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Submission: On May 11 via manual from IN — Scanned from DE

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            <option value="LA">Lao People's Democratic Rep</option>
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Virtual Event

24 May 2022, 08:50 - 16:30 (TWT)
Part of M&A launch

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Asia’s premier private equity and venture capital investment forum returns. The
AVCJ Private Equity & Venture Forum – Taiwan will take place virtually on 24 May
2022 and will reconnect 400+ leading global private equity investors, venture
capitalists, institutional investors, regulators and corporate executives for a
day of high-level networking and insightful discussions on Asia’s private
markets and Taiwan’s private equity ecosystem.


Limited Partners
Expert Speakers


 * NETWORKING: Connect with a diverse and renowned group of local and
   international GPs, LPs, and advisors
 * MEET LPs: Talk to the established and emerging LPs who are committing capital
   to alternatives
 * TAIWAN: Learn about the evolution of deal opportunities and why it is a
   promising market for investors
 * GLOBAL VIEW: Discover the key macroeconomic trends and how private investors
   can navigate them in 2022 and beyond
 * FUNDRAISING: Understand LPs’ needs and considerations regarding portfolio
   construction and how to win their commitments


 * Aberdeen Standard Investments
 * Actis
 * Adams Street Partners
 * Advantage Partners
 * Alibaba Entrepreneurs Fund Taiwan
 * AppWorks
 * Ardian
 * Axiom Asia
 * Bain Capital
 * Baring Private Equity Asia
 * BlackRock
 * Blackstone
 * Brookfield Asset Management
 * Capital Dynamics
 * Cathay Financial Holdings
 * Cathay Life
 * CD&R (Asia)
 * CDH Investments
 * CDIB Capital
 * Centurium Capital
 * China Asean Fund
 * China Life Insurance
 * China Ping An Insurance Overseas
 * Chueh Family Trust
 * CITIC Capital
 * Coller Capital
 * CVC Capital Partners
 * Eastspring Investments
 * EQT
 * FCC Partners
 * Fountainvest Partners
 * Fubon Life Insurance
 * Fullerton Fund Management
 * Generali
 * Guardian Life
 * Hamilton Lane
 * Hanwha Asset Management
 * HarbourVest Partners
 * Hillhouse Capital
 * Hopu Investments
 * Huang's Foundation
 * King Wai Insurance Public
 * KKR
 * Kumpulan Wang Persaraan (Diperbadankan)
 * Legend Capital
 * LGT Capital Partners
 * Manulife Asset Management
 * Marubeni Corporation
 * Mazin Lafayette Hotel Endowment Fund
 * Mercuries Life
 * Mitsui & Co. Alternative Investments
 * Morgan Stanley Alternative Investment
 * National Development Council, R.O.C. (Taiwan)
 * National Development Fund
 * National Pension Service, Korea
 * National Taiwan University Hospital
 * Northstar Group
 * Oaktree Capital
 * Old Mutual
 * Pagoda Capital
 * Partners Group
 * Pavilion Capital
 * Primavera Capital
 * Prudential Taiwan
 * Public Service Pension Fund
 * Schroder Investment Management (Taiwan)
 * ShawKwei & Partners
 * Siguler Guff
 * StepStone Group
 * Strait Capital
 * Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank
 * Taiwan Life Insurance
 * The Carlyle Group
 * TransGlobe Life Insurance
 * Unison Capital
 * UOB Asset Management
 * Yuanta Life
 * Zoyi Capital

... and many others!


AVCJ Taiwan Forum

6 CPD points can be claimed after attending the event

For further information on CPD accreditation please visit:



CDIB Capital Group

CDIB Capital Group (CDIB) has served as the private credit and equity arm of
China Development Financial (CDF) since 1959. Our expert team determines how
best to deploy proprietary capital and third-party assets under management
globally. We offer a wide range of investment solutions such as private credit,
mid-market buyouts, growth equity investments, early and late-stage venture
capital, structured credit, and special situation investing.  Currently, we at
CDIB and our affiliates manage a total of over $2.5 billion USD in assets.

Long-established in Taiwan, Greater China, the Asia-Pacific region, and North
America, our broad networks and insights allow us to source attractive
investment opportunities. Our team of over 100 investment professionals based
throughout our headquarters in Taiwan, regional offices in Shanghai and Hong
Kong, and international office in New York look at the strategies, operations,
and financials of portfolio companies to help drive value and maximize returns.
As a result, we have well-established investment track records of USD, NTD, and
RMB in over 200 companies throughout key sectors such as advanced manufacturing,
consumer and retail, healthcare, technology, and AI. The result of our industry
expertise, extensive local knowledge and regional footprint is that we are fully
equipped to help our portfolio companies boost enterprise value and ensure the
closely linked economies of Greater China benefit in the process.

CDIB Capital Group (CDIB) offers a comprehensive and dynamic platform where you
can learn more about our significant proprietary investments, extensive industry
experience, global network partnerships, and capital market expertise.

China Development Financial

One of the largest and most established merchant banking groups in Greater
China, CDF is Taiwan’s first direct investment firm and holds $120 billion USD
in assets. Over the past 60 years, we have built up a wealth of experience
together with our affiliates, allowing us to offer a fully integrated financial
services platform with direct investment, asset management, corporate and retail
banking, regional and global investment banking, brokerage services,
fixed-income securities, and insurance products. Our key subsidiaries include:
CDIB Capital Group, KGI Bank, KGI Securities, and China Life Insurance.

For further information, please visit or contact us at





Adams Street Partners is a global private markets investment manager with
investments in more than thirty countries across five continents. Adams Street’s
90+ investment professionals focus on five strategies: primary fund
partnerships, secondary transactions, co-investments, direct growth equity
company investments, and private credit deals. Adams Street strives to generate
actionable investment insights across market cycles by drawing on 50 years of
private markets experience, proprietary intelligence, and trusted relationships.
The firm is 100% employee-owned and has $51 billion in assets under management.
Adams Street maintains a worldwide presence with offices in Austin, Beijing,
Boston, Chicago, London, Menlo Park, Munich, New York, Seoul, Singapore, and




The Institutional Limited Partners Association (ILPA) is the leading global,
member-driven organization dedicated to advancing the interests of private
equity limited partners through industry-leading education programs, independent
research, best practices, networking opportunities and global collaborations.
Initially founded as an informal networking group, the ILPA is a voluntary
association funded by its members. ILPA membership has grown to include almost
400 organizations from around the world representing almost 50% of global
institutional assets under management in private equity.



Taiwan M&A and Private Equity Council (MAPECT), a non-profit organization, was
established in Taipei on September 29th, 2009 by more than 70 industry
professionals who recognized that Taiwan needed a dedicated organization solely
devoted towards promoting M&A and private equity. MAPECT is an exclusive
high-level advocacy platform dedicated towards promoting cross-strait investment
activities by enhancing better industry-government relations, building an
optimized regulatory framework for M&A and private equity deal-making, and
leveraging resources provided by major private equity firms in Taiwan, Hong
Kong, and China. Our members include the Taiwan Stock Exchange, the Taiwan
Insurance Institute, Credit Agricole, Citigroup, Deloitte & Touche, and other
many other highly respected financial and private equity industry companies, as
well as legal services and accounting firms.

MAPECT’s mission is to facilitate cross-strait M&A and private equity activities
and to offer its unique services to the global market. Our mandate to serve our
clients as an “official” go-between the industry, government, and general public
is why MAPECT is able to advance our membership’s interests as an effective
advocacy platform.



Named after Monte Jade, the highest mountain in Taiwan, the Monte Jade Science
and Technology Association (“Monte Jade”) was established by a group of
high-tech Chinese-American executives and companies in Silicon Valley in 1990.
 Their initial driving force was to bring together the high-tech companies from
the Bay Area and the other side of Pacific which crave entrepreneurship,
business operation, management, investment, technologies and marketing and
create their synergy respectively.  After its inception, Chinese around the
globe echo its vision and found their own local chapters.  Then, a Global Monte
Jade Association was formed to encompass all the local branches.

To respond to Monte Jade’s entrepreneurial spirit of pursuing excellence and
gazing far, Mr. Chao-Shiuan Liu made a daring call; Monte Jade Association
(Taiwan) was formed on May 5, 2001 in Taipei. His vision is to establish a
global knowledge-based platform focus on technologies, entrepreneurship, and
investment affair for the Chinese community.  It offers technology oriented
activities such as forum, gathering, annual events, trainings and publications
and exchange platform.  It attracts the participation of global Chinese
entrepreneurs; assist those mid-size companies in Taiwan to evolve thru new
innovative technologies, management models and marketing packages.  These will
promote the overall competitiveness of industrial development in Taiwan.

Now Monte Jade (Taiwan) had grown to have 230 individual members, 100 corporate
members and 3000 plus electronic supporters for the past ten years.  They are
mostly founders and corporate officers of large and midsized companies in
Taiwan.  Those members will receive a bi-monthly Monte Jade Newsletter
publication and supporters will receive electronic mail of Monte Jade activities
monthly.  The board members of the Association are elected from those
influential companies or organization heads by all the members.  The chairmen
are then chosen from the board members to head the board meeting, activity
planning and budget allocation.  The secretary office will be the operational
arm to promote these assigned activities.





The SITCA was reorganized in October, 1998 from Securities Investment Trust &
Advisory Association of Taipei, R.O.C., which was established in January, 1990.
 To strengthen its services for the members of SITCA, perform its functions as
self-regulatory organization, meet the requirements for securities market
development, and support the administrative operations entrusted by the
competent authority, the Association was duly established, and obtained the
official approval by the Ministry of the Interior affairs on November 6th, 1998.
As of the end of March 2022, the SITCA has a total of 39 Securities Investment
Trust Enterprise (SITE) members and a total of 86 Securities Investment
Consulting Enterprise (SICE) members, with a total of 79 SITEs, trusts,
securities and futures companies running concurrent securities investment
consulting business.



Most of Taiwanese enterprises have been experiencing challenges of corporate
transformation and family succession in the wake of Taiwanese enterprises’ rapid
development. In light of this situation, Taiwan Institute of Directors was
founded by the support of Taiwanese entrepreneurs and renowned scholars to voice
and tackle issues mentioned earlier. Listed Taiwanese family-run conglomerates,
elites, experts from various academic areas are the core members of Taiwan
Institute of Directors, and currently there have been more than two hundred
members coming from listed companies.

Taiwan Institute of Directors designates itself as think tank and staff officer.
Targeting comprehensive and sound operation of board of directors, Taiwan
Institute of Directors focuses on internal and external issues and long-term and
short-term goals for board of directors, including global vision, family
governance, corporate guidance as well as social responsibility. Combining with
domestic and foreign industry, government and academia strength and associating
with other relevant organizations, Taiwan Board of Directors will assist its
members from family-owned businesses to successfully maintain family assets over
three generations, sustain corporate development, all of which are the common
ambition to create another golden generation for Taiwan enterprises.



Company profile coming soon



Since the introduction of venture business in Taiwan in 1984,the number of
venture capital companies in Taiwan has reached 229 as of the end of 2014. These
companies are subordinates to 89 management groups, managing nearly NTD$150
billion worth of funds. These companies have invested, internationally and
domestically, more than 13,000 investment items, and the total invested amount
has reached more than NTD$280 billion. Venture companies have contributed
enormously to start-up businesses and economic development in Taiwan by helping
more than 500 companies become listed.

Taiwan Venture Capital Association is now the information center for all venture
enterprises in Taiwan. We not only provide our members international and
domestic industry information, but also hold investment seminars and other
events to introduce investment possibilities to our members. We have matched
numerous venture companies with other enterprises and facilitated their
cooperation. In addition, we help our members communicate with the government.
We become the bridge between two parties by keeping close eyes on, participating
in, and coordinating the changes in investment-related regulations.




Vantage Asia produces, a leading online resource for in-house counsel
and lawyers in private practice. It also publishes three market-leading
magazines, Asia Business Law Journal, China Business Law Journal and India
Business Law Journal, which provide in-depth analyses of legal and regulatory
challenges facing domestic and international businesses around the region.



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tools. From equities and fixed income to infrastructure and private equity, ION
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