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Lyré Sarah Aymar Midjangninou

Lyré Sarah Aymar Midjangninou
 * This person is not on ResearchGate, or hasn't claimed this research yet.

Alice Bonou
 * Université Nationale d´Agriculture

Sylvain Kpenavoun Chogou

Sylvain Kpenavoun Chogou
 * This person is not on ResearchGate, or hasn't claimed this research yet.

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Climate disruption today represents a threat to the environment and sustainable
development. Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) is an appropriate adaptation
approach to climate change. It allows producers to improve their production and
act on their food security, despite the conditions of climate change while
limiting the causes arising from agriculture. The objective of this study is to
evaluate the impact of CSA, through the use of harvest residues in cassava
fields, on the income and food security of cassava producing households in
Savalou. The three-stage sampling method made it possible to draw a random
sample of 360 cassava producers including 180 users of pigeon pea, mucuna and
peanut harvest residues. The average income from cassava production during the
last 12 months (until July 2023) is 366,400 FCFA with 387,340 FCFA for
beneficiaries compared to 322,060 FCFA for non-beneficiaries. The impact
analysis was done with the matching method based on propensity scores. The
results of this impact study showed that this adoption contributes to improving
income from cassava production by 35,135 FCFA and household food security by
0.10 points, on average per household per year. It would therefore be useful to
promote and improve this type of agriculture, in order to ensure sustainable
development of the agricultural sector and improve food security.
Probability of selection of a non-participating producer by village and
Description of the variables involved in the analysis of the determinants of the
adoption of climate-smart agriculture by cassava producing households in Savalou
Distribution of SDAM by producer household group
Proportions of study households by food group
Determinants of the use of harvest residues by producers (Probit Model)
Figures - available via license: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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Public Full-text 1

Available via license: CC BY 4.0
Content may be subject to copyright.
Impact of climate-smart agriculture on the income
and food security of cassava-producing households
in the Savalou commune in Benin
Lyré Sarah Aymar Midjangninou
Université d'Abomey-Calavi
Alice Bonou
Université Nationale d'Agriculture
Sylvain Kpenavoun Chogou
Université d'Abomey-Calavi
Research Article
Keywords: climate-smart agriculture, food security, income, cassava producers,
Posted Date: July 11th, 2024
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-4530709/v1
License:   This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License. 
Read Full License
Additional Declarations: No competing interests reported.


Impact of climate-smart agriculture on the income and food security of
cassava-producing households in the Savalou commune in Benin
Sarah L. S Midjangninou 1; Alice Bonou 2 and Sylvain Kpenavoun Chogou 1
1 University of Abomey-Calavi, Abomey-Calavi, Benin, kpenavoun@yahoo.fr
2 Unité de Recherche en Analyse de Politiques Agricoles et de Gestion des
Exploitations Agricoles et Entreprises
Agro-Industrielles, Université Nationale d’Agriculture, Porto-Novo, Benin, phone
number: 00229 95019241;

Corresponding author: midjangninoulyre@gmail.com
Alice Bonou http://orcid.org/0000-0001-8754-5086

Climate disruption today represents a threat to the environment and sustainable
development. Climate-
Smart Agriculture (CSA) is an appropriate adaptation approach to climate change.
It allows producers
to improve their production and act on their food security, despite the
conditions of climate change while
limiting the causes arising from agriculture. The objective of this study is to
evaluate the impact of CSA,
through the use of harvest residues in cassava fields, on the income and food
security of cassava
producing households in Savalou. The three-stage sampling method made it
possible to draw a random
sample of 360 cassava producers including 180 users of pigeon pea, mucuna and
peanut harvest
residues. The average income from cassava production during the last 12 months
(until July 2023) is
366,400 FCFA with 387,340 FCFA for beneficiaries compared to 322,060 FCFA for
The impact analysis was done with the matching method based on propensity
scores. The results of
this impact study showed that this adoption contributes to improving income from
cassava production
by 35,135 FCFA and household food security by 0.10 points, on average per
household per year. It
would therefore be useful to promote and improve this type of agriculture, in
order to ensure sustainable
development of the agricultural sector and improve food security.
Keywords: climate-smart agriculture, food security, income, cassava producers,

The agricultural sector in Benin is the main source of national economic wealth,
contributing 27% to the
Gross Domestic Product [1]. However, this sector struggles to meet the food
security needs of its
growing population, particularly in the face of highly variable weather
conditions and climate change [2].
Climate change has enormous repercussions on agriculture and slows down its
development [3].
According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [4], global warming
caused by human
activities is a reality, making the 2011-2020 decade the hottest in millennia.
Indeed, the impacts of climate change on food security and livelihoods affect
millions of smallholder
farmers in sub-Saharan Africa [4]. According to the World Food Program (WFP),
2.3 million people, or
approximately 23% of Beninese households, have limited food security, and an
additional 11% suffer
from moderate and severe hunger [2]. The effects of climate change vary
depending on the region of
the world. In sub-Saharan Africa, climate change is increasing the risk of
drought and fires [5]. In Europe,
they contribute to the increase in maximum and minimum temperatures and to
inequalities [6]. According
to the French Development Agency [7], climate change has enormous consequences
on food security.
Climate change has already impacted atoccess to water and food; health and
economic activity [4].
Several priority sectors are affected by climate variations. According to the
IPCC report, the impacts of
climate change will increase as global warming continues: extreme temperatures,
the intensity of
precipitation, the severity of droughts, etc. In Benin, as in most developing
countries, climate change
and its effects constitute a major concern given the impacts it has on the
population in general and on
farmers in particular. Climate change increasingly affects the rural environment
and the agrarian


balance, thus causing a decline in the productivity and efficiency of producers
[8]. The Collines
department where the commune of Savalou is located is one of the four
agro-climatic zones (Zone V:
Cotton zone of Central Benin) identified as the most exposed to climatic
variations [9]. For [10],based
on exposure, sensitivity and adaptation capacity indices, the municipalities of
Savalou, Tchaourou,
Dassa-Zoumé, Glazoué and Copargo are the most vulnerable to climate change. This
is one of the
reasons which justifies the choice of the municipality of Savalou, which was
covered by this study.
In order to cope with these effects of climate change, it is therefore necessary
to promote an adaptation
system that is resilient to the effects of climate change. Climate-smart
agriculture or Climate-Smart
Agriculture (CSA) is an approach to adequate adaptation to climate change, which
aims to transform
agricultural systems in order to respond to the problems of food security in the
face of the realities of
change. climate, while limiting greenhouse gas emissions [11]. This concept was
developed in 2010 by
the FAO to meet the challenges of climate change [12]. Indeed, AIC is
implemented in several African
countries, including Benin. According to [13], “climate-smart agriculture
presents several advantages
which go in the direction of rationalizing the use of industrial resources,
orientation towards natural
resources and preservation of land quality in a manner to comply with the
guiding principles of reducing
greenhouse gases while ensuring good productivity”. Several projects and studies
have been carried
out in relation to the AIC, whether on the national, regional and international
level. The Soil Protection
and Rehabilitation Project to improve food security in Benin (ProSOL) is one of
the projects that has
been promoting CSA practices since 2015 in Benin. CSA practices vary depending
on sub-sectors of
the agricultural sector [14].Among the practices promoted by ProSOL, the
management of crop
residues, specifically those of pigeon pea, peanut and mucuna, as taught by
ProSOL, is adopted by
90% of ProSOL beneficiaries, in the Hills of Benin [2].This high percentage of
adoption of this practice
made it possible to choose it among the AIC practices, in order to examine
whether the use of harvest
residues as practiced in Savalou by cassava producers contributes to improving
household income and
food security.
Several adaptation measures have been studied and developed to deal with the
effects of climate
change on agricultural production. The necessity and urgency of this subject has
aroused the interest
of much scientific work. In Madagascar, [15] studied the impact of AIC on
organic carbon stocks in the
soil through two approaches, namely: agroforestry and the use of organic
fertilizers. [16] studied the
impact of using three climate-smart approaches (adoption of climate-smart peanut
varieties, cereal-
peanut intercropping, and use of organic fertilizers) on yield of peanut
production and food security in
three West African countries (Ghana, Mali and Nigeria). Climate-smart
agriculture encompasses many
more practices than those investigated in these studies. Results of the study by
[17] in Senegal on the
management of soil organic matter, it appears that harvest residues are
generally used much more as
food by animals or burned.
According to these authors, the incorporation of harvest residues directly into
fields is less developed in
the literature. This study therefore aims to fill this void. This involves
analyzing the AIC approach through
the use of pigeon pea, peanut and mucuna residues in cassava fields, harvested
during the last twelve
(12) months (until July 2023), in order to judge whether this practice in
Central Benin, particularly in
Savalou, is an effective approach to improve income and guarantee sustainable
household food
security. To address this topic, the propensity score-based matching method was
used. It is a question
of testing whether the following hypotheses are valid or not:
Hypothesis 1: The use of harvest residues in cassava production positively
influences household
income from cassava production.
Hypothesis 2: The use of harvest residues positively influences the dietary
diversity of producing

Materials and methods
Sampling and data collected
The data collection phase was preceded by an exploratory field phase. It
consisted of exploring the
study environment. It was facilitated by qualitative research tools. It began
with an interview with the
ProSOL monitoring and evaluation manager, in order to assess the feasibility of
this study. Using an
interview guide, general information on the ProSOL was collected, in order to
take into account the


needs of the ProSOL and to be fixed on the climate-smart practice to be studied
as well as on the
population of the study.
In order to be able to conduct this impact study, it was decided to consider the
beneficiaries of ProSOL
in the municipality of Savalou since 2018 (i.e. for 5 years). Consequently, the
population of this study
consists of all cassava producers who have benefited from ProSOL in the
municipality of Savalou since
2018 and all non-beneficiaries of ProSOL. For this study, the beneficiaries of
ProSOL are cassava
producers who were trained by ProSOL on good practices for sustainable
management of degraded
lands through the use of harvest residues from pigeon peas, peanuts and mucuna,
as taught by ProSOL.
Beneficiaries are therefore differentiated from non-beneficiaries by the use of
pigeon pea, mucuna,
peanut and oil palm residues (low proportion: 2.01%). On the other hand, most
non-beneficiaries use
corn as the main crop from which harvest residues are used (76%). They also use
cassava, soya and
cowpea residues in small proportions (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Proportion of ProSOL beneficiaries by type of harvest residue used
Source: Survey (2023)
Indeed, ProSOL covers the Center, North and South of Benin. In Central Benin,
the municipalities of
ProSOL intervention are those of Savalou and Bantè, in the Department of
Collines. Following the
interviews carried out with the monitoring and evaluation manager, the sampling
frame of cassava
producers benefiting from ProSOL was obtained. Sampling was then done after
processing the sampling
frame. Filtering this sampling frame showed greater coverage in Savalou, with
1,253 ProSOL
beneficiaries compared to 587 in Bantè. This is how the commune of Savalou was
chosen for this study.
An interview guide was developed to hold group interviews with 10 producers per
village, to better guide
the in-depth survey questionnaire. The survey questionnaire was then developed
with CS Pro 7.7
software and tested in the field with 5 producers, before the actual collection.
The size of the population of the commune of Savalou which has been using
harvest residues in their
cassava field since 2018 is 󰆒1253 beneficiaries. This population is
distributed in six (6) of the
fourteen (14) districts of this municipality, and in sixteen (16) villages of
these six districts. A three -
degrees sampling was carried out in order to select a total of four (04)
villages from two (02) districts of
the municipality of Savalou where ProSOL intervened in 2018: selection of two
districts in all the six
districts of the study population; choice of two villages per selected district
and finally sampling of
cassava producers in the four selected villages.
- 1st degree: the probability proportional to size (PPS) random sampling method,
measured by
the number of cassava producers who used pigeon pea, peanut and mucuna harvest
in their field cassava during the last 12 months, in each district, was used to
select a district i,
  󰇝󰇞, in all the districts where ProSOL intervened in 2018. Thus, the
districts of
Savalou-Attakè and Gobada were selected. The probability of selecting a district
i (Table 1) is
equal to   
 with  the number of districts to select and the number of beneficiaries
of district i. Here   then 
 .
- 2nd degree: the random sampling technique by probability proportional to size,
measured by
the number of cassava producers who used pigeon pea, peanut and mucuna harvest
in their cassava field during the last 12 months, in each village, was used to
select the villages
N'gbèhan and Sokpa, in the district of Savalou -Attakè and the villages Lama and
Zadowin, in
Arachide Mucuna Maïs Manioc Palmier Soja Niebe
100 100 100
3.57 2.01 0 00 0 0
04.11 3.38
Bénéficiaire (%) Non Bénéficiaires (%)


the district of Gobada. The size of ProSOL beneficiaries in these 4 villages is
180. The
probability of selection of a village j in a district i (table 1) is given by
the following formula: 
 with  the number of villages to be selected in district i ,  the number
of beneficiaries
of village j,   󰇝󰇞 for the district of Savalou-Attakè and  
󰇝󰇞for the district of
Gobada,  is the number of beneficiaries of district i. Here,   The
formula will  be applied
at the level of each district, as follows: for the district of Savalou-Attakè,
 
  
and for the district of Gobada,  
   
- 3rd degree: The size of the population being small for the calculation of the
size of this sample,
the work was done with this population of 󰆒= 180 beneficiaries. The
probability of selecting a
beneficiary within a previously selected village k is therefore 1, all the
beneficiaries of the
selected villages have been surveyed. The overall probability of selection 
of a beneficiary
producer k in a village j of a district i, is the product of the probabilities
at each degree of
selection, with    󰆒󰆒 being the total number of ProSOL
beneficiary producers in
a village j.
We then have      
 
   
If it had been possible to select the same number of ProSOL beneficiaries in
each of the 4
villages using the simple random method, then we would have 
. Under these conditions,
we would have:     
 
 
Or and 
 are constants. Consequently, the probability of selecting a producer is a
constant. We say that the sample is self-weighting. But, we did not have this
possibility to exploit
this opportunity offered by this selection process.
The probabilities are presented in the following table 1:


Table 1: Overall probability of selection of a producer k in a village i of a
district j and weighting.
Source: Survey (2023)
The probabilities obtained are not equal, the sample is therefore not
self-weighting. According to [18],
weighting is a method of correcting or compensating for the unequal
probabilities of selection of each
unit in the sample. The parameters to be calculated should therefore be
multiplied by the inverse of the
overall probability at the level of each unit of the sample in order to
extrapolate the results found in the
commune of Savalou.
The control or comparison group is made up of all cassava producers in the
commune of Savalou who
do not use harvest residues from pigeon peas, peanuts and mucuna, but who
nevertheless resemble
the beneficiary group from the point of view of location, type of culture
practiced, eating habits, etc. In
fact, these producers were selected in the same villages as the ProSOL
beneficiaries. Regarding the
sample size of our control group ( 󰆒󰆒), [19] suggest that the sample size of
the control group should be
equal to that of the comparison group to obtain maximum statistical power. So
󰆒󰆒  󰆒. In total,
our sample size for this study is    cassava producers in the commune of
For the comparison group, a census of cassava producers not beneficiaries of
ProSOL who do not use
revolt residues directly in cassava fields was carried out in the 4 selected
villages, in order to have the
list of non-beneficiaries of the ProSOL ProSOL in the villages selected above.
The same number of non-
beneficiaries as that of beneficiaries was then selected by simple random
drawing in each of the 4
villages. The probability of selection of a non-beneficiary producer z in a
village i of a district j (󰇜 is 
, with      being the total number of producers not benefiting
from ProSOL in a village
j and  the number of beneficiaries of village j. Given that it was decided to
select the same number of
non-participating producers as participating producers in the same village, the
probability of selecting a
non-participating producer is different from a participating producer in the
same village. The probability
of selection of a non-participating producer per village and the weighting is
presented in the following
table 2.
Table 2: Probability of selection of a non-participating producer by village and
Source: Survey (2023)
The sum of the weights determined above for each respondent corresponds to the
total number of the
study population   󰆒󰆒󰆒   . For normalization of weights,
the weights were
multiplied by the ratio 
 with n the sample size and N the population size, to obtain the normalized
weights. Thus, the weighted averages of the variables of interest were
determined. The estimates of the
determined means and frequencies were therefore weighted. That is, for example,
estimating the
weighted mean
 of any variable Y is determined by the following formula: 
 
With  the normalized weight of a beneficiary producer k over all respondents,
 the normalized
weight of a non-beneficiary producer z over all respondents,  the value of the
variable y of a beneficiary
k and  the value of the variable y of a non-beneficiary producer z.


The qualitative and quantitative data collected made it possible to:
characterize producers according to
their socio-economic and demographic status; to estimate household production
and income, to assess
the level of knowledge, perception and use of harvest residues for household
cassava production as
well as the factors determining this adoption and to estimate the level of
household food security.
Measuring household food access and determining the Household Dietary Diversity
To measure the level of food access of Savalou cassava producing households, the
Household Food
Diversity Score (SDAM) method was used. According to the [20], the SDAM is a
sufficient indicator to
measure food access. Studies have shown that increased dietary diversity goes
hand in hand with a
better socioeconomic situation and a better level of household food security (
[21]; [22] ). Furthermore,
according to the [23] ,dietary diversity scores make it possible to evaluate
changes in diet following an
intervention (expected improvement). However, dietary diversity represents the
number of foods or food
groups consumed during a given reference period. It was used over the last 24
hours, as recommended
by [23] ,for the collection of data relating to dietary diversity. Indeed,
longer reference periods lead to
less accurate information because recall is no longer perfect ( [24] ). Thus,
the respondent (the person
who is responsible for preparing the food or, if this person is not available,
another adult who is present
and who ate in the household the previous day) described the food consumption of
the housework, of
the day before. These foods were then classified into the 12 food groups
recommended by [24], as
presented in Table 3 below. The respondent was told to include food groups
consumed by members of
the household at home, prepared at home to be consumed by members of the
household outside the
home (lunch in the fields for example), and purchased in catering outside the
home but consumed by
the household. On the other hand, foods consumed outside the home and which were
not prepared at
home were excluded, to avoid overestimating the SDAM. Data for the SDAM
indicator were collected
by asking the respondent a series of “yes or no” questions. These questions
concern the household in
general and not a single member of the household. For each food group, a
dichotomous variable was
created with the modalities: 1=yes: if the household consumed a food from this
group and 0=no: if the
household did not consume this food. All the binomial variables were then added
to create a SDAM
whose values are between 0 and 12. The average score was determined in order to
carry out the
A categorization of households was then made using household dietary diversity
scores. The sample
was divided into three income groups (income terciles). Thus, the average SDAM
of the richest
households served as a guide to set the target level of SDAM. Furthermore, the
proportions of
households consuming food groups constituting good sources of certain
micronutrients (vitamin A or
iron, for example) were calculated at the sample level ( [23] ). Alongside the
calculation of the average
dietary diversity scores, the most consumed food groups according to the SDAM
value were determined.
This made it possible to know what households with the lowest dietary diversity
score eat, and what
households with a higher score consume more. These various data were analyzed in
STATA software.


Table 3: Food groups used in determining SDAM
Food group
A = Cereals
Corn, rice, wheat, sorghum, millet and any other cereals or foods
made from cereals (bread, noodles, porridge or others) + add local
foods, such as ugali, nshima, porridge or dough

B = White roots
and tubers
White potatoes, white yams, white cassava or other root foods

C = Vegetables
Pumpkin, carrot, squash or sweet potato (orange flesh) + other rich
vegetables in vitamin A available locally (red pepper, for example)
dark green leafy vegetables, including wild varieties + rich leaves in
vitamin A available locally, like amaranth leaves and cassava, green
cabbage, spinach other vegetables (such as tomato, onion, eggplant)
+ other vegetables available locally

D = Fruit
Ripe mango, melon, apricot (fresh or dried), ripe papaya, dried peach
and pure juice obtained from these same fruits + other fruits rich in
vitamin A available locally

E = Meat
Beef, pork, lamb, goat, rabbit, game, chicken, duck, other poultry or
birds, insects

F = Eggs
Chicken, duck, guinea fowl or any other eggs

G = Fish and
Fresh or dried fish, shellfish or crustaceans

H = Legumes,
nuts and seeds
Dried beans, dried peas, lentils, nuts, seeds or foods made
from them (hummus or peanut butter, for example)

I = Milks and
dairy products
Milk, cheese, yogurt or other dairy products

J = Oils and
Oils, fats or butter added to food or used for cooking

K = Sweets
Sugar, honey, soda or fruit juice with added sugar, sugary
foods such as chocolate, candy, cookies and cakes

L = Spices,
and drinks
Spices (black pepper, salt), condiments (soy sauce, hot
sauce), coffee, tea, alcoholic beverages (beer, wine, spirits)

Source: [23]
Determination of income
Agricultural income is “the difference between the amount of the value of
production realized in the
exercise of the gross product and what this production overall cost, designated
by real farm costs”( [25]).
It corresponds to the difference in sales compared to expenses, and excludes the
value of consumption
( [26] ) and is generated by agricultural activities during a given accounting
period ( [27] ). According to
[28], agricultural income is what remains when the farmer has paid all his
actual charges. There are two
types of income: Gross Income (RB) and Net Income (RN). Gross income is obtained
by reducing the
added value of wages paid to employees, interest and taxes. On the other hand,
net income is
determined by subtracting depreciation costs from gross income ( [29] ).
The income from cassava that was estimated as part of this study is the gross
income. In this case of
income, the estimation of family labor and depreciation are not taken into
account in the estimation of
production costs because it is not a question of measuring profit or net income.
As part of this study, the
income from cassava production per respondent was determined by subtracting the
actual costs from
the gross product. The gross product requires the average price and quantities
of different transactions.
The average price was obtained as follows. The questions were asked about the
quantities self-
consumed, given, stored, transformed and sold (if sold). The quantities sold
were collected by sales
transactions carried out as well as the respective sales amounts. The average
price was then
determined using the following formula:


  
 
This average price obtained was used to estimate the values of the quantities
self-consumed, donated,
stored and transformed. Thus, the gross product was obtained by adding the total
sales amounts and
the estimated amounts of the products donated, stored, self-consumed and
The actual costs include: the total cost of the plants used, the land rent, the
total cost of mineral
fertilizers, the total cost of the herbicide, the total cost of occasional
labor, the cost of transport, the cost
communication, by surveyed on the plots which grew cassava over the last 12
Method for estimating the impact of harvest residues on household income and
food security
Impact evaluation is one of a wide range of complementary methods contributing
to evidence-based
policymaking. The works of ( [30]; [31]; [32]; [33] and [34] ) on the different
methods of evaluating the
impact of a project or program, made it possible to identify four (04) groups of
methods: qualitative
methods, quantitative methods (grouping together those experimental,
quasi-experimental and non-
experimental), mixed methods and economic modeling methods. In the context of
our study, a quasi-
experimental method is more appropriate. These non-random methods reconstitute,
most often after
the intervention, a control group as comparable as possible to the group
concerned by the intervention
( [32]; [34] ), which is the case in our present study. These evaluations bring
together four (04) methods
( [32] and [31] ): the reflexive comparison method or simple before-after
comparison, regression on
discontinuities established on a continuous eligibility index and an eligibility
threshold, the double
difference method or the difference in differences and the matching methods.
To assess the impact of climate-smart agriculture on the income and food
security of cassava-producing
households in Savalou, the matching method based on a propensity score was used
on each of the
factors to be studied. It has been used in several project/program impact
evaluation studies; an
intervention; of an innovation, on a given factor ( [35] ; [36] and [37] ).
This method consists of using statistical techniques to constitute an artificial
comparison group by
seeking, for each participant, an observation (or a series of observations) from
the non-beneficiary
group, which presents the most similar observable characteristics possible. A
function for calculating
the probability of participation in the program is established on the basis of
these variables characterizing
the individuals. For each individual who participated in the program, we
identify the few individuals who
did not participate who are comparable to them in terms of their characteristics
and their probability of
participating in the program: the difference between the results of an
individual and the average of its
comparison group constitutes the impact of the program on that individual. The
impact of the intervention
is therefore constituted by the average of all these differentials individually
considered ( [38] ). The
propensity score is based on two (02) fundamental hypotheses, namely: the
hypothesis of independence
conditional on observable characteristics (Conditional Independence Assumption:
CIA) and the
hypothesis of the common support condition (Overlap). The CIA hypothesis means
that “selection bias
can be controlled if there exists a set of observable variables for which
independence of treatment
assignment can be verified” ( [39] ). The second hypothesis ensures that the
individuals in each analysis
group are sufficiently similar for the comparison to be meaningful.
Like any other method, the propensity score matching method is not without
limitations. [40] highlighted
three (03) limitations. First, the method is sensitive to the choice of
variables included in the propensity
score estimation. Second, propensity scoring focuses on selection by observable
characteristics. Thus,
unobservable characteristics, such as individuals' preferences or motivations,
can still introduce bias
into the results. Finally, for the causal inferences made to be robust, the
common support must be
significant. That is to say, the method is of no interest if all the individuals
with a high propensity score
are in the treated group and if the individuals with a low propensity score are
in the control group. Despite
its limitations, the propensity score is an innovative method for better
evaluating the causal effects of an
intervention ( [40] ).
According to [36] the approach includes 5 main steps, namely:
Estimate the propensity scores: this propensity score is the probability that a
cassava producing
household (beneficiary or not) uses harvest residues. It was estimated with a
Probit-type regression
model based on observable factors. The specification of the Probit model
retained is as follows:


 
-        
       
  ,
Or  is the constancy, the error terms and   󰇝󰇞 the
respective coefficients of the
explanatory variables of the model in the order of their arrangement. A
description of the model variables
is presented in Table 4 below.
 is a continuous index (latent variable). It was assumed that for each
household there is a limit value
 above which the use of harvest residues for cassava occurs. Specifically,
if  , the producer uses harvest residues for cassava
if  , the producer does not use harvest residues for cassava
-  represents the probability of use of harvest residues for cassava by the
household , with  
 .
-  is a random variable distributed according to the normal law with zero mean
and unit variance.
Verification of the distributions of propensity scores: this involved
constructing a counterfactual for
each participating household from non-participating households. Thus, it must be
possible to associate
each participating household with at least one non-participating household with
similar characteristics
(on average) and which would have had the same chance of practicing
climate-smart agriculture.
Carrying out the actual matching: in order to ensure the robustness of the
results, the so-called
nearest neighbor method neighbor, the Radius method and the matching method with
kernel function
kernel matching were used. Indeed, these three methods are the most used in the
Verification of the balance of the distribution of the explanatory variables of
the Probit model
between the population of participants and non-participants (balancing test).
This consisted of
verifying that the matching using the propensity score resulted in the
constitution of a comparison group
similar to that of the participants from the point of view of the distribution
of the explanatory variables
retained to estimate the propensity scores. It was a question of a test of
equality of means which consists
of comparing the means of the explanatory variables in the two samples
(participants and non-
Estimation of the impact: this involved estimating the effect of climate-smart
agriculture (the use of
harvest residues for cassava) on the income and food security of
cassava-producing households, in
calculating the empirical average of the differences between each participating
household and the
constructed counterfactual.


Table 4: Description of the variables involved in the analysis of the
determinants of the adoption of climate-smart agriculture by cassava producing
in Savalou
Nature of the variable

Reference (author
and year)
Variable explained
qualitative variable
Do you use harvest residues for
cassava production?
0=No, 1=Yes

Explanatory variable
qualitative variable
What is the gender of the head of
Polytomous qualitative
Main objective of cassava production?
1=Sale 2=Self-consumption

quantitative variable
Number of years of experience
(cassava production)

qualitative variable
Have you benefited from agricultural
advice over the last 5 years?
0=No, 1=Yes
qualitative variable
Do you belong to a group?
0=No, 1=Yes
Continuous quantitative
Area sown for the production of cassava
harvested over the last 12 months

Continuous quantitative
Mode of access to the land of the
exploited land
1=Heirloom, 2=Purchase
3=Rental, 4=Donation, 5=Other
qualitative variable
Do you combine crops in cassava
0=No, 1=Yes

qualitative variable
Have you received technical training for
cassava production?
0=No, 1=Yes
qualitative variable
Are you using other climate-smart
practices for cassava?
0=No, 1=Yes
qualitative variable
Do you use any other crop residues
other than pigeon pea, mucuna and
peanut in cassava fields?
0=No, 1=Yes
Source: Survey (2023)


Household Dietary Diversity Score and food consumption
The Household Dietary Diversity Score (SDAM) of cassava producers in this study
gave an average of
7.47 with an average of 7.51% among beneficiaries and 7.50 among
non-beneficiaries (Table 5).
Cassava-producing households therefore consumed on average 7 food groups out of
the 12 foods in
the SDAM, with a minimum of 5 groups and a maximum of 10 food groups. We can
already deduce from
these results that beneficiary households have better access to food than
non-beneficiaries. There is a
significant difference in SDAM between the two groups (p=0.00). This study also
categorized cassava
producer households based on dietary diversity scores (Table 5). Thus, the
sample was divided into
three groups according to the distribution of income: the first group is made up
of all the producers
surveyed having obtained a SDAM less than or equal to 6, the second is that of
all the producers
surveyed having an SDAM equal to 7, group 3 is characterized by all of the
producers who have an
SDAM strictly greater than 7. These three groups were respectively qualified as
all of the households
with low, medium and high diversity. Indeed, 41.39% of respondents are found in
group 2 with a
workforce of 149 producers. We note that the SDAM of group 3 is higher than the
average SDAM of the
entire sample.
Table 5: Distribution of SDAM by producer household group
Group 1

Group 2
Group 3

5.83 (0.04)
8.57 (0.67)
7.47 (1.14)
General data
7.51 (0.98)
7.50 (0.74)
7.47 (1.14)
*** significant at the 1% level
NB: Parentheses represent standard deviations in the case of these quantitative
Source: Survey (2023)
Furthermore, the data in Table 6 show that cereals and spices are the two groups
consumed by all
respondents (100%). Then follow vegetables (99.12%), roots and tubers (97.96%),
oils and fats
(93.58%), legumes, nuts and seeds (85.93%). However, food groups of animal
origin are consumed at
low proportions: fish and seafood (43.39%), milk and dairy products (43.07),
meat (5.77%) and egg.
(3.40%). Note that fish and seafood and dairy products are mainly consumed by
all the beneficiaries of
our study. Meat, on the other hand, is only consumed by the beneficiaries.
Beneficiaries differ
significantly from non-beneficiaries at the 1% threshold in terms of consumption
of meat, fruit, fish and
seafood, legumes, nuts and seeds and milk and dairy products (p=0.00), at the
threshold of 5% by egg
consumption (p=0.03). Furthermore, producers eat on average 2.48 meals per day:
beneficiaries eat on
average 2.48 meals per day and non-beneficiaries 2.35. Most of the time,
households consume corn
paste with peanut sauce.


Table 6: Proportions of study households by food group
Food group
Frequency (%)
100 (180)
100 (180)
100 (360)
Roots and tubers
97.85 (177)
100 (180)
97.96 (357)
99.07 (179)
99.74 (178)
99.12 (357)
37.69 (79)
39.17 (19)
36.61 (98)
6.06 (10)
5.77 (10)
3.57 (7)
0.14 (1)
3.40 (8)
Fish and seafood
44.71 (82)
33.99 (42)
43.39 (124)
Legumes, nuts and
86.88 (164)
87.45 (120)
85.93 (284)
Milks and dairy products
44.46 (92)
43 (27)
43.07 (119)
Oils and fats
93.63 (172)
97.07 (165)
93.58 (337)
Sweets and honey
36.92 (81)
45.92 (44)
38.58 (125)
Spices, condiments and
100 (180)
100 (180)
100 (360)
* Significant at the 10% level, ** significant at the 5% level, *** significant
at the 1% level
NB: The parentheses represent the numbers in the case of these qualitative
Source: Survey (2023)
Determination of producers’ income from cassava production
The results in Table 7 show that the average income per ha from cassava
production in Savalou over
the last 12 months is 366,400 FCFA with 387,340 FCFA on average for
beneficiaries and 322,060 FCFA
for non-beneficiaries. There is a significant difference between the two groups
for the quantity harvested
and the income from cassava respectively at the 1% and 5% thresholds. Indeed,
the average quantity
of cassava harvested over the last 12 months is 14789.18 kg. The average price
of a kg of cassava is
143.94 FCFA.
Table 7: Income from cassava production of study producers

harvested from
cassava (kg)
Mean & standard
Price per kg of
Mean & standard
143.39 (28.28)
Cassava income
per ha over the
last 12 months
Mean & standard
** significant at the 5% level; *** significant at the 1% level
NB: Parentheses represent the numbers in the case of qualitative variables and
the standard deviations
in the case of quantitative variables.
Source: Survey (2023)


Impact of climate-smart agriculture on the income and food security of cassava
producing households in the study
Determinants of the use of crop residues by producers
The results of the Probit model used to predict the probability of utilization
of pigeon pea, groundnut and
mucuna crop residues by cassava producers were presented in the following Table
8. From these
results, it appears that there is at least one coefficient statistically
different from zero (Prob = 0.00) at
the 5% threshold. The model is therefore highly significant. The model fit
measure is good ( Pseudo R²
=0.65). In reality, only the variables membership of a producer organization and
adoption of other
climate-smart practices are not significant. The use of these harvest residues
is positively influenced by:
the production objective, training in the technical process of cassava, access
to agricultural advice and
the number of years of experience in cassava production. However, the adoption
of this practice is
negatively influenced by the gender of the head of household. Analysis of the
gender of household
heads shows that households headed by women use crop residues more than those
headed by men.
Women are therefore more likely to adopt this climate-smart practice than men.
Table 8: Determinants of the use of harvest residues by producers (Probit Model)
Explanatory variable
P > |z|
Cassava production objective
Training on the cassava technical route
Access to agricultural advice
Member of a producer organization
Number of years of experience in cassava
Other Smart Strategies
Other crop residues used
Nickname R²

LR chi2 (6)
Prob > chi2
Log Likelihood
Number of observations
*Significant at the 10% threshold; ** significant at the 5% level; ***
significant at the 1% level
Source: Survey (2023)
Impact of climate-smart agriculture on the income of cassava producing
Figure 2 below shows that the propensity score distributions overlapped and
common support was very
broad. This means that each beneficiary has the chance to find at least one
counterfactual with the
closest possible propensity score.


Figure 2: Checking the distribution of propensity scores and common support for
household income
Source: Survey (2023)
From the results of the balancing test in Table 9, we note that the propensity
scores balanced the
distribution of the explanatory variables retained, which affected the
probability of use of harvest
Table 9: Result of the balance test for household income
Production target
Experience in cassava production
Gender of COO
Total assets
Price per kg of cassava
Sum of ha plots used for cassava production
Age of farm manager
Mode of access to land
Source: Survey (2023)
Table 10 presents the results of the estimation of the effect of the use of
harvest residues on the income
of cassava producers. These results confirm the impact of the use of harvest
residues on the cassava
income of households in Savalou. It appears from this table that the annual
cassava income of
beneficiaries was improved by 35,135 FCFA on average. This effect is significant
at the 1% level with
the four matching methods, which demonstrates the robustness of these results.
Table 10: Impact of the use of harvest residues on the income of cassava
producing households

Model type
Causal effect
Paired: nearest neighbor
Matching: kernel matching
Matching: Radius matching
*** significant at 1%
Source: Survey (2023)


Impact of climate-smart agriculture on the food security of cassava producing
Figure 3 below shows that the propensity score distributions overlapped and
common support was
very broad, such that each beneficiary found at least one counterfactual with a
propensity score as
close as possible.

Figure 3: Verification of the distribution of propensity scores and common
support for household
dietary diversity
Source: Survey (2023)
From the results of the balancing test in Table 11, we see that the propensity
scores balanced the
distribution of the explanatory variables retained, which affected the
probability of use of harvest
Table 11: Result of the balance test for household food security
Production target
Experience in cassava production
Gender of COO
Household size
Carrying out an extra-agricultural activity
Age of farm manager
Mode of access to land
Source: Survey (2023)
Table 12 below presents the results of the estimation of the effect of the use
of harvest residues on the
dietary diversity of cassava producers. It appears from this table that dietary
diversity was improved by
0.10 points on average at the level of beneficiaries. This effect is significant
at the 1% level. These
results confirm the impact of the use of harvest residues on the cassava income
of households in
Table 12: Impact of the use of harvest residues on the food security of cassava
producing households
Model type
Causal effect
Paired: nearest neighbor
Matching: kernel matching
Matching: Radius matching
***significant at 1%
Source: Survey (2023)


From the results of this study, it appears that the households of cassava
producers in the study have an
average dietary diversity score of 7.47. This average score is similar to that
found by [44] in Burkina
Faso (7.3). In a study carried out in Mali on the factors associated with low
household consumption and
dietary diversity scores, an average score of 7.23 was found ( [45] ). On the
other hand, the average
score of our study is higher than the minimum standard (4) set by the [46] .
In addition, the dietary diversity of beneficiaries is better than that of
non-beneficiaries (with an average
of 7.51% among beneficiaries compared to 7.50 among non-beneficiaries). This is
linked to the fact that
beneficiary households consume, in addition to other foods, foods of animal
origin rich in Vitamin A and
Iron such as meat, eggs and fish and seafood. According to [20] ,the consumption
of foods rich in protein
is essential and plays an essential role in the development and functioning of
the body. However, these
food groups are consumed in very small quantities by these households
(respectively 6.06% of
beneficiaries versus 0% of non-beneficiaries, 3.57 versus 0.14 and 44.71 versus
33.99). This ability to
obtain these food groups reflects the purchasing power of users of crop
residues. Indeed, food
purchased on the market promotes the diversification of the diet of agricultural
households, even in
contexts of subsistence-oriented production ( [47] ). On the other hand, cereals
and spices are naturally
the food groups most consumed by all respondents. This result justifies the
statistics from the [1] ,which
places cereals as the first group consumed the most on the national territory.
Rural households actually
depend on cereals for their food.
Furthermore, the purchasing power of the beneficiaries can be explained by the
fact that this group of
producers have a better income and have the necessary information in relation to
food consumption and
the usefulness of inserting these food groups into the consumption. The analysis
of the results on
income shows that the household dietary diversity score increases with household
income from cassava
production. Improved income is therefore accompanied by an improvement in the
composition of the
household diet. The average income from cassava production in Savalou over the
last 12 months is
366,400 FCFA with 387,340 FCFA on average for beneficiaries and 322,060 FCFA for
beneficiaries, with a significant difference of 5% between the two groups.
According to the results of the
Harmonized Survey of Household Living Conditions (EHCVM), this average income is
higher than the
global annual poverty line estimated at 287187 FCFA in 2022 ( [48] ).The
practice of this climate-smart
technology has thus contributed to improving the income of beneficiary
producers. Part of this income
would therefore have been used to diversify their household food consumption.
The results of the matching method based on propensity scores confirmed that
climate-smart agriculture
made it possible to significantly improve (at the 1% threshold) household
dietary diversity by 0.10 points
and the cassava income of 35,135 FCFA, on average. Just like [41] thinks CSA
practices help reduce
the risk of poor harvests and thus contribute to increasing productivity and
agricultural income. Climate-
smart agriculture thus contributes to improving the income of producers. This
result is related to the first
objective of promoting this agriculture, identified by the [49] : increasing
agricultural productivity and
income. It is therefore up to agricultural policies to ensure its sustainability
over time, because the
phenomenon of climate change is dynamic. Furthermore, the improvement in dietary
diversity by 0.10
points corroborates Martin 's results [16] who, through the Food Consumption
Score, found that the
adoption of CSA is beneficial for household food security. In short, the results
of this study confirm those
of [50] according to which there is a positive relationship between CSA, income
and food security.
Agricultural policies should then focus on promoting and improving climate-smart
agriculture, because,
as [51] , it is a unique opportunity to simultaneously achieve the objectives of
food security, adaptation
to climate change and greenhouse gas mitigation.


This study aimed to assess the impact of climate-smart agriculture on the income
and food security of
cassava-producing households in the commune of Savalou. This impact was measured
through the use
of harvest residues from pigeon peas, peanuts and mucuna, in the production of
cassava in the
households surveyed. By adopting climate-smart agriculture through the use of
these harvest residues,
cassava producers improved their income by 35,135 FCFA and their food security
by 0.10 points on
average. Although this impact is low, climate-smart agriculture is one of the
viable and sustainable
solutions to improve the income and food security of rural households. It would
therefore be useful to
raise awareness among producers and train them on the adoption of this
innovative agriculture, in order
to improve the agricultural sector, despite the realities of climate change.
Also, raising awareness about
the importance of having a balanced diet is also useful. They would aim to raise
awareness among rural
households about the inclusion of foods rich in proteins and fruits and
vegetables, important sources of
vitamins and micronutrients essential for the body, in their daily diet.
However, this study only looked at
climate-smart practice. It would therefore be preferable for future studies to
also analyze the impact of
other practices, or study the prospects of cumulating certain climate-smart
practices in order to maximize
its impact, because climate change is a reality and constitutes a real obstacle.
agricultural development
in particular and food security in general. Also, one of the limitations of this
study is that we were not
able to counter the contamination effect of the use of the residues concerned,
on the non-beneficiaries.

Statement for "Consent to participate"

Verbal informed consent was obtained prior to the interview.

Ethics approval
Not applicable

Data availability statement
Data will be available upon request

Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s)

Author contributions statement
Conception and design S.M., A.B. and S.K.; Collection, analysis and
interpretation of the data S.M.;
Drafting of the paper S.M. Revising critically for intellectual content S.K and
A.B. All authors agree to
be accountable for all aspects of the work. Funding S.M.


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“Climate-smart agriculture and food security: Cross-country evidence from West
Full-text available
 * Jul 2023

 * Martin Paul Jr Tabe-Ojong
 * Ghislain Aihounton
 * Jourdain Lokossou

Uptake of Climate-Smart Agricultural Technologies and Practices: Actual and
Potential Adoption Rates in the Climate-Smart Village Site of Mali
Full-text available
 * Aug 2019

 * Mathieu Ouedraogo
 * Prosper Houessionon
 * Robert Zougmore
 * Samuel Tetteh Partey

Understanding the level of adoption of Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA)
technologies and practices and its drivers is needed to spur large-scale uptake
of CSA in West Africa. This paper used the Average Treatment Effect framework to
derive consistent parametric estimators of the potential adoption rates of eight
CSA technologies and practices in the Climate-Smart Village (CSV) site of Mali.
A total of 300 household heads were randomly selected within the CSV site for
data collection. Results showed significant differences in the observed and
potential adoption rates of the CSA technologies and practices (drought tolerant
crop varieties, micro-dosing, organic manure, intercropping, contour farming,
farmer managed natural regeneration, agroforestry and climate information
service). The most adopted technology was the organic manure (89%) while the
least adopted was the intercropping (21%). The observed adoption rate varied
from 39% to 77% according to the CSA options while the potential adoption rates
of the technologies and practices ranged from 55% to 81%. This implies an
adoption gap of 2% to 16% due to the incomplete diffusion (lack of awareness) of
CSA technologies and practices which must be addressed by carrying out more
actions to disseminate these technologies in the CSV. Results showed that
education, number of workers in the household, access to subsidies, and training
have a positive effect on the adoption of most of the CSA technologies and
practices. The adoption of drought tolerant varieties and micro-dosing are
positively correlated with access to subsidies and training. The study suggests
that efforts should be focused concomitantly on the diffusion of CSA options as
well as the lifting of their adoption barriers.
Show abstract
Farm production, market access and dietary diversity in Malawi
Full-text available
 * Sep 2016

 * Stefan Lévy
 * Menale Kassie Berresaw
 * Matin Qaim

Objective: The association between farm production diversity and dietary
diversity in rural smallholder households was recently analysed. Most existing
studies build on household-level dietary diversity indicators calculated from 7d
food consumption recalls. Herein, this association is revisited with
individual-level 24 h recall data. The robustness of the results is tested by
comparing household- and individual-level estimates. The role of other factors
that may influence dietary diversity, such as market access and agricultural
technology, is also analysed. Design: A survey of smallholder farm households
was carried out in Malawi in 2014. Dietary diversity scores are calculated from
24 h recall data. Production diversity scores are calculated from farm
production data covering a period of 12 months. Individual- and household-level
regression models are developed and estimated. Setting: Data were collected in
sixteen districts of central and southern Malawi. Subjects: Smallholder farm
households (n 408), young children (n 519) and mothers (n 408). Results: Farm
production diversity is positively associated with dietary diversity. However,
the estimated effects are small. Access to markets for buying food and selling
farm produce and use of chemical fertilizers are shown to be more important for
dietary diversity than diverse farm production. Results with household- and
individual-level dietary data are very similar. Conclusions: Further increasing
production diversity may not be the most effective strategy to improve diets in
smallholder farm households. Improving access to markets, productivity-enhancing
inputs and technologies seems to be more promising.
Show abstract
Managing the agricultural calendar as coping mechanism to climate variability: A
case study of maize farming in northern Benin, West Africa
Full-text available
 * Dec 2014

 * Rosaine N. Yegbemey
 * Kabir Dr. Humayun
 * Oyémonbadé Hervé Rodrigue Awoye
 * Armand A. Paraïso

Nowadays climate variability and change are amongst the most important threats
to sustainable development, with potentially severe consequences on agriculture
in developing countries. Among many available coping mechanisms, farmers adjust
some of their farming practices. This article aims at exploring observed changes
in the agricultural calendar as a response to climate variability in northern
Benin. Interviews with local experts (agricultural extension officers and local
leaders such as heads of farmer and village organisations) and group discussions
with farmers were organised. A household survey was also conducted on 336 maize
producers to highlight the factors affecting decisions to adjust the
agricultural calendar as a coping mechanism against climate variability. As a
general trend, the duration of the cropping season in northern Benin is getting
longer with slight differences among and within agro-ecological zones, implying
a higher risk of operating under time-inefficient conditions. Farmers receive
very limited support from agricultural extension services and therefore design
their agricultural calendar on the basis of personal experience. Socio-economic
characteristics, maize farming characteristics as well as farm location
determine the decision to adjust the agricultural calendar. Consequently,
providing farmers with climate related information could ensure a rational and
time-efficient management of the agricultural calendar. Moreover, research and
extension institutions should help in establishing and popularising clear
agricultural calendars while taking into account the driving forces of
behaviours towards the adjustment of farming practices as a climate variability
Show abstract
Does Adaptation to Climate Change Provide Food Security? A Micro-Perspective
from Ethiopia
Full-text available
 * Jul 2011

 * Salvatore Di Falco
 * Marcella Veronesi
 * Mahmud Mohammed Yesuf

We examine the driving forces behind farm households’ decisions to adapt to
climate change, and the impact of adaptation on farm households’ food
productivity. We estimate a simultaneous equations model with endogenous
switching to account for the heterogeneity in the decision to adapt or not, and
for unobservable characteristics of farmers and their farm. Access to credit,
extension and information are found to be the main drivers behind adaptation. We
find that adaptation increases food productivity, that the farm households that
did not adapt would benefit the most from adaptation.
Show abstract
The Economics and Econometrics of Active Labor Market Programs
Full-text available
 * Dec 1999
 * Handbook Labor Econ

 * James J Heckman
 * Robert J. Lalonde
 * Jeffrey A. Smith

Policy makers view public sector-sponsored employment and training programs and
other active labor market policies as tools for integrating the unemployed and
economically disadvantaged into the work force. Few public sector programs have
received such intensive scrutiny, and been subjected to so many different
evaluation strategies. This chapter examines the impacts of active labor market
policies, such as job training, job search assistance, and job subsidies, and
the methods used to evaluate their effectiveness. Previous evaluations of
policies in OECD countries indicate that these programs usually have at best a
modest impact on participants' labor market prospects. But at the same time,
they also indicate that there is considerable heterogeneity in the impact of
these programs. For some groups, a compelling case can be made that these
policies generate high rates of return, while for other groups these policies
have had no impact and may have been harmful. Our discussion of the methods used
to evaluate these policies has more general interest. We believe that the same
issues arise generally in the social sciences and are no easier to address
elsewhere. As a result, a major focus of this chapter is on the methodological
lessons learned from evaluating these programs. One of the most important of
these lessons is that there is no inherent method of choice for conducting
program evaluations. The choice between experimental and non-experimental
methods or among alternative econometric estimators should be guided by the
underlying economic models, the available data, and the questions being
addressed. Too much emphasis has been placed on formulating alternative
econometric methods for correcting for selection bias and too little given to
the quality of the underlying data. Although it is expensive, obtaining better
data is the only way to solve the evaluation problem in a convincing way.
However, better data are not synonymous with social experiments.
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Food variety, socioeconomic status and nutritional status in urban and rural
areas in Koutiala (Mali)
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 * Apr 2000

 * Anne Hatløy
 * Jesper Hallund
 * Modibo Diarra
 * Arne Oshaug

The purpose of this study was to analyse the associations between the food
variety score (FVS), dietary diversity score (DDS) and nutritional status of
children, and to assess the associations between FVS, DDS and socioeconomic
status (SES) on a household level. The study also assessed urban and rural
differences in FVS and DDS. Cross-sectional studies in 1994/95, including a
simplified food frequency questionnaire on food items used in the household the
previous day. A socioeconomic score was generated, based on possessions in the
households. Weight and height were measured for all children aged 6-59 months in
the households, and anthropometric indices were generated. Three hundred and
twenty-nine urban and 488 rural households with 526 urban and 1789 rural
children aged 6-59 months in Koutiala County, Sikasso Region, Mali. Children
from urban households with a low FVS or DDS had a doubled risk (OR>2) for being
stunted and underweight. Those relations were not found in the rural area. There
was an association between SES and both FVS and DDS on the household level in
both areas. The FVS and DDS in urban households with the lowest SES were higher
than the FVS and DDS among the rural households with the highest SES. Food
variety and dietary diversity seem to be associated with nutritional status
(weight/age and height/age) of children in heterogeneous communities, as our
data from urban areas showed. In rural areas, however, this association could
not be shown. Socioeconomic factors seem to be important determinants for FVS
and DDS both in urban and rural areas. FVS and DDS are useful variables in
assessing the nutritional situation of households, particular in urban areas.
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Impact Evaluation in Practice
 * Sep 2016

 * Paul Gertler
 * Sebastian Martinez
 * Laura B. Rawlings
 * Christel M.J. Vermeersch

The second edition of the Impact Evaluation in Practice handbook is a
comprehensive and accessible introduction to impact evaluation for policy makers
and development practitioners. First published in 2011, it has been used widely
across the development and academic communities. The book incorporates
real-world examples to present practical guidelines for designing and
implementing impact evaluations. Readers will gain an understanding of impact
evaluations and the best ways to use them to design evidence-based policies and
programs. The updated version covers the newest techniques for evaluating
programs and includes state-of-the-art implementation advice, as well as an
expanded set of examples and case studies that draw on recent development
challenges. It also includes new material on research ethics and partnerships to
conduct impact evaluation. The handbook is divided into four sections: Part One
discusses what to evaluate and why; Part Two presents the main impact evaluation
methods; Part Three addresses how to manage impact evaluations; Part Four
reviews impact evaluation sampling and data collection. Case studies illustrate
different applications of impact evaluations. The book links to complementary
instructional material available online, including an applied case as well as
questions and answers. The updated second edition will be a valuable resource
for the international development community, universities, and policy makers
looking to build better evidence around what works in development.
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Household Dietary diversity Score (HDDS) for Measurement of Household food
Access: Indicator Guide. Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance
 * Jan 2005

 * A. Swindale
 * P. Bilinsky

Figures and facts about food insecurity and malnutrition around the world
 * Jan 2022

FAO, (2022). Figures and facts about food insecurity and malnutrition around the

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Technical Report
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December 2022
 * Alice Bonou
 * Achille E Assogbadjo
 * Avakoudjo Hospice Gérard Gracias
 * [...]
 * F.J. Chadare

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Conference Paper
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August 2014
 * Alice Bonou

Fluvial flooding has become a widely distributed and devastating natural
disaster that has caused significant damages both economically and socially.
Since 2007, Benin has experienced frequent floods. In semi-arid zone of Benin
republic, the last flooding events occurred in August 2012 and 2013, when many
farmers lost most of their crops. Yet, no studies were conducted to show the
effect of these ... [Show full abstract] frequent flooding events on the
livelihood of the farmers. To fill in this gap, a survey is conducted in Benin,
a small country south of the Sahel. Two townships are chosen: Malanville and
Karimama because of their location in downstream. In this region, our focus is
the villages near a river. A total of 19 villages was chosen with 12 farmers
interviewed in each village, leading to a total of 228 farmers who are
interviewed. Then the sampling rate is 8.79%. The questionnaire includes open
and closed questions. The econometric framework adopted is the Rubin Causal
Model that has emerged as the standard approach for evaluating change effect
using an observational data. Then two methods are used for comparison purpose:
Propensity Score Matching Method and Instrumental Methods to measure the impact
of the 2012 flood on farmers’ revenue in semi-arid zone of Benin republic.
Results show firstly, that 86.4% (197 farmers) of farmers surveyed had their
farms damaged by flooding in 2012. In this subset, the average flooded size of
farm per household after 2012 flooding is about 2.4 hectares. Overall the
econometric model indicates that flooding has a negative and significant impact
on expected income from the harvest per hectare, about an average USD80 per
farmer (Propensity Score Mtethod) and USD159 (Instrumental Variable Method). To
cope with this bad situation, farmers develop many adaptation and prevention
strategies as the shifting of the cultural calendar and the diversification of
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Conference Paper
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September 2013
 * Alice Bonou

The aim of this study was to assess the impact of adoption of new high-yielding
varieties (NERICA) of rice on its varietal diversity in Benin. The database was
from Impact Assessment unit of AfricaRice and concerns 304 producers of rice.
Overall the study covered twenty-four villages over three districts:
Dassa-Zounmè, Glazoué and Savalou. Data analysis was carried out using the
econometric ... [Show full abstract] approach based on the Local Average Effect
of Treatment (LATE) framework. Overall, estimation of impact showed that at
village level the indexes of in-situ (on farm) conservation of varietal
diversity of rice are the same in NERICA and Non-NERICA villages. Moreover, at
farmer level, the average impact of NERICA adoption on number of modern rice
varieties of the sub-population of NERICA potential adopters is 0.8. NERICA’s
rice varieties had positively impacted the in situ conservation of varietal
diversity. Our findings indicated that it is worth extending diffusion of NERICA
varieties in Benin.
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Conference Paper


September 2014
 * Alice Bonou

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Last Updated: 14 Jul 2024
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