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        <h1 class="page_title">TURKEY &amp; SYRIA DISASTER RESPONSE</h1>
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              <h1>EARTHQUAKE STRIKES</h1>
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                <p>On Monday 6th February at approximately 4:10am local time, a <strong>powerful earthquake</strong> struck in south-eastern Turkey, near the Syrian border, killing an estimated <strong>20,000 people</strong> as they slept, and
                  trapping many others.</p>
                <p>Thousands are expected to be<strong> injured and displaced</strong>, calling out to humanitarian organisations for help.</p>
                <p>The US Geological Survey said this tremor hit <strong>7.8 magnitude</strong> on the scale.</p>
                <p>The situation is extremely dire. People are struggling for medication, blankets, food, water and adequate shelter whilst the death toll is rising by the hour. The <strong>Turkey and Syria Disaster Response</strong> team are working
                  tirelessly on the ground to save as many lives as possible in dozens of areas.</p>
                  <li>$100 – Can feed a family of five for up to one month.</li>
                  <li>$300 – Can feed up to 3 families of 5 for up to one month.</li>
                  <li>$500 – Can provide up to 3 families with an Emergency Aid Pack.</li>
                  <li>$2,000 – Can provide medical aid for up to 1000 people with a hot meal.</li>
                <p><strong>The prophet Muhammad s.a.w said:</strong><br>
                  <em>‘Whosoever removes a worldly grief from a believer, Allah will remove from him one of the griefs of the Day of Judgment.’</em>
                <p>If you’d like to donate towards this appeal, choose from our <b>most popular donation amounts</b><span style="font-weight: 400;"> for this campaign or </span><b>scroll</b><span style="font-weight: 400;"> to the bottom of the page
                    and choose a custom amount. </span></p>
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                <span class="price"> $500 </span>
                <h3>Emergency Relief Fund</h3>
                <p>Provide Emergency Aid to the victims. </p>
                <a href="#donate" class="btn btn-primary  ">Donate</a>
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                <span class="price"> $1,000 </span>
                <h3>Emergency Relief Fund</h3>
                <p>Provide Emergency Aid to the victims. </p>
                <a href="#donate" class="btn btn-primary  ">Donate</a>
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                <span class="price"> $5,000 </span>
                <h3>Emergency Relief Fund</h3>
                <p>Provide Emergency Aid to the victims. </p>
                <a href="#donate" class="btn btn-primary  ">Donate</a>
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              <h2>Yusuf Chambers On The Way to Turkey</h2>
              <p class="large">The situation on the ground right now is devastating in Turkey and Syria. Yusuf Chambers has set off with the One Ummah team to deliver emergency aid. </p>
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                <iframe title="Our Hotel Collapsed in Turkey - Yusuf At The Airport" width="640" height="360"
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                <p>Earthquake Emergency Appeal – The situation is <strong>URGENT</strong> and we need <strong>HELP</strong> right now!</p>
                <p>In Turkey and Syria, an estimated<strong> 20,000</strong> have died whilst <strong>tens of thousands</strong> are now injured. Nearly <strong>5000</strong> buildings were destroyed and<strong> 7840</strong> people were pulled alive
                  from under the rubble.</p>
                <p>Turkey and Syria Disaster Response Charity are <strong>on the ground </strong>providing emergency aid packs, dried food packs, bottled water, hygiene kits and medical aid packs to <strong>thousands of families</strong> who are
                <p class="quote_style"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Allah (swt) in the Qur’an </span><b>“Whoever saves one life, it is as if he has saved the whole of mankind.</b><span style="font-weight: 400;">” [5:32]&nbsp;</span></p>
                <p><strong>Please donate</strong> today to our Earthquake Emergency Appeal so we can deliver this aid in time to the families who have been affected most. <strong>Relieve the distress</strong> of your fellow believers and Allah s.w.t.
                  will relieve your distress on the Day of Judgement.</p>
                <p>Turkey and Syria Disaster Response Team will spend your donations on various items of aid to make sure the needs of the beneficiaries on the ground are covered accordingly. Donating to the Emergency Relief Fund will allow our team
                  to respond to disasters, Wherever and whenever they may occur.</p>
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              <p><span style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>Jazakum Allah Khayr</strong> for visiting this appeals page. Many <strong>millions worldwide</strong> need our help. We can’t help them without your support. <strong>Please donate
                    below</strong> and save lives today.</span></p>
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                <option value="">Select an appeal</option>
                <!-- Title: TURKEY & SYRIA DISASTER RESPONSE; ID: 144857 --><!-- Title: A REAL CRISIS; ID: 80197 --><!-- Title: Yemen Appeal; ID: 290 --><!-- Title: Ramadan 2023 Appeals; ID: 386 --><!-- Title: Pakistan Floods Appeal; ID: 124623 --><!-- Title: Bangladesh floods appeal; ID: 110958 --><!-- Title: Gaza Urgent Appeal; ID: 210 --><!-- Title: Syria Appeal; ID: 17 --><!-- Title: Rohingya Appeal; ID: 214 --><!-- Title: Winter Appeal; ID: 291 --><!-- Title: RAMADAN FOOD PACKS; ID: 289 --><!-- Title: Zakat; ID: 216 --><!-- Title: Sponsor an Orphan; ID: 206 --><!-- Title: Ongoing Sadaqah Fund; ID: 218 --><!-- Title: Water Appeal; ID: 960 --><!-- Title: Masjid Appeal; ID: 966 --><!-- Title: Education Appeal; ID: 359 --><!-- Title: Back 2 Skool Appeal; ID: 1007 --><!-- Title: Other Projects; ID: 856 -->
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                <option value="386_ramadan-food-packs" class="custom custom_amounts" data-fixed_amount="800,400,120,40" data-name_required="" data-type_once="1" data-type_monthly="1"> Ramadan Food Packs </option>
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                <option value="210_1" class="custom" data-fixed_amount="" data-name_required="" data-type_once="1" data-type_monthly="1"> Gaza Emergency Appeal </option>
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                <option value="289_food-packs" class="custom custom_amounts" data-fixed_amount="800,400,120,40" data-name_required="" data-type_once="1" data-type_monthly="1"> Food Packs Appeal </option>
                <option value="216" class="custom" data-fixed_amount="" data-name_required="" data-type_once="1" data-type_monthly="1"> Zakat </option>
                <option value="206_1" class="custom custom_amounts" data-fixed_amount="1080,720,360,9060,30" data-name_required="" data-type_once="1" data-type_monthly="1"> Orphan Sponsorship </option>
                <option value="218_admin" class="custom" data-fixed_amount="" data-name_required="" data-type_once="1" data-type_monthly="1"> Continuous Sadaqah Fund </option>
                <option value="960_hand_pump" class="custom custom_amounts" data-fixed_amount="1000,750,500,250" data-name_required="1" data-type_once="1" data-type_monthly="1"> Sadaqah Jariyah - Hand Pump </option>
                <option value="960_bore_hole" class="custom custom_amounts" data-fixed_amount="3750,2500,1250" data-name_required="1" data-type_once="1" data-type_monthly="1"> Sadaqah Jariyah - Borehole Well </option>
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On Monday 6th February at approximately 4:10am local time, a powerful earthquake
struck in south-eastern Turkey, near the Syrian border, killing an estimated
20,000 people as they slept, and trapping many others.

Thousands are expected to be injured and displaced, calling out to humanitarian
organisations for help.

The US Geological Survey said this tremor hit 7.8 magnitude on the scale.

The situation is extremely dire. People are struggling for medication, blankets,
food, water and adequate shelter whilst the death toll is rising by the hour.
The Turkey and Syria Disaster Response team are working tirelessly on the ground
to save as many lives as possible in dozens of areas.

 * $100 – Can feed a family of five for up to one month.
 * $300 – Can feed up to 3 families of 5 for up to one month.
 * $500 – Can provide up to 3 families with an Emergency Aid Pack.
 * $2,000 – Can provide medical aid for up to 1000 people with a hot meal.

The prophet Muhammad s.a.w said:
‘Whosoever removes a worldly grief from a believer, Allah will remove from him
one of the griefs of the Day of Judgment.’

If you’d like to donate towards this appeal, choose from our most popular
donation amounts for this campaign or scroll to the bottom of the page and
choose a custom amount.



Provide Emergency Aid to the victims.



Provide Emergency Aid to the victims.



Provide Emergency Aid to the victims.



The situation on the ground right now is devastating in Turkey and Syria. Yusuf
Chambers has set off with the One Ummah team to deliver emergency aid.

Earthquake Emergency Appeal – The situation is URGENT and we need HELP right

In Turkey and Syria, an estimated 20,000 have died whilst tens of thousands are
now injured. Nearly 5000 buildings were destroyed and 7840 people were pulled
alive from under the rubble.

Turkey and Syria Disaster Response Charity are on the ground providing emergency
aid packs, dried food packs, bottled water, hygiene kits and medical aid packs
to thousands of families who are suffering.

Allah (swt) in the Qur’an “Whoever saves one life, it is as if he has saved the
whole of mankind.” [5:32] 

Please donate today to our Earthquake Emergency Appeal so we can deliver this
aid in time to the families who have been affected most. Relieve the distress of
your fellow believers and Allah s.w.t. will relieve your distress on the Day of


Turkey and Syria Disaster Response Team will spend your donations on various
items of aid to make sure the needs of the beneficiaries on the ground are
covered accordingly. Donating to the Emergency Relief Fund will allow our team
to respond to disasters, Wherever and whenever they may occur.

Jazakum Allah Khayr for visiting this appeals page. Many millions worldwide need
our help. We can’t help them without your support. Please donate below and save
lives today.


Select an appeal General Sadaqah Emergency Relief Fund Afghanistan Crisis Appeal
Yemen Emergency Appeal Ramadan Food Packs Zakah Iftar Appeal Zakat-ul-Fitr Eid
Gifts Kafara Fidya Pakistan Floods Appeal Bangladesh Floods Response Gaza
Emergency Appeal Syria Emergency Appeal Rohingya Emergency Appeal Winter Appeal
Food Packs Appeal Zakat Orphan Sponsorship Continuous Sadaqah Fund Sadaqah
Jariyah - Hand Pump Sadaqah Jariyah - Borehole Well Sadaqah Jariyah - Water Fund
Sadaqah Jariyah - Masjid Education Appeal Back2Skool Appeal Global Child Fund
Medical Fund Iftar Appeal Fitrana Eid Gifts Homeless Soup Kitchen
Choose an amount $500 $250 $100 $50 $25 Custom
Choose Method Bank Transfer Bitcoin Transfer Etherum Transfer Tether (USDT) USD
Coin (USDC)
Donate Now

Please send us a mail @ info@turkeyandsyriadisasterresponse.com to request for
our donation transfer account.


Email Address

Turkey and Syria Disaster Response
202 Victoria Road


Disclaimer: Please provide a CLEAR REFERENCE
of where you would like your donations to go.
If the reference is unclear, the funds will be
automatically added to Turkey and Syria Disaster Response fund


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If you wish to support our activities, please visit our appeals to see our

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