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× Skip to Main Content * * * WOODSTOCK CHIMES CONSUMER Sign in Create account Checkout Checkout. Number of cart items Search our products × × * Windchimes * Amazing Grace Chimes * Bamboo Chimes * Capiz Chimes * Deep-Toned Chimes * Meditation Chimes * Memorial Chimes * Musically Tuned Chimes * Personalize It! Chimes * Traditional Chimes * All Chimes * All Products * See what's new! * Here's what's available today! * Crystal Suncatchers * Birthstone Angels * Crystal Cascades * Crystal Fantasies * Fantasy Glass Animals * Guardian Angels * Shimmers * All Crystal Suncatchers * All Products * See what's new! * Bells & Gongs * Bells * Gongs * All Bells & Gongs * All Products * See what's new! * Music & More * Musical Instruments * Best Sellers * Gift Cards * Product Stands * Under $25 * Zenergy Chimes * All Products * See what's new! * Home Décor * Home Accents * Home Office * Botanicals * Candles & Lanterns * Planters, Pots & Vases * New from Sullivans * Sale * Sound Room NAVIGATION MENU * Windchimes * Amazing Grace Chimes * Bamboo Chimes * Capiz Chimes * Deep-Toned Chimes * Meditation Chimes * Memorial Chimes * Musically Tuned Chimes * Personalize It! Chimes * Traditional Chimes * All Chimes * All Products * See what's new! * Here's what's available today! * Crystal Suncatchers * Birthstone Angels * Crystal Cascades * Crystal Fantasies * Fantasy Glass Animals * Guardian Angels * Shimmers * All Crystal Suncatchers * All Products * See what's new! * Bells & Gongs * Bells * Gongs * All Bells & Gongs * All Products * See what's new! * Music & More * Musical Instruments * Best Sellers * Gift Cards * Product Stands * Under $25 * Zenergy Chimes * All Products * See what's new! * Home Décor * Home Accents * Home Office * Botanicals * Candles & Lanterns * Planters, Pots & Vases * New from Sullivans * Sale * Sound Room * Sign in * Create account * Checkout Home Fantasy Glass Suncatcher - Eagle, Peacock from Woodstock Chimes Product Video Size & Materials * Hand-blown, hand-painted glass eagle * Hand-painted 24 karat gold accent * Genuine Austrian crystals * Monofilament line * Overall Length: 4 inches [Length: 6'' w/ line] * Boxed Weight: 0.1 lb. * Made in China Sounds Good With Looking for other Woodstock Chimes that sound good with one(s) you have? Garry Kvistad, founder of Woodstock Chimes, has a full list of suggestions. For this chime, he suggests these groups of Woodstock Chimes as they have connections either musically, culturally or historically to Fantasy Glass Suncatcher - Eagle, Peacock: This chime shares a common theme but may not relate musically with the following: * Crystal Collection FANTASY GLASS SUNCATCHER - EAGLE, PEACOCK 5.0 star rating 3 Reviews Sale! $28.95 $14.47 Qty. Out of Stock A handcrafted glass eagle suncatcher in blues and greens - peacock colors! Eagles are symbols of strength, leadership and vision. They remind us to be stretch our limits and take flight. This hand-blown glass eagle tops a genuine Austrian crystal that sparkles and shines in the sun. Featuring wings and tail in blues and greens, colors reminiscent of a peacock's plumage, as well as talons and beak that have been painted with 24 karat gold. Comes in a gift box. The Fantasy Glass ornament is fragile, please unwrap carefully. Do not drop or squeeze the contents as you remove the ornament from its box. Recommended for indoor use. Woodstock Crystal Suncatchers — they do for light what our chimes do for sound™ View our Product Care Guide here. SKU: CEPEA Save FANTASY GLASS SUNCATCHER - EAGLE, PEACOCK from 1447 2895 /per Add to Cart YOU MAY ALSO LIKE Powered by 5.0 star rating 5.0 3 Reviews write a review write a review WRITE A REVIEW * Indicates a required field * Score: * Title: * Review: You are connected as Connect with: -OR- * Use your name: * Email (will not be displayed): Review's title & body can't be empty Question's body can't be empty Please enter a star rating for this review Name field cannot be empty Invalid email Your review has already been submitted. Max length was exceeded Please fill out all of the mandatory (*) fields One or more of your answers does not meet the required criteria Thank you for posting a review! We value your input. Share your review so everyone else can enjoy it too. share share share Thank you for posting a review! Your review was sent successfully and is now waiting for our staff to publish it. * Reviews (3) write a review Updating Results Verified Reviewer 0.0 star rating 12/04/22 Review by Anonymous User On share ' Share Review by Anonymous User facebook facebook Share Review by Anonymous User twitter twitter Share Review by Anonymous User LinkedIn linkedin Share Review by Anonymous User 12/04/22 Was this review helpful? 0 0 D dennis g. Verified Buyer 5.0 star rating 06/23/22 nice Review by dennis g. on 23 Jun 2022 review stating nice product was delivered fast and in tact i like them very much! On Fantasy Glass Suncatcher - Eagle, Peacock share ' Share Review by dennis g. on 23 Jun 2022 facebook facebook Share Review by dennis g. on 23 Jun 2022 twitter twitter Share Review by dennis g. on 23 Jun 2022 LinkedIn linkedin Share Review by dennis g. on 23 Jun 2022 06/23/22 Was this review helpful? 0 0 A Anne Verified Buyer 5.0 star rating 06/07/22 So delicate and beautiful! Review by Anne on 7 Jun 2022 review stating So delicate and beautiful! I bought one for a friend and one for myself. On Fantasy Glass Suncatcher - Eagle, Peacock share ' Share Review by Anne on 7 Jun 2022 facebook facebook Share Review by Anne on 7 Jun 2022 twitter twitter Share Review by Anne on 7 Jun 2022 LinkedIn linkedin Share Review by Anne on 7 Jun 2022 06/07/22 Was this review helpful? 0 0 R Richard E. Verified Buyer 5.0 star rating 12/15/21 RDE53 Review by Richard E. on 15 Dec 2021 review stating RDE53 Color is great and catches the sunlight nicely. On Fantasy Glass Suncatcher - Eagle, Peacock share ' Share Review by Richard E. on 15 Dec 2021 facebook facebook Share Review by Richard E. on 15 Dec 2021 twitter twitter Share Review by Richard E. on 15 Dec 2021 LinkedIn linkedin Share Review by Richard E. on 15 Dec 2021 12/15/21 Was this review helpful? 0 0 Be the first to share your unique experience using the product. Upload image 1 choose your photo 2 confirm and upload Drag & Drop or upload manuallychoose your photo drop your .jpg, .png or .gif files here Fill in the form to upload selected file change your photo Confirm or change your photo Photo uploading Complete! Upload more Allowed file types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png. Maximum file size: 10Mb. Thank you for uploading your photo. It will appear on our store’s website after it’s been approved. Upload image Woodstock Chimes are the original musically tuned windchime. They are tuned to beautiful melodies and scales from around the world. When listening to a Woodstock Chime you're hearing a perfectly tuned musical instrument played by the wind. SUPPORT * Contact Us * Product Registration * Chime Refurbishing and Repair * Replacement Parts * Product Care Guide * Store Locator * Downloads * Do Not Sell My Information * Supported Internet Browsers * Everything else Need something else? Call us 800-950-2754 THE WOODSTOCK CHIMES STORY * About Us * How It All Began * Meet the Chimemaker * Job Opportunities * Alexa, Echo and Google Home Sign up for emails to receive 10% off your first order Click here to go to our wholesale site CONNECT WITH US NAVIGATION: FOOTER MENU * Search * / * Contact Us * / * Job Opportunities * / * Privacy Policy * / * Refund Policy * / * Shipping Policy * / * Terms of Service * / * Warranty © 2022 Woodstock Chimes Consumer..