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Submission: On January 13 via api from US — Scanned from DE
Submission: On January 13 via api from US — Scanned from DE
Form analysis
2 forms found in the DOM<form action="" role="search" class="ais-SearchBox-form" novalidate=""><input class="ais-SearchBox-input" type="search" placeholder="Search for..." autofocus="true" autocomplete="off" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off" spellcheck="false"
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POST https://www.starburst.io/wp-admin/admin-post.php
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<label for="firstname">First Name<span style="color: red"> *</span>: </label>
<input name="firstname" type="text" id="firstname">
<label for="lastname">Last Name<span style="color: red"> *</span>: </label>
<input name="lastname" type="text" id="lastname">
<label for="email">Business Email <span style="color: red"> *</span>: </label>
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<p class="errorMsg">Please fill in all required fields and ensure you are using a valid email address.</p>
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Confirm My Choices * Products FULLY MANAGED IN THE CLOUD STARBURST GALAXY Learn more SELF-MANAGED ANYWHERE STARBURST ENTERPRISE Learn more WHERE TO DEPLOY * On-Premises * AWS * Azure * Google Cloud * Kubernetes * Red Hat USE CASES * Distributed Data * ELT Data Processing * Data Lakehouse * Embedded Query Engine FEATURES * Feature Overview * Starburst Stargate * Data Products * Smart Indexing and Caching * Performance * Connectors * Security * Management * Support * Customers * Meet our Customers * Customer Experience * Starburst Voyagers * Learn * Resources * Data Fundamentals * Blog * Upcoming Events * Documentation * Starburst Academy * Datanova 2023 * Partners * Partner Listing * Become a Partner * Partner Login * About * Leadership * Newsroom * Careers * Contact Us * Login * Start Free × FULLY MANAGED IN THE CLOUD STARBURST GALAXY SELF-MANAGED ANYWHERE STARBURST ENTERPRISE Products+- WHERE TO DEPLOY * On-Premises * AWS * Azure * Google Cloud * Kubernetes * Red Hat USE CASES * Distributed Data * ELT Data Processing * Data Lakehouse * Embedded Query Engine FEATURES * Feature Overview * Starburst Stargate * Data Products * Smart Indexing and Caching * Performance * Connectors * Security * Management * Support Customers+- * Meet our Customers * Customer Experience * Starburst Voyagers Learn+- * Resources * Data Fundamentals * Blog * Upcoming Events * Documentation * Starburst Academy * Datanova 2023 Partners+- * Partner Listing * Become a Partner * Partner Login About+- * Leadership * Newsroom * Careers * Contact Us Login Start Free THE FASTEST PATH FROM DATA TO INSIGHT THE WAIT IS OVER. BRING ALL OF YOUR DATA TO EVERY CRITICAL DECISION. Get Started VIRTUAL EVENT DATANOVA: JOIN THE DATA REVOLUTION Join us FREE O’REILLY EBOOK DATA MESH: DELIVERING DATA-DRIVEN VALUE AT SCALE Get your free copy Galaxy Tutorial KICKSTART YOUR DATA LAKE ANALYTICS STRATEGY Read now Galaxy Tutorial KICKSTART YOUR DATA LAKE ANALYTICS STRATEGY Read now VIRTUAL EVENT DATANOVA: JOIN THE DATA REVOLUTION Join us FREE O’REILLY EBOOK DATA MESH: DELIVERING DATA-DRIVEN VALUE AT SCALE Get your free copy Galaxy Tutorial KICKSTART YOUR DATA LAKE ANALYTICS STRATEGY Read now VIRTUAL EVENT DATANOVA: JOIN THE DATA REVOLUTION Join us FREE O’REILLY EBOOK DATA MESH: DELIVERING DATA-DRIVEN VALUE AT SCALE Get your free copy Galaxy Tutorial KICKSTART YOUR DATA LAKE ANALYTICS STRATEGY Read now * 1 * 2 * 3 STARBURST DIFFERENCE GIVE YOUR TEAMS THE FREEDOM TO BE CURIOUS We power the fastest path from question to answer SIMPLE DEPLOYMENT ANYWHERE Our SQL query engine can securely access data stored anywhere; across cloud and hybrid environments. CONNECT EVERYTHING Our robust ecosystem of connectors ensures lightning-fast access to most systems. MAKE BETTER DECISIONS, FASTER Our approach makes ETL optional, providing a better path to analyzing distributed data while reducing data complexity, cost & decision-making delays. HOW IT WORKS STARBURST PROVIDES A SINGLE POINT OF ACCESS TO QUERY DATA THAT LIVES IN ANY DATA SYSTEM Starburst gives you the flexibility to run federated interactive and ETL workloads using a single query engine, significantly reducing data movement delays & costs STEP ONE CONNECT Enterprise-grade connectivity to all your data sources, on prem and in the cloud. STEP TWO QUERY Run both ad hoc and batch workloads with our massive parallel processing (MPP) engine, built for analyzing large amounts of distributed data with high concurrency. SELECT company_name, status_rocket, cost, status_mission FROM sample.demo.missions WHERE status_mission = 'Success'; STEP THREE ANALYZE Surface the data via SQL or using your favorite visualization, BI, and data science toolkits. STEP FOUR SHARE Create important views of the data with our data products solution, and securely share insights across teams and departments with built-in access controls. FINANCE MARKETING SALES We estimate that this optimized solution resulted in a reduction of about 40% on that multi-million dollar cost line, which is just huge. Mitchell Posluns Senior Data Scientist, Assurance While other solutions, such as Databricks, were considered, none were as seamless and performant as Starburst. Patrice Linel Senior Manager of Data Science & Data Engineering, Genus To not have to move all their data and reprocess it with another database saves companies a lot of time and upwards of thousands of dollars in engineering resources. Lenley Hensarling Chief Product Officer, Aerospike Starburst gives us the ability to move quickly to support ever-changing use cases within complex enterprise environments. David Schulman Head of Partner Marketing, Domino Data Lab The decision to deploy Starburst Enterprise was made simpler because it has proven to be a reliable, fast, and stable query engine for S3 data lakes. Alberto Miorin Engineering Lead, Zalando 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Fully Managed in the cloud Starburst Galaxy Best-in-class performance at scale for everyone Learn More Self-managed anywhere Starburst Enterprise Enterprise-level support, security, and connectivity Learn More A SINGLE POINT OF ACCESS TO ALL YOUR DATA RESOURCES * Resource Library * Events and Webinars * Documentation * Blog * Open-source Trino QUICK LINKS * Starburst Enterprise * Features * Google Cloud * Azure * AWS GET IN TOUCH * Contact Us * Careers * Customer Support * Trino Community Forum * Partner Login © Starburst Data, Inc. Starburst and Starburst Data are registered trademarks of Starburst Data, Inc. All rights reserved. Presto®, the Presto logo, Delta Lake, and the Delta Lake logo are trademarks of LF Projects, LLC Privacy Policy | Legal Terms | Cookie Notice × FILTER: BLOG RESOURCES PAGES DOCUMENTATION START FREE WITH STARBURST GALAXY Up to $500 in usage credits included * Query your data lake fast with Starburst's best-in-class MPP SQL query engine * Get up and running in less than 5 minutes * Easily deploy clusters in AWS, Azure and Google Cloud FOR MORE DEPLOYMENT OPTIONS: Download Starburst Enterprise First Name *: Last Name *: Business Email *: Yes, I would like to receive marketing communications regarding my Starburst Galaxy trial. I can unsubscribe at a later time. Yes, I would like to receive marketing communications regarding my Starburst Galaxy trial. I can unsubscribe at a later time. Please fill in all required fields and ensure you are using a valid email address. By clicking Create Account, you agree to Starburst Galaxy's terms of service and privacy policy. x