m3ins.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://ethicapharmacyadvisors.com/
Effective URL: https://m3ins.com/pharmacy-solutions/
Submission: On June 21 via api from US — Scanned from DE

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NEW from M3’s Compliance Team: PCORI Fee Update


Pharmacy is one of the biggest concerns for employers who want to maintain a
robust benefits package while containing costs.

Today, your options can feel limited and you might even lack insight into what
your benefit is really offering you and your employees for the money.

M3 does pharmacy differently. 


Pharmacy benefits are complex… and costly. That’s why we brought in a clinical
expert to help you address one of your fastest growing health care spends.

Connie Perry leads M3’s pharmacy solutions team, bringing a new level of
expertise, specialization, and service to M3 clients. Her 20+ years of
experience creating strategies tailored to innovative employers represents a
unique advantage in the marketplace.

Connie Perry

Managing Director of Pharmacy Solutions
Meet Connie


We are driven by a commitment to our clients. Traditional pharmacy offerings
don’t take into account the nuances of each organization, and these
one-size-fits-all plans come up short.

M3’s pharmacy solutions team takes an independent approach to analyzing pharmacy
contracts and proposing custom solutions. We pride ourselves on our ability to
lead the industry toward new concepts and contracts that benefit our clients,
while always remaining transparent on price.



 * Pharmacy Consulting Services to help you understand what is driving your
   pharmacy trend, cost, and utilization and provide insight into strategies
   that can lower the cost of prescription drugs while ensuring access to
   medications for employees
 * Custom RFP Services to provide a boutique experience to employers looking for
   an advocate in the marketplace for vendor selection and negotiations
 * Financial Audits that identify opportunities and validate outcomes

Ready to take a look at your pharmacy benefit?

Contact a member of M3’s pharmacy solutions team

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