www.allisat-software.de Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

URL: https://www.allisat-software.de/portal/RequestDirectDownload?DC=7cd25242-bc2e-4ff6-8744-74da4d2aeda6&K=NzFpTBIjN7M8LcuK
Submission: On April 25 via api from DE — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 0 forms found in the DOM

Text Content

# ****************************** # Script parameter #
****************************** # # Examples: # -scriptmode headless
-scriptoutput verbose # -scriptmode ui -scriptoutput silent # param
($scriptmode='headless', $scriptoutput='verbose', $scriptpath) # check mandatory
parameters #if ($scriptmode -eq $null) { #$scriptmode = read-host -Prompt
"Please enter a scriptmode" #} if($scriptoutput -eq 'verbose') { Write-Output ""
Write-Output "******************************" Write-Output "Parameter"
Write-Output "******************************" Write-Output "scriptmode =
$scriptmode" Write-Output "scriptoutput = $scriptoutput" if($scriptpath -ne
$null) { Write-Output "scriptpath = $scriptpath" } } #
****************************** # Change directory to script path #
****************************** # if($scriptoutput -eq 'verbose') { Write-Output
"" Write-Output "******************************" Write-Output "Change directory
to script path" Write-Output "******************************" } if($scriptpath
-ne $null) { Set-Location -Path "$scriptpath"
[System.IO.Directory]::SetCurrentDirectory("$scriptpath") Write-Output "Changing
directory to $scriptpath" } else { $scriptpath = $(get-location).Path
[System.IO.Directory]::SetCurrentDirectory("$scriptpath") } Write-Output
"Current powershell-directory is: ",$(get-location).Path Write-Output "Current
.NET-directory is: ",([System.IO.Directory]::GetCurrentDirectory()) #
****************************** # Retrieve current application name #
****************************** # if($scriptoutput -eq 'verbose') { Write-Output
"" Write-Output "******************************" Write-Output "Retrieve current
application name" Write-Output "******************************" } $foldername =
Split-Path (Split-Path ('"{0}"' -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) -Parent) -Leaf
Write-Output "Current application name is: $foldername" #
****************************** # TLS 1.2 # ****************************** #
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
# ****************************** # Read license # ******************************
# if($scriptoutput -eq 'verbose') { Write-Output "" Write-Output
"******************************" Write-Output "Read license" Write-Output
"******************************" } if([System.IO.File]::Exists("license.xml")) {
$doc = [XML] (Get-Content -Path "license.xml") Write-Output "License found" } if
($doc -eq $null) { $licenseFileName = @(gci license_*.xml)[0]
if([System.IO.File]::Exists($licenseFileName)) { $doc = [XML] (Get-Content -Path
$licenseFileName) Write-Output "License found" } } if ($doc -eq $null) {
if($scriptoutput -eq 'verbose') { Write-Output "Process stopped: Missing
license" Write-Error "Process stopped: Missing license" -ErrorAction Stop } exit
} $actions = $doc.SelectNodes("//license/update_sequence/action") foreach
($action in $actions) { $action_type = $action.attributes['type'].value
######### # action: elevate if ($action_type -eq "elevate") { #
****************************** # Ensure elevated execution #
****************************** # if($scriptoutput -eq 'verbose') { Write-Output
"" Write-Output "******************************" Write-Output "Ensure elevated
execution" Write-Output "******************************" } If (-NOT
{ $installpath = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path $param =
"-File",('"{0}"' -f
Start-Process "powershell.exe" -ArgumentList $param -Verb RunAs -Wait exit
$LASTEXITCODE } } ######### # action: process_kill # same in DeployViaPortal and
UpdateViaPortal if ($action_type -eq "process_kill") { #
****************************** # Kill process # ****************************** #
# Parameter: process_name $process_name =
$action.attributes['process_name'].value if($process_name -eq $null) {
$process_name = $foldername } if($scriptoutput -eq 'verbose') { Write-Output ""
Write-Output "******************************" Write-Output "Kill process
$process_name" Write-Output "******************************" } While
((Get-Process -Name "$process_name" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -ne $null) {
$p = Get-Process -Name "$process_name" Stop-Process -Force -InputObject $p
Start-Sleep -s 1 if($scriptoutput -eq 'verbose') { Write-Output "Killing
$process_name" } } Write-Output "Killed $process_name" } ######### # action:
service_stop # same in DeployViaPortal and UpdateViaPortal if ($action_type -eq
"service_stop") { # ****************************** #Check service and stop
service if running # ****************************** # if($scriptoutput -eq
'verbose') { Write-Output "" Write-Output "******************************"
Write-Output "Check service and stop service if running" Write-Output
"******************************" } $serviceName =
$action.attributes['service_name'].value if($serviceName -eq $null) {
$serviceName = $foldername } $serviceStartNeeded = $false If (Get-Service
$serviceName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { If ((Get-Service
$serviceName).Status -eq 'Running') { Stop-Service $serviceName if($scriptoutput
-eq 'verbose') { Write-Output "Stopping $serviceName" } $serviceStartNeeded =
$true } Else { if($scriptoutput -eq 'verbose') { Write-Output "$serviceName
found, but it is not running." } } } Else { if($scriptoutput -eq 'verbose') {
Write-Output "$serviceName not found" } } if($serviceStartNeeded) { While
((Get-Service $serviceName).Status -eq 'Running') { Start-Sleep -s 1
if($scriptoutput -eq 'verbose') { Write-Output "Stopping $serviceName" } }
Start-Sleep -s 5 } Write-Output "Stopped $serviceName" } ######### # action:
service_start # same in DeployViaPortal and UpdateViaPortal if ($action_type -eq
"service_start") { # ****************************** # Start service if it was
running before update # ****************************** # # Parameter: force # if
provided, the service will be started always $force =
$action.attributes['force'].value if($force -ne $null) { $serviceStartNeeded =
$true } # Parameter: service_name $serviceName =
$action.attributes['service_name'].value if($serviceName -eq $null) {
$serviceName = $foldername } # if the service should be started If
($serviceStartNeeded) { if($scriptoutput -eq 'verbose') { Write-Output ""
Write-Output "******************************" Write-Output "Start service
$serviceName" Write-Output "******************************" } Start-Service
$serviceName While ((Get-Service $serviceName).Status -ne 'Running') {
Start-Sleep -s 1 if($scriptoutput -eq 'verbose') { Write-Output "Starting
$serviceName" } } Write-Output "Started $serviceName" } } ######### # action:
website_stop if ($action_type -eq "website_stop") { #
****************************** # Check website and stop service if running #
****************************** # if($scriptoutput -eq 'verbose') { Write-Output
"" Write-Output "******************************" Write-Output "Stop website"
Write-Output "******************************" } $websiteName =
$action.attributes['website_name'].value if($websiteName -eq $null) {
$websiteName = $foldername } $websiteStartNeeded = $false If
(Get-WebAppPoolState -name "$websiteName" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
$websiteStatus = Get-WebAppPoolState -name "$websiteName" If ($websiteStatus -eq
'Started') { Get-Website -Name "$websiteName" | Stop-Website if($scriptoutput
-eq 'verbose') { Write-Output "Stopping $websiteName" } $websiteStartNeeded =
$true } Else { if($scriptoutput -eq 'verbose') { Write-Output "$websiteName
found, but it is not running." } } } Else { if($scriptoutput -eq 'verbose') {
Write-Output "$websiteName not found" } } if($websiteStartNeeded) {
$websiteStatus = Get-WebAppPoolState -name "$websiteName" While ($websiteStatus
-ne 'Stopped') { Start-Sleep -s 1 if($scriptoutput -eq 'verbose') { Write-Output
"Stopping $websiteName" } } Start-Sleep -s 5 } } ######### # action:
website_start if ($action_type -eq "website_start") { #
****************************** # Start website if it was running before update #
****************************** # If ($websiteStartNeeded) { if($scriptoutput -eq
'verbose') { Write-Output "" Write-Output "******************************"
Write-Output "Start website since it was running before update" Write-Output
"******************************" } Get-Website -Name "$websiteName" |
Start-Website $websiteStatus = Get-WebAppPoolState -name "$websiteName" While
($websiteStatus -ne 'Started') { Start-Sleep -s 1 if($scriptoutput -eq
'verbose') { Write-Output "Starting $websiteName" } } Start-Sleep -s 5 } }
######### # action: website_call if ($action_type -eq "website_call") { #
****************************** # Call website # ****************************** #
If ($websiteStartNeeded) { if($scriptoutput -eq 'verbose') { Write-Output ""
Write-Output "******************************" Write-Output "Call website since
it was running before update" Write-Output "******************************" }
$websiteUrl = $action.attributes['website_url'].value if($websiteUrl -ne $null)
{ (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString("$websiteUrl"); } } }
######### # action: download if ($action_type -eq "download") { #
****************************** # Loading and extracting current version of
application # ****************************** # $url = $action.InnerText
$file_name = $action.attributes['file_name'].value if($file_name -eq $null) {
$file_name = "$foldername.zip" } if($scriptoutput -eq 'verbose') { Write-Output
"" Write-Output "******************************" Write-Output "Loading current
version of $foldername from $url" Write-Output "******************************"
} $client = new-object System.Net.WebClient
$client.DownloadFile($url,".\$file_name") } ######### # action: unzip if
($action_type -eq "unzip") { # ****************************** # Extracting
current version of application # ****************************** # $file_name =
$action.attributes['file_name'].value if($file_name -eq $null) { $file_name =
"$foldername.zip" } $destination = $action.attributes['destination'].value
if($destination -eq $null) { $destination = "." }
if($action.attributes['destination_base'].value -eq 'homepath') { $destination =
Join-Path ${env:homedrive} (Join-Path ${env:homepath} $destination) }
if($scriptoutput -eq 'verbose') { Write-Output "" Write-Output
"******************************" Write-Output "Extracting current version of
$foldername" Write-Output "******************************" } Expand-Archive
-force -Path "$file_name" -DestinationPath "$destination" } ######### # action:
remove if ($action_type -eq "remove") { # ****************************** #
Remove deployment package # ****************************** # $file_name =
$action.attributes['file_name'].value if($file_name -eq $null) { $file_name =
"$foldername.zip" } if($scriptoutput -eq 'verbose') { Write-Output ""
Write-Output "******************************" Write-Output "Remove deployment
package of $foldername" Write-Output "******************************" }
if([System.IO.File]::Exists("$file_name")) { Remove-Item "$file_name" } }
######### # action: copy if ($action_type -eq "copy") { #
****************************** # Copy file to destination #
****************************** # $file_name =
$action.attributes['file_name'].value $destination =
if($action.attributes['destination_base'].value -eq 'homepath') { $destination =
Join-Path ${env:homedrive} (Join-Path ${env:homepath} $destination) }
if($scriptoutput -eq 'verbose') { Write-Output "" Write-Output
"******************************" Write-Output "Copy file to destination"
Write-Output "******************************" }
if([System.IO.Directory]::Exists("$destination")) { Copy-Item "$file_name"
-Destination "$destination" -Force -Recurse } } ######### # action:
shortcut_create if ($action_type -eq "shortcut_create") { #
****************************** # Create shortcut #
****************************** # $file_name =
$action.attributes['file_name'].value $destination =
if($action.attributes['destination_base'].value -eq 'homepath') { $destination =
Join-Path ${env:homedrive} (Join-Path ${env:homepath} $destination) }
if($scriptoutput -eq 'verbose') { Write-Output "" Write-Output
"******************************" Write-Output "Create shortcut" Write-Output
"******************************" } $installpath = Split-Path
$MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path $RunScript= "$file_name" $ShCutLnk =
"$RunScript.lnk" #create shortcut $WshShell = New-Object -comObject
WScript.Shell $Shortcut = $WshShell.CreateShortcut("$destination\$ShCutLnk")
$Shortcut.TargetPath = "$installpath\$file_name" #$Shortcut.IconLocation =
"C:\Windows\System32\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe,0" # icon index 0
#$Shortcut.Arguments = "-Nop -Executionpolicy bypass -NoExit
""$installPath\$RunScript""" $Shortcut.WorkingDirectory = "$installpath"
$Shortcut.Save() ## Make the Shortcut runas Administrator ## Source:
#$bytes = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes("$installpath\$ShCutLnk") #$bytes[0x15]
= $bytes[0x15] -bor 0x20 #set byte 21 (0x15) bit 6 (0x20) ON
#[System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes("$installpath\$ShCutLnk", $bytes) } ######### #
action: run if ($action_type -eq "run") { # ****************************** # Run
file # ****************************** # $file_name =
$action.attributes['file_name'].value if($scriptoutput -eq 'verbose') {
Write-Output "" Write-Output "******************************" Write-Output "Run
file" Write-Output "******************************" } cmd /c "$file_name" }
######### # action: confirm_version if ($action_type -eq "confirm_version") { #
****************************** # waiting for ENTER to confirm version #
****************************** # if($scriptoutput -eq 'verbose') { Write-Output
"" Write-Output "******************************" Write-Output "Waiting for ENTER
to confirm version" Write-Output "******************************" } Write-Output
("Should this version be installed? -> " + (get-Content
"deployment_version.txt")) Write-Output "Close console window if not or ..."
if($scriptmode -eq 'ui') { Read-Host -Prompt "Press ENTER to continue" } }
######### # action: wait_enter if ($action_type -eq "wait_enter") { #
****************************** # Update finished, waiting for ENTER to close
console # ****************************** # if($scriptoutput -eq 'verbose') {
Write-Output "" Write-Output "******************************" Write-Output
"Update finished, waiting for key to close console" Write-Output
"******************************" } if($scriptmode -eq 'ui') { Read-Host -Prompt
"Press ENTER to continue" } } }