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LinkedIn und Drittanbieter setzen essenzielle und nicht zwingend erforderliche Cookies ein, um die LinkedIn Dienste bereitzustellen, zu schützen, zu analysieren und zu verbessern und um auf LinkedIn und außerhalb von LinkedIn relevante Anzeigen zu präsentieren (einschließlich zielgruppenspezifischer Anzeigen und Stellenanzeigen). Weitere Informationen finden Sie in unserer Cookie-Richtlinie. Wählen Sie „Akzeptieren“, um dieser Nutzung zuzustimmen, oder wählen Sie „Ablehnen“, um die nicht zwingend erforderlichen Cookies abzulehnen. Sie können Ihre Auswahl jederzeit in den Einstellungen aktualisieren. Akzeptieren Ablehnen Weiter zum Hauptinhalt LinkedIn * Artikel * Personen * E-Learning * Jobs Mitglied werden Einloggen ADENDORFF MACHINERY MART EINZELHANDEL JOHANNESBURG, GAUTENG 3.934 FOLLOWER:INNEN QUALITY TOOLS AND MACHINERY FROM AROUND THE WORLD TO OFFER THE GREATEST RANGE OF PRODUCTS AT THE BEST PRICES. Jobs anzeigen Folgen * alle 133 Mitarbeiter:innen anzeigen * Dieses Unternehmen melden ÜBER UNS Adendorff Machinery Mart is a leader in the retail and selling of tools and machinery. We source equipment (Generators, Tools, Garage Equipment, Air Compressors, Welding Equipment, Woodworking Machinery & much more) from all over the world to offer the greatest range of products at the best prices. With 25 branches nationwide to choose from we offer great quality products and supplying excellent service to customers is imperative. It is also essential to ensure that processes are in place for exceptional interaction throughout the business and creating a strong staffing group that would secure a company that competes with world markets. Website https://www.adendorff.co.za/ Externer Link zu Adendorff Machinery Mart Branche Einzelhandel Größe 501–1.000 Beschäftigte Hauptsitz Johannesburg, Gauteng Art Privatunternehmen Gegründet 1990 Spezialgebiete Machinery, Tools, Garage, Pneumatics, Welding, Power Tools, Material Handling Equipment, Engineering, Wood Working, Retail, Metalwork, Lifting Equipment, Construction, Household, Air tools, Accessories, Spares, Sales, MEP (Mechanical, Engineering, Plumbing), Generators und Compressors ORTE * Primär 98 Sailor Malan Avenue Johannesburg, Gauteng 2190, ZA Wegbeschreibung * 152 Rosettenville Road Johannesburg, Gauteng 2197, ZA Wegbeschreibung * Unit 60 Lemon Tree Shopping Centre cnr, Swartkoppies &, Heidelberg Rd, New Market, Alberton, 1449 Alberton, Gauteng 1449, ZA Wegbeschreibung * 8 Herman St, Meadowdale, Edenvale, 1614 Unit no 8 Johannesburg, Gauteng 1614, ZA Wegbeschreibung * 518 Commissioner St, Boksburg East Industrial, Boksburg, 1459 Johannesburg, Gauteng, ZA Wegbeschreibung * 2013 Malibongwe Dr, Strydompark, Randburg, 2169 Johannesburg, Gauteng 2169, ZA Wegbeschreibung * 17 Carol Rd, Mindalore, Krugersdorp, 1739 Johannesburg, Gauteng 1739, ZA Wegbeschreibung * 300 Steve Biko Rd, Gezina, Pretoria, 0031 Pretora, Gauteng 0031, ZA Wegbeschreibung * Shop 33 Miracle Retail Park, 49 Old Johannesburg Rd, Centurion, 0157 Centurion, Gauteng, ZA Wegbeschreibung * 26 De Villiers Ave, Vereeniging, 1939 Vereeniging, Gauteng 1939, ZA Wegbeschreibung * 40 Watermeyer St, Witbank, Emalahleni, 1039 Witbank, Mpumalanga 1039, ZA Wegbeschreibung * 15 Old Pretoria Rd, West Acres, Mbombela, 1211 Nelspruit, Mpumalanga 1211, ZA Wegbeschreibung Weitere Orte anzeigen Weniger Orte zeigen BESCHÄFTIGTE VON ADENDORFF MACHINERY MART * DAVID JACOBS NATIONAL MANAGER * JULIE PARK GROUP FM AT ADENDORFF MACHINERY * LOURENS KOEDYK -- * HENCO OLCKERS ADMINISTRATOR AT ADENDORFF MACHINERY AND ASSOCIATE COMPANIES Alle Beschäftigten anzeigen UPDATES * Adendorff Machinery Mart 3.934 Follower:innen 1 Jahr Bearbeitet * Diesen Beitrag melden CAREERS AT ADENDORFF MACHINERY MART. Begin your career at Adendorff Machinery Mart- a well established company of over 30 years with a reputation for quality tools, machinery and excellent service. At Adendorff we cater to a wide variety of trade professionals, DIY enthusiasts and everyday South Africans. Our stores welcome many customers each day who use our products in various trades such as MEP (Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing), Construction, Automotive repair, welding, metalwork, woodwork, agriculture, civil engineering and DIY to name a few. We believe in community and in order to ensure our own success we must ensure the success of our customer, through this belief we pride ourselves in exceptional service. It should be worth noting that any good business requires a powerful and smooth engine to move the organisation forward. As a strong and stable local business there are also opportunities to join our administrative or operational team based in Johannesburg. Here there is potential to expand yourself within Finance & Accounts, Human Resources, Marketing, Operations and Warehousing functions. For enquiries over vacancies across the company and throughout South Africa please visit https://lnkd.in/d-dFdZbU #Career #newjob #werehiring ADENDORFF MACHINERY MART ADENDORFF.SIMPLIFY.HR 15 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Adendorff Machinery Mart 3.934 Follower:innen 1 Monat * Diesen Beitrag melden Dean Lindner 1 Monat * 4 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Adendorff Machinery Mart 3.934 Follower:innen 11 Monate Bearbeitet * Diesen Beitrag melden STAGE 6 JOB SHEDDING South Africa's energy crisis is leaving individuals and businesses alike frustrated and despondent. 2881 hours of Load shedding in 2022 (as at 21 November 2022 via EskomSePush, figure still climbing.). Where is the end? Rolling blackouts have far greater implications than the inconvenience of lights not working. Load shedding is destroying businesses and jobs- with the first victims being already vulnerable small businesses. The cost of not being able to do business due to a lack of electricity hurts the pockets of small business owners across South Africa. It creates unnecessary downtime which can often not be recouped. Job sites hit a stand still, manufacturers lose output, restaurants leak opportunities that will never return and grocery stores lose parts of inventory. Wages, rent and other business expenses still need to be paid despite lower productivity. This drives up overheads and ultimately forces businesses to downscale or even close. Thus load shedding further strains household incomes which are already stretched thin through inflationary price rises. "This too shall pass". Adendorff understands that for many, buying a generator is a grudge purchase or a necessary evil. We understand the sacrifice taken to gather the capital needed to fund a reliable source of electricity such as a generator. The Adendorff Sales team understands their responsibility to our customers because we understand our customers aren't just making purchases, they're making investments in their businesses. Our customers are working to ensure their livelihoods despite the energy challenges we are all faced with. Adendorff Machinery Mart offers generators from small 1.8kW inverter generators suitable for powering sensitive electronics such as laptops to larger 16kW generators for offices and businesses. We offer both single phase and three phase products. We offer both petrol and diesel types. As noise is often a consideration there is a "Silent type" generator range popular for those living in complexes. ( https://lnkd.in/dn7WrvBF) We know our success at Adendorff is dependent on the success of our customers. Luckily, South Africans are notoriously tough. South Africans are determined to succeed and thrive. The hardiness of small business is what drives the economy. Busi Mabuza recently highlighted the importance of small businesses in developing economies, as small businesses are have a far greater job creation intensity than large businesses. ( https://lnkd.in/d92jEWri via BizNews). We hope that through Adendorff, many small and medium sized businesses can find affordable access to opportunity and stability. There will come a day where we achieve reliable energy in South Africa. ________________________________________________________________ Hanno Labuschagne wrote an article further examining these scary statistics in the image below ("Scary load-shedding statistic revealed" - 22/11/2022) STAGE 6 JOB SHEDDING ADENDORFF MACHINERY MART AUF LINKEDIN 3 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Adendorff Machinery Mart 3.934 Follower:innen 11 Monate Bearbeitet * Diesen Beitrag melden QUALITY TOOLS - 20YR OLD COMPRESSOR Adendorff Machinery Mart prides itself on selling quality tools at affordable prices. Through diligent & careful product procurement Adendorff provides affordable access to opportunity for our customers. The items people purchase at Adendorff Machinery Mart are very often investments for their businesses. As such we understand our responsibility in providing good advice and allow the customer to purchase the best tool for their application. The most common cause of product failure is incorrect application. Adendorff is confident in the quality of its products, so much so that we back all our Mac-Afric products with a full range of spares and a dedicated repairs team. Each branch has an in-house generalist technician supported if necessary by a department filled with specialist technicians at our Aeroton Head offices. The image in this post is a 20 year old compressor that just made its way into our dedicated repair center looking for a spare part. This item remains in immaculate condition thanks largely to the care of the owner. Cheers to more happy working years! #compressor #tools #diy #diyprojects #handyman * 9 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen EINFACH ANMELDEN, DAMIT SIE NICHTS VERPASSEN. * Personen von Adendorff Machinery Mart finden, die Sie kennen * Persönliche Jobempfehlungen erhalten * Alle Updates, News und Artikel anzeigen Jetzt anmelden ÄHNLICHE SEITEN * CLOVER S.A. PROPRIETARY LIMITED Gastronomie und Getränkeservice Roodepoort, Gauteng * TIGER BRANDS Fertigung Sandton, Gauteng * VALUE LOGISTICS Transport, Logistik, Lieferkette und Lagerhaltung * TAKEALOT.COM Einzelhandel Cape Town, Cape * RCL FOODS Nahrungsmittel- und Getränkeherstellung * WOOLWORTHS Einzelhandel Cape Town, Western Cape * AFRICA POWER MACHINERY Telekommunikation Nelson Mandela Bay, Eastern Cape * MR PRICE GROUP Einzelhandel Durban, KwaZulu Natal * COCA-COLA BEVERAGES SOUTH AFRICA (CCBSA) Gastronomie und Getränkeservice Clayville, Gauteng * HIRE ALL Baugewerbe Johannesburg, Gauteng Mehr ähnliche Seiten anzeigen Weniger ähnliche Seiten anzeigen JOBS DURCHSUCHEN * SACHBEARBEITER BUCHHALTUNG-JOBS 103.251 freie Stellen * EINZELHANDELSASSISTENT-JOBS 121.508 freie Stellen * PLANER-JOBS 42.458 freie Stellen * EXECUTIVE-JOBS 700.389 freie Stellen * ASSISTENT-JOBS 728.748 freie Stellen * HR-VERWALTER-JOBS 24.725 freie Stellen * TECHNIKER-JOBS 406.977 freie Stellen * MANAGER-JOBS 2.003.890 freie Stellen * GRAFIKDESIGNER-JOBS 25.659 freie Stellen * OFFIZIER-JOBS 1.244.525 freie Stellen * DESIGNER-JOBS 81.042 freie Stellen * VERTRIEBSMANAGER-JOBS 348.591 freie Stellen * MARKETINGMANAGER-JOBS 145.613 freie Stellen * MEDIENGESTALTER-JOBS 8.995 freie Stellen * LEITER USER EXPERIENCE-JOBS 30.816 freie Stellen * SALESFORCE-ADMINISTRATOR-JOBS 11.040 freie Stellen * REZEPTIONIST-JOBS 67.818 freie Stellen * SENIOR-JOBS 1.142.468 freie Stellen * UI-DESIGNER-JOBS 23.764 freie Stellen * ANGESTELLTER-JOBS 399.649 freie Stellen Weitere ähnliche Jobs anzeigen Weniger ähnliche Jobs anzeigen Weitere Suchen Weitere Suchen * * Teammitglied-Jobs * Picker-Jobs * Sicherheitsbeauftragter-Jobs * Sachbearbeiter Buchhaltung-Jobs * General-Jobs * Verwaltungsassistent-Jobs * Buchhalter-Jobs * Grafikdesigner-Jobs * Designer-Jobs * Kaufmann-Jobs * Administrator-Jobs * Fachwirt-Jobs * Assistent-Jobs * Immobilienmakler-Jobs * Vertriebsassistent-Jobs * Praktikant-Jobs * Verkaufsberater-Jobs * Sicherheitsmanager-Jobs * Junioranalyst-Jobs * Offizier-Jobs * Hochschulabsolvent-Jobs * Analyst-Jobs * Fachexperte-Jobs * Social Media-Manager-Jobs * Marketingmanager-Jobs * Allgemeiner Assistent-Jobs * Vertriebsmanager-Jobs * Personalvermittlungsadministrator-Jobs * HR-Verwalter-Jobs * Tellerwäscher-Jobs * Einzelhandelsassistent-Jobs * Verpacker-Jobs * Persönlicher Einkaufsberater-Jobs * Bedienung-Jobs * Kassierer-Jobs * Rezeptionist-Jobs * Executive-Jobs * Absolvent im Bereich Personalwesen-Jobs * Vertriebsmitarbeiter-Jobs * Monteur-Jobs * Auditmanager-Jobs * Finanzmanager-Jobs * HR-Generalist-Jobs * Servicetechniker-Jobs * Regionalmanager-Jobs * Vertriebsleiter-Jobs * Angestellter-Jobs * Verfahrenstechniker-Jobs * Junior-Administrator-Jobs * Talentexperte-Jobs * Berater-Jobs * Partner-Jobs * LinkedIn © 2023 * Info * Barrierefreiheit * Nutzervereinbarung * Datenschutzrichtlinie * Cookie-Richtlinie * Copyright-Richtlinie * Markenrichtlinine * Einstellungen für Nichtmitglieder * Community-Richtlinien * * العربية (Arabisch) * Čeština (Tschechisch) * Dansk (Dänisch) * Deutsch * English (Englisch) * Español (Spanisch) * Français (Französisch) * हिंदी (Hindi) * Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesisch) * Italiano (Italienisch) * 日本語 (Japanisch) * 한국어 (Koreanisch) * Bahasa Malaysia (Malaysisch) * Nederlands (Niederländisch) * Norsk (Norwegisch) * Polski (Polnisch) * Português (Portugiesisch) * Română (Rumänisch) * Русский (Russisch) * Svenska (Schwedisch) * ภาษาไทย (Thai) * Tagalog (Tagalog) * Türkçe (Türkisch) * Українська (Ukrainisch) * 简体中文 (Chinesisch vereinfacht) * 正體中文 (Chinesisch traditionell) Sprache Zustimmen und LinkedIn beitreten Durch Klicken auf „Weiter“ stimmen Sie der Nutzervereinbarung, der Datenschutzrichtlinie und der Cookie-Richtlinie von LinkedIn zu. 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