Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

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Submission: On November 24 via api from DE — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

<form class="c-form u-mar-b-2" autocomplete="off" data-plib-form="true">
  <div class="c-form__row u-mar-t-0" data-plib-form-row="true"><label class="c-form__row-label c-form__row-label--hidden" for="postbankId"><span>Postbank ID</span></label>
    <div class="c-form__row-input"><input class="c-form__input u-mar-b-1" id="postbankId" placeholder="Postbank ID" aria-required="true" data-test-anchor="login-username" type="text"
        value=""><a aria-label="Öffnet den Zugangsdaten wiederherstellen Prozess auf gleicher Seite" class="plib-link u-link-stand-alone u-copy-m" data-test-anchor="IFORGOT_LOGIN_LINK_ZUGANGSDATEN_VERGESSEN" href="#/zugangsdaten-vergessen">Zugangsdaten wiederherstellen / anfordern?</a>
  <div class="u-text-align-right"><button type="button" data-test-anchor="login-username-submit" class="c-button c-button--disabled c-button--primary c-button--full-width" disabled=""><span>Weiter im Anmeldeprozess</span></button></div>

Text Content

We always want to give you the best advice.

We therefor ask for your consent to save cookies and to process your personal
data as indicated below, that we collect on our website at,
including Postbank Banking & Brokerage. Providing your “consent with
personalisation” also includes saving the required cookies as otherwise we
cannot collect the data. Some technically required cookies are always saved.

With your consent we will:

Website optimisation, profile pseudonymisation profile (all users)
 1. Continually improve and design our website to be more user friendly.
 2. Also optimise the advertising shown to you on our website and on third-party

To do so we create a pseudonymous profile of your use of our website using
tracking technologies and cookies from third-party providers. To the extent
described in the data protection information, it may happen that your data is
transferred to the USA or, in the case of access outside the EU, to other third
countries and processed there.

Individual communication, expanding your personal profile (only for Postbank
 1. Personalise our communications as a whole, so that we can provide you with
    advice similar to that provided by a personal bank advisor.
 2. Use the improved communication for all methods you can use to contact us and
    which you wish us to use to contact you. This includes our own and
    third-party websites and – subject to separate consent – telephone, app,
    E-Mail, electronic mailbox as well as Postbank Banking & Brokerage.

We may also be able to take into account your contractual status here, for
example, through the personalisation of your pseudonymous user profile with the
aid of your Postbank ID.

Your consent is voluntary. You may refuse to provide your consent and reject it
at any time. Click here if you wish to give your consent without
personalisation. You can update your consent settings by clicking on "Change
settings". Please consult our Privacy Policy for more information.
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 * Melden Sie sich hier bitte mit Ihrer Postbank ID an. Nach Klick auf "Weiter
   im Anmeldeprozess" legitimieren Sie sich mit Ihrem Passwort oder mithilfe
   einer unserer Apps.

Postbank ID
Zugangsdaten wiederherstellen / anfordern?
Weiter im Anmeldeprozess
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Zahlen Sie online einfach und direkt vom Girokonto. Giropay - das
Online-Bezahlverfahren der Deutschen Banken und Sparkassen.
Mehr erfahren


Hilfe und weitere Informationen zum aktuellen Anmeldeprozess finden Sie hier.
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