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 * The AI Income Trust
 * The #1 AI Dividend Stock
 * The Double-Digit AI Income Play
 * And Much More...

Read the Transcript

Dear Reader,

Hi, my name is Marc Lichtenfeld, author of Get Rich with Dividends and Chief
Income Strategist at The Oxford Club.

Today, I’d like to send you a copy of my new Free AI Income Playbook.

Because right now...

Artificial intelligence is THE biggest income opportunity of our lifetimes.

And I don’t want YOU to miss out!

Over 80,000 people PAY cold hard cash to get my insights and investment


I’m giving you ALL my best secrets on how you could collect big extra income
from AI stocks.

You’ll see how you can lock in a DOUBLE-DIGIT dividend yield from AI...

You’ll learn how to invest in an unusual income TRUST that’s crucial for the
success of AI...

And you’ll get my #1 AI Dividend Stock

Because the fact is – as the price of everything skyrockets...

Food, gas, housing, insurance, you name it...

Everyone could use more income right now.

And let me make one thing VERY clear:

You DO NOT have to put in your credit card number or pay one single cent to get

Seriously, no tricks or gimmicks.

And you won’t have to buy anything first.

Here’s my reasoning...

With everything we’re all going through, I’m on a mission to help as many people
as I can.

People are looking for MORE ways to make income in this economy.

More income in their free time.

More income while they sleep.

More income – PERIOD!

And I’m using my expertise the best way I know how... by showing folks how to
make MORE money.

You see, for years, I’ve pounded my fist on the table... I’ve yelled from the


After all, dividends and the income they provide are responsible for 90% of U.S.
equity returns over the last century according to a study by BlackRock.


But when you combine HIGH GROWTH with HIGH INCOME...

You could end up collecting rising income for the rest of your life.

And AI stocks are THE ultimate way to do this.

Take Broadcom, for example.

It’s a tech company in the AI space.

Broadcom started paying a dividend in December 2010.

If you bought just $5,000 worth then and reinvested the dividends...

Today, your investment would be worth $361,323.

Better yet...

You’d now receive over $5,383 in dividends annually...

That’s like doubling your entire initial investment each year on dividends

When you find stocks like this, the income potential is staggering... And right
now, you could have a similar opportunity in front of you.

A number of high-yielding, high-tech dividend companies are trading on the
market RIGHT NOW.

So do NOT sit on the sidelines.

Or you could miss out on what could be the easiest way to collect massive income
in your lifetime.

With money pouring into artificial technology companies... many of these stocks
are paying out HUGE yields...

Meaning your income could go UP every year...

All while getting into the FAST moving, BIGGEST growth market... PERIOD.

But only if you act NOW!

Because you may NEVER again see the chance to collect income this big in your

And if you miss out, you’ll spend the rest of your life kicking yourself.

So that’s why I want to send you my Ultimate AI INCOME Package for FREE today...

It shows you exactly where and how to lock in the biggest dividend checks in the

All you need to do is enter your email at the end of this presentation... and
you’ll get my Free AI INCOME Playbook sent straight to your inbox.

Free of charge.

No credit card needed. No need to buy another service.

It’s my gift to everyone who is struggling to get their finances back on
track... anyone looking to have a better retirement... anyone looking for more
income PERIOD!

Look, dividends have long been my passion.

Many people know me as “the income guy.”

In fact, if you Google “The best books on dividends,” my international
best-selling book Get Rich with Dividends is right up there in virtually every
top 5 search.

Yahoo! Finance has it in their Top 10.

And it hit #1 on Amazon.

In my 20 years as an investment professional, I’ve NEVER seen an income
opportunity like what we’re seeing right now.

The profit potential is just too good to pass up.

McKinsey estimates that AI’s annual economic potential could reach $25 trillion
as soon as 2030!

That’s $25 trillion... with a T.

Sequoia Capital – the venture capital firm behind Airbnb, Zoom, YouTube, PayPal,
and Google – claims AI has...

> “The potential to generate trillions of dollars of economic value.”

It’s no wonder the world’s richest people are jumping on board.

Jeff Bezos, founder of says...

> “It’s hard to overstate how big of an impact AI will have on society over the
> next 20 years.”

JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon says that AI will be...

> “As transformational as some of the major technological inventions of the past
> several hundred years: Think the printing press, the steam engine,
> electricity, computing, and the Internet, among others.”

We’re seeing some of the world’s biggest companies and billionaires are going
all-in right now...

Everyday folks are missing out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity...

Simply because they don’t know how to get started... or what stocks they should

Or worse, they’re just too scared to put even a little skin in the game.

Even when just a couple hundred bucks could set them up with MASSIVE income down
the line.

That’s why I want to send you my Free AI INCOME Playbook today.

It will include information on...

 * The AI Income Trust
 * The #1 AI Dividend Stock
 * The Double-Digit AI Income Play
 * And much more...

If you want to supercharge your income...

Then THIS is your chance.

I’m giving you everything you need to get started completely free of charge. A
button’s going to pop up that will allow you to claim this FREE income package.

But first, let me address the one question people always want to ask me...


My answer is simple...

Owning dividend-paying stocks is the single greatest way to get rich in the
stock market!

Full stop.

Dividend stocks...

 1. Have outperformed the broad market by 542% over the past 63 years
 2. Have LESS risk and a HIGHER return than non-dividend stocks
 3. Can increase over time... meaning each year, you could get paid MORE without
    putting in more money.
 4. Often have higher earnings growth
 5. Pay you no matter what the stock is doing

And as I mentioned, a study showed a full 90% of the market’s returns over a
110-year span are from dividends.

When I’m investing my own money, I want know that I have the HIGHEST chance of
getting something back.

And as long as a company doesn’t cut a dividend, you’re guaranteed cash!

Why would anyone buy a stock that doesn’t pay income to its shareholders?

Anything that doesn’t pay a dividend is a speculation.

You’re hoping... praying... that you can sell the stock at a higher price.

With dividends, you don’t have to pray.

It’s automatically set up so you get paid!

Listen, when you buy a stock, you own a piece of the company.

You’re an OWNER.

Don’t you think you should get income from it?


As a shareholder in the best dividend stocks...

YOU become an owner of some of the biggest, most profitable companies in

YOU get payouts from these companies... that could get bigger year after year.

You get all the rewards of being a business owner, but none of the headaches.

You NEVER have to worry about employees... co-workers... or annoying customers.

You just sit back like Boss Hogg and collect your dues.

There’s ONLY ONE SINGLE way to get paid like this...

Can you guess what it is?


They’re the “secret sauce” to Warren Buffett’s longtime success.

By far, the easiest, most lucrative way to collect passive income is through
dividend-paying companies.

And the yields I’m seeing right now are out of this world!

Barron’s agrees that dividend payers are what you want to own RIGHT NOW!

You could collect an income stream sitting at home, binge-watching Netflix.

You could get paid on your investment while you’re on the golf course.

You could even get paid monster dividends while you’re sleeping!

Heck, I sleep better at night knowing that the companies I own rake in HUGE cash
flows... and that, as a shareholder, I get a piece of every dollar they earn.

It's my goal to identify strong dividend stocks that will deliver cash no matter
what happens to the broad market.

So while everyone else is screaming on this roller coaster ride of a market...

You brush these movements off your shoulder.

Because even in a downturn, you’ve tapped into a well of money that can
constantly gush cold hard cash!

And when you’re collecting regular, predictable income...

It doesn’t matter what the stock market is doing... what the Fed is doing to the
economy... what new bleak outlook you see on the news...

You’re getting the money YOU deserve as an owner as long as the company decides
to continue paying dividends.

Over the last decade, there have been some incredible income streams...

And they really illustrate the insane power of how dividends can supercharge
your portfolio over the long term.

But now, they are being SUPERCHARGED with AI.

Don’t believe me?

Take Nvidia, which is the leader in the AI chip industry and as you know, one of
the best-performing stocks in the market.

It started paying out a dividend in November 2012...

And just $1,000 that day would now be worth over $300,000!

And $10,000 worth over $3 million!

By investing in high-growth, dividend-paying AI companies like Nvidia and
reinvesting those dividends, you’re harnessing what Albert Einstein called

> “Eighth Wonder of the World.”

It’s the powerful technique Warren Buffett used to help make a 2 million percent
return since he started Berkshire Hathaway in 1965.

I’m talking about compounding.

It’s when your money works for YOU... and can multiply itself year after year...
resulting in exponential growth of your wealth.


This video should be a warning!


If you’re not buying AI dividend stocks right now, you are literally robbing
yourself of future income.

You’re giving yourself a pay cut.

Don’t do that to yourself!

Be like the world’s most successful investors and get PAID to invest.

Kevin O’Leary, multimillionaire Shark Tank investor, claimed...

> “Rule No. 1 for me is: I’ll never own a stock that doesn’t pay a dividend.
> Ever. I feel warm and fuzzy every quarter when I get that dividend!”

Warren Buffett said this in a shareholder meeting for Berkshire Hathaway:

> “We relish the dividends we receive from most of the stocks that Berkshire
> owns.”

That’s putting it lightly...

Berkshire Hathaway is collecting about $6 BILLION in dividends per year.

A full 78.4% of Buffett’s portfolio is invested in just six dividend-paying

And Peter Lynch says...

> “The big reason that stock prices go up is that companies continue to raise
> their dividends.”

And of course, there’s John D. Rockefeller. He said...

> “Do you know the only thing that gives me pleasure? It's to see my dividends
> coming in.”

Clearly, he loved his dividends!

But you don’t have to be a millionaire to LOVE dividends...

Dividends are for people just getting started investing...

They’re for people who are playing catch-up on retirement...

They’re for people who have been burned by the booms and busts of this crazy

With dividend stocks, you are paid cash just because you’re investing!

In my Free AI Income Playbook, I’ll show you exactly how to set up your
cash-gushing dividend portfolio.

In it, I’ll break down my biggest dividend secrets, such as...

 * How to set up your portfolio so you can collect money every single month
 * How to collect extra shares of stock in your favorite dividend companies (any
   investor can accumulate these new shares... even if they’ve NEVER invested
 * How to pay ZERO taxes on dividends for decades (that’s right: zero taxes on
   your dividends)
 * How to earn MONTHLY passive income.

Now, you’re probably wondering... monthly income!?! Is that even possible?

The answer is YES, you can collect huge income every single month... if you
start right now.


You see, most people hear the word “dividend” and think about stocks that pay
you a 2% or 3% yield.

Companies like Coca-Cola or WalMart.

They get the most press, and that’s why people wrongfully think dividends are
boring, slow ways to generate income.

Now, there’s nothing wrong with buying blue chip companies and reinvesting your
dividends – it’s one of the few proven ways to build wealth in the market.

Johnson and Johnson is a great example. It’s raised dividends every single year
for over 60 years.

And $1,000 invested in Johnson & Johnson in 1980 would be worth $260,000 today!

Start with $5,000... and it would now be worth $1.3 million.

Or look at Nike. It’s paid a dividend since 1987 and every $1,000 invested then
would be worth $798,000 today....

And $5,000.... Over $3.2 million!

And there’s Home Depot. It’s paid a dividend – again, without interruption –
since 1987, same year as Nike.

And $1,000 invested in 1987 would be worth $1.4 million today.

While $5,000 would be worth $7.1 MILLION.


Right now, there are hundreds of other great high-growth stocks that are paying
out huge cash yields...

And if you follow the step-by-step instructions in my Free AI Income Playbook...

You could get started collecting massive dividends... from SAFE BUT GROWING

And that’s the KEY.

You can’t just go chasing yield. You don’t want to just pick a company

Remember all investing carries risk, so you should never invest more than you
should lose.

So you want to invest in companies with the LOWEST risk of cutting a dividend
but with the HIGHEST return potential.

That’s why I’m here to help you on this path.

But the time to move on this is NOW.

Think of all the savers in the early ’80s who saw yields hitting 15% on savings

We literally have not seen anything like that ever since.

Most people would KILL to go back to a time when you were rewarded 15% for
saving and growing your money.

This is no different.

We’ve seen interest rates climb faster than any time in history!

While most people are moaning about higher rates...

I’m like a kid in a candy shop!

Because with higher rates... come higher dividends.

And while most investors expected the Fed to cut rates three times in 2024...

The Fed, instead, has kept rates at 23-year highs.

That’s why NOW is the time to act.

Many companies offer dividend yields that are downright legendary right now.

Because if you take advantage of great dividend-paying companies and income
investments, it can set up for HUGE returns.

Over the last 15 years, some of the best-performing stocks have been

And when you reinvest those dividends, the returns can be STAGGERING.

Like Tractor Supply...

It’s up 2,358%...

Or Eli Lilly...

It’s gained 3,149%.

And there’s Texas Pacific Land Trust...

It’s up 8,358%.

$1,000 would be worth over $83,000 today!

That’s a return of 83 times your money...

And this is starting with only 1,000 bucks and letting the dividends compound
over time!

Go bigger and put in $10K... and you could be looking at a $835,000 nest egg!

These are some of the BEST returns you can possibly find looking back at the

And they’re not risky penny stocks... not beaten-down value stocks...

They’re growing, quality DIVIDEND PAYERS!

And while past performance is no guarantee for the future...

Right now, we’re seeing an incredible opportunity because a select few AI stocks
have the ultimate combo of high growth and high yields.

But this WON’T last forever...

Sit on the sidelines and you’re robbing yourself of the chance to profit.

That’s why I can’t emphasize this enough: You have to act the moment you get my
Free AI Income Playbook.

It is FREE, after all!

Why wouldn’t you claim it?

Even if you just want to learn more, or if it’s just a small starting stake you
want to put in.

The fact is, anybody can get started today!

And I’m going to give away my Free AI Income Playbook – completely free – to all
of you watching at home so you’ll have everything you need.


As I said, my name is Marc Lichtenfeld.

I’m the Chief Income Strategist of one of the country’s top financial research
institutions, The Oxford Club.

My mission is to help every one of our readers generate a safe and steady stream
of retirement income that NEVER RUNS OUT.

Running out of money is the No. 1 concern of retirees.

And I believe dividends are the SOLUTION.

I’ve published hundreds of articles. Wrote my bestselling book Get Rich with
Dividends. Appeared on CNBC, Fox Business, Bloomberg and other media outlets.

I’m doing everything I can to spread my message across America.

And that’s what led me here today to help you.

You see... I keep watching people make the same investing mistakes over and over

They buy at the top of the market.

Sell at the bottom.

Hold cash through bull markets...

And jump into the latest fad like pot stocks or bitcoin.

Only to realize they got in too late... and rode their investments down to the

But here’s the thing...

It’s not their fault.

People just don’t realize there’s a better way to invest out there... a proven
income strategy that is unmatched in the history of the markets.

Because with dividends...

You can set yourself up to get paid month after month.

While everyone else is swinging for the fences...

You can actually GROW your wealth.

Because when you’re investing in dividend stocks, your money is working for YOU.

Consider the S&P 500’s returns from 2000 to 2009.

That’s an entire decade of market returns.

If you had invested in an S&P 500 index fund, you would have been down 9% by the
end of those 10 years.

If it weren’t for dividends, it’d be even worse: down 24%!

The Wall Street Journal reported it was “the worst decade ever” for stocks.

However, if you owned a portfolio consisting of just average, run-of-the-mill
dividend-paying stocks, it would’ve gained 87% from 2000 to 2009.

And if you had picked the best dividend stocks, those that raise dividends every
year like the ones I target, you could have captured a return of 325% over those
same 10 years.

THAT is the power of dividend stocks versus just buying the regular old stock

But it gets even better over the long term...

Since 1960, 69% of the S&P’s total growth has come from dividend stocks.

Take a look at this chart...

It represents the growth of $100 if you’d put it into S&P 500 stocks 50 years

At the bottom here are the dividend nonpayers.

Over 50 years, $100 in non-dividend-paying stocks would’ve grown into just $694.

Put $100 into all S&P stocks, and it gets a bit better.

$100 would’ve turned into $4,043.

But it’s when you invest purely in dividend stocks that the results really take

For example, $100 put into only dividend payers would’ve grown into $8,060...

That’s over 7,900% growth...

An insane outperformance.

But again, it gets even better.

If you’d put that same $100 into dividend growers and initiators...

Stocks that either begin paying... or consistently grow their payouts...

Today it would be worth $13,061.

That’s almost 19X the return of the non-dividend payers.

And remember... that’s starting with just $100.

If you’d put in $10,000, it would be worth $1.3 million today.

This outperformance by dividend stocks has been confirmed again and again.

For example, a BlackRock study of the markets from 1900 to 2010 showed that
investing in the stock market without reinvesting dividends returned just 750%
over 110 years.

But with reinvested dividends, the return was 85,000%!

Now, this is an incredible gain...

But let me make a very important point...

If you’ve missed investing in dividend stocks so far, YOU’RE NOT TOO LATE.

You HAVEN’T missed out on this once-in-a-lifetime chance to get the biggest
yields I’ve seen in decades.

But you need to act immediately.

After all...

Every day you sit out, you’re missing out on collecting massive income.


My Free AI Income Playbook will show you EXACTLY how to profit from many of the
high-yield, high-growth AI companies out there.

Because, as I’ve shown you here today...

I believe there’s no better way to get rich in the market today than investing
in dividend stocks.

No matter your starting point!

And don’t worry if you’ve never bought a dividend stock before...

It is very simple.

The Free AI Income Playbook is perfect for beginners looking to get started...

And it’s also great for folks who are already investing in dividends but want to
take those dividends to the next level!

Just remember...

You need to lock in these big, growing dividend yields now.

Because you may NEVER see an opportunity like this again.


The situation is so urgent that...


As I mentioned earlier, Warren Buffett is a big investor in dividend stocks...

But he’s not the only one...

Consider Ryan Cohen.

He’s the founder of Chewy – a popular online pet supply company.

In 2018, he sold Chewy for $3.35 billion.

So what did he do with his money?

He invested 100% - yes, 100% of his $3 billion - into dividend-paying stocks!

And he’s not alone...

Forbes reports that 62% of billionaires’ favorite stocks paid dividends.

Right now, the smart money is investing big money into dividend stocks...
everyone from Carl Icahn to Bill Ackman.

And billionaire Mark Cuban once revealed that 4 out of 6 of his stock holdings
are in dividend stocks.

He said...

> “I believe non-dividend stocks aren't much more than baseball cards. They are
> worth what you can convince someone to pay for it.”

Needless to say...


Listen, you don’t want to look back and say you missed out.

As you saw, billionaires and hedge funds are betting BIG on dividend stocks...

And we could see share prices shoot up higher and faster than ever before.

So the time to get in is today... BEFORE that happens.

Because if you wait until after that happens, your chance at locking in growing,
big yields could disappear.

And that’s why I want to send you a copy of my Free AI Income Playbook at no
charge to you today.


Your free copy of the Free AI Income Playbook will teach you everything you need
to know.

I could probably charge hundreds of dollars for it.

But today, I want you to have it for FREE.

Here’s everything you’ll get...


My first report features a very unique company.

It’s not a stock, bond, private company or option.

And it’s not futures or anything complicated.

Rather, it’s an unusual trust that gives you income from America’s AI boom each
and every quarter.

In fact... as a trust, they are legally required to distribute 90% of their
available cash to their partners via special tax-sheltered dividends – that’s
money that goes directly to YOU!

So rather than going to overpaid CEOs and directors... it goes directly into
YOUR pocket!

And with over $8 billion in annual revenues... so there’s plenty to go around.

Best of all, this company is set up for incredible growth in the years ahead.

Because it’s like a toll collector for the entire AI industry.

You see, whenever you ask AI like ChatGPT a question...

Or Amazon’s algorithm gives you a recommendation...

What happens behind the scenes is that you’re actually talking to a huge data
center filled with hundreds of supercomputers.

These computers talk to each other and answer your question... or create an
image... in milliseconds!

This company owns and operates those data centers.

And just like a tollbooth attendant... it collects fees along the way (to the
tune of BILLIONS of dollars).

So it’s a very stable business.

Because without this company, AI wouldn’t be possible.

It’s a fantastic company with almost unlimited cash flow thanks to its
tollbooth-collector business model.

Sounds like a pretty good business, doesn’t it?

And you can collect your share as a partner.

So no matter your starting point, you can become a partner in this business.

But that’s not all I’d like to send you today...


I am often asked what my favorite stock is...

It’s a tough question to answer because there are a lot of variables to
consider, including how much risk an investor can handle.

But when I look at the market, one stock is my absolute favorite right now.

Unlike many dividend-paying companies...

It’s a breakthrough AI biotech!

The company is partnering with two of the BIGGEST players in AI.

First, it’s partnered with Nvidia to build generative AI models for drug

Second, it’s partnered with Amazon to take those discoveries to the market.

So it’s got dual engines of growth from the leaders in their respective

One on the drug discovery side, the other than the sales side.

My research leads me to believe this is the ultimate high-growth, high-income

It brought in $28.2 billion in revenue last year.

And over the past year, it paid shareholders $4.6 billion in dividends.

With $7.4 billion in free cash flow, it has more than enough cash to increase
that dividend moving forward.

This company has raised its dividend every year for the past 13 years... meaning
you get MORE income from it every single year.

And I’ve put the details about this stock in a FREE report titled “The #1 AI
Dividend Stock.”

Of course, that’s not all... I’m also giving you one of the highest-yielding
opportunities in the market...


There are more than 3,000 publicly traded dividend plays.

But precious few pay very high yields.

Especially AI companies.

Yet I’ve uncovered ONE that I’m sharing with you today, free of charge...

It’s paying out a whopping 10% yield.

However, it’s NOT a regular stock...

Rather it’s a unique fund that invests in high-tech AI companies.

For example, it’s invested in companies like Monolithic Power Systems, which
makes chips aimed at improving energy efficiency for AI systems.

Monolithic Power Systems is up 419% over the past five years.

And 7,093% since it went public ’04.

Clearly an outstanding investment.

The chips market is poised to see a HUGE increase in demand as AI uses more and
more energy.

According to Blackstone CEO Larry Fink...

> “We will run out of electricity if we are to fully adapt to an AI world.”

So not only are you getting an ultra-high yield’re also getting
potential for breakout growth.

That’s the third FREE stock you get with my Free AI Income Playbook.

But as a special gift to you, I’m not stopping there...

If you claim my free Free AI Income Playbook today, I’m going to give you my top
THREE Extreme Dividend stocks...


As big as the dividends I’ve shown you today are...

I haven’t shown you the most extraordinary dividend stocks in the market.

As part of the Free AI Income Playbook...

You’ll get my top three Extreme Dividend stocks.

Ones that could FAST-TRACK your yields!

By investing in high-growth companies that pay dividends, you could make
multiple times your original investment... paid directly to you.

Like with Apple – one of the best-performing stocks of this century.

It first paid a dividend in 1987, and a $5,000 investment then would be paying
out $33,000 in annual dividends today.

That’s nearly 7 TIMES your initial investment... every single year.

ON TOP of the $6.6 million you’d have sitting in your bank account.

Incredible, right?

What’s even more exciting is that Extreme Dividends don’t require leverage,
options or any gimmicks.

You simply buy the regular shares at the regular price and reinvest any
dividends automatically.

But the biggest returns take good timing...

That’s why you need to move fast.

Your chance to lock in these yields could be gone forever if you don’t act SOON.

That’s why I’m going to give you my THREE favorite Extreme AI Dividend companies
that you should consider buying immediately...

Completely free of charge.

 * The first company creates the essential infrastructure for AI
 * The next company provides the raw materials found in AI hardware
 * And the last company generates the power used in AI datacenters.

I’ll show you how to buy them...

When to buy them...

And what price to pay for them.

I’ve made everything as easy as possible for you to maximize your profit

Now, to my knowledge, there’s nowhere else you’ll hear about Extreme Dividends.

You won’t hear about these on the news... in a book... or on the internet (no
matter how many Google searches you do).

I’ve detailed each company in a special report I’ve titled “Three Extreme
Dividend Stocks”...

And there’s one last bonus gift I’d like to send you for free today...

That’s my income investing video series, Dividend Riches.

These videos walk you through how to collect income around the clock.


I will teach you everything you need to know about getting rich with dividends.

Here are just a few of the things you’ll discover:

 1. You’ll see how to lock in a passive income streamwhere you get at least one
    check every single month with a small portfolio of dividend stocks.
 2. I’ll show you why all dividends aren’t created equal...and I’ll break down
    the type of dividends you want to avoid at all costs... and the types that
    can grow every single year.
 3. You’ll find out how you can make money even if a stock goes DOWN...without
    options, shorting or anything fancy.
 4. I’ll reveal why you could pay ZERO taxes on your dividends for decadesif you
    follow the right steps. That’s right, zero taxes on your dividends!
 5. You’ll see how you can turn a small dividend yield of even 2% into a 5%...
    10%... even a 20% yield on your initial investment...with one little trick!
 6. And much more!

It’s a complete rundown of my entire dividend philosophy.

Netflix could offer me $10 million to make this into a video series on its

And I’d turn it down!

I’ll never put it for sale on Amazon either...

Because I’m not trying to make a buck on it.

I’m trying to GIVE IT to the folks who need it... to make an actual difference
in this country.

Our politicians have done all they can to make it HARD for Americans to earn the
income they need to survive.

They don’t really care about your life. They’ve proven that over and over again.

But I think we can all make a difference by helping each other.

That’s what America truly is.

It’s certainly not our government.

It’s the people.

That’s why I’d like to give you a copy of the Free AI Income Playbook without
charging you a single cent.

I’ll send it straight to you free of charge!

To Recap, Here’s Everything You’ll Get FREE Today With the Free AI Income

 * FREE Gift #1: “The AI Income Trust” ($195 value!)
 * FREE Gift #2: “The #1 AI Dividend Stock” ($195 value!)
 * FREE Gift #3: “The Double-Digit AI Income Play” ($195 value!)
 * FREE Gift #4: “Three Extreme Dividend Stocks” ($195 value!)
 * FREE Gift #5: Dividend Riches: My Income Investing Video Series ($325 value!)

That’s a $1,105 value!

But through this special offer I’m making today...

You get it all COMPLETELY FREE.

There’s no obligation to buy anything. It’s my gift to you.

Now, in just a moment, a big button is going to pop up that says, “Yes! I Want
My Free AI Income Playbook.”

When it does, you can click on it and we’ll send everything 100% free of charge
to your email.

But before that button pops up, I want to be very upfront with you.

This free offer is unlike anything I’ve ever done before.

It costs us a huge amount to put together a package like this and send it out to
the thousands of people who request it.

It’s not cheap.

And I have NEVER given something like this away before.

I believe in the work we produce, and I think that, normally, people should pay
for it.

But these are unusual times, and people are struggling so much that I really
felt it was my duty to make it available free of charge.

However, for those who can afford it, I’m asking you to consider a risk-free
trial of my publication The Oxford Income Letter.

By signing up, not only will you help us get the Free AI Income Playbook out to
more people... you’ll also get my guidance throughout the year on the best
income opportunities.

And you’ll have the chance to get it for less than $0.15 per day.

I’ll explain more in just a moment.

But first, let me tell you what The Oxford Income Letter is all about.

In short, it is a research service I created to help people retire in America
with the income they need to live a fulfilled and secure life.

And my readers are living proof...

I’ve already helped many of my thousands of readers collect massive dividend


Like Clara Stanton, who told me that she was able to take her portfolio from
$10,000 to $39,000 in one year, thanks to my recommendations.

Or Ed Philips who says...

> “I follow Marc’s recommendations to the letter and it has paid off big time.
> My portfolio has grown from $240,000 to $1.2 million in 8 years.”

Reader Ed Kohen said...

> “It's very exciting to see money magically appear in my account throughout the
> month. The knowledge I have gained from Marc has been life-changing!”

Now, here’s what I want you to do.

I want you to picture your perfect life.

I want you to imagine what you would do with your family... where you would
live... how you’d spend your days...

If you no longer had concerns about money.

What... Would you buy your dream home?

Spend more time with your kids and grandkids?

Or just sleep better at night?

Whatever your perfect life is, that’s what I’m going to help you achieve

As I’ve shown you, many of my readers are collecting BIG dividend checks...
month after month.

Anybody can begin generating income today.

My readers are REAL people... folks who started out just like you... and are
getting paid no matter what happens to the economy.

That’s the potential of the opportunity I’m putting in front of you today...

I know from years of experience and research that investing in dividend stocks
is proven to be the safest way to ensure you never run out of money in

And right now is an unprecedented opportunity to lock in income for the rest of
your life.

And as I said, the yields I’m seeing right now are some of the best of my

So I don’t want to just give you a few picks and send you on your way.

My goal with The Oxford Income Letter is to give you the tools to build a
portfolio of dividend superstars that could pay you more and more every year.

In order to do that, I’ve created a model portfolio of stocks that are some of
the best dividend growth companies on the market.


I first launched the Compound Income Portfolio back in 2013.

It features stocks that are growing their dividends year after year.

And it’s become incredibly popular with my 80,000-plus subscribers.

As a new member of The Oxford Income Letter, you’ll have full access to every
pick in my Compound Income Portfolio.

However, if you are looking to generate income quickly and don’t necessarily
have time to compound your money...

I have something else for you too.

There’s another model portfolio I designed to maximize income right away called
the Instant Income Portfolio.


I’ve loaded the Instant Income Portfolio with plays that deliver maximum income
right now.

I’m going to give you password-protected access to this portfolio as well.

Along with access to our HIGHEST-yielding portfolio...


This one is filled with companies that pay out the biggest dividends I can find.

I call it the High Yield Portfolio because I’m looking for big, safe,
double-digit yields that can accelerate your savings FAST.

So that’s the third and final portfolio...

You can get all three... and all my future dividend picks... if you give my
Oxford Income Letter a risk-free trial.

My No. 1 goal is to help you generate incredible new income with The Oxford
Income Letter.

I started it to help folks grow their retirement accounts faster and maximize
the income they have to live on in retirement.

With each monthly issue, I’ll deliver the very best dividend stocks in the
market. I’m looking for big yields, fast growth and ultimate safety.

And I’ll show you how to...

 * Generate double-digit dividend yields
 * Maximize investment growth
 * Build a bullet-proof passive income stream.

My goal is to help our Members find income opportunities that make life easy...
not hard.

Because the real purpose of dividend investing is to provide the income you need
to truly enjoy life.

It’s the ability to take care of your family...

To know your bills are paid...

To not worry about the mortgage...

To give back to your church and favorite charity...

To go out and see the world.

To put it simply, my income system is focused on LIVING LIFE TO THE FULLEST, not
merely getting by.

With 20 years of experience as a stock analyst, top financial author, and
dividend and income expert, I am prepared to help you THRIVE in any financial

All you have to do is claim the Free AI Income Playbook that I’m giving you

It is 100% free, and you DO NOT have to sign up for The Oxford Income Letter to
get it.

I’m making that available to you.

But if you do sign up for The Oxford Income Letter... at less than $0.13 a day,
mind you... I’ll give you my best income plays throughout the year...

I’ll also give you four extra bonuses that I think you’ll really enjoy.

First up...


Get Rich with Dividends is my bestselling dividend investing book that shows
investors how to achieve double-digit returns using dividend stocks.

It was awarded the Book of the Year award by the Institute for Financial

Through my years studying the markets... I’ve found that investing in certain
types of companies that consistently grow dividends is the best way to multiply
your money quickly.

And while I could brag about my book...

It’s probably more helpful to just share with you what a few Amazon reviewers
have said.

One reader, Charlie B., wrote...

> “This is one of the most helpful investment books I have ever read. I have
> employed many of the methods and have had much success.”

Igor G. called it...

> “The best book on stock investing I have ever read.”

James W. said...

> “After 40 years of hit-or-miss investing, finally, a logical, non-mystical
> program of investing to put my retirement account on the right path. If only
> this book had been available in my 20s, I could have retired in my 40s.”

And Charlie S. said...

> “The information in it about compounding your dividends is unbelievable. I
> would recommend this book to anyone looking to improve and increase their
> finances.”

All told, I’ve sold more than 110,000 copies of this book.

It’s been translated into languages like Thai, Polish and Japanese.

And it sells for $40 in bookstores around the world...

But I’d like to send you a free hardback copy today when you subscribe.

You’ll get all of this just moments from now, simply by taking a trial run of my
popular research publication The Oxford Income Letter.

But that’s not all I’m giving you...


I’m also going to give you my top five small cap dividend stocks.

When most people think of dividend stocks, they think of big blue chips like
Johnson & Johnson, Coca-Cola or McDonald’s.

But very few people know about SMALL CAP dividend-paying stocks...

Many are as safe as blue chips... but still have huge growth potential.

I want to send them all to you just for joining The Oxford Income Letter!


So let me total it all up.

As soon as you join, you are entitled to all the privileges that come with a

You’ll receive...

 * 12 Months of my Oxford Income Letter newsletter
 * Weekly model portfolio updates with key new information regarding our income
 * Password-protected access to the subscribers-only website, newly designed
   with a more personalized approach for you
 * Access to our Pillar One Advisors, including experts in collectibles, real
   estate, tax law, insurance and more
 * Weekly Mailbag where I answer readers’ most asked questions each and every
 * Oxford Income Blasts, which have information so urgent it cannot wait for the
   regularly scheduled updates.
 * Oxford Income Live, every month, I’ll go LIVE for a full hour session. During
   Oxford Income Live, I’ll issue updates on positions in the portfolios, share
   observations about the market and take questions from Members.

You’ll also receive every one of the reports, videos, portfolios and special
bonuses I’ve lined up for you today, including...

 * Access to All of Our Special Model Portfolios: The Instant Income Portfolio,
   the Compound Income Portfolio, the High Yield Portfolio (Total Value: $876)
 * Extra Bonus: Free Hardcover Copy of Get Rich with Dividends (Value: $27)
 * And “Retire Rich With Five Small Cap Dividend Stocks” (Value: $241)

That’s all ON TOP of the Free AI Income Playbook you can claim today!

Now, of course, if you just want the Free AI Income Playbook... that’s your

It is 100% free to receive it. Just click on the button below.


But I recommend you join us at The Oxford Income Letter as well.

That way you have me helping you find the very best income opportunities all
year long.

And for how long I’ve been in this business...

I can tell you the absolute BEST feature of The Oxford Income Letter is the

It’s simply unbeatable.

Normally, we charge $249 for 12 months of The Oxford Income Letter...

Which is more than fair considering how much we put into it.

But today, you can start collecting INCOME for just a fraction of that.

Just $49.

That means, for about $0.13 a day... you’ll get a full 12 months of access to
The Oxford Income Letter.

PLUS, I back it up with a best-in-class guarantee.


When you subscribe to The Oxford Income Letter today, you do so absolutely
risk-free for a full year.

So you have absolutely nothing to lose by acting right now!

Try The Oxford Income Letter risk-free for 12 months.

If for any reason you are unhappy, simply call us up and you’ll receive a
prompt, hassle-free 100% refund.

I’m sure you’ll agree that’s a fair deal...

12 months on the house.

And a full money-back guarantee.

And you can keep all your free bonuses just as a thank you for trusting me

The biggest risk is NOT signing up and just sitting on the sidelines while other
investors build retirement accounts that hand them the income they need for the
rest of their lives.

You’ll get a full 12 months of access to The Oxford Income Letter...

As well as all of the gifts I’ve discussed today – including your complimentary
copy of my Free AI Income Playbook!

You may be wondering...

Why am I giving away so much value for such a great price?

Because I know that once you experience The Oxford Income Letter, you’ll stick
with me for the long term.

So, really, I’m betting $100 that you will make money with my guidance.

That’s the risk we take.

And it means all the pressure is on me to truly deliver.

I want to see you stay on that second year... and then email me, “Marc, I’m
making more income than I ever thought possible.”

And then you stay on that third year and you tell me, “I’ve shown this to my
friends and family and now THEY are making money.”

I charge so little because I know people who actually use my recommendations and
research WILL stick around.

Because they will want to KEEP making money.

So it’s in my best interests to help make you as much money as possible!

I’m confident I can do just that... because I’ve done it for years for people
just like you!


Like Kevin Hannigan of Chatham, Massachusetts.

He felt he didn’t have enough saved for retirement after the ’08 crash.

But he built his portfolio up to millions in dividend-paying stocks!

Here’s what he wrote to me...

> “Marc, at the end of 2008, I had $381,000 in my investment account. Shortly
> thereafter, I began using the ideas put forth in The Oxford Income Letter as
> my go-to strategy.
> At the end of 2017, my investment account totaled in excess of $2.7 million.
> This was bolstered almost exclusively by gains from investments... 90% Marc’s
> recommendations!
> Thanks for all the insights and especially for the financial freedom to retire
> on my terms.”

He’s just one of our highly successful readers...

Don Baker says...

> “Once I started with The Oxford Club and started to lean toward the income
> side I was able to grow my portfolio from approximately $300,000 to $1.3
> million in about four years. Plus, I collect $75,000 per year from the income
> portion. I am now firmly committed to the income method for the majority of my
> investing and my wife finally has full confidence in my investing efforts
> (which was not always the case).”

And here’s one more from Martin B....

> “Since starting in 2013 with approximately $200,000 I have grown my portfolio
> to $700,000 and I’m generating $30,000 per year in dividends. Marc’s ideas
> have been the basis for this portfolio.”

Now, these are some of our best success stories of course individual results
will vary....but as you can see, we focus on both helping our subscribers
increase their investment income and also helping them achieve their dream life.

Some of them start small with just a couple of thousand dollars. But others who
receive The Oxford Income Letter are worth millions.

The fact is... no matter your financial situation... you can always use more
income and more security later in life.

The whole point is to have growing income flowing in so you never have to worry.

This is your chance to join these people... to get the income you need to truly
enjoy life.

To know your bills are paid...

To not worry about the mortgage...

To give back to your church and favorite charity...

To go out and see the world...

Simply because you made the decision to give The Oxford Income Letter a
risk-free try today.

Remember, we’re seeing some of the biggest yields we’ve seen in decades...

But this WON’T last forever.

And you could lose your chance to lock in these high-yield dividend
opportunities... FOREVER.

You may NEVER see huge double-digit yields like these again!

So I urge you to act now!

Your decision to join The Oxford Income Letter today is 100% risk-free.

If at any point over the next 365 days you’re not satisfied...

Simply call up my dedicated U.S.-based customer care team and let our team
members know.

They’ll issue a full, no-questions-asked refund right away...

Of course, I’ll say again that you can get my entire Free AI Playbook today,
free of charge!

There is no purchase necessary.

Simply click on the button below to get your package.


But I ask that you really consider and think about my risk-free offer for The
Oxford Income Letter.

You have nothing to lose.

If the service I provide doesn’t live up to your expectations, you can get every
penny back.

When you think about it like that, you simply have no reason not to respond to
this offer right away.

Just click the button below to claim your FREE Free AI Income Playbook...

Take a risk-free trial of The Oxford Income Letter...

And get all of the other bonus gifts I’ve mentioned today.


It really is that easy.

Once you click that button, a whole world of income is going to open up to you.

You have the chance to dramatically change your finances forever... and I hope
you join me.

To get started, simply click on the button below.


Thanks for watching...

Marc Lichtenfeld
Chief Income Strategist, The Oxford Club

May 2024

© 2024 The Oxford Club, LLC. The Oxford Club is a financial publisher that does
not act as a personal investment advisor for any specific individual. Nor do we
advocate the purchase or sale of any security or investment for any specific
individual. Markets have inherent risks and there can be no guarantee of future
profits. Likewise, our past performance does not assure the same future results.
All the recommendations communicated to members during the life of this service
may not be reflected in this presentation. The stated returns may also include
option trades. We will send all our members regular communications with
specific, timely strategies and updated recommendations; however, you should not
consider any of the communications by our company and employees to you
personalized investment advice. Note that the proprietary recommendations and
analysis we present to members is for the exclusive use of our membership. May




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