encompasshealth.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://encompasshealth.com/
Effective URL: https://encompasshealth.com/
Submission: On October 05 via api from SG — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

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The nation's largest system of rehabilitation hospitals, Encompass Health is the
trusted choice of medical professionals.

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The first thing we build with our patients is trust.
Our nurses and therapists are passionate about
helping our patients. It’s what makes us different.
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Encompass Health is a national
sponsor of Together to
End Stroke
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The nation's largest system of rehabilitation hospitals, Encompass Health is the
trusted choice of medical professionals.

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The first thing we build with our patients is trust.
Our nurses and therapists are passionate about
helping our patients. It’s what makes us different.
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Learn more about how Encompass Health is safeguarding our patients, staff and
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Encompass Health is a national
sponsor of Together to
End Stroke
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At Encompass Health, we provide high-quality, compassionate care designed to
meet patients where they are on their rehabilitation journey. We are the trusted
choice in rehabilitation, delivering high-quality care to patients while
seamlessly connecting across the healthcare continuum.


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Options for rehabilitation can be as vast as the conditions that require it.

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April Ballentine nearly died after being shot in a domestic dispute. Now, eight
years after being paralyzed from the chest down, she’s making history.


Michael Marquez felt hopeless after COVID-19 severely diminished his health. But
his nurse didn’t give up so easy. Read Michael and Patti’s story.

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Chief nursing officer at Encompass Health Rehabilitation Hospital of Dothan
entrusts her hospital team with her husband’s care after aortic aneurysm

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