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New Arrivals Tops
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Loungewear Activewear Swim Basics Rompers + Jumpsuits Dresses
* Maxi Dresses
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* Little Black Dresses
Matching Sets Outerwear
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See what our customers are saying

Of good quality just little big
FLYING MONKEY Heidi High Rise Straight Jeans - Medium Wash
Liked the cut and style of these jeans. They we just a bit too big
Diana B.
United States
Jessie Scuba Lounge Set - Coffee
Beautiful piece! Material is so soft! Well made and great quality. Highly
MarJan H.
United States
Hello Beautiful Embroidered Sweater Top - Black
Soft feel and sweet sentiment. Love the sparkle in the lettering. Fit is TTS
Je'lan D.
United States
Izzy Platform Slippers - Black
I usually wear a 7. I bought the brown ones in 6.5 and they are just a little
big so when I bought the black ones I went down to a 6 and they are perfect! I
love these slippers.
Tabitha K.
United States
Raw hem shorts
Grace Raw Hem Denim Shorts
I like the fit. True to size
Cheryl B.
United States
Very Pretty~
Still Into You Crochet Top
Very Pretty! it does run snug, and is crop length...so I wished I would've sized
up... But I Loved it so much, I just ordered another one in XL and the fit, for
Me, is just perfect now!
Gianna H.
United States
Best Cardigan Ever
World of Color Hand Knit Cardigan
I LOVE LOVE this cardigan. It’s a must have! Run don’t walk to put this cardigan
in your closet.
Shelley P.
United States
Soft and Cozy
Easy To Fall For Sweater - Mauve
Very soft and comfortable.
Virginia B.
United States
Cover Me In Sunshine Maxi Dress
Beautiful. Sick a great fit and color. Tts medium
Jean W.
United States
God Is Good All The Time Graphic Fleece Sweatshirts
I absolutely LOVE this sweatshirt!!! It's Soft, comfortable and I LOVE the
graphic!! *Because...GOD Is Good! ...ALL The Time!!!!
Gianna H.
United States
Somewhere Warm Tie Dye Maxi Dress
Tts medium 36b 158lbs 5'4 Amazing need more
Jean W.
United States
Super cute!
Go The Distance Windbreaker Athletic Shorts - Black
These shorts are super cute! High rise. I'm usually a size small and that is
what I ordered.
Lindsey S.
United States
Lovin’ baby pink
Fall Prep Mock Neck Sweater Top - Light Pink
This knit shirt is cute with shorts, jeans, and even leggings! Casual with some
kicks or dress up with a little heel! If you like/love pink…color is on point!
Shelley P.
United States
I need more!!!
Real Active Butter Soft Leggings - Black
These leggings are amazing! I need more and signed up for restock. Hurry and
restock them.
Tallia S.
United States
Cropped tank top
Remy Reversible Ribbed Cropped Tank Top
Awesome tank top! Fit is true to size
Shannon H.
United States
Jolene Acid Wash Frayed Denim Shorts
Sized up to large. Always do in shorts. 36b 5'4 158lbs size 9-11 in jeans
Jean W.
United States
True Meaning Layered Cross Necklace - Gold
I love it. I love anything with crosses.
Jean W.
United States
Leather paper bag shorts
After Hours Vegan Leather Paper Bag Shorts - Camel
I love them, can’t wait to wear them. True to size.
Renee B.
United States
Just like I expected
World of Color Hand Knit Cardigan
Love the fit and style icon this spring sweater!
Noreen R.
United States
Max Dress
I'll Be By The Pool Maxi Dress - Burgundy
Love the The soft material and the flow of the dress very comfortable
Rhoda c.
United States
CCBRONZE Self Tanning Mousse
This bronzer is so good. Non greasy. I leave on 3 hours sometimes over night
Jean W.
United States
Pop of Color Ribbed Puff Sleeve Top - Kelly Green
Love this top. Puffy sleeve fitted torso, yass!!
Amy J.
United States
Easter Dress
Easter Sunday Best Floral Dress
It is true to size, very comfortable, and first Easter dress very pretty
Terry W.
United States
World Class Cuddler French Terry Sweatshirt - Taupe
It's like buttery soft tts. 36b 158lbs 5'4 amazing quality
Jean W.
United States
Dolce Vita heels
DOLCE VITA Priana Heels - Black Stella
These fit true to size. I have not worn them to an event yet to tell if they are
comfortable. But, they are REALLY cute!
Lindsey S.
United States
Junie Toggle Parachute Pants - Olive
These are so cute. Tts have them in 3 colors. Medium 36b 5'4 158lbs
Jean W.
United States
Hawaii Vibes
Palm Things Maxi Dress - Black
Looking for a perfect dress for Hawaii and I came across this Palm Things Maxi
Dress. Absolutely love it. True to size.
Penny L.
United States
Summer cardigan
Always Cold Knit Cardigan
This is so light and airy and cute! I love it and I have had many compliments on
it. Wish they had summer colors…
KellyAnn P.
United States
Wanderer Wide Brim Hat - Ivory
Love it!
United States
Arrows and Hearts Toggle Pendant Necklace
Cute necklace! Goes well with many styles
Shelley P.
United States


Tops Tops

Bottoms Bottoms

Outerwear Outerwear

Dresses Dresses

Shoes Shoes

Basics Basics
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