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Effective URL: https://www.designnews.com/
Submission: On April 27 via api from IN — Scanned from DE

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Mercedes Marks an Impressive G-Wagen Milestone
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A monster gallery of Mercedes G-Wagen off-roaders to commemorate the 500,000th

Famous People Who Are Engineers or Scientists
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While these famous people did not become known as engineers or scientists, they
did pursue science and engineering careers before finding stardom -- and
sometimes after.
Can Manufacturing Technology Enhance Healthcare?
Apr 25, 2023
Enterprises can leverage “Factory of the Future” technology to improve processes
and enhance patient care.
Test and Measurement Trends You Should Know About
Apr 25, 2023
The growth of 5G and medical along with the ongoing growth of software and data
are reshaping the test and measurement landscape.
Automotive Engineering
Are Electric Vehicles Safe for Pacemaker Patients?
Apr 25, 2023
A new study investigates the risk of electromagnetic interference with
pacemakers and defibrillators when using high power electric vehicle chargers.
Continuing Education Center
The CEC will get you up to speed quickly on a host of technologies you've been
meaning to study via a series of 45-minute online lessons taught by our faculty
of expert tutors.
Learn More
Condition Monitoring: What Are We Measuring?
Apr 26, 2023
Electric Motorcycles in the US Adopt DC Fast Charging
Apr 24, 2023
Jaguar Land Rover Reorganizes Manufacturing for an EV Future
Apr 24, 2023
Why Are So Many Manufacturers Stubbornly Analog
Apr 22, 2023
Piezoresistive MEMS Silicon Helps Reinvent Tiny Speakers
Apr 21, 2023
Can Earth Day Make Up for Missing Woodstock?
Apr 21, 2023
Wearable Exoskeletons Are on Display in Supplier News
Apr 21, 2023
Advances in Materials and Processing Improve 3DP Results
Apr 21, 2023


Engineering Career Opportunities in 2023


Top 20 Engineering Schools by Salary

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Could Apple’s Upcoming Headset Be a Game-Changer?
Apr 20, 2023
More Powerful Motors Drive Volkswagen EVs Into the Future
Apr 19, 2023
Automakers Unleash a Spring Crop of New Models
Apr 18, 2023
The Petersen Museum Is Showing the Coolest Classic Porsches
Apr 13, 2023
Revolutionizing Battery Technology for 600-Mile Range EVs
Apr 18, 2023
Could Spray-On Nanotechnology Enhance Flexible Electronics?
Apr 26, 2023
Researchers have developed an ultra-thin coating of zinc-oxide nanocrystals that
can be spray-deposited on devices to create touchscreen displays.
Optimizing LPDDR and DDR Memory for Cutting-Edge Apps
Apr 26, 2023
Infineon, Rambus solutions target software-defined automotive and AI inference
Upcoming Events
The Battery Show Europe/Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology Expo Europe 2023
May 23, 2023 to May 25, 2023

ATX East 2023
Jun 13, 2023 to Jun 15, 2023

Design & Manufacturing (D&M) East 2023
Jun 13, 2023 to Jun 15, 2023

The Battery Show and Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology Expo North America
Sep 12, 2023 to Sep 14, 2023

Plastic Transistor Amplifies Sensing Signal for Biosensors
Apr 27, 2023
Researchers could use the technology to create stronger biosensors that can read
signals within the body to help collect more accurate diagnostic and treatment

2023 Lexus RZ 450e Delivers Sublime Serenity but Not Much Range
Apr 20, 2023
Luxury car shoppers will find the posh ride they seek in the Lexus RZ 450e, but
might be unhappy with how often they’ll need to recharge.
Opinion: EV Infrastructure Has a Long Way to Go
Apr 20, 2023
While more EVs are coming, progress in upgrading the infrastructure to charge
these vehicles appears to be hit or miss in major cities like New York.
7 Ways to Brace for Supply Chain Trouble
Apr 20, 2023
Here are the red flags manufacturers need to learn so they can react or run.
Careers in Engineering
Best Undergraduate College Programs for Artificial Intelligence
Apr 18, 2023
AI is quickly becoming a part of everyday life, and these colleges are good
places to study the science.
Robotics: An Exciting and Addicting Career for Engineers
Apr 01, 2023
Experienced Software Engineers Wanted
Mar 11, 2023
Successful Woman Tech Exec Says Mentors Make Big Impact
Mar 02, 2023
Clean Energy: High Demand for Engineers
Feb 23, 2023


How to Build a Better Flexible Plastic Prototype Using 3DP
Jan 05, 2023

Design News Diversions
Artificial Intelligence at the Movies
Apr 05, 2023
Here’s a collection of films that include AI. In movies, AI has appeared in a
world of different forms
Learn Something Cool From These STEM April Fools' Tricks
Mar 29, 2023
A Batch of Funny Engineering
Mar 16, 2023
Hilarious Engineering Failures
Mar 08, 2023
The 50 Best Robot Movies of the Last 100 Years
Feb 06, 2023


BBi Autosport and Autodesk Team-up for a Win, from Custom Race Cars to
High-Performance Parts
Mar 29, 2023

Why Batteries Catch on Fire
15 of the World’s Most Innovative Companies of 2023
Ultrasound Wave Pulses May Rid Oceans of Microplastics
Apr 19, 2023

Gaining Ground in Miniaturization
Apr 19, 2023

Smartphone Low on Power? Don’t Charge It in Public!
Apr 19, 2023

Wi-Fi 6-Compatible ICs Make Fast, Reliable Connections for IoT
Apr 18, 2023
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   Biopharmaceutical-grade Tubing
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 * maxon&apos;s growing EC frameless DT motor series

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