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 * Home
 * About Me
 * Merchandise
   * If it Isn’t Love
 * Recommended Reading
   * The Autobiography of Gucci Mane


Author-Mentor-Public Speaker Providing motivational support for women as we
navigate love and life.
 * Home
 * About Me
 * Merchandise
   * If it Isn’t Love
 * Recommended Reading
   * The Autobiography of Gucci Mane

tancon0712 March 23, 2022



Spring has sprung, mask mandates have been lifted and the free time we once had
is no more. Our lives have reverted to jammed packed schedules and we have
become consumed with after athletic practices, PTO meetings, school
performances, open house, commutes to weekend scrimmages (you get the picture).
And while you are surviving on iced coffees and four hours of sleep, there
always seems to be that one friend who seems to manage it all seamlessly. You
know the one; her kids are impeccably dressed, she makes breakfast for her
family every morning, she makes it to work early, she prepares dinner, serves in
her church and community, and still finds time to craft, blog, and find some odd
entrepreneurial way to establish a supplemental income, not even the pandemic
could slow her down. And while you love her, and admire all that she does, you
can’t help feeling like a slovenly sloth in comparison.

As I’ve gotten older I’ve learned not to compare myself to others (as much), but
I am curious about the behaviors of successful women. I’m lucky if I can manage
a quiet moment to myself before 10:00 pm, so how can I possibly conquer all the
goals and tasks I’ve assigned to myself? The key is quite simple…TIME
MANAGEMENT. After much thought I’ve come up with my five hacks for effective
time management that have helped me, here’s hoping they help you too. 


Yeah I know, planners are so 1999; but seriously if you use them they work, and
planners have made a comeback in a major way. Many planners come equipped with a
budget tracker, affirmations, scriptures or goal setting pages. If that sounds
too intimidating fret not, a dollar store planner will work too, they’re great
for jotting down appointments and meetings. Studies have also shown that
planners are a great organizational tool for those with Adult ADD.


Yes that’s right, “weekly”. Making a to-do list is essential to completing
everyday monotonous tasks. I cannot tell you how many doctor’s appointments have
gone overdue all because I thought I would remember to make the phone call.
You’re already preoccupied enough throughout the day, and by the time you
remember to set your appointments you’re three months past due for your pap
smear. Making a list and checking it twice will ensure that you get the little
things done. For me nighttime is the perfect time to draft my list. I find a
nice comfortable quiet place in the house, pour myself a glass of wine, and cozy
up on the sofa with my legal pad and planner. You high tech individuals can feel
free to use your smart phones or Google calendars.  A simple “Hey Siri” or “Okay
Google” can get you started. 


Remember the good old days when all your phone could do was make phone calls? We
waste countless hours mindlessly rummaging through the mass amounts of apps and
social media on our cell phones. One quick “double tap” turns into 2 hours of
replying, liking, and screenshots of memes that you will never use. Lately I’ve
taken up the practice of not visiting any social media sites until 6 pm. I will
admit it hasn’t been easy (I fell off the wagon today) but when I stick to the
plan I find that I get so much more accomplished. The first day I started I
actually read the newspaper, how retro.


We often get swept away with the idea of being all that we can be. We want to be
the absolute best employees, wives, and mothers,  giving everyone 100% of
ourselves and making sure no one goes without. STOP DOING THAT! No one can do it
all. If you’ve never ran a mile in your life, don’t think you’re going to get up
and do it tomorrow. Instead start with a 30 minute walk and over time work your
way up to the run.

And most importantly…


We all know the saying, “Early to bed, early to rise.” Adequate rest not only
ensures you’ll wake up more energized and refreshed, it’s also great for cell
regeneration (that means less wrinkles ladies).

Keep in mind these are just my best practices, little hacks that I’ve
incorporated into my day. And although I may not be the time management maven I
aspire to be yet, if I’m disciplined and stick to my time management plan I will

> A goal without a plan is just a wish.
> Antoine de Saint-Exupery
> French writer (1900 – 1944)   


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tancon0712 January 21, 2022



A few months ago I was listening to a sermon by Bishop T.D. Jakes. In this
sermon he said, “Seven is the number of completion, but eight is the number of
new beginnings.” Those words resonated with me. Immediately I was drawn to my
divorce however I’ve only been divorced four and a half years.

I grew disheartened. I so wanted a new beginning. I mean, I’ve moved to the
other side of the country, I want my life to catapult into a new direction.

Weeks go by and still nothing life changing happens. I go out, take some pics,
post them to Facebook, to which my mother comments. “This is year eight.” I
pause, but keep scrolling. After all, it’s late, and maybe I didn’t read the
post correctly. I decide I’ll check in the morning. Morning comes and I can’t
find her comment. Did I hallucinate it all? Another week goes by, I post another
pic, here comes my mama again, “This is year eight!” Finally I called her and
asked why she kept leaving that comment. She replies matter of fact, “Because
this is your year of new beginnings.” After that conversation I decided to do
some more math. Eight years ago it was the year 2014, the worst year of my life.
The year my marriage fell completely apart, the year I contemplated suicide.
Eight years ago I was the most broken I’ve ever been. 2022 is my new beginning.

2022 is the year that I have started to forgive- I mean truly forgive. My
battles with my ex-husband are far from over but I have chosen to forgive rather
than hate. Now don’t get me wrong, it’s one of the most challenging things I’ve
ever done, but harboring hatred and hurt doesn’t improve the situation. In
addition to moving across the country, I’m also deepening my relationship with
God, and stepping out more in faith. Trust me eight years ago I was not so
forthcoming with information about my beliefs or the details of my life.

I want to leave you with this.

> “On that very day Noah and his sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth, together with his
> wife and the wives of his three sons entered the ark.”
> Genesis 7:13 (NIV)

God saved eight people on the ark to start a new beginning. If you are reading
this, you too were saved. What will you do with your new beginning? What will
you do with year eight?


tancon0712 January 12, 2022


No matter where we are in our own personal journey, we must always remember to
build each other up. Celebrating others not only strengthens bonds, but it’s
also improves your physical and mental health. I’m sharing with you 5 ways to
truly be happy for others.

1. Give a helping hand.

Sharing in the joy of others is a great way to bond and build memories with
those closest to you.

2. Set/focus on your own goals.

When you are busy watering your own garden you’re less inclined to be worried
about what the next person is doing.

3. Celebrate with them.

Research shows that celebrating releases dopamine and endorphins (you know
biology’s feel-good chemicals). Celebrating also reduces unhealthy levels of
cortisol which can lead to stress related illnesses.

4. Buy a gift to commemorate the occasion.

I’m about to take ya’ll to church with this one. According to the Bible in Acts
20:35 it was Jesus Christ himself who said…

> “It’s more blessed to give than to receive.”
> Acts 20:35 NIV

5. Take yourself out of the equation. Don’t compare their accomplishment to the
lack of your own.

Stop beating yourself up. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 tells us that there is a time for
everything. Verse 11 goes on to tell us “He has made everything beautiful in its

Sis your time to shine will come, and just how you poured your happiness into
others, they will do the same for you.


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tancon0712 January 4, 2022


Not long ago I lost a friendship of over 20 years. In a disagreement (which took
place via social media) I was told that I thought I was better than everyone
because I had “a little popularity.” You see I had just published my novel and
I’d also been fortunate enough to have a few speaking  engagements. These were
things I was extremely proud of because I had worked very hard on my book; and
public speaking is one of my dreams. I’d accomplished my goals and the person
whom I’d expected to be the happiest for me wasn’t. Her comment took me by
surprise, however in hindsight I realized that this “friend” never supported my
endeavors. They didn’t order a book or share it on social media. Heck I don’t
even recall receiving a congratulatory text. We’d been friends since the 10th
grade. We’d shared all of our hopes and dreams, so I didn’t understand why she
wasn’t happy for me. 

I shared the situation with another close friend and without a thought she
replied, “Well that isn’t surprising, she’s been jealous of you as long as I’ve
known her.” Now this other friend hadn’t known her for more than 4-5 years, and
yet she could see what I hadn’t seen half of my life! I was angry about the
situation for a while, however, the more I thought about it the more I felt sad
for her. We grew up together, both coming into womanhood at the same time, yet
she had struggles that I did not have. Obstacles that I’d overcome, and I can
imagine that may have been frustrating for her, and perhaps my sense of pride
and accomplishment was a trigger for her, a reminder of what she felt she

Looking back at the argument, I wish she’d talked to me…told me how she felt
from the very beginning; not bottle it up for years, and allow it to explode on
social media. It’s funny how we fight for relationships, yet let friendships
die. We hide our hurts and offensives from our friends, and then blow up on them
for something they didn’t even know they’d done. We do not all experience life
at the same pace, and that’s okay. It doesn’t mean that anyone is less than. It
just means it isn’t your time. We have to learn to shift the focus off ourselves
and learn how to be happy…truly happy…for others. Especially for those we call


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Welcome to my lifestyle blog! Here I cover everything from dating, to divorce,
to mental health and wellness. I strive to be as transparent as possible,
sharing with you my journey and recovery from narcissistic abuse. Don't worry it
won't all be sad, I've got some laughs in store for you too. You are in for a
great time. Happy Reading! Read More


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