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 * Home
 * Executive Summary
 * Factsheets
 * Myths


   * Technology
   * Introduction
   * Wind resource estimation
     * Introduction
     * Regional wind resources
     * Wind atlases
     * Local wind resource assessment and energy analysis
       * Introduction
       * The importance of the wind resource
       * Best practice for accurate wind speed measurements
       * The annual variability of wind speed
       * Analytical methods for the prediction of the long-term wind regime at a
       * The prediction of the energy production of a wind farm
         * Information required for an analysis
         * Wind farm energy loss factors
         * Detailed loss factors
         * Definition of uncertainty in the predicted energy production
     * Forecasting
       * Overview of the method
       * Example time series power prediction results
       * Example statistical accuracy of forecasts
       * Portfolio effects
       * Conclusions
     * Future developments
   * Wind Turbine Technology
     * The Technical Challenge of a Unique Technology
       * The technical challenge of a unique technology
       * The development of commercial technology
       * Design styles
       * Design drivers for modern technology
       * Architecture of a modern wind turbine
       * Growth of wind turbine size
       * Large commercial wind turbines
     * Technology trends
       * Larger diameters
       * Tip speed trends
       * Pitch versus stall
       * Speed variation
       * Drive train trends
       * Hub height
       * Rotor and nacelle mass
       * Transport and installation
     * Current developments
       * Rotor blade development
       * Alternative drive train configurations
       * Controller capabilities
       * Network operator requirements
       * Testing, standardisation and certification
       * Future innovations
       * Airborne turbines
       * Maglev
     * Wind Turbine Technology
   * Wind farm design
     * Introduction
     * Factors affecting turbine location
       * Optimisation of energy production
       * Visual influence
       * Noise
       * Turbine loads
     * Infrastructure
       * Civil works
       * Electrical works
       * SCADA and instruments
     * Construction issues
     * Costs
     * Commissioning, operation and maintenance
   * Offshore
     * Introduction
     * Wind resource assessment offshore
       * Fundamentals
       * Measurement offshore
       * Wind analysis offshore
       * Energy prediction
     * Wind turbine technology for offshore locations
       * Availability, reliability and access
       * Lightning risk offshore
       * Maintenance strategy - reliability vs maintenance provision
     * Wind farm design offshore
       * Site selection
       * Wind turbine selection
       * Layout
       * Offshore support structures
       * Future trends for offshore wind
       * Electrical system
       * Installation
   * Small Wind Turbines
     * Introduction
     * Markets and applications for small wind turbines
     * Evolution of commercial small wind turbine technology
     * Market development
     * Technology trends and recent developments
     * Technology status
     * Future trends
     * Concluding remConcluding remarks and future R&D needsarks and future R&D
   * Research and Development
     * Introduction
     * Added value of R&D
     * Priority R&D areas in Wind Energy
     * Market deployment strategy
     * R&D funding for wind energy
       * Support at EC level
       * Support for wind R&D at MemberStatelevel
       * Current effort from the private sector
       * Conclusion
   * Grid Integration
   * Setting the scene
     * Wind energy penetration and integration
     * European policy framework relevant for wind power integration
     * Brief outline of the main integration issues
   * Wind power variability...
     * Wind power variability and impacts on power systems
     * Understanding variable output characteristics of wind power: variability
       and predictability
     * Variability versus predictability of wind power production
     * Impacts of wind power on power systems
   * Design and operation...
     * Design and Operation of European Power Systems...
     * Balancing demand, conventional generation and wind power
       * Effect of wind power on scheduling of reserves
       * Additional balancing capacities and balancing costs: overall results...
     * System operation aspects
       * Transmission level
       * Distribution level
       * Wind power cluster management
     * Options for increasing power system flexibility
   * Grid infrastructure upgrade...
     * European transmission and distribution networks
     * Transnational offshore grids
     * Network planning for wind power: benefits of and options for increasing
       transmission capacity
     * Coordinated network planning at European level
   * Grid connection requirements
     * Regulatory and legal background
     * Wind power plant capabilities
     * Grid codes and essential requirements for wind power plants
       * Grid codes and essential requirements for wind power plants
       * Tolerance
       * Reactive power control
       * Active power control
       * Protective devices
       * Power quality
       * Future developments
       * Harmonisation of grid codes
   * Wind power contribution...
     * Wind power contribution to system adequacy
     * Security of supply and system adequacy
     * Capacity credit of wind power
       * Capacity credit is the measure for firm wind power
       * Capacity credit values of wind power
   * Economic aspects
     * Economic aspects: integration costs and benefits
     * Additional balancing and network costs
       * Additional balancing costs
       * Additional network costs
     * Allocating grid infrastructure costs
     * Future system cost developments
     * Wind Power Will Reduce Future European Power Prices
   * Concluding remarks
     * Concluding remarks
   * Economics of wind power
   * Introduction
   * Cost of on-land wind power
     * Cost and investment structures
       * Trends influencing the costs of wind power
     * Operation and maintenance costs of wind generated power
     * The cost of energy generated by wind power
     * Development of the cost of wind-generated power
     * Future evolution of the costs of wind-generated power
   * Offshore developments
     * Development and investment costs of offshore wind power
     * The cost of energy generated by offshore wind power
     * Development of the cost of offshore wind power up to 2015
   * Project Financing
     * Traditional methods
     * Recent developments
   * Prices and support mechanisms
     * Introduction / Types of RES-E support mechanisms
     * Overview of the different RES-E support schemes in EU-27 countries
     * Evaluation of the different RES-E support schemes...
     * Policy recommendations for the design criteria of RES-E support
   * Wind Power at the Spot Market
     * Introduction
     * Power markets
     * The Impact of Wind Power on the Power Market: DK Case
   * Wind power compared to...
   * Employment
     * Employment in the wind energy sector
     * Employment prediction and methodology
   * Industry & markets
   * Introduction
   * Wind in the European power...
     * Renewable energy policies in Europe
     * The EU energy mix
     * Wind in the EU’s energy mix
   * European market overview
     * The current status of the EU wind energy market
     * Tiered growth led by Germany, Spain, UK, Italy, France
     * Growth potential in emerging markets
     * The European offshore market
     * Key elements for wind energy markets in Europe
   * Industry actors...
     * Wind Turbine Manufacturing Trends
       * Product Portfolios Firmly Positioned for Multi-Megawatt Sales
       * Manufacturers Tailor Sales Strategies to Key Customers
       * Supply Chain Key to Delivery
     * Value chain trends
       * Utilities Moving into Prominent Role as Driving Force for Industry
         Scaling Up
       * IPPs Seek Positions in Increasingly Competitive Market
       * Developers Adjust Strategies to Changing Environment
     * Key player positioning
     * Planned future investment
     * Industry scales by project, turbine size
   * Global wind energy markets
     * The status of the global wind energy markets
     * Global markets outside of Europe in 2007
       * North America
         * United States
         * Canada
       * Asia
         * China
         * India
       * Latin America
         * Brazil
         * Mexico
       * Middle East and Africa
         * Egypt
         * Morocco
       * Pacific region
         * Australia
         * New Zealand
       * index
   * Administrative and grid...
     * Barriers and EU action
     * Administrative Barriers
       * Administrative barriers
       * Grid-related barriers
       * Social and Financial Barriers
     * Case studies
       * Poland
       * France
       * Spain
       * Offshore: United Kingdom
   * Introduction
   * Environmental benefits
     * Concept of LCA
     * Impact categories
     * LCA in wind energy
     * Energy Balance analysis
     * Comparative benefits
     * Conclusions
   * Environmental impacts
     * Onshore impacts
     * Offshore Impacts
     * Electromagnetic fields and marine organisms
     * Impacts on benthos and fish
     * Impacts on marine mammals and sea birds
     * Ship collisions, radars and radio signal
   * Policy measures to combat...
     * Kyoto protocol
     * Carbon as a commodity
     * Contribution to Emissions Reductions
     * Wind energy CDM & JI projects
     * The path to a post-2012 regime
   * Externalities and wind...
     * Economic concept of external effects
     * Externalities of different technologies
     * Benefits of Wind Energy under the Consideration of External Cost
     * Calculation of external costs - EcoSense Model
   * Environmental Benefits..
     * Emissions and cost in EU 27 in 2007
     * Avoided emissions and external costs in EU-27 in 2020
     * Avoided external costs in EU-27 in 2030
     * Conclusions
   * Social acceptance of wind...
     * Social research on wind energy onshore
     * Social research on wind energy offshore
     * Conclusions
   * Scenarios and Targets
   * Introduction
   * Scenarios for the EU-27
   * Projecting targets for the EU-27
   * Contribution of wind power...
   * Costs and benefits of wind...
   * Global scenarios
   * The Global Wind Energy...

 * Downloads

 * How to order?

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About Wind Energy - The Facts


Wind Energy - The Facts (WindFacts) was a European project financed by the
Intelligent Energy - Europe programme of the Executive Agency for
Competitiveness and Innovation that ran from November 2007 to October 2009.

The 'Wind Energy – The Facts' publication is widely considered to be the most
important wind energy reference in the world. It presents a detailed overview of
the wind energy sector, with the most up-to-date and in-depth information on the
essential issues concerning wind power today.

This new edition (March 2009) of the ‘Wind Energy - The Facts’ publication
includes chapters on:

 * Technology (Download as PDF 3.5MB)
 * Grid integration (Download as PDF 1.5MB)
 * The economics of wind (Download as PDF 505KB)
 * Industry and markets (Download as PDF 404KB)
 * Environmental issues (Download as PDF 1.7MB)
 * Scenarios and targets (Download as PDF 1.5MB)

These have been prepared by a consortium of leading experts from different
sectors all over Europe.

The second year of the project (2009) was dedicated to the updates on the
website and to the organisation of a dissemination campaign through 5 workshops
in France, Hungary, Latvia, Romania and Sweden.

Wind Energy - The Facts was implemented by a consortium led by the European Wind
Energy Association (EWEA).



Forthcoming editions of the ‘Wind Energy - The Facts’ introduction to wind
energy seminar.
Please visit the EVENTS page for dates and locations.


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