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 * Directory of Health Plans
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 * MMIT Reach


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 * RC Claim Assist
 * Fee Scheduler


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 * Patient Reimbursement Database
 * Patient and Office Staff Satisfaction Surveys




In today’s marketplace, manufacturers need more than just coverage data to
improve patient access. Real-world data (RWD)—from sources like medical and
pharmacy claims, lab tests and results, and EHRs—reveals how patients actually
received care.

That’s where we come in. In a first-of-its-kind offering, MMIT integrates all of
these RWD sources with payer coverage and clinical pathways data, creating a
unified record of the patient journey. We take the burden of analysis off your
shoulders, delivering dashboards of bridged data to answer your critical


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Patient Journey

Resolve Access Barriers Throughout
the Patient Journey

Our integrated data dashboards let you track a patient cohort from diagnosis to
treatment, noting the critical events and triggers along the way—from test
results to payer restrictions that impact provider behavior.

Science to
Diagnosis to
Treatment to End
of Therapy

Science to Symptoms

Science to Symptoms

Events Captured at this Stage
 1. Demographic information: age, gender, geographical location, etc.
 2. Comorbidities: what is the health of the patient?
 3. History of visits: is patient routine on check-ups, etc.?
 4. Lab criteria: biomarkers, genetic testing

Insights at this Stage
 1. Prior to patients being diagnosed, what is their overall health? Can this
    influence treatment decisions?
 2. Develop standard cohort and stratification
 3. History of patient, look-back/look-forward times
 4. Do they have access to care; are there geographic barriers?

Diagnosis to Prescription

Diagnosis to Prescription

Events Captured at this Stage
 1. Time from diagnosis to treatment
 2. Testing — targeted therapy
 3. HCP preference re combination vs. mono therapy
 4. Treatment to label
 5. Health insurance of patient
 6. What is first event (symptoms, prescription, etc.)

Insights at this Stage
 1. Patient referral patterns, present symptoms and treatment (specialist)
 2. Is there a delay from diagnosis to treatment? What causes delay (payer
    burden, access to care, specialist)?
 3. What is overall treatment rate — what are reasons diagnosed patient is not
    being treated; unmet need?

Treatment to End of Therapy

Treatment to End of Therapy

Events Captured at this Stage
 1. Number of refills, days of therapy
 2. Change in prior therapy
 3. Follow-up visits
 4. Cost burden
 5. Testing for adverse events
 6. Switches in current therapy
 7. Setting of care: Center of Excellence, academic vs. community site, travel

Insights at this Stage
 1. Do patients experience adverse events, are drug reductions or holidays used
    to manage?
 2. Health outcomes: progression free survival, overall survival, event-free
    survival, goal of treatment (real world evidence vs. clinical trial, etc.)
 3. Medication possession ratio, days covered ratio
 4. Setting of care: does this influence a patient’s overall care and treatment
 5. Has cost of care impacted outcomes?

Patient Journey
Science to Symptoms
Diagnosis to Prescription
Treatment to End of Therapy

An Overview of MMIT's Data Lake

from 2017 onwards, representing commercial, Medicaid & Medicare populations.

View 6+ years of longitudinal data with annual addition of 200m+ patients/year.


with more than 6.5m+ affiliations.

Gain insight into 7K+ hospitals, 5,600+ health systems, and 1,500+ ACOs.


with benefit plan details like PA, step therapy and quantity limit restrictions.

See rebates, coupons, deductibles, co-insurance and full payment amounts.

Clinical Lab Transactions

covering 210m+ U.S. lives, with 500m+ diagnostic test results/month.

Track 177m+ lab patients with linked claims and view 200m+ test results from
inpatient hospitals.

Answer Your Business Questions with Integrated RWD

Claims Data
Claims Data

How many patients are actively being managed for their disease?

What are lengths of therapy?

What HCPs are managing patients and what influences treatment decision?

Lab Data
Lab Data

How can I identify and stratify patients with the condition my therapy treats?

What tests are being done at the HCP and institution level to identify patients
with the condition?

How can I target HCPs after they order a test and before they diagnose and

Payer Coverage
Payer Coverage

How are payers making coverage decisions for my brand?

What hurdles exist at the plan level for patients to be prescribed?

Even though my therapy is preferred by a payer, is my competitor’s therapy
getting more utilization at that payer?

Pathway Data
Pathway Data

What are the critical pathways at the institution level and how are they driving
treatment decisions?

Where are the advantages/ disadvantages to payer coverage?

Claims Data
Lab Data
Payer Coverage
Pathway Data

Find the Right Patients at the Right Time

Patients who have been diagnosed with ovarian, fallopian tube or primary
peritoneal cancer over a given time period.

Patients who have successfully completed a frontline platinum-based regimen.

Patients who are in remission and haven’t moved on to a second therapy.

Patients in remission who are actively being managed and maintain levels through
lab testing (Cancer Antigen / CA 125).

Eligible patients at Texas Oncology.


Slide 3
Additional Resources
Harnessing the Power
of Real-World Data
MMIT’s real-world data solution provides critical insights for manufacturers
across the clinical and commercial life cycle.
How Real-World Data Illustrates
the Patient Journey
MMIT’s real-world data solution uses multiple data points and insights to help
manufacturers understand each step of the patient journey.
Webinar Recording and Executive Summary
Overcoming the Chasm Between Payer Policy and Real-Life Practice
Learn how integrated RWD can help pharma companies understand and improve the
patient treatment journey.

Feature #10

Patient Access Analytics

This solution combines coverage, claims and pathways data to provide commercial
pharma teams with a unique view of payer and prescriber behavior.


Lab Data for Commercial Targeting

MMIT’s Lab Data assets and analysis help manufacturers target the right
providers and patients at the right time, before a diagnosis or prescribing
decision is made.

Make smarter decisions
with MMIT's real-world data and expertise.

Our RWD powered solutions use mastered, linked and tokenized data assets to
deliver clear insights across the patient journey.



MMIT, a Norstella company, believes that patients who need lifesaving treatments
shouldn’t face delays because of the barriers to accessing therapies. As the
leading provider of market access data, analytics and insights, our expert teams
of pharmacists, clinicians, data specialists and market researchers provide
clarity and confidence so that our clients can make better decisions.



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   Yardley, PA 19067

   (267) 753-6800

2024 Managed Markets Insight & Technology, LLC | info@mmitnetwork.com

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