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Text Content

Hey! I'm David, cofounder of zkSecurity and the author of the Real-World
Cryptography book. I was previously a crypto architect at O(1) Labs (working on
the Mina cryptocurrency), before that I was the security lead for Diem (formerly
Libra) at Novi (Facebook), and a security consultant for the Cryptography
Services of NCC Group. This is my blog about cryptography and security and other
related topics that I find interesting.

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Quick access to articles on this page:

 * - 1 weeks ago - How STARKs work if you don't care about FRI
 * - last month - A journey into zero-knowledge proofs
 * - September 2023 - I talked about ZK security on the first episode of Node
   Guardians season 2!
 * - August 2023 - Mum, I was on the zkpodcast!
 * - August 2023 - First zksecurity public report is out!
 * - July 2023 - The zero-knowledge attack of the year might just have happened,
   or how Nova got broken
 * - June 2023 - What's happening in the round 5 of PlonK?
 * - May 2023 - zksecurity.xyz

more on the next page...


Here's some notes on how STARK works, following my read of the ethSTARK
Documentation (thanks Bobbin for the pointer!).

> Warning: the following explanation should look surprisingly close to PlonK or
> SNARKs in general, to anyone familiar with these other schemes. If you know
> PlonK, maybe you can think of STARKs as turboplonk without preprocessing and
> without copy constraints/permutation. Just turboplonk with a single custom
> gate that updates the next row, also the commitment scheme makes everything
> complicated.


Imagine a table with WW columns representing registers, which can be used as
temporary values in our program/circuit. The table has NN rows, which represent
the temporary values of each of these registers in each "step" of the

For example, a table of 4 registers and 3 steps:

r0 r1 r2 1 0 1 534 2 4 1 235 3 3 4 5


There are two types of constraints which we want to enforce on this execution
trace table to simulate our program:

 * boundary constraints: if I understand correctly this is for initializing the
   inputs of your program in the first rows of the table (e.g. the second
   register must be set to 1 initially) as well as the outputs (e.g. the
   registers in the last two rows must contain 33, 44, and 55).
 * state transitions: these are constraints that apply to ALL contiguous pairs
   of rows (e.g. the first two registers added together in a row equal the value
   of the third register in the next row). The particularity of STARKs (and what
   makes them "scallable" and fast in practice) is that the same constraint is
   applied repeatidly. This is also why people like to use STARKs to implement
   zkVMs, as VMs do the same thing over and over.

This way of encoding a circuit as constraints is called AIR (for Algebraic
Intermediate Representation).


Let's see an example of how a STARK could work as a naive interactive protocol
between a prover and verifier:

 1. the prover constructs the execution trace table and sends it to the verifier
 2. the verifier checks the constraints on the execution trace table by

This protocol works if we don't care about zero-knowledge, but it is obviously
not very efficient: the prover sends a huge table to the verifier, and the
verifier has to check that the table makes sense (vis a vis of the constraints)
by checking every rows involved in the boundary constraints, and checking every
contiguous pair of rows involved in the state transition constraints.


Let's try to improve on the previous protocol by using polynomials. This step
will not immediately improve anything, but will set the stage for the step
afterwards. Before we talk about the change to the protocol let's see two
different observations:

First, let's note that one can encode a list of values as a polynomial by
applying a low-degree extension (LDE). That is, if your list of values look like
this: (y0,y1,y2,⋯)(y0,y1,y2,⋯), then interpolate these values into a polynomial
ff such that f(0)=y0,f(1)=y1,f(2)=y2,⋯f(0)=y0,f(1)=y1,f(2)=y2,⋯

Usually, as we're acting in a field, a subgroup of large-enough size is chosen
in place of 0,1,20,1,2 as domain. You can read why's that here. (This domain is
called the "trace evaluation domain" by ethSTARK.)

Second, let's see how to represent a constraint like "the first two registers
added together in a row equal the value of the third register in the next row"
as a polynomial. If the three registers in our examples are encoded as the
polynomials f1,f2,f3f1,f2,f3 then we need a way to encode "the next row". If our
domain is simply (0,1,2,⋯)(0,1,2,⋯) then the next row for a polynomial
f1(x)f1(x) is simply f1(x+1)f1(x+1). Similarly, if we're using a subgroup
generated by gg as domain, we can write the next row as f1(x⋅g)f1(x⋅g). So the
previous example constraint can be written as the constraint polynomial

If a constraint polynomial c0(x)c0(x) is correctly satisfied by a given
execution trace, then it should be zero on the entire domain (for state
transition constraints) or on some values of the domain (for boundary
constraints). This means we can write it as
c0(x)=t(x)⋅∑i(x−gi)c0(x)=t(x)⋅∑i(x−gi) for some "quotient" polynomial tt and the
evaluation points gigi (that encode the rows) where the constraint should apply.
(In other words, you can factor c0c0 using its roots gigi.)

> Note: for STARKs to be efficient, you shouldn't have too many roots. Hence why
> boundary constraints should be limited to a few rows. But how does it work for
> state transition constraints that need to be applied to all the rows? The
> answer is that since we are in a subgroup there's a very efficient way to
> compute ∑i(x−gi)∑i(x−gi). You can read more about that in Efficient
> computation of the vanishing polynomial of the Mina book.

At this point, you should understand that a prover that wants to convince you
that a constraint c1c1 applies to an execution trace table can do so by showing
you that tt exists. The prover can do so by sending the verifier the tt
polynomial and the verifier computes c1c1 from the register polynomials and
verifies that it is indeed equal to tt multiplied by the ∑i(x−gi)∑i(x−gi). This
is what is done both in Plonk and in STARK.

> Note: if a constraint doesn't satisfy the execution trace, then you won't be
> able to factor it with ∑i(x−gi)∑i(x−gi) as not all of the gigi will be roots.
> For this reason you'll get something like
> c1(x)=t(x)⋅∑i(x−gi)+r(x)c1(x)=t(x)⋅∑i(x−gi)+r(x) for rr some "rest"
> polynomial. TODO: at this point can we still get a tt but it will have a high
> degree? If not then why do we have to do a low-degree test later?

Now let's see our modification to the previous protocol:

 1. Instead of sending the execution trace table, the prover encodes each column
    of the execution trace table (of height NN) as polynomials, and sends the
    polynomials to the verifier.
 2. The prover then creates the constraint polynomials c0,c1,⋯c0,c1,⋯ (as
    described above) for each constraint involved in the AIR.
 3. The prover then computes the associated quotient polynomials t0,t1,⋯t0,t1,⋯
    (as described above) and sends them to the verifier. Note that the ethSTARK
    paper call these quotient polynomials the constraint polynomials (sorry for
    the confusion).
 4. The verifier now has to check two things:
    * low-degree check: that these quotient polynomials are indeed low-degree.
      This is easy as we're doing everything in the clear for now (TODO: why do
      we need to check that though?)
    * correctness check: that these quotient polynomials were correctly
      constructed. For example, the verifier can check that for t0t0 by
      computing c0c0 themselves using the execution trace polynomials and then
      checking that it equals t0⋅(x−1)t0⋅(x−1). That is, assuming that the first
      constraint c0c0 only apply to the first row g0=1g0=1.


The verifier doesn't actually have to compute and compare large polynomials in
the correctness check. Using the Schwartz-Zippel lemma one can check that two
polynomials are equal by evaluating both of them at a random value and checking
that the evaluations match. This is because Schwartz-Zippel tells us that two
polynomials that are equal will be equal on all their evaluations, but if they
differ they will differ on most of their evaluations.

So the previous protocol can be modified to:

 1. The prover sends the columns of the execution trace as polynomials
    f0,f1,⋯f0,f1,⋯ to the verifier.
 2. The prover produces the quotient polynomials t0,t1,⋯t0,t1,⋯ and sends them
    to the verifier.
 3. The verifier produces a random evaluation point zz.
 4. The verifier checks that each quotient polynomial has been computed
    correctly. For example, for the first constraint, they evaluate c0c0 at zz,
    then evaluate t0(z)⋅(z−1)t0(z)⋅(z−1), then check that both evaluations


As the title indicates, we eventually want to use commitments in our scheme so
that we can add zero-knowledge (by hiding the polynomials we're sending) and
reduce the proof size (our commitments will be much smaller than what they

The commitments used in STARKs are merkle trees, where the leaves contain
evaluations of a polynomial. Unlike the commitments used in SNARKs (like IPA and
KZG), merkle trees don't have an algebraic structure and thus are quite limited
in what they allow us to do. Most of the complexity in STARKs come from the
commitments. In this section we will not open that pandora box, and assume that
the commitments we're using are normal polynomial commitment schemes which allow
us to not only commit to polynomials, but also evaluate them and provide proofs
that the evaluations are correct.

Now our protocol looks like this:

 1. The prover commits to the execution trace columns polynomials, then sends
    the commitments to the verifier.
 2. The prover commits to the quotient polynomials, the sends them to the
 3. The verifier sends a random value zz.
 4. The prover evaluates the execution trace column polynomials at zz and z⋅gz⋅g
    (remember the verifier might want to evaluate a constraint that looks like
    this c0(x)=f1(x)+f2(x)−f3(x⋅g)c0(x)=f1(x)+f2(x)−f3(x⋅g) as it also uses the
    next row) and sends the evaluations to the verifier.
 5. The prover evaluates the quotient polynomials at zz and sends the
    evaluations to the verifier (these evaluations are called "masks" in the
 6. For each evaluation, the prover also sends evaluation proofs.
 7. The verifier verifies all evaluation proofs.
 8. The verifier then checks that each constraint is satisfied, by checking the
    t=c⋅∑i(x−gi)t=c⋅∑i(x−gi) equation in the clear (using the evaluations
    provided by the prover).


If you've been reading STARK papers you're probably wondering where the heck is
the composition polynomial. That final polynomial is simply a way to aggregate a
number of checks in order to optimize the protocol.

The idea is that instead of checking a property on a list of polynomial, you can
check that property on a random linear combination. For example, instead of
checking that f1(z)=3f1(z)=3 and f2(z)=4f2(z)=4, and f3(z)=8f3(z)=8, you can
check that for random values r1,r2,r3r1,r2,r3 you have:


Often we avoid generating multiple random values and instead use powers of a
single random value, which is a tiny bit less secure but much more practical for
a number of reasons I won't touch here. So things often look like this instead,
with a random value rr:


Now our protocol should look like this:

 1. The prover commits to the execution trace columns polynomials, then sends
    the commitments to the verifier.
 2. The verifier sends a random value rr.
 3. The prover produces a random linear combination of the constraint
 4. The prover produces the quotient polynomial for that random linear
    combination, which ethSTARK calls the composition polynomial.
 5. The prover commits to the composition polynomial, then sends them to the
 6. The protocol continues pretty much like the previous one

> Note: in the ethSTARK paper they note that the composition polynomial is
> likely of higher degree than the polynomials encoding the execution trace
> columns. (The degree of the composition polynomial is equal to the degree of
> the highest-degree constraint.) For this reason, there's some further
> optimization that split the composition polynomial into several polynomials,
> but we will avoid talking about it here.

We now have a protocol that looks somewhat clean, which seems contradictory with
the level of complexity introduced by the various papers. Let's fix that in the
next blogpost on FRI...

comment on this story


My journey into zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs) began in university, with me
slouching in an amphitheater chair attending a cryptography course.
"Zero-knowledge proofs", said the professor, "allow a prover to convince a
verifier that they know something without revealing the something". Intriguing,
I thought. At the end of the course I had learned that you could prove simple
statements, like the knowledge of the discrete logarithm of a field element
(e.g. that you know xx in y=gxmodpy=gxmodp for some gg and prime pp) or of an
isomorphism between two graphs. Things like that.

The protocols we learned about were often referred to as "sigma protocols" due
to the Σ-like shape the interaction between the prover and the verifier looked
like. The statements proven were quite limited and simple and I remember
thinking "this is interesting but where is this used?"

It took me some time to realize that the cryptographic signature schemes used
all over the place were actually zero-knowledge proofs. Non-interactive
zero-knowledge proofs specifically. As in, no back-and-forth had to happen
between a prover and a verifier. The prover could instead create the proof by
themselves, publish it, and then anyone could act as a verifier and verify it. I
wrote about this first discovery of mine in 2014 here.

Anyone familiar with these ZK proofs would tell you that the non-interactivity
is usually achieved using a transformation called "Fiat-Shamir", where the
messages of the verifier are replaced by hashing any messages sent previously.
If the hash function acts random enough, it seems to work. Although, this
technique can only be applied when the verifier messages are not structured, and
are just random values. Sigma protocols that have verifiers who only send random
values as part of the protocol are referred to as "public-coin".


In 2015 I moved to Chicago and joined NCC Group as the first intern in a new
team called Crypto Services. It was a small team of cryptographers led by the
fantastic Tom Ritter, and we mostly focused on auditing cryptographic
applications. From TLS/SSL to secure messaging, we did it all. These were
transformative years for me, as I got a crash course in applied cryptography,
and got to work with truly amazing people (like the Thomas Pornin!)

At some point cryptocurrencies started booming and we switched to auditing
cryptocurrencies almost exclusively. The second time I encountered
zero-knowledge proofs was during an audit of ZCash, a fork of Bitcoin that used
ZKPs to hide who sent how much to who. This was mind-blowing to me, as the
statements proven were not "simple" anymore. What was proven was actual program

This new kind of "general-purpose" zero-knowledge proofs seemed like a game
changer to me. It took me some time to understand the interface behind these
ZKPs, but let me try to give you the gist using sudokus. I believe that if you
understand this simple example, you can then understand any type of application
that makes use of ZKPs by abstracting the zero-knowledge proofs as black boxes.

In this scenario, Alice has a sudoku grid and Bob has a solution. Also, they
both have access to some Python program on Github that they can use to verify
that the solution solves Alice's grid.

Bob could send the solution to Alice, and she could then run that program, but
Bob does not want to share his solution. So Bob runs the program himself and
tells Alice "I ran it with your grid and my solution as inputs, and it output
true". Is this enough to convince Alice?

Of course not! Why would Alice trust that Bob actually ran the software? For all
she knows he could have done nothing, and just lied to her. This is what
general-purpose zero-knowledge proofs solve: they allow Bob to create a proof of
correct execution given some public inputs (Alice's grid) and some private
inputs (Bob's solution).

More specifically, both of them can take the "verify solution" program and
compile it to two asymmetric parts: a prover index and a verifier index (also
called prover key and verifier key, although they're not really keys). Bob can
then use a proving algorithm with the correct arguments to produce a proof, and
Alice can use another algorithm (a verifier algorithm) to verify that proof. To
do that she of course needs to use the verifier index (which is basically a
short description of the program) as well as pass the sudoku grid as public
input (otherwise who knows what sudoku grid Bob used to create the execution

Python programs are of course not really something that we can prove using math,
and so you'll have to believe me when I say that we can translate all sorts of
logic using just the multiplication and addition gates. Using just these, we
form arithmetic circuits.

I'll give you some examples that come up all the time in circuits people write:

 * here's how you constraint some value to be a bit: x(x−1)=0x(x−1)=0
 * here's how you unpack a value into bits: x=x0+x1⋅2+x2⋅4+⋯x=x0+x1⋅2+x2⋅4+⋯
 * here's how you do an XOR between two bits (this one is cute):
 * here's how you do an if else condition to encode something like r = if cond {
   a } else { b }: r=cond⋅a+(cond−1)br=cond⋅a+(cond−1)b.

And so, you can imagine that what people end up proving are lists of such
equations where the variables are "wired" between different equations (for
example, an XOR would use variables that are also constrained to be bits).

To prove that a list of equations is correct given some values, you would then
record all of the values used to fill the equations during execution (an
execution trace if you will) and apply some math magic on it.

That's all I'll say about that but you can check my series of videos on plonk (a
proof system) to learn more about that part.


But let's go back to the project I was looking at at the time. Zcash used a
proof system called Groth16. Groth16 was, as the name indicates, created in 2016
by a Mr. Groth. 2016, in the world of zero-knowledge proofs, sounds like
centuries ago. Things go really fast and new schemes and breakthroughs are
published every year. Yet, one can say that Groth16 is still competitive today
as it remains the proving scheme with some of the smallest proofs (hundreds of
bytes). In addition it is still used all over the place. Most ZK apps that I've
seen being built, or that have been built, on top of Ethereum are using Groth16.

The reason might be that some of the tooling available has dominated the space:
Circom and snarkjs. Circom allows you to write circuits in a format Groth16 can
understand, and snarkjs allows you to prove and verify these on your laptop, as
well as verify proofs on Ethereum (via a verifier implemented in Solidity).

In the following screenshot you can see what Circom code looks like on the left,
and how the code is converted down to equations (called constraints) on the
right. This is obtained via circomscribe. Take some time to understand what the
code does, and how the compiled constraints end up enforcing the same logic.

You might have noticed that none of the equations/constraints have a higher
degree than 2. This is a limitation of the arithmetization that Groth16
supports, which is called R1CS. The term arithmetization here is used as to
refer to the format that your constraints or equations have to be in for them to
be provable by the proof system. This is important as not all proof systems
enforce the same "encoding" for your circuit, some allow more complex equations
to be packed, while others force you to break down your equations into smaller
ones (which increases the list of equations, and thus is more expensive).

Briefly, the way R1CS works is that each equation/constraint has the ability to
perform the multiplication of two linear combinations of any of your witness
values (the values in the execution trace) and enforce that the result is equal
to another linear combination. If that doesn't make sense think of it this way,
what you do in R1CS is to encode your circuits as a number of variables aiai,
bibi, and cici such that if your execution trace is the vector of values
→w=(w0,w1,⋯)w→=(w0,w1,⋯) then each of your constraints will look like this:


Imagine that we wanted to constrain that w1w1 is a bit (it's equal to 0 or 1),
then we'd try to hardcode a new set of values ai,bi,ciai,bi,ci such that we get

We could set ai=bi=ci=0ai=bi=ci=0 except for: a1=1a1=1 and b1=1b1=1 which would
get us to (1⋅w1)(1⋅w1)=0(1⋅w1)(1⋅w1)=0 which is close but not exactly what we
want. How do we get the −1−1 in there?

The solution to encode constants in your circuit is to require that one of the
witness values is fixed to a known value. This is done via the proof system (and
not by R1CS itself), and usually we set w0=1w0=1. This way by setting b0=−1b0=−1
we get what we want. Right?

> Note: additionally, we usually enforce the following witness values
> w1,w2,⋯w1,w2,⋯ to contain the public input values, and then everything after
> that are private variables that will be used to store the prover's execution
> trace.

Now, let me say one last thing about Groth16 before moving on. The scheme sort
of sucks massively in other ways, because it requires a trusted setup. I've
explained what trusted setups are here, but I'll briefly repeat it here: Alice,
Bob, or whoever wants to use Groth16 has to generate a set of parameters first.
This generation of parameters is unfortunately dangerous, as the person who
performs it will be in possession of some values that will let them forge
proofs. So-called toxic waste.

We're not crazy, so the way we deal with this is to have someone we trust run
the generation of parameters and then destroy the toxic waste they produced
during that. This explains the "trusted" part in "trusted setup". Relying on the
goodness of a single person is usually not enough to convince people, and so the
trusted setup is normally ran by many people in a multi-party computation kind
of protocol (called a ceremony). This ensures that as long as one person is
honest, the whole thing is secure.

This doesn't always work out. In 2018, Ariel, an employee of Zcash, found a bad
bug. Turns out Zcash's ceremony had been run incorrectly and people could have
minted money out of thin air. The fix (and a subsequent new ceremony) took a
year to land.

What doubly sucks with Groth16 is that you need such a ceremony per-circuit.
Every change you want to make to your circuit, or every new circuit you want to
prove, will require you to go through that painful ceremony thing again. On top
of that, I would say that the tooling to do such ceremonies is in quite an
experimental shape.


In 2018, while still working at NCC Group, Ava brought me to the announcement
party of the Coda protocol blockchain. There I learned that this project used
zero-knowledge proofs in a novel way: they recursed them! Using proofs to prove
other proofs, ad-infinitum.

After the meetup I went on their webpage that at the time hosted a demo that
looked like that:

Zero-knowledge proofs managed to blew my mind once more. Unfortunately the demo
doesn't exist anymore, but if you could experience it today you would have see
that: a webpage taking seconds to synchronize to a testnet's latest state (with
some cool animations) and then proceeding to verify each new block being added
on top of the latest one, live.

At the time this was something I had never seen. Bitcoin or Ethereum were
cryptocurrencies that got longer and longer with time. And if you wanted to
synchronize your client to their network, you'd have to wait for it to verify
the chain block by block, which could take days or even weeks (and perhaps
months today). Coda's demo would do that in mere seconds.

ZKPs gave the whole "trust but verify" a whole new meaning.

Each new block would carry a proof, which would prove the correct validation of
the entire block and its transactions, and the correct application of the
transactions to the previous state resulting in the latest state. On top of that
the proof contained a proof that the previous proof was correct. And the
previous proof contained a proof that the previous block was correct, along with
the previous previous proof. And on and on. You get the idea.

Back then I couldn't believe what I had seen. It seemed too magical, too good to
be true. Later I learned how recursive proofs worked and some of the magic
dissipated. Intuitively, you can think of it like this: if these zero-knowledge
proofs allow you to prove any sort of programs, then why not prove a verifier?
The proof verifier is just some software, like any other software, and so its
execution can be proved as well!

This novel idea brought some new use cases with it: you could now prove
long-running computations. Year-long computations if you wanted. It also brought
some novel problems with it that are worth mentioning: recursion is expensive.
The reason is that in general, while verifying is cheap (in the order of
milliseconds), proving is expensive (in the order of seconds). And so, if
recursing meant creating a proof at each step, it meant paying some heavy cost
at each step.

In 2019, Sean from Zcash ended up coming up with some techniques called Halo to
defer some of that cost to the very end. More recently, a new technique called
folding was independently proposed by Srinath (via his scheme Nova) and Benedikt
and Binyi (via their scheme Protostar) which allows recursion to completely
bypass the expensive computation of a proof at every step. Folding allows us to
directly recurse on the execution trace. I call it pre-proof recursion. Of
course, folding comes with its different set of challenges and limitations but
this is for another article.


In 2018 I decided to move from the service industry to work on a product: Libra
(later renamed Diem). I served as the security lead there for two years, in
which I ended up writing a book: Real-World Cryptography. This was the
culmination of two years of work, and you can read more about why I decided to
write yet another cryptography book here. The book contains a chapter on
zero-knowledge proofs (and MPC and FHE), as well as a chapter on
cryptocurrencies which I believe makes it the first (and perhaps still the only)
book with a chapter on cryptocurrencies. Believe it or not.

If you're enjoying my writing thus far, and you don't have a copy yet, you
should buy the book and leave me a good review on Amazon. Obviously!

Not much happened ZK-wise in my life during my time at Facebook. The only thing
I can remember was learning about Celo's Plumo protocol and pushing for similar
ideas internally. The idea behind Plumo was similar to Coda protocol, but
instead of using recursive zero-knowledge proofs to prove the whole blockchain,
it relied on the consensus protocol of the Celo blockchain to do most of the
work. Left to the zero-knowledge proof was to verify a number of signatures.
Sometimes a number of signatures so large that Plumo used a very big proof as
well as beefy computers in the cloud to compute it.

> it is possible create proofs that span half a year worth of epochs for 100
> validators in about 2 hours. We evaluated the performance of our verifier on a
> Motorola Moto G (2nd Gen), a 2014 mobile phone with 1GB RAM and a Quad-core
> 1.2 GHz Cortex-A7 processor. We used an unoptimized implementation, directly
> cross-compiled from [GS19]. The results show it is possible to verify such a
> proof in about 6 seconds.

I'm not sure why the proof takes so long to verify, but the proving time says a
lot about the performance of zero-knowledge proofs in 2020. Since then, a LOT
has happened (including folding) and it is probable that the proving time is
much more reasonable now.


Unlike AI, which has opened the way to so many applications, it is always hard
for me to think of interesting applications for zero-knowledge proofs. My
current mental model is the following: the privacy features of ZKPs (provided by
the "ZK") seem to mostly be useful when they impact end-users directly. Privacy
has been very useful in cryptocurrencies, where everything is public by design,
and the word public mixed with money leads to obvious issues. But outside of
cryptocurrencies, I have a hard time seeing a large adoption of ZK thanks to its
privacy features.

People don't care about privacy. Users want something that's fast and that has a
good user experience. If they have to choose between two applications where one
is a better experience, but the other provides privacy, they will choose the one
with a better experience over the privacy-enhanced one. I've seen this happen
again and again (encrypted emails, encrypted messages, cryptographic algorithms,

People also generally don't care about the "verifiable computation" aspect.
Every day we agree to trust many establishments and other human beings. This is
how society works, and nothing would work without this kind of network of trust.
As such, the high-degree of assurance that ZKPs provide are often unnecessary,
and if more trust is needed signatures are often enough.

Between machines though? When no users are involved, the compression and
verifiable computation aspects of zero-knowledge proofs are totally a game
changer, and I believe that these are going to be the two aspects of ZKPs that
are going to impact the non-blockchain world.

I said that signing is often enough, and ZKPs are overkill in a number of
scenarios, but verifying signatures in a ZKP is something that actually leads to
interesting and useful applications. Both Coda protocol and Plumo did exactly
this (verifying consensus and transaction signatures for nodes/light clients).
More recently, Sui came out with zkLogin which allows you to prove that a
platform (e.g. Google) signed over your username/mail without leaking that
information, and Aayush and Sampriti came up with zkEmail which allows you to
verify that your email provider signed on the fact that you received some email
without leaking the content or your email.


At some point in 2021, the writing was on the wall that Libra was not going to
launch. I was still thinking about ZK a lot, and also about the lack of progress
I had made in this field. I decided to join the project that had blown my mind a
few years prior: Coda Protocol. Their name was now Mina protocol (apparently
they had been sued into changing name). I ended up joining and working there for
two years on their proof system as a cryptography architect.

The proof system was called Kimchi, which was a variant of PlonK. PlonK had been
released in 2019, and had been a game changer in the field, introducing an
efficient universal scheme which got rid of Groth16's ugly per-circuit trusted
setup. Now a single trusted setup was enough to last for a lifetime of circuits
(as long as the circuits didn't reach some upper bound size).

PlonK also brought a different arithmetization, moving us from R1CS to something
more flexible (that people often refer to as the "plonkish arithmetization"). No
more quadratic constraints, now you could come up with higher degree equations
for your constraints as long as they were limited to act on a small part of the
execution trace (if that doesn't make sense don't worry). The R1CS tooling was
lost though, and PlonK implementations were often incompatible with one another.

Around the same time, Marlin, a universal scheme for R1CS was also released.
PlonK won the popular contest though, and a long line of papers started forming
around the construction: turboplonk, plookup & ultraplonk, fflonk, shlonk,
hyperplonk, honk, etc.


I wouldn't do the space justice without mentioning transparent schemes.
Transparent schemes are proof systems that completely bypass the trusted setup:
you can generate the parameters to use them without having to do a ceremony! (In
other words, Alice, Bob, and anyone can generate them by themselves.)

So-called STARKs (where the T is for transparent) formed a bubble at the same
time as the Plonk and Groth16 bubble. These schemes had much faster provers at
the cost of larger proofs. If Groth16 had proofs of hundreds of bytes, STARKs
looked like hundreds of kilobytes. In addition, due to their use of hash
functions they boasted resistance against hypothetical quantum-computers. More
seriously they have been criticized for using lower security parameters compared
to other schemes.

Another notable line of work of transparent ZKP based on the discrete logarithm
problem are inner product arguments (IPAs). Most people know the bulletproof
scheme for its use in the Monero cryptocurrency. Unlike other schemes, IPAs have
slower verifiers (although still in the order of ms), which can be an issue in
practice, but unlike STARKs can still claim to have small proofs.

Interestingly, people have mixed PlonK with the two previously discussed
schemes. Plonky mixes PlonK with STARKs, and Zcash's Halo 2 mixes PlonK with
IPAs (which is what we used at Mina).


During my time at Mina, most of the company was focused on shipping
zero-knowledge smart contracts (or zkapps). The idea was pretty simple: smart
contracts in Ethereum (and similar cryptocurrencies) were inefficient in parts
due to everyone having to re-execute transactions over and over.

This was the perfect problem to solve for zero-knowledge proofs as one could
just execute a smart contract once and then provide an execution proof for
others to verify. Avoiding the cost of recomputing the same thing over and over.

One issue when smart contracts are executed locally, on people's laptops, is
that they might prove conflicting state transitions. Imagine that someone's
transaction takes a smart contract from state A to state B, and someone else's
transaction takes the same smart contract from state A to state C, then
whoever's transaction gets in first will invalidate the other one. The two
transactions are racing.

The problem is that each execution proof has the precondition that the state
must be A for it to be valid. In practice this means that the network verifies
the proof using the state as public input, and so if the state is no longer "A"
then the proof won't verify.

Preconditions can be more relaxed than "this public input MUST be equal to this
specific value for the proof to be valid". You can, for example, enforce that
the a public input has to be higher than some value, or something like that. But
this relaxation also limits the number of applications one can build.

To solve this problem of resource contention, Mina separates the logic of smart
contracts into two parts: a private part that doesn't lead to conflicts (and is
thus highly parallelizable), and an optional final intent. Final intents are
ordered by the network (consensus specifically) and queued up for some time.
Other parts of the smart contract can then be used to process that queue. That
"post-ordering" execution is lagging behind, and who performs it is a choice of
the application.

Aleo, another cryptocurrency similar to Mina, has a similar approach except that
their final intent is an actual logic that is executed by the network. The
network does that right after processing the transaction (and verifying its
ZKP). While both solutions have the network order transactions, Aleo decides to
provide a smoother developer experience (at a cost for the network) by taking
the burden of executing the final intent in the same fashion Ethereum does.

> Note: another worthy contender is Starknet, who decides to bypass this issue
> by not allowing users to create the proofs at all, and by letting the network
> sequentially create proofs after some ordering/sequencing of the transactions.
> The whole purpose of Starknet is to create proofs of execution that Ethereum
> can verify (making Starknet a "zkrollup", the best kind of "layer 2").

Another issue to solve, if one wants to emulate Ethereum-style smart contracts,
is to support contracts calling other contracts. Both projects do this by having
each nested call be its own proof, and by having the verifier (the network) glue
the calls (but really the proofs) together.

More specifically, one can imagine that at the moment of calling another smart
contract's function, a circuit can simply advertise (we also say "witness
publicly") what arguments it is using to call the function with, and then
advertise the resulting value of the call. It is up to the verifier to verify
that the call was correctly encoded by plugging the input and output values as
public inputs in the verification of both the caller and callee circuits.


There's something I've sort of shied away from talking about so far: writing
circuits. If proof systems can be thought of as backends, then circuit writing
is the frontend.

Mina's solution is to provide a library in Typescript (called o1js). That's the
"embedded-DSL (Domain Specific Language)" approach. With such a library people
can keep using their favorite language, at the cost of writing code that might
not produce constraints (and thus produce vulnerabilities). Here's what a Mina
zkapp looks like written with o1js:

Several projects have followed this approach. For example, there's arkworks-r1cs
for writing R1CS circuits in Rust, and there's gnark for writing circuits in

Another approach is to invent a new programming language. That's the approach
taken by Circom which I've mentioned before. More recently Noir (by Aztec
Network) and Leo (by Aleo) were introduced as Rust-like languages. Interestingly
Aleo also has a VM that can be compiled into a circuit (so a more
low-level-looking language in some way).

Finally, there's the approach of letting developers use their favorite language
without having to write code in a specific "circuit way". By that I mean that we
can compile the Rust/Golang/C/etc. code they write into a circuit directly. This
is the approach of zkLLVM which supports any language that uses the LLVM
toolchain/compiler, and translates the LLVM intermediate representation (IR)
directly into a circuit.

But wait, I lied, I'm actually not done. There's another completely different
proposition: zkVMs. If the previous approach was about "encoding your logic into
a circuit", the zkVM approach is about "encoding a Virtual Machine into a

A VM is essentially just a loop, that at every iteration loads the next
instruction and executes it. This is logic in itself that can be converted in a
circuit, which would load another program and run it to its course. This is the
idea behind the concept of zkVM. It is a very attractive idea because it removes
a number of bugs that only happen when you're writing circuits directly (as long
as the VM circuit itself doesn't have bugs of course). It also makes loops,
branching, etc. much more efficient.

In zkVM-land, there's two branches of philosophy: targeting existing VMs and
inventing your own VM.

For example, Risc0 and Jolt both target the RiscV VM. There's also been some
ZKWASM projects (like this one). In crypto-land, there are dozens of zkEVMs
which all attempt to target the Ethereum VM.

Why would anyone invent new VMs? The idea is that the other VMs I've mentioned
are not optimized for being encoded as circuits. And so there's been a line of
work to invent optimal zkVMs. For example, there was Cairo (which has an amazing
whitepaper) and Miden (which has amazing doc), and more recently Valida
(productionized by Lita).


I recently quit my job to launch zkSecurity with two of my ex-coworkers Gregor
and Brandon. The idea being that zero-knowledge proofs are going to change the
world, and I'll be the first to move into the security for ZK space (hence the
great choice of name).

We've been booked non-stop, and have released some interesting blogposts,
interesting tools, as well as some interesting public reports. Check it out!

We're also helping organize Zprize, the largest competition in ZK. The idea of
ZPrize is to accelerate what is today a technology that's practical for
applications that remain relatively simple, but that could be practical for a
much larger number of applications if the technology were to gain some
efficiency boost.

ZKPs are not FHEs (in that they're practical today), but they still have a
number of speed issues to overcome. Mostly, not all operations are practical to
encode in circuits. Circuits are encoded over a field (think numbers modulo a
large prime number), and don't play nice with anything that requires a lot of
bitwise operations (impacting basically all of symmetric cryptography) or bigint
arithmetic (impacting basically all of asymmetric cryptography). This means that
in general, simple things like doing XORs and checking if values are within a
certain range easily blow up the size of our circuits. This leads to provers
being slow and using a lot of memory.

There's been three ways to tackle these issues:

 1. screw it, we'll run things on beefy machines in the cloud
 2. let's figure out how to accelerate these operations in order to reduce the
    circuit size
 3. screw it, let's break up a circuit into multiple smaller circuits

The first solution works somewhat well for machine-to-machine applications that
provide mostly compression of computation. For privacy applications targeting
end-users? It's often more tricky as users don't want to share their private
inputs to some untrusted machine in the cloud. For this, there's been some
interesting lines of work that decentralize the prover using multi-party
computation protocols, so that delegating a proof doesn't mean losing privacy.
The latest work that I know of is zkSAAS from Sanjam.

Still, finding better proof systems and accelerating awkward operations has been
one of the most successful ways to solve the efficiency problem. The major
breakthrough was to use lookups. For example, integrating an XOR table to your
proof system so that you can quickly get the XOR of 4-bit variables, or
integrating a table with all the numbers from 0 to 212212 to allow you to
quickly check if a number is within a certain range. Ariel was the first one to
introduce a lookup scheme (called plookup) in 2020, which was followed by a
stream of improvements, up to the more recent Lasso which basically claims that
lookups are so efficient that we can now implement a zkVM using lookups only
(isn't that crazy?)

Finally, breaking a circuit into smaller circuits is something I've already
almost mentioned (but you might have missed that): using recursion and/or
folding one can break a circuit into smaller circuits! Nova Scotia does exactly
that by upgrading Circom to use the Nova folding scheme.


There's so much more I could say, but I've now reached 5,000 words and it's
getting late. I hope you appreciated the wall of text, and if you have your own
ZK journey I encourage you to write about it as well :)

1 comment


I was invited by Sam to talk about diverse things, including ZK security. Check
the episode here:

comment on this story


That's it, I made it, I can finally retire now.


> This week, Anna and Guillermo chat with David Wong, author of the Real-World
> Cryptography book, and a cofounder zksecurity.xyz – an auditing firm focused
> on Zero Knowledge technology.

> They chat about what first got him interested in cryptography, his early work
> as a security consultant, his work on the Facebook crypto project and the Mina
> project, zksecurity.xyz, auditing techniques and their efficacy in a ZK
> context, what common bugs are found in ZK code, and much more.

comment on this story


My first public report (since I left NCC Group) is out. It was work I did for
zksecurity, auditing the Penumbra circuits. You can read it here:

It should be quite interesting to read as we found double spending and double
voting issues. It's also nice because there are two reports in the post, one
from us (zksecurity) and one from my previous team over at NCC Group =)

comment on this story


I wrote a thing that got quite the traction on the internet, which is merely a
summary of something awesome that someone else found.

You can read it here: https://www.zksecurity.xyz/blog/posts/nova-attack/

the first paragraph to give you an idea:

> Last week, a strange paper (by Wilson Nguyen et al.) came out: Revisiting the
> Nova Proof System on a Cycle of Curves. Its benign title might have escaped
> the attention of many, but within its pages lied one of the most impressive
> and devastating attack on a zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) system that we’ve ever
> seen. As the purpose of a ZKP system is to create a cryptographic proof
> certifying the result of a computation, the paper demonstrated a false
> computation result accompanied with a valid proof.

comment on this story


Someone was asking the following question on [Plonk}():

If you also looked at Plonk and wanted and were wondering the same, here's a
short answer. If you do not care about PlonK, feel free to ignore this post. If
you care about PlonK, but are starting from the very beginning, then just check
my series of videos on PlonK.


First, there's different things going on in this picture. The best way to
understand what's going on is to understand them individually.

The first step is a random challenge from the verifier in the interactive
version of the protocol. Since we're in the non-interactive version, we've
replaced the messages of the verifier by calls to a random oracle. This
technique to convert an interactive protocol into a non-interactive one is very
famous and used all over the place, it's called Fiat-Shamir.

Because we rely on a random oracle, proofs have to state that they are in the
random oracle model, and some people don't like that too much because in the
real world you end up instantiating these random oracles with hash functions
(which are non-ideal constructions). So some people like protocols better when
they don't rely on random oracles. In practice, if your hash function is thought
to behave like a random oracle (e.g. SHA-3), then you're all good.

Fiat-Shamir'ing an interactive protocol only works if the protocol is a
public-coin protocol, which PlonK is. Public-coin here means that the messages
of the verifier are random values (coin tosses) that are public (outsiders can
look at them and this won't affect the security of the protocol).

Another interesting point in that picture is that we're hashing the whole
transcript, which is something you need to do in order to avoid a large class of
ambiguity attacks. Protocols often forget to specify this correctly and a number
of attacks have been found on PlonKish protocols due to that. See Weak
Fiat-Shamir Attacks on Modern Proof Systems for more detail.

The second step is to compute the linearization of the composition polynomial.
The composition polynomial is a term I stole from STARKs but I like it. It's THE
polynomial, the one that combines all the checks. In PlonK this means the
polynomial that combines checks for all the gates of the circuits and the wiring

I'm not going to explain too much about the linearization because I already have
a post on it here. But to recap, linearizing is when you evaluate parts of your
polynomial. So anything that's evaluated at zz is linearized. And anything that
has a bar above it (e.g. ¯aa¯) is linearized as well. Note that the prover could
evaluate everything if they wanted to, which would let the verifier compute the
entire check "in the clear". But doing that means that the proof is larger, and
there are more evaluation proofs to aggregate. It's a tradeoff, that might pay
off if you also want to implement recursive zero-knowledge proofs (which require
a verifier implemented in a circuit).

We're looking at the prover side in this picture. While the verifier does
symmetrical things to the prover, the prover's job here is to form the
composition polynomial and to prove that it evaluates to 0 on a number of points
(or that it "vanishes on some domain"). So to do that, it has to prove that it
is equal to the vanishing polynomial ZHZH times some quotient t(X)t(X). If you
don't understand that, you can read this other post I have on the subject.

The final piece of the puzzle to understand that equation is that we can
simplify the f(X)=ZH(x)t(x)f(X)=ZH(x)t(x) check using Maller's optimization
which I talk about here. This is why we subtract our composition polynomial with
ZH(X)⋅t(X)ZH(X)⋅t(X) and this is also why we linearize the vanishing polynomial
by evaluating it at ZH(z)ZH(z).

Once we have formed the polynomial which checks that the composition polynomial
is equal to the vanishing polynomial times some quotient (f=ZH⋅tf=ZH⋅t) then we
have to evaluate this at a random point. We already know the random point zz,
which we've already used to evaluate some parts of the polynomial (during the
linearization). The equation you see in the picture is how you compute a KZG
evaluation proof. If you don't know that you can check my article on KZG.

Note also that there are many evaluation proofs that are aggregated together
using a random linear combination. This is a common technique to aggregate
multiple KZG evaluation proofs (and the verifier will have to compute the same
random linear combination on the other side to verify the aggregation). In order
to be more efficient (at the cost of tiny amount of security loss) we use 6
powers of vv instead of using 6 random values.

In the polynomial above, within the composition polynomial you might have
noticed the value ¯zωzω¯. It is the permutation polynomial ZZ evaluated at zωzω.
The only explanation I have of why you need that is in my video on the
permutation of PlonK. Since the evaluation point (zωzω) is different from the
first evaluation proof, we need a separate evaluation proof for that one

The output is the pair of evaluation proofs. That's it!



Today, along with my two other cofounders Gregor Mitscha-Baude and Brandon Kase
we are launching www.zksecurity.xyz an auditing platform for zero-knowledge

Smart contracts have been at the source of billions of dollars of loss (see our
previous project https://dasp.co). Nobody is sheltered from bugs. ZK smart
contracts will have bugs, some devastating. Let's be proactive when it comes to

In the coming month we'll be posting more about the kind of bugs that we have
found in the space, from ZKP systems' bugs to frontend compiler bugs to
application bugs. If you're looking for real experts to audit your ZK stack, you
now have the ones behind zkSecurity.

We're a mix of engineers & researchers who have been working in the smart
contract and ZK field before you were born (jk). On top of that, we've also been
in the security consulting industry for a while, so we're professionals ;)

Stay tuned for more blogposts on http://zksecurity.xyz and reach out to me if
you need an audit :)

Also, the launch blogpost is much more interesting than this one. Go read it
here: Private delegated computation is here, and there will be bugs!

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My book Real-World Cryptography is finished and shipping! You can purchase it

If you don't know where to start, you might want to check these popular

 * - KangarooTwelve
 * - How did length extension attacks made it into SHA-2?
 * - Proof of Elgamal's semantic security using a reduction to DDH
 * - Maybe you shouldn't skip SHA-3
 * - Bits and Bytes ordering in 5 minutes
 * - What are x509 certificates? RFC? ASN.1? DER?
 * - Key Compromise Impersonation attacks (KCI)

Here are the latest links posted:

 * 07 Sep Inner Product Argument (Ipa) And A Polynomial Commitment Scheme
 * 05 Sep Getting Apples, Bananas Or Cherries From Hash Functions
 * 08 Aug Few Questions Answered About Plonk
 * 31 May Sha-3 Buffer Overflow (Part 2)
 * 24 Mar Quadratic Sieve

You can also suggest a link.


Thanks for reading! Need to tell me something? Contact me