www.concentra.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://public-usa.mkt.dynamics.com/api/orgs/f0bc7527-24ff-409a-bf9a-7871ca6cdec7/r/Sdtgf7kRVEeN5XusHNuOvQUAAAA?target={%22TargetUrl...
Effective URL: https://www.concentra.com/tests-and-screenings/surveillance-screenings-and-monitoring/
Submission: On September 17 via api from US — Scanned from DE

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                                <label title="Number of Observed Employees" for="chs_numberofobservedemployees-1709831764459">Number of Employees (Required)</label><input id="chs_numberofobservedemployees-1709831764459" type="number"
                                  name="chs_numberofobservedemployees" placeholder="" title="Number of Observed Employees" min="0" max="1000000" step="1" required="required">
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Concentra HUB provides employers, workers’ compensation payors, and third-party
administrators (TPAs) quick access to account information and visit results
through a single automated system.

Learn about the HUB
 * Occupational Health
    * Services
      * Occupational Health
      * Occupational Medicine
      * Workplace Injury Care
      * Telemedicine
      * Workplace Urgent Care
      * Travel Health
      * Vaccination Services
    * Related Resources
      * Consultative Services
      * Medical Review Stream
      * Medical Specialists
      * Substance Abuse Program
      * Drug and Alcohol Training
      * Occupational Health FAQ
    * * > Download our report: The 10 Essentials of Occupational Medicine

 * Physical Therapy
    * Therapy Programs
      * Physical Therapy Services
      * Pre Employment Services
      * Injury Care
      * Injury Prevention and Wellness
      * Occupational Therapy
    * Related Resources
      * Outcomes
      * Physical Therapy Services FAQ
    * * > Download our workplace injuries and onsite PT care whitepaper.

 * Physical Exams
    * Physicals
      * Physical Exams
      * DOT Physicals
      * Fit For Duty
      * HazMat and Hazwoper physicals
      * Pre-Placement Physical
      * Respirator Exams
      * Respirator Fit Test
    * Related Resources
      * Public Safety Physicals
      * Other Physicals
      * DOT Regulations
      * Physical Exams FAQ
    * * > Download our health and safety standards in the transportation
        > industry whitepaper.

 * Tests and Screenings
    * Medical Tests
      * Tests & Screenings
      * Drug Testing
      * Preventative Screenings
      * DOT Drug Testing
      * Surveillance Screenings and Monitoring
      * Pulmonary Function Testing
    * Related Resources
      * Pre-Employment Drug Tests
      * Tests & Screenings FAQ
    * * > Download our workforce health and safety whitepaper.

 * Onsite Clinics
    * Onsite Health
      * Onsite Clinics
      * Onsite Healthcare Models
    * Related Resources
      * Occupational Health Services
    * * > Download our whitepaper on how businesses are improving workforce
        > health while saving money in our guide to onsite health care.

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    * Related Resources
      * Workers' Comp Essentials
      * Workers' Comp Overview
      * Benefits of Workers' Comp
      * Zero Tolerance Policy
    * * > Download our whitepaper on how to make workers' comp simple with our
        > report: 12 Simple Steps to a Successful Occupational Medicine Program

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   * Concentra HUB provides employers, workers’ compensation payors, and
     third-party administrators (TPAs) quick access to account information and
     visit results through a single automated system.
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Concentra has expanded with a new medical center in Chattanooga! Learn more in
our press release.




Medical surveillance is a system of measures that assesses employees’ exposure
to chemicals, extreme heat, high radiation levels, or any hazardous component to
the body. These measures allow employers to get an inside look at the state of
their employees’ health over time. Through medical surveillance, our clinicians:

 * Monitor for early health effects from worksite exposure to biologic,
   chemical, physical, and potential hazards
 * Determine the effectiveness of worksite exposure-control measures
 * Monitor occupational exposure to high temperatures
 * And more



Medical surveillance can help to detect diseases or abnormal trends in health
status before an employee typically seeks medical attention. Our clinicians
perform a wide range of exams and can interpret exam results. Screenings

 * Baseline
 * Baseline follow-up
 * Periodic
 * Biological monitoring
 * Exit exams 


Our clinicians will advise you on services recommended and/or required by your
state and federal occupational health and safety agencies. They also select
tests and exam components based on OSHA requirements and clinical guidelines
developed by Concentra’s regulatory, testing, and exam medical expert panel.
Concentra clinicians consider the health risks associated with your industry and
follow state and federal standards to develop a medical surveillance package
specific to your company’s needs. Your medical surveillance package could
include a wide range of services, such as:
 * Firefighter and Public Safety Physicals
 * HazMat and Hazwoper physicals
 * Respirator Exams


We follow OSHA requirements for the surveillance or medical evaluation of many
workplace hazards, such as:

 * Arsenic
 * Asbestos
 * Benzene
 * Beryllium
 * Bloodborne pathogens

 * Cadmium
 * Ethylene Oxide
 * Extreme Heat
 * Formaldehyde
 * Hazardous Drugs

 * Hexavalent Chromium
 * Lead
 * Manganese
 * Methylene Chloride
 * Noise
 * Silica


Providing medical surveillance is about more than meeting OSHA compliance
standards. It’s about preserving the health and safety of your workforce, and
the benefits can be immeasurable.

Medical surveillance screenings yield:

 * Lower Absenteeism
 * Decreased Lost Time
 * Reduced Insurance Costs
 * Higher Productivity
 * Improved Employee Morale


Connect with a Concentra expert


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I need something else (for example, patient care, Concentra HUB, test results,


What is your current relationship with Concentra?


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My company already works with concentra


For Concentra HUB support please log in to your account

For Concentra HUB assistance with current Concentra HUB accounts please login
and use the contact support link.

You need a Concentra HUB account to access employee results.


To access your Concentra HUB account, you must log in. To set up a Concentra HUB
account, please contact Concentra Customer Support at 1-844-305-8868. Customer
support is available Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. Central Time.

Employees can access their patient records by calling the Concentra medical
center where their visit occurred.


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