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Submission: On April 30 via manual from IN — Scanned from DE
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Cesar and Henry Fernandez know this all too well. Their solution? MoveMe, a groundbreaking platform designed to simplify the moving process by offering personalised and tailored assistance. * Read more * Research 22 April 2024 PREDICTING ARRHYTHMIA 30 MINUTES BEFORE IT HAPPENS Researchers from the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB) have recently developed a deep-learning model capable of predicting the transition from a normal cardiac rhythm to atrial fibrillation. This irregular heartbeat is associated with increased risks of heart failure, dementia and stroke. It constitutes a significant burden to healthcare systems, making its early detection and treatment a major goal. * Read more * Outreach 19 April 2024 THE OCTAVE, A PILGRIMAGE LIKE NO OTHER The Octave pilgrimage takes up residence in Luxembourg City until 5 May and celebrates its four centuries of existence. Professor in Early Modern History Monique Weis sheds some light on this tradition. * Learn more * Research 17 April 2024 STOPPING RANSOMWARE IN ITS TRACKS: NEW ENTERPRISE APP INTEGRATES AI & UNIVERSITY RESEARCH CYSANA (CYberSecurity ANAlytics) is a new AI-based enterprise solution to protect against malware and ransomware announced today by the cybersecurity company Conatix, in collaboration with the University of Luxembourg’s Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT). * Read more STUDYING AT OUR UNIVERSITY YOUR JOURNEY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF LUXEMBOURG Studying at the University of Luxembourg is a uniquely enriching experience. The programmes impart cutting-edge knowledge in a highly international, multilingual and distinctly interdisciplinary environment. Small classes ensure direct interaction between students and teaching staff. * Admissions FIND YOUR STUDY PROGRAMME * Bachelor’s and master’s programmes Take a look at our range of degrees * Doctoral schools Find out more about our doctoral programmes * Specialised studies diplomas Our training offers for future medical specialists * Continuing education Find out about vocational training & lifelong learning opportunities LATEST NEWS * WHEN BRAINPOWER IS WORTH GOLD Research, University 26 April 2024 Learn more * THE LUXEMBOURG LEARNING CENTRE HITS A NEW MILESTONE University 23 April 2024 Learn more * WHAT MAKES THE ART MARKET SHINE? Research 18 April 2024 Finance Learn more * NEW ACTORS, NEW SPACE LAW Research 12 April 2024 Law, Space Learn more * THE GENETICS OF PARKINSON’S DISEASE IN LUXEMBOURG Research 11 April 2024 Life Sciences & Medicine Learn more * BUILDING A DEMOCRATIC STATE FROM SCRATCH Outreach, University 10 April 2024 Law Learn more * All news DISCOVER OUR RESEARCH Research at the University SHAPING A DIGITAL, HEALTHY AND SUSTAINABLE FUTURE The University of Luxembourg is a world-class research university. It strives for excellence in both fundamental and applied research, and in education. It drives innovation for society, has a high proportion of graduate students, and combines research, teaching and societal impact. * Key areas * Open positions * CALL FOR CANDIDATES * APPEL À CANDIDATURES : VICE-RECTEUR ACADÉMIQUE / VICE-RECTRICE ACADÉMIQUE Université 7 February 2024 Learn more * APPEL À CANDIDATURES : DIRECTEUR FONDATEUR /DIRECTRICE FONDATRICE DU CENTRE INTERDISCIPLINAIRE EN DROIT EUROPÉEN Université 7 February 2024 Learn more SHARE THIS * share * share * email STAY CONNECTED AND SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTER All fields are mandatory Error * Choose among our mailing list(s) Mailing list 0 items selected * University of Luxembourg – News and events * Enter your email address Example: contact@uni.lu Please provide a valid email address. Example: jean.dupont@gmail.com I agree to the use of my email address in the context of subscribing to the University of Luxembourg’s newsletters. 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