Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submission: On July 21 via automatic, source certstream-suspicious — Scanned from IT

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

<form id="contact-form">
  <div class="messages">
  <div class="loadingVisible hideLoader">
    <div class="spinner">
      <div class="dot1"></div>
      <div class="dot2"></div>
    <p class="sendText">Sending...</p>
  <div class="controls">
    <div class="row">
      <div class="col-md-6">
        <input type="text" name="name" class="form-control" placeholder="Your firstname *" required="required">
      <div class="nameCheck col-md-6 hidden-md hidden-lg hidden-xl"></div>
      <div class="col-md-6">
        <input type="text" name="surname" class="form-control" placeholder="Your lastname *" required="required">
      <div class="nameCheck col-md-6 hidden-xs hidden-sm"></div>
      <div class="lastNameCheck col-md-6"></div>
    <div class="row">
      <div class="col-md-6">
        <input type="text" name="email" class="form-control" placeholder="Your email *" required="required">
      <div class="emailCheck col-md-6 hidden-md hidden-lg hidden-xl"></div>
      <div class="col-md-6">
        <input type="text" name="phone" class="form-control" placeholder="Your phone *" required="required">
      <div class="emailCheck col-md-6 hidden-xs hidden-sm"></div>
      <div class="phoneCheck col-md-6"></div>
      <div class="col-md-12">
        <textarea name="message" class="form-control" placeholder="Message *" rows="4" required="required"></textarea>
      <div class="messageCheck col-md-12"></div>
      <div class="col-md-12 text-center">
        <input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg formSubmit" value="Send message" disabled="disabled">

Text Content

Toggle navigation Erik Nuber
 * Intro
 * About
 * Skills
 * My work
 * Contact




I have worked at SEGA of America for a few years now. In addition to my regular
role, I have led daily stand-ups for the past couple of years and, recently been
put in charge of creating work back schedules for all web projects. I also work
with the Data Protection Officer and, am in charge of making sure all of our
sites are GDPR and CCPA compliant.

I am always up for any challenge be it code-based, learning how to use a new API
or service or, in brain storming ways to go about achieving what needs to be
done. I have written the age gate code used across all of our Mature rated
websites and, evolved that to the latest iteration as can be seen on the Persona
5 Strikers website. By age-gating specific elements rather than the whole page
as we had previously been doing; I was able to help reduce our workload as we
were having to make microsites for marketing purposes.

I have also integrated Mailchimp into our websites and, left the code thoroughly
commented to make reuse easier. I reworked the way language changes were handled
on our pages which involved changing the code from PHP, which wasn't
consistently working, to using Ajax and JSON as we support five languages and
eight countries.

I have been coding React applications as well. For each of these, I start by
coding with React using component state and props. From there, I then recode
them using React with Redux, React with hooks and, React with Context.

See My Code On Github:
Download My Resume:



Would you like to know more or just discuss something?

Contact me






Here are some of my latest projects.

 * All
 * Web Design
 * Applications




Salon site with booking capabilities

Visit website See The Code

Created a website for a salon owner that was going into business for herself.
The goal of the site was to allow her clients to quickly and easily book their
appointments so she would not constantly be on her phone making the appointments

I created the logo and style of the website based on her vision months before
the Salon was to open and, was able to have her site live on the day she needed
it to be by quickly changing out the pictures and updating the google map. Along
with creating the site, I researched and presented several services that provide
booking software.

The site was created using HTML5 and, a combination of CSS3 along with Bootstrap
to style and make the page responsive. jQuery and JavaScript were also used to
add in some other functionality.


Find Colleges matching your criteria

See Application See The Code

School2Career was our final group project for Learningfuze. I worked on the
front end along with one other and, we had two on the back end that dealt with
the database. To help simulate a work environment, we also had a senior
developer that acted as our product manager. We met with him once a week to
discuss our progress and, receive suggestions on how to improve what we were
doing. We also met near daily with a mid-level developer to do stand ups as well
as make sure we were on track to complete our weekly sprints.

The site was designed to help perspective students find colleges based on
several filters. The colleges are initially populated by using location and
major. From there further filters such as type of school, degrees offered and
tuition type could further filter down the schools. The map populates based on
bounds and will auto populate as the map is dragged around. Each individual
school can also be clicked on to see more in-depth information.

The site was built on the front end using React, Redux, and JavaScript with ES6.
Though this was not the best choice for this kind of site, we used these
frameworks because it was what we were learning and; we were looking to solidify
our knowledge. The back end used Apache, PHP and MariaDB.


Yakuza franchise game site

Visit website

Coded this website based off a design created by James Ferrell, a member of the
SEGA creative services team. Most of the game page websites go through different
versions of the site, this one had three over the course of it's lifecycle, a
splash page at the game announcement, a teaser page and then this final site.
Along with this, there are always minor updates that usually involve adding
trailers or changing up text from pre launch to post launch. This particular
site I wanted to highlight because it shows how I was able to handle the large
number of SKUs due to the amount of consoles the game was coming to and, the
number of editions for the game. Along with this, because the game itself takes
place over the course of two decades, I was tasked with showing a couple of the
characters at the two main time frames within the game.

This title was a launch title for the Xbox Series X and, will be on the
PlayStation 5. Ultimately this meant that there was a lot of learning and going
back and forth with Microsoft and Sony to meet their brand guidelines. This
information changed many times over the course of a couple of months which meant
alot of fixes along the way.

I can not directly share the code for the site as it is a title that was done
for work and, not my own personal project. However, the site was done using
HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript and JQuery. This is also a global site so languages
were handled using both Ajax with JSON file and, JavaScript with some objects. I
am also the lead for GDPR and CCPA compliance and use CIVIC cookie to aid in
that. Finally, the site is using a combination of Google Tag Manager and Google


Basic calculator

Component State and Props
See Application See The Code
Using Redux
See Application See The Code
Using Hooks
See Application See The Code
Using Context
See Application See The Code

This is a basic calculator styled after the iOS calculator.

This application was created using React. I created this four different ways so
though the application looks the same the code is different. I first created
this using component state and passing props. I then rewrote the application
using React and Redux, then React with hooks and finally React with Context.

Within my git repository, you will see a second version of the code called
calculator_old. This version of the code was working as well however, it was
rather complicated. So rather than move forward with it, I thought there must be
a much less complex way of doing so. I started over and, accomplished my goal by
reducing my original 10 pieces of state to just 4.


Persona franchise game site

Visit website

Due to the number of games launching each year, my team has been tasked with
creating a more templated website structure that can help cut down the
development time of websites. The template has been designed by Ben Schilling
after many rounds of feedback. So I used that template structure to design the
site as well as match the style of the franchise. I am showing off this site
because it is the first of what we are trying to shift to with future sites and,
the code was written by myself.

The age gate was completely revamped for this site. For the past couple of years
we had been using an age gate with an input for month, day and year. Here I am
using a select field and, for both the day and year bringing in the options
dynamically through JavaScript. This is the first Mature rated site where the
content of the page is immediately available. Upon clicking a trailer or image,
you are then required to enter your age to see more. One of the reasons we chose
to do this is that we have had additional requests to make microsites in order
to bypass the need of an age gate. So by creating an age gate on just what is
required, it allows the information that would otherwise end up on the microsite
to be available immediately.

The purchase section is able to be easily adjusted based on what consoles a game
is coming out for and, whatever editions may be available. I also created a lazy
loader to load character images after the page loads to reduce the time it would
take for the site to load up.

I can not directly share the code for the site as it is a title that was done
for work and, not my own personal project. However, the site was done using
HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript and JQuery. This is also a global site so languages
were handled using both Ajax with JSON file as some JavaScript with some
objects. I am also the lead for GDPR and CCPA compliance and use CIVIC cookie to
aid in that. I have integrated Mailchimp into the site to gather user emails.
Finally, the site is using a combination of Google Tag Manager and Google
Analytics for gathering information on how the page is being viewed and used.


Find restaurants serving specific beers

See Application See The Code

Please note, I have left this application up but, currently the Yelp API is
failing and, need to get it fixed.

This was a group project that was done on a tight schedule of a day and a half.
With a group of four, we were tasked to create a site using at least three
API’s. The result of that was our Grab A Beer application.

The idea is that based on the type of beer a person is interested in having, a
map is populated that has all the restaurants around either their given location
or an area the user is interested in going to that serves that type of beer. A
small list of beer types was created and, we used the choice made to make a call
to yelp. The call to yelp takes in the location and beer type and matches it up
to places that match. From their, the coordinates and other information such as
address and website of those locations are then used to create the markers and
info windows on the map. We also made a call to a beer API that gives
information back about beers. We used that for food pairings.

My contributions surrounded Google Maps. I created the map and populated it with
markers and the info windows. I also dealt with geolocation, geocoding and,
creating the directions from the current location to the chosen restaurant.


at the olympic games

Visit website

Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games is likely the most prolific website I have
worked on. More people have visited this site than all the other sites I have
worked on combined. It is one thing to get the opportunity to work with SEGA
but, to throw in Nintendo as well made this a very special project for me. I
designed the site to make the party-game aspect stand out. Each event when
hovered on plays a small repeating MP4, I used animated stars in the background
and, animated the Nintendo Switch controllers just to add in some fun to the

Ultimately this was a huge global announcement that tied in to the E3Expo. This
project supported far more countries than we had ever handled. I wrote a
JavaScript Constructor to route visitors to the correct page as Nintendo was
supporting many countries and, I needed to be able to push people to the correct
website based on where they were located. In order to achieve this, I wrote the
code to first try to get the browser language. If this failed, I called an API
that would allow the location of the country to be found. I did it in this order
to save the cost of calling an API for every visit. In order to remain GDPR
compliant I specifically called for just the country location. With the country
location at hand, I was able to then create the URL based off of six different
arrays that held country codes. Based on the array this would allow me to know
what type of URL had to be built.

Another of the big challenges of this site is the overall number of videos. Even
though they are small it caused an enormous issue. My end solve for this was to
lazy load the videos after the site came up. On a desktop this works well.

I can not directly share the code for the site as it is a title that was done
for work and, not my own personal project. However, the site was done using
HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript and JQuery. As aforementioned, I used an API for
finding out a users country if necessary. This was not my choice but, I had to
also create individual pages for every language we supported. Typically we would
use a JSON file or JavaScript object and change the text through Ajax or
JavaScript. I am also the lead for GDPR and CCPA compliance and use CIVIC cookie
to aid in that. Finally, the site is using Google Analytics.


One Piece themed memory match game

See Application See The Code

One Piece Battle Match is a spin off of the classic memory match game. As a
player, you still make matches but, you are battling a computer based opponent
that can damage you as well. You don’t always have to make all the matches to
actually defeat your opponent but, it is the main purpose of the game. The game
allows you to chose your hero based on several of the Straw Hat crew member and,
each character has their own set of cards depicting their fighting styles with
unique actions based on their actual fighting styles.

Each turn you flip two cards and, if they match the action on the card occurs.
If no match is made, a story unfolds in the middle of the screen. Following your
turn, the villain takes his action which is shown within the same story window.
Some times damage is dealt, other times, it is just flavor text to add to add to
the overall theme.

The code is a combination of HTML5, CSS3, jQuery and JavaScript. The health bars
and, one of the modals were developed from Bootstrap. The javaScript is written
in a procedural format as this was written in our second week of the program
and, we were still in the process of learning the basics.


Basic Trigonometric Calculator

See Application See The Code

Created a calculator with basic functionality and, a hidden panel that animates
out to allow some more mathematical functions. The calculator is styled after an
older calculator model that is solar powered. The design is just for the
aesthetic look. The real challenge to creating this was in accounting for all
the ways the buttons could be pressed and not in just expecting normal input.

This was done using a basic HTML5 skeleton, CSS3 and a combination of jQuery and
JavaScript for the functionality. This was done fairly early within the program
and, we were just getting into object-oriented programming at that time.


Weather Data Using React

Component State and Props
See Application See The Code
Using Redux
See Application See The Code
Using Hooks
See Application See The Code
Using Context
See Application See The Code

Created a weather app that gives weather data based on a users input of a
zipcode. The weather is displayed to give hourly results as well as daily
results. The days can be clicked to give more specific information for the given

This application was created using React. I created this four different ways so
though the application looks the same the code is different. I first created
this using component state and passing props down to children. I then rewrote
the application using React and Redux, then React with hooks and finally React
with Context.

To make this a bit more complex, I also called two different APIs. First I use
Google Geocoding API to take the zipcode and get the latitude and longitude. If
this information comes back successfully, the second API, OpenWeather is called
to get the weather information. If the zipcode is bad, a warning message is
given instead and doesn't call for the weather. Along with this, I am using
react-router-dom and createHashHistory to route the project based on checking a
specific days weather.


Informative Dr. Who Fan Site

Visit website See The Code

Did you know that Doctor Who was originally meant to be an educational show? Or
that the Doctor didn’t always have access to his TARDIS and sonic screwdriver?
In fact for some time he drove around in a now classic yellow car named Bessie.
The history of Doctor Who and, how it evolved to become what it is today is a
fascinating journey.

Whovianville is a labor of love. It is meant as an informative fan site that
covers both classic and new Who. The site covers all of the incarnations of the
Doctor through David Capaldi, as well as his companions. This includes each
version of the Doctors initial and final appearance, first and last lines as
well as what the cause of his regeneration was. As for the companions, there is
information covering each of their first and last appearances and how they ended
up departing the Doctor.

This site was built with HTML5, CSS3 and, Bootstrap 4. There is also a small
amount of jQuery and JavaScript.


Recreation of simon electronic game

See Application See The Code

A recreation of the Simon electronic game originally released by Milton Bradley
in 1978. The game allows for infinite play. The game lights up, flashes when you
lose and, the counter was designed to appear to give a little glow along with a
digital font. Through use of shadowing, the game buttons appear to have depth
and, each has its own unique sound.

The game was created using HTML5 and CSS3. The functionality was done with
jQuery and JavaScript. The audio used JavaScripts built in oscillator, gain and
frequency to create the pitches for the sound.


List of Social Cards

Component State and Props
See Application See The Code
Using Redux
See Application See The Code
Using Hooks
See Application See The Code
Using Context
See Application See The Code

This is more of a component rather than an application. Variaitons of this type
of user interface can be found all over including places like Twitter, Facebook,
Pinterest, Redfin etc.

I took a social card, broke it down into pieces and, created a list from a
random amount of incoming data. When the application loads, a call is made to
faker.js in order to get a random amount of data. Before the call is made, a
randomly generated number is used to determine how much data should be

The card itself is broken down into the header area and then the main content
area found underneath. The main content is further broken down to the colored
background area and, the descriptive area underneath. By doing so, I have made
smaller components that could easily be reused, adjusted and maintained.

The color in the background is also random and, comes from faker.js. Because
this gave a wide spectrum of colors, I created a check to make sure light colors
that wouldn't allow the white text to be legible to be caught and changed.


Match up to 5 in a row

See Application See The Code

This was a group project, during my time at Learningfuze. This was a hackathon
where we were given 24 hours to finish the project. With a group of three, we
were tasked to create a tic-tac-toe application that could be adjustable up to a
five by five grid. At that particular time, we had just learned about creating
objects and constructors; so this is what was used to create the game.

My contribution included figuring out how to create the game board and, also
checking for the win/lose/draw conditions.


Local Gym Website

Visit website See The Code

Created a website for a local gym owner. The goal of the site was to share
pertinent information and, reducing the number of ways that the original site
had to have clients connect with them. One of the suggestions I had was to
showcase their online training due to Covid-19. So a carousel section was
created which was meant to show off videos of classes but, ended up being used
for images.

The original website was built using Wix. Some of what was being requested
wasn't possible in the Wix platform so I started from scratch in building the
website. I integrated the previous design but updated it to better be responsive
and, to do things that Wix would not allow. I used HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and
jQuery, PHP and the Google Maps API. PHP was used with the contact form and deal
with making sure that anything entered into the form would be safe.



© 2024 Erik Nuber. All rights reserved.