni efektet dhe ndikimin e veprimeve tuaja n&euml; loj&euml; p&euml;rmes reagimeve dinamike ndijore.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>P&euml;rfshin ASTRO\'S playroom<\/h2>\n<p>Eksploroni kat&euml;r bot&euml;, secila prej t&euml; cilave shfaq nj&euml; loj&euml; inovative duke p&euml;rdorur ve&ccedil;orit&euml; e gjithanshme t&euml; kontrolluesit me val&euml; DualSense&reg;, n&euml; k&euml;t&euml; loj&euml; t&euml; p&euml;rfshir&euml; p&euml;r t&euml; gjith&euml; p&euml;rdoruesit e konsol&euml;s PS5&reg;.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>P&euml;rputhshm&euml;ria prapa dhe rritja e loj&euml;s<\/h2>\n<p>Konsola PS5&reg; mund t&euml; luaj&euml; mbi 4000 loj&euml;ra PS4&reg;. Me ve&ccedil;orin&euml; Game Boost, mund t&euml; shijoni edhe shpejt&euml;si m&euml; t&euml; shpejta dhe m&euml; t&euml; buta t&euml; frames n&euml; disa nga loj&euml;rat m&euml; t&euml; m&euml;dha t&euml; konsol&euml;s PS4&reg;.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<style>\n  .row-fl{\n  display:flex;\n  flex-direction:row;\n  align-items:center;\n  justify-content:center;\n  margin-bottom: 25px;\n  }\n  @media(max-width:700px){\n  .row-fl{\n  flex-direction:column; \n  }\n  .panel-body ul li .container:nth-of-type(even) .row-fl {\n  flex-direction: column-reverse!important;\n  }\n  }\n  .product_img {\n  border-radius: 20px !important;\n  margin-bottom: 10px;\n  }\n  .text-box h2 {\n  margin-bottom: 10px !important;\n  font-size: 20px !important;\n  }\n  .text-box p {\n  font-size: 14px !important;\n  }\n<\/style><\/li><\/ul>\r\n',
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                            Id: 17731,
                            Title: "FRIGORIFER BEKO RCSA330K30XPN",
                            ShortTitleEn: "REFRIGERATOR BEKO RCSA330K30XPN",
                            ShortTitleAl: "FRIGORIFER BEKO RCSA330K30XPN",
                            ShortTitleMk: "FRIGORIFER BEKO RCSA330K30XPN",
                            Description: "<ul>\r\n<li><p><strong>Frigorifer Ngrir&euml;s i Posht&euml;m, MinFrost, 300L, Klasi i Energjis&euml; F<\/strong><\/p><ul><li>MinFrost: Fal&euml; nj&euml; sistemi t&euml; ve&ccedil;ant&euml; t&euml; menaxhimit t&euml; ftoh&euml;sit me MinFrost, formimi i akullit n&euml; ngrirje zvog&euml;lohet ndjesh&euml;m.<\/li><li>Ushqimi i ngrir&euml; ruhet m&euml; mir&euml; dhe konsumon m&euml; pak energji elektrike.<\/li><li>Led Illumination: ka nj&euml; seri dritash LED n&euml; pjes&euml;n e sip&euml;rme t&euml; frigoriferit ose n&euml; an&euml;n e secilit raft, n&euml; m&euml;nyr&euml; q&euml; t&euml; shihni mir&euml; n&euml; t&euml; gjith&euml; frigoriferin.<\/li><li>Ndri&ccedil;imi LED harxhon m&euml; pak energji sesa ndri&ccedil;imi standard.<\/li><li>Xham mbrojtes: Raftet me xham mbrojtes jane bere prej qelqi te zbutur dhe mund te p&euml;rballojne nje ngarkese deri ne 25 kg.<\/li><\/ul><\/li><\/ul>\r\n",
                            DescriptionEn: "<ul>\r\n<li><p><strong>Frigorifer Ngrir&euml;s i Posht&euml;m, MinFrost, 300L, Klasi i Energjis&euml; F<\/strong><\/p><ul><li>MinFrost: Fal&euml; nj&euml; sistemi t&euml; ve&ccedil;ant&euml; t&euml; menaxhimit t&euml; ftoh&euml;sit me MinFrost, formimi i akullit n&euml; ngrirje zvog&euml;lohet ndjesh&euml;m.<\/li><li>Ushqimi i ngrir&euml; ruhet m&euml; mir&euml; dhe konsumon m&euml; pak energji elektrike.<\/li><li>Led Illumination: ka nj&euml; seri dritash LED n&euml; pjes&euml;n e sip&euml;rme t&euml; frigoriferit ose n&euml; an&euml;n e secilit raft, n&euml; m&euml;nyr&euml; q&euml; t&euml; shihni mir&euml; n&euml; t&euml; gjith&euml; frigoriferin.<\/li><li>Ndri&ccedil;imi LED harxhon m&euml; pak energji sesa ndri&ccedil;imi standard.<\/li><li>Xham mbrojtes: Raftet me xham mbrojtes jane bere prej qelqi te zbutur dhe mund te p&euml;rballojne nje ngarkese deri ne 25 kg.<\/li><\/ul><\/li><\/ul>\r\n",
                            DescriptionAl: "<ul>\r\n<li><p><strong>Frigorifer Ngrir&euml;s i Posht&euml;m, MinFrost, 300L, Klasi i Energjis&euml; F<\/strong><\/p><ul><li>MinFrost: Fal&euml; nj&euml; sistemi t&euml; ve&ccedil;ant&euml; t&euml; menaxhimit t&euml; ftoh&euml;sit me MinFrost, formimi i akullit n&euml; ngrirje zvog&euml;lohet ndjesh&euml;m.<\/li><li>Ushqimi i ngrir&euml; ruhet m&euml; mir&euml; dhe konsumon m&euml; pak energji elektrike.<\/li><li>Led Illumination: ka nj&euml; seri dritash LED n&euml; pjes&euml;n e sip&euml;rme t&euml; frigoriferit ose n&euml; an&euml;n e secilit raft, n&euml; m&euml;nyr&euml; q&euml; t&euml; shihni mir&euml; n&euml; t&euml; gjith&euml; frigoriferin.<\/li><li>Ndri&ccedil;imi LED harxhon m&euml; pak energji sesa ndri&ccedil;imi standard.<\/li><li>Xham mbrojtes: Raftet me xham mbrojtes jane bere prej qelqi te zbutur dhe mund te p&euml;rballojne nje ngarkese deri ne 25 kg.<\/li><\/ul><\/li><\/ul>\r\n",
                            ShortDescription: "<ul>\r\n<li><p><strong>Frigorifer Ngrir&euml;s i Posht&euml;m, MinFrost, 300L, Klasi i Energjis&euml; F<\/strong><\/p><ul><li>MinFrost: Fal&euml; nj&euml; sistemi t&euml; ve&ccedil;ant&euml; t&euml; menaxhimit t&euml; ftoh&euml;sit me MinFrost, formimi i akullit n&euml; ngrirje zvog&euml;lohet ndjesh&euml;m.<\/li><li>Ushqimi i ngrir&euml; ruhet m&euml; mir&euml; dhe konsumon m&euml; pak energji elektrike.<\/li><li>Led Illumination: ka nj&euml; seri dritash LED n&euml; pjes&euml;n e sip&euml;rme t&euml; frigoriferit ose n&euml; an&euml;n e secilit raft, n&euml; m&euml;nyr&euml; q&euml; t&euml; shihni mir&euml; n&euml; t&euml; gjith&euml; frigoriferin.<\/li><li>Ndri&ccedil;imi LED harxhon m&euml; pak energji sesa ndri&ccedil;imi standard.<\/li><li>Xham mbrojtes: Raftet me xham mbrojtes jane bere prej qelqi te zbutur dhe mund te p&euml;rballojne nje ngarkese deri ne 25 kg.<\/li><\/ul><\/li><\/ul>\r\n",
                            ShortDescriptionAl: "<ul>\r\n<li><p><strong>Frigorifer Ngrir&euml;s i Posht&euml;m, MinFrost, 300L, Klasi i Energjis&euml; F<\/strong><\/p><ul><li>MinFrost: Fal&euml; nj&euml; sistemi t&euml; ve&ccedil;ant&euml; t&euml; menaxhimit t&euml; ftoh&euml;sit me MinFrost, formimi i akullit n&euml; ngrirje zvog&euml;lohet ndjesh&euml;m.<\/li><li>Ushqimi i ngrir&euml; ruhet m&euml; mir&euml; dhe konsumon m&euml; pak energji elektrike.<\/li><li>Led Illumination: ka nj&euml; seri dritash LED n&euml; pjes&euml;n e sip&euml;rme t&euml; frigoriferit ose n&euml; an&euml;n e secilit raft, n&euml; m&euml;nyr&euml; q&euml; t&euml; shihni mir&euml; n&euml; t&euml; gjith&euml; frigoriferin.<\/li><li>Ndri&ccedil;imi LED harxhon m&euml; pak energji sesa ndri&ccedil;imi standard.<\/li><li>Xham mbrojtes: Raftet me xham mbrojtes jane bere prej qelqi te zbutur dhe mund te p&euml;rballojne nje ngarkese deri ne 25 kg.<\/li><\/ul><\/li><\/ul>\r\n",
                            ShortDescriptionEn: "<ul>\r\n<li><p><strong>Frigorifer Ngrir&euml;s i Posht&euml;m, MinFrost, 300L, Klasi i Energjis&euml; F<\/strong><\/p><ul><li>MinFrost: Fal&euml; nj&euml; sistemi t&euml; ve&ccedil;ant&euml; t&euml; menaxhimit t&euml; ftoh&euml;sit me MinFrost, formimi i akullit n&euml; ngrirje zvog&euml;lohet ndjesh&euml;m.<\/li><li>Ushqimi i ngrir&euml; ruhet m&euml; mir&euml; dhe konsumon m&euml; pak energji elektrike.<\/li><li>Led Illumination: ka nj&euml; seri dritash LED n&euml; pjes&euml;n e sip&euml;rme t&euml; frigoriferit ose n&euml; an&euml;n e secilit raft, n&euml; m&euml;nyr&euml; q&euml; t&euml; shihni mir&euml; n&euml; t&euml; gjith&euml; frigoriferin.<\/li><li>Ndri&ccedil;imi LED harxhon m&euml; pak energji sesa ndri&ccedil;imi standard.<\/li><li>Xham mbrojtes: Raftet me xham mbrojtes jane bere prej qelqi te zbutur dhe mund te p&euml;rballojne nje ngarkese deri ne 25 kg.<\/li><\/ul><\/li><\/ul>\r\n",
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                              Name: "Frigorifere Ngrires te Poshtem",
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                              Url: "frigorifere_ngrires_te_poshtem",
                              NameEn: "Bottom Freezer Refrigerator",
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                            Description: '<ul>\r\n<li><section style="width: 100%; background-color: black;" class="container">\n<h2 class="up_main_title">Nj&euml; p&euml;rvoj&euml; televizive e nivelit m&euml; t&euml; lart&euml;<\/h2>\n<p><video width="100%" height="600px" autoplay="autoplay" loop="loop" muted=""><source type="video/webm" src="" /><\/video><\/p>\n<h3 class="main_title">Procesori &alpha;5 AI 4K (gjenerata e 6-t&euml;) u jep televizor&euml;ve LG UHD edhe m&euml; shum&euml; mund&euml;si p&euml;r t\'ju dh&euml;n&euml; nj&euml; p&euml;rvoj&euml; edhe m&euml; zhyt&euml;se.<\/h3>\n<div style="margin-top: 80px;" class="row-flex">\n<div class="col-md-6"><img class="product_img" src="" /><\/div>\n<div class="col-md-6">\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>Zbulo edhe detajet m&euml; t&euml; vogla<\/h2>\n<p>Me teknologjin&euml; HDR10 Pro, televizori LG UHD ofron ngjyra t&euml; gjalla dhe nj&euml; imazh jasht&euml;zakonisht t&euml; detajuar me ndri&ccedil;im t&euml; optimizuar.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div class="row-flex">\n<div class="col-md-6">\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>Nj&euml; gam&euml; e re e televizor&euml;ve UHD<\/h2>\n<p>Admironi p&euml;rmbajtjen tuaj t&euml; preferuar tani nga af&euml;r n&euml; televizorin ultra t&euml; madh 4K UHD!<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div class="col-md-6"><img class="product_img" src="" /><\/div>\n<\/div>\n<h2 class="up_main_title">E pershtatur sipas shijes tuaj. Home Screen i webOS 23 &euml;sht&euml; nj&euml; nd&euml;rfaqe qendrore p&euml;r leht&euml;sin&euml; tuaj - nga p&euml;rmbajtja juaj e preferuar deri te cil&euml;simet tuaja t&euml; preferuara, t&euml; gjitha n&euml; nj&euml; vend.<\/h2>\n<video width="100%" height="600px" autoplay="autoplay" loop="loop" muted=""><source type="video/webm" src="" /><\/video>\n<div style="margin-top: 80px;" class="row-flex">\n<div class="col-md-6"><img class="product_img" src="" /><\/div>\n<div class="col-md-6">\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>Nj&euml; p&euml;rvoj&euml; magjeps&euml;se n&euml; sht&euml;pin&euml; tuaj si n&euml; kinema<\/h2>\n<p>Shijoni p&euml;rvoj&euml;n e shikimit t&euml; TV 4K sikur t&euml; jeni ulur n&euml; kinema!<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div style="margin-top: 80px;" class="row-flex">\n<div class="col-md-6">\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>Loj&euml;rat m&euml; t&euml; mira AAA fillojn&euml; k&euml;tu<\/h2>\n<p>P&euml;rvoja e shpejt&euml; dhe e vazhdueshme e loj&euml;rave krijon p&euml;rvoja t&euml; reja ku mund t&euml; ndiheni v&euml;rtet n&euml; mes t&euml; loj&euml;s.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div class="col-md-6"><video width="100%" height="600px" class="product_img" autoplay="autoplay" loop="loop" muted=""><source type="video/webm" src="" /><\/video><\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/section>\n<style>\n  .row-flex{\n  display:flex;\n  margin-top:50px;\n  flex-direction:row;\n  align-items:center;\n  justify-content:center;\n  padding-bottom:30px;\n  gap:20px!important; \n  }\n  @media(max-width:800px){\n  .row-flex{\n  flex-direction:column; \n  }\n  section .row-flex:nth-of-type(even){\n  flex-direction: column-reverse !important;\n  }\n  }\n  .product_img {\n  border-radius: 20px !important;\n  margin-bottom: 10px;\n  }\n  .text-box h2 {\n  margin-bottom: 10px !important;\n  display: block !important;\n  margin-bottom: 10px;\n  color: white  !important;\n  padding-top: 20px !important;\n  margin-top: 0px !important;\n  border-bottom: none  !important;\n  font-weight: 900;\n  font-size: 25px !important;\n  } \n  .text-box p {\n  font-size: 15px !important;\n  color: white;\n  }\n  @media(max-width:600px){\n  .tabsDetails .tab-pane {\n  padding: 0px !important;\n  }\n  .panel-body {\n  padding: 0px;\n  }\n  .tabsDetails .tab-pane ul li {\n  padding: 0px !important;\n  }\n  }\n  .up_main_title {\n  display: block !important;\n  color: white  !important;\n  padding-top: 80px !important;\n  margin-bottom: 10px !important;\n  margin-top: 0px !important;\n  border-bottom: none  !important;\n  padding-bottom: 30px !important;\n  font-weight: 900;\n  font-size: 35px !important;\n  text-align: center;\n  }\n  .main_title {\n  width: 70% !important;\n  padding-top: 20px !important;\n  margin: 0  auto !important;\n  color: white  !important;\n  border-bottom: none  !important;\n  padding-bottom: 0px !important;\n  font-weight: 500;\n  font-size: 17px !important;\n  }\n<\/style><\/li><\/ul>\r\n',
                            DescriptionEn: '<ul>\r\n<li><section style="width: 100%; background-color: black;" class="container">\n<h2 class="up_main_title">Nj&euml; p&euml;rvoj&euml; televizive e nivelit m&euml; t&euml; lart&euml;<\/h2>\n<p><video width="100%" height="600px" autoplay="autoplay" loop="loop" muted=""><source type="video/webm" src="" /><\/video><\/p>\n<h3 class="main_title">Procesori &alpha;5 AI 4K (gjenerata e 6-t&euml;) u jep televizor&euml;ve LG UHD edhe m&euml; shum&euml; mund&euml;si p&euml;r t\'ju dh&euml;n&euml; nj&euml; p&euml;rvoj&euml; edhe m&euml; zhyt&euml;se.<\/h3>\n<div style="margin-top: 80px;" class="row-flex">\n<div class="col-md-6"><img class="product_img" src="" /><\/div>\n<div class="col-md-6">\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>Zbulo edhe detajet m&euml; t&euml; vogla<\/h2>\n<p>Me teknologjin&euml; HDR10 Pro, televizori LG UHD ofron ngjyra t&euml; gjalla dhe nj&euml; imazh jasht&euml;zakonisht t&euml; detajuar me ndri&ccedil;im t&euml; optimizuar.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div class="row-flex">\n<div class="col-md-6">\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>Nj&euml; gam&euml; e re e televizor&euml;ve UHD<\/h2>\n<p>Admironi p&euml;rmbajtjen tuaj t&euml; preferuar tani nga af&euml;r n&euml; televizorin ultra t&euml; madh 4K UHD!<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div class="col-md-6"><img class="product_img" src="" /><\/div>\n<\/div>\n<h2 class="up_main_title">E pershtatur sipas shijes tuaj. Home Screen i webOS 23 &euml;sht&euml; nj&euml; nd&euml;rfaqe qendrore p&euml;r leht&euml;sin&euml; tuaj - nga p&euml;rmbajtja juaj e preferuar deri te cil&euml;simet tuaja t&euml; preferuara, t&euml; gjitha n&euml; nj&euml; vend.<\/h2>\n<video width="100%" height="600px" autoplay="autoplay" loop="loop" muted=""><source type="video/webm" src="" /><\/video>\n<div style="margin-top: 80px;" class="row-flex">\n<div class="col-md-6"><img class="product_img" src="" /><\/div>\n<div class="col-md-6">\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>Nj&euml; p&euml;rvoj&euml; magjeps&euml;se n&euml; sht&euml;pin&euml; tuaj si n&euml; kinema<\/h2>\n<p>Shijoni p&euml;rvoj&euml;n e shikimit t&euml; TV 4K sikur t&euml; jeni ulur n&euml; kinema!<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div style="margin-top: 80px;" class="row-flex">\n<div class="col-md-6">\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>Loj&euml;rat m&euml; t&euml; mira AAA fillojn&euml; k&euml;tu<\/h2>\n<p>P&euml;rvoja e shpejt&euml; dhe e vazhdueshme e loj&euml;rave krijon p&euml;rvoja t&euml; reja ku mund t&euml; ndiheni v&euml;rtet n&euml; mes t&euml; loj&euml;s.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div class="col-md-6"><video width="100%" height="600px" class="product_img" autoplay="autoplay" loop="loop" muted=""><source type="video/webm" src="" /><\/video><\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/section>\n<style>\n  .row-flex{\n  display:flex;\n  margin-top:50px;\n  flex-direction:row;\n  align-items:center;\n  justify-content:center;\n  padding-bottom:30px;\n  gap:20px!important; \n  }\n  @media(max-width:800px){\n  .row-flex{\n  flex-direction:column; \n  }\n  section .row-flex:nth-of-type(even){\n  flex-direction: column-reverse !important;\n  }\n  }\n  .product_img {\n  border-radius: 20px !important;\n  margin-bottom: 10px;\n  }\n  .text-box h2 {\n  margin-bottom: 10px !important;\n  display: block !important;\n  margin-bottom: 10px;\n  color: white  !important;\n  padding-top: 20px !important;\n  margin-top: 0px !important;\n  border-bottom: none  !important;\n  font-weight: 900;\n  font-size: 25px !important;\n  } \n  .text-box p {\n  font-size: 15px !important;\n  color: white;\n  }\n  @media(max-width:600px){\n  .tabsDetails .tab-pane {\n  padding: 0px !important;\n  }\n  .panel-body {\n  padding: 0px;\n  }\n  .tabsDetails .tab-pane ul li {\n  padding: 0px !important;\n  }\n  }\n  .up_main_title {\n  display: block !important;\n  color: white  !important;\n  padding-top: 80px !important;\n  margin-bottom: 10px !important;\n  margin-top: 0px !important;\n  border-bottom: none  !important;\n  padding-bottom: 30px !important;\n  font-weight: 900;\n  font-size: 35px !important;\n  text-align: center;\n  }\n  .main_title {\n  width: 70% !important;\n  padding-top: 20px !important;\n  margin: 0  auto !important;\n  color: white  !important;\n  border-bottom: none  !important;\n  padding-bottom: 0px !important;\n  font-weight: 500;\n  font-size: 17px !important;\n  }\n<\/style><\/li><\/ul>\r\n',
                            DescriptionAl: '<ul>\r\n<li><section style="width: 100%; background-color: black;" class="container">\n<h2 class="up_main_title">Nj&euml; p&euml;rvoj&euml; televizive e nivelit m&euml; t&euml; lart&euml;<\/h2>\n<p><video width="100%" height="600px" autoplay="autoplay" loop="loop" muted=""><source type="video/webm" src="" /><\/video><\/p>\n<h3 class="main_title">Procesori &alpha;5 AI 4K (gjenerata e 6-t&euml;) u jep televizor&euml;ve LG UHD edhe m&euml; shum&euml; mund&euml;si p&euml;r t\'ju dh&euml;n&euml; nj&euml; p&euml;rvoj&euml; edhe m&euml; zhyt&euml;se.<\/h3>\n<div style="margin-top: 80px;" class="row-flex">\n<div class="col-md-6"><img class="product_img" src="" /><\/div>\n<div class="col-md-6">\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>Zbulo edhe detajet m&euml; t&euml; vogla<\/h2>\n<p>Me teknologjin&euml; HDR10 Pro, televizori LG UHD ofron ngjyra t&euml; gjalla dhe nj&euml; imazh jasht&euml;zakonisht t&euml; detajuar me ndri&ccedil;im t&euml; optimizuar.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div class="row-flex">\n<div class="col-md-6">\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>Nj&euml; gam&euml; e re e televizor&euml;ve UHD<\/h2>\n<p>Admironi p&euml;rmbajtjen tuaj t&euml; preferuar tani nga af&euml;r n&euml; televizorin ultra t&euml; madh 4K UHD!<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div class="col-md-6"><img class="product_img" src="" /><\/div>\n<\/div>\n<h2 class="up_main_title">E pershtatur sipas shijes tuaj. Home Screen i webOS 23 &euml;sht&euml; nj&euml; nd&euml;rfaqe qendrore p&euml;r leht&euml;sin&euml; tuaj - nga p&euml;rmbajtja juaj e preferuar deri te cil&euml;simet tuaja t&euml; preferuara, t&euml; gjitha n&euml; nj&euml; vend.<\/h2>\n<video width="100%" height="600px" autoplay="autoplay" loop="loop" muted=""><source type="video/webm" src="" /><\/video>\n<div style="margin-top: 80px;" class="row-flex">\n<div class="col-md-6"><img class="product_img" src="" /><\/div>\n<div class="col-md-6">\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>Nj&euml; p&euml;rvoj&euml; magjeps&euml;se n&euml; sht&euml;pin&euml; tuaj si n&euml; kinema<\/h2>\n<p>Shijoni p&euml;rvoj&euml;n e shikimit t&euml; TV 4K sikur t&euml; jeni ulur n&euml; kinema!<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div style="margin-top: 80px;" class="row-flex">\n<div class="col-md-6">\n<div class="text-box">\n<h2>Loj&euml;rat m&euml; t&euml; mira AAA fillojn&euml; k&euml;tu<\/h2>\n<p>P&euml;rvoja e shpejt&euml; dhe e vazhdueshme e loj&euml;rave krijon p&euml;rvoja t&euml; reja ku mund t&euml; ndiheni v&euml;rtet n&euml; mes t&euml; loj&euml;s.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div class="col-md-6"><video width="100%" height="600px" class="product_img" autoplay="autoplay" loop="loop" muted=""><source type="video/webm" src="" /><\/video><\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/section>\n<style>\n  .row-flex{\n  display:flex;\n  margin-top:50px;\n  flex-direction:row;\n  align-items:center;\n  justify-content:center;\n  padding-bottom:30px;\n  gap:20px!important; \n  }\n  @media(max-width:800px){\n  .row-flex{\n  flex-direction:column; \n  }\n  section .row-flex:nth-of-type(even){\n  flex-direction: column-reverse !important;\n  }\n  }\n  .product_img {\n  border-radius: 20px !important;\n  margin-bottom: 10px;\n  }\n  .text-box h2 {\n  margin-bottom: 10px !important;\n  display: block !important;\n  margin-bottom: 10px;\n  color: white  !important;\n  padding-top: 20px !important;\n  margin-top: 0px !important;\n  border-bottom: none  !important;\n  font-weight: 900;\n  font-size: 25px !important;\n  } \n  .text-box p {\n  font-size: 15px !important;\n  color: white;\n  }\n  @media(max-width:600px){\n  .tabsDetails .tab-pane {\n  padding: 0px !important;\n  }\n  .panel-body {\n  padding: 0px;\n  }\n  .tabsDetails .tab-pane ul li {\n  padding: 0px !important;\n  }\n  }\n  .up_main_title {\n  display: block !important;\n  color: white  !important;\n  padding-top: 80px !important;\n  margin-bottom: 10px !important;\n  margin-top: 0px !important;\n  border-bottom: none  !important;\n  padding-bottom: 30px !important;\n  font-weight: 900;\n  font-size: 35px !important;\n  text-align: center;\n  }\n  .main_title {\n  width: 70% !important;\n  padding-top: 20px !important;\n  margin: 0  auto !important;\n  color: white  !important;\n  border-bottom: none  !important;\n  padding-bottom: 0px !important;\n  font-weight: 500;\n  font-size: 17px !important;\n  }\n<\/style><\/li><\/ul>\r\n',
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                            Description: "Miele brandi me i ri ne Neptun ju sjell teknologjine qe nxjerr ne pah anen tuaj krijuese, zgjidhni nga kategoria a lareseve lavatrice, larese tharese, ose tharese, frigorifere, aspiratore, pianura, beres kafeje fshesa me vakuum pa korde dhe cante me lehtesi ne levizshmeri",
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                              Title: "Miele brandi me i ri ne Neptun",
                              Description: "Miele brandi me i ri ne Neptun ju sjell teknologjine qe nxjerr ne pah anen tuaj krijuese, zgjidhni nga kategoria a lareseve lavatrice, larese tharese, ose tharese, frigorifere, aspiratore, pianura, beres kafeje fshesa me vakuum pa korde dhe cante me lehtesi ne levizshmeri",
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                              Id: 0,
                              Title: "red gift cards",
                              Description: "Bej dike te lumtur me balfin red gift cards duke blere produkte ne rrjetin e dyqaneve te balfin",
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                              Title: "0% interes",
                              Description: "Si te blej me 0% interes? Ne Neptun gjeni elektroshtepiaket me te mira dhe teknologjine me te mire per shtepine dhe kujdesin personal",
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                              BtnTxt: "Lexo me shume",
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                              Title: "Bicikleta Fuego deri ne 40% ULJE VETEM ONLINE",
                              Description: "Koha per te jetuar shendetshem dhe pa demtuar mjedisin me bicikletat fuego",
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                              Title: "back to school",
                              Description: "Erdhi shkolla! Mund te zgjidhni ne neptun pajsijet me te mira per te mesuar ne menyre interaktive smartphone, smartwatches, tablet, samsung, multicooker, blender, shtrydhese dhe blender per ushqime te shendetshme.",
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                              Title: "Red Gift Cards",
                              Description: "Bej dike te lumtur me Red Gift Card. Shpenzo sa te duash ne rrjetin e dyqaneve Balfin me Red Gift Card duke zgjedhur karten me shumen e deshiruar",
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width: 100% !important;
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animation: pulse-animation 2s infinite;
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0% {
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animation: pulse-animation 2s infinite;
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0% {
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width: 100% !important;
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animation: pulse-animation 2s infinite;
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0% {
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                  <div class="col-md-3 col-xs-6" style="text-align:center;" _mce_style="text-align: center;">
                    <a class="hvr-float-shadow" title="aparate kafeje me oferten me te mire" href=";page=1&amp;priceRange=590_100990&amp;promotion=792" _mce_href="Pastrues_Ajri.nspx" style="font-size:17px; color:#000;" _mce_style="font-size: 17px; color: #003d77;"><img class="image" width="150" height="150" loading="lazy" alt="aparate kafeje me oferten me te mire" src="" _mce_src="2024/03/18/Untitled_design_-_2024-03-18T112044.192.webp"><br>Aparate kafeje</a>
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                    <div class="section-title-blue-bg  title_orange_bg m0">
                      <h2 label-for="RECOMMENDED_PRODUCTS" class="ng-isolate-scope"><span ng-bind="model.key.LocalizedString()" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Produkte të rekomanduara</span></h2>
                    <div class="recommendedProducts ng-isolate-scope">
                      <ul class="nav nav-tabs" ng-class="{'nav-stacked': vertical, 'nav-justified': justified}" ng-transclude="">
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                    <!-- ngIf: !category.Image --> 
                    <span class="hidden-xs hidden-sm ng-binding">Te Gjithe TV</span>
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                        <li ng-class="[{active: active, disabled: disabled}, classes]" class="uib-tab nav-item ng-scope ng-isolate-scope" index="$index" ng-repeat="category in model.Categories" select="changeTab(category)">
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                    <!-- ngIf: !category.Image --> 
                    <span class="hidden-xs hidden-sm ng-binding">Frigoriferë Ngrirës të Poshtëm</span>
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                        <li ng-class="[{active: active, disabled: disabled}, classes]" class="uib-tab nav-item ng-scope ng-isolate-scope" index="$index" ng-repeat="category in model.Categories" select="changeTab(category)">
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                    <!-- ngIf: !category.Image --> 
                    <span class="hidden-xs hidden-sm ng-binding">Lavatriçe</span>
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                        <li ng-class="[{active: active, disabled: disabled}, classes]" class="uib-tab nav-item ng-scope ng-isolate-scope" index="$index" ng-repeat="category in model.Categories" select="changeTab(category)">
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                    <span class="hidden-xs hidden-sm ng-binding">Furra</span>
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                        <li ng-class="[{active: active, disabled: disabled}, classes]" class="uib-tab nav-item ng-scope ng-isolate-scope" index="$index" ng-repeat="category in model.Categories" select="changeTab(category)">
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                    <span class="hidden-xs hidden-sm ng-binding">Pianura</span>
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                        <li ng-class="[{active: active, disabled: disabled}, classes]" class="uib-tab nav-item ng-scope ng-isolate-scope" index="$index" ng-repeat="category in model.Categories" select="changeTab(category)">
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                    <!-- ngIf: !category.Image --> 
                    <span class="hidden-xs hidden-sm ng-binding">Lavastovilje</span>
                        </li><!-- end ngRepeat: category in model.Categories -->
                        <li ng-class="[{active: active, disabled: disabled}, classes]" class="uib-tab nav-item ng-scope ng-isolate-scope" index="$index" ng-repeat="category in model.Categories" select="changeTab(category)">
                          <a href="" ng-click="select($event)" class="nav-link ng-binding" uib-tab-heading-transclude=""><uib-tab-heading class="ng-scope">
                <!--<span class="categoryImage" >
                    <img  ng-src="/{{category.Image}}" />
                <span class="categoryTitle">
                    <!-- ngIf: category.Image --><img class="visible-xs visible-sm ng-scope" ng-if="category.Image" ng-src="/2020/11/13/TL3234_4.JPG?width=100" src="/2020/11/13/TL3234_4.JPG?width=100"><!-- end ngIf: category.Image --> 
                    <!-- ngIf: !category.Image --> 
                    <span class="hidden-xs hidden-sm ng-binding">Smartphone</span>
                        </li><!-- end ngRepeat: category in model.Categories -->
                        <li ng-class="[{active: active, disabled: disabled}, classes]" class="uib-tab nav-item ng-scope ng-isolate-scope" index="$index" ng-repeat="category in model.Categories" select="changeTab(category)">
                          <a href="" ng-click="select($event)" class="nav-link ng-binding" uib-tab-heading-transclude=""><uib-tab-heading class="ng-scope">
                <!--<span class="categoryImage" >
                    <img  ng-src="/{{category.Image}}" />
                <span class="categoryTitle">
                    <!-- ngIf: category.Image --><img class="visible-xs visible-sm ng-scope" ng-if="category.Image" ng-src="/2022/12/05/LP1827.JPG?width=100" src="/2022/12/05/LP1827.JPG?width=100"><!-- end ngIf: category.Image --> 
                    <!-- ngIf: !category.Image --> 
                    <span class="hidden-xs hidden-sm ng-binding">Laptop</span>
                        </li><!-- end ngRepeat: category in model.Categories -->
                        <li ng-class="[{active: active, disabled: disabled}, classes]" class="uib-tab nav-item ng-scope ng-isolate-scope" index="$index" ng-repeat="category in model.Categories" select="changeTab(category)">
                          <a href="" ng-click="select($event)" class="nav-link ng-binding" uib-tab-heading-transclude=""><uib-tab-heading class="ng-scope">
                <!--<span class="categoryImage" >
                    <img  ng-src="/{{category.Image}}" />
                <span class="categoryTitle">
                    <!-- ngIf: category.Image --><img class="visible-xs visible-sm ng-scope" ng-if="category.Image" ng-src="/2023/07/28/FI0093.jpg?width=100" src="/2023/07/28/FI0093.jpg?width=100"><!-- end ngIf: category.Image --> 
                    <!-- ngIf: !category.Image --> 
                    <span class="hidden-xs hidden-sm ng-binding">Pastrues Ajri</span>
                        </li><!-- end ngRepeat: category in model.Categories -->
                      <div class="tab-content">
                        <!-- ngRepeat: tab in tabset.tabs -->
                        <div class="tab-pane ng-scope active" ng-repeat="tab in tabset.tabs" ng-class="{active: === tab.index}" uib-tab-content-transclude="tab">
                          <div class="recommendedBox ng-scope">
                            <div class="white-box">
                              <!-- ngIf: category.Description -->
                              <div class="section-title-blue-bg ng-scope" ng-if="category.Description">
                                <h2><span ng-bind="category.Description" class="ng-binding">Te Gjithe TV</span></h2>
                              </div><!-- end ngIf: category.Description -->
                              <div class="carouselWrap">
                                <div uib-carousel="" active="active" interval="false" no-wrap="noWrapSlides" ng-swipe-right="$parent.prev()" ng-swipe-left="$" class="ng-isolate-scope carousel">
                                  <div class="carousel-inner" ng-transclude="">
                                    <!-- ngRepeat: group in category.groups track by $index -->
                                    <div uib-slide="" ng-repeat="group in category.groups track by $index" index="$index" ng-swipe-left="$parent.$" ng-swipe-right="$parent.$parent.prev()" style="display: none;"
                                      class="ng-scope ng-isolate-scope item active">
                                      <div class="text-center" ng-transclude="">
                                        <!-- ngRepeat: product in group -->
                                        <div ng-repeat="product in group" class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-md-3 p0 pFix ng-scope" style="">
                                          <a class="theProduct" href="/categories/te_gjithe_tv/TV-HOOBART-HB43EL615ANDT-TV4409">
                                        <div class="col-sm-12 p0">
                                            <div class="row">
                                                <div class="col-sm-12 p0">
                                                    <div class="product-list-item__image">

                                                        <div class="imageWrapper">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.Thumbnail --><img ng-if="product.Thumbnail" ng-src="/2024/02/01/810056_1123.webp?width=185" loading="lazy" class="ng-scope" src="/2024/02/01/810056_1123.webp?width=185"><!-- end ngIf: product.Thumbnail -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: !product.Thumbnail -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.HasDiscount --><div class="eyeCatcher2 ng-scope" ng-if="product.HasDiscount">
                                                                <span class="bb ng-binding">-66%</span>
                                                                <b label-for="DISCOUNT_SHORT" class="ng-isolate-scope"><span ng-bind="model.key.LocalizedString()" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Ulje</span></b>
                                                            </div><!-- end ngIf: product.HasDiscount -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.PromoImage -->


                                        <div class="clearfix"></div>
                                        <h2 class="product-list-item__content--title ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Title">TV HOOBART HB43EL615ANDT</h2>
                                        <div class="col-sm-12">
                                            <div class="row">
                                                <div class="HappyCard">
                                                    <!-- ngIf: product.HasDiscount --><div class="product-price ng-scope" ng-if="product.HasDiscount">
                                                        <div class="product-price__amount">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang!=='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' --><span ng-if="lang==='sq-AL'" class="product-price__type pull-left ng-scope"><span ng-bind="product.DiscountPriceName" class="ng-binding">Çmimi me ulje</span></span><!-- end ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.DiscountPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">11.997</span>
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Currency">LEKË</span>
                                                    </div><!-- end ngIf: product.HasDiscount -->
                                                <div class="Regular">
                                                    <div class="product-price">
                                                        <div class="product-price__amount">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang!=='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' --><span ng-if="lang==='sq-AL'" class="product-price__type pull-left ng-scope"><span ng-bind="product.RegularPriceName" class="ng-binding">Çmimi</span></span><!-- end ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.RegularPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">34.990</span>
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Currency">LEKË</span>
                                                <div class="clearfix"></div>
                                        </div><!-- end ngRepeat: product in group -->
                                        <div ng-repeat="product in group" class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-md-3 p0 pFix ng-scope ng-enter-prepare">
                                          <a class="theProduct" href="/categories/te_gjithe_tv/TV-LG-LED-32LQ630B6LA-AEU-TV4917">
                                        <div class="col-sm-12 p0">
                                            <div class="row">
                                                <div class="col-sm-12 p0">
                                                    <div class="product-list-item__image">

                                                        <div class="imageWrapper">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.Thumbnail --><img ng-if="product.Thumbnail" ng-src="/2022/05/04/TV4917.JPG?width=185" loading="lazy" class="ng-scope" src="/2022/05/04/TV4917.JPG?width=185"><!-- end ngIf: product.Thumbnail -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: !product.Thumbnail -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.HasDiscount --><div class="eyeCatcher2 ng-scope" ng-if="product.HasDiscount">
                                                                <span class="bb ng-binding">-15%</span>
                                                                <b label-for="DISCOUNT_SHORT" class="ng-isolate-scope"><span ng-bind="model.key.LocalizedString()" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Ulje</span></b>
                                                            </div><!-- end ngIf: product.HasDiscount -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.PromoImage -->


                                        <div class="clearfix"></div>
                                        <h2 class="product-list-item__content--title ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Title">TV LG LED 32LQ630B6LA.ABK</h2>
                                        <div class="col-sm-12">
                                            <div class="row">
                                                <div class="HappyCard">
                                                    <!-- ngIf: product.HasDiscount --><div class="product-price ng-scope" ng-if="product.HasDiscount">
                                                        <div class="product-price__amount">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang!=='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' --><span ng-if="lang==='sq-AL'" class="product-price__type pull-left ng-scope"><span ng-bind="product.DiscountPriceName" class="ng-binding">Çmimi me ulje</span></span><!-- end ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.DiscountPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">22.990</span>
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Currency">LEKË</span>
                                                    </div><!-- end ngIf: product.HasDiscount -->
                                                <div class="Regular">
                                                    <div class="product-price">
                                                        <div class="product-price__amount">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang!=='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' --><span ng-if="lang==='sq-AL'" class="product-price__type pull-left ng-scope"><span ng-bind="product.RegularPriceName" class="ng-binding">Çmimi</span></span><!-- end ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.RegularPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">26.990</span>
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Currency">LEKË</span>
                                                <div class="clearfix"></div>
                                        </div><!-- end ngRepeat: product in group -->
                                        <div ng-repeat="product in group" class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-md-3 p0 pFix ng-scope ng-enter-prepare">
                                          <a class="theProduct" href="/categories/te_gjithe_tv/TV-TCL-40S5409A-TV5217">
                                        <div class="col-sm-12 p0">
                                            <div class="row">
                                                <div class="col-sm-12 p0">
                                                    <div class="product-list-item__image">

                                                        <div class="imageWrapper">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.Thumbnail --><img ng-if="product.Thumbnail" ng-src="/2023/10/19/TV5217.JPG?width=185" loading="lazy" class="ng-scope" src="/2023/10/19/TV5217.JPG?width=185"><!-- end ngIf: product.Thumbnail -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: !product.Thumbnail -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.HasDiscount --><div class="eyeCatcher2 ng-scope" ng-if="product.HasDiscount">
                                                                <span class="bb ng-binding">-17%</span>
                                                                <b label-for="DISCOUNT_SHORT" class="ng-isolate-scope"><span ng-bind="model.key.LocalizedString()" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Ulje</span></b>
                                                            </div><!-- end ngIf: product.HasDiscount -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.PromoImage -->


                                        <div class="clearfix"></div>
                                        <h2 class="product-list-item__content--title ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Title">TV TCL 40S5409A</h2>
                                        <div class="col-sm-12">
                                            <div class="row">
                                                <div class="HappyCard">
                                                    <!-- ngIf: product.HasDiscount --><div class="product-price ng-scope" ng-if="product.HasDiscount">
                                                        <div class="product-price__amount">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang!=='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' --><span ng-if="lang==='sq-AL'" class="product-price__type pull-left ng-scope"><span ng-bind="product.DiscountPriceName" class="ng-binding">Çmimi me ulje</span></span><!-- end ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.DiscountPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">24.990</span>
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Currency">LEKË</span>
                                                    </div><!-- end ngIf: product.HasDiscount -->
                                                <div class="Regular">
                                                    <div class="product-price">
                                                        <div class="product-price__amount">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang!=='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' --><span ng-if="lang==='sq-AL'" class="product-price__type pull-left ng-scope"><span ng-bind="product.RegularPriceName" class="ng-binding">Çmimi</span></span><!-- end ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.RegularPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">29.990</span>
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Currency">LEKË</span>
                                                <div class="clearfix"></div>
                                        </div><!-- end ngRepeat: product in group -->
                                        <div ng-repeat="product in group" class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-md-3 p0 pFix ng-scope ng-enter-prepare">
                                          <a class="theProduct" href="/categories/te_gjithe_tv/TV-FUEGO-LED-50ELU610ANDT">
                                        <div class="col-sm-12 p0">
                                            <div class="row">
                                                <div class="col-sm-12 p0">
                                                    <div class="product-list-item__image">

                                                        <div class="imageWrapper">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.Thumbnail --><img ng-if="product.Thumbnail" ng-src="/2021/03/03/TV3938.JPG?width=185" loading="lazy" class="ng-scope" src="/2021/03/03/TV3938.JPG?width=185"><!-- end ngIf: product.Thumbnail -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: !product.Thumbnail -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.HasDiscount --><div class="eyeCatcher2 ng-scope" ng-if="product.HasDiscount">
                                                                <span class="bb ng-binding">-38%</span>
                                                                <b label-for="DISCOUNT_SHORT" class="ng-isolate-scope"><span ng-bind="model.key.LocalizedString()" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Ulje</span></b>
                                                            </div><!-- end ngIf: product.HasDiscount -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.PromoImage -->


                                        <div class="clearfix"></div>
                                        <h2 class="product-list-item__content--title ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Title">TV FUEGO LED 50ELU610ANDT</h2>
                                        <div class="col-sm-12">
                                            <div class="row">
                                                <div class="HappyCard">
                                                    <!-- ngIf: product.HasDiscount --><div class="product-price ng-scope" ng-if="product.HasDiscount">
                                                        <div class="product-price__amount">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang!=='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' --><span ng-if="lang==='sq-AL'" class="product-price__type pull-left ng-scope"><span ng-bind="product.DiscountPriceName" class="ng-binding">Çmimi me ulje</span></span><!-- end ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.DiscountPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">24.997</span>
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Currency">LEKË</span>
                                                    </div><!-- end ngIf: product.HasDiscount -->
                                                <div class="Regular">
                                                    <div class="product-price">
                                                        <div class="product-price__amount">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang!=='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' --><span ng-if="lang==='sq-AL'" class="product-price__type pull-left ng-scope"><span ng-bind="product.RegularPriceName" class="ng-binding">Çmimi</span></span><!-- end ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.RegularPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">39.997</span>
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Currency">LEKË</span>
                                                <div class="clearfix"></div>
                                        </div><!-- end ngRepeat: product in group -->
                                    </div><!-- end ngRepeat: group in category.groups track by $index -->
                                    <div uib-slide="" ng-repeat="group in category.groups track by $index" index="$index" ng-swipe-left="$parent.$" ng-swipe-right="$parent.$parent.prev()" style="display: none;"
                                      class="ng-scope ng-isolate-scope item">
                                      <div class="text-center" ng-transclude="">
                                        <!-- ngRepeat: product in group -->
                                        <div ng-repeat="product in group" class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-md-3 p0 pFix ng-scope" style="">
                                          <a class="theProduct" href="/categories/te_gjithe_tv/TV-GRUNDIG-LED-50GGU7950A-TV4846">
                                        <div class="col-sm-12 p0">
                                            <div class="row">
                                                <div class="col-sm-12 p0">
                                                    <div class="product-list-item__image">

                                                        <div class="imageWrapper">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.Thumbnail --><img ng-if="product.Thumbnail" ng-src="/2022/05/31/TV4846.JPG?width=185" loading="lazy" class="ng-scope" src="/2022/05/31/TV4846.JPG?width=185"><!-- end ngIf: product.Thumbnail -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: !product.Thumbnail -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.HasDiscount --><div class="eyeCatcher2 ng-scope" ng-if="product.HasDiscount">
                                                                <span class="bb ng-binding">-42%</span>
                                                                <b label-for="DISCOUNT_SHORT" class="ng-isolate-scope"><span ng-bind="model.key.LocalizedString()" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Ulje</span></b>
                                                            </div><!-- end ngIf: product.HasDiscount -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.PromoImage --><div class="eyeCatcher promoImg ng-scope" ng-if="product.PromoImage">
                                                                <img ng-src="/2024/02/07/eyecatcher44.webp?width=80" src="/2024/02/07/eyecatcher44.webp?width=80">
                                                            </div><!-- end ngIf: product.PromoImage -->


                                        <div class="clearfix"></div>
                                        <h2 class="product-list-item__content--title ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Title">TV GRUNDIG LED 50GGU7950A</h2>
                                        <div class="col-sm-12">
                                            <div class="row">
                                                <div class="HappyCard">
                                                    <!-- ngIf: product.HasDiscount --><div class="product-price ng-scope" ng-if="product.HasDiscount">
                                                        <div class="product-price__amount">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang!=='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' --><span ng-if="lang==='sq-AL'" class="product-price__type pull-left ng-scope"><span ng-bind="product.DiscountPriceName" class="ng-binding">Çmimi me ulje</span></span><!-- end ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.DiscountPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">28.997</span>
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Currency">LEKË</span>
                                                    </div><!-- end ngIf: product.HasDiscount -->
                                                <div class="Regular">
                                                    <div class="product-price">
                                                        <div class="product-price__amount">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang!=='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' --><span ng-if="lang==='sq-AL'" class="product-price__type pull-left ng-scope"><span ng-bind="product.RegularPriceName" class="ng-binding">Çmimi</span></span><!-- end ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.RegularPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">49.997</span>
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Currency">LEKË</span>
                                                <div class="clearfix"></div>
                                        </div><!-- end ngRepeat: product in group -->
                                        <div ng-repeat="product in group" class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-md-3 p0 pFix ng-scope ng-enter-prepare">
                                          <a class="theProduct" href="/categories/te_gjithe_tv/TV-GRUNDIG-LED-43GGU7900B-TV4836">
                                        <div class="col-sm-12 p0">
                                            <div class="row">
                                                <div class="col-sm-12 p0">
                                                    <div class="product-list-item__image">

                                                        <div class="imageWrapper">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.Thumbnail --><img ng-if="product.Thumbnail" ng-src="/2023/08/01/TV4836.JPG?width=185" loading="lazy" class="ng-scope" src="/2023/08/01/TV4836.JPG?width=185"><!-- end ngIf: product.Thumbnail -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: !product.Thumbnail -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.HasDiscount --><div class="eyeCatcher2 ng-scope" ng-if="product.HasDiscount">
                                                                <span class="bb ng-binding">-11%</span>
                                                                <b label-for="DISCOUNT_SHORT" class="ng-isolate-scope"><span ng-bind="model.key.LocalizedString()" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Ulje</span></b>
                                                            </div><!-- end ngIf: product.HasDiscount -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.PromoImage --><div class="eyeCatcher promoImg ng-scope" ng-if="product.PromoImage">
                                                                <img ng-src="/2024/02/07/eyecatcher44.webp?width=80" src="/2024/02/07/eyecatcher44.webp?width=80">
                                                            </div><!-- end ngIf: product.PromoImage -->


                                        <div class="clearfix"></div>
                                        <h2 class="product-list-item__content--title ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Title">TV GRUNDIG LED 43GGU7900B</h2>
                                        <div class="col-sm-12">
                                            <div class="row">
                                                <div class="HappyCard">
                                                    <!-- ngIf: product.HasDiscount --><div class="product-price ng-scope" ng-if="product.HasDiscount">
                                                        <div class="product-price__amount">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang!=='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' --><span ng-if="lang==='sq-AL'" class="product-price__type pull-left ng-scope"><span ng-bind="product.DiscountPriceName" class="ng-binding">Çmimi me ulje</span></span><!-- end ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.DiscountPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">32.997</span>
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Currency">LEKË</span>
                                                    </div><!-- end ngIf: product.HasDiscount -->
                                                <div class="Regular">
                                                    <div class="product-price">
                                                        <div class="product-price__amount">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang!=='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' --><span ng-if="lang==='sq-AL'" class="product-price__type pull-left ng-scope"><span ng-bind="product.RegularPriceName" class="ng-binding">Çmimi</span></span><!-- end ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.RegularPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">36.997</span>
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Currency">LEKË</span>
                                                <div class="clearfix"></div>
                                        </div><!-- end ngRepeat: product in group -->
                                        <div ng-repeat="product in group" class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-md-3 p0 pFix ng-scope ng-enter-prepare">
                                          <a class="theProduct" href="/categories/te_gjithe_tv/TV-GRUNDIG-LED-50GFU7800B-TV4715">
                                        <div class="col-sm-12 p0">
                                            <div class="row">
                                                <div class="col-sm-12 p0">
                                                    <div class="product-list-item__image">

                                                        <div class="imageWrapper">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.Thumbnail --><img ng-if="product.Thumbnail" ng-src="/2021/05/20/TV4715.JPG?width=185" loading="lazy" class="ng-scope" src="/2021/05/20/TV4715.JPG?width=185"><!-- end ngIf: product.Thumbnail -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: !product.Thumbnail -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.HasDiscount --><div class="eyeCatcher2 ng-scope" ng-if="product.HasDiscount">
                                                                <span class="bb ng-binding">-31%</span>
                                                                <b label-for="DISCOUNT_SHORT" class="ng-isolate-scope"><span ng-bind="model.key.LocalizedString()" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Ulje</span></b>
                                                            </div><!-- end ngIf: product.HasDiscount -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.PromoImage --><div class="eyeCatcher promoImg ng-scope" ng-if="product.PromoImage">
                                                                <img ng-src="/2024/02/07/eyecatcher44.webp?width=80" src="/2024/02/07/eyecatcher44.webp?width=80">
                                                            </div><!-- end ngIf: product.PromoImage -->


                                        <div class="clearfix"></div>
                                        <h2 class="product-list-item__content--title ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Title">TV GRUNDIG LED 50GFU7800B</h2>
                                        <div class="col-sm-12">
                                            <div class="row">
                                                <div class="HappyCard">
                                                    <!-- ngIf: product.HasDiscount --><div class="product-price ng-scope" ng-if="product.HasDiscount">
                                                        <div class="product-price__amount">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang!=='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' --><span ng-if="lang==='sq-AL'" class="product-price__type pull-left ng-scope"><span ng-bind="product.DiscountPriceName" class="ng-binding">Çmimi me ulje</span></span><!-- end ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.DiscountPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">32.997</span>
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Currency">LEKË</span>
                                                    </div><!-- end ngIf: product.HasDiscount -->
                                                <div class="Regular">
                                                    <div class="product-price">
                                                        <div class="product-price__amount">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang!=='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' --><span ng-if="lang==='sq-AL'" class="product-price__type pull-left ng-scope"><span ng-bind="product.RegularPriceName" class="ng-binding">Çmimi</span></span><!-- end ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.RegularPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">47.997</span>
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Currency">LEKË</span>
                                                <div class="clearfix"></div>
                                        </div><!-- end ngRepeat: product in group -->
                                        <div ng-repeat="product in group" class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-md-3 p0 pFix ng-scope ng-enter-prepare">
                                          <a class="theProduct" href="/categories/te_gjithe_tv/TV-GRUNDIG-LED-55GFU7800B-TV4847">
                                        <div class="col-sm-12 p0">
                                            <div class="row">
                                                <div class="col-sm-12 p0">
                                                    <div class="product-list-item__image">

                                                        <div class="imageWrapper">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.Thumbnail --><img ng-if="product.Thumbnail" ng-src="/2023/09/13/TV4847.JPG?width=185" loading="lazy" class="ng-scope" src="/2023/09/13/TV4847.JPG?width=185"><!-- end ngIf: product.Thumbnail -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: !product.Thumbnail -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.HasDiscount --><div class="eyeCatcher2 ng-scope" ng-if="product.HasDiscount">
                                                                <span class="bb ng-binding">-30%</span>
                                                                <b label-for="DISCOUNT_SHORT" class="ng-isolate-scope"><span ng-bind="model.key.LocalizedString()" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Ulje</span></b>
                                                            </div><!-- end ngIf: product.HasDiscount -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.PromoImage --><div class="eyeCatcher promoImg ng-scope" ng-if="product.PromoImage">
                                                                <img ng-src="/2024/02/07/eyecatcher44.webp?width=80" src="/2024/02/07/eyecatcher44.webp?width=80">
                                                            </div><!-- end ngIf: product.PromoImage -->


                                        <div class="clearfix"></div>
                                        <h2 class="product-list-item__content--title ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Title">TV GRUNDIG LED 55GFU7800B</h2>
                                        <div class="col-sm-12">
                                            <div class="row">
                                                <div class="HappyCard">
                                                    <!-- ngIf: product.HasDiscount --><div class="product-price ng-scope" ng-if="product.HasDiscount">
                                                        <div class="product-price__amount">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang!=='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' --><span ng-if="lang==='sq-AL'" class="product-price__type pull-left ng-scope"><span ng-bind="product.DiscountPriceName" class="ng-binding">Çmimi me ulje</span></span><!-- end ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.DiscountPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">34.997</span>
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Currency">LEKË</span>
                                                    </div><!-- end ngIf: product.HasDiscount -->
                                                <div class="Regular">
                                                    <div class="product-price">
                                                        <div class="product-price__amount">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang!=='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' --><span ng-if="lang==='sq-AL'" class="product-price__type pull-left ng-scope"><span ng-bind="product.RegularPriceName" class="ng-binding">Çmimi</span></span><!-- end ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.RegularPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">49.997</span>
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Currency">LEKË</span>
                                                <div class="clearfix"></div>
                                        </div><!-- end ngRepeat: product in group -->
                                    </div><!-- end ngRepeat: group in category.groups track by $index -->
                                    <div uib-slide="" ng-repeat="group in category.groups track by $index" index="$index" ng-swipe-left="$parent.$" ng-swipe-right="$parent.$parent.prev()" style="display: none;"
                                      class="ng-scope ng-isolate-scope item">
                                      <div class="text-center" ng-transclude="">
                                        <!-- ngRepeat: product in group -->
                                        <div ng-repeat="product in group" class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-md-3 p0 pFix ng-scope" style="">
                                          <a class="theProduct" href="/categories/te_gjithe_tv/TV-GRUNDIG-LED-55GGU7900B-TV4838">
                                        <div class="col-sm-12 p0">
                                            <div class="row">
                                                <div class="col-sm-12 p0">
                                                    <div class="product-list-item__image">

                                                        <div class="imageWrapper">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.Thumbnail --><img ng-if="product.Thumbnail" ng-src="/2023/08/01/TV4838.JPG?width=185" loading="lazy" class="ng-scope" src="/2023/08/01/TV4838.JPG?width=185"><!-- end ngIf: product.Thumbnail -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: !product.Thumbnail -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.HasDiscount --><div class="eyeCatcher2 ng-scope" ng-if="product.HasDiscount">
                                                                <span class="bb ng-binding">-34%</span>
                                                                <b label-for="DISCOUNT_SHORT" class="ng-isolate-scope"><span ng-bind="model.key.LocalizedString()" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Ulje</span></b>
                                                            </div><!-- end ngIf: product.HasDiscount -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.PromoImage --><div class="eyeCatcher promoImg ng-scope" ng-if="product.PromoImage">
                                                                <img ng-src="/2024/02/07/eyecatcher44.webp?width=80" src="/2024/02/07/eyecatcher44.webp?width=80">
                                                            </div><!-- end ngIf: product.PromoImage -->


                                        <div class="clearfix"></div>
                                        <h2 class="product-list-item__content--title ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Title">TV GRUNDIG LED 55GGU7900B</h2>
                                        <div class="col-sm-12">
                                            <div class="row">
                                                <div class="HappyCard">
                                                    <!-- ngIf: product.HasDiscount --><div class="product-price ng-scope" ng-if="product.HasDiscount">
                                                        <div class="product-price__amount">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang!=='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' --><span ng-if="lang==='sq-AL'" class="product-price__type pull-left ng-scope"><span ng-bind="product.DiscountPriceName" class="ng-binding">Çmimi me ulje</span></span><!-- end ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.DiscountPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">34.997</span>
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Currency">LEKË</span>
                                                    </div><!-- end ngIf: product.HasDiscount -->
                                                <div class="Regular">
                                                    <div class="product-price">
                                                        <div class="product-price__amount">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang!=='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' --><span ng-if="lang==='sq-AL'" class="product-price__type pull-left ng-scope"><span ng-bind="product.RegularPriceName" class="ng-binding">Çmimi</span></span><!-- end ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.RegularPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">52.997</span>
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Currency">LEKË</span>
                                                <div class="clearfix"></div>
                                        </div><!-- end ngRepeat: product in group -->
                                        <div ng-repeat="product in group" class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-md-3 p0 pFix ng-scope ng-enter-prepare">
                                          <a class="theProduct" href="/categories/te_gjithe_tv/TV-LG-43UQ81003LB-AEU-TV4980">
                                        <div class="col-sm-12 p0">
                                            <div class="row">
                                                <div class="col-sm-12 p0">
                                                    <div class="product-list-item__image">

                                                        <div class="imageWrapper">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.Thumbnail --><img ng-if="product.Thumbnail" ng-src="/2023/03/31/TV4980.JPG?width=185" loading="lazy" class="ng-scope" src="/2023/03/31/TV4980.JPG?width=185"><!-- end ngIf: product.Thumbnail -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: !product.Thumbnail -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.HasDiscount --><div class="eyeCatcher2 ng-scope" ng-if="product.HasDiscount">
                                                                <span class="bb ng-binding">-21%</span>
                                                                <b label-for="DISCOUNT_SHORT" class="ng-isolate-scope"><span ng-bind="model.key.LocalizedString()" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Ulje</span></b>
                                                            </div><!-- end ngIf: product.HasDiscount -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.PromoImage -->


                                        <div class="clearfix"></div>
                                        <h2 class="product-list-item__content--title ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Title">TV LG 43UQ81003LB.AEU</h2>
                                        <div class="col-sm-12">
                                            <div class="row">
                                                <div class="HappyCard">
                                                    <!-- ngIf: product.HasDiscount --><div class="product-price ng-scope" ng-if="product.HasDiscount">
                                                        <div class="product-price__amount">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang!=='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' --><span ng-if="lang==='sq-AL'" class="product-price__type pull-left ng-scope"><span ng-bind="product.DiscountPriceName" class="ng-binding">Çmimi me ulje</span></span><!-- end ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.DiscountPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">36.997</span>
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Currency">LEKË</span>
                                                    </div><!-- end ngIf: product.HasDiscount -->
                                                <div class="Regular">
                                                    <div class="product-price">
                                                        <div class="product-price__amount">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang!=='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' --><span ng-if="lang==='sq-AL'" class="product-price__type pull-left ng-scope"><span ng-bind="product.RegularPriceName" class="ng-binding">Çmimi</span></span><!-- end ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.RegularPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">46.997</span>
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Currency">LEKË</span>
                                                <div class="clearfix"></div>
                                        </div><!-- end ngRepeat: product in group -->
                                        <div ng-repeat="product in group" class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-md-3 p0 pFix ng-scope ng-enter-prepare">
                                          <a class="theProduct" href="/categories/te_gjithe_tv/TV-LG-50UQ80003LB-AEU-TV4983">
                                        <div class="col-sm-12 p0">
                                            <div class="row">
                                                <div class="col-sm-12 p0">
                                                    <div class="product-list-item__image">

                                                        <div class="imageWrapper">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.Thumbnail --><img ng-if="product.Thumbnail" ng-src="/2022/11/25/TV4983.JPG?width=185" loading="lazy" class="ng-scope" src="/2022/11/25/TV4983.JPG?width=185"><!-- end ngIf: product.Thumbnail -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: !product.Thumbnail -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.HasDiscount --><div class="eyeCatcher2 ng-scope" ng-if="product.HasDiscount">
                                                                <span class="bb ng-binding">-22%</span>
                                                                <b label-for="DISCOUNT_SHORT" class="ng-isolate-scope"><span ng-bind="model.key.LocalizedString()" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Ulje</span></b>
                                                            </div><!-- end ngIf: product.HasDiscount -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.PromoImage -->


                                        <div class="clearfix"></div>
                                        <h2 class="product-list-item__content--title ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Title">TV LG 50UQ80003LB.AEU</h2>
                                        <div class="col-sm-12">
                                            <div class="row">
                                                <div class="HappyCard">
                                                    <!-- ngIf: product.HasDiscount --><div class="product-price ng-scope" ng-if="product.HasDiscount">
                                                        <div class="product-price__amount">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang!=='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' --><span ng-if="lang==='sq-AL'" class="product-price__type pull-left ng-scope"><span ng-bind="product.DiscountPriceName" class="ng-binding">Çmimi me ulje</span></span><!-- end ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.DiscountPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">38.997</span>
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Currency">LEKË</span>
                                                    </div><!-- end ngIf: product.HasDiscount -->
                                                <div class="Regular">
                                                    <div class="product-price">
                                                        <div class="product-price__amount">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang!=='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' --><span ng-if="lang==='sq-AL'" class="product-price__type pull-left ng-scope"><span ng-bind="product.RegularPriceName" class="ng-binding">Çmimi</span></span><!-- end ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.RegularPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">49.997</span>
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Currency">LEKË</span>
                                                <div class="clearfix"></div>
                                        </div><!-- end ngRepeat: product in group -->
                                        <div ng-repeat="product in group" class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-md-3 p0 pFix ng-scope ng-enter-prepare">
                                          <a class="theProduct" href="/categories/te_gjithe_tv/TV-GRUNDIG-50GHU7970B-TV5093">
                                        <div class="col-sm-12 p0">
                                            <div class="row">
                                                <div class="col-sm-12 p0">
                                                    <div class="product-list-item__image">

                                                        <div class="imageWrapper">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.Thumbnail --><img ng-if="product.Thumbnail" ng-src="/2023/08/01/TV5093.JPG?width=185" loading="lazy" class="ng-scope" src="/2023/08/01/TV5093.JPG?width=185"><!-- end ngIf: product.Thumbnail -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: !product.Thumbnail -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.HasDiscount --><div class="eyeCatcher2 ng-scope" ng-if="product.HasDiscount">
                                                                <span class="bb ng-binding">-20%</span>
                                                                <b label-for="DISCOUNT_SHORT" class="ng-isolate-scope"><span ng-bind="model.key.LocalizedString()" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Ulje</span></b>
                                                            </div><!-- end ngIf: product.HasDiscount -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.PromoImage --><div class="eyeCatcher promoImg ng-scope" ng-if="product.PromoImage">
                                                                <img ng-src="/2024/02/07/eyecatcher44.webp?width=80" src="/2024/02/07/eyecatcher44.webp?width=80">
                                                            </div><!-- end ngIf: product.PromoImage -->


                                        <div class="clearfix"></div>
                                        <h2 class="product-list-item__content--title ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Title">TV GRUNDIG 50GHU7970B</h2>
                                        <div class="col-sm-12">
                                            <div class="row">
                                                <div class="HappyCard">
                                                    <!-- ngIf: product.HasDiscount --><div class="product-price ng-scope" ng-if="product.HasDiscount">
                                                        <div class="product-price__amount">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang!=='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' --><span ng-if="lang==='sq-AL'" class="product-price__type pull-left ng-scope"><span ng-bind="product.DiscountPriceName" class="ng-binding">Çmimi me ulje</span></span><!-- end ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.DiscountPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">39.990</span>
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Currency">LEKË</span>
                                                    </div><!-- end ngIf: product.HasDiscount -->
                                                <div class="Regular">
                                                    <div class="product-price">
                                                        <div class="product-price__amount">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang!=='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' --><span ng-if="lang==='sq-AL'" class="product-price__type pull-left ng-scope"><span ng-bind="product.RegularPriceName" class="ng-binding">Çmimi</span></span><!-- end ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.RegularPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">49.990</span>
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Currency">LEKË</span>
                                                <div class="clearfix"></div>
                                        </div><!-- end ngRepeat: product in group -->
                                    </div><!-- end ngRepeat: group in category.groups track by $index -->
                                    <div uib-slide="" ng-repeat="group in category.groups track by $index" index="$index" ng-swipe-left="$parent.$" ng-swipe-right="$parent.$parent.prev()" style="display: none;"
                                      class="ng-scope ng-isolate-scope item">
                                      <div class="text-center" ng-transclude="">
                                        <!-- ngRepeat: product in group -->
                                        <div ng-repeat="product in group" class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-md-3 p0 pFix ng-scope" style="">
                                          <a class="theProduct" href="/categories/te_gjithe_tv/TV-FUEGO-65VEU710T2-TV4818">
                                        <div class="col-sm-12 p0">
                                            <div class="row">
                                                <div class="col-sm-12 p0">
                                                    <div class="product-list-item__image">

                                                        <div class="imageWrapper">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.Thumbnail --><img ng-if="product.Thumbnail" ng-src="/2021/12/15/TV4818.JPG?width=185" loading="lazy" class="ng-scope" src="/2021/12/15/TV4818.JPG?width=185"><!-- end ngIf: product.Thumbnail -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: !product.Thumbnail -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.HasDiscount --><div class="eyeCatcher2 ng-scope" ng-if="product.HasDiscount">
                                                                <span class="bb ng-binding">-43%</span>
                                                                <b label-for="DISCOUNT_SHORT" class="ng-isolate-scope"><span ng-bind="model.key.LocalizedString()" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Ulje</span></b>
                                                            </div><!-- end ngIf: product.HasDiscount -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.PromoImage -->


                                        <div class="clearfix"></div>
                                        <h2 class="product-list-item__content--title ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Title">TV FUEGO 65VEU710T2</h2>
                                        <div class="col-sm-12">
                                            <div class="row">
                                                <div class="HappyCard">
                                                    <!-- ngIf: product.HasDiscount --><div class="product-price ng-scope" ng-if="product.HasDiscount">
                                                        <div class="product-price__amount">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang!=='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' --><span ng-if="lang==='sq-AL'" class="product-price__type pull-left ng-scope"><span ng-bind="product.DiscountPriceName" class="ng-binding">Çmimi me ulje</span></span><!-- end ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.DiscountPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">39.997</span>
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Currency">LEKË</span>
                                                    </div><!-- end ngIf: product.HasDiscount -->
                                                <div class="Regular">
                                                    <div class="product-price">
                                                        <div class="product-price__amount">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang!=='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' --><span ng-if="lang==='sq-AL'" class="product-price__type pull-left ng-scope"><span ng-bind="product.RegularPriceName" class="ng-binding">Çmimi</span></span><!-- end ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.RegularPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">69.997</span>
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Currency">LEKË</span>
                                                <div class="clearfix"></div>
                                        </div><!-- end ngRepeat: product in group -->
                                        <div ng-repeat="product in group" class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-md-3 p0 pFix ng-scope ng-enter-prepare">
                                          <a class="theProduct" href="/categories/te_gjithe_tv/TV-GRUNDIG-55GHU7970B-TV5095">
                                        <div class="col-sm-12 p0">
                                            <div class="row">
                                                <div class="col-sm-12 p0">
                                                    <div class="product-list-item__image">

                                                        <div class="imageWrapper">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.Thumbnail --><img ng-if="product.Thumbnail" ng-src="/2023/08/01/TV5095.JPG?width=185" loading="lazy" class="ng-scope" src="/2023/08/01/TV5095.JPG?width=185"><!-- end ngIf: product.Thumbnail -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: !product.Thumbnail -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.HasDiscount --><div class="eyeCatcher2 ng-scope" ng-if="product.HasDiscount">
                                                                <span class="bb ng-binding">-15%</span>
                                                                <b label-for="DISCOUNT_SHORT" class="ng-isolate-scope"><span ng-bind="model.key.LocalizedString()" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Ulje</span></b>
                                                            </div><!-- end ngIf: product.HasDiscount -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.PromoImage --><div class="eyeCatcher promoImg ng-scope" ng-if="product.PromoImage">
                                                                <img ng-src="/2024/02/07/eyecatcher44.webp?width=80" src="/2024/02/07/eyecatcher44.webp?width=80">
                                                            </div><!-- end ngIf: product.PromoImage -->


                                        <div class="clearfix"></div>
                                        <h2 class="product-list-item__content--title ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Title">TV GRUNDIG 55GHU7970B</h2>
                                        <div class="col-sm-12">
                                            <div class="row">
                                                <div class="HappyCard">
                                                    <!-- ngIf: product.HasDiscount --><div class="product-price ng-scope" ng-if="product.HasDiscount">
                                                        <div class="product-price__amount">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang!=='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' --><span ng-if="lang==='sq-AL'" class="product-price__type pull-left ng-scope"><span ng-bind="product.DiscountPriceName" class="ng-binding">Çmimi me ulje</span></span><!-- end ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.DiscountPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">46.990</span>
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Currency">LEKË</span>
                                                    </div><!-- end ngIf: product.HasDiscount -->
                                                <div class="Regular">
                                                    <div class="product-price">
                                                        <div class="product-price__amount">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang!=='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' --><span ng-if="lang==='sq-AL'" class="product-price__type pull-left ng-scope"><span ng-bind="product.RegularPriceName" class="ng-binding">Çmimi</span></span><!-- end ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.RegularPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">54.990</span>
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Currency">LEKË</span>
                                                <div class="clearfix"></div>
                                        </div><!-- end ngRepeat: product in group -->
                                        <div ng-repeat="product in group" class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-md-3 p0 pFix ng-scope ng-enter-prepare">
                                          <a class="theProduct" href="/categories/te_gjithe_tv/TV-SAMSUNG-UE55AU7022KXXH-TV4969">
                                        <div class="col-sm-12 p0">
                                            <div class="row">
                                                <div class="col-sm-12 p0">
                                                    <div class="product-list-item__image">

                                                        <div class="imageWrapper">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.Thumbnail --><img ng-if="product.Thumbnail" ng-src="/2022/09/13/TV4969.JPG?width=185" loading="lazy" class="ng-scope" src="/2022/09/13/TV4969.JPG?width=185"><!-- end ngIf: product.Thumbnail -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: !product.Thumbnail -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.HasDiscount --><div class="eyeCatcher2 ng-scope" ng-if="product.HasDiscount">
                                                                <span class="bb ng-binding">-9%</span>
                                                                <b label-for="DISCOUNT_SHORT" class="ng-isolate-scope"><span ng-bind="model.key.LocalizedString()" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Ulje</span></b>
                                                            </div><!-- end ngIf: product.HasDiscount -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.PromoImage -->


                                        <div class="clearfix"></div>
                                        <h2 class="product-list-item__content--title ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Title">TV SAMSUNG UE55AU7022KXXH</h2>
                                        <div class="col-sm-12">
                                            <div class="row">
                                                <div class="HappyCard">
                                                    <!-- ngIf: product.HasDiscount --><div class="product-price ng-scope" ng-if="product.HasDiscount">
                                                        <div class="product-price__amount">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang!=='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' --><span ng-if="lang==='sq-AL'" class="product-price__type pull-left ng-scope"><span ng-bind="product.DiscountPriceName" class="ng-binding">Çmimi me ulje</span></span><!-- end ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.DiscountPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">49.997</span>
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Currency">LEKË</span>
                                                    </div><!-- end ngIf: product.HasDiscount -->
                                                <div class="Regular">
                                                    <div class="product-price">
                                                        <div class="product-price__amount">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang!=='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' --><span ng-if="lang==='sq-AL'" class="product-price__type pull-left ng-scope"><span ng-bind="product.RegularPriceName" class="ng-binding">Çmimi</span></span><!-- end ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.RegularPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">54.990</span>
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Currency">LEKË</span>
                                                <div class="clearfix"></div>
                                        </div><!-- end ngRepeat: product in group -->
                                        <div ng-repeat="product in group" class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-md-3 p0 pFix ng-scope ng-enter-prepare">
                                          <a class="theProduct" href="/categories/te_gjithe_tv/TV-TCL-58P639-TV5220">
                                        <div class="col-sm-12 p0">
                                            <div class="row">
                                                <div class="col-sm-12 p0">
                                                    <div class="product-list-item__image">

                                                        <div class="imageWrapper">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.Thumbnail --><img ng-if="product.Thumbnail" ng-src="/2023/09/28/TV5220.WEBP?width=185" loading="lazy" class="ng-scope" src="/2023/09/28/TV5220.WEBP?width=185"><!-- end ngIf: product.Thumbnail -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: !product.Thumbnail -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.HasDiscount --><div class="eyeCatcher2 ng-scope" ng-if="product.HasDiscount">
                                                                <span class="bb ng-binding">-15%</span>
                                                                <b label-for="DISCOUNT_SHORT" class="ng-isolate-scope"><span ng-bind="model.key.LocalizedString()" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Ulje</span></b>
                                                            </div><!-- end ngIf: product.HasDiscount -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.PromoImage -->


                                        <div class="clearfix"></div>
                                        <h2 class="product-list-item__content--title ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Title">TV TCL 58P639</h2>
                                        <div class="col-sm-12">
                                            <div class="row">
                                                <div class="HappyCard">
                                                    <!-- ngIf: product.HasDiscount --><div class="product-price ng-scope" ng-if="product.HasDiscount">
                                                        <div class="product-price__amount">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang!=='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' --><span ng-if="lang==='sq-AL'" class="product-price__type pull-left ng-scope"><span ng-bind="product.DiscountPriceName" class="ng-binding">Çmimi me ulje</span></span><!-- end ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.DiscountPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">54.990</span>
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Currency">LEKË</span>
                                                    </div><!-- end ngIf: product.HasDiscount -->
                                                <div class="Regular">
                                                    <div class="product-price">
                                                        <div class="product-price__amount">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang!=='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' --><span ng-if="lang==='sq-AL'" class="product-price__type pull-left ng-scope"><span ng-bind="product.RegularPriceName" class="ng-binding">Çmimi</span></span><!-- end ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.RegularPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">64.990</span>
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Currency">LEKË</span>
                                                <div class="clearfix"></div>
                                        </div><!-- end ngRepeat: product in group -->
                                    </div><!-- end ngRepeat: group in category.groups track by $index -->
                                    <div uib-slide="" ng-repeat="group in category.groups track by $index" index="$index" ng-swipe-left="$parent.$" ng-swipe-right="$parent.$parent.prev()" style="display: none;"
                                      class="ng-scope ng-isolate-scope item">
                                      <div class="text-center" ng-transclude="">
                                        <!-- ngRepeat: product in group -->
                                        <div ng-repeat="product in group" class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-md-3 p0 pFix ng-scope" style="">
                                          <a class="theProduct" href="/categories/te_gjithe_tv/TV-TCL-58P635-TV5245">
                                        <div class="col-sm-12 p0">
                                            <div class="row">
                                                <div class="col-sm-12 p0">
                                                    <div class="product-list-item__image">

                                                        <div class="imageWrapper">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.Thumbnail --><img ng-if="product.Thumbnail" ng-src="/2024/03/27/2.png?width=185" loading="lazy" class="ng-scope" src="/2024/03/27/2.png?width=185"><!-- end ngIf: product.Thumbnail -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: !product.Thumbnail -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.HasDiscount --><div class="eyeCatcher2 ng-scope" ng-if="product.HasDiscount">
                                                                <span class="bb ng-binding">-15%</span>
                                                                <b label-for="DISCOUNT_SHORT" class="ng-isolate-scope"><span ng-bind="model.key.LocalizedString()" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Ulje</span></b>
                                                            </div><!-- end ngIf: product.HasDiscount -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.PromoImage -->


                                        <div class="clearfix"></div>
                                        <h2 class="product-list-item__content--title ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Title">TV TCL 58P635</h2>
                                        <div class="col-sm-12">
                                            <div class="row">
                                                <div class="HappyCard">
                                                    <!-- ngIf: product.HasDiscount --><div class="product-price ng-scope" ng-if="product.HasDiscount">
                                                        <div class="product-price__amount">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang!=='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' --><span ng-if="lang==='sq-AL'" class="product-price__type pull-left ng-scope"><span ng-bind="product.DiscountPriceName" class="ng-binding">Çmimi me ulje</span></span><!-- end ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.DiscountPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">54.990</span>
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Currency">LEKË</span>
                                                    </div><!-- end ngIf: product.HasDiscount -->
                                                <div class="Regular">
                                                    <div class="product-price">
                                                        <div class="product-price__amount">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang!=='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' --><span ng-if="lang==='sq-AL'" class="product-price__type pull-left ng-scope"><span ng-bind="product.RegularPriceName" class="ng-binding">Çmimi</span></span><!-- end ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.RegularPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">64.990</span>
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Currency">LEKË</span>
                                                <div class="clearfix"></div>
                                        </div><!-- end ngRepeat: product in group -->
                                        <div ng-repeat="product in group" class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-md-3 p0 pFix ng-scope ng-enter-prepare">
                                          <a class="theProduct" href="/categories/te_gjithe_tv/TV-SAMSUNG-UE55CU7092UXXH-TV5256">
                                        <div class="col-sm-12 p0">
                                            <div class="row">
                                                <div class="col-sm-12 p0">
                                                    <div class="product-list-item__image">

                                                        <div class="imageWrapper">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.Thumbnail --><img ng-if="product.Thumbnail" ng-src="/2024/03/25/TV5256.JPG?width=185" loading="lazy" class="ng-scope" src="/2024/03/25/TV5256.JPG?width=185"><!-- end ngIf: product.Thumbnail -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: !product.Thumbnail -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.HasDiscount --><div class="eyeCatcher2 ng-scope" ng-if="product.HasDiscount">
                                                                <span class="bb ng-binding">-13%</span>
                                                                <b label-for="DISCOUNT_SHORT" class="ng-isolate-scope"><span ng-bind="model.key.LocalizedString()" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Ulje</span></b>
                                                            </div><!-- end ngIf: product.HasDiscount -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.PromoImage -->


                                        <div class="clearfix"></div>
                                        <h2 class="product-list-item__content--title ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Title">TV SAMSUNG UE55CU7092UXXH</h2>
                                        <div class="col-sm-12">
                                            <div class="row">
                                                <div class="HappyCard">
                                                    <!-- ngIf: product.HasDiscount --><div class="product-price ng-scope" ng-if="product.HasDiscount">
                                                        <div class="product-price__amount">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang!=='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' --><span ng-if="lang==='sq-AL'" class="product-price__type pull-left ng-scope"><span ng-bind="product.DiscountPriceName" class="ng-binding">Çmimi me ulje</span></span><!-- end ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.DiscountPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">57.990</span>
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Currency">LEKË</span>
                                                    </div><!-- end ngIf: product.HasDiscount -->
                                                <div class="Regular">
                                                    <div class="product-price">
                                                        <div class="product-price__amount">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang!=='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' --><span ng-if="lang==='sq-AL'" class="product-price__type pull-left ng-scope"><span ng-bind="product.RegularPriceName" class="ng-binding">Çmimi</span></span><!-- end ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.RegularPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">66.990</span>
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Currency">LEKË</span>
                                                <div class="clearfix"></div>
                                        </div><!-- end ngRepeat: product in group -->
                                        <div ng-repeat="product in group" class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-md-3 p0 pFix ng-scope ng-enter-prepare">
                                          <a class="theProduct" href="/categories/te_gjithe_tv/TV-SAMSUNG-QE43Q60CAUXXH-TV5045">
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                                                    <div class="product-list-item__image">

                                                        <div class="imageWrapper">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.Thumbnail --><img ng-if="product.Thumbnail" ng-src="/2023/04/07/TV5045.JPG?width=185" loading="lazy" class="ng-scope" src="/2023/04/07/TV5045.JPG?width=185"><!-- end ngIf: product.Thumbnail -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: !product.Thumbnail -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.HasDiscount --><div class="eyeCatcher2 ng-scope" ng-if="product.HasDiscount">
                                                                <span class="bb ng-binding">-7%</span>
                                                                <b label-for="DISCOUNT_SHORT" class="ng-isolate-scope"><span ng-bind="model.key.LocalizedString()" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Ulje</span></b>
                                                            </div><!-- end ngIf: product.HasDiscount -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.PromoImage -->


                                        <div class="clearfix"></div>
                                        <h2 class="product-list-item__content--title ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Title">TV SAMSUNG QE43Q60CAUXXH</h2>
                                        <div class="col-sm-12">
                                            <div class="row">
                                                <div class="HappyCard">
                                                    <!-- ngIf: product.HasDiscount --><div class="product-price ng-scope" ng-if="product.HasDiscount">
                                                        <div class="product-price__amount">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang!=='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' --><span ng-if="lang==='sq-AL'" class="product-price__type pull-left ng-scope"><span ng-bind="product.DiscountPriceName" class="ng-binding">Çmimi me ulje</span></span><!-- end ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.DiscountPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">64.990</span>
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Currency">LEKË</span>
                                                    </div><!-- end ngIf: product.HasDiscount -->
                                                <div class="Regular">
                                                    <div class="product-price">
                                                        <div class="product-price__amount">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang!=='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' --><span ng-if="lang==='sq-AL'" class="product-price__type pull-left ng-scope"><span ng-bind="product.RegularPriceName" class="ng-binding">Çmimi</span></span><!-- end ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.RegularPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">69.990</span>
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Currency">LEKË</span>
                                                <div class="clearfix"></div>
                                        </div><!-- end ngRepeat: product in group -->
                                        <div ng-repeat="product in group" class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-md-3 p0 pFix ng-scope ng-enter-prepare">
                                          <a class="theProduct" href="/categories/te_gjithe_tv/TV-SONY-LED-KD43X75WLPAEP-TV5105">
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                                                    <div class="product-list-item__image">

                                                        <div class="imageWrapper">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.Thumbnail --><img ng-if="product.Thumbnail" ng-src="/2023/06/15/TV5105.JPG?width=185" loading="lazy" class="ng-scope" src="/2023/06/15/TV5105.JPG?width=185"><!-- end ngIf: product.Thumbnail -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: !product.Thumbnail -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.HasDiscount --><div class="eyeCatcher2 ng-scope" ng-if="product.HasDiscount">
                                                                <span class="bb ng-binding">-28%</span>
                                                                <b label-for="DISCOUNT_SHORT" class="ng-isolate-scope"><span ng-bind="model.key.LocalizedString()" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Ulje</span></b>
                                                            </div><!-- end ngIf: product.HasDiscount -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: product.PromoImage -->


                                        <div class="clearfix"></div>
                                        <h2 class="product-list-item__content--title ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Title">TV SONY LED KD43X75WLPAEP</h2>
                                        <div class="col-sm-12">
                                            <div class="row">
                                                <div class="HappyCard">
                                                    <!-- ngIf: product.HasDiscount --><div class="product-price ng-scope" ng-if="product.HasDiscount">
                                                        <div class="product-price__amount">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang!=='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' --><span ng-if="lang==='sq-AL'" class="product-price__type pull-left ng-scope"><span ng-bind="product.DiscountPriceName" class="ng-binding">Çmimi me ulje</span></span><!-- end ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.DiscountPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">64.990</span>
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Currency">LEKË</span>
                                                    </div><!-- end ngIf: product.HasDiscount -->
                                                <div class="Regular">
                                                    <div class="product-price">
                                                        <div class="product-price__amount">
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang!=='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <!-- ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' --><span ng-if="lang==='sq-AL'" class="product-price__type pull-left ng-scope"><span ng-bind="product.RegularPriceName" class="ng-binding">Çmimi</span></span><!-- end ngIf: lang==='sq-AL' -->
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--value ng-binding" ng-bind="product.RegularPrice | number | replace: ',': '.'">89.990</span>
                                                            <span class="product-price__amount--currency ng-binding" ng-bind="product.Currency">LEKË</span>
                                                <div class="clearfix"></div>
                                        </div><!-- end ngRepeat: product in group -->
                                    </div><!-- end ngRepeat: group in category.groups track by $index -->
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                                      <span class="sr-only ng-binding">slide 1 of 5<!-- ngIf: isActive(slide) --><span ng-if="isActive(slide)" class="ng-scope">, currently active</span><!-- end ngIf: isActive(slide) --></span>
                                    </li><!-- end ngRepeat: slide in slides | orderBy:indexOfSlide track by $index -->
                                    <li ng-repeat="slide in slides | orderBy:indexOfSlide track by $index" ng-class="{ active: isActive(slide) }" ng-click="select(slide)" class="ng-scope" style="">
                                      <span class="sr-only ng-binding">slide 2 of 5<!-- ngIf: isActive(slide) --></span>
                                    </li><!-- end ngRepeat: slide in slides | orderBy:indexOfSlide track by $index -->
                                    <li ng-repeat="slide in slides | orderBy:indexOfSlide track by $index" ng-class="{ active: isActive(slide) }" ng-click="select(slide)" class="ng-scope ng-enter-prepare">
                                      <span class="sr-only ng-binding">slide 3 of 5<!-- ngIf: isActive(slide) --></span>
                                    </li><!-- end ngRepeat: slide in slides | orderBy:indexOfSlide track by $index -->
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                                      <span class="sr-only ng-binding">slide 4 of 5<!-- ngIf: isActive(slide) --></span>
                                    </li><!-- end ngRepeat: slide in slides | orderBy:indexOfSlide track by $index -->
                                    <li ng-repeat="slide in slides | orderBy:indexOfSlide track by $index" ng-class="{ active: isActive(slide) }" ng-click="select(slide)" class="ng-scope ng-enter-prepare">
                                      <span class="sr-only ng-binding">slide 5 of 5<!-- ngIf: isActive(slide) --></span>
                                    </li><!-- end ngRepeat: slide in slides | orderBy:indexOfSlide track by $index -->
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                            Id: 420,
                            Title: "Frigoriferë Ngrirës të Poshtëm",
                            Description: "Frigoriferë Ngrirës të Poshtëm",
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                            DescriptionMk: "Frigoriferë Ngrirës të Poshtëm",
                            TitleSq: "Frigoriferë Ngrirës të Poshtëm",
                            DescriptionSq: "Frigoriferë Ngrirës të Poshtëm",
                            TitleEn: "Bottom frezzer refrogerator",
                            DescriptionEn: "Bottom frezzer refrigerator",
                            Image: "2021/07/26/NGP.jpg",
                            NumberOfProducts: 20,
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                            Url: "frigorifere_ngrires_te_poshtem",
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                            Id: 393,
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                            DescriptionSq: "Lavatriçe",
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                            Url: "lavatrice2",
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                            Id: 387,
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                            DescriptionSq: "Pastrues Ajri",
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                                <div class="newsItem">
                                  <a href="/news/airfryer-nje-opsion-gatimi-me-i-shendetshem">
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                            <p ng-bind="item.Title" class="ng-binding">Airfryer-nje opsion gatimi me i shendetshem</p>
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                                  <a href="/news/lego-dhe-vëmendja-ndaj-detajeve">
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                            <p ng-bind="item.Title" class="ng-binding">LEGO dhe vëmendja ndaj detajeve.</p>
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                                  <a href="/news/eksperienca-e-kinemase-ne-shtepi">
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                            <p ng-bind="item.Title" class="ng-binding">Eksperienca e kinemasë në shtëpi.</p>
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                                  <a href="/news/ene-qe-shkelqejne-dhe-jetegjatsi-per-lavastoviljen-tende">
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                            <p ng-bind="item.Title" class="ng-binding">Enë që shkëlqejnë dhe jetëgjatsi për lavastoviljen tënde</p>
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                                  <a href="/news/perse-duhet-nje-tharese-rrobash">
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                            <p ng-bind="item.Title" class="ng-binding">Përse duhet një Tharëse Rrobash?</p>
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                        <div uib-slide="" ng-repeat="group in model.newsGroups" index="$index" ng-swipe-left="$parent.$" ng-swipe-right="$parent.$parent.prev()" style="display:none;" class="ng-scope ng-isolate-scope item">
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                                  <a href="/news/samsung-prezanton-serine-galaxy-s24">
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                            <p ng-bind="item.Title" class="ng-binding">Samsung prezanton serinë Galaxy S24</p>
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                                  <a href="/news/bebusha-dhe-philips-avent-urë">
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                            <p ng-bind="item.Title" class="ng-binding">Philips Avent Series</p>
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                                  <a href="/news/consumer-electronics-show-2024">
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                            <p ng-bind="item.Title" class="ng-binding">CONSUMER ELECTRONICS SHOW 2024</p>
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                                  <a href="/news/hekurosje-me-performance-te-larte-dhe-prakticitet">
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                            <p ng-bind="item.Title" class="ng-binding">Hekurosje me Performance te Larte dhe Prakticitet</p>
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                                  <a href="/news/destinacioni-dhuratave-ku-mund-te-gjesh-produkte-premium-kujdesi-personal-smartphone--it">
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                            <p ng-bind="item.Title" class="ng-binding">Destinacioni dhuratave ku mund te gjesh produkte premium, kujdesi personal, smartphone &amp; IT</p>
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                              <div ng-repeat="item in group" class="col-sm-4 col-sm colFix ng-scope">
                                <div class="newsItem">
                                  <a href="/news/zbuloni-te-ardhmen-e-argetimit-me-televizoret-tcl">
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                            <p ng-bind="item.Title" class="ng-binding">Zbuloni te ardhmen e argëtimit me televizorët TCL</p>
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                        </div><!-- end ngRepeat: group in model.newsGroups -->
                        <div uib-slide="" ng-repeat="group in model.newsGroups" index="$index" ng-swipe-left="$parent.$" ng-swipe-right="$parent.$parent.prev()" style="display:none;" class="ng-scope ng-isolate-scope item">
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                                  <a href="/news/perse-eshte-e-rendesishme-te-keni-nje-aparat-kafeje">
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                            <p ng-bind="item.Title" class="ng-binding">Pse është e rëndësishme te keni nje aparat kafeje ?</p>
                        <img ng-src="/2023/12/01/coffee-article-image-6569b904781e4.webp" ng-data-src="/2023/12/01/coffee-article-image-6569b904781e4.webp" loading="lazy" src="/2023/12/01/coffee-article-image-6569b904781e4.webp">
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                              <div ng-repeat="item in group" class="col-sm-4 col-sm colFix ng-scope">
                                <div class="newsItem">
                                  <a href="/news/miele-new-brand-neptun">
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                            <p ng-bind="item.Title" class="ng-binding">Miele brandi me i ri ne Neptun</p>
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                                <div class="newsItem">
                                  <a href="/news/amazon-kindle-paperwhite">
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                            <p ng-bind="item.Title" class="ng-binding">Erdhi sezoni me i bukur per te lexuar</p>
                        <img ng-src="/2023/09/22/Add_a_subheading__3___1___1_.webp" ng-data-src="/2023/09/22/Add_a_subheading__3___1___1_.webp" loading="lazy" src="/2023/09/22/Add_a_subheading__3___1___1_.webp">
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                        </div><!-- end ngRepeat: group in model.newsGroups -->
                        <div uib-slide="" ng-repeat="group in model.newsGroups" index="$index" ng-swipe-left="$parent.$" ng-swipe-right="$parent.$parent.prev()" style="display:none;" class="ng-scope ng-isolate-scope item">
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                              <div ng-repeat="item in group" class="col-sm-4 col-sm colFix ng-scope">
                                <div class="newsItem">
                                  <a href="/news/si-te-perdorim-kondicionerin">
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                            <p ng-bind="item.Title" class="ng-binding">Praktikat më të mira për kondicionerin dhe ventilatorin</p>
                        <img ng-src="/2023/07/24/Untitled-design-2023-07-24T132223.414-min__1_.webp" ng-data-src="/2023/07/24/Untitled-design-2023-07-24T132223.414-min__1_.webp" loading="lazy" src="/2023/07/24/Untitled-design-2023-07-24T132223.414-min__1_.webp">
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                              <div ng-repeat="item in group" class="col-sm-4 col-sm colFix ng-scope">
                                <div class="newsItem">
                                  <a href="/news/Teknologjia-e-fundit-dyson">
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                            <p ng-bind="item.Title" class="ng-binding">Teknologjia e fundit e Dyson</p>
                        <img ng-src="/2023/05/16/TEKNOLOGJIA-ME-E-FUNDIT-DYSON-min__1_.webp" ng-data-src="/2023/05/16/TEKNOLOGJIA-ME-E-FUNDIT-DYSON-min__1_.webp" loading="lazy" src="/2023/05/16/TEKNOLOGJIA-ME-E-FUNDIT-DYSON-min__1_.webp">
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                              <div ng-repeat="item in group" class="col-sm-4 col-sm colFix ng-scope">
                                <div class="newsItem">
                                  <a href="/news/tefal-cooking">
                        <div class="newsCaption">
                            <p ng-bind="item.Title" class="ng-binding">Tefal miku me i mire per kuzhinen tuaj</p>
                        <img ng-src="/2023/03/29/Untitled_design_-_2023-03-29T102626.060-min__1_.webp" ng-data-src="/2023/03/29/Untitled_design_-_2023-03-29T102626.060-min__1_.webp" loading="lazy" src="/2023/03/29/Untitled_design_-_2023-03-29T102626.060-min__1_.webp">
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                        </div><!-- end ngRepeat: group in model.newsGroups -->
                        <div uib-slide="" ng-repeat="group in model.newsGroups" index="$index" ng-swipe-left="$parent.$" ng-swipe-right="$parent.$parent.prev()" style="display:none;" class="ng-scope ng-isolate-scope item">
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                                  <a href="/news/karcher1">
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                            <p ng-bind="item.Title" class="ng-binding">Pastrimi me i lehte se kurre</p>
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                                <div class="newsItem">
                                  <a href="/news/smart-homes">
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                            <p ng-bind="item.Title" class="ng-binding">Shtepi inteligjente</p>
                        <img ng-src="/2023/03/24/" ng-data-src="/2023/03/24/" loading="lazy" src="/2023/03/24/">
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                                  <a href="/news/liebherr-ire-5100">
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                            <p ng-bind="item.Title" class="ng-binding">LIEBHERR IRe 5100</p>
                        <img ng-src="/2023/03/15/" ng-data-src="/2023/03/15/" loading="lazy" src="/2023/03/15/">
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                        </div><!-- end ngRepeat: group in model.newsGroups -->
                        <div uib-slide="" ng-repeat="group in model.newsGroups" index="$index" ng-swipe-left="$parent.$" ng-swipe-right="$parent.$parent.prev()" style="display:none;" class="ng-scope ng-isolate-scope item">
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                                  <a href="/news/pastrues-ajri">
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                            <p ng-bind="item.Title" class="ng-binding">Shiko te gjithe pastruesit e ajrit</p>
                        <img ng-src="/2023/03/13/" ng-data-src="/2023/03/13/" loading="lazy" src="/2023/03/13/">
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                                <div class="newsItem">
                                  <a href="/news/wine-oclock">
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                            <p ng-bind="item.Title" class="ng-binding">Zbuloni të gjitha produktet e verës!</p>
                        <img ng-src="/2023/03/20/Untitled_design_19_-_1___1_.webp" ng-data-src="/2023/03/20/Untitled_design_19_-_1___1_.webp" loading="lazy" src="/2023/03/20/Untitled_design_19_-_1___1_.webp">
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                              <div ng-repeat="item in group" class="col-sm-4 col-sm colFix ng-scope">
                                <div class="newsItem">
                                  <a href="/news/kamping-adventure">
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                            <p ng-bind="item.Title" class="ng-binding">Krijo kujtime të bukura me JACKERY</p>
                        <img ng-src="/2023/03/20/Untitled-design_18_-min__1_.webp" ng-data-src="/2023/03/20/Untitled-design_18_-min__1_.webp" loading="lazy" src="/2023/03/20/Untitled-design_18_-min__1_.webp">
                              </div><!-- end ngRepeat: item in group -->
                        </div><!-- end ngRepeat: group in model.newsGroups -->
                        <div uib-slide="" ng-repeat="group in model.newsGroups" index="$index" ng-swipe-left="$parent.$" ng-swipe-right="$parent.$parent.prev()" style="display:none;" class="ng-scope ng-isolate-scope item">
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                                <div class="newsItem">
                                  <a href="/news/vivo-new">
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                            <p ng-bind="item.Title" class="ng-binding">vivo new</p>
                        <img ng-src="/2023/03/20/Untitled_design_-_2022-11-22T163459.218__1_-_1___1_.webp" ng-data-src="/2023/03/20/Untitled_design_-_2022-11-22T163459.218__1_-_1___1_.webp" loading="lazy" src="/2023/03/20/Untitled_design_-_2022-11-22T163459.218__1_-_1___1_.webp">
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                              <div ng-repeat="item in group" class="col-sm-4 col-sm colFix ng-scope">
                                <div class="newsItem">
                                  <a href="/news/kurse-energji">
                        <div class="newsCaption">
                            <p ng-bind="item.Title" class="ng-binding">9 mënyra për ta bërë furrën tuaj më efikase në energji</p>
                        <img ng-src="/2023/03/25/" ng-data-src="/2023/03/25/" loading="lazy" src="/2023/03/25/">
                              </div><!-- end ngRepeat: item in group -->
                              <div ng-repeat="item in group" class="col-sm-4 col-sm colFix ng-scope">
                                <div class="newsItem">
                                  <a href="/news/why-ipad">
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                            <p ng-bind="item.Title" class="ng-binding">Pse iPad?</p>
                        <img ng-src="/2023/03/15/" ng-data-src="/2023/03/15/" loading="lazy" src="/2023/03/15/">
                              </div><!-- end ngRepeat: item in group -->
                        </div><!-- end ngRepeat: group in model.newsGroups -->
                        <div uib-slide="" ng-repeat="group in model.newsGroups" index="$index" ng-swipe-left="$parent.$" ng-swipe-right="$parent.$parent.prev()" style="display:none;" class="ng-scope ng-isolate-scope item">
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                                <div class="newsItem">
                                  <a href="/news/why-mac">
                        <div class="newsCaption">
                            <p ng-bind="item.Title" class="ng-binding">Pse Mac?</p>
                        <img ng-src="/2023/03/15/" ng-data-src="/2023/03/15/" loading="lazy" src="/2023/03/15/">
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                                <div class="newsItem">
                                  <a href="/news/Benefitet-e-çiklizmit">
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                            <p ng-bind="item.Title" class="ng-binding">Benefitet e çiklizmit për një shëndet të mirë fizik dhe psikologjik</p>
                        <img ng-src="/2023/03/25/ELICA__1_-min__1_.webp" ng-data-src="/2023/03/25/ELICA__1_-min__1_.webp" loading="lazy" src="/2023/03/25/ELICA__1_-min__1_.webp">
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                              <div ng-repeat="item in group" class="col-sm-4 col-sm colFix ng-scope">
                                <div class="newsItem">
                                  <a href="/news/epoka-e-lg-qned">
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                            <p ng-bind="item.Title" class="ng-binding">Epoka e LG QNED</p>
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                                  <a href="/news/perdorim-eficient-i-kondicionereve">
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                            <p ng-bind="item.Title" class="ng-binding">Zgjidh opsionet e duhura dhe kurse para</p>
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                            <p ng-bind="item.Title" class="ng-binding">Tipare inovative dhe çmimet më të mira vetëm me Samsung</p>
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                            <p ng-bind="item.Title" class="ng-binding">Fshesa vertikale Philips</p>
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                            <p ng-bind="item.Title" class="ng-binding">Philips SG</p>
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                                  <a href="/news/keni-nje-lavastovilje-te-re-pergatiteni-sic-duhet">
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                            <p ng-bind="item.Title" class="ng-binding">Keni një lavastovilje të re? Përgatiteni siç duhet!</p>
                        <img ng-src="/2023/03/25/" ng-data-src="/2023/03/25/" loading="lazy" src="/2023/03/25/">
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                                  <a href="/news/ju-tashme-i-keni-hasur-5-mitet-qe-qarkullojne-per-larjen-dhe-tharjen-e-rrobave">
                        <div class="newsCaption">
                            <p ng-bind="item.Title" class="ng-binding">Ju tashmë i keni hasur: 5 mitet që qarkullojnë për larjen dhe tharjen e rrobave</p>
                        <img ng-src="/2023/03/25/" ng-data-src="/2023/03/25/" loading="lazy" src="/2023/03/25/">
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                                  <a href="/news/si-mund-ta-perdorni-blenderin-tuaj-te-dores-bosch-per-receta-te-shijshme-dhe-te-shpejta">
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                            <p ng-bind="item.Title" class="ng-binding">Si mund ta përdorni blenderin tuaj të dorës Bosch për receta të shijshme dhe të shpejta</p>
                        <img ng-src="/2023/03/25/" ng-data-src="/2023/03/25/" loading="lazy" src="/2023/03/25/">
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                            <p ng-bind="item.Title" class="ng-binding">A keni dëgjuar për sindromën e "Computer Vision"? Ja çfarë është!</p>
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                                  <a href="/news/ajer-i-paster-brenda-shtepise-ja-se-si-mund-ta-keni">
                        <div class="newsCaption">
                            <p ng-bind="item.Title" class="ng-binding">Ajër i pastër brenda shtëpisë? Ja se si mund ta keni!</p>
                        <img ng-src="/2023/03/25/" ng-data-src="/2023/03/25/" loading="lazy" src="/2023/03/25/">
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                                  <a href="/news/te-lash-me-avull-me-lavatricet-lg">
                        <div class="newsCaption">
                            <p ng-bind="item.Title" class="ng-binding">Të lash me avull me lavatriçet LG. Zbuloni pse…</p>
                        <img ng-src="/2023/03/15/" ng-data-src="/2023/03/15/" loading="lazy" src="/2023/03/15/">
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                                  <a href="/news/thares-lageshtire">
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                            <p ng-bind="item.Title" class="ng-binding">Thithës Lagështire: Mos e quani lluks, por një nevojë!</p>
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                                  <a href="/news/si-te-mbani-paster-pllakat-e-qeramikes">
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                            <p ng-bind="item.Title" class="ng-binding">Si të mbani pastër pllakat e qeramikës</p>
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                                  <a href="/news/lavastovilja-keshilla-per-nje-performance-maksimale">
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                            <p ng-bind="item.Title" class="ng-binding">Lavastovilja: Këshilla për një performancë maksimale</p>
                        <img ng-src="/2023/03/15/" ng-data-src="/2023/03/15/" loading="lazy" src="/2023/03/15/">
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                                  <a href="/news/gjeni-laptopin-e-duhur-per-shkollen">
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 * Open submenu (Ndricim)Ndricim
 * Open submenu (Paisje Gatimi)Paisje Gatimi
 * Open submenu (Aparate Kafeje)Aparate Kafeje

Close submenu (Fshesa me Korent)Fshesa me Korent
 * Fshesa
 * Robot
 * Fshesa me avull
 * Fshesa dore
 * Aksesore
 * Fshesa vertikale

Close submenu (Hekurosje)Hekurosje
 * Hekura me avull
 * Hekura
 * Hekura me kaldaje
 * Aksesore
 * Hekura dore
 * Hekura vertikal

Close submenu (Siguria ne shtepi)Siguria ne shtepi
 * Sensore

Close submenu (Pajisje Kuzhine)Pajisje Kuzhine
 * Friteze
 * Plitka
 * Zgare
 * Tostjere
 * Aksesore
 * Blender
 * Filtrues
 * Multicooker
 * Ibrike
 * Kombinat
 * Mikser
 * Peshore Gatimi
 * Rrahese
 * Thekese buke
 * Zjerese
 * Berese buke
 * Grirese
 * Shtrydhese

Close submenu (Ndricim)Ndricim
 * Llampa

Close submenu (Paisje Gatimi)Paisje Gatimi
 * Tava Gatimi
 * Tenxhere
 * Tigane
 * Aksesore Gatimi

Close submenu (Aparate Kafeje)Aparate Kafeje
 * Ekspres Kafeje
 * Kafetjer
 * Berese frapeje

Close submenu (Kujdesi personal)Kujdesi personal
 * Open submenu (Kujdesi per femije)Kujdesi per femije
 * Open submenu (Kujdesi Personal)Kujdesi Personal
 * Open submenu (Aksesore)Aksesore
 * Open submenu (Trajtimi Ajrit)Trajtimi Ajrit

Close submenu (Kujdesi per femije)Kujdesi per femije
 * Aksesore
 * Kujdesi per Nenen
 * Biberon
 * Pergatites Ushqimi

Close submenu (Kujdesi Personal)Kujdesi Personal
 * Depilator
 * Depilator me Lazer
 * Furca dhembesh
 * Makina Qethese
 * Makina Rroje
 * Peshore personale
 * Pjaster Flokesh
 * Stilues Flokesh
 * Tharese Flokesh

Close submenu (Aksesore)Aksesore
 * Aksesore


Close submenu (Trajtimi Ajrit)Trajtimi Ajrit
 * Berese Lageshtire
 * Pastrues Ajri
 * Thithes Lageshtire

Close submenu (KLIMA)KLIMA
 * Open submenu (Kondicioner)Kondicioner
 * Open submenu (Paisje te tjera)Paisje te tjera
 * Open submenu (Ngrohese)Ngrohese

Close submenu (Kondicioner)Kondicioner
 * Multisplit
 * Inverter
 * I thjeshte

Close submenu (Paisje te tjera)Paisje te tjera
 * Aksesore
 * Ventilator

Close submenu (Ngrohese)Ngrohese
 * Kalorifer
 * Ngrohese
 * Reflektor
 * Soba me Dru

Close submenu (Televizore)Televizore
 * Open submenu (DVD, Dekoder & Tv BOX)DVD, Dekoder & Tv BOX
 * Open submenu (Home Theatre)Home Theatre
 * Open submenu (Televizor)Televizor
 * Open submenu (Aksesore)Aksesore
 * Open submenu (Audio)Audio
 * Pajisje Makine

Close submenu (DVD, Dekoder & Tv BOX)DVD, Dekoder & Tv BOX

Close submenu (Home Theatre)Home Theatre
 * Soundbar

Close submenu (Televizor)Televizor
 * Televizore

Close submenu (Aksesore)Aksesore
 * Aksesore
 * Suport TV

Close submenu (Audio)Audio
 * Bokse Bluetooth

Close submenu (Telefonia)Telefonia
 * Open submenu (Telefoni Celulare)Telefoni Celulare
 * Open submenu (Telefoni Fikse)Telefoni Fikse
 * Open submenu (Wearable)Wearable
 * Open submenu (Aksesore)Aksesore

Close submenu (Telefoni Celulare)Telefoni Celulare
 * Celular
 * Smartphone

Close submenu (Telefoni Fikse)Telefoni Fikse
 * Cordless
 * Telefon me kabull

Close submenu (Wearable)Wearable
 * Smartwatch

Close submenu (Aksesore)Aksesore

Close submenu (Informatike)Informatike
 * Open submenu (Kompjuter)Kompjuter
 * Open submenu (Periferike)Periferike
 * Open submenu (Printer)Printer
 * Open submenu (Tablet)Tablet
 * Open submenu (Aksesore Zyre)Aksesore Zyre
 * Open submenu (Memorje)Memorje

Close submenu (Kompjuter)Kompjuter
 * All in One
 * Desktop
 * Laptop

Close submenu (Periferike)Periferike
 * UPS
 * Altoparlante
 * Canta
 * CD & DVD
 * Lexues karte
 * Monitor
 * Mouse
 * Paisje rrjeti
 * Tastjera
 * Aksesore
 * Generator

Close submenu (Printer)Printer
 * Bojra e Toner
 * Printer
 * Printer Multifunksional

Close submenu (Tablet)Tablet
 * Aksesore

Close submenu (Aksesore Zyre)Aksesore Zyre
 * Syze Mbrojtese

Close submenu (Memorje)Memorje
 * RAM
 * USB

Close submenu (Argetim)Argetim
 * Open submenu (Aksesore)Aksesore
 * Open submenu (OCULUS)OCULUS
 * Open submenu (PC GAMING)PC GAMING
 * Open submenu (LODRA)LODRA

Close submenu (Aksesore)Aksesore




Close submenu (OCULUS)OCULUS

Close submenu (PC GAMING)PC GAMING


Close submenu (LODRA)LODRA

Close submenu (Foto dhe Video)Foto dhe Video
 * Open submenu (Fotokamera)Fotokamera
 * Open submenu (Action Camera)Action Camera
 * Open submenu (Aksesore)Aksesore

Close submenu (Fotokamera)Fotokamera
 * Bridge
 * Mirrorless

Close submenu (Action Camera)Action Camera
 * Action Camera
 * ACT Accessories

Close submenu (Aksesore)Aksesore
 * Tripod
 * Aksesore
 * Canta per Aparat

Close submenu (OUTDOOR)OUTDOOR
 * Open submenu (ZGARA)ZGARA


Close submenu (ZGARA)ZGARA

Close submenu (UDHETIM)UDHETIM
 * Open submenu (CANTA)CANTA
 * Open submenu (JASTEK)JASTEK
 * Open submenu (AKSESORE)AKSESORE

Close submenu (CANTA)CANTA

Close submenu (JASTEK)JASTEK


Close submenu (Audio)Audio
 * Open submenu (Personal Audio)Personal Audio

Close submenu (Personal Audio)Personal Audio
 * MP3, MP4 player
 * Radio & Radio zgjimi
 * Bokse Bluetooth
 * Impiante HI FI

Close submenu (Lajme)Lajme
 * Lajm
 * Blog

Close submenu ( Services ) Services
 * Open submenu (Transport)Transport
 * Open submenu (Montime)Montime
 * Open submenu (Paketa Komfort)Paketa Komfort
 * Open submenu (Asistencë teknike)Asistencë teknike
 * Open submenu (Mirëmbajtje)Mirëmbajtje
 * Open submenu (Ndërrimi i produkteve)Ndërrimi i produkteve
 * Open submenu (Riparime)Riparime

Close submenu (Transport)Transport
 * Transport dhe Dorezim ne Banese
 * Transport dhe Dorezim ne Banese (>2 produkte)
 * Transport Dorezim pajsije te medha
 * Transport deri ne adresën e klientit

Close submenu (Montime)Montime
 * Instalim TV ne mur (55"+)
 * Montim Kondicioneri
 * Montim Elektroshtëpiake
 * Montim Pajisje Kuzhine
 * Montim TV
 * Montim TV në mur

Close submenu (Paketa Komfort)Paketa Komfort
 * Paketë Komfort për Smartphone, Laptopë e Tabletë
 * Paketë Komfort për fshesa me korent
 * Paketë Komfort për TV dhe Elektroshtepiake
 * Garanci e Zgjatur Sony

Close submenu (Asistencë teknike)Asistencë teknike
 * Asistencë Teknike Për Laptop dhe Kompjuter
 * Asistencë Teknike Për Smartphone dhe Tableta
 * Film & Go - Mbroni Ekranin tuaj
 * Konfigurim TV

Close submenu (Mirëmbajtje)Mirëmbajtje
 * Mirëmbajtje Kondicioneri (1 pajisje)
 * Mirëmbajtje Kondicioneri (2 pajisje)
 * Mirëmbajtje Kondicioneri (3 pajisje)
 * Mirëmbajtje Lavatriçe dhe Larëse Tharëse

Close submenu (Ndërrimi i produkteve)Ndërrimi i produkteve
 * Ndërrim i menjëhershëm: Kujdesi personal
 * Ndërrim i menjëhershëm: Dekoder Fuego
 * Ndërrim i menjëhershëm: elektroshtëpiake të vogla
 * Ndërrim i menjëhershëm: Shtrydhëse Frutash

Close submenu (Riparime)Riparime
 * Riparim Frigoriferi
 * Riparim Furra
 * Riparim Kondicionerë
 * Riparim Lavastovilje
 * Riparim Lavatriçe


Click and collect instantly



Të gjitha
 * Produktet
   * Oferta
   * Elektroshtepiake te Medha
     * Aspirator
       * Inkaso
       * Ishull
       * Mural
       * Aksesore
     * Boliere
       * Inverter
       * I thjeshte
     * Lavastovilje
       * Aksesore
       * Lavastovilje
       * Lavapjate
       * Rubineta
     * Ftohje
       * Frigorifere Banak
       * Frigorifere Inkaso
       * Frigorifere Minibar
       * Frigorifere Dy Kanatesh
       * Frigorifere Vere
       * Aksesore
       * Frigorifere Ngrires te Poshtem
       * Frigorifere Ngrires te Siperm
     * Gatimi
       * Aksesore
       * Furra
       * Mikrovale
       * Pianura
       * Set Inkaso
       * Soba
       * Mini Furra
     * Lavatrice, Tharese dhe Larese-tharese
       * Larese Tharese
       * Lavatrice
       * Tharese Rrobash
       * Aksesore
   * Elektroshtepiake te Vogla
     * Fshesa me Korent
       * Fshesa
       * Robot
       * Fshesa me avull
       * Fshesa dore
       * Aksesore
       * Fshesa vertikale
     * Hekurosje
       * Hekura me avull
       * Hekura
       * Hekura me kaldaje
       * Aksesore
       * Hekura dore
       * Hekura vertikal
     * Siguria ne shtepi
       * Sensore
     * Pajisje Kuzhine
       * Friteze
       * Plitka
       * Zgare
       * Tostjere
       * Aksesore
       * Blender
       * Filtrues
       * Multicooker
       * Ibrike
       * Kombinat
       * Mikser
       * Peshore Gatimi
       * Rrahese
       * Thekese buke
       * Zjerese
       * Berese buke
       * Grirese
       * Shtrydhese
     * Ndricim
       * Llampa
     * Paisje Gatimi
       * Tava Gatimi
       * Tenxhere
       * Tigane
       * Aksesore Gatimi
     * Aparate Kafeje
       * Ekspres Kafeje
       * Kafetjer
       * Berese frapeje
   * Kujdesi personal
     * Kujdesi per femije
       * Aksesore
       * Kujdesi per Nenen
       * Biberon
       * Pergatites Ushqimi
     * Kujdesi Personal
       * Depilator
       * Depilator me Lazer
       * Furca dhembesh
       * Makina Qethese
       * Makina Rroje
       * Peshore personale
       * Pjaster Flokesh
       * Stilues Flokesh
       * Tharese Flokesh
     * Aksesore
       * Aksesore
       * AKSESORE
     * Trajtimi Ajrit
       * Berese Lageshtire
       * Pastrues Ajri
       * Thithes Lageshtire
   * KLIMA
     * Kondicioner
       * Multisplit
       * Inverter
       * I thjeshte
     * Paisje te tjera
       * Aksesore
       * Ventilator
     * Ngrohese
       * Kalorifer
       * Ngrohese
       * Reflektor
       * Soba me Dru
   * Televizore
     * DVD, Dekoder & Tv BOX
       * TV BOX
     * Home Theatre
       * Soundbar
     * Televizor
       * Televizore
       * HORECA
     * Aksesore
       * Aksesore
       * Suport TV
     * Audio
       * Bokse Bluetooth
     * Pajisje Makine
   * Telefonia
     * Telefoni Celulare
       * Celular
       * Smartphone
     * Telefoni Fikse
       * Cordless
       * Telefon me kabull
     * Wearable
       * Smartwatch
     * Aksesore
       * ADAPTOR
       * KABUJ
       * COVER
       * KARIKUES
       * PASTRUES
       * KUFJE
       * MBAJTESE
       * POWERBANK
   * Informatike
     * Kompjuter
       * All in One
       * Desktop
       * Laptop
     * Periferike
       * UPS
       * Altoparlante
       * Canta
       * CD & DVD
       * WEBKAMERA
       * Lexues karte
       * Monitor
       * Mouse
       * Paisje rrjeti
       * Tastjera
       * Aksesore
       * Generator
       * COMBOS
     * Printer
       * Bojra e Toner
       * Printer
       * Printer Multifunksional
     * Tablet
       * TABLET
       * Aksesore
     * Aksesore Zyre
       * Syze Mbrojtese
     * Memorje
       * RAM
       * USB
   * Argetim
     * Aksesore
       * GIFT CARDS
       * DOREZA PS5
       * KONSOLA PS5
       * KUFJE PS5
       * LOJRA PS5
       * DOREZA PS4
       * KONSOLA PS4
       * LOJRA PS4
       * KONSOLA
     * OCULUS
       * OCULUS
     * PC GAMING
       * BOXE GAMING
       * DOREZA PC
       * PC GAMING
       * COMBOS
       * KONSOLA
     * LODRA
       * CANTA
       * EDUKATIVE
       * FIGURA
       * PUZZLE
   * Foto dhe Video
     * Fotokamera
       * DSLR
       * Bridge
       * Mirrorless
     * Action Camera
       * Action Camera
       * ACT Accessories
     * Aksesore
       * Tripod
       * Aksesore
       * Canta per Aparat
       * AKSESORE
       * BICIKLETA
       * SKUTERA
     * ZGARA
       * AKSESORE
       * ZGARA
     * CANTA
     * JASTEK
   * Audio
     * Personal Audio
       * MP3, MP4 player
       * Radio & Radio zgjimi
       * Bokse Bluetooth
       * Impiante HI FI
   * Video
 * Shërbime
   * Transport
     * Transport dhe Dorezim ne Banese
     * Transport dhe Dorezim ne Banese (>2 produkte)
     * Transport Dorezim pajsije te medha
     * Transport deri ne adresën e klientit
   * Montime
     * Instalim TV ne mur (55"+)
     * Montim Kondicioneri
     * Montim Elektroshtëpiake
     * Montim Pajisje Kuzhine
     * Montim TV
     * Montim TV në mur
   * Paketa Komfort
     * Paketë Komfort për Smartphone, Laptopë e Tabletë
     * Paketë Komfort për fshesa me korent
     * Paketë Komfort për TV dhe Elektroshtepiake
     * Garanci e Zgjatur Sony
   * Asistencë teknike
     * Asistencë Teknike Për Laptop dhe Kompjuter
     * Asistencë Teknike Për Smartphone dhe Tableta
     * Film & Go - Mbroni Ekranin tuaj
     * Konfigurim TV
   * Mirëmbajtje
     * Mirëmbajtje Kondicioneri (1 pajisje)
     * Mirëmbajtje Kondicioneri (2 pajisje)
     * Mirëmbajtje Kondicioneri (3 pajisje)
     * Mirëmbajtje Lavatriçe dhe Larëse Tharëse
   * Ndërrimi i produkteve
     * Ndërrim i menjëhershëm: Kujdesi personal
     * Ndërrim i menjëhershëm: Dekoder Fuego
     * Ndërrim i menjëhershëm: elektroshtëpiake të vogla
     * Ndërrim i menjëhershëm: Shtrydhëse Frutash
   * Riparime
     * Riparim Frigoriferi
     * Riparim Furra
     * Riparim Kondicionerë
     * Riparim Lavastovilje
     * Riparim Lavatriçe
     previous next
      1. slide 1 of 4
      2. slide 2 of 4, currently active
      3. slide 3 of 4
      4. slide 4 of 4
 * Markat
 * Lajme
   * Lajm
   * Blog
 * Karriera


 * Profili im

 * Porosit

Click and collect
Mënyra të lehta pagese
Transport brenda 48 orëve
Më vlerëso
Click and collect
Mënyra të lehta pagese
Transport brenda 48 orëve
Më vlerëso

previous next
 1. slide 1 of 8
 2. slide 2 of 8, currently active
 3. slide 3 of 8
 4. slide 4 of 8
 5. slide 5 of 8
 6. slide 6 of 8
 7. slide 7 of 8
 8. slide 8 of 8




Shiko ofertatShiko broshurën


Shiko ofertat


Shiko ofertat


Shiko ofertat


Shiko ofertat


Shiko ofertat
previous next
 1. slide 1 of 6, currently active
 2. slide 2 of 6
 3. slide 3 of 6
 4. slide 4 of 6
 5. slide 5 of 6
 6. slide 6 of 6


-32% Ulje


Çmimi me ulje 67.990 LEKË
Çmimi 99.990 LEKË

-37% Ulje


Çmimi me ulje 62.990 LEKË
Çmimi 99.990 LEKË

-42% Ulje


Çmimi me ulje 54.990 LEKË
Çmimi 94.990 LEKË

-42% Ulje


Çmimi me ulje 54.990 LEKË
Çmimi 94.990 LEKË

-33% Ulje


Çmimi me ulje 59.990 LEKË
Çmimi 89.990 LEKË

-35% Ulje


Çmimi me ulje 54.990 LEKË
Çmimi 84.990 LEKË

-31% Ulje


Çmimi me ulje 57.990 LEKË
Çmimi 83.990 LEKË

-37% Ulje


Çmimi me ulje 49.990 LEKË
Çmimi 78.990 LEKË

-18% Ulje


Çmimi me ulje 54.990 LEKË
Çmimi 66.990 LEKË

-34% Ulje


Çmimi me ulje 42.990 LEKË
Çmimi 64.990 LEKË

-34% Ulje


Çmimi me ulje 42.990 LEKË
Çmimi 64.990 LEKË

-21% Ulje


Çmimi me ulje 49.990 LEKË
Çmimi 62.990 LEKË

-23% Ulje


Çmimi me ulje 45.990 LEKË
Çmimi 59.990 LEKË

-50% Ulje


Çmimi me ulje 29.990 LEKË
Çmimi 59.990 LEKË

-35% Ulje


Çmimi me ulje 38.990 LEKË
Çmimi 59.990 LEKË

-10% Ulje


Çmimi me ulje 52.990 LEKË
Çmimi 58.990 LEKË

-39% Ulje


Çmimi me ulje 34.990 LEKË
Çmimi 57.790 LEKË

-21% Ulje


Çmimi me ulje 44.990 LEKË
Çmimi 56.990 LEKË

-36% Ulje


Çmimi me ulje 31.990 LEKË
Çmimi 49.990 LEKË

-37% Ulje


Çmimi me ulje 30.990 LEKË
Çmimi 49.390 LEKË

previous next
 1. slide 1 of 5, currently active
 2. slide 2 of 5
 3. slide 3 of 5
 4. slide 4 of 5
 5. slide 5 of 5


Previous Next



pse eshte e rendesishme te llogaritni BTU perpara se te blini nje kondicioner

Miele brandi me i ri ne Neptun

previous next
 1. slide 1 of 2, currently active
 2. slide 2 of 2














Aparate kafeje


Blender & Shtrydhëse


 * Te Gjithe TV
 * Frigoriferë Ngrirës të Poshtëm
 * Lavatriçe
 * Furra
 * Pianura
 * Lavastovilje
 * Smartphone
 * Laptop
 * Pastrues Ajri


-66% Ulje


Çmimi me ulje 11.997 LEKË
Çmimi 34.990 LEKË

-15% Ulje


Çmimi me ulje 22.990 LEKË
Çmimi 26.990 LEKË

-17% Ulje

TV TCL 40S5409A

Çmimi me ulje 24.990 LEKË
Çmimi 29.990 LEKË

-38% Ulje


Çmimi me ulje 24.997 LEKË
Çmimi 39.997 LEKË

-42% Ulje


Çmimi me ulje 28.997 LEKË
Çmimi 49.997 LEKË

-11% Ulje


Çmimi me ulje 32.997 LEKË
Çmimi 36.997 LEKË

-31% Ulje


Çmimi me ulje 32.997 LEKË
Çmimi 47.997 LEKË

-30% Ulje


Çmimi me ulje 34.997 LEKË
Çmimi 49.997 LEKË

-34% Ulje


Çmimi me ulje 34.997 LEKË
Çmimi 52.997 LEKË

-21% Ulje


Çmimi me ulje 36.997 LEKË
Çmimi 46.997 LEKË

-22% Ulje


Çmimi me ulje 38.997 LEKË
Çmimi 49.997 LEKË

-20% Ulje


Çmimi me ulje 39.990 LEKË
Çmimi 49.990 LEKË

-43% Ulje


Çmimi me ulje 39.997 LEKË
Çmimi 69.997 LEKË

-15% Ulje


Çmimi me ulje 46.990 LEKË
Çmimi 54.990 LEKË

-9% Ulje


Çmimi me ulje 49.997 LEKË
Çmimi 54.990 LEKË

-15% Ulje

TV TCL 58P639

Çmimi me ulje 54.990 LEKË
Çmimi 64.990 LEKË

-15% Ulje

TV TCL 58P635

Çmimi me ulje 54.990 LEKË
Çmimi 64.990 LEKË

-13% Ulje


Çmimi me ulje 57.990 LEKË
Çmimi 66.990 LEKË

-7% Ulje


Çmimi me ulje 64.990 LEKË
Çmimi 69.990 LEKË

-28% Ulje


Çmimi me ulje 64.990 LEKË
Çmimi 89.990 LEKË

previous next
 1. slide 1 of 5, currently active
 2. slide 2 of 5
 3. slide 3 of 5
 4. slide 4 of 5
 5. slide 5 of 5

Shiko Të gjitha


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Shiko Të gjitha


previous next
Shiko Të gjitha


previous next
Shiko Të gjitha


previous next
Shiko Të gjitha


previous next
Shiko Të gjitha


previous next
Shiko Të gjitha


previous next
Shiko Të gjitha


previous next
Shiko Të gjitha


Airfryer-nje opsion gatimi me i shendetshem

LEGO dhe vëmendja ndaj detajeve.


Eksperienca e kinemasë në shtëpi.

Enë që shkëlqejnë dhe jetëgjatsi për lavastoviljen tënde

Përse duhet një Tharëse Rrobash?

Samsung prezanton serinë Galaxy S24

Philips Avent Series


Hekurosje me Performance te Larte dhe Prakticitet

Destinacioni dhuratave ku mund te gjesh produkte premium, kujdesi personal,
smartphone & IT

Zbuloni te ardhmen e argëtimit me televizorët TCL

Pse është e rëndësishme te keni nje aparat kafeje ?

Miele brandi me i ri ne Neptun

Erdhi sezoni me i bukur per te lexuar

Praktikat më të mira për kondicionerin dhe ventilatorin

Teknologjia e fundit e Dyson

Tefal miku me i mire per kuzhinen tuaj

Pastrimi me i lehte se kurre

Shtepi inteligjente


Shiko te gjithe pastruesit e ajrit

Zbuloni të gjitha produktet e verës!

Krijo kujtime të bukura me JACKERY

vivo new

9 mënyra për ta bërë furrën tuaj më efikase në energji

Pse iPad?

Pse Mac?

Benefitet e çiklizmit për një shëndet të mirë fizik dhe psikologjik

Epoka e LG QNED

Zgjidh opsionet e duhura dhe kurse para

Tipare inovative dhe çmimet më të mira vetëm me Samsung


Fshesa vertikale Philips

Philips SG

Keni një lavastovilje të re? Përgatiteni siç duhet!

Ju tashmë i keni hasur: 5 mitet që qarkullojnë për larjen dhe tharjen e rrobave

Si mund ta përdorni blenderin tuaj të dorës Bosch për receta të shijshme dhe të

A keni dëgjuar për sindromën e "Computer Vision"? Ja çfarë është!

Ajër i pastër brenda shtëpisë? Ja se si mund ta keni!

Të lash me avull me lavatriçet LG. Zbuloni pse…

Thithës Lagështire: Mos e quani lluks, por një nevojë!

Si të mbani pastër pllakat e qeramikës

Lavastovilja: Këshilla për një performancë maksimale

Gjeni laptopin e duhur për shkollën

Rroba të lara dhe të thara vetëm me një pajisje

previous next
 1.  slide 1 of 16, currently active
 2.  slide 2 of 16
 3.  slide 3 of 16
 4.  slide 4 of 16
 5.  slide 5 of 16
 6.  slide 6 of 16
 7.  slide 7 of 16
 8.  slide 8 of 16
 9.  slide 9 of 16
 10. slide 10 of 16
 11. slide 11 of 16
 12. slide 12 of 16
 13. slide 13 of 16
 14. slide 14 of 16
 15. slide 15 of 16
 16. slide 16 of 16




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 * Sherbime

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