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Submitted URL: https://t.apemail.net/c/nqkvmbkvamdvmdypdjlaobygdibqmaafdihvguicdidqiaiab4dqaactkihfgfi3audaadyoaynqmbabb4haebqodmbaib...
Effective URL: https://www.chercastillo.com/?utm_campaign=automated-just-listed-homes-%28weekly%29ab&utm_content=primary-phone&utm_medium=em...
Submission: On January 31 via api from CH — Scanned from DE
Effective URL: https://www.chercastillo.com/?utm_campaign=automated-just-listed-homes-%28weekly%29ab&utm_content=primary-phone&utm_medium=em...
Submission: On January 31 via api from CH — Scanned from DE
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We have the market knowledge, experience, negotiation skills and proven record of results that will ensure a seamless transaction. Our team boasts a range of real estate perspectives from working with developers, finding a prime investment property, guiding first time home buyers, to serving our luxury clientele. We are DC Metro Area market experts! Our open-door policy with our clients ensures the trust, security and accessibility needed when engaging in one of the biggest transactions of your life. Our reviews speak to the excellence we demand and provide as real estate ..." Read More OUR LISTINGS 3306 OTIS STREET Mount Rainier, MD / $499,999 3 Bed / 2 Full Baths Listed on 10/16/2021 / Active Under Contract Save to Account 4442 B STREET SE, #4 Washington, DC / $324,999 2 Bed / 2 Full Baths Listed on 01/20/2022 / Active Under Contract Save to Account 4442 B STREET SE, #2 Washington, DC / $299,999 2 Bed / 2 Full Baths Listed on 07/13/2021 / Active Under Contract Save to Account 604 LONGFELLOW NW, #403 Washington, DC / $219,999 1 Bed / 1 Full Baths Listed on 10/06/2021 / Active Save to Account 3020 O SE Washington, DC / $2,750 4 Bed / 2 Full Baths Listed on 10/07/2021 / Pending Save to Account TESTIMONIALS Previous "Cher was knowledgeable, relatable, patient and willing to go above and beyond to make it work. I will 1000x over recommend her to someone else and will use her for all ..." Read More "Cher was knowledgeable, relatable, patient and willing to go above and beyond to make it work. I will 1000x over recommend her to someone else and will use her for all my realty needs!" Read Less HOMEBUYER IN WASHINGTON, D.C. "Working with Cher made my first home buying experience a smooth and easy process. She was very knowledgeable and was flexible to show me as many homes as I needed ..." Read More "Working with Cher made my first home buying experience a smooth and easy process. She was very knowledgeable and was flexible to show me as many homes as I needed to find the right home to fit all my top needs. I loved working with Cher and recommend her to help you find your dream home." Read Less KESHIA T. "Cher was an absolute gem! She helped me find my first house so easily. Definitely one of the best out there. Very professional and humble. Would recommend!!" GRACE "Lisa was extremely professional and knew a lot about the area. She answered all my questions quickly and often gave advice and helped research any of our concerns. My husband ..." Read More "Lisa was extremely professional and knew a lot about the area. She answered all my questions quickly and often gave advice and helped research any of our concerns. My husband and I felt confident and sure of our purchase when working with Lisa." Read Less HOMEBUYER IN FT. WASHINGTON, MD "Cher is a knowledgeable realtor on a range of topics that all come together to inform her clients. When I was looking for my home she had insights on the ..." Read More "Cher is a knowledgeable realtor on a range of topics that all come together to inform her clients. When I was looking for my home she had insights on the neighborhoods because she has sold homes all over DC, could evaluate the quality of renovations performed on homes based on her knowledge as a developer and her experience with making competitive offers and negotiation skills were successful in getting me a house with everything on my wish list." Read Less YOLANDA M. "Cher was an outstanding agent and extremely knowledgeable. She went above and beyond in helping us understand as guest time homebuyers. I can flash say we are in our 1st ..." Read More "Cher was an outstanding agent and extremely knowledgeable. She went above and beyond in helping us understand as guest time homebuyers. I can flash say we are in our 1st dream home “investment” because of her. You won’t go wrong with her as your agent!" Read Less BRITTNEY M. "Cher is amazing! She is the ultimate professional when it comes to finding your dream home. She’s easy to work with and so passionate about helping her clients. I found ..." Read More "Cher is amazing! She is the ultimate professional when it comes to finding your dream home. She’s easy to work with and so passionate about helping her clients. I found the perfect condo and I have Cher to thank for that! If you’re serious about finding a home and want to work with the best in the business, call Cher!" Read Less JONELLE H. "Cher and her team are professional, knowledgeable, and prompt." PASCALE F. "Cher is very knowledgeable of the real estate landscape, forecast, and programs in the DMV. I really appreciate Cher’s authentic personality and go-getter mentality. She consistently works to get the ..." Read More "Cher is very knowledgeable of the real estate landscape, forecast, and programs in the DMV. I really appreciate Cher’s authentic personality and go-getter mentality. She consistently works to get the best deals for her clients. If you are in the market for a realtor, look no more, Cher Castillo is your girl!" Read Less CHERRYE J. "My family had the pleasure of working with Cher to find our beautiful home. Cher listened to exactly what we wanted and worked to get us everything we asked ..." Read More "My family had the pleasure of working with Cher to find our beautiful home. Cher listened to exactly what we wanted and worked to get us everything we asked for. Cher is an amazing realtor, she truly goes above and beyond for her clients." Read Less JEMILA J. "Both Lisa and Cher were so responsive and helpful during our home buying process. Lisa even continued to check in on us after we closed on the house. She made ..." Read More "Both Lisa and Cher were so responsive and helpful during our home buying process. Lisa even continued to check in on us after we closed on the house. She made buying our first house seamless. I can’t recommend her enough." Read Less HOMEBUYER IN OAKTON, VA "Cher’s passion for real estate was evident from the moment we started talking about my desire to purchase a home. She really cared about my home-buying experience and made the ..." Read More "Cher’s passion for real estate was evident from the moment we started talking about my desire to purchase a home. She really cared about my home-buying experience and made the process very smooth. I highly recommend her for your real estate needs." Read Less YVETTE A. "I live in another state and was able to coordinate the sale of my DC property remotely with Castillo and Coutts. They went above and beyond coordinating with vendors to ..." Read More "I live in another state and was able to coordinate the sale of my DC property remotely with Castillo and Coutts. They went above and beyond coordinating with vendors to prep my property for sale and were incredibly responsive. Unfortunately we had a security issue during our on-the-market time; Coutts was incredibly reponsive, professional and solutions-oriented in thinking through next steps and helping make repairs and making sure the house was secure (including daily visits to ensure all was in order!). They are also highly knowledgeable of the DC area, and were able to make good recommendations for handling the purchase price negotiation." Read Less SELLER IN WASHINGTON, DC "Mrs. Coutts was the best choice for my needs. She’s very friendly, personable and highly knowledgeable of the NOVA area. I would not have been as successful at finding exactly ..." Read More "Mrs. Coutts was the best choice for my needs. She’s very friendly, personable and highly knowledgeable of the NOVA area. I would not have been as successful at finding exactly what I was looking for without her help. Castillo and Coutts were fast and highly efficient in getting me the correct documentation and have been available every time I have a question. I would highly recommend this team." Read Less RENTER IN ALEXANDRIA, VA "We couldn’t be happier with our experience working with Cher Castillo! As first-time home buyers, it could have been easy to get swallowed up by the beast that is D.C. ..." Read More "We couldn’t be happier with our experience working with Cher Castillo! As first-time home buyers, it could have been easy to get swallowed up by the beast that is D.C. real estate. Cher, however, made the entire process as manageable as possible. She went above and beyond to answer questions and provide resources, and even ended up pushing our deal through while on vacation abroad. We are grateful we found her and absolutely would recommend her to anyone looking for a home in the DMV." Read Less HOMEBUYER IN WASHINGTON, DC "Cher Castillo has been my trusted agent for many years. I am able to contact her for all my real estate needs including rentals and questions regarding management of investment ..." Read More "Cher Castillo has been my trusted agent for many years. I am able to contact her for all my real estate needs including rentals and questions regarding management of investment properties. She has the inside track on any area within the home buying process from a-z-- from purchase to renovations." Read Less PANYA M. "Cher has been my agent for both of homes I purchased. She is extremely knowledgeable about the real estate market, honest, patient, and has great intuition regarding formidable property investments. ..." Read More "Cher has been my agent for both of homes I purchased. She is extremely knowledgeable about the real estate market, honest, patient, and has great intuition regarding formidable property investments. I will definitely be using Cher for my third home." Read Less HOMEBUYER IN WASHINGTON, DC "Cher Castillo is a fabulous realtor and decorator! She provides professional, reliable, and personalized service for all her client needs. Cher makes herself available for all her clients concerns." Read More "Cher Castillo is a fabulous realtor and decorator! She provides professional, reliable, and personalized service for all her client needs. Cher makes herself available for all her clients concerns." Read Less KENYATHA G. "Superb services with no pressure, no curve balls and professional from start to finish. Do yourself a favor and reach out to Cher who was absolutely incredible! I will work ..." Read More "Superb services with no pressure, no curve balls and professional from start to finish. Do yourself a favor and reach out to Cher who was absolutely incredible! I will work with her in the future and pass her details long to my friends, family and network." Read Less MUHAMMAD F. "Lisa was extremely knowledgeable about the area and current trends. She performed detailed market research to assist in negotiations. She also assisted greatly with a last minute crisis that arose ..." Read More "Lisa was extremely knowledgeable about the area and current trends. She performed detailed market research to assist in negotiations. She also assisted greatly with a last minute crisis that arose with some complicated and unique paperwork associated with the seller's previous decisions on fixtures attached to the property. She facilitated all aspects of the buying process well beyond my expectations and I highly recommend her." Read Less HOMEBUYER IN CAPITAL HEIGHTS, MD "Cher is AMAZING! Very knowledgeable and passionate about real estate. She caters to every client and makes sure to find DREAM homes. It doesn’t get any better than Cher!" Read More "Cher is AMAZING! Very knowledgeable and passionate about real estate. She caters to every client and makes sure to find DREAM homes. It doesn’t get any better than Cher!" Read Less SIREE S. "Ms Lisa Coutts is a knowledgeable agent that tended to my family desires. Ms. Coutts has impeccable communication skills that is rare today's environment. Ms. Coutts honesty and attention to ..." Read More "Ms Lisa Coutts is a knowledgeable agent that tended to my family desires. Ms. Coutts has impeccable communication skills that is rare today's environment. Ms. Coutts honesty and attention to detail helped find a home that met all our desires." Read Less RENTER IN ACCOKEEK, MD "Absolutely incredible experience with this entire team! Specific shout outs to Cher Castillo and Lisa Coutts, literally could not have asked for more attentive, knowledgeable, and professional agents to work ..." Read More "Absolutely incredible experience with this entire team! Specific shout outs to Cher Castillo and Lisa Coutts, literally could not have asked for more attentive, knowledgeable, and professional agents to work with. You guys were a huge blessing to us. Thank you for all of your help in finding our perfect Maryland home!!" Read Less ERICA M. "Castillo and Coutts are very dedicated, knowledgeable, professional, and personable. My husband and I loved working with them. My children adore them. They were very diligent in helping us find ..." Read More "Castillo and Coutts are very dedicated, knowledgeable, professional, and personable. My husband and I loved working with them. My children adore them. They were very diligent in helping us find our new home. We received daily notifications and recommendations for homes on the market. Also, they were accommodative; they were always available to take us to view the homes of our interest at times most convenient to us. Looking for a home can be very tedious, stressful and time consuming. However, their advice was honest and helpful and these ladies made the process of searching for a home less stressful. They were so encouraging and sincere. In addition, they are great negotiators. I bought my home 9 months ago for a great deal in DC. They still communicate with us! I highly recommend Mrs. Castillo and Mrs. Coutts as real estate agents. They are true Real Estate Professionals!" Read Less HOMEBUYER IN WASHINGTON, DC "We couldn't have been happier with Lisa's professionalism, honesty, and responsiveness. As first time home buyers, we had an overwhelming amount of questions, and Lisa always made herself available to ..." Read More "We couldn't have been happier with Lisa's professionalism, honesty, and responsiveness. As first time home buyers, we had an overwhelming amount of questions, and Lisa always made herself available to provide us with the answers - even if it is not what we wanted to hear. Her knowledge of the DC, MD, and VA real estate markets and loan processes is unmatched. We highly recommend using Lisa if you are looking for the perfect home." Read Less HOMEBUYER IN LAKEWOOD ESTATES, VA "Cher is a prominent and respected real estate guru in the DMV area. She made the process of selling and buying a home during the pandemic seamless. She and her ..." Read More "Cher is a prominent and respected real estate guru in the DMV area. She made the process of selling and buying a home during the pandemic seamless. She and her team took pride in walking us through every step of the way." Read Less TERIAUNA D. "Cher was knowledgeable, relatable, patient and willing to go above and beyond to make it work. I will 1000x over recommend her to someone else and will use her for all ..." Read More "Cher was knowledgeable, relatable, patient and willing to go above and beyond to make it work. I will 1000x over recommend her to someone else and will use her for all my realty needs!" Read Less HOMEBUYER IN WASHINGTON, D.C. "Working with Cher made my first home buying experience a smooth and easy process. She was very knowledgeable and was flexible to show me as many homes as I needed ..." Read More "Working with Cher made my first home buying experience a smooth and easy process. She was very knowledgeable and was flexible to show me as many homes as I needed to find the right home to fit all my top needs. I loved working with Cher and recommend her to help you find your dream home." Read Less KESHIA T. "Cher was an absolute gem! She helped me find my first house so easily. Definitely one of the best out there. Very professional and humble. Would recommend!!" GRACE "Lisa was extremely professional and knew a lot about the area. She answered all my questions quickly and often gave advice and helped research any of our concerns. My husband ..." Read More "Lisa was extremely professional and knew a lot about the area. She answered all my questions quickly and often gave advice and helped research any of our concerns. My husband and I felt confident and sure of our purchase when working with Lisa." Read Less HOMEBUYER IN FT. WASHINGTON, MD "Cher is a knowledgeable realtor on a range of topics that all come together to inform her clients. When I was looking for my home she had insights on the ..." Read More "Cher is a knowledgeable realtor on a range of topics that all come together to inform her clients. When I was looking for my home she had insights on the neighborhoods because she has sold homes all over DC, could evaluate the quality of renovations performed on homes based on her knowledge as a developer and her experience with making competitive offers and negotiation skills were successful in getting me a house with everything on my wish list." Read Less YOLANDA M. "Cher was an outstanding agent and extremely knowledgeable. She went above and beyond in helping us understand as guest time homebuyers. I can flash say we are in our 1st ..." Read More "Cher was an outstanding agent and extremely knowledgeable. She went above and beyond in helping us understand as guest time homebuyers. I can flash say we are in our 1st dream home “investment” because of her. You won’t go wrong with her as your agent!" Read Less BRITTNEY M. "Cher is amazing! She is the ultimate professional when it comes to finding your dream home. She’s easy to work with and so passionate about helping her clients. I found ..." Read More "Cher is amazing! She is the ultimate professional when it comes to finding your dream home. She’s easy to work with and so passionate about helping her clients. I found the perfect condo and I have Cher to thank for that! If you’re serious about finding a home and want to work with the best in the business, call Cher!" Read Less JONELLE H. "Cher and her team are professional, knowledgeable, and prompt." PASCALE F. "Cher is very knowledgeable of the real estate landscape, forecast, and programs in the DMV. I really appreciate Cher’s authentic personality and go-getter mentality. She consistently works to get the ..." Read More "Cher is very knowledgeable of the real estate landscape, forecast, and programs in the DMV. I really appreciate Cher’s authentic personality and go-getter mentality. She consistently works to get the best deals for her clients. If you are in the market for a realtor, look no more, Cher Castillo is your girl!" Read Less CHERRYE J. "My family had the pleasure of working with Cher to find our beautiful home. Cher listened to exactly what we wanted and worked to get us everything we asked ..." Read More "My family had the pleasure of working with Cher to find our beautiful home. Cher listened to exactly what we wanted and worked to get us everything we asked for. Cher is an amazing realtor, she truly goes above and beyond for her clients." Read Less JEMILA J. "Both Lisa and Cher were so responsive and helpful during our home buying process. Lisa even continued to check in on us after we closed on the house. She made ..." Read More "Both Lisa and Cher were so responsive and helpful during our home buying process. Lisa even continued to check in on us after we closed on the house. She made buying our first house seamless. I can’t recommend her enough." Read Less HOMEBUYER IN OAKTON, VA "Cher’s passion for real estate was evident from the moment we started talking about my desire to purchase a home. She really cared about my home-buying experience and made the ..." Read More "Cher’s passion for real estate was evident from the moment we started talking about my desire to purchase a home. She really cared about my home-buying experience and made the process very smooth. I highly recommend her for your real estate needs." Read Less YVETTE A. "I live in another state and was able to coordinate the sale of my DC property remotely with Castillo and Coutts. They went above and beyond coordinating with vendors to ..." Read More "I live in another state and was able to coordinate the sale of my DC property remotely with Castillo and Coutts. They went above and beyond coordinating with vendors to prep my property for sale and were incredibly responsive. Unfortunately we had a security issue during our on-the-market time; Coutts was incredibly reponsive, professional and solutions-oriented in thinking through next steps and helping make repairs and making sure the house was secure (including daily visits to ensure all was in order!). They are also highly knowledgeable of the DC area, and were able to make good recommendations for handling the purchase price negotiation." Read Less SELLER IN WASHINGTON, DC "Mrs. Coutts was the best choice for my needs. She’s very friendly, personable and highly knowledgeable of the NOVA area. I would not have been as successful at finding exactly ..." Read More "Mrs. Coutts was the best choice for my needs. She’s very friendly, personable and highly knowledgeable of the NOVA area. I would not have been as successful at finding exactly what I was looking for without her help. Castillo and Coutts were fast and highly efficient in getting me the correct documentation and have been available every time I have a question. I would highly recommend this team." Read Less RENTER IN ALEXANDRIA, VA "We couldn’t be happier with our experience working with Cher Castillo! As first-time home buyers, it could have been easy to get swallowed up by the beast that is D.C. ..." Read More "We couldn’t be happier with our experience working with Cher Castillo! As first-time home buyers, it could have been easy to get swallowed up by the beast that is D.C. real estate. Cher, however, made the entire process as manageable as possible. She went above and beyond to answer questions and provide resources, and even ended up pushing our deal through while on vacation abroad. We are grateful we found her and absolutely would recommend her to anyone looking for a home in the DMV." Read Less HOMEBUYER IN WASHINGTON, DC "Cher Castillo has been my trusted agent for many years. I am able to contact her for all my real estate needs including rentals and questions regarding management of investment ..." Read More "Cher Castillo has been my trusted agent for many years. I am able to contact her for all my real estate needs including rentals and questions regarding management of investment properties. She has the inside track on any area within the home buying process from a-z-- from purchase to renovations." Read Less PANYA M. "Cher has been my agent for both of homes I purchased. She is extremely knowledgeable about the real estate market, honest, patient, and has great intuition regarding formidable property investments. ..." Read More "Cher has been my agent for both of homes I purchased. She is extremely knowledgeable about the real estate market, honest, patient, and has great intuition regarding formidable property investments. I will definitely be using Cher for my third home." Read Less HOMEBUYER IN WASHINGTON, DC "Cher Castillo is a fabulous realtor and decorator! She provides professional, reliable, and personalized service for all her client needs. Cher makes herself available for all her clients concerns." Read More "Cher Castillo is a fabulous realtor and decorator! She provides professional, reliable, and personalized service for all her client needs. Cher makes herself available for all her clients concerns." Read Less KENYATHA G. "Superb services with no pressure, no curve balls and professional from start to finish. Do yourself a favor and reach out to Cher who was absolutely incredible! I will work ..." Read More "Superb services with no pressure, no curve balls and professional from start to finish. Do yourself a favor and reach out to Cher who was absolutely incredible! I will work with her in the future and pass her details long to my friends, family and network." Read Less MUHAMMAD F. "Lisa was extremely knowledgeable about the area and current trends. She performed detailed market research to assist in negotiations. She also assisted greatly with a last minute crisis that arose ..." Read More "Lisa was extremely knowledgeable about the area and current trends. She performed detailed market research to assist in negotiations. She also assisted greatly with a last minute crisis that arose with some complicated and unique paperwork associated with the seller's previous decisions on fixtures attached to the property. She facilitated all aspects of the buying process well beyond my expectations and I highly recommend her." Read Less HOMEBUYER IN CAPITAL HEIGHTS, MD "Cher is AMAZING! Very knowledgeable and passionate about real estate. She caters to every client and makes sure to find DREAM homes. It doesn’t get any better than Cher!" Read More "Cher is AMAZING! Very knowledgeable and passionate about real estate. She caters to every client and makes sure to find DREAM homes. It doesn’t get any better than Cher!" Read Less SIREE S. "Ms Lisa Coutts is a knowledgeable agent that tended to my family desires. Ms. Coutts has impeccable communication skills that is rare today's environment. Ms. Coutts honesty and attention to ..." Read More "Ms Lisa Coutts is a knowledgeable agent that tended to my family desires. Ms. Coutts has impeccable communication skills that is rare today's environment. Ms. Coutts honesty and attention to detail helped find a home that met all our desires." Read Less RENTER IN ACCOKEEK, MD "Absolutely incredible experience with this entire team! Specific shout outs to Cher Castillo and Lisa Coutts, literally could not have asked for more attentive, knowledgeable, and professional agents to work ..." Read More "Absolutely incredible experience with this entire team! Specific shout outs to Cher Castillo and Lisa Coutts, literally could not have asked for more attentive, knowledgeable, and professional agents to work with. You guys were a huge blessing to us. Thank you for all of your help in finding our perfect Maryland home!!" Read Less ERICA M. "Castillo and Coutts are very dedicated, knowledgeable, professional, and personable. My husband and I loved working with them. My children adore them. They were very diligent in helping us find ..." Read More "Castillo and Coutts are very dedicated, knowledgeable, professional, and personable. My husband and I loved working with them. My children adore them. They were very diligent in helping us find our new home. We received daily notifications and recommendations for homes on the market. Also, they were accommodative; they were always available to take us to view the homes of our interest at times most convenient to us. Looking for a home can be very tedious, stressful and time consuming. However, their advice was honest and helpful and these ladies made the process of searching for a home less stressful. They were so encouraging and sincere. In addition, they are great negotiators. I bought my home 9 months ago for a great deal in DC. They still communicate with us! I highly recommend Mrs. Castillo and Mrs. Coutts as real estate agents. They are true Real Estate Professionals!" Read Less HOMEBUYER IN WASHINGTON, DC "We couldn't have been happier with Lisa's professionalism, honesty, and responsiveness. As first time home buyers, we had an overwhelming amount of questions, and Lisa always made herself available to ..." Read More "We couldn't have been happier with Lisa's professionalism, honesty, and responsiveness. As first time home buyers, we had an overwhelming amount of questions, and Lisa always made herself available to provide us with the answers - even if it is not what we wanted to hear. Her knowledge of the DC, MD, and VA real estate markets and loan processes is unmatched. We highly recommend using Lisa if you are looking for the perfect home." Read Less HOMEBUYER IN LAKEWOOD ESTATES, VA "Cher is a prominent and respected real estate guru in the DMV area. She made the process of selling and buying a home during the pandemic seamless. She and her ..." Read More "Cher is a prominent and respected real estate guru in the DMV area. She made the process of selling and buying a home during the pandemic seamless. She and her team took pride in walking us through every step of the way." Read Less TERIAUNA D. "Cher was knowledgeable, relatable, patient and willing to go above and beyond to make it work. I will 1000x over recommend her to someone else and will use her for all ..." Read More "Cher was knowledgeable, relatable, patient and willing to go above and beyond to make it work. I will 1000x over recommend her to someone else and will use her for all my realty needs!" Read Less HOMEBUYER IN WASHINGTON, D.C. Next View All Testimonials OUR SOLDS 507 LEIGHTON AVENUE Silver Spring, MD / $865,000 4 Bed / 2 Full + 2 Half Baths Sold on 01/25/2022 Save to Account 2119 N STREET NW, #4 Washington, DC / $325,000 1 Bed / 1 Full Baths Sold on 12/28/2021 Save to Account 5125 CHILLUM PLACE NE Washington, DC / $725,000 4 Bed / 3 Full + 1 Half Baths Sold on 12/13/2021 Save to Account 4442 B STREET SE, #1 Washington, DC / $310,000 2 Bed / 2 Full Baths Sold on 12/01/2021 Save to Account 6906 CALVIN STREET Fort Washington, MD / $400,000 3 Bed / 2 Full + 1 Half Baths Sold on 11/22/2021 Save to Account 12811 CROOM ROAD Upper Marlboro, MD / $650,000 4 Bed / 2 Full + 1 Half Baths Sold on 11/09/2021 Save to Account 4405 29TH STREET Mount Rainier, MD / $658,000 5 Bed / 3 Full + 1 Half Baths Sold on 09/24/2021 Save to Account 4442 B STREET SE, #3 Washington, DC / $329,999 2 Bed / 2 Full Baths Sold on 09/01/2021 Save to Account 4442 B STREET SE, #8 Washington, DC / $385,000 2 Bed / 2 Full Baths Sold on 08/01/2021 Save to Account 4442 B STREET SE, #5 Washington, DC / $365,000 2 Bed / 2 Full Baths Sold on 07/31/2021 Save to Account 4442 B STREET SE, #6 Washington, DC / $364,999 2 Bed / 2 Full Baths Sold on 07/30/2021 Save to Account 4442 B STREET SE, #7 Washington, DC / $384,999 2 Bed / 2 Full Baths Sold on 07/21/2021 Save to Account 2807 BUENA VISTA TERRACE SE Washington, DC / $325,000 5 Bed / 2 Full Baths Sold on 07/14/2021 Save to Account 2308 ALSTEAD LANE Bowie, MD / $522,000 5 Bed / 3 Full + 1 Half Baths Sold on 06/11/2021 Save to Account 1020 TREELAND WAY, #712 Upper Marlboro, MD / $310,000 3 Bed / 2 Full + 1 Half Baths Sold on 06/11/2021 Save to Account 150 V STREET NW, #V210 Washington, DC / $385,000 1 Bed / 1 Full Baths Sold on 06/09/2021 Save to Account 1125 16TH STREET NE Washington, DC / $628,000 2 Bed / 2 Full + 1 Half Baths Sold on 06/04/2021 Save to Account 1654 K STREET NE, #2 Washington, DC / $399,900 2 Bed / 2 Full Baths Sold on 06/04/2021 Save to Account 3306 OTIS STREET Mount Rainier, MD / $307,000 2 Bed / 1 Full Baths Sold on 05/07/2021 Save to Account 3800 SPIREA COURT Hyattsville, MD / $340,000 4 Bed / 3 Full + 1 Half Baths Sold on 04/30/2021 Save to Account 1647 FORT DAVIS PLACE SE Washington, DC / $1,950 3 Bed / 1 Full + 1 Half Baths Rented on 04/19/2021 Save to Account 2500 CLAIRMONT VIEW WAY Wheaton, MD / $540,000 3 Bed / 2 Full + 2 Half Baths Sold on 04/13/2021 Save to Account 11419 KEDLESTON ROAD Glenn Dale, MD / $685,000 5 Bed / 4 Full + 1 Half Baths Sold on 04/06/2021 Save to Account 8820 BRIARCROFT LANE Laurel, MD / $466,187 4 Bed / 3 Full Baths Sold on 04/02/2021 Save to Account 8959 FASCINATION COURT Lorton, VA / $575,000 3 Bed / 3 Full Baths Sold on 03/29/2021 Save to Account 300 8TH STREET NE, #206 Washington, DC / $725,000 2 Bed / 2 Full Baths Sold on 02/01/2021 Save to Account 4405 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVENUE NW Washington, DC / $1,000,000 4 Bed / 3 Full + 1 Half Baths Sold on 01/25/2021 Save to Account 328 GARNER AVENUE Waldorf, MD / $310,000 3 Bed / 2 Full Baths Sold on 01/08/2021 Save to Account 2452 APPLE BLOSSOM LANE, #103 Odenton, MD / $240,000 2 Bed / 2 Full Baths Sold on 12/29/2020 Save to Account 3014 DENT PLACE NW, #30E Washington, DC / $605,000 2 Bed / 1 Full Baths Sold on 12/15/2020 Save to Account 8112 BONAIRE COURT Silver Spring, MD / $465,000 4 Bed / 3 Full + 1 Half Baths Sold on 12/11/2020 Save to Account 6613 LANDING WAY Hyattsville, MD / $335,000 3 Bed / 2 Full + 1 Half Baths Sold on 12/10/2020 Save to Account 4405 29TH STREET Mount Rainier, MD / $325,000 5 Bed / 3 Full Baths Sold on 12/01/2020 Save to Account 3805 OVERLEA AVENUE Baltimore, MD / $278,000 5 Bed / 3 Full Baths Sold on 10/09/2020 Save to Account 5211 E CAPITOL STREET SE Washington, DC / $510,000 4 Bed / 3 Full + 1 Half Baths Sold on 09/11/2020 Save to Account 440 RHODE ISLAND AVENUE NW, #302 Washington, DC / $615,000 2 Bed / 2 Full Baths Sold on 08/21/2020 Save to Account 5110 JAY STREET NE Washington, DC / $400,000 2 Bed / 2 Full Baths Sold on 08/07/2020 Save to Account 9720 MARYLAND STREET Lanham, MD / $435,000 5 Bed / 3 Full + 1 Half Baths Sold on 08/06/2020 Save to Account 1050 N TAYLOR STREET, #1-603 Arlington, VA / $415,000 1 Bed / 1 Full Baths Sold on 08/05/2020 Save to Account 1821 I STREET NE, #11 Washington, DC / $635,000 2 Bed / 2 Full + 1 Half Baths Sold on 07/30/2020 Save to Account 5020 LEE STREET NE Washington, DC / $470,000 4 Bed / 2 Full Baths Sold on 07/24/2020 Save to Account 6508 RIDGEWAY DRIVE Springfield, VA / $635,000 4 Bed / 3 Full Baths Sold on 06/18/2020 Save to Account 4653 H STREET SE Washington, DC / $410,000 3 Bed / 2 Full Baths Sold on 06/04/2020 Save to Account 6810 9TH STREET NW Washington, DC / $849,999 5 Bed / 3 Full + 1 Half Baths Sold on 05/26/2020 Save to Account ST Washington, DC / $350,000 3 Bed / 1 Full + 1 Half Baths Sold on 05/05/2020 Save to Account 609 NICHOLSON STREET NE Washington, DC / $585,000 3 Bed / 2 Full + 1 Half Baths Sold on 04/13/2020 Save to Account 4938 BRIGHTLEAF COURT Baltimore, MD / $226,000 2 Bed / 2 Full Baths Sold on 04/07/2020 Save to Account 2913 8TH SE, #3101 Washington, DC / $335,000 2 Bed / 2 Full Baths Sold on 03/27/2020 Save to Account 4017 13TH ST NW, #2 Washington, DC / $757,500 3 Bed / 3 Full Baths Sold on 02/13/2020 Save to Account 3517 21ST STREET SE Washington, DC / $385,000 4 Bed / 1 Full + 1 Half Baths Sold on 12/31/2019 Save to Account 14817 LIVINGSTON ROAD Accokeek, MD / $303,000 4 Bed / 3 Full Baths Sold on 12/31/2019 Save to Account 650 CHAPLIN STREET SE Washington, DC / $425,000 3 Bed / 2 Full Baths Sold on 12/20/2019 Save to Account 5 WADE COURT Gaithersburg, MD / $339,999 3 Bed / 2 Full + 1 Half Baths Sold on 12/05/2019 Save to Account 519 RITTENHOUSE STREET NW Washington, DC / $580,000 3 Bed / 3 Full + 1 Half Baths Sold on 12/03/2019 Save to Account 1300 S ARMY NAVY DRIVE, #321 Arlington, VA / $275,000 1 Bed / 1 Full Baths Sold on 11/01/2019 Save to Account 2802 NOMAD COURT W Bowie, MD / $245,000 2 Bed / 2 Full + 1 Half Baths Sold on 09/25/2019 Save to Account 1313 SADDLEBACK ROAD Baltimore, MD / $288,000 3 Bed / 2 Full + 2 Half Baths Sold on 09/12/2019 Save to Account 13 MCKAY CIRCLE Cabin John, MD / $972,000 5 Bed / 3 Full + 1 Half Baths Sold on 08/20/2019 Save to Account 4014 37TH STREET Mount Rainier, MD / $260,000 3 Bed / 2 Full Baths Sold on 08/07/2019 Save to Account 11510 CLAIRMONT VIEW TERRACE Silver Spring, MD / $467,000 3 Bed / 2 Full + 1 Half Baths Sold on 08/01/2019 Save to Account 418 LONGFELLOW STREET NW Washington, DC / $749,999 4 Bed / 3 Full + 1 Half Baths Sold on 07/19/2019 Save to Account 1433 BANGOR STREET SE Washington, DC / $375,000 2 Bed / 2 Full Baths Sold on 07/08/2019 Save to Account 1335 TALBERT TERRACE SE Washington, DC / $365,900 2 Bed / 1 Full + 1 Half Baths Sold on 07/08/2019 Save to Account 4211 28TH STREET Mount Rainier, MD / $409,999 5 Bed / 2 Full + 1 Half Baths Sold on 05/29/2019 Save to Account 604 LONGFELLOW STREET NW, #403 Washington, DC / $1,350 1 Bed / 1 Full Baths Rented on 04/26/2019 Save to Account 5044 BIGEYE COURT Waldorf, MD / $299,999 3 Bed / 2 Full + 1 Half Baths Sold on 03/29/2019 Save to Account 3700 EXCALIBUR COURT, #303 Bowie, MD / $220,000 2 Bed / 2 Full Baths Sold on 03/28/2019 Save to Account 205 YOAKUM PARKWAY, #1807 Alexandria, VA / $249,000 2 Bed / 2 Full Baths Sold on 03/08/2019 Save to Account 3070 ELSA AVENUE Waldorf, MD / $389,900 5 Bed / 3 Full + 1 Half Baths Sold on 01/30/2019 Save to Account 2214 15TH STREET NE Washington, DC / $470,000 3 Bed / 2 Full Baths Sold on 11/27/2018 Save to Account 68 MATTINGLY AVENUE Indian Head, MD / $267,000 5 Bed / 4 Full Baths Sold on 11/01/2018 Save to Account 3806 HANSBERRY COURT NE Washington, DC / $565,000 3 Bed / 2 Full + 1 Half Baths Sold on 10/30/2018 Save to Account 643 BRANDYWINE STREET SE Washington, DC / $339,898 3 Bed / 2 Full Baths Sold on 09/24/2018 Save to Account 6661 BUCKNELL ROAD Bryans Road, MD / $249,999 4 Bed / 2 Full Baths Sold on 09/21/2018 Save to Account 4104 WOODROW LANE Bowie, MD / $350,000 3 Bed / 2 Full Baths Sold on 09/07/2018 Save to Account 2500 CLAIRMONT VIEW WAY Wheaton, MD / $2,700 3 Bed / 3 Full + 2 Half Baths Rented on 08/22/2018 Save to Account 3627 HANSBERRY COURT NE Washington, DC / $580,000 3 Bed / 2 Full + 1 Half Baths Sold on 07/23/2018 Save to Account 6316 MOROCCO STREET Capitol Heights, MD / $216,000 3 Bed / 2 Full Baths Sold on 02/16/2018 Save to Account 1848 BILTMORE STREET NW, #2 Washington, DC / $424,000 1 Bed / 1 Full Baths Sold on 01/05/2018 Save to Account 1125 MORSE STREET NE Washington, DC / $644,800 2 Bed / 2 Full Baths Sold on 12/20/2017 Save to Account 41 SHERMAN CIRCLE NW Washington, DC / $620,000 3 Bed / 1 Full + 2 Half Baths Sold on 12/11/2017 Save to Account 1831 BILTMORE STREET NW, #B Washington, DC / $697,600 2 Bed / 1 Full + 1 Half Baths Sold on 12/09/2017 Save to Account 153 ADAMS STREET NW Washington, DC / $925,000 3 Bed / 3 Full + 1 Half Baths Sold on 10/27/2017 Save to Account 1125 MORSE STREET NE, #3 Washington, DC / $715,000 2 Bed / 2 Full Baths Sold on 10/26/2017 Save to Account 1125 MORSE STREET NE, #1 Washington, DC / $799,999 2 Bed / 2 Full Baths Sold on 10/19/2017 Save to Account 14200 FARNSWORTH LANE, #306 Upper Marlboro, MD / $1,698 2 Bed / 2 Full Baths Rented on 09/01/2017 Save to Account 10005 EDGEWATER TERRACE Fort Washington, MD / $449,999 4 Bed / 3 Full + 1 Half Baths Sold on 08/07/2017 Save to Account 2971 THOMAS ROAD Bryans Road, MD / $235,500 3 Bed / 2 Full Baths Sold on 08/04/2017 Save to Account 6661 BUCKNELL ROAD Bryans Road, MD / $137,194 3 Bed / 1 Full Baths Sold on 07/28/2017 Save to Account 6316 MOROCCO STREET Capitol Heights, MD / $121,700 3 Bed / 1 Full Baths Sold on 07/27/2017 Save to Account 1716 FORT DAVIS STREET SE Washington, DC / $380,000 4 Bed / 2 Full Baths Sold on 07/19/2017 Save to Account 411 VALLEY BROOK DRIVE Silver Spring, MD / $615,000 5 Bed / 3 Full Baths Sold on 07/05/2017 Save to Account 5100 HANNA PLACE SE Washington, DC / $392,500 4 Bed / 3 Full + 1 Half Baths Sold on 06/28/2017 Save to Account 100 ELLERBE DRIVE Indian Head, MD / $222,000 3 Bed / 2 Full Baths Sold on 06/12/2017 Save to Account 2426 ONTARIO ROAD NW, #102 Washington, DC / $410,000 1 Bed / 1 Full Baths Sold on 04/26/2017 Save to Account 101 ELLERBE DRIVE Indian Head, MD / $216,300 3 Bed / 2 Full Baths Sold on 04/18/2017 Save to Account 2625 SHERMAN AVENUE NW Washington, DC / $520,000 3 Bed / 1 Full Baths Sold on 02/08/2017 Save to Account Featured Market VIRGINIA 245 # Homes for Sale 1.55M Average Price 145 Days on Market View Homes for Sale in Virginia × CONTACT DAVID HOWELL Comment Body * * * Home Cell Work Fax Receive Our Email Updates - Privacy Policy Preferred Contact Method: Email Cell Phone Home Phone Snail Mail Text Message How did you hear about me? 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