www.domo.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://app.insight.domo.com/e/er?elq_cid=19494562&ContactID=0035w00003Mmu1lAAB&utm_source=Eloqua&utm_medium=email&utm_campai...
Effective URL: https://www.domo.com/domopalooza?elq_cid=19494562&ContactID=0035w00003Mmu1lAAB&utm_source=Eloqua&utm_medium=email&utm...
Submission: On December 06 via manual from CA — Scanned from CA

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

POST /send/eloqua

<form data-v-308ce8bc="" method="POST" action="/send/eloqua" accept-charset="UTF-8" novalidity="" class="domo-form" id="newsletter-form"><input data-v-308ce8bc="" name="elqFormName" type="hidden" value="Form_9503_DPUpdates"> <input data-v-308ce8bc=""
    name="Campaign_ID" type="hidden" value="701f2000001AmFTAA0"> <input data-v-308ce8bc="" name="elqCampaignId" type="hidden"> <input data-v-308ce8bc="" name="elqSiteID" type="hidden" value="2427"> <input data-v-308ce8bc="" name="elqCustomerGUID"
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    data-v-308ce8bc="" name="geoip_country_code" type="hidden" value="CA"> <input data-v-308ce8bc="" name="domo_id" type="hidden" value="1529776324"> <input data-v-308ce8bc="" name="marketingCloudId1" type="hidden" value="No Marketing Cloud ID">
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    value="<div class='text-align-center AjaxForm__ThanksMsg _fade-in'><h4 class='text-headline-2-light pb-2'>Thank you!</h4><div class='text-body-lg-light'>You are now on the Domopalooza 2024 insider’s list and will be emailed updates as they become available.</div></div>">
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    data-v-308ce8bc="" name="RF_SITE_Phone" type="hidden" id="RF_SITE_Phone"> <input data-v-308ce8bc="" name="cta_type" type="hidden" value="Video Demo Request"> <input data-v-308ce8bc="" name="language" type="hidden" value="en-US"> <!----> <!---->
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      <h4 data-v-308ce8bc="" class="text-center buff-top">Sign up for Domopalooza 2024 updates.</h4>
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            <ul data-v-308ce8bc="" class="not-a-list"><span data-v-308ce8bc="">Domo requests your consent to send you email communications:</span>
              <li data-v-308ce8bc="">
                <div data-v-308ce8bc="" class="checkbox-field"><input data-v-308ce8bc="" id="email-consent-yes" type="radio" value="Yes" name="emailConsent"> <label data-v-308ce8bc="" for="email-consent-yes"><span data-v-308ce8bc="">YES</span> - Send
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Text Content

Why Attend Agenda Pricing Training 2023 Highlights




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MARCH 26-29, 2024 | SALT LAKE CITY, UT

See what’s possible when the art of intuition, the rigor of data science, and
the power of AI come together.

Save $200 when you register by February 1, 2024.




There’s magic in being together, in person. So we’re making aha! moments happen
everywhere, from our general session to the hands-on workshops. Here’s what
Domopalooza 2024 will cover.


Artificial Intelligence

Make personalized, secure, AI-powered data experiences a reality for your

Data Experiences

Get practice building apps, dashboards, and tools that put data to work for
every user.  

Governance & Security

Learn best practices for governing data—promoting innovation without
compromising security. 



Thought leadership and educational content

Learn how to run your business smarter and serve customers better with
AI-powered data experiences.

Visionary keynote speakers and product announcements

You’ll hear it first: AI, apps, and what’s new
in Domo for 2024.

Community networking and training

Build your Domo skills and get inspired—because your next great idea might be
sitting next to you.

Two full nights of entertainment, plus a ski day

Enjoy concerts from A-list performers and a ski day with new friends in the
beautiful Wasatch mountains.

Who Will Be There


Celebrating your data wins is our favorite part of Domopalooza. This year, we
will highlight our partners from the following organizations.

What's Happening


Domopalooza 2024 is all about AI-powered data experiences—so this year, we’re
highlighting the innovators using Domo to propel their businesses forward.

Monday - Tuesday

MARCH 25-26

 * Preconference Training
 * Networking Welcome Reception



 * General Session
 * Breakout Sessions
 * Sponsor Pavilion
 * Networking Reception
 * Domopalooza Concert A-Side



 * General Session
 * Breakout Sessions
 * Sponsor Pavilion
 * Networking Reception
 * Domopalooza Concert B-Side



 * Ski Day



The conference pass includes general session, breakout sessions, hands-on
workshops, evening events with entertainment, and a networking ski day to
connect in the great outdoors with peers.

Register Now



Save $200 with early bird pricing through February 1, 2024.


$1,295 EACH

Bundle three or more passes and get a discount. Must be purchased together.


HALF DAY: $300

FULL DAY: $600

2-DAY: $1,200

Courses are purchased in addition to a conference pass.

Learn more



We have preconference training courses to match any skill level—from Domo basics
to leveling up your dashboards, building data pipelines, and building custom
apps. You’ll work with Domo specialists to complete hands-on training projects
and activities, helping you come away with best practices, new tools, and
sharper skills.

Day 1

Mon 9:00am - 5:00pm
Tue 9:00am - 5:00pm
2-day Power User Bootcamp
< 9 months
Enrollment Capacity: 50 seats

Course Length: 2 Days

New-to-intermediate users who will be doing a combination of data connection,
transformation, and visualization in Domo.

Prerequisite Domo University Courses

 * Data Literacy
 * Getting to Know Domo

You can enroll in these courses at any time though Domo University.

Domo is an expansive, powerful platform with tools covering the length and
breadth of the business intelligence pipeline. Domo Power Users need to know how
to leverage these features to drive data-driven insight and business value
across the organization.

This 2-day immersive course will give new Domo Power Users hands-on experience
with tools and best practices for connecting, transforming, visualizing, and
taking action on data in Domo.

Learning Objectives
Upon completing this course learners should be able to:

 * Know what to consider when selecting a data connection method in Domo
 * Connect data to Domo through standard connectors
 * Know what to consider when selecting data transformation tools for a use case
 * Use Magic ETL and DataSet Views to combine and transform data in Domo
 * Build cards and use chart properties in Analyzer to create meaningful data
 * Know when to use and how to create basic Beast Mode calculations
 * Build dashboards in Domo, including controls, interactions, and filtering

Mon 9:00am – 5:00pm
Tue 9:00am – 5:00pm
New User Kickstarter
< 6 months
Enrollment Capacity: 90 seats

Course Length: 1 Day

New users

Prerequisite Domo University Courses

 * Data Literacy

You can enroll in these courses at any time though Domo University.

New to Domo? This course is for you. Start strong with a guided tour of Domo
features, including hands-on activities to help you get comfortable with the new
power at your fingertips. Learn how to interact with dashboards and cards to get
actionable insights and even build some visualizations of your own. Take your
first steps into the world of connecting and transforming data in Domo using
simple connectors and transformation tools, and expand your business
intelligence skillset with Domo collaboration and alerting tools. This
kickstarter course will arm you with skills you need to immediately get value
from and make an impact with Domo.

Learning Objectives
Upon completing this course learners should be able to:

 * Navigate the Domo platform
 * Use interactions, filters, and controls on cards and dashboards to uncover
   data insights
 * Build basics cards
 * Build basic dashboards
 * Upload data into Domo using the File Upload connector
 * Use DataSet Views to transform data in Domo
 * Create card alerts
 * Use Buzz to communicate about data in Domo

Mon 9:00am – 5:00pm
Tue 9:00am – 5:00pm
Advanced Data Specialist Training
> 9 months
Enrollment Capacity: 50 seats

Course Length: 1 Day

Experienced Domo Data Specialists

Prerequisite Domo University Courses

 * Connecting Data to Domo
 * Transforming Data in Domo

You can enroll in these courses at any time though Domo University.

This full-day course will expand your connection and transformation toolset to
help you build and maintain robust data pipelines in Domo. Learn how to use the
JSON No Code Connector to retrieve and parse data from external APIs. Get
practice using the Domo Command Line Interface (CLI) to ingest data
programmatically. Learn about advanced update methods and how to use them to
improve pipeline efficiency. Expand your knowledge of the breadth of
transformation tools available in Domo and when to leverage each. Practice
advanced design patterns in Magic ETL including parsing with Regular Expressions
and removing duplicates intelligently.

Learning Objectives
Upon completing this course learners should be able to:

 * Describe advanced update methods (Merge, Partition) in Domo and when to use
 * Use Domo CLI to upload data into Domo
 * Use JSON No Code Connector to ingest data from an API
 * Know what to consider when choosing a data transformation tool in Domo
 * Use Regular Expressions to parse data in Magic ETL

Mon 9:00am – 12:00pm
Tue 1:00pm – 4:00pm
Advanced Dashboard Design
> 9 months
Enrollment Capacity: 50 seats

Course Length: 1/2 Day

Intermediate to Advanced Domo Content Creators

Prerequisite Domo University Courses

 * Data Literacy
 * Creating Content in Domo

You can enroll in these courses at any time though Domo University.

Ready to take your Domo dashboards to the next level? This course will help you
leverage interactive controls, filters, variables, PDP, and design best
practices to craft impactful data experiences in Domo. With hands-on activities
and guided exploration of Domo’s rich dashboarding feature set, you’ll leave
this course with a new array of tools to help your organization get
business-changing insights from your data.

Learning Objectives
Upon completing this course learners should be able to:

 * Use variables with Beast Mode to create interactive calculations
 * Leverage Filter Views for different audiences
 * Create PDP Policies that allow for personalized dashboard experiences
 * Know how and when to use different dashboard interaction options
 * Use controls on dashboards to improve self-service analytics

Mon 1:00pm – 4:00pm
Tue 9:00am –12:00pm
Intro to Building Custom Apps with Domo
> 3 months
Enrollment Capacity: 50 seats

Course Length: 1/2 Day

Beginner Domo App Creators
Experience with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Prerequisite Domo University Courses

 * Creating Content in Domo

You can enroll in these courses at any time though Domo University.

Domo is about so much more than just building reports. The Domo infrastructure
provides the perfect platform for building bespoke data experiences through
custom apps built right on top of your data and Domo’s security. In this course
you will learn how to leverage Domo Bricks to easily create data-connected
custom visualizations. From there, you’ll dive into Domo Dev Studio to create
brand new apps to enhance your users’ data experiences. You’ll walk away with
the knowledge and skills needed to take data visualization and interaction to a
new level.

Learning Objectives
Upon completing this course learners should be able to:

 * Customize Domo Bricks and add them to a dashboard
 * Use Domo Dev
 * Studio to build data-connected apps
 * Publish apps to a Domo instance
 * Deploy custom apps and connect them to data

Mon 9:00am – 12:00pm
Intro to Domo Workflows
> 3 months
Enrollment Capacity: 50 seats

Course Length: 1/2 Day

MajorDomos, Domo Administrators, Data Specialists

Prerequisite Domo University Courses

 * Working with DataSets in Domo
 * Administrating Domo

You can enroll in these courses at any time though Domo University.

With Domo Workflows, you can automate business processes within Domo,
integrating with internal and external data and systems. In this course, you’ll
learn how to leverage the power of Workflows to build your own step-by-step
data- and event-driven processes.

Learning Objectives
Upon completing this course learners should be able to:

 * Recognize use cases where Workflows can improve automation and efficiency
 * Use the Workflows editor to build a Workflow
 * Connect data to a Workflow as inputs and outputs
 * Configure decision logic within a Workflow
 * Track and monitor Workflows within a Domo instance

Mon 1:00pm – 4:00pm
Intro to Jupyter Workspaces in Domo
> 3 months
Enrollment Capacity: 50 seats

Course Length: 1/2 Day

Domo Data Specialists
Intermediate to advanced Python coding experience

Prerequisite Domo University Courses

 * Working with DataSets in Domo
 * Transforming Data in Domo

You can enroll in these courses at any time though Domo University.

Jupyter Workspaces in Domo is a web-based interactive development environment
for Jupyter notebooks, code, and data. In this course, you’ll learn how to
integrate Jupyter into your Domo data connection and transformation pipeline.

Learning Objectives
Upon completing this course learners should be able to:

 * Create and run a Jupyter Workspace DataFlow in Domo
 * Integrate input and output DataSets with Jupyter Workspaces
 * Create accounts in Domo for secure programmatic credential access
 * Setup scheduling/triggering for Jupyter Workspaces DataFlows

Tue 9:00am – 12:00pm
Intro to Domo Everywhere
> 3 months
Enrollment Capacity: 50 seats

Course Length: 1/2 Day

MajorDomos, Domo Administrators
Experience with HTML and JavaScript

Prerequisite Domo University Courses

 * Creating Content in Domo

You can enroll in these courses at any time though Domo University.

Your data is one of your most valuable resources. Domo Everywhere helps you
leverage that data, even outside of your Domo instance, so your customers,
partners, and external stakeholders can have impactful data experiences that can
improve collaboration and communication, and drive new sources of revenue.

In this hands-on workshop, you’ll learn about Domo Everywhere’s tools and
options and get experience building Domo Everywhere solutions. From embedding
Domo content in external web systems to publishing filtered Domo content from
one Domo instance to another, you’ll build Domo Everywhere data distribution
systems to help you expand the value of your data.

Learning Objectives
Upon completing this course learners should be able to:

 * Differentiate between Domo Everywhere tools and know when to use each one
 * Embed Domo content in an external web system
 * Publish content to a subscriber Domo instance

Tue 1:00pm – 4:00pm
Intro to Domo Sandbox
> 3 months
Enrollment Capacity: 50 seats

Course Length: 1/2 Day

MajorDomos, Domo Administrators

Prerequisite Domo University Courses

 * Creating Content in Domo
 * Administrating Domo

You can enroll in these courses at any time though Domo University.

In this course, you will learn how to manage your Domo development lifecycle
using Sandbox. You will get hands-on experience creating, sharing, managing, and
promoting Domo content repositories, both in one instance, and from one instance
to another.

Learning Objectives
Upon completing this course learners should be able to:

 * Create repositories in Sandbox to manage Domo content
 * Establish a Sandbox connection between Domo instances
 * Manage sharing for a repository
 * Commit updates to repositories
 * Promote repositories
 * Review and promote previous versions of a repository



We have pre-conference training courses to match any skill level—from Domo
basics to leveling up your dashboards, building data pipelines, and building
custom apps. You’ll work with Domo specialists to complete hands-on training
projects and activities, helping you come away with best practices, new tools,
and sharper skills.

Day 1
Mon 9:00am - 5:00pm
Tue 9:00am - 5:00pm
2-day Power User Bootcamp
Enrollment Capacity: 50 seats

Course Length: 2 Days

New-to-intermediate users who will be doing a combination of data connection,
transformation, and visualization in Domo.

Prerequisite Domo University Courses

 * Data Literacy
 * Getting to Know Domo

You can enroll in these courses at any time though Domo University.

Domo is an expansive, powerful platform with tools covering the length and
breadth of the business intelligence pipeline. Domo Power Users need to know how
to leverage these features to drive data-driven insight and business value
across the organization.

This 2-day immersive course will give new Domo Power Users hands-on experience
with tools and best practices for connecting, transforming, visualizing, and
taking action on data in Domo.

Learning Objectives
Upon completing this course learners should be able to:

 * Know what to consider when selecting a data connection method in Domo
 * Connect data to Domo through standard connectors
 * Know what to consider when selecting data transformation tools for a use case
 * Use Magic ETL and DataSet Views to combine and transform data in Domo
 * Build cards and use chart properties in Analyzer to create meaningful data
 * Know when to use and how to create basic Beast Mode calculations
 * Build dashboards in Domo, including controls, interactions, and filtering

Mon 9:00am – 5:00pm
Tue 9:00am – 5:00pm
New User Kickstarter
Enrollment Capacity: 90 seats

Course Length: 1 Day

New users

Prerequisite Domo University Courses

 * Data Literacy

You can enroll in these courses at any time though Domo University.

New to Domo? This course is for you. Start strong with a guided tour of Domo
features, including hands-on activities to help you get comfortable with the new
power at your fingertips. Learn how to interact with dashboards and cards to get
actionable insights and even build some visualizations of your own. Take your
first steps into the world of connecting and transforming data in Domo using
simple connectors and transformation tools, and expand your business
intelligence skillset with Domo collaboration and alerting tools. This
kickstarter course will arm you with skills you need to immediately get value
from and make an impact with Domo.

Learning Objectives
Upon completing this course learners should be able to:

 * Navigate the Domo platform
 * Use interactions, filters, and controls on cards and dashboards to uncover
   data insights
 * Build basics cards
 * Build basic dashboards
 * Upload data into Domo using the File Upload connector
 * Use DataSet Views to transform data in Domo
 * Create card alerts
 * Use Buzz to communicate about data in Domo

Mon 9:00am – 5:00pm
Tue 9:00am – 5:00pm
Advanced Data Specialist Training
Enrollment Capacity: 50 seats

Course Length: 1 Day

Experienced Domo Data Specialists

Prerequisite Domo University Courses

 * Connecting Data to Domo
 * Transforming Data in Domo

You can enroll in these courses at any time though Domo University.

This full-day course will expand your connection and transformation toolset to
help you build and maintain robust data pipelines in Domo. Learn how to use the
JSON No Code Connector to retrieve and parse data from external APIs. Get
practice using the Domo Command Line Interface (CLI) to ingest data
programmatically. Learn about advanced update methods and how to use them to
improve pipeline efficiency. Expand your knowledge of the breadth of
transformation tools available in Domo and when to leverage each. Practice
advanced design patterns in Magic ETL including parsing with Regular Expressions
and removing duplicates intelligently.

Learning Objectives
Upon completing this course learners should be able to:

 * Describe advanced update methods (Merge, Partition) in Domo and when to use
 * Use Domo CLI to upload data into Domo
 * Use JSON No Code Connector to ingest data from an API
 * Know what to consider when choosing a data transformation tool in Domo
 * Use Regular Expressions to parse data in Magic ETL

Mon 9:00am – 12:00pm
Tue 1:00pm – 4:00pm
Advanced Dashboard Design
Enrollment Capacity: 50 seats

Course Length: 1/2 Day

Intermediate to Advanced Domo Content Creators

Prerequisite Domo University Courses

 * Data Literacy
 * Creating Content in Domo

You can enroll in these courses at any time though Domo University.

Ready to take your Domo dashboards to the next level? This course will help you
leverage interactive controls, filters, variables, PDP, and design best
practices to craft impactful data experiences in Domo. With hands-on activities
and guided exploration of Domo’s rich dashboarding feature set, you’ll leave
this course with a new array of tools to help your organization get
business-changing insights from your data.

Learning Objectives
Upon completing this course learners should be able to:

 * Use variables with Beast Mode to create interactive calculations
 * Leverage Filter Views for different audiences
 * Create PDP Policies that allow for personalized dashboard experiences
 * Know how and when to use different dashboard interaction options
 * Use controls on dashboards to improve self-service analytics

Mon 1:00pm – 4:00pm
Tue 9:00am –12:00pm
Intro to Building Custom Apps with Domo
Enrollment Capacity: 50 seats

Course Length: 1/2 Day

Beginner Domo App Creators
Experience with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Prerequisite Domo University Courses

 * Creating Content in Domo

You can enroll in these courses at any time though Domo University.

Domo is about so much more than just building reports. The Domo infrastructure
provides the perfect platform for building bespoke data experiences through
custom apps built right on top of your data and Domo’s security. In this course
you will learn how to leverage Domo Bricks to easily create data-connected
custom visualizations. From there, you’ll dive into Domo Dev Studio to create
brand new apps to enhance your users’ data experiences. You’ll walk away with
the knowledge and skills needed to take data visualization and interaction to a
new level.

Learning Objectives
Upon completing this course learners should be able to:

 * Customize Domo Bricks and add them to a dashboard
 * Use Domo Dev
 * Studio to build data-connected apps
 * Publish apps to a Domo instance
 * Deploy custom apps and connect them to data

Mon 9:00am – 12:00pm
Intro to Domo Workflows
Enrollment Capacity: 50 seats

Course Length: 1/2 Day

MajorDomos, Domo Administrators, Data Specialists

Prerequisite Domo University Courses

 * Working with DataSets in Domo
 * Administrating Domo

You can enroll in these courses at any time though Domo University.

With Domo Workflows, you can automate business processes within Domo,
integrating with internal and external data and systems. In this course, you’ll
learn how to leverage the power of Workflows to build your own step-by-step
data- and event-driven processes.

Learning Objectives
Upon completing this course learners should be able to:

 * Recognize use cases where Workflows can improve automation and efficiency
 * Use the Workflows editor to build a Workflow
 * Connect data to a Workflow as inputs and outputs
 * Configure decision logic within a Workflow
 * Track and monitor Workflows within a Domo instance

Mon 1:00pm – 4:00pm
Intro to Jupyter Workspaces in Domo
Enrollment Capacity: 50 seats

Course Length: 1/2 Day

Domo Data Specialists
Intermediate to advanced Python coding experience

Prerequisite Domo University Courses

 * Working with DataSets in Domo
 * Transforming Data in Domo

You can enroll in these courses at any time though Domo University.

Jupyter Workspaces in Domo is a web-based interactive development environment
for Jupyter notebooks, code, and data. In this course, you’ll learn how to
integrate Jupyter into your Domo data connection and transformation pipeline.

Learning Objectives
Upon completing this course learners should be able to:

 * Create and run a Jupyter Workspace DataFlow in Domo
 * Integrate input and output DataSets with Jupyter Workspaces
 * Create accounts in Domo for secure programmatic credential access
 * Setup scheduling/triggering for Jupyter Workspaces DataFlows

Tue 9:00am – 12:00pm
Intro to Domo Everywhere
Enrollment Capacity: 50 seats

Course Length: 1/2 Day

MajorDomos, Domo Administrators
Experience with HTML and JavaScript

Prerequisite Domo University Courses

 * Creating Content in Domo

You can enroll in these courses at any time though Domo University.

Your data is one of your most valuable resources. Domo Everywhere helps you
leverage that data, even outside of your Domo instance, so your customers,
partners, and external stakeholders can have impactful data experiences that can
improve collaboration and communication, and drive new sources of revenue.

In this hands-on workshop, you’ll learn about Domo Everywhere’s tools and
options and get experience building Domo Everywhere solutions. From embedding
Domo content in external web systems to publishing filtered Domo content from
one Domo instance to another, you’ll build Domo Everywhere data distribution
systems to help you expand the value of your data.

Learning Objectives
Upon completing this course learners should be able to:

 * Differentiate between Domo Everywhere tools and know when to use each one
 * Embed Domo content in an external web system
 * Publish content to a subscriber Domo instance

Tue 1:00pm – 4:00pm
Intro to Domo Sandbox
Enrollment Capacity: 50 seats

Course Length: 1/2 Day

MajorDomos, Domo Administrators

Prerequisite Domo University Courses

 * Creating Content in Domo
 * Administrating Domo

You can enroll in these courses at any time though Domo University.

In this course, you will learn how to manage your Domo development lifecycle
using Sandbox. You will get hands-on experience creating, sharing, managing, and
promoting Domo content repositories, both in one instance, and from one instance
to another.

Learning Objectives
Upon completing this course learners should be able to:

 * Create repositories in Sandbox to manage Domo content
 * Establish a Sandbox connection between Domo instances
 * Manage sharing for a repository
 * Commit updates to repositories
 * Promote repositories
 * Review and promote previous versions of a repository


Join us at the Grand America Hotel

555 Main St, Salt Lake City, UT 84111

What You'll Find


Last year we empowered everyone—from industry leaders to frontline managers—to
multiply their impact with data. Replay the stories that defined Domopalooza

Watch Replay







What are the ticket pricing details?

Early Bird full conference passes are $1,395. This includes all sessions,
entertainment, and a ski day. Purchase early, as discounted rates are offered in
the early months leading up to Domopalooza. View pricing info for the latest

Do you offer group pricing?

We offer group discounts when passes are purchased together. You will need to
register all attendees at the same time to receive the discount.

Group Pass: 3+ people for $1,295 each

Purchase early, as discounted rates are offered in the early months leading up
to Domopalooza. View pricing info for the latest details.

Who should attend Domopalooza?

This year’s Domopalooza is focused on three themes: making AI a reality in your
business, running your business smarter with AI-powered experiences, and
securing your data through a safe, AI-enabled environment.

If any of these themes pique your interest, Domopalooza is for you. You will
come away inspired by everything Domo’s customers are doing in our platform, and
you’ll leave with tactics to try and insights to build into your business.

All said, the conference is most beneficial for directors, C-suite executives,
and Domo partners. Developers and Major Domos will also benefit from the
hands-on training sessions.

What is the conference cancellation policy?

Cancellation requests submitted before February 1, 2024 will receive a 50%
refund. There are no refunds for cancellations after February 1, 2024. No-shows
will not be refunded. We hope you don’t have to cancel your reservations, but in
the event you do, you must submit a request in writing to domopalooza@domo.com
and include your name and registration confirmation number.

Transfers are allowed at no charge if submitted to domopalooza@domo.com by March
6, 2024.

Can I transfer my conference pass to a colleague if I am unable to attend?

We hope you can make it. But yes, it is possible to transfer your pass to a
colleague. Transfers allowed at no charge if submitted to domopalooza@domo.com
by March 6, 2024.

Where do I pick up my registration badge?

You can pick up your badge at the Domopalooza Registration Counter, located
inside the Grand America Hotel.

Registration times will be detailed in the Domopalooza mobile app.

Is there an age requirement for the event?

You must be 21 years of age or older to attend the event.


How do I book lodging? Is there a discount and what is the deadline?

We have negotiated a discounted nightly rate at the Grand America Hotel, where
Domopalooza will be held. You will be prompted to register for your hotel
accommodations in your confirmation email after registering for your Domopalooza
conference pass. Book your hotel room as soon as possible, as our hotel block
could fill up quickly.

What is the recommended hotel?

We will be holding Domopalooza at the Grand America Hotel in Salt Lake City,
Utah, and have negotiated a group rate for our attendees. View accommodations

Can I transfer my hotel reservation to another person if I am unable to attend?

Yes, please reach out to the hotel directly to make this transfer. Reservations
are fully refundable if the reservation is cancelled with 24 hours advance
notice prior to the confirmed date of arrival.

What forms of payment are accepted at the Grand America Hotel?

American dollars, American Express, MasterCard, and Visa are all accepted forms
of payment.

How do I get around downtown Salt Lake City?

We’ve found that Uber and Lyft are great options getting around SLC, and the
TRAX light-rails have a free ride zone in the downtown Salt Lake City area.
Alternatively, public bicycles are available, weather permitting.

Is there parking at or near the venue?

Parking at the venue will be available. You can find the parking garage entrance
on the west side of the hotel, near the main entrance or on the south side of
the hotel, off of 600 South. We have negotiated a 50% discount to park at the
venue for Domopalooza attendees at $4 per day.

In addition to parking on site at the Grand America Hotel, downtown Salt Lake
City has over 30,000 parking spaces available. Visit www.parkingslc.com.


When is the Domopalooza Ski Day?

The Domopalooza Ski Day will be Friday, March 29th from 7:30am to 4:30pm.

Will transportation be provided for the Domopalooza Ski Day?

Transportation buses will be provided to and from Domopalooza Ski Day.

You are welcome to organize your own transportation, but Domo will not reimburse
the cost.

Shuttle schedule will be detailed in the Domopalooza mobile app.

If I don’t want to participate in the Domopalooza Ski Day, can I get a discount?

No, there is no registration discount if you choose not to participate in the
optional ski day. This ski-day event is a complimentary gift for all Domopalooza

Can I attend Domopalooza Ski Day but not ski?

Yes, if you do not want to ski or snowboard, you are more than welcome to join
Domo and other attendees on the transportation buses. You may walk through the
shops at the resort, or use your lift ticket just to ride up and down the
mountain and enjoy the scenery.

Are ski rentals included?

Yes, complimentary rentals are included in your pass. After you pick up your
registration badge, you can head to the ski fitting room at the Grand America
Hotel to be fit for your rental. There are no refunds or credits if you do not
wish to ski on Friday.

When can I pick up my ski pass?

Passes will be issued on Friday, March 29th as you arrive at the ski resort.

Can I rent skis at the resort?

No, your rental will need to be arranged during Domopalooza at the Grand America


What is the weather like in Salt Lake City in March?

March in Salt Lake City can be a little unpredictable, but it’s usually fairly
cold, and can even snow. We recommend packing layers (just like us locals do)
and checking www.weather.com before you arrive.

What are the local restaurants, attractions, and entertainment in and around the

Salt Lake City has some great destinations for food and fun, and you’ll be right
in the heart of it all. While the options are too great to list here, we suggest
finding more information on the city’s official visitor website:

What is the fastest way to get around Salt Lake City?

We’ve found that Uber and Lyft are great options getting around SLC, and the
TRAX trains have a free ride zone in the downtown Salt Lake City Area.
Alternatively, if the weather is good, most places of interest are only a short
walk away.

Still have questions? Contact our team by emailing domopalooza@domo.com

The Data Experience Conference

Register Today

Domopalooza 2024 is right around the corner—and the best prices are available
Register today, and see you in Salt Lake!

Register Now


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