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URL: https://www.fast-growing-trees.com/products/peace-lily-plant
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    <div class="modal__title">See what our plants look like shipped to your home!</div>
    <p class="modal__description">We carefully pack and ship each plant, so they arrive happy, healthy and ready to grow.</p>
    <p class="modal__description">See our process:</p>
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  <div id="warranty-modal" class="modal" style="display: none;">
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    <p>Want extra protection for your plants? We’ve got you covered. Our cost-effective One Year Warranty guarantees your plants for a full year.</p>
    <p>If a plant gets damaged - from weather, human error or anything else - just send in a picture, and you’ll get store credit to replace your plant!</p>
    <p>Get peace of mind for your new plants. Purchase a One Year Warranty today!</p>
  <div id="dropngrow" class="modal" style="display: none;">
    <p> Because this tree is grown in a burlap bag, its roots grow into the cloth, rather than circling around the pot. This brings moisture and nutrients into the tree, for faster, healthier growth and ease. Simply dig your hole, place the Drop 'N
      Grow™ bag in the center (burlap included), then use excess dirt to fill the hole. That's it! </p>
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  <!-- Product Variant Selection Setup -->
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  <label class="visually-hidden" for="productSelect">Product Variant</label>
  <select name="id" id="productSelect" class="product-single__variants visually-hidden">
    <option disabled="disabled"> 4 Inch Pot - Sold Out </option>
    <option disabled="disabled"> 6 Inch Pot - Sold Out </option>
    <!-- Note: if you use option_selection.js, your <select> tag will be overwritten, meaning what you have inside <option> will not reflect what you coded below. -->
    <option selected="selected" data-sku="12613" value="39316291223614">1 Gallon - $29.95</option>
    <option disabled="disabled"> 6 Inch Plant in White Delilah Pot - Sold Out </option>
    <option disabled="disabled"> 10 Inch Pot - Sold Out </option>
    <option disabled="disabled"> 10 Inch Plant in a 3 Gallon White Delilah Pot - Sold Out </option>
    <option disabled="disabled"> 10 Inch Plant in a 3 Gallon Beige Delilah Pot - Sold Out </option>
    <option disabled="disabled"> 2 Gallon - Sold Out </option>
    <!-- Note: if you use option_selection.js, your <select> tag will be overwritten, meaning what you have inside <option> will not reflect what you coded below. -->
    <option data-sku="14030" value="39253562720318">3 Gallon - $79.95</option>
  <!-- END hidden productSelect form -->
  <!-- Start of visual form shown on product pages -->
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        data-region-price="29.95" data-region-compare-price="39.95" data-region-discount="25% Off"> 1 Gallon <div class="variants__price region_variant_price">$29.95</div>
        <span class="variants__discount region_discount_bubble" style="">25% Off</span>
      <li class="variants__block" data-value="39253562720318" data-sku="14030" data-variant-id="39253562720318" data-variant-price="$79.95" data-compare-at-price="$79.95" data-region-price="79.95"> 3 Gallon <div
          class="variants__price region_variant_price">$79.95</div>
  <div id="4017480" class="originalProductId" style="display:none;">4017480</div>
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        <p class="added-product__details"><span>Size: </span>{{added.variant_title}}</p>
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<div class="attachments">
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    {{#if related}}
        <h5>Our plant experts also recommend:</h5>
        <div class="addon-block">
            {{> options }}

    {{#if transplant}}
        <h5>Transplant Care</h5>
        <div class="addon-block">
            {{> options }}

    {{#if care}}
        <h5>After Care</h5>
        <div class="addon-block">
            {{> options }}

    {{#if protection}}
        <h5>Protection Care</h5>
        <div class="addon-block">
            {{> options }}

    {{#if bundles}}
            {{> options }}


    <script id="ModalExtrasOptionsTemplate" type="text/template">
      {{#each variants}}
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          <form action="/cart/add" method="post" class="attachments__form form-vertical">
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                  {{ name }} &mdash; {{ variant_name }}
                <span class="attachments__price">{{ price }}</span>
                <p class="attachments__excerpt">{{ excerpt }}</p>
                <input type="hidden" name="adds[]" value="{{ @key }}" {{#if bundle_with}} data-bundled-with-id="{{bundle_with}}" {{/if}} />
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If you have plant issues within the first 30 days give us a call. We will review
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Should a deciduous tree shipped dormant in the winter or spring fail to emerge
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 1. Home
 2. Fragrant Blooming Plants
 3. Peace Lily Plant

easter plants, LIL-PEA, pf-bedroom, pf-carefree, pf-flowering, pf-fragrant,
pf-gift, pf-houseplant, pf-indirect, pf-kitchen, pf-livingroom, pf-loamy,
pf-midwest, pf-northwest, pf-novice, pf-office, pf-shade, pf-south,
pf-southwest, Tree Spikes 1532784541748 12613


47 reviews

 * Our 3 Gallon Peace Lillies are large and mature.



* Images shown are of mature plants


47 reviews
$29.95 Call 866-982-0431 for Availability and Pricing.
25% off
 * Ships in 1-2 Days
 * 1-Year Warranty EligibleView Details
 * Only 8 left in stock, Order Now!

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See what our plants look like shipped to your home!

We carefully pack and ship each plant, so they arrive happy, healthy and ready
to grow.

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1 Year Warranty

Want extra protection for your plants? We’ve got you covered. Our cost-effective
One Year Warranty guarantees your plants for a full year.

If a plant gets damaged - from weather, human error or anything else - just send
in a picture, and you’ll get store credit to replace your plant!

Get peace of mind for your new plants. Purchase a One Year Warranty today!

Because this tree is grown in a burlap bag, its roots grow into the cloth,
rather than circling around the pot. This brings moisture and nutrients into the
tree, for faster, healthier growth and ease. Simply dig your hole, place the
Drop 'N Grow™ bag in the center (burlap included), then use excess dirt to fill
the hole. That's it!

Product Variant 4 Inch Pot - Sold Out 6 Inch Pot - Sold Out 1 Gallon - $29.95 6
Inch Plant in White Delilah Pot - Sold Out 10 Inch Pot - Sold Out 10 Inch Plant
in a 3 Gallon White Delilah Pot - Sold Out 10 Inch Plant in a 3 Gallon Beige
Delilah Pot - Sold Out 2 Gallon - Sold Out 3 Gallon - $79.95
Available Sizes:
 * 1 Gallon
   25% Off
 * 3 Gallon

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 * 33% off
   Areca Palm Tree
   $19.95 $29.95
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   $79.95 $99.95
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   $39.95 $49.95
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 * Tiny Dancer Alocasia Plant
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   Meyer Lemon Tree
   $24.95 $39.95
 * Spider Plant



Why Peace Lily Plants?

Peace Lilies or ‘Peace Plants’ are excellent choices for the home or office
because they are low maintenance evergreens that actually prefer to grow in the
shade. They will thrive in areas with low, indirect light.

This indoor plant is extremely versatile and can fit anywhere. They can be kept
in smaller pots to sit on any tabletop or desk. In larger containers, they will
grow up to 6 feet tall to be the perfect accent piece for corners, and on decks
or patios.

Your family and coworkers will love to marvel at your Peace Lily with its
vibrant tropical beauty. Its green leaves are wide, lush and glossy and in the
spring, large, white single petal flowers emerge with a vibrant yellow stamen.

Plus, it thrives with just a little light and a little water. Don’t worry if you
forget to water your Peace Lily, because they’re extremely forgiving. Unlike
other more sensitive plants, this lily will flourish, even when neglected.

Note: Peace Lilies are poisonous to cats and dogs, so keep this plant out of
reach of animals in your home.

Why Fast-Growing-Trees.com is Better

So, not only do you get the vibrant, iconic good looks of the Peace Lily...but
you also get a promise of healthy, easy growth. That's because we ship your
Peace Lily Plant with care. Now, it arrives at your door with a healthier,
better-developed root system.

You won't get the same healthy, full growth from gift order sites or your local
big-box store.

And the larger, fuller leaves of our plants mean even better benefits for you,
since the Peace Lily's leaves filter toxins and staleness out of the air, giving
you fresh, clean air to enjoy.

Don't wait - our larger sizes sell out fast. Get your Peace Lily Plant today!


1. Planting: Select an area with indirect light for your Peace Lily (anywhere
that receives 4 hours of dappled sunlight per day). A sunny window in your home
with some shade in the afternoon is perfect.

You can keep your Peace Lily in its container until it's ready to be repotted.
When it outgrows its container, select a pot that's about twice the size of your
plant's shipped container, use organic soil, and place your plant with the soil
in its new pot. Also, ensure your new pot has drainage holes.

2. Watering: Generally, you'll want to water your plant about once a week. If
you're not sure when to water your plant, simply check the surrounding soil for
dryness. If the soil is dry about 2 inches down, water until you see it flowing
from the drainage holes.


Estimated Shipping Time: Most orders ship immediately. As noted on the website,
some items are seasonal, and may only ship in spring or fall. Once your order is
shipped, you'll receive an email with a tracking number.

Amount of Order Shipping Charge Less than $129 $19.95 $129 + FREE SHIPPING!


Mature Height: 1-6 ft. Mature Width: 1-6 ft. Sunlight: Partial Sun Growth Rate:
Slow Botanical Name: Spathiphyllum spp. Does Not Ship To: AZ Grows Well In
Zones: 4-9 patio / 10-11 outdoors Your Growing Zone: #


(hardy down to 40℉)


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Shawn M.
United States

I recommend this product


Plant was packed well and great condition. Looks great in our home office.

Peace Lily Plant
3 Gallon
Was this helpful?  0    0
United States


Great experience! Item came quickly and in good condition.

Peace Lily Plant
6 Inch Plant in White Delilah Pot
Was this helpful?  0    0
United States

I recommend this product


We moved from one state to another. I had to give my peace lily to a friend. It
was so easy to care for, and I needed to have another. This was an excellent

Peace Lily Plant
6 Inch Pot
Was this helpful?  0    0
United States

I recommend this product


My Peace Lily was an Easter gift. At first I thought my Peace Lily was dying
when I reported it however, to my surprise it grew and propergated. It has
become so big I need to transplant it again. I believe every home show have one
to remain them Peace is possible in our world if we work at it! Just my opinion.

Peace Lily Plant

Was this helpful?  0    0
Jerry G.
United States

I recommend this product

I was surprised how large and full the plant was. It was better than I hoped and
has done very well so far.

Peace Lily Plant
3 Gallon
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https://www.fast-growing-trees.com/products/peace-lily-plant 1532784541748 Peace
Lily Plant 19.95
USD InStock Tree 25 Days of Plantsmas Air Purifying House Plants Carefree House
Plants Curated Valentine's Day Gifts Easter Plants End of Year Savings- Up to
50% Off Our Best Sellers Fragrant Blooming Plants Gift Ideas for Any Occasion
Gifts Holiday Trees & Gift Plants House Plant Flash Sale- Today Only! House
Plants That Stay Small Low Light House Plants Mother's Day Gift Ideas New
Arrivals Plant Sale- Up to 50% Off Plants Perfect for Easter Summer Favorites
Under $40 Unique Trees & Plants up to 50% Off! Valentine's Day Gift Ideas
Warranty White Flowering Shrubs


Why Peace Lily Plants?

Peace Lilies or ‘Peace Plants’ are excellent choices for the home or office
because they are low maintenance evergreens that actually prefer to grow in the
shade. They will thrive in areas with low, indirect light.

This indoor plant is extremely versatile and can fit anywhere. They can be kept
in smaller pots to sit on any tabletop or desk. In larger containers, they will
grow up to 6 feet tall to be the perfect accent piece for corners, and on decks
or patios.

Your family and coworkers will love to marvel at your Peace Lily with its
vibrant tropical beauty. Its green leaves are wide, lush and glossy and in the
spring, large, white single petal flowers emerge with a vibrant yellow stamen.

Plus, it thrives with just a little light and a little water. Don’t worry if you
forget to water your Peace Lily, because they’re extremely forgiving. Unlike
other more sensitive plants, this lily will flourish, even when neglected.

Note: Peace Lilies are poisonous to cats and dogs, so keep this plant out of
reach of animals in your home.

Why Fast-Growing-Trees.com is Better

So, not only do you get the vibrant, iconic good looks of the Peace Lily...but
you also get a promise of healthy, easy growth. That's because we ship your
Peace Lily Plant with care. Now, it arrives at your door with a healthier,
better-developed root system.

You won't get the same healthy, full growth from gift order sites or your local
big-box store.

And the larger, fuller leaves of our plants mean even better benefits for you,
since the Peace Lily's leaves filter toxins and staleness out of the air, giving
you fresh, clean air to enjoy.

Don't wait - our larger sizes sell out fast. Get your Peace Lily Plant today!


1. Planting: Select an area with indirect light for your Peace Lily (anywhere
that receives 4 hours of dappled sunlight per day). A sunny window in your home
with some shade in the afternoon is perfect.

You can keep your Peace Lily in its container until it's ready to be repotted.
When it outgrows its container, select a pot that's about twice the size of your
plant's shipped container, use organic soil, and place your plant with the soil
in its new pot. Also, ensure your new pot has drainage holes.

2. Watering: Generally, you'll want to water your plant about once a week. If
you're not sure when to water your plant, simply check the surrounding soil for
dryness. If the soil is dry about 2 inches down, water until you see it flowing
from the drainage holes.

Fast Growing Trees easter plants LIL-PEA pf-bedroom pf-carefree pf-flowering
pf-fragrant pf-gift pf-houseplant pf-indirect pf-kitchen pf-livingroom pf-loamy
pf-midwest pf-northwest pf-novice pf-office pf-shade pf-south pf-southwest Tree
29295518122036 4 Inch Pot 19.95 19.95
OutOfStock 4 Inch Pot 13940894793780 6 Inch Pot 29.95 34.95
OutOfStock 6 Inch Pot 39316291223614 1 Gallon 29.95 39.95
InStock 1 Gallon 39531422089278 6 Inch Plant in White Delilah Pot 39.95 44.95
OutOfStock 6 Inch Plant in White Delilah Pot 14642363760692 10 Inch Pot 49.95
OutOfStock 10 Inch Pot 32739333668926 10 Inch Plant in a 3 Gallon White Delilah
Pot 59.95 59.95
OutOfStock 10 Inch Plant in a 3 Gallon White Delilah Pot 32739335798846 10 Inch
Plant in a 3 Gallon Beige Delilah Pot 59.95 59.95
OutOfStock 10 Inch Plant in a 3 Gallon Beige Delilah Pot 13940894826548 2 Gallon
39.95 39.95
OutOfStock 2 Gallon 39253562720318 3 Gallon 79.95 79.95
InStock 3 Gallon

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