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Submission: On December 08 via api from US — Scanned from US
Submission: On December 08 via api from US — Scanned from US
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4 forms found in the DOMName: ybar_mod_searchbox_s — GET https://search.yahoo.com/search
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Now faces a difficult choice » * 'ARTICLE 99': THE RARELY USED POWER U.N. CHIEF INVOKED TO PUSH FOR GAZA CEASEFIRE * THE DIRTY TRUTH ABOUT TAKING YOUR SHOES OFF AT THE DOOR * WIDOW, SON OF NFL LEGEND FRANK GIFFORD 'NOT OUT TO GET THE NFL' BY BACKING CTE DOC * REMEMBERING NORMAN LEAR'S MOST CONTROVERSIAL TV EPISODE * MEET THE 6-YEAR-OLD NEW JERSEY GIRL WITH AN IQ OF 137 STORIES FOR YOU * Celebrity·WDVM MARYLAND ALL-STAR CHEERLEADER KICKED OFF TEAM AFTER INCIDENT INVOLVING HAIR POLICY, MOM SAYS ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY, Md. (DC News Now) — A mother said her daughter, an all-star cheerleader, was kicked off the team of which she was a member, ultimately, because of her daughter’s hair. Seven-year-old Ryan Brunson loves cheerleading. She was doing it for the past three years and was a member of the Maryland Twisters. […] 1.7K·3 min read Thanks for your feedback! * * US·KRIV HOUSTON ISD STAFFER SAYS SHE WAS FIRED FOR TAKING TIME OFF AFTER HUSBAND DIAGNOSED, DIED OF CANCER A Houston woman says she was fired from Houston Independent School District after taking too many days off to deal with her husband's terminal cancer diagnosis. 528·3 min read Thanks for your feedback! * HOLIDAY GIFT IDEAS AMAZON EDITORS REVEAL THEIR BEST BOOK OF 2023 — PLUS 7 MORE WINNERS, ALL ON SALE Their top pick is "The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store" by James McBride. See the other great reads on the list. This viral sports bra is perfect for big busts The Sonos Era 100 is down to $199 in new sale Score huge savings on car care products Today only: Popular back massager is just $18 We found the best beauty gifts to buy at Walmart * Lifestyle·TODAY MOM STUMPED BY 1ST GRADER'S HOMEWORK ASKS INTERNET FOR HELP. DO YOU KNOW THE ANSWER? After a woman in the United Kingdom was left stumped by her first grader’s homework assignment, she turned to Facebook for help. 1.4K·2 min read Thanks for your feedback! * US·TheBlast KEANU REEVES MISSED BY SKI-MASKED INTRUDERS AT HIS LA HOME ‘John Wick’ actor Keanu Reeves has suffered another home invasion; but this time, it was not a visit from an obsessed stalker. Multiple masked men recently dared to test their luck against the “John Wick” star by breaking into his Los Angeles residence while the Hollywood heartthrob was not home. It is a good thing no […] 974·4 min read Thanks for your feedback! * Politics·Salon "IT WAS BENEATH ME": TRUMP FUMES AT HIS OWN LAWYER ON TRUTH SOCIAL FOR GIVING HIM "NOT GOOD ADVICE" Trump appeared to blame his attorney for losing E. Jean Carroll case 1K·2 min read Thanks for your feedback! * * Politics·HuffPost ALEX JONES TELLS TUCKER CARLSON A WILD CLAIM ABOUT JOE BIDEN THAT INVOLVES NUDITY The disgraced conspiracy theorist got a platform on Carlson's X show and told a nude doozy about the president. 62·2 min read Thanks for your feedback! * Celebrity·Inside Edition VIDEOMOM OF BRIDE KILLED IN CRASH CHALLENGES VALIDITY OF MARRIAGE The mom of the bride, who an alleged drunk driver killed, is claiming, in court papers, her daughter was never legally married to the groom. If true, that would make her the beneficiary of what could be a multi-million-dollar settlement. Samantha Miller was killed on her wedding night. The bride's estate is expected to be worth millions of dollars because of lawsuits against the bars and restaurants where the driver allegedly got drunk. Inside Edition’s Ann Mercogliano has more. 1.7K Thanks for your feedback! * Trending NowHoliday Gifts 1.Pittsburgh Steelers 2.Shohei Ohtani 3.Hunter Biden 4.Jewel 5.Keisha Nash 6.UNLV Shooting 7.Taylor Swift 8.Israel 9.Derek Hough 10.Benny Blanco 1.Antarctica cruise 2.Punta Cana all-inclusive resorts 3.Adjustable beds 4.Harry & David gift baskets 5.Canada Goose 6.Bombas slippers 7.Men's cologne 8.Orthofeet shoes 9.Away luggage 10.iPhone 15 Pro WEATHER BUFFALO View your Locations Remove from favorite locations Detect my locationPlease enable location service for your browser * Enter City or Zipcode * Manage Locations TodayPartly cloudy with a high of 51 °F (10.6 °C). Winds from SSE to S at 9 mph (14.5 kph). 51°47° SatCloudy today with a high of 54 °F (12.2 °C) and a low of 47 °F (8.3 °C). There is a 75% chance of precipitation. 54°47° SunRain today with a high of 51 °F (10.6 °C) and a low of 33 °F (0.6 °C). There is a 77% chance of precipitation. 51°33° MonCloudy today with a high of 35 °F (1.7 °C) and a low of 33 °F (0.6 °C). 35°33° See more SCOREBOARD Change Sports to display different scoresTrending MLB NBA NCAAB NCAAF NFL NHL YesterdayTodayTomorrow * DET 7:00 PM EST ORL * ATL 7:00 PM EST PHI * TOR 7:00 PM EST CHA See more DAILY HOROSCOPE Change your horoscope signAquariusAriesCancerCapricornGeminiLeoLibraPiscesSagittariusScorpioTaurusVirgo December 8 -You are feeling a bit more withdrawn. It might just mean that you're not saying hi to people on the street rather than holing up at home or in your office. You can't help who you are! See more ADVERTISEMENT Close this content, you can also use the Escape key at anytime ADVERTISEMENT UP NEXT ADVERTISEMENT UP NEXT ADVERTISEMENT UP NEXT ADVERTISEMENT UP NEXT ADVERTISEMENT UP NEXT Display Advertisement Waiting for permission Allow microphone access to enable voice search Try again. Try saying