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4 forms found in the DOM<form class="chakra-stack css-19hqrnz" data-hs-cf-bound="true">
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<h1 class="chakra-heading css-t4f3f9">Your tailor-made third pillar, comparing the best companies.</h1>
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<p>Trust the specialists at<br>Whether for your retirement, to finance your children's studies, or to buy a new home, the third pillar is a fantastic tool that allows you to achieve your goals effortlessly.</p>
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<h2 class="chakra-heading css-ym7yt4">Your data</h2>
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<p class="chakra-text css-1vz49gf">Gender</p>
<div class="chakra-stack css-84zodg" role="radiogroup"><label class="css-0"><input aria-label="male" id="radio-:r12:" type="radio" name="gender" value="male" checked=""
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<div data-checked="" aria-hidden="true" class="css-5c7rtk">Male</div>
</label><label class="css-0"><input aria-label="female" id="radio-:r13:" type="radio" name="gender" value="female"
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<div aria-hidden="true" class="css-5c7rtk">Female</div>
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<div class="chakra-stack css-1j2jgm9">
<p class="chakra-text css-1vz49gf">Age</p><input aria-label="Age" name="age" readonly="" aria-readonly="true" class="chakra-input css-rc4s4s" value="35">
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<div class="chakra-stack css-1jxt8uv">
<div class="chakra-stack css-1j2jgm9">
<p class="chakra-text css-1vz49gf">Annual Income</p>
<div class="chakra-stack css-84zodg">
<p class="chakra-text css-1vz49gf">CHF</p><input aria-label="Annual Income" name="annualIncome" readonly="" aria-readonly="true" class="chakra-input css-rc4s4s" value="65'000">
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style="position: absolute; user-select: none; touch-action: none; left: calc(29.1667% - 7px);"></div><input type="hidden" name="annualIncome" value="65000">
<div class="chakra-stack css-1jxt8uv">
<div class="chakra-stack css-1oeb4ru">
<p class="chakra-text css-kt0edn">How much would you like to pay per month?</p>
<div class="chakra-stack css-84zodg">
<p class="chakra-text css-1vz49gf">CHF</p><input aria-label="How much would you like to pay per month?" name="monthlyPremium" readonly="" aria-readonly="true" class="chakra-input css-rc4s4s" value="400">
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style="position: absolute; user-select: none; touch-action: none; left: calc(61.4754% - 7px);"></div><input type="hidden" name="monthlyPremium" value="400">
<div class="chakra-stack css-zh7d7q">
<p class="chakra-text css-1y9b8eg">100 CHF</p>
<p class="chakra-text css-1y9b8eg">588 CHF</p>
<div id="scrollToAnnualIncomeSlider" style="height: 1px; scroll-margin-bottom: 10px;"></div>
<div class="css-te2j2o">
<p class="chakra-text css-79mcku">Check out the best offers based on your data</p><button type="button" class="chakra-button css-1g00j8j"><span class="chakra-button__icon css-1wh2kri"><svg viewBox="0 0 14 14" focusable="false"
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</svg></span>Compare best companies</button>
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<h2 class="chakra-heading css-ym7yt4">Retirement benefits and performance</h2>
<div class="chakra-stack css-n21gh5">
<div class="chakra-stack css-84zodg">
<p class="chakra-text css-1yf2fzr">Income</p>
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<p class="chakra-text css-pqlr2g">Graphic representation*</p>
<p class="chakra-text css-1wvep1d"></p>
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<div class="chakra-stack css-12i471n">
<div class="chakra-stack css-84zodg"><span class="chakra-badge css-nrzs1v"></span>
<p class="chakra-text css-d1wjrq">Missing Income</p>
<div class="chakra-stack css-84zodg"><span class="chakra-badge css-19ccv9g"></span>
<p class="chakra-text css-d1wjrq">Pension Increase (Year)</p>
<div class="chakra-stack css-84zodg"><span class="chakra-badge css-8i5dod"></span>
<p class="chakra-text css-d1wjrq">Pension from 1°+ 2° Pillar</p>
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Text Content
MENU English Italiano Français English 3RD PILLAR SPECIALISTS 3RD PILLAR 2024, MAXIMUM AMOUNTS AND TAX DEDUCTIONS. Those affiliated to a pension fund BVG (generally employees): can make maximum contributions for the year 2024 of CHF 7056 /year. For those not affiliated to a pension fund BVG (generally self-employed): may make contributions equal to 20% of income, but up to a maximum of CHF 35,280/year. The amounts therefore, remain the same as last year. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXPAT IN SWITZERLAND: BUILD YOUR FUTURE PENSION Moving to a new country can be fascinating, but it can also be fraught with uncertainty. In Switzerland, expatriates are often faced with many retirement issues. This article provides an initial overview to help expats with these important challenges. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IS IT BETTER TO HAVE AN INSURANCE THIRD PILLAR OR A BANKING THIRD PILLAR? Choosing between an insurance third pillar or a banking third pillar depends, above all, on the purpose for which we do it. We can say that the most important difference between a bank and an insurance lies in what is called 'waiver of premium in case of disability'. This cover, typical of insurance companies, means that in the event of disability, the insurance company pays the premiums in your place until the end of the contract (i.e. until retirement age). A concrete example: Mr Rossi, aged 30, starts today paying CHF 3,000/year with a banking third pillar, while Mr Bianchi, also aged 30, pays CHF 3,000 with an insurance third pillar. Since there are 35 years to go until retirement, we can say that both should arrive at age 65 with a capital of approx. CHF 105,000 (not counting interest, surpluses, etc.). But what happens if they both become disabled only after, say, 7 years? Mr Rossi, who has paid his banking third pillar for 7 years, will receive CHF 21,000 (plus interest) when he retires. Mr. Bianchi, on the other hand, who paid his insurance third pillar for 7 years, will receive CHF 105,000 (plus surplus evv) when he retires. This big difference is produced by the waiver of premium payments. This is why, for those who still have many years ahead of them until retirement, the insurance third pillar, or a mix of insurance and banking third pillar, may be the right choice. Request a free advice YOUR TAILOR-MADE THIRD PILLAR, COMPARING THE BEST COMPANIES. Trust the specialists at Whether for your retirement, to finance your children's studies, or to buy a new home, the third pillar is a fantastic tool that allows you to achieve your goals effortlessly. YOUR DATA Gender Male Female -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Age Annual Income CHF How much would you like to pay per month? CHF 100 CHF 588 CHF Check out the best offers based on your data Compare best companies RETIREMENT BENEFITS AND PERFORMANCE Income Graphic representation* Legenda Legenda: Missing Income Pension Increase (Year) Pension from 1°+ 2° Pillar 700006000050000400003000020000100000Your salary Switch between two types of data visualiztion Pension Performance *This graph and the calculations are based on empirical data, and are used only to explain how the social security system and the third pillar works. For a more accurate result, request a social security analysis or request the final offers. Missing Income CHF 10'591 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pension Increase (Year) CHF 15'409 Pension from 1°+ 2° Pillar CHF 39'000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd Pillar Accumulated Capital CHF 231'141 QUICK & USEFUL TIPS FOR YOUR THIRD PILLAR CAN I USE THE THIRD PILLAR TO PAY MY HOME RESTORING? The answer is yes. The third pillar can be used to pay for the renovation of the primary house. Be careful though, because you can only use capital for certain types of jobs. CAN I WITHDRAW MY BVG CAPITAL TO START AN INDEPENDENT BUSINESS? The law provides that, within one year of becoming independent, the capital accumulated in the pension fund can be withdrawn. To do it, you have to registrate your self as independent at the AHV office. For further information, do not hesitate to contact us by clicking here CAN THE 3RD PILLAR 3A BE PAWNED? Of course yes, almost all life insurance policies, like the 3rd pillar, can be pawned and also serve as a credit instrument. In particular, the third pillar is used for indirect amortization. THIRD PILLAR SUCCESSOR BENEFITS A special feature of insurance. In the event of death, the beneficiaries of your third pillar will immediately receive the stipulated capital, without waiting for the division of the inheritance. Furthermore, if the beneficiaries are the legitimate heirs, they will be entitled to the benefit even if they renounce the inheritance WHAT IS THE BETTER BENEFICIARY CLAUSE FOR ME? Depending on your needs and goals, you will choose the type of third pillar that best suits you. For example, the third pillar 3a, does not allow major changes to the beneficiary clause as a precise order of beneficiaries is already provided by the law. If, on the other hand, we take out a free third pillar (3b), we will be able to arrange the order of the beneficiaries as we wish. During a consultancy interview we will go deeper into this important topic. HAVE YOU ALREADY HEARD ABOUT INDIRECT AMORTIZATION? Indirect depreciation through the third pillar offers us a double advantage. First: it allows us to accumulate the capital that will be used to pay off the mortgage when you retire, deducting the amount paid every year from taxes. Second: by keeping the debt unchanged until retirement (or mortgage expiration), you will have a greater interest charge, which you can deduct for tax purposes. Overall, this system is generally more advantageous than direct depreciation. HAVE YOU THOUGHT ABOUT COVERING THE MORTGAGE IN CASE OF DEATH? If the bank has not already thought about it when granting the mortgage, you should think about it. In fact, one of the recurring problems in case of death is the fact that the family finds itself with an important debt, no longer having an income. Thinking about it in time is important! IN CASE OF DISABILITY, WILL I STILL BE ABLE TO PAY THE MORTGAGE? An invalidity due to illness can have negative effects on family finances because, generally, with the coverage provided by law we are not sufficiently insured. The third pillar allows to fill this gap, giving us the peace of mind to overcome moments of difficulty. Through our social security analysis, you will be able to decide whether or not to include, in your third pillar, the coverage in case of disability. WHAT TYPE OF POLICY IS USED TO COVER THE MORTGAGE IN CASE OF DEATH? There are many solutions to cover the death and, depending on the type of mortgage and amortization, we can choose a policy with constant capital, or with decreasing capital. For example, if you regularly make amortization, the most sensible thing would be to have a policy where the death capital decrease at the same rate as decrease your debt. During a personal consulting you will find answers to this and other topics.> IS BETTER AN INSURANCE 3RD PILLAR OR A BANKING ONE? Choosing between an insurance 3rd pillar or a banking one, depends, above all, on the purpose with which we do it. We can say that the most important difference between a bank and an insurance is the "WAIVER OF PREMIUM FOR DISABILITY". This coverage, typical of insurance, means that in the event of disability, the insurance company pays the premiums for you until the contract expires (that is, until the ordinary age of retirement). A concrete example: Mr. Rossi, 30 yeras old, starts today to pay CHF 3,000 / year in a third pillar banking account, while Mr. Bianchi, also 30 years old, pays CHF 3,000 with an insurance third pillar. Since both have 35 years to retirement, we can say that both should arrive at 65 years old with a capital of CHF 105,000 (not including interest, surpluses, etc.). But, what if they both become disabled only after, for example, 7 years of payments? Well,Mr. Rossi, who has paid his third pillar for 7 years in a bank account, will receive when he retires CHF 21,000 (plus interest). Mr. Bianchi instead, who paid his insurance third pillar for 7 years, when he retires will receive CHF 105,000 (plus surplus evv).. This big difference is produced by the WAIVER OF PREMIUM FOR DISABILITY. This is why, for those who still have many years before retirement, the insurance third pillar, or a mix between insurance and banking, could be the right choice. For further information, do not hesitate to contact us by clicking here. Filters Marital Status Married Single -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Work Status Employed Self Employed -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Housing Status Owner Rent -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Children Yes No -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reset filters CAN’T FIND WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR? 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