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Political and Social History Literature
Franco-Prussian War. John D. Rockefeller founds the Standard Oil Company.
Territory of Utah gives full suffrage to women; the first election in which they
vote occurs on 1 August Congress enacts the "Ku Klux Klan Act of 1870" or
"Enforcement Act" to stop southern white resistance to the power African
Americans have gained during Reconstruction.  22 June. Department of Justice is
created. 5 December.  When the 41st Congress meets, every state is represented,
the first such Congress since 1860. Birth of Frank Norris in Chicago (d. 1902) 
Emerson, "Society and Solitude"  Scribner's Monthly (1870-81)  Bret Harte, The
Luck of Roaring Camp and Other Sketches
3 March. The Indian Appropriation Act of 1871 marks a step backward as it makes
tribal members wards of the state rather than preserving their rights as members
of sovereign nations. 8 October. Chicago is almost destroyed by fire.  See the
"Great Chicago Fire" website (image courtesy of this source.) Charles Darwin,
The Descent of Man  8 July. Tweed Ring exposed in the New York Times and is
overthrown. Edward Eggleston, The Hoosier Schoolmaster  Henry James, Watch and
Ward (in Atlantic; book form, 1878)  Birth of Stephen Crane and Theodore Dreiser
Howells, Their Wedding Journey; becomes editor of The Atlantic Monthly
(1871-1881) Whitman, Democratic Vistas and A Passage to India  Louisa May
Alcott, Little Men
5-6 June. The Republican party meets in Philadelphia and nominates Grant for
re-election to the presidency. Meeting in Baltimore on 9 July, the Democrats
nominate Horace Greeley.  The Credit Mobilier Scandal erupts when the New York
Sun reports news of events during the building of the transcontinental railway.
Massachusetts congressman and shovel manufacturer Oakes Ames and the Union
Pacific Railway had created a company called Credit Mobilier of America, which
was awarded all construction work for building the Union Pacific line west of
Nebraska.  Ames sweetened the deal by giving shares in the company to many
government officials, including both of U. S. Grant's vice-presidents.  Congress
ultimately pays $94 million to the company for work worth $44 million.  Grant
wins the presidency by a landslide, gathering 3,597,132 votes to Greeley's
2,834,125. Twain, Roughing It 
Birth of Paul Laurence Dunbar (d. 1906)
3 March. Homesteaders willing to plant trees on their land are granted an
additional quarter section (160 acres).  Congress votes itself a 50% salary
increase and makes the increase retroactive for two years, an action that causes
such an outcry that the raises are rescinded. 18 September. Financial Panic of
1873 begins with the failure of Jay Cooke and Company after years of inflation,
speculation, and the overproduction of paper currency. The Stock Exchange closes
for 10 days.  Herbert Spencer, The Study of Sociology. Howells, A Chance
Acquaintance  Mark Twain and Charles Dudley Warner, The Gilded Age  Birth of
Willa Cather (d. 1947)  Louisa May Alcott, Work  The Delineator (1873-1937) 
Women's Christian Temperance Union founded in Cleveland. 8 May. Massachusetts
limits women's working days to 10 hours, a significant reform. First
Impressionist exhibition in Paris. Barbed wire becomes available, thus making
possible the inexpensive enclosure of grazing lands in the west.  Featuring
educational as well as religious lectures, the Chautauqua Movement begins at
Lake Chautauqua, New York.  Samuel Tilden becomes governor of New York. Birth of
Ellen Glasgow (d. 1945)
Civil Rights Act states that no citizen can be denied equal use of public
facilities.  Second Sioux War erupts after the Sioux refuse to sell lands north
of the Platte to the federal government.  The Supreme Court decision of Minor v.
Happersett allows states to set suffrage requirements and denies women voting
rights. Bret Harte, Tales of the Argonauts  Louisa May Alcott, Eight Cousins 
Howells, A Foregone Conclusion
Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone.  25 June. Ignoring warnings of a
massed Sioux army of  2,000-4,000 men, Custer and 250 soldiers attack the forces
of Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse at the Little Big Horn.  Custer and all of his
men die in the attack. Sitting Bull escapes to Canada, returning to the United
States in 1881 as a participant in wild west shows. Centennial Exposition in
Philadelphia.  In an election marred by fraud, Republican Rutherford B. Hayes
(1822-1893) is elected president over Democrat Samuel J. Tilden after
compromising with southern Democrats over the restriction of Reconstruction.
Tilden receives 4,284,020 popular votes and Hayes receives 4,036,572. (Visit the
Harper's Weekly site for an overview of the election, political cartoons, and
other information.) Twain, Adventures of Tom Sawyer  Whitman, Leaves of Grass
(Centennial Edition)  Melville, Clarel (poem)  James, Roderick Hudson  Louisa
May Alcott, Silver Pitchers and Independence (containing "Transcendental Wild
Oats"); Rose in Bloom  Birth of Jack London, Sherwood Anderson
29 January. The Electoral Commission Bill authorizes a committee of 15 to decide
the election between Hayes and Tilden.  The committee's  votes split along party
lines.  On 3 March, Hayes is announced as President after House Republicans
agree, among other concessions, to pull Federal troops from the South. On 5
March, Rutherford B. Hayes is inaugurated as President of the United States
(1877-81).  Nez Perce war. After a battle between Nez Perce forces under Chief
Joseph and those of Col. Miles in Idaho, Chief Joseph's band is sent to a
reservation in Oklahoma  14 July. The Great Strike of 1877 begins with railroad
workers  walking out; later, workers from other industries will follow.
(Accounts from Harper's Weekly) Thomas Alva Edison patents the phonograph. He
demonstrates the device on 7 December at the offices of the Scientific American
in New York. James,The American  Jewett,Deephaven December 17. Mark Twain gives
his infamous "Whittier Birthday Dinner Speech" in front of an assembled
multitude of literary dignitaries.
15 October. Although he has not yet perfected the incandescent light bulb,
Edison establishes Edison Electric Light Company in New York City (Almanac of
American History 338). Women's Suffrage Amendment is introduced into Congress
but fails.  The Timber and Stone Act permits the cutting of timber on public
lands to increase the cleared acreage for farmers; timber lands are sold for as
little as $2.50 an acre. The Northern Cheyenne escape from their reservation in
Oklahoma in an attempt to reach their lands in Montana Territory. The first
central switchboard for telephone service in New York City is opened.  James,
The Europeans; (Daisy Miller)
Using first carbonized cotton and then carbonized bamboo for a filter, Edison
invents a functioning light bulb. A bill to restrict Chinese immigration is
passed by Congress but vetoed by President Hayes.  Hearing rumors that Kansas
had been set aside for settlement by former slaves, between  7,000 and 15,000 
African Americans move to Kansas; they are called "exodusters" after their
exodus into the dusty lands of Kansas. James, Daisy Miller

 * The Aurora Project is a digital visualization of data showing the mobility of
   African Americans during Reconstruction and later years.
 * The Timeline of African American History at the Library of Congress covers
   the years 1852-1880.

   Greatest Hits, 1870-1885: Variety Music Cavalcade.This site at the Library of
   Congress contains images of sheet music, audio clips, and information about
   popular music of the day. See also A Decade of Music in America, 1870-1879 at
   the same site.