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TrustRadius * Categories * Enterprise * Business Intelligence (BI) * Business Process Management (BPM) * Collaboration * Corporate Performance Management (CPM) * Document Management * Enterprise Content Management * Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) * More * Professional Services * Project Management * More * Marketing * A/B Testing * Ad Serving & Retargeting * All-in-One Marketing * Appointment Scheduling * Contact Center * Content Management * Content Marketing * Email Marketing * Marketing Automation * Predictive Analytics * Public Relations (PR) * Search Engine Optimization (SEO) * Social Media Analytics * Social Media Management * Social Media Marketing * Social Media Monitoring * Survey & Forms Building * Video * Web Analytics * More * Sales * CPQ * Customer Relationship Management (CRM) * Ecommerce * Point of Sale * Proposal * Sales Content Management * Sales Intelligence * More * Human Resources * Applicant Tracking * Corporate Learning Management * HR Management * Learning Management * Talent Management * Time Tracking * Workforce Management * More * Finance and Accounting * Accounting & Budgeting * More * Customer Support * Help Desk * Live Chat * Web Conferencing * More * Information Technology * Antivirus * Application Performance Management (APM) * Build Automation * Cloud Security * Cloud Storage * Data Center Backup * Data Integration * Data Warehouse * Endpoint Backup * Firewall * Hadoop-Related * IT Asset Management * IT Infrastructure Monitoring * IT Service Management (ITSM) * Identity Management * Infrastructure-as-a-Service * NoSQL Databases * Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) * Project Portfolio Management * Relational Databases * Remote Desktop * Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) * Server Virtualization * System Monitoring * VoIP * More * Vertical-Specific * Construction * Inventory Management * Medical Office EMR & EHR * Nonprofit CRM * More * Development * Functional Testing * More * Browse All Categories * Reviews * Browse Reviews * Compare Products * For Vendors * Vendor Solutions * Integrations * Claim Your Profile * Downstream Intent Data * Vendor Blog and Resources * Sign In To Vendor Portal * Get A Demo * Write a Review * Sign In 100% TRUSTED, NO ADS, NO BIAS, QUALITY FIRST Buyers Blogs 2022 TrustRadius Best Software List Was this helpful? (2) (0) 2022 TRUSTRADIUS BEST SOFTWARE LIST November 2nd, 2022 372 min read Recognizing the best software products based on their customer satisfaction, review performance, and market-size fit. BEST SOFTWARE FOR ENTERPRISE BUSINESS LIST BEST SOFTWARE FOR MID-SIZED BUSINESS LIST BEST SOFTWARE FOR SMALL BUSINESS LIST The first-annual TrustRadius Best Software List provides B2B software buyers with important product information for their business’ market size and needs. TrustRadius earns 17.8 million impressions a month on category-level market-specific searches. We created this list to identify the best products for each market size based on user feedback. Winning products demonstrate a commitment to transparency and user satisfaction. Market size-specific badges will be displayed on TrustRadius’ product pages to help buyers make intelligent software-buying decisions for their business size. OVERALL BEST SOFTWARE PRODUCT WINNERS Ranked in order from highest review count: 1. MIRO Miro is an online whiteboard platform for distributed team collaboration. The platform’s infinite canvas is designed to enable its more than 20M users to lead engaging workshops and meetings, design products, and brainstorm ideas. Miro was founded by Andrey Khusid and Oleg Shardin in 2011 as RealtimeBoard and rebranded as Miro in 2019. Miro is global, with eleven hubs in cities around the world, including San Francisco, Los Angeles, Austin, New York City, Amsterdam, Perm, Berlin, Munich, London, Tokyo, and Sydney. LEARN MORE 2. LUCIDCHART Lucidchart is a diagramming application that helps teams to clarify complexity, align their insights, and build faster. With this cloud-based solution, users can work visually and collaborate in real-time while building flowcharts, mockups, and UML diagrams. Lucidchart is utilized in over 180 countries by more than 25 million users, from sales managers mapping out target organizations to IT directors visualizing their network infrastructure. The vendor boasts users among ninety-nine percent of the Fortune 500, and that their customers include Google, GE, NBC Universal, and Johnson & Johnson. Lucidchart is based in Utah, and was founding in 2010. LEARN MORE 3. HUBSPOT CRM HubSpot’s CRM enables growth-minded businesses to optimize their relationships with leads and customers. Through harnessing the power of carefully crafted sales, marketing, customer service, content management, and operations tools, the software aims to make it easy to unify team strategy and drive conversion. Additionally, the software allows users to connect with over 875 integration apps, APIs, and solutions partners to create a customizable user experience that suits the way teams work. HubSpot is presented as an ideal solution to help scale a business, for small to enterprise-level businesses alike. LEARN MORE 4. WEBEXPENSES Webexpenses is a global provider of online expense management software to businesses of all sizes across 70+ countries. The software is used across all industries, including retail, finance, technology, construction, and not for profit. Features of the Webexpenses desktop and mobile app include cross-platform auto-sync with: Google Vision-powered OCR receipt scanner Petty cash management Automatic policy compliance Corporate card automatic Intelligent Matching Integrated mileage tracking + verification Integration with an existing ERP The vendor describes the benefits of Webexpenses as including: 3 hours saved per claim Increase visibility and spend projection 43% reduction in errors + fraud 400% ROI, with system payback in an average of 3 months Selling propositions of Webexpenses include: Flat, active-user-only pricing 24/6, in-house human support via chat, email, or phone, included Over 100+ software and app and feature upgrades per year, included Unlimited submissions per month once active, included Custom system configuration to meet your business requirements and expense policy Industry-leading user adoption rate The Webexpeneses software suite provides additional solutions for automated invoice processing, corporate travel management, payments + reimbursements and, audit. These tools can be used alongside the expense management system for the management of company spend. LEARN MORE 5. DEPUTY Deputy is a web-based workforce manager solution. Deputy is designed to help users simplify their scheduling, timesheets, tasking, employee communication, and administrative tasks. It includes various apps and one-click payroll integration that aim to make workforce management easier. The Deputy platform enables users to schedule in line with demand, prepare accurate payroll, and communicate more clearly. Deputy streamlines employee admin, so teams can focus on what matters. Deputy aims to help businesses become more profitable, connected, and trusted by each team member — their goal is to make that happen for workplaces in every community, worldwide. Deputy boasts more than 250,000 workplaces internationally as users. Businesses across industries can manage their staff, give teams a way to track their shifts, and free up time for people to focus on what’s important to them. LEARN MORE 6. SPLASHTOP Splashtop is a remote support software solution for IT, support teams, and help desks that enables users to securely connect on-demand to users’ computers and mobile devices with a simple session code or with unattended anytime access. There are four packages to choose from – Splashtop Business Access, Splashtop SOS, Splashtop Remote Support, and Splashtop Enterprise. Splashtop Enterprise features include – On-demand support access to Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android – Unattended anytime access to Windows, Mac, and Linux computers in SOS+10 and Unlimited – Screen sharing for collaboration – Remotely view iOS screens in real-time – File transfer – Remote reboot and reconnect – Chat – User management – Custom branding – Integration with PSA tools – Licensed per technician LEARN MORE 7. RIPPLING Rippling is a way for businesses to manage all of their HR, IT, and Finance — payroll, benefits, computers, apps, corporate cards, expenses, and more — in one unified workforce platform. By connecting every business system to one source of truth for employee data, businesses can automate all of the manual work they normally need to do to make employee changes. For example, with Rippling, onboarding starts with the click of a button to set up a new employee’s payroll, health insurance, work computer, and third-party apps — like Slack, Zoom, and Office 365 — within 90 seconds. LEARN MORE 8. WEBEX MEETINGS Webex Meetings is presented as an engaging, inclusive and intelligent video conferencing solution for the modern workforce that aims to: Make meetings interactive and engaging * Reduce disruptions with background noise removal and voice enhancement * Enable audiences to share their reactions with animated emojis and gesture recognition * Improve audience engagement with next-gen dynamic polling and Q&A by Slido * Customize the stage layout to focus on the content and people that matters most Make meetings more inclusive * Remove language barriers with real-time language translation into 100+ languages * Ensure everyone’s voice can be heard with anonymous polling/Q&A by Slido * Encourage everyone to participate with breakout rooms that enable smaller group discussions Help the user work smarter * Make meetings more productive with automatic transcriptions, notes and highlights * Monitor and manage work-life balance and professional relationships with personal insights LEARN MORE 9. GROOVE Groove is a sales productivity platform that aims to enable revenue leaders to boost revenue-per-rep across every division of the enterprise. Groove automates administrative tasks and makes Salesforce easier to access and update from everywhere a seller works – in the office, at home, or on the road. Whether it’s creating repeatable playbooks or using AI to synthesize complex data into actionable insights, Groove helps sellers to operate at peak performance. At present, the vendor states that more than 70,000 users at customers including Google, Atlassian, Uber, and Capital One leverage Groove. LEARN MORE 10. WEBEX APP Webex App brings together Calling, Meeting, and Messaging modes of collaboration in order to create a seamless, engaging, inclusive, and intelligent experience. Seamless collaboration across devices, locations, and organizations * Use any computer, tablet, phone, browser or Cisco device to connect * Collaborate with people outside an organization as easily as that inside * Minimize app switching with bi-direction integrations with other popular business apps Make collaboration more interactive and engaging * Reduce disruptions with background noise removal and voice enhancement * Enable audiences to share their reactions with animated emojis and gesture recognition * Improve audience engagement with next-gen dynamic polling and Q& by Slido * Customized the stage layout to focus on the content and people that matter most Make collaboration more inclusive * Remove language barriers with real-time language translation into 100+ languages * Ensure everyone’s voice can be heard with anonymous polling/Q& by Slido * Encourage everyone to participate in breakout rooms that enable smaller group discussions Help users work smarter * Make meetings more productive with automatic transcriptions, notes, and highlights * Utilize spaces to schedule team meetings and have recordings and transcripts automatically stored in the spaces for easy access * Monitor and manage work-life balance and professional relationships with personal insights LEARN MORE 11. ADP WORKFORCE NOW ADP Workforce Now is presented as an all-in-one, adaptable, cloud-based HR . Built on a single database, ADP Workforce Now features Human Resource Management, Payroll, Benefits, Talent Management, Time & Labor Management, Learning and Analytics, and Return to Office capabilities. ADP Workforce Now equips users with the tools not just to track HR information, but to help manage a workforce and make data-driven decisions. And, the user can add the functionality as needed with tools and capabilities designed specifically to provide an engaging experience for business leaders, managers, and workers. * All-in-one: A configurable HR platform to efficiently manage all people management functions — payroll, HR, time, talent, and benefits — within a single database. * Confident Compliance: Security features to keep data safe, while deep compliance expertise and solutions help protect a business. * Ease of use: Features at the user’s fingertips, making it easy to work in ways that fit the user’s needs while also providing a better experience for the workforce * Insights in the flow of work: Make decisions with confidence, informed by insights from a robust workforce database. * Integrated and connected ecosystem: Broaden people management capabilities with the largest HR ecosystem that integrates with leading third-party solutions. Connect with vital partners such as accountants, brokers, and financial providers. PAYROLL. Built to help operate a business and meet compliance needs. With any time, anywhere access process payroll, and gain insights into pay and earnings trends. Improve accuracy and increase confidence by reviewing and correcting errors before running payroll. Manage and pay employees across different jurisdictions and borders. ADP Workforce Now is also engineered to help support tax & compliance obligations and scales as the user’s needs grow. Manage payroll for a global workforce with a single solution. HUMAN RESOURCES. Designed to transform HR management from an administrative function to a vital, strategic part of the business. With configurable workflows and online document storage, reduce the time spent with paperwork and increase the time managing and transforming your people. Automate and streamline key needs including new hire onboarding and employee acknowledgment. Reduce employee and manager questions by equipping them with any time, anywhere access so they can take action at their convenience. TALENT. Recruitment, performance management, compensation, learning. Attract top talent with intelligent and easy-to-use tools. Advertise open positions across 25,000+ Job Sites with JobTarget. Take a proactive approach to hire with embedded ZipRecruiter Job Slots that helps you identify and match active job seekers with best-fit jobs. Intelligently analyze which applicants best match your job description with Profile Relevancy. Define job requisitions with confidence using industry and geographic Compensation Benchmarks. Streamline the performance review process to better assess and develop high-performing teams. Align performance to corporate goals with the help of cascading and weighted goals and view team priorities and goal progress in one place with an organized Performance dashboard. Provide flexibility outside of the traditional annual review process with continuous and non-common date reviews. Develop a defined pay-for-performance compensation strategy to help retain top talent. BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION. Benefits administration with an actionable dashboard that brings notifications and tasks to the user’s attention. Administer benefit plans, execute a smooth open enrollment process, and collect the data required to be compliant with the ACA. Utilize electronic carrier connections to ensure that enrolled employees and their dependents match the organization’s records. Open Enrollment, with OE Center and its service team, helps reduce administrative burden. TIME & ATTENDANCE. Time tracking for both employees and managers. Manage labor costs, boost productivity and simplify compliance by automating timekeeping, attendance tracking, and scheduling. Time-saving automation, payroll integration, real-time visibility into attendance, time off, and overtime as well as real-time analytics. ADP DATACLOUD. To support data-driven decision-making. With Payroll, Human Resources, Benefits, Time, and Talent information in one system, the user can gain real, data-driven insight. ADP Benchmarks lets users see how they compare to similar companies, industries, and locations, to confidently make strategic decisions based on the industry’s largest data set. MOBILE. Equip employees and managers with any time, anywhere access to view pay and tax information, complete benefits enrollment, clock in or out, and manage payment options. Business leaders can gain actionable workforce insights on their mobile devices — when and how they need them with Executive and manager insights. ADP MARKETPLACE. Broaden the capabilities of the HR suite with solutions ready to securely share data with ADP Workforce Now. LEARN MORE 12. KNOWBE4 SECURITY AWARENESS TRAINING KnowBe4 is a security awareness training and simulated phishing platform used by more than 50,000 organizations around the globe. Founded by IT and data security specialist, Stu Sjouwerman, KnowBe4 helps organizations address the human element of security by raising awareness about ransomware, CEO fraud, and other social engineering tactics through a new-school approach to awareness training on security. The KnowBe4 platform is presented as user-friendly and intuitive, and offers multi-language support for the Admin Console and end-user localization options to deliver a more immersive learning experience to users from start to finish. KnowBe4 provides: Baseline testing to assess the Phish-Prone(™) percentage of users through a free simulated phishing attack 1000+ interactive modules, videos, games, posters and newsletters in a library of security awareness training content Fully automated simulated phishing attacks, thousands of templates with unlimited usage, and community phishing templates Enterprise strength reporting, showings stats and graphs for both training and phishing KnowBe4 has been named a leader in the Forrester Wave(™): Security Awareness and Training Solutions, Q1 2020 and #1 Support, #1 Usability and #2 Feature Set in the 2021 TrustRadius Awards. LEARN MORE 13. CLICKUP ClickUp is an all-in-one productivity platform. It’s a hub where teams can come together to plan, organize, and collaborate on work using tasks, Docs, Chat, Goals, and Whiteboard. Customized with just a few clicks, ClickUp lets teams of all types and sizes deliver work more effectively, boosting productivity to new heights. ClickUp states its core mission is to make the world more productive by removing friction caused by using many different applications. ClickUp boasts millions of users and over 200,000 teams at companies like Samsung, IBM, Twitter, Uber, and Ubisoft. LEARN MORE 14. ADOBE ACROBAT DC Adobe states documents are more than just a collection of information and proof. They are foundational to connecting people and ideas, pushing business forward. Adobe Acrobat keeps users connected to their teams while driving business forward – no matter where they are working. Acrobat is a PDF and e-signature solution with users among Fortune 500 companies. Acrobat users can create, edit, convert, share, sign, and combine documents from the Adobe platform. It provides for digital experiences that enable team to collaborate and work from any device, anytime, anywhere. Liquid Mode in Acrobat also enables users to view PDFs on small screens without the need to pinch and zoom. In partnership with Microsoft, Adobe aims to reimagine how work gets done in a modern, secure, and connected hybrid workplace. Acrobat solutions are designed to seamlessly integrate with any preferred Microsoft apps so that users save time by creating, editing, sharing, and signing right from Microsoft 365, Teams, Outlook, and more. It also features smart integrations with Google, Box, and other daily use apps. Acrobat provides access to file protection features to protect documents from being copied, changed, or printed – for added peace of mind. Acrobat helps organizations comply with security standards and regulatory requirements such as GLBA and FERPA. It also meets ISO 32000 standards for electronic document exchange, including special-purpose standards such as PDF/A for archiving, PDF/E for engineering, and PDF/X for printing. LEARN MORE 15. SAGE INTACCT The Sage Intacct system includes accounting, cash management, purchasing, vendor management, financial consolidation, revenue recognition, subscription billing, contract management, project accounting, fund accounting, inventory management, and financial reporting applications, all delivered through the cloud. Sage Intacct aims to give organizations the visibility and agility to make the right data-driven decisions at the right time to steer their organizations and people to growth and recovery. When it is integrated with budgeting and planning and paired with HR and people software, Sage Intacct is designed to enable digital transformation through continuous accounting, continuous trust and continuous insight. LEARN MORE 16. MONDAY.COM monday.com Work OS is an open platform designed so that users can create the tools they need to run every aspect of their work. The visual interface includes building blocks like Apps and integrations, allowing teams to build or customize their work solutions. Whether users need to streamline a sales pipeline, create a marketing campaign process, run a robust CRM, or build a project management tracker – monday.com aims to provide a collaborative space for teams to stay aligned, agile and efficient, in everything they do. monday.com offers a 14-day free trial, no credit card required. LEARN MORE 17. CAPTIVATEIQ CaptivateIQ is an agile commission solution, enables companies to consistently align revenue teams with evolving business goals. CaptivateIQ offers companies like Gong, Figma, and 1Password the ability to build any commission plan, save time in payout processing, and motivate sales reps with real-time visibility into earnings. CaptivateIQ gives finance, operations, and sales teams insights and control over their incentive compensation programs – allowing them to better adapt to change, and more easily tailor plans to meet the current needs of their business. LEARN MORE 18. HOOTSUITE Social media is a wild place to do business. That’s why thousands of brands rely on Hootsuite’s tools and expertise to bring order to the chaos. Launch brilliant social campaigns, deliver 5-star social commerce experiences, and manage all your customer conversations in one place. With Hootsuite, users can schedule posts across multiple social networks (including Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and YouTube ), manage organic and paid social content together, keep track of customer conversations, and gain actionable real-time insights from social media to make critical business decisions from one dashboard. Hootsuite Academy has helped thousands of professionals and organizations boost their social IQ with free online education and paid certifications in social media marketing, social selling, and the Hootsuite platform. Key Benefits of leveraging Hootsuite: Save time by crafting and scheduling posts for Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Youtube from one dashboard. Fine-tune how teams collaborate by assigning tasks, managing approvals, and monitoring team performance. Reach more customers, grow engagement, and drive conversions by automating posts to reach the audience at the best times. Turn real-time data into strategic insights by monitoring mentions of a brand, key industry topics, and competitors. Streamline how users deliver customer care and support by sending incoming messages across social profiles to the right people in an organization. Get a better understanding of what customers want with analytics and gather those insights into customizable reports. Reach beyond dedicated followers and drive new customers to a brand by managing and reviewing social advertising performance. Level up skills with industry leading certifications, training, and strategic coaching with Hootsuite experts. Manage and maintain a social presence from anywhere, at any time, with the Hootsuite mobile app. Discover new tools—or connect existing technology—with 200+ technology partners and applications in the Hootsuite ecosystem. LEARN MORE 19. LUCIDSPARK Lucidspark is a virtual whiteboard where teams can bring their best ideas to light. Users can collaborate in real-time, no matter where they are. Lucidspark helps people organize notes and scribbles and turn them into presentation-ready concepts. When it’s time for next steps, teams can develop workflows and process documents to turn ideas into reality. Features include integrations, infinite canvas, sticky notes, freehand drawing, chat, templates, timer, voting, Breakout Boards, and more. With Lucidspark, users can not only brainstorm ideas as a team but then refine and organize those ideas to drive action. Features like assisted grouping and Lucidchart import/export help users turn ideas into plans and strategies. Lucidspark is part of the Lucid suite, a visual collaboration suite that helps teams see and build the future from idea to reality. Users can start ideating in Lucidspark and then seamlessly move to Lucidchart and Lucidscale to complete the full project lifecycle and make their ideas a reality. Lucidspark helps cross-functional teams at organizations of all sizes accomplish more effective brainstorming, collaboration, Agile and project planning, customer experience research, strategic and analysis. LEARN MORE 20. NICE CXONE NICE (formerly NICE inContact) works with organizations of all sizes to create customer experiences that build deeper brand loyalty and relationships that last. With NICE CXone, a complete cloud customer experience platform, the vendor combines Customer Analytics, Omnichannel Routing, Workforce Optimization, Automation and Artificial Intelligence, all on an Open Cloud Foundation, to enable an exceptional agent and customer experience—every time and on every channel. Key Features * Omnichannel * Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) * Interactive Voice Response (IVR) * Interaction Channels * Predictive Dialer * Interaction Analytics * Reporting * Customer Surveys * Workforce Optimization * Workforce Management * Quality Management * Quality Management Analytics * Performance Management * Recording * Automation & AI * Workforce Intelligence * Open Cloud Foundation * CRM Integrations * UCaaS Integration * DEVone Ecosystem * RESTful APIs * Voice as a Service * FedRAMP LEARN MORE 21. ZOHO CRM Zoho CRM supports enterprises as they build better customer relationships and improve retention. It empowers a global network of over 250,000 businesses of all sizes in 180 countries to convert more leads, engage with customers, and grow their revenue. Adding even more value and innovation, the recently announced Canvas feature in the product enables users to create a personalized instance that meets their specific requirements and preferences. This is a recognition that the CRM solution in any enterprise must remain diverse and flexible as the customers it serves. Zoho CRM clients have seen: ● 26% Improvement in customer retention rates ● 47% Increase in purchase volume with nurtured leads● 40% Decrease in the cost of customer service ● 47% Increase in customer satisfaction rates ● 23% Decrease in sales and marketing costs Zoho CRM helps reps reach decision-makers who matter, shorten long enterprise buying cycles, and build strong customer relationships that withstand unexpected disruptions. More information is available at zoho.com/enterprise LEARN MORE 22.GONG Gong helps people and companies reach their potential. The Gong Revenue Intelligence Platform™ enables customer-facing teams to take advantage of their most valuable assets – customer interactions, which the Gong platform automatically captures and analyzes. Gong then delivers insights at scale, to empower revenue and go-to-market teams to determine the best actions for winning outcomes. The vendor boasts companies like Morningstar Inc., Paychex, LinkedIn, Shopify, Slack, SproutSocial, Twilio, and Zillow use Gong to power their customer reality. Gong is a private company headquartered in the San Francisco Bay Area LEARN MORE 23. ZIFLOW Ziflow is a creative collaboration platform that enables agencies and brands to deliver creative work by streamlining feedback on any creative asset from concept to completion. Customers include Showtime, McCann Worldgroup, AWS, Weber, Specialized and Dupont. Ziflow was founded in 2016 and serves thousands of customers across the world. Ziflow has team members in the US, UK, Poland and South Africa. LEARN MORE 24. WATCHGUARD NETWORK SECURITY WatchGuard Network Security is a network security and firewall software. WatchGuard has been in the cyber security technology space for over 20 years. The vendor sees itself as a pioneer in the space, and aims to deliver easy-to-deploy and easy-to-manage solutions. WatchGuard offer a comprehensive advanced network security platform that puts IT security professionals back in charge of their network with widely deployable, enterprise-grade security and threat visibility tools suitable for an organization, regardless of budget, size or complexity. In addition to network security, WatchGuard includes secure Wi-Fi, multi-factor authentication, and network intelligence products and services. The vendor says this is important because the cyber security landscape is constantly evolving, and new threats emerge each day. WatchGuard’s goal is to make enterprise-grade cyber security technology accessible for every company. The vendor reports that WatchGuard serves more than 80,000 small and midsize enterprises around the globe and is headquartered in Seattle, Washington, with offices throughout North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Latin America. LEARN MORE 25. KOFAX POWER PDF Kofax Power PDF is a solution to manage PDFs for businesses and individuals available with a one-time purchase with no subscription fees. Benefits to Power PDF users: Ease of use: Works like Office desktop products, so it’s easier to learn Works across devices and platforms, share documents in a storage cloud Built-in features to protect information & compare documents to monitor tampering : “Fuzzy Search” provides a Google-like search Speed & Accuracy: Accurate & speedy when converting PDFs to/from Word, Excel, and other popular formats e-Signature integration: Sign & send PDF documents for signature Redact sensitive information: Automatically detect & redact words and expressions for safe, secure document sharing Create interactive PDF forms with a single click: Convert a flat, image-based PDF form into one that users can complete electronically : PDF/A-4 Format to ensure retention all of the newest PDF features Collaboration: Review, markup and revise PDFs with annotations, mark-up and stamps Power PDF Advanced, Standard and Mac are individual, buy-once-own-forever licenses for desktop or laptop. Power PDF Enterprise is available for more than 5 users, with a single admin, server installation, and other collaborative features for teams. LEARN MORE 26. ZOOMINFO SALESOS ZoomInfo SalesOS combines a comprehensive business database with technology to fuel a go-to-market strategy from start to finish, and provide an accurate, 360-degree view of customers, prospects, and opportunities. With features and integrations incorporated into your workflows, the company is on a mission to deliver more leads for sales and marketing, with more closed deals, more efficiency for operations, and more control for leadership. LEARN MORE 27. SAP SUCCESSFACTORS SAP SuccessFactors solutions are changing work for good – strengthening the connection between HR and business operations to help organizations create a sustainable workforce and profitable business. By spanning core HR/payroll, talent management, HR analytics/workforce planning, and individualized employee experiences, SAP SuccessFactors Human Experience Management (HXM) suite helps both employees and companies be their best. The SAP SuccessFactors Human Experience Management (HXM) suite covers: * Employee Experience Management * Core HR and Payroll * Talent Management * HR Analytics and Workforce Planning LEARN MORE 28. IBM POWER SYSTEM VIRTUAL SERVER IBM® Power® Systems clients who have typically relied upon on-premises-only infrastructure can extend their Power IT resources onto IBM Power Systems Virtual Server to avoid the large capital expense or added risk when migrating essential workloads. IBM Power Systems Virtual Server is colocated and connected with IBM Cloud®, integrating IBM AIX® and IBM I capabilities. The solution boasts fast, self-service provisioning, flexible management both on-premises and off-premises, and access to a stack of enterprise IBM Cloud services — with pay-as-you-use billing so users can more easily scale up and out. LEARN MORE 29. ADOBE MARKETO ENGAGE Adobe Marketo Engage, from Adobe since 2018, aims to help marketing teams drive demand and growth in their companies by delivering exceptional experiences in concert with sales at every stage of the customer journey. The challenge these teams face is that everyone today expects a personalized experience whenever they interact with a company – they don’t have patience for generic marketing and the last thing they want is a cold call from sales. So to stay competitive, marketing teams are scrambling to understand customers better, so they can give them a better experience because this is disrupting entire industries. And a big part of what’s needed is figuring out how marketing and sales can do a better job together. The vendor states Adobe Marketo Engage redefines Marketing Automation by helping these companies bring together the customer data, content, automation, and analytics needed for marketing and sales to coordinate engagement with customers that’s personalized and measurable at every touchpoint – and do it with efficiency and scale. LEARN MORE 30. VEEAM BACKUP & REPLICATION Veeam Backup for AWS delivers comprehensive AWS-native backup and disaster recovery that’s fully-automated, and presented as a cost-effective and secure to quickly overcome ANY cloud data loss. * Fully-automated Amazon EC2 backup and DR using native Amazon EBS snapshots for frequent recovery points and lightning-fast full- and file-level recoveries. * Control cloud costs with backup cost calculation to avoid unexpected expenses, changed block tracking and backup to Amazon S3 for long-term retention and compliance. * Ensure backup data stays secure and safe with support for cross-account and cross-region backup, recovery and DR, as well as multi factor authentication to prevent brute force attacks. * Gain data portability with backup, recovery and migration options to, from and within ANY supported environment through a portable backup format and optional Veeam Backup & Replication integration. LEARN MORE 31. TALKDESK Talkdesk® is a global customer experience provider for customer-obsessed companies. Their contact center solution provides a way for businesses and customers to engage with one another. Talkdesk’s goal is to support businesses everywhere to deliver better customer experiences through any channel and drive higher customer satisfaction, cost savings, and profitability. Talkdesk CX Cloud™ is an end-to-end customer experience solution that aims to combine enterprise scale with consumer simplicity. Talkdesk boasts 1,800 companies around the world, including IBM, Acxiom, Trivago, and Fujitsu as partners with Talkdesk who deliver a better way to great customer experience. LEARN MORE 32. CELONIS What is Celonis? Celonis reveals and fixes inefficiencies businesses can’t see, enabling them to perform at levels they never thought possible. Powered by its market-leading process mining core, the Celonis Execution Management System provides a full set of platform capabilities for business executives and users to eliminate billions in corporate inefficiencies, provide better customer experience and reduce carbon emissions. Celonis has thousands of implementations with global customers and is headquartered in Munich, Germany, and New York City, USA with more than 20 offices worldwide. Product Description The Celonis Execution Management System provides a 360-degree view of all businesses processes, weaves all data insights together, and pushes actions back out into relevant systems. The Celonis EMS platform and execution applications help businesses maximize execution capacity across the enterprise, in places like Customer Operations, Finance & Administration, Supply & Distribution, and Products & Services. In addition to a complete, real-time view of processes, the EMS lets companies connect to any underlying business system; leverage a complete set of process improvement tools, including process mining automation; benchmark against industry standards, and best-practice implementations; and identify execution gaps and inefficiencies to maximize capacity to achieve breakthrough outcomes. LEARN MORE 33. WORKVIVO Workvivo is an employee communication platform designed to build natural, meaningful bonds between teams, allowing companies to reach and engage their employees. It’s presented as an intranet, comms tool, and employee app all blended into one familiar social experience so that people naturally embrace it, offering companies oversight while giving employees freedom and flexibility. It’s goals are to provide: ✔️ Less distraction, greater engagement ✔️ Adoption for fast time-to-value ✔️ Integration with existing comms tools Workvivo also provides content analytics which helps companies understand their audiences and get employee engagement insights through impressions, reach, and interaction tracking on posts, articles and events. Surveys enable feedback and track employee sentiment.Polls are provides to collect feedback anonymously. The culture amplification and measurement can help to measure the impact of company goals and values. LEARN MORE 34. ANAPLAN Anaplan is a transformative way to see, plan, and run your business. Using its proprietary Hyperblock™ technology, Anaplan lets you contextualize real-time performance, and forecast future outcomes for faster, confident decisions. Anaplan enables connected strategy and planning across your enterprise to move your business forward. Based in San Francisco, Anaplan has over 200 partners and more than 2,000 customers worldwide. LEARN MORE 35. PANDADOC PandaDoc provides an all-in-one document workflow automation platform designed to help fast scaling teams accelerate the ability to create, manage, and sign digital documents including proposals, quotes, contracts, and more. The vendor states PandaDoc empowers more than 27,000 growing organizations to thrive by taking the work out of document workflow. LEARN MORE 36. IBM POWER SERVERS IBM® Power® Systems clients who have typically relied upon on-premises-only infrastructure can extend their Power IT resources onto IBM Power Systems Virtual Server to avoid the large capital expense or added risk when migrating essential workloads. IBM Power Systems Virtual Server are colocated and connected with IBM Cloud®, integrating IBM AIX® and IBM i capabilities. The solution boasts fast, self-service provisioning, flexible management both on premises and off premises, and access to a stack of enterprise IBM Cloud services — with pay-as-you-use billing so users can more easily scale up and out. LEARN MORE 37. SPIFF Spiff is a commission calculation software that takes the manual labor and complexity of commission processes and automates it. Spiff helps teams to avoid spending hours modeling, updating, and managing complex spreadsheets or old enterprise software to pay commissions. Spiff aims to turn revenue management from a behemoth kept at bay into a motivation engine that maximizes sales team engagement and accelerates their growth. By maximizing visibility into the commission plans with real-time transparency, Spiff helps turn sales data into actionable insights. Spiff boasts one of the industry’s fastest purchase-to-performance times. It doesn’t require special connections to be coded as it connects directly to the user’s CRM, ERP, and Payment Processors to reduce workload and increase accuracy every time someone checks their statements. LEARN MORE 38. MAILCHIMP Mailchimp is an all-in-one Marketing Platform for small businesses. The vendor says its goal is to help small businesses market smarter so they can grow faster. Mailchimp aims to be the backbone for customer relationships, with AI-powered, user-friendly tools. Mailchimp is designed to put the audience at the center so users can send marketing emails and automated messages, create targeted ad campaigns, build landing pages, send postcards, facilitate reporting and analytics, and sell online. The vendor reports that millions of businesses and individuals – from community organizations to Fortune 100 companies – use Mailchimp to connect with their audience with the right message, at the right time, in the right place. Founded in 2001 and based in Atlanta, GA, Mailchimp has 1000+ employees and is privately held. LEARN MORE 39. NEWSWIRE What is Newswire? Newswire is a technology company that delivers press release distribution, earned media outreach, SEO traffic, and engaging sales prospects through campaign automation to help businesses land impactful media coverage, drive website traffic and grow brand awareness. Through its technology and its commitment to customer satisfaction, Newswire aims to provide true value for businesses. Newswire provides the Media Advantage Plan (MAP) that provides press release campaign automation that delivers press releases, media outreach, and targeted commercial marketing. All of these elements work together to help customers compete for the mindshare and market share needed to accelerate sales. MAP clients have direct access to Newswire experts that customize a media and marketing communications plan and platform, in order to ensure timely campaign production, and in a cost-effective manner. LEARN MORE 40. CONCUR TRAVEL AND EXPENSES Concur Travel and Expense captures business spending wherever and whenever it happens. With Concur, users can connect the different pieces and partners of their expense ecosystem – integrating travel spend, ERP, accounting and card data in to a single, cloud-based and mobile system that manages the entire expense process from spend requests to reconciliation. The solution is designed to provide complete visibility into the user’s total spend and the transparency to see every detail of each transaction. LEARN MORE 41. BROADVOICE Broadvoice is a cloud communications platform that provides a single tool for voice, video, messaging, and business text, designed to help small businesses provide workflow communication between their teams and customers. It offers price plans for VoIP, SIP, and Contact Center, with options to purchase, rent, or use current devices. Broadvoice provides customized solutions, with features like unlimited international calling, fax, and video meeting. Businesses can work on the go with the Broadvoice mobile app by calling, chatting, or texting from a personal device using a business phone number. Broadvoice’s support team will also help users to activate, onboard, train, and ensure success in using Broadvoice services. Broadvoice Benefits: 100% SLA 24/7 US-based customer support Onsite or paid professional installation Dedicated onboarding specialist Risk-free cancellation within 30 days Multi-level portal administration Mix & match seat types Integration with Salesforce & Microsoft Teams Call path pricing options Overhead paging HIPPA compliant platform Unlimited international calling SMB call center features Complimentary VoIP readiness assessment LEARN MORE 42. ACTIVECAMPAIGN The vendor states ActiveCampaign’s category-defining customer experience automation platform (CXA) helps over 130,000 businesses in 170 countries meaningfully engage with their customers. The platform gives businesses of all sizes access to 500+ pre-built automation that combine email marketing, marketing automation and CRM for powerful segmentation and personalization across social, email, messaging, chat and text. Pricing starts at just $9/month. By removing the silos that typically exist between email marketing, marketing automation, CRM, and account management solutions, businesses can automate truly personalized experiences that feel authentic. The vendor states that over 75% of ActiveCampaign’s customers use its 850+ integrations including Microsoft, Shopify, Square, Facebook, and Salesforce. Additionally, ActiveCampaign offers 500+ pre-built automation templates that make it easy for customers to instantly create and run connected campaigns across all channels, and free customer service, including live chat and phone support, a self-help knowledge base, and complementary data migration. Combined with the ActiveCampaign Customer Success Commitment—a set of 14 promises pledging that customers will always be able to get what they need when they need it—ActiveCampaign aims to deliver value on Day 1 to customers of all sizes. LEARN MORE 43. SPLUNK ENTERPRISE SECURITY (ES) Splunk Enterprise Security is an analytics-driven SIEM that helps to combat threats with actionable intelligence and advanced analytics at scale. Ingest machine data from any source for full visibility to detect malicious threats in an environment. Investigate and correlate activities across multi-cloud and on-premises sources in one unified view to identify and remediate security incidents. Splunk Enterprise Security supports cloud, on-premises, and hybrid deployment models to meet the needs of the business. When deployed as a cloud-based SIEM, the vendor states Splunk Enterprise Security can deliver improved time to value, allowing teams to focus on higher-value security tasks instead of managing infrastructure hardware and manual upgrades. LEARN MORE 44. CODETWO EMAIL SIGNATURES CodeTwo Email Signatures for Office 365 is a cloud-based service that allows users to create and manage organization-wide email signatures, legal disclaimers and automatic replies in Microsoft 365 (Office 365). It can be used on all web-enabled devices including Windows, Macs and mobiles and works with all email clients. It’s hosted on Microsoft Azure and integrates with Microsoft 365. With its signature automation rules, web UI, and customizable templates, CodeTwo aims to make setting up automatic email signatures for entire organizations easy and fast. The service is also certified for data protection (ISO 27001 & 27018). CodeTwo benefits: CodeTwo products are used by over 90,000 companies from 150 countries, including Facebook, Samsung, UNICEF and many of the Fortune 500 companies. They have been recognized as Microsoft 2020 Partner of the Year Finalist in the Customer Experience category for their email signature software. Solutions are developed in compliance with both ISO/IEC 27001 (information security) & 27018 (personal data protection in the cloud). The signatures Web Add-in for Outlook and OWA is developed in direct collaboration with Microsoft. LEARN MORE 45. AUVIK Auvik’s cloud-based network management software gives users insight into the networks they manage, and automates complex and time-consuming network tasks. Real-time network mapping and inventory mean users know what’s where, even as users move. Automated config backup and restore on network devices means the user can mitigate network risk with no manual effort. And Auvik TrafficInsights shows who’s on the network, which apps they’re using, and where their traffic is going. LEARN MORE 46. INDEED HIRING PLATFORM A hiring platform that enables users to quickly get interviews with quality talent. Indeed Hiring Platform delivers interviews by combining Indeed’s reach and understanding of job seekers with recruiting automation technology in one integrated platform. It helps users automate time-consuming recruiting tasks so they can accelerate hiring and spend more time on the highest-value activities. Users can conduct virtual interviews on a purpose-built platform for interviewing where employers can access candidate resumes, rate candidate fit, share feedback with stakeholders, and move candidates through the interview process. Fast-track recruiting by automating time-consuming tasks: * Employers’ hiring criteria & screener questions help automate screening * Automated interview scheduling, reminders, and communications save time * Talent attraction options include organic job listings, bring-your-own candidates, or pay-to-use Indeed Sponsored Jobs or Targeted Ads Reduce candidate drop-off with experiences designed to engage talent: * Job seekers can explore roles, answering screener questions, and schedule an interview in a matter of minutes * Automated candidate communications and helpful hints keep candidates engaged throughout the process * Automated interview scheduling for candidates that meet the employer’s objective hiring criteria Manage recruiting, leverage Indeed job advertising, and track performance with an all-in-one solution: * Provides one place for employers to configure and complete interviews with comprehensive analytics * Indeed’s virtual interview platform provides flexible options including virtual or phone interviews, candidate resume preview, chat functionality, and custom welcome messaging LEARN MORE 47. WIDEN Widen DAM helps brands manage and distribute assets across teams, tools, and channels. A configurable metadata schema provides business-specific search and workflow capabilities. Plus, AI-powered auto-tagging makes assets findable. Users can sync content across systems using the API or pre-built integrations with over 50 tools, from creative suites to project management. Product-based companies can use Widen to build a 360-degree view of their product content. It displays product associations and cascades parent-level values to variants. Quick start implementation help users get up and running in two weeks. Widen DAM is available standalone or as part of Acquia DXP. Widen DAM customer results 3M+ total digital brand assets managed by Fanatics 12 hours saved weekly searching for, recreating, and resizing assets by Harvey Performance Company $240,000 average yearly content creation savings by McCormick 9M+ embed views over the past year by Igus Widen DAM Consists of Six Apps Assets – Catalog, control, and deliver rich media assets from a central source. Entries – Create a 360-degree view of your product content to simplify distribution. Insights – Track and measure assets to improve marketing efficiency. Portals – Curate collections and create personalized brand experiences. Templates – Create localized web-to-print collateral that’s on-brand on demand. Workflow – Manage work in process and streamline collaboration, reviews, and approvals. Integrations – Automate marketing workflows by connecting tools. LEARN MORE 48. TEAMVIEWER As a global technology company, TeamViewer offers a remote connectivity platform to access, control, manage, monitor, and support any device — across platforms — from anywhere. With more than 600,000 customers, TeamViewer is free for private, non-commercial use and has been installed on more than 2.5 billion devices. TeamViewer operates in the field of Remote Connectivity, Augmented Reality, Internet of Things, and Digital Customer Engagement, enabling companies from all industries to digitally transform their business-critical processes through connectivity. Founded in 2005, and headquartered in Göppingen, Germany, TeamViewer is a publicly held company with approximately 1,400 global employees. TeamViewer AG (TMV) is listed at Frankfurt Stock Exchange and belongs to the MDAX. For more information, go to www.teamviewer.com. LEARN MORE 49. AVI-SPL AVI-SPL is a global digital enablement services provider that offers collaboration technology solutions, which include IT managed services. Their teams strategize, design, deploy, manage, and support audio visual (AV) and unified communications (UC) solutions that they present are simple-to-use, scalable, secure, and measurable to ensure business objectives are achieved. AVI-SPL’s expertise includes collaboration partner certifications, such as: Cisco Customer Experience (CX) Specialization Google Member Level Partner Microsoft Gold Communications Partner Poly Platinum Partner Zoom Certified Integrator and Master Agent AV/UC technology services and support design, planning, installation, and integration 24/7 support from four Global Service Operations Centers on-site, online, and on-demand end-user training user experience services AVI-SPL Symphony user experience management platform to administer, monitor, control, and analyze your multi-vendor AV, UC, and meeting environments. Additional audio-visual and virtual event services hybrid learning technology that supports flexible learning environments experience technology that delivers immersive customer experiences complete digital signage solutions, including hardware, content creation, and content management software video production, broadcast, and streaming services, and remote-controlled multi-camera broadcast studios virtual event management for Webex by Cisco, Microsoft Teams Live, and Zoom LEARN MORE 50. SEEKOUT SeekOut headquartered in Bellevue offers their AI-powered recruitment analytics and talent search software to help with candidate search and sourcing, candidate engagement, public source talent pool management, and diversity hiring. LEARN MORE 51. CODESIGNAL CodeSignal is a technical interview solution. According to the vendor, companies of all sizes already use CodeSignal’s Pre-Screen, Tech-Screen, and Interview products to tap into underrepresented pools of candidates, increase speed-to-hire, and increase candidate pipeline yield. Studies have shown that companies who use pre-hire screenings see turnover rates reduce by 39%. CodeSignal uses technology to predict a candidate’s interview performance. CodeSignal’s predictive assessments go beyond testing only for data structures and algorithms, instead they dive deep into subject-specific assessments. The vendor says that every assessment on CodeSignal’s platform supports 38+ programming languages, provides an advanced real-world coding environment, coding scores, and utilize a proprietary AI-powered plagiarism check. Overview of CodeSignal Features CodeSignal offers tests in 38+ programming languages in a real life coding environment. Per the vendor, their platform is a “flight simulator for developers” that allows candidates to utilize familiar tools to edit, run and debug their code. Companies can be confident in the results delivered by CodeSignal because CodeSignal offers keystroke playback and an automated plagiarism checker. The ability to play back the candidate’s keystrokes means that their work can be evaluated by multiple members of the hiring team without the hassle of everyone attending the assessment live. Their AI plagiarism checker searches for suspicious results, such as similarities in candidate responses. CodeSignal’s assessments can assist companies looking to diversify their teams. Companies can replace a resume screen, and the unconscious bias it may bring, with a coding assessment. Using assessment scores allow them companies to evaluate candidates purely on skill rather than any other factor. Coding Tests CodeSignal divides different coding tests up into unit test frameworks that assess a person’s technical skills. Examples of unit test frameworks include: NUnit for .NET Framework xUnit or NUnit for .NET Core JUnit for Java Mocha/Chai for JavaScript PHPUnit for PHP unittest for Python RSpec for Ruby UI tests using Galen UI functionality tests using Puppeteer Assessments can be set to run in a specific language, or can be language agnostic so that the candidate can complete the test in their preferred language. Testing job-specific skills allow for companies to pre-screen based on candidate skills and helps to improve the interview to hire ratio, since only qualified candidates will be offered interviews. Coding Interviews Companies can use CodeSignal for more than just their screening assessments, as the platform also allows for coding interviews and whiteboard sessions. CodeSignal’s coding interview options are suitable for in-person or virtual interviews. Companies can choose interview tasks from a pre-existing library, or can easily import custom tasks from GitHub. Using CodeSignal’s interview tool, companies can see how candidates interact with the tools they will use every day on the job and make more informed hiring decisions. Team members can interact with the candidate to evaluate their approach to solving problems. LEARN MORE 52. WATCHGUARD AUTHPOINT WatchGuard AuthPoint is a multi-factor authentication (MFA) service that helps companies keep their assets, information, and user identities secure. Multi-factor authentication solutions can enable organizations to close security gaps that leave companies vulnerable to breaches by adding a layer of security beyond just a username and password – without creating a disruptive user experience. AuthPoint’s mobile app makes it easy for users to approve or deny login attempts, according to the vendor, with just a single touch right from their smartphone. WatchGuard’s AuthPoint solution is managed via the Cloud, meaning there’s no expensive hardware to deploy, and can be managed from anywhere using WatchGuard Cloud’s intuitive interface. LEARN MORE 53. WHOVA Whova is an all-in-one event management solution that makes events modern and trendy, attracts and engages attendees, and helps event organizers save time on managing event logistics. Whova’s platform consists of an award-winning event app, efficient online registration, powerful event marketing, and time-saving event management tools. Among Whova’s customers are American Express, US Bank, PwC, Microsoft, Hilton, Lego, IKEA, L’Oreal, American Marketing Association, Harvard University, NASA, plus countless other organizations from over 100 countries. Whova has powered over 30,000 in-person and virtual/hybrid conferences, including association events, education events, government events, corporate events, trade shows, expos, and community gatherings. LEARN MORE 54. SLACK Slack is a collaboration tool for when a team needs to kick off a project, hire a new employee, deploy some code, review a sales contract, finalize next year’s budget, measure an A/B test, plan the next office opening, etc. LEARN MORE 55. INVISION FEEHAND Freehand, from InVision headquartered in New York, is an online whiteboard that enables teams to plan, brainstorm, and draw together. It aims to give everyone … mapping, creating a customer journey map, or drafting up an org chart, Freehand can help teams make ideas and plans visual. LEARN MORE 56. SAP ANALYTICS CLOUD The SAP Analytics Cloud solution brings together analytics and planning with integration to SAP applications and access to heterogenous data sources. As the analytics and planning solution within SAP Business Technology Platform, SAP Analytics Cloud supports trusted insights and integrated planning processes enterprise-wide to help make decisions without doubt. LEARN MORE 57. INDEED SPONSORED JOBS Building a talent pipeline has its challenges, so in-house recruiting teams and staffing agencies resort to spending exorbitant amounts of time and dollars on tools to help. On average, recruiters use 24 tools just to meet their hiring goals (1). Users can expand the pool of quality candidates all from one place by promoting open roles via Sponsored Jobs, Indeed’s job advertising experience. The vendor states the user will reach over 80% of US online job seekers through Indeed or Glassdoor (2). Moreover, according to Indeed, Sponsored Jobs are 4.5x more likely to result in hiring in comparison with non-sponsored jobs (3). This product builds on the capabilities of Indeed’s ads portfolio to help find, capture attention, and compete for ideal candidates, with technology that intelligently engages talent. The solution helps to work backward from the objectives most important to a business and optimize job ad campaigns around those objectives. Sponsoring jobs on Indeed can improve visibility: Sponsored job postings increase visibility with relevant talent that fits the job description(s) and is more likely to apply. Automatic audience targeting based on job seeker behavior and Indeed profile information helps target and engage relevant talent. By expanding one’s reach, Sponsored Jobs can help attract talent: With the Indeed and Glassdoor partnership, access to job seekers on both global platforms is gained directly from an Indeed account. Audience targeting based on job seeker behavior and Indeed profile information helps target and engage relevant talent. Automatic multi-channel promotion that taps into channels, on and off Indeed, that resonate with a target audience. New audiences can be engaged with job placements on Indeed’s Trusted Media Network of specialized jobs sites. Hiring campaigns of all sizes can be planned, tracked, and executed hiring to hit recruiting goals. Objective-driven campaigns optimize for time-to-hire, applicant volume, or cost-per-apply. Sponsoring and sourcing talent can be done from one place with a single job advertising and billing experience. Centralized, cross-channel analytics allow users to track and measure campaign performance across the entire media network. Access recommendations and automated guidance on campaign adjustments to help maximize advertising performance. Combine human insight with intelligent technology to enable real-time budget optimization, and drive applications for jobs. Indeed uses performance data to target candidates most likely to apply, amplifying the performance of ad campaigns. To get more from ad spend, job seekers can also apply with Indeed Apply. ATS integrations extract and broadcast jobs directly from an ATS, so no time is wasted posting jobs to multiple platforms. Screening candidates and sending them straight to an interview can be done by adding Indeed Hiring Platform, which helps automate screening, scheduling, and communicating with quality candidates. (1) Citation: YOH Blog. (2) Citation: Comscore, Unique Visitors, May 2021. Jobseeker cross-visit rate set at 3X non-job seeker rate. (3) Citation: Indeed Data, Worldwide. LEARN MORE 58. PROCORE Procore construction software manages construction projects, resources and financials from planning to closeout. The platform connects every project contributor to solutions built specifically for the industry for the owner, the general contractor and the specialty contractor. The ability to communicate across teams makes it easier to work together by establishing a single source of truth. This is how Procore gives teams access to everything they need to know to get the job done. LEARN MORE 59. GOTO MEETING A provider of online video conferencing for companies around the world, GoTo Meeting now comes as part of GoTo Connect, an all-in-one communications software built for SMBs. The Meeting solution, available to buy standalone, is trusted by millions of people every day for real time virtual communication and collaboration. It is presented as a fast, easy and reliable professional online meeting solution that enables customers to meet face to face, connect with colleagues through in-meeting chat or conference calling, and screen share their presentations, all with the click of a button. A collaboration solution, the Meeting solution from GoTo Connect pairs productivity with flexibility to let employees work effectively anytime, anywhere on any device. LEARN MORE 60. ORACLE CLOUD ERP Oracle Cloud Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is a core suite of Oracle Cloud software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications. Oracle Expense Management and Oracle Risk Management are part of this solution. Other apps include Financials, Revenue Management, Accounting Hub, PPM, and Procurement. The single cloud platform offers built-in industry standards and modern best practices. ERP software is the backbone of many organizations and Oracle aims to offer a modern, connected approach combined with the ease and flexibility of the cloud. Oracle Cloud ERP solutions deliver the functionality, analytics, security, mobile capabilities, and social collaboration tools needed to run a business and optimize business processes. A cloud ERP system can be implemented more rapidly and at lower costs than similarly-featured on-premises ERP solutions running on internal corporate data centers. Any employee can access cloud services and data in real time to stay on top of critical business functions, such as financial planning and analysis, financial reporting compliance and other financial services, as well as supply chain management and project management. Oracle applications on the cloud have integrated artificial intelligence functionalities to enable advanced business intelligence and analytics features, so as to drive smarter decision-making throughout the enterprise by deriving actionable insights from massive quantities of data. LEARN MORE 61. ZOHO SOCIAL Zoho Social helps marketers in small to large organizations to grow the social media presence of their brand with actionable insights focused on content and engagement. Zoho Social provides marketers with pre-publishing insights based on the engagement level of previous posts and the activity of their audience. Zoho Social even goes a step ahead to shows users the percentage of their audience that’s likely to see their post now, suggests the next best time to post and lets them schedule a post to go out at the same time of the day in different time-zones. Zoho Social’s real-time monitoring dashboard helps marketing teams listen to what’s being said about their brand. Users can search and track a keyword; and respond when they need to. Instant notifications ensure quick reactions and guarantee that no relevant conversations are missed. Within Zoho Social, numbers are included as a value add, around publishing and listening features. A dedicated reports tab provides social-network-specific statistics and detailed analytics enabling users to understand more about their audience and how people engage with their content. LEARN MORE 62. LITMUS Litmus Software in Cambridge, MA offers their email marketing solution Litmus, supporting email campaign building and best practice checklists, spam testing and resolution, proofing and feedback sharing, and email analytics. Litmus is designed to automate several processes for marketers to save time and maximize efficiency. Litmus’s key capabilities support campaign development, reviews, pre-send testing, and analytics. It also has tailored solutions for enterprise-size accounts and is designed to integrate with multiple third-party tools. LEARN MORE 63. ORACLE LINUX Oracle Linux, which is 100% application binary compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux, is free to download, use, and share. There is no license cost, no need for a contract, and no usage audits. Cost-effective, 24/7 enterprise-grade support is available for business critical environments. A single support offering includes virtualization, management, HA, and cloud native computing tools such as Kubernetes and Kata Containers, along with the Linux operating system. The vendor states that as the only Linux distribution with zero-downtime automated patching for kernel, hypervisor, and critical user-space libraries, Oracle Linux improves performance of all workloads and is optimized–out of the box–for Oracle software. Autonomous Linux, a self-patching, self-tuning, high-performance implementation of Oracle Linux is available on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. LEARN MORE 64. SAP S/4HANA CLOUD SAP HANA Cloud is a single database as a service (DBaaS) foundation for modern applications and analytics across all enterprise data. The cloud-based data foundation modernizes how business decisions are made with live data. It aims to enable users to build data solutions with cloud-native scalability, speed, and performance. The SAP HANA Cloud database gives users business-ready information while enabling security, privacy, and anonymization with enterprise reliability. It can be deployed either on premise, in the cloud, or in a hybrid combination for quicker time-to-value. LEARN MORE 65. ZOOM Zoom One brings together team chat, phone, whiteboard, and meetings in one offering. Purpose-built to work together, Zoom One provides simplified management and delivers communications flexibility to power modern workforces. * — Zoom Meetings * –– Zoom Team Chat * — Zoom Phone * — Zoom Whiteboard LEARN MORE 66. SIGNNOW SignNow is an electronic signature solution designed to scale with a workflow. The vendor states that SignNow is lightweight and user-friendly, and is affordable for small and mid-sized businesses. Their e-signature solution also boasts strong mobile capabilities as well as security and compliance. Apart from the desktop solution and mobile apps (for iOS and Android), SignNow can be also set up as an API integration and as an on-premises solution. LEARN MORE 67. MICROSOFT TEAMS Microsoft Teams combines video conferencing software with team collaboration tools. The communications platform allows MS Office users to conduct conference calls and share files via SharePoint, and join or initiate a group chat. Microsoft Teams features three tiers of pricing. The first is a subscription-less, free option that offers the same features as the other two tiers but does not offer administration tools like analytics and access to on-premise servers, or support features like 24/7 phone and web support. The second and third tiers are based on the size of your business and its conferencing needs. Its “Office 365 Business Premium” option starts at $12.50 a month per user, with a required annual commitment, and its “Office 365 E3” option for enterprises starts at $20 a month per user, also with a required annual commitment. Key Features : Meet with teams of 10 or 10,000. Host audio, video, and web conferences with anyone inside or outside your organization or go big with live events. : Its Phone System feature enables PBX capabilities including call control in Office 365 and replaces on-premises PBX. Its calling features are customizable to fit your organization’s unique needs. LEARN MORE 68. PLAYVOX Playvox equips modern businesses and BPOs with a comprehensive, collaborative and insightful Workforce Engagement Management suite of products including Quality Assurance, Performance Management, Coaching, Learning, Voice of the Customer, Workforce Management, and Agent Motivation software. The automated and centralized solutions integrate with customers’ existing platforms and aim to empower agents, team leaders, QA analysts, and managers with the tools and real-time intelligence needed to improve the customer experience and revenue generation within hours. Playvox believes great customer experiences start with people. LEARN MORE 69. ON24 ON24 believes that great webinars are the foundation of successful digital marketing. According to the vendor, ON24 helps businesses offer engaging webinars that drive business results. They describe its key capabilities as including: Ability to deliver an immersive, interactive, video-rich experience which collects and transmits a wide range of audience interaction measurements. Ability to integrate with leading CRM and marketing automation platforms, providing a rich data set of prospect signals to drive sales and marketing follow up. Ease of use An interactive and engaging on-demand experience Seamless on-demand, chapterization, editing tools, and content hosting The vendor states more than 1,200 global organizations, including SAP, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Merck, EY, HubSpot, athenahealth, Macquarie, RSM, Marriott and AdRoll rely on ON24. LEARN MORE 70. SIGMA COMPUTING Sigma is a business intelligence (BI) and analytics platform purpose-built for the cloud. With Sigma, anyone can use the spreadsheet functions and formulas they already know to explore live data at cloud scale, down to the lowest grain of detail. Its familiar spreadsheet-like interface delivers SQL into the hands of any user while keeping data fresh and secure within cloud data warehouses. Data-first companies can use Sigma to empower their employees, customers, and partners to break free from the confines of the dashboard and explore data for themselves to make better, faster decisions. The software was built to capitalize on the performance power of cloud data warehouses to combine data sources and analyze billions of rows of data instantly – no coding required. LEARN MORE 71. GOTO CONNECT What is GoTo Connect? GoTo helps to make IT easy, anywhere. They design software for flexible work and have been doing so since 2003. GoTo aims to empower users to connect and support employees and customers from anywhere on any device. GoTo Connect is an all-in-one communications software built for SMBs. It gives workers one tool for communication. GoTo Connect gives IT professionals just one system for phone, meetings, & messaging, all equipped with a unified administration portal that helps users succeed. Flexible-work portfolio unified communications in the GoTo app, with a comprehensive IT management and support solution. Designed to include everything needed and nothing that is not. Easy phone system to manage simple, unified admin tool with drag-and-drop Visual Dial Plan Editor. A Hosted VoIP provider and Video Conferencing & Best Webinar provider software from 2022 TrustRadius Top Rated Awards. LEARN MORE 72. ADOBE STOCK Adobe Stock consists of curated asset collections that allow users to explore diverse collections of high-resolution, royalty-free, stock assets for use in digital projects. LEARN MORE 73. HEAP Heap analyzes datasets to illuminate hidden insights within the user’s digital journey, to act with confidence. Heap helps to see and understand every single thing users do, so product and marketing teams know where to make the most impactful improvements to the digital product or website. Improve customer experience: Pinpoint exactly where users are struggling and make improvements to the customer experience, driving an intuitive, enjoyable user experience. Speed time-to-market and optimize the impact of product and business teams: Rather than relying purely on gut instinct, leverage digital engagement data to test hypotheses and answer questions as they arise. With data-driven insights, confidently bring new features & experiences to market. Build increasingly valuable features and experiences: Leverage data to build consensus on engineering investments that can be clearly tied to business outcomes. Over 8,000 businesses use Heap to drive business impact by delivering better experiences and better products. Customers include companies in B2B SaaS, eCommerce, and Financial Services such as Twilio, Logitech, Snapfish, Eventbrite, Esurance, Northwestern Mutual, and e*Trade. LEARN MORE 74. SMARTLOOK Smartlook is an analytics solution tool for websites, iOS/Android apps, and various app frameworks, that answers the “whys” behind users’ actions. It helps users understand precisely how customers interact with website and app — watch recordings, create heatmaps, use automatic tracked events, and build conversion funnels. Data is seen on one central dashboard, which enables sharing and collaborating with colleagues. This is to support clear, data-driven decision-making for product managers, marketers, UX designers and developers, and help them improve each website and app by reducing churn rates, boosting conversions, identifying and fixing bugs, and improving UX. Smartlook offers the ability to record users’ behavior in Unity games. The vendor states clients include Madfinger Games, MobilityWare, and Awesome Prototype. Smartlook started in 2016 and currently boasts more than 2,800 paying organizations across the globe including companies like Paxful, Sky, Volvo, Vogue, Papa Johns, Miele, and Livestorm. LEARN MORE 75. VEEEAM BACKUP FOR AWS Veeam Backup for AWS delivers comprehensive AWS-native backup and disaster recovery that’s fully-automated, and presented as a cost-effective and secure to quickly overcome ANY cloud data loss. – Fully-automated Amazon EC2 backup and DR using native Amazon EBS snapshots for frequent recovery points and lightning-fast full- and file-level recoveries. – Control cloud costs with backup cost calculation to avoid unexpected expenses, changed block tracking and backup to Amazon S3 for long-term retention and compliance. – Ensure backup data stays secure and safe with support for cross-account and cross-region backup, recovery and DR, as well as multi factor authentication to prevent brute force attacks. – Gain data portability with backup, recovery and migration options to, from and within ANY supported environment through a portable backup format and optional Veeam Backup & Replication integration. LEARN MORE 76. BQE CORE BQE Core is a business management solution built specifically for professional service firms. According to the vendor, BQE Core is a combination of a billing assistant, project management, and accounting solution. The vendor’s value proposition is that Core does the hard work for you, delivering the actionable insights you need directly to your dashboards or your inbox. BQE Core replaces the products Engineeroffice, Archioffice, and BillQuick; the functionality of these applications is now found in BQE Core. LEARN MORE 77. WATCHGUARD EPDR WatchGuard EPDR (formerly Adaptive Defense 360) combines Unified Endpoint Protection (EPP) and Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) capabilities, with its Zero-Trust Application Service and Threat Hunting Service in one single solution, is designed to detect and classify 100% of processes running on all the endpoints within the organization. By enabling continuous endpoint monitoring, detection, and classification of all activity, the solution reveals and blocks anomalous behaviors of users, machines and processes. At the same time, it proactively discovers new hacking and evasion techniques and tactics to quickly arm customers. LEARN MORE 78. AVANAN Avanan, from Check Point since the August 2021 acquisition, connects security technologies to enterprise cloud applications in order to improve protection of sensitive corporate data and IP. According to the vendor, Avanan’s one-click deployment allows customers to deploy a new security solution in seconds. Because it requires no appliance, agent or gateway proxy, Avanan can begin protecting any cloud application immediately, with no effect on users. LEARN MORE 79. QUICKBOOKS ONLINE ADVANCED QuickBooks Online Advanced is cloud-based, SaaS accounting software designed to simplify accounting for mid-size and growing businesses. QuickBooks Online Advanced includes all the core accounting features of QuickBooks – and is enhanced with tools like customizable business analytics, visual cashflow and revenue dashboards, custom user roles for 25 users, and online back-up and restore. Automated workflows and batch invoicing help to save time and reduce costs. The mobile app gives employees real-time data access across multiple locations and mileage tracking. Premium care, on-demand training, and 24/7 U.S.-based technical support is included with Priority Circle membership. Non-promoted price is $150/month for up to 25 users, unlimited chart of accounts and classes & locations. LEARN MORE 80. NAKIVO BACKUP & REPLICATION NAKIVO Backup & Replication is a fast, reliable, and affordable backup and recovery solution to protect virtual, physical, cloud, and SaaS environments. The solution offers advanced features that improve backup performance and reliability, speed up recovery. As a result, it helps save time and money for enterprises. Deploy in 2 minutes Pre-configured VMware and Nutanix AHV Virtual Appliance, NAS devices, 1-click Windows installer, 1-command Linux installer, Amazon Machine Image Protect VMs: Native, agentless, image-based, application-aware backup and replication for VMware vSphere, Microsoft Hyper-V, Nutanix AHV, and Amazon EC2 instances Protect physical machines: Image-based, application-aware, incremental backups of Windows and Linux servers, and workstations Protect Microsoft 365 data: Back up and recover Exchange Online, OneDrive for Business, and SharePoint Online data Increase backup speed: Forever-incremental backups with CBT/RCT/CRT, LAN-free data transfer, network acceleration, up to 2x performance improvement when installed on NAS Reduce backup size: Exclusion of swap files and partitions, global backup deduplication, variable backup compression Ensure recoverability: Instant backup and replica verification with screenshots of test-recovered VMs, backup copy offsite/to the cloud (Amazon S3/Wasabi/Microsoft Azure) Decrease recovery time: Instant recovery of VMs, files, application objects (Microsoft Exchange, Active Directory, SQL), DR with VM replicas, P2V recovery LEARN MORE 81. WRIKE Wrike is an enterprise-grade collaborative work management platform designed to help companies do their best work. The vendor boasts thousands of leading brands use Wrike to scale their output, boost visibility, and increase results. Wrike is designed to help users create a structure that helps accelerate business impact, and lets teams focus on the right work. With tailored solutions for marketing and creative teams, project management teams, product teams, service delivery teams, and more, Wrike states their goal is to define the next generation of work management worldwide. Wrike is ISO/IEC 27001 certified and has data centers in the US and EU. Data is encrypted both at rest and when in transit. Wrike offers flexible data access control setup by allowing admins to control Access Roles. Wrike’s data backup provides near real-time database replication to ensure data is backed up and available on dispersed servers. Brings the enterprise together, regardless of where people are in Wrike’s collaboration space. Break down silos with built-in communication and editing tools that foster teamwork and productivity while reducing risks. Wrike offers hundreds of integrations to make work easier. Visualizations of team and project portfolio performance to facilitate faster and smarter data-driven decisions. Reports and dashboards bring transparency into project expectations for stakeholders. LEARN MORE 82. DIALPAD TALK Dialpad Talk is a cloud communications UCaaS platform that provides users with integrated voice, video, and messaging capabilities from one unified interface. It integrates with the vendor’s web conferencing product, UberConference, as well as with G Suite, Microsoft Office 365, Salesforce, LinkedIn, Okta, and Zendesk. Dialpad has four specialized product offerings that focus on customer/client engagement and communication. Dialpad Talk: Business phone system with advanced features like voice recognition and call monitoring. Dialpad Meetings: Web and video meetings with screen sharing and Voice Intelligence. Dialpad Sell: Sales dialer built for inside sales teams’ calls and coaching. Dialpad Contact Center: Inbound and outbound call center. LEARN MORE 83. IBM WATSON ASSISTANT IBM Watson Assistant is an AI-powered virtual agent designed to provide customers with fast, consistent and accurate answers across any messaging platform, application, device or channel. Using artificial intelligence and natural language processing, Watson Assistant learns from customer conversations, improving its ability to resolve issues the first time while removing the frustration of long wait times, tedious searches and unhelpful chatbots. Most chatbots try to mimic human interactions, frustrating customers when a misunderstanding arises. Watson Assistant is more than a chatbot. It knows when to search for an answer from a knowledge base, when to ask for clarity and when to direct users to a human agent for more assistance. And since it can be deployed in any cloud or on-premises environment – smarter AI is available wherever the user needs it. Visualizations of team and project portfolio performance to facilitate faster and smarter data-driven decisions. Reports and dashboards bring transparency into project expectations for stakeholders. LEARN MORE 84. FRESHDESK What is Freshdesk Freshdesk is a cloud-based customer service software that enables businesses of all sizes to deliver stellar customer support. Freshdesk converts requests coming in via email, web, phone, chat, and social into tickets, and unifies ticket resolution across channels. Additionally, Freshdesk lets the user automate workflows, provide self-service, manage SLAs, and measure metrics, to stay on top of customer support. Freshdesk also offers out-of-the-box features like an AI-powered support chatbot, predictive support capabilities, and field service management. Freskdesk boasts over 50,000+ customers including Hugo Boss, Toshiba, Cisco, Honda, The Atlantic, Chargebee, Grofers, and PhonePe as Freshdesk users, to help them provide faster customer service. LEARN MORE 85. GRIN GRIN is a creator management software platform that offers a creator search of over 38 million influencers that is not an opt-in influencer network. GRIN states they believe that the connection between brand and creator should not have a middle-man, and therefore we take no commission. GRIN creator management platform helps brands to connect directly with creator prospects and manage creator relationships to scale. The eCommerce integration aims to make product seeding, discount codes & affiliate links a breeze. GRIN provides a comprehensive reporting dashboard, a custom report builder and gives detailed analytics on the user’s creator programs from the campaign level down to the individual creator level. DTC brands can use GRIN as a creator management platform to support rapid growt; scale. LEARN MORE 86. MICROSOFT EXCHANGE Microsoft Exchange is a secure email / messaging gateway with file archiving and encryption/data loss capability, available as a hosted service (Exchange Online) or installed (Exchange Server). LEARN MORE 87. SYSAID IT Service Management () solutions that integrate the essential IT tools into one service desk. Available as a cloud-based or on-premises solution, SysAid’s ITIL-certified software streamlines day-to-day IT activities so that administrators can deliver fast and comprehensive support. SysAid aims to give millions of global customers around the world faster, smoother IT service, while giving IT service teams a break from the grind and some time to actually do the work they love. IT’s just the start. From HR to Healthcare, and everything in between – wherever there’s service, SysAid helps to make things run smarter. So, teams across a digital workspace stop running in place and start driving innovation forward. SysAid states they are committed to delivering first-rate technical support, providing a wide range of services and training initiatives. Their customers, beginners and advanced users alike, can take advantage of personalized web demonstrations, free webinars, training programs, and onsite professional services. With the goal of simplicity, SysAid aims to uphold its commitment to providing an ease-of-use experience that will simplify the ever-complicated tasks of the IT professional. LEARN MORE 88. TRINET TriNet provides small and medium-size businesses (SMBs) with full-service HR solutions tailored by industry. The vendor aims to free SMBs from HR complexities by offering access to human capital expertise, benefits, risk mitigation and compliance, payroll and real-time technology. From Main Street to Wall Street, TriNet’s goal is to empower SMBs to focus on what matters most—growing their business. LEARN MORE 89. BLACKLINE BlackLine automates the processes required to finalize the periodic closing of the books. Beyond close/reconciliation management the product includes capabilities to enhance the management and control of financial processes throughout the accounting cycle. In October 2020, BlackLine acquired Rimilia, an AR automation solution. Rimilia’s capabilities are now part of the BlackLine platform. LEARN MORE 90. CANTO Canto enables users to collect, manage and share digital content from anywhere. A digital asset management solution, Canto helps brands in all industries take control of their content libraries and get more out of their digital assets. A CENTRAL LOCATION FOR DIGITAL ASSETS No more digging through folders and hunting down files. Canto is a hub for digital content – including photos, videos, collateral, and other digital assets are where they are needed. FIND FILES IN SECONDS Users can organize content in any way desired, and users don’t need to dig through folders to find what is needed. With advanced features like smart tags and facial recognition, the entire library is fully searchable. COLLECT AND SHARE DIGITAL CONTENT WITH ANYONE Manage the flow of assets in and out of an organization’s library. Upload links make it easier to add content to a library, and unlimited sharing portals allow users to deliver polished, curated collections to any audience. COLLABORATE To share assets with other teams, external partners and collaborators anywhere in the world. Flexible permissions ensure everyone can access everything they need – and nothing they shouldn’t. MANAGE A BRAND Approval features keep users in control of what content goes out into the world. Avoid embarrassing mix-ups with version controls and expiration dates, and mitigate business risks with digital rights management tools. A TOOL THAT FITS ITS TEAM With its configuration options, Canto adapts to how a team works. Plus, out-of-the box integrations snap into the tools a team already uses – including Slack, Microsoft, Adobe Creative Cloud, and others. FULL VIDEO COMPATIBILITY Canto has a whole host of features designed just for video – including full video previews, timestamped annotations and smart tags, 360° video support, and trimming features to extract just the excerpts needed. LEARN MORE 91. WEBEX CALLING Webex Calling (formerly Spark Call) is a cloud-based phone system optimized for midsized businesses, presenting all the essential business calling capabilities they are likely to need. Designed to remove worry about the expense and complexity of managing a phone system infrastructure on-premises, Webex Cloud allows users to focus on what matters most. With Webex Edge, users can utilize Webex Calling alongside features that incorporate video, eBooks, infographics, and more via a single calling architecture that connects on-premise Cisco and third-party private branch exchange telephone systems. Its key features include comprehensive PBX capabilities, support for mobile devices, support for mixed cloud and on-premise networks, and a complete cloud phone system management platform. LEARN MORE 92. UKG PRO UKG Pro™ is a global human capital management (HCM) solution. With it, users are invited to transform their businesses with a connected global workforce experience delivered through HR technology. From payroll to talent to service delivery to surveys, and everything in between, UKG Pro aims to be the powerful HCM suite needed to drive people-focused results. LEARN MORE 93. 8X8 X SERIES 8×8 X series promises smarter, more efficient ways to connect with customers and employees. 8×8 says its X Series delivers a powerful Unified Communications platform that provides one solution for voice, video and chat across any device, anytime and anywhere. The vendor says 8×8 X Series includes these communication tools: Cloud phone service—Reliable, feature-rich cloud-based phone service Advanced call forwarding—Never miss an important call again by forwarding your office calls to your cell phone, home phone —Quickly resolve questions with inter-company chat that’s safe and secure Business SMS—Send, receive and track text messages Presence —See who is on the phone and who is available by checking their status icon; no more chasing people down Mobile and Desktop apps—8×8 Work desktop and mobile apps make it simple to call, IM, schedule meetings, and more Online meetings—Collaboration with web, audio, and video conferencing Internet faxing—Send and receive unlimited faxes online Call recording—Easily record and save telephone calls Global dial plan—With a global plan, you get unlimited calling to 40 international locations Call Quality Analytics —Visibility into all communications Supervisor Analytics – Trend analysis and metrics on sites, endpoints, and call queues LEARN MORE 94. BLUEJEANS MEETINGS The BlueJeans Meetings platform aims to bring video, audio and web conferencing together with the collaboration tools people use every day. It is a cloud service that connects desktops, mobile devices and room systems in one video meeting. According to the vendor, BlueJeans makes meetings fast to join and simple to use, so people can work productively where and how they want. LEARN MORE 95. CISCO JABBER Cisco Jabber is a communication platform that is available as a browser-based and mobile app solution. It allows users to collaborate across channels such as instant messaging, voice, VoIP, and video telephony. Features include voice and video calling, call recording, and broadcast messaging. Key FeaturesInstant message and presenceReal-time presence information and instant messaging. Users can view the availability of contacts within and outside of their organization.Business voice and videoSoft-phone features, including HD voice and video, plus desktop sharing. Global CollaborationAccess to all of Cisco Jabber’s features while mobile, including video conferencing. Communicate from Microsoft OfficeAccess Cisco Jabber directly from Microsoft Office applications. Click to initiate chat, voice or video calls, or multiparty conferences. LEARN MORE 96. WINGMAN Wingman is a real-time sales coaching tool that gives sales reps the right information at the right time, while they are on a call. Wingman automatically joins sales calls and based on the conversation, cue cards show up to help sales reps with customer objections, questions and behavior suggestions. Wingman integrates with dialers (e.g. Outreach, Aircall, Hubspot, RingCentral), video conferencing tools (e.g. Zoom, Google Meets, GoToMeeting), and CRMs (e.g. SalesForce, PipeDrive, Hubspot) to bring all the intelligence together. It also assists reps in taking better notes and summarizing calls by allowing them to bookmark key moments during the call, in real-time. The call recordings, transcript, and analysis are also available in a dashboard for Sales Management & Sales Enablement to review calls and coach sales reps. Wingman helps ramp up new sales reps much faster and convert more demos to deals by enabling every sales rep to talk like an expert! Unlike your sales reps, Wingman is up and running in a few minutes. Join other companies that have doubled their conversion rates with Wingman in just 1 quarter! LEARN MORE 97. 6SENSE The 6sense Account Engagement Platform helps B2B organizations achieve predictable revenue growth by putting the power of AI, big data, and machine learning behind every member of the revenue team. 6sense uncovers anonymous buying behavior, prioritizes accounts for sales and marketing, and enables them to engage resistant buying teams with personalized, multi-channel, multi-touch campaigns. 6sense helps revenue teams know everything they need to know about their buyers so they can easily do anything needed to generate more opportunities, increase deal size, get into opportunities sooner, and compete and win more often. LEARN MORE 98. GENESYS CLOUD CX Customer relationships can be complex, but that doesn’t mean they have to be difficult. The Genesys Cloud CX (formerly Genesys Cloud) solution promises to make customer relationships simple. Built to handle any channel, the Genesys Cloud CX (formerly Genesys Cloud) platform follows the conversation across communication channels—turning calls, email, chats and social comments into a conversation. The vendor aims to simplify the way you connect with customers across channels, providing the context needed to deliver more personalized experiences and build stronger relationships. Genesys Cloud CX (formerly Genesys Cloud) is a customizable all-in-one application that includes real-time dashboards and up-to-the-second analytics to provide insights for agents across channels. The vendor says their software deploys in days, is intuitive to use, and continually innovates with upgrades each week. LEARN MORE 99. INFLUITIVE Influitive allows companies to build a community and invite customers to complete challenges, referrals, product reviews, social media posts, and more. As community members complete these personalized challenges—which can be targeted to groups or individuals—they automatically earn points, badges, and levels to redeem professional perks and privileges. Influitive aims to enable businesses to easily visualize and report on all activities completed and the ROI of those activities, while integrating with the user’s CRM and marketing automation platform to guide members through the entire customer journey. The Influitive family also includes Upshot, which is designed to allow users to produce ungated customer stories easily. LEARN MORE 100. SENDOSO Sendoso, a Sending Platform, is presented by the vendor as an effective way to connect with customers and drive revenue with personalized gifts, branded swag, eGifts, Cameos, and virtual experiences. The vendor states this makes it possible to build stronger, deeper, and more trusted relationships that move everything up and to the right. LEARN MORE 101. PHRASE Memsource is a localization solution that automates and centralizes translations with a cloud-based TMS, that leverages machine translation with dynamic engine management and AI technology. Memsource integrates with existing workflows through its connectors and REST API. Its multi-platform CAT tool helps translators and post-editors deliver translations. Memsource states their customers include global brands such as Fujifilm, Uber, and Zendesk. LEARN MORE 102. TRUSTRADIUS FOR BUYERS With more than 384,000 reviews and ratings provided by 100% verified users, TrustRadius aims to be a trusted source for business technology buyers looking for product feedback from other people like them. LEARN MORE 103. BLOOMREACH COMMERCE EXPERIENCE CLOUD Bloomreach is a Commerce Experience Cloud, that aims to enable brands to deliver customer journeys so personalized, they feel like magic. It offers a suite of products that aim to drive true personalization and digital commerce growth, including: * offering AI-driven search and merchandising; * offering a headless CMS; and * offering CDP and marketing automation solutions. Together, these solutions combine unified customer and product data with the speed and scale of AI optimization, to enable revenue-driving digital commerce experiences that convert on any channel and every journey. Bloomreach serves over 850 global brands including Albertsons, Bosch, Puma, FC Bayern München, and Marks & Spencer. LEARN MORE 104. CHURNZERO ChurnZero’s real-time SaaS platform aims to help subscription businesses prevent customer churn. The platform integrates tightly with an organization’s CRM system and its application or service. In doing so, ChurnZero (1) allows the business to understand how their customers use their product, (2) assesses customer health and likelihood to renew, and (3) gives the business the means to automate and personalize the customer experience through timely and relevant touchpoints, including in-app content. The vendor says ChurnZero customers see ROI in terms of more productive and better-informed customer success managers who can provide their customers with better just-in-time service from the automated playbooks. Schedule your live demo here. LEARN MORE 105. MICROSOFT 365 Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365) is more than just Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook. It provides business-class email, online storage, and teamwork solutions that users can access from anywhere. The vendor says key benefits include: Bring teams and resources together with solutions like Microsoft Teams and Skype for Business that make working together more productive and enjoyable regardless of where participants are located. Easily implement security and privacy controls to help protect business data and devices against malicious threats and help you meet your compliance obligations. Automatic updates ensure your employees will always have the latest features and security updates. LEARN MORE 106. IBM FLASHSYSTEM IBM FlashSystem is a comprehensive, all-flash storage portfolio that promises the following benefits and capabilities: Engineered to meet modern high-performance application requirements Ultra-low latency, cost-effectiveness, operational efficiency, and mission-critical reliability are built into every all-flash storage solution and all-flash array The most comprehensive all-flash storage portfolio IBM is uniquely able to deliver all-flash solutions tailored to your storage environments and workloads. IBM financing and payment options are available. Industry-leading technology supported by guarantees Endurance, performance, and compression are guaranteed, and IBM offers extended support and maintenance LEARN MORE 107. SENDSPARK Sendspark helps businesses connect to customers with personalized video messages. Whether the user is an individual, manager, or enterprise, Sendspark can be used to create polished videos for demand generation, sales, or customer success. Videos can be shared in Gmail, LinkedIn, or email marketing platforms — wherever communication with customers is happening — to drive higher engagement. LEARN MORE 108. PARALLELS RAS Parallels® Remote Application Server (RAS) is a remote work solution that provides secure virtual access to business applications and desktops on any device or OS—from anywhere. The platform offers an agile, cloud-ready foundation and end-to-end security fueled by a centralized management console with granular policies. Companies can leverage on-premises, hybrid, or public cloud deployments and integrate with existing technology like Microsoft Azure and AWS. With Parallels RAS, organizations gain the flexibility, scalability, and IT agility to quickly adapt to changing business needs. Parallels RAS offers a single, full-featured licensing model that includes 24/7 support and access to free training. The vendor states its key benefits include: User experience—work from anywhere, on any device. Enhanced data security and compliance—centralized management console with granular policies. IT agility and business readiness—flexible hosting solutions to quickly scale and adapt. Total cost of ownership—supports BYOD and includes a simple licensing model. Always-on support—access to 24/7 support and free training. LEARN MORE 109. IBM PROCESS MINING IBM Process Mining enables organizations to identify the business processes that may benefit most from automation by using business system data to create and visualize an end-to-end process to uncover derivations, bottlenecks and inefficiencies that are hidden in business processes. IBM Process Mining provides users an objective view to analyze business processes, identify areas to focus automation initiatives and create what-if scenarios on prioritizing automation projects. As a foundational capability of IBM Cloud Paks for Automation, IBM Process Mining finds the best process candidates for automation, calculates expected ROI, and shows the impact of automation initiatives on the entire process before implementation. LEARN MORE 110. KLAVIYO Klaviyo is a growth marketing platform that helps deliver more personalized experiences across owned marketing channels like email, SMS, in-app notifications, and web. The vendor states brands have made more than $3.7 billion in revenue through Klaviyo in the last year alone. Klaviyo aims to make creating deeper, higher-value customer relationships are more seamless. LEARN MORE 111. CORNERSTONE ONDEMAND Cornerstone powers the future-ready workforce, with HR software and solutions designed to unite people, teams, technology, and business, and inspire a work environment of growth, agility, and success for all. With an AI-powered and skills-forward system designed for the contemporary workforce, Cornerstone helps organizations modernize the learning and development experience, deliver the most relevant content from anywhere, accelerate talent and career mobility, and establish skills as the universal language of growth and success across the business. Cornerstone serves over 7,000 customers and 90M users and is available in 180 countries and 50 languages. Learning & Development: Support learners’ skills with learning management software. Recruiting & Onboarding: Fill job reqs faster with an engaging candidate experience and a streamlined recruiting and onboarding process. Performance Management: Build a high-performing culture that motivates people to meet their potential. Engagement Surveys: Measure the business impact of talent programs and gain a clear picture of employee engagement and satisfaction. Extended Enterprise: Expand learning to audiences that are critical to the organization, like partners or customers. Core HR: Consolidate and uncomplicate HR processes into one place to better support, reward, and engage people. Workforce Planning: Maximize workforce efficiency through thoughtful planning and a collaborative, data-driven approach. Analytics & Reporting: Make better, more informed talent decisions with predictive analytics and visualizations. Integration & APIs: Connect to a broader ecosystem to move data where it has its greatest impact. LEARN MORE 112. DRAFTSIGHT DraftSight is a feature-rich 2D and 3D CAD solution for architects, engineers and construction service providers, as well as professional CAD users, designers, educators and hobbyists. DraftSight lets users create, edit, view, and markup any kind of 2D and 3D DWG file with greater ease, speed, and efficiency. According to the vendor, its familiar user interface facilitates a quick transition from other CAD applications. DraftSight Offerings: DraftSight Standard: the essential 2D CAD drafting solution with a familiar user interface and fundamental 2D drawing tools. Ideal for individuals, students, educators and hobbyists. DraftSight Professional: the advanced 2D CAD drafting solution with powerful, time-saving functionalities and an API to help bring designs to life quickly and easily. Ideal for companies, individuals and designers. DraftSight Premium (3D): the robust 2D drafting and 3D design experience with full 3D capabilities and constraints features to help meet your drafting, modeling, prototyping, manufacturing, laser cutting and 3D printing needs. Created for individuals, designers, companies, manufacturers and makers. DraftSight Enterprise and Enterprise Plus: the comprehensive 2D drafting and 3D design solution created to meet various drafting, modeling, prototyping, manufacturing, laser cutting, and 3D printing requirements. Designed for large organizations with many users or multiple sites. LEARN MORE 113. KHOROS MARKETING According to the vendor, Khoros Marketing enables clients to simplify their complex social marketing operations to build and protect their brand. Khoros Marketing offers customers: Social Marketing: Orchestrate, govern, engage, and measure integrated social campaigns in an easy-to-configure and highly adaptable platform.: Stay ahead of your market, your competition, and your audiences with powerful, yet accessible insights based on real-time, unlimited search across public social channels. Protect your brand across your social footprint with access and credential management.: Inspire audience participation across your digital properties through the power of social UGC. According to the vendor, key benefits include: Scale your interactions: Bring all your teams, channels, and content into one platform to manage integrated social campaigns. Protect your brand: Centralized visibility and control over account access, content approval, and teams mean protecting brand equity at scale. Measure what matters: Translate your social performance to metrics that matter to your business with configurable dashboards and data exports. Crisis management: Stay on top of any crisis by understanding when crises are emerging, and how and when to engage using real-time data and custom notifications. Competitive intelligence: Develop competitive benchmarks and track your competitors’ campaigns to ensure meaningful brand differentiation. LEARN MORE 114. INFOSEC IQ Infosec IQ security awareness and training aims to empower employees with the knowledge and skills to stay cybersecure at work and home. With over 2,000 awareness and training resources, Choose Your Own Adventure® Security Awareness Games, and personalized learning experiences, the solution aims to present everything needed to prepare employees and strengthen the user’s cybersecurity culture. The platform can be customized and personalized to match an organization’s culture and employees’ learning styles. With Infosec IQ, users can: * Personalize employee training with role-based modules in a variety of themes, styles, and lengths to engage learners * Automate training cadence and delivery to keep lessons relevant, challenging and fun — and save time * Integrate with endpoint protection, LMS, and SOC to streamline program management, reporting, and attack response * employee risk scores, learning outcomes, and reported phishing threats to anticipate — and remediate — cyberthreats * Improve programs with actionable dashboard data, helping the user fill compliance training gaps and educate high-risk employees LEARN MORE 115. KHOROS COMMUNITIES Khoros Communities enable organizations to host a space where people find answers, develop expertise, share experiences, and build a brand. The vendor states that Khoros powers over 400 of the world’s most recognized brands, and boasts 20+ years of experience, the most robust feature set, enterprise scale and security, and a dedicated services teams who aim to ensure a brand’s community will reduce support costs, delight customers, and grow business. They state Khoros Communities’ key benefits are to: Attract more visitors & build trust Be easier to find & provide peer validation by hosting authentic conversations on your digital property. The average Khoros community gets 74% of traffic from public search and converts visitors at a higher rate than static websites. Accelerate resolution to delight customers while reducing costs Create a hub for your customers to connect with experts, learn, and get answers to their questions at any time, in any region. The vendor says users can deflect at least 10% of calls that would otherwise go to the customer service call center. Innovate faster with constant customer feedback Iterate rapidly and uncover new ideas from a dedicated pool of domain experts who are invested in your success. Deliver expert community management Nurture large, engaging communities with the most advanced moderation tools, content management, analytics, and expertise that provide quantifiable business value through customer acquisition, retention, and growth. LEARN MORE 116. LASTPASS FOR BUSINESS LastPass for Business is identity management software that covers password management, single sign-on, and multifactor authentication. LastPass business solutions aim to help teams & businesses take control of their identity management by providing unified visibility across every entry point to the user’s business. From cloud and mobile apps to legacy on-premise tools, the vendor says LastPass’ purpose is to help businesses be more secure, maintain compliance, and increase productivity. LEARN MORE 117. LUSHA EXTENSION With Lusha Extension, the user can access contact and company information from LinkedIn, other accounts and anywhere on the web to shorten the sales cycle and close more deals. Lusha Extension works on Chrome, Firefox, and Edge. LEARN MORE 118. MONDAY SALES CRM Built on top of monday.com Work OS, monday sales CRM empowers business owners and sales teams to manage all aspects of their sales cycle and customer data in one centralized place. The platform gives sales teams full control over their sales pipeline, allows them to manage contacts and accounts, streamlines post-sales processes and sales enablement, and lets them build no-code customizable dashboards to easily see the whole picture. monday sales CRM integrates with most sales apps and tools to ensure work is done as efficiently as possible. LEARN MORE 119. ONECAUSE OneCause aims to help cause-driven organizations power their mission with the easy-to-use event and online fundraising solutions. With software for auctions and events, peer-to-peer fundraising, online giving, and Text2Give, OneCause puts nonprofits at the center of their mission. Boasting more than 38,000 fundraisers and $4 billion raised for good, OneCause states they will help customers raise more and reach more. LEARN MORE 120. SAP HANA CLOUD SAP HANA Cloud is a single database as a service (DBaaS) foundation for modern applications and analytics across all enterprise data. The cloud-based data foundation modernizes how business decisions are made with live data. It aims to enable users to build data solutions with cloud-native scalability, speed, and performance. The SAP HANA Cloud database gives users business-ready information while enabling security, privacy, and anonymization with enterprise reliability. It can be deployed either on premise, in the cloud, or in a hybrid combination for quicker time-to-value. LEARN MORE 121. VENA Vena Solutions is a platform that connects people, process and technology to propel integrated business planning, boasting ease of use, reporting and analytics, and a connected platform of applications covering the full spectrum of FP&A—from account reconciliation and budgeting to scenario modeling, analytics and consolidation. The vendor states more than 800 companies around the world rely on Vena to measure and learn from their past performance and to plan confidently for a successful future. LEARN MORE 122. ACTIVTRAK ActivTrak is a workforce productivity and analytics software company that helps teams understand how people work, whether in the office or remotely. Their cloud-based user activity monitoring platform collects and analyzes data and provides insights that help mid-market enterprises be more productive and compliant. Key differentiators of ActivTrak, as provided by the vendor: * Prioritizes insight vs oversight to help teams build trust, respect, and responsibility * Looks at the bigger picture * Puts workforce data in context and provides insights for employers and employees alike * Helps teams optimize productivity and ensure operational compliance * It Helps teams work better together Boasting more than 9,000 customers and over 450,000 users of its Free version, ActivTrak’s solution can be configured to provide immediate visibility and analysis. LEARN MORE 123. VEEAM BACKUP FOR MICROSOFT 365 Veeam® Backup for Microsoft 365 aims to eliminate the risk of losing access and control over Microsoft 365 data including Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, OneDrive for Business and Microsoft Teams – so that data is always protected and accessible. Veeam gives the user secure backup of Microsoft 365 to any location, including on premises, a hyperscale cloud, or a service provider and: Protects Microsoft 365 data from accidental deletion, security threats and retention policy gaps Quickly restores individual Microsoft 365 email, files and sites with industry-leading recovery flexibility Meet legal and compliance requirements with efficient eDiscovery of Microsoft 365 items NEW in version 6 – Self-Service Restore Portal for Microsoft 365 environments, empowering IT administrators to securely delegate restores of emails, files and more from one, centralized location. V6 also includes backup copy to Amazon S3 Glacier, Glacier Deep Archive and Azure Archive, enhancing cloud object storage integrations, which already include AWS S3, Azure Blob, IBM Cloud, Wasabi and other S3-compatible providers. The vendor offers a 30-day trial and a short demo series on Office 365 backup. Useful resources: * Office 365 Backup For Dummies * Conversational Microsoft Teams Backup * 7 Critical Reasons for Office 365 Backup LEARN MORE 124. VERACODE The Veracode platform is a software security solution that aims to be pervasive but not invasive, embedded into the environments that developers work in, with recommended fixes and in-context learning. Security teams can use Veracode to manage policy, gain a comprehensive view of an organization’s security posture through analytics and reporting, mitigate risks, and produce the evidence necessary to meet regulatory requirements. It is presented as an always-on, continuous orchestration of secure development that gives organizations the confidence that the software being built is secure and meets compliance requirements. LEARN MORE 125. ADOBE ACROBAT SIGN Acrobat Sign is an e-signature solution that combines simple and secure e-signatures with Adobe Acrobat. With Acrobat Sign, the user can create, sign, send for signature, manage, and track documents from one Adobe platform. The user can create signing experiences for customers and teams by enabling them to sign documents on any device or browser – anytime, anywhere. No additional software download or accounts are needed. As Microsoft’s e-signature solution, Acrobat Sign integrates with any preferred Microsoft apps, so that users can save time by signing and requesting signatures from Microsoft 365, Teams, and Outlook. Plus, users can access integrations with Salesforce, Workday, and other apps they use every day. Adobe Sign also helps to minimize legal and compliance risks, and it is designed to be globally compliant and legally-binding in nearly every country in the world. The vendor’s value proposition for Acrobat Sign: * Global Adobe brand, trusted by Fortune 500 companies and 300K+ customers around the world * Preferred e-signature solution with Microsoft – with comprehensive integrations with Microsoft apps * 80+ integrations with key business apps * Full portfolio of digital solutions – Access to a range of solutions built to grow with the company’s needs, no matter the size of the business * Transparent, all-inclusive pricing – no hidden fees or extra charges LEARN MORE 126. GITLAB GitLab is a complete open-source DevOps platform, delivered as a single application, fundamentally changing the way Development, Security, and Ops teams collaborate and build software. From idea to production, GitLab helps teams improve cycle time from weeks to minutes, reduce development process costs and decrease time to market while increasing developer productivity. LEARN MORE 127. NINTEX PROCESS PLATFORM Public and private sector organizations leverage the Nintex Process Platform to manage, automate, and optimize their business processes. The Nintex Process Platform includes capabilities for process mapping, workflow automation, robotic process automation, document generation, forms, mobile apps, process intelligence and eSignature, all with a drag and drop designer. Nintex is designed to make it faster for organizations across every industry to manage, automate, and optimize business processes. LEARN MORE 128. SENDINBLUE Sendinblue helps businesses build and grow relationships through marketing automation, email campaigns, transactional emails and SMS messages. The vendor says that its world-class customer happiness team and their pricing plans are what set them apart. The vendor also says customers choose them because their platform combines a robust suite of services within a single, user-friendly solution. LEARN MORE 129. ALPHASENSE AlphaSense provides a market intelligence platform navigated by an AI-backed NLP search tool that enables the user to to search across curated content from over 10,000 public and private sources, so that users can find relevant information on any company, industry, trend or topic in seconds from these content sources. A sample of data types include: * SEC and global filings * Transcripts on earnings calls, investor conferences, etc. * Investor relations * Public and private companies * Press releases * AlphaSense provides a full library of reports from more than 1,500 research providers, including: * Global bulge-bracket brokers * Regional and boutique firms * Real-time and aftermarket research through existing entitlements for financial firms * Wall Street Insights®: A premier and exclusive equity research collection for corporate teams * Credit ratings, research, and risk analysis * regulatory updates from leading global health and energy organizations * A curated library of high-value newspapers, trade journals, and other media sources * Users can also upload and provide access to their own internal reports and data, making it available for users to search, in AlphaSense. AlphaSense provides solution for corporations, helping them to track market forces and change, and monitor competitors. For financial services firms, AlphaSense help reduce risk, and introduce data to improve decisioning. AlphaSense also has partnered analyst teams around the globe to create Wall Street Insights®, a solution that helps surface relevant information from an exclusive collection of equity research — indexed, searchable, and all in one place. LEARN MORE 130. APRICOT BY SOCIAL SOLUTIONS Apricot by Social Solutions is a cloud-based solution for nonprofits of all sizes. It’s designed to bring data to the forefront in order to bolster a nonprofit organization’s impact. The vendor says organizations that use Apricot save time and resources because the tool makes managing data more efficient, so that users increase the time spent delivering the mission. Apricot offers configurable forms and fields so organizations can customize their Apricot experience to their clients and mission. It allows nonprofit organizations to track what matters and follow clients throughout their entire lifecycle in a single, unduplicated record. With Apricot, nonprofits can ensure data integrity through functionality that tracks whether the data in the system is complete, entered correctly, and unduplicated. With drag-and-drop functionality and outcomes management capabilities, Apricot helps nonprofit organizations transform more lives for the better. Apricot users get real-time access to their data to facilitate collaboration and insights into program performance. Those insights can then be shared by creating reports within the system to present to organization stakeholders, board members, and funders. Social Solutions is becoming Bonterra. LEARN MORE 131. GREENHOUSE Greenhouse is a hiring software company that boasts a support team impassioned by their mission, and a fast growing hiring platform with thousands of companies like DoorDash, Dropbox and Wayfair, that use Greenhouse’s guidance to design and automate all aspects of hiring.The vendor states that with their suite of software and services, a company can: Become great at hiring through a Hiring MaturityTM methodology Use Greenhouse Recruiting to drive engaging candidate interactions at every touchpoint, eliminate administrative burden and keep everyone on the hiring team engaged Mitigate bias and create a fairer hiring process with its diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) tools Whether onsite or remote, set new hires up to become productive and active members of the company faster with Greenhouse Onboarding Connect with tools with their partner ecosystem of over 360 pre-built integrations Scale a company globally with Greenhouse’s Translated Interviewer Experience LEARN MORE 132. SHARPSPRING FROM CONSTANT CONTACT SharpSpring, a Constant Contact company, is a revenue growth marketing platform that helps small businesses generate leads, improve conversions to sales, and drive higher returns on marketing investment. The platform, open architecture and customer support, along with flexible contracts, aim to drive real results for a growing business or digital marketing agency. LEARN MORE 133. SUBMITTABLE Submittable offers tools to launch, measure, and grow social impact programs, locally and globally. From grants and scholarships to awards and CSR programs, Submittable partners with users to make a difference. The start-to-finish platform aims to improve workflows, drive better decisions, and bigger impact. Submittable helps users: Collect: Launch and collect applications through an online portal Collaborate: Automate tasks and coordinate with teams and applicants Review: Evaluate fairly, from anywhere, and make decisions as a team Award: Streamline award tracking and payment delivery to stay on budget and on schedule Report: Share a story, while also measuring, learning, and growing for the next time The vendor states Submittable has supported over 95,000 social impact programs, receiving nearly 20 million applications, and that teams save an average of 12 hours per week and launch in an average of 14 days. LEARN MORE 134. BOARD Board is a Decision-Making platform that aims to empower people from more than 2,000 companies worldwide to have a transformative impact on their business by deploying Planning, Predictive Analytics and Business Intelligence applications on a single unified platform. Board allows companies to explore and leverage their data to produce a complete view of business information, gain actionable insights, and achieve full control of performance across the entire organization. With Board, organizations can manage and control their entire decision-making process from goal setting down to operational execution through the ability to analyze, simulate, plan, and predict. The vendor states that global enterprises such as H&M, BASF, Burberry, Toyota, Coca-Cola, KPMG, and HSBC have deployed end-to-end decision-making applications at a fraction of the time and cost associated with traditional solutions. Board International was founded in 1994 and has now 25 offices around the world and a global reseller network. Board has been implemented in over 100 countries. LEARN MORE 135. CATCHPOINT Catchpoint is an enterprise Digital Experience Observability solution, that enables teams to own the end-user experience. They provide visibility and insight into critical systems that collectively produce and deliver digital experiences to customers and employees. Catchpoint boasts users among companies like Google, L’Oréal, Verizon, LinkedIn, Honeywell, and Priceline trust Catchpoint’s observability platform to proactively and rapidly detect and repair problems before they impact their digital experience of their users. LEARN MORE 136. PANTHEON Pantheon is a WebOps platform where marketers and developers collaborate to drive results. The vendor states that with Pantheon, site owners maximize their capacity to update website design and functionality, responding to market trends, catering to consumer behavior, and add real value to the business’s bottom line. Today, companies compete on the basis of digital experiences, and the best results emerge from an agile build-test-learn process. Whether it’s publishing content, automating processes, or optimizing UX, Pantheon aims to enable web teams to work in parallel and iterate in real-time. They help companies engage their audience at the place it matters most — online. Pantheon states they are the fastest growing platform for operating WordPress and Drupal sites — the open source technologies that deliver 35% of the web. Pantheon handles uptime, performance, scale, and security, and aims to make these broad community innovations accessible and valuable to all digital teams. Powering more than 300,000 sites, and serving billions of pageviews each month, Pantheon boasts a strong customer retention rate with customers that include DocuSign, IBM, Google, Home Depot, Stitch Fix, Yale, Coach, ACLU, and IBM. LEARN MORE 137. PIXABAY Pixabay headquartered in Germany offers a digital content platform, which they present as a community for sharing copyright-free images and videos. All contents are released under Creative Commons. LEARN MORE 138. SAP DATA WAREHOUSE CLOUD SAP Data Warehouse Cloud unifies data and analytics in a multi-cloud solution that includes data integration, database, data warehouse, and analytics capabilities for a data-driven enterprise. Built on the SAP HANA Cloud database, this software as a service (SaaS) helps users to better understand business data and make decisions based on real-time information. LEARN MORE 139. STARWIND (HCA) StarWind HyperConverged Appliance (HCA) is a turnkey hyper-converged platform that merges compute, storage, network, and software into a nuclear 2-node footprint. The solution is designed to simplify HCI management for Enterprise ROBO, SMB & Edge, while offering flexible scalability and powerful performance. Users can start with two nodes, based on HeartBeat, that can be switchless and function without additional equipment. StarWind HCA is a software-centric architecture that removes the need for proprietary components. StarWind Engineers perform the configuration, testing, migration, and integration for users, free of charge. StarWind HyperConverged Appliance: * allows using 100% of underlying storage performance * has no hardware compatibility lists (HCLs) * does 2- or 3-way replication + local RAID 5/6/10 * does VAAI and ODX data offloading * includes load balancing and data locality * does VM-centric hypervisor-level snapshots, and more. To minimize CapEx and OpEx further, StarWind ProActive Premium Support (included in every license) substitutes an IT squad for the sake of cluster health assurance. ProActive Support monitors user environments 24/7/365, and uses machine learning to detect abnormal behavior so issues are prevented before they can become a problem. The vendor presents StarWind HCA as a hyper-converged world enclosed in a tiny “building block” that comes at a reasonable price. LEARN MORE 140. VERINT WORKFORCE MANAGEMENT Verint Workforce Management™ is a cloud contact center application that uses automation to simplify forecasting and scheduling staff and bots. The solution scales to accommodate a varying number of employees, channels, schedule types, and request automation to meet the needs of mid-sized to enterprise organizations. The vendor states Verint customers have achieved: * Lower costs by eliminating overstaffing and unnecessary overtime * Reduced attrition rates and increased employee engagement * Improved customer experience by reducing time to answer, average handle time, first contact resolution, and total resolution time * Mobile options enable staff to receive alerts and manage their schedules from anywhere LEARN MORE 141. ALTERYX Alteryx aims to be the launchpad for automation breakthroughs. Be it for personal growth, achieving transformative digital outcomes, or rapid innovation, the vendor boasts users will see unparalleled results. Alteryx converges analytics, data science and process automation into one platform, to enable users across any organization to make business-altering breakthroughs the new status quo. Alteryx Designer can be used to automate every analytics step — from data prep to data science. Access any data source or type, then blend via a drag-and-drop interface. Text mining is accelerated with optical character recognition and natural language processing. Visualize better with instantly generated data profiles. Enrich insights with third-party packages for data mapping, and geocoding. Connect Alteryx automated workflows with process intelligence systems or RPA bots. Publish insights to interactive dashboards, or send them directly to more than 70 enterprise applications. Low-code and no-code processes are available. LEARN MORE 142. AVAYA CLOUD OFFICE Avaya Cloud Office is a comprehensive cloud solution, developed to simplify business communication. Avaya Cloud Office supports UC and CC functions and allows users to call, chat, meet, and collaborate from anywhere. Powered by AI, the cloud platform is built to create a seamless, real-time, experience for both internal and external communication. LEARN MORE 143. EMBURSE CHROME RIVER Chrome River EXPENSE is designed to automate and simplify the submission, approval, and reimbursement of an employee’s travel and expense spending. Its intuitive interface works effortlessly and provides full functionality on any device, anywhere, at any time. Chrome River EXPENSE integrates an employee’s travel transactions (including through a corporate travel agency or travel booking tool), as well as personal and corporate credit card purchases and out-of-pocket expenses. Employees can also upload receipt images or forward emails to create accurate expense reports without typing. With its responsive design, users will have the same features and experience on any mobile browser or using mobile apps as they have on a computer or tablet. Accounts payable teams can use Chrome River’s automated compliance, approvals, audit, and reporting capabilities that integrate with any ERP solution or financial system. Chrome River EXPENSE is designed to be configurable to fit the way any business works. LEARN MORE 144. CLOUDFLARE Cloudflare, from a company of the same name in San Francisco, provides DDoS and bot mitigation security for business domains, as well as a content delivery network (CDN) and web application firewall (WAF). LEARN MORE 145. DATAROBOT The DataRobot AI Cloud platform is presented as a solution that accelerates and democratizes data science by automating the end-to-end journey from data to value and allows users to deploy AI applications at scale. DataRobot provides a centrally governed platform that gives users AI to drive business outcomes, that is available on the user’s cloud platform of choice, on-premise, or as a fully-managed service. The solutions include tools providing data preparation enabling users to explore and shape data in preparation for machine learning, automate machine learning, deploy, monitor, manage, and govern all AI models (i.e. MLOps), and ability to generate time series models that predict the future values of a data series based on its history and trend. DataRobot AI Cloud platform extends the user’s data science expertise with automation and aims to give unlimited flexibility for both data science experts and non-technical users to succeed with AI. LEARN MORE 146. ISOLVED isolved provides people-first HCM technology, offering solutions delivered directly or through their partner network to more than five million employees and 145,000 employers — who use them with the goal of boosting performance, increasing productivity, and accelerating results while reducing risk. Their HCM platform, isolved People Cloud, connects and manages the employee journey across talent management, HR & payroll, workforce management and engagement management functions. No matter the industry, isolved aims to help high-growth organizations employ, enable and empower their workforce by transforming employee experience. For more information, visit LEARN MORE 147. KINTONE Kintone is a customizable digital workplace platform that lets the user manage data, tasks, and communication in one central place. Over 23,000 customers use Kintone’s no-code platform with more than 1.5 million database and workflow applications custom built for their businesses. Kintone is provided by Cybozu Inc., a Tokyo-based public company founded in 1997. Boasting users among the largest F500 companies, Kintone’s no-code platform with granular governance aims to empower citizen developers in SMBs and team leaders in larger orgs to centralize and streamline workflows. LEARN MORE 148. MIP FUND ACCOUNTING MIP Fund Accounting is a configurable fund accounting solution that allows users to report and track finances, streamline processes, and scale and grow based on your unique needs. MIP is the accounting software of choice, with cloud or on-premises deployment options, and designed to meet and handle the complex accounting needs of nonprofit financial management. MIP’s integrated software solution suite provides general ledger, accounts payable and receivable, budgeting, payroll, human resources, allocations management, procurement, fixed assets, grant management, and advanced security functionality. The solution enables users to manage and report on multiple cost centers at the general ledger level including multiple organizations, funds, projects, grants, programs, departments, locations, etc. MIP Fund Accounting exclusively serves the financial management and fund accounting needs for nonprofits and government agencies with its complete, end-to-end suite of functionality and multi-segmented chart of accounts. The company states that with the right fund accounting platform and expert guidance, users can track unlimited funds, manage complex reporting requirements, streamline productivity, and make the right data-driven business decisions for an organization. LEARN MORE 149. MONDAY MARKETER Built on top of monday.com Work OS, monday marketer enables marketers and creatives to plan, execute and optimize impactful marketing initiatives. From strategic planning and digital asset management to launching campaigns, users can customize the entire workflow to any project management style. monday marketer also integrates with the user’s favorite martech apps and tools to ensure work is done, seamlessly. LEARN MORE 150. CVENT EVENT MANAGEMENT Cvent is a cloud-based enterprise event management company with nearly 4,000 employees and over 300,000 users worldwide. Cvent offers software solutions to event planners and marketers for online event registration, venue selection, event management and marketing, onsite solutions, email marketing, and attendee engagement. Cvent’s suite of products automate and simplify the planning process to maximize the impact of events. Cvent provides hoteliers with an integrated platform, enabling properties to increase business demand through targeted advertising and improve conversion through proprietary demand management and business intelligence solutions. Cvent solutions aim to optimize the entire event management value chain and have enabled clients around the world to manage hundreds of thousands of meetings and events. LEARN MORE 151. EVERYACTION EveryAction is becoming Bonterra. Learn more at www.bonterratech.com. EveryAction provides fundraising software, donor management software, and CRM software to nonprofit organizations, offering a platform spanning the fundraising, digital, and organizing needs of nonprofits. Built and supported by nonprofit experts, EveryAction aims to enable nonprofits of all sizes to optimize interactions with supporters and donors across channels in order to raise more money and maximize impact. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., with offices in Boston and New York, EveryAction boasts customers including Greenpeace, Audubon, and NAACP, to local service and advocacy organizations. LEARN MORE 152. GOTOMYPC REMOTE ACCESS THAT HAS BEEN OPERATING FOR 20+ YEARS. GoToMyPC is designed to drive productivity and flexibility. 1. To Install GoToMyPC An account can be created anywhere, but for GoToMyPC Personal or Pro, it must be set up physically present at the Mac or PC to access remotely. For GoToMyPC Corporate, the user can set up an account from anywhere without needing to be physically present at the PC to access remotely. 2. Connect From Another Device On the other computer, login at www.gotomypc.com. Press Connect and the desktop will appear. 3. Work Like Normal Users can now access files, applications, and a network as if they were sitting right in front of a computer. LEARN MORE 153. 8X8 CONTACT CENTER 8×8 Contact Center is designed to enable any business to deliver a positive customer experience with a complete multi-channel solution and extensive customer analytics. 8×8 includes interoperable team messaging as a native entitlement to enhance customer service, removing corporate silos that prevent information sharing and degrade customer support. Also included with each agent license is integration with major CRM applications and an Open API for extended third party system connectivity. Key features include: * Integrated voice, web chat, email and social * One-click subject matter expert access * Interoperable team messaging * Skills based routing * Built-in CRM integration and APIs * Customer engagement analytics * Post-call surveys * Graphical call flow design * Queued and Web Callback * Fully context aware of customer journey * Supervisor feedback in real time * Advanced speech and interaction analytics * Predictive outbound campaigns * Quality, collaborative performance management * Unlimited calling within 46 countries LEARN MORE 154. BARRACUDA SECURITY AWARENESS TRAINING Fight phishing and other potentially-devastating attacks that can slip through security gateways. These evolving and sophisticated attack techniques, designed to fool employees, put your business at risk for data loss, financial fraud, and embarrassing exposure. The solution helps to transform employees from potential victims into a layer of defense with Security Awareness Training from Barracuda (formerly Barracuda Phishline). LEARN MORE 155. EZ TEXTING EZ Texting is a SaaS solution that delivers a way to connect, now from Callfire since the December 2021 acquisition. It has served over 165,000 customers and is an SMS platform for business users, aiming to set the standard for business texting. The messaging solutions allow businesses to reach and engage their mobile audiences. With employees around the world, EZ Texting is presented by the vendor as an ideal solution for small and mid-market businesses. Additional advantages, described by EZ Texting: ✓ Helped 165,000+ customers succeed ✓ Delivers 6X more engagement than email ✓ 4 billion messages sent LEARN MORE 156. JOTFORM With over 10 million users, Jotform’s form builder is presented as an easy way to create and publish online forms from any device. The company offers 10,000+ ready-made form templates, 100+ integrations to 3rd party apps, and advanced design features so that it can serve as an online form builder for organizations. It can be used to create payment forms, lead generation forms, registration forms, contact forms, application forms, and other types of forms. LEARN MORE 157. QLIK SENSE Qlik Sense is a business intelligence (BI) and visual analytics platform that supports a range of analytic use cases. Built on Qlik’s Associative Engine, it supports a full range of users and use cases across the life-cycle from data to insight – with self-service analytics, interactive dashboards, conversational analytics, custom, and embedded analytics, mobile analytics, and reporting. The solution comes in three different editions – Qlik Sense Enterprise, Business, and Team. Qlik Sense can be deployed in the cloud or on-premises. The Qlik Sense analytics platform aims to empower everyone in organizations to make data-driven decisions. People of all skill levels get analytical power, with associative exploration and search, AI-powered insight suggestions, AI-accelerated creation and data prep, advanced analytics integration, and natural-language, conversational interaction. They can share and communicate the insights they discover and get answers anywhere they work – with interactive and secure online and offline mobility. And for the enterprise, users get a platform with open and standard APIs for customization and extension, data integration and connectivity, centralized management and governance, and a Kubernetes-based SaaS / multi-cloud architecture driving scalability across combinations of on-premise, private, and public cloud environments. LEARN MORE 158. QUICKBOOKS DESKTOP ENTERPRISE QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise is a widely-used accounting and business management software designed for small to mid-sized companies. Enterprise is the most powerful of the QuickBooks solutions, with core accounting features plus customizable reporting, financial dashboards, and advanced tools to manage employees, payments, and different locations. Features include inventory management and order fulfillment from start to finish, job costing for end-to-end tracking of construction projects, and advanced pricing controls with an integrated inventory. Built to scale with companies, QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise enables up to 40 users and has over 200 3rd party integrations including industry-specific apps. Dedicated versions for construction, manufacturing and wholesale, retail, nonprofit, and professional services are available as is hosting for remote access. Dedicated account management, on-demand training, and 24/7 technical support come automatically with the Priority Circle loyalty program. Pricing starts at $1,200 annually with multiple packaging options to fit business needs. LEARN MORE 159. SPLUNK SOAR Splunk SOAR provides security orchestration, automation, and response capabilities that allow security analysts to work smarter by automating repetitive tasks; respond to security incidents faster with automated detection, investigation, and response; increase productivity, efficiency, and accuracy; and strengthen defenses by connecting and coordinating complex workflows across their team and tools. Splunk SOAR also supports a broad range of security operations center (SOC) functions including event and case management, integrated threat intelligence, collaboration tools, and reporting. LEARN MORE Was this helpful? (2) (0) Share a quote Linkedin BECKY SUSKO Becky Susko is a strategic-thinking marketing program specialist. She has a proven track record for driving business value with creative and innovative branding strategies and engaging communications. She’s passionate about pushing TrustRadius to achieve brand integrity and awareness goals. As an integral part of the TrustRadius marketing team, Becky transformed a program in its beginning stages into a very successful campaign. Becky has a knack for relationship-building and being transparent, and thinks of herself as a mom superhero who lets her kids crash meetings here and there for funsies. 6 posts by this author TRUSTRADIUS WEEKLY The information you provide will be used in accordance with our privacy policy. Cookie Settings Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. What is the reason for your feedback? * Easy to understand * Helped me answer a question * Helped me make a decision * Other Write the reason SubmitCancel Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. 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