www.rhinebeckbank.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

URL: https://www.rhinebeckbank.com/
Submission: On November 18 via api from US — Scanned from US

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM


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          function f(e, o, t, r) {
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                  r.stopImmediatePropagation ? r.stopImmediatePropagation() : r.cancelBubble = !0
              return "mousewheel" == o ? (i.deltaY = -.025 * r.wheelDelta, r.wheelDeltaX && (i.deltaX = -.025 * r.wheelDeltaX)) : i.deltaY = r.detail, t.call(e, i)
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                .deltaY * v.opt.mousescrollstep)), o && v.opt.oneaxismousemode && 0 == r && i && (r = i, i = 0), r && (v.scrollmom && v.scrollmom.stop(), v.lastdeltax += r, v.debounced("mousewheelx", function() {
                var e = v.lastdeltax;
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              .ispage ? e(window) : this.doc), this.docscroll = this.ispage && !this.haswrapper ? e(window) : this.win, this.body = e("body"), this.iframe = this.isfixed = this.viewport = !1, this.isiframe = "IFRAME" == this.doc[0].nodeName &&
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            .ismozilla && !y.isios && !y.isandroid && (this.istouchcapable = !0, y.cantouch = !1), v.opt.enablemouselockapi || (y.hasmousecapture = !1, y.haspointerlock = !1), this.delayed = function(e, o, t, r) {
              var i = v.delaylist[e],
                n = (new Date).getTime();
              return !r && i && i.tt ? !1 : (i && i.tt && clearTimeout(i.tt), void(i && i.last + t > n && !i.tt ? v.delaylist[e] = {
                last: n + t,
                tt: setTimeout(function() {
                  v && (v.delaylist[e].tt = 0, o.call())
                }, t)
              } : i && i.tt || (v.delaylist[e] = {
                last: n,
                tt: 0
              }, setTimeout(function() {
              }, 0))))
            }, this.debounced = function(e, o, t) {
              var r = v.delaylist[e];
              (new Date).getTime(), v.delaylist[e] = o, r || setTimeout(function() {
                var o = v.delaylist[e];
                v.delaylist[e] = !1, o.call()
              }, t)
          var x = !1;
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              return v.synclist[e] = o,
                function() {
                  x || (l(function() {
                    x = !1;
                    for (e in v.synclist) {
                      var o = v.synclist[e];
                      o && o.call(v), v.synclist[e] = !1
                  }), x = !0)
                }(), e
            }, this.unsynched = function(e) {
              v.synclist[e] && (v.synclist[e] = !1)
            }, this.css = function(e, o) {
              for (var t in o) v.saved.css.push([e, t, e.css(t)]), e.css(t, o[t])
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              return "undefined" == typeof e ? v.getScrollTop() : v.setScrollTop(e)
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              return "undefined" == typeof e ? v.getScrollLeft() : v.setScrollLeft(e)
            }, BezierClass = function(e, o, t, r, i, n, s) {
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              B2: function(e) {
                return 3 * e * e * (1 - e)
              B3: function(e) {
                return 3 * e * (1 - e) * (1 - e)
              B4: function(e) {
                return (1 - e) * (1 - e) * (1 - e)
              getNow: function() {
                var e = 1 - ((new Date).getTime() - this.ts) / this.spd,
                  o = this.B2(e) + this.B3(e) + this.B4(e);
                return 0 > e ? this.ed : this.st + Math.round(this.df * o)
              update: function(e, o) {
                return this.st = this.getNow(), this.ed = e, this.spd = o, this.ts = (new Date).getTime(), this.df = this.ed - this.st, this
            }, this.ishwscroll) {
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            this.getScrollTop = function(e) {
              if (!e) {
                if (e = S()) return 16 == e.length ? -e[13] : -e[5];
                if (v.timerscroll && v.timerscroll.bz) return v.timerscroll.bz.getNow()
              return v.doc.translate.y
            }, this.getScrollLeft = function(e) {
              if (!e) {
                if (e = S()) return 16 == e.length ? -e[12] : -e[4];
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              v.doc.translate.y = e, v.doc.translate.ty = -1 * e + "px", v.doc.css(y.trstyle, "translate(" + v.doc.translate.tx + "," + v.doc.translate.ty + ")"), o || v.notifyScrollEvent(v.win[0])
            }, this.setScrollLeft = function(e, o) {
              v.doc.translate.x = e, v.doc.translate.tx = -1 * e + "px", v.doc.css(y.trstyle, "translate(" + v.doc.translate.tx + "," + v.doc.translate.ty + ")"), o || v.notifyScrollEvent(v.win[0])
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            return v.docscroll.scrollTop()
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            return v.docscroll.scrollTop(e)
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            return v.docscroll.scrollLeft()
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            return !1 !== t
          var z = {
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          this.getOffset = function() {
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              top: parseFloat(v.win.css("top")),
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              o = v.viewport.offset();
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              top: e.top - o.top + v.viewport.scrollTop(),
              left: e.left - o.left + v.viewport.scrollLeft()
          }, this.updateScrollBar = function(e) {
            if (v.ishwscroll) v.rail.css({
              height: v.win.innerHeight()
            }), v.railh && v.railh.css({
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            else {
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                t = o.top,
                r = o.left,
                t = t + p(v.win, "border-top-width", !0);
              v.win.outerWidth(), v.win.innerWidth();
              var r = r + (v.rail.align ? v.win.outerWidth() - p(v.win, "border-right-width") - v.rail.width : p(v.win, "border-left-width")),
                i = v.opt.railoffset;
              i && (i.top && (t += i.top), v.rail.align && i.left && (r += i.left)), v.locked || v.rail.css({
                top: t,
                left: r,
                height: e ? e.h : v.win.innerHeight()
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                top: t + 1,
                left: 1 == v.rail.align ? r - 20 : r + v.rail.width + 4
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                  top: e,
                  left: r,
                  width: v.railh.width
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              r)) : (o = t ? v.doScrollLeftBy : v.doScrollBy, r = t ? v.scroll.x : v.scroll.y, e = t ? e.pageX - v.railh.offset().left : e.pageY - v.rail.offset().top, t = t ? v.view.w : v.view.h, o(r >= e ? t : -t)))
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            v.cancelAnimationFrame = !0
          }) : (l = function(e) {
            return setTimeout(e, 15 - Math.floor(+new Date / 1e3) % 16)
          }, a = clearInterval), this.init = function() {
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                "-ms-touch-action": "none"
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                "auto"), !v.ispage || !y.cantouch && !y.isieold && !y.isie9mobile) {
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                "overflow-y": "hidden"
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                "overflow-y": "hidden"
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                      .mangotouch.sx = o, v.mangotouch.lx = o, v.mangotouch.dry = i, v.mangotouch.drx = n, v.mangotouch.tm = s) : (v.scrollmom.stop(), v.scrollmom.update(v.mangotouch.sx - r, v.mangotouch.sy - t), v.mangotouch.tm = s, t = Math
                      .max(Math.abs(v.mangotouch.ly - e), Math.abs(v.mangotouch.lx - o)), v.mangotouch.ly = e, v.mangotouch.lx = o, t > 2 && (v.mangotouch.lazy = setTimeout(function() {
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                          dl: !1
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                          return v.hasmoving ? !1 : void t._onclick.call(this, e)
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                          tg: t,
                          click: !1
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                      .releaseCapture(), !y.cantouch)) ? v.cancelEvent(e) : void 0
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                        .railh && v.railh.scrollable) {
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                            .showCursor(a, c)) : v.showCursor(a), y.isie10 && document.selection.clear())
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                        x: e.clientX,
                        y: e.clientY,
                        sx: v.scroll.x,
                        sy: v.scroll.y,
                        pt: 1,
                        hr: !!o
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                        "pointer-events": "none"
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                      .triggerScrollEnd(), v.cancelEvent(e)) : void 0
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                .noticeCursor()), v.scroll.y && 0 == v.getScrollTop() && v.doScrollTo(Math.floor(v.scroll.y * v.scrollratio.y)), v)
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              t, r || !1)) : i.addEventListener ? (y.cantouch && /mouseup|mousedown|mousemove/.test(o) && v._bind(i, "mousedown" == o ? "touchstart" : "mouseup" == o ? "touchend" : "touchmove", function(e) {
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                  x: e,
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              .maxw)), v.scrollrunning && e == v.newscrollx && o == v.newscrolly ? !1 : (v.newscrolly = o, v.newscrollx = e, v.newscrollspeed = t || !1, v.timer ? !1 : void(v.timer = setTimeout(function() {
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                n = v.getScrollLeft();
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                t *= v.newscrollspeed), v.prepareTransition(t, !0), v.timerscroll && v.timerscroll.tm && clearInterval(v.timerscroll.tm), t > 0 && (!v.scrollrunning && v.onscrollstart && v.onscrollstart.call(v, {
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                bz: new BezierClass(i, v.newscrolly, t, 0, 0, .58, 1),
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              .setScrollLeft(o), v.timerscroll && v.timerscroll.tm && clearInterval(v.timerscroll.tm), v.timerscroll = !1, v.cursorfreezed = !1, v.showCursor(e, o), v
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              .newscrolly || o != v.newscrollx ? v.doScrollPos(o, e, v.opt.snapbackspeed) : (v.onscrollend && v.scrollrunning && v.triggerScrollEnd(), void(v.scrollrunning = !1))
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                o = sy = v.getScrollTop();
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                  t = o - sy;
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                1)) : e += 1, 2 == e ? (v.timer = 0, v.cursorfreezed = !1, v.bzscroll = !1, v.scrollrunning = !1, 0 > o ? o = 0 : o > v.page.maxh && (o = v.page.maxh), 0 > i ? i = 0 : i > v.page.maxw && (i = v.page.maxw), i != v.newscrollx ||
                  o != v.newscrolly ? v.doScrollPos(i, o) : v.onscrollend && v.triggerScrollEnd()) : v.timer = l(r) || 1
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            v.timer && a(v.timer), v.timer = 0;
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              n = v.getScrollLeft();
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              .dst.px = n, v.dst.py = i;
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            var c = 0,
              d = s;
            if (0 == v.dst.x ? (c = i, d = o, v.dst.ay = 1, v.dst.py = 0) : 0 == v.dst.y && (c = n, d = e, v.dst.ax = 1, v.dst.px = 0), s = v.getTransitionSpeed(s), t && 1 >= t && (s *= t), v.bzscroll = s > 0 ? v.bzscroll ? v.bzscroll.update(d,
                s) : new BezierClass(c, d, s, 0, 1, 0, 1) : !1, !v.timer) {
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                type: "scrollstart",
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                  x: n,
                  y: i
                request: {
                  x: e,
                  y: o
                end: {
                  x: v.newscrollx,
                  y: v.newscrolly
                speed: s
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              v.setScrollTop(i), v.setScrollLeft(r)
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                w: v.win.outerWidth() - v.win.width(),
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        g = function(e) {
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            .chkx = 0, this.time = function() {
              return +new Date
            }, this.reset = function(e, t) {
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            }, this.update = function(e, t) {
              var r = o.time();
              o.steptime = r - o.lasttime, o.lasttime = r;
              var r = t - o.lasty,
                i = e - o.lastx,
                n = o.nc.getScrollTop(),
                s = o.nc.getScrollLeft(),
                n = n + r,
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                e) {
                var l = Math.max(16, o.steptime);
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                var a = o.lastscrollx,
                  c = o.lastscrolly,
                  d = function() {
                    var e = 600 < o.time() - t ? .04 : .02;
                    o.speedx && (a = Math.floor(o.lastscrollx - o.speedx * (1 - o.demulxy)), o.lastscrollx = a, 0 > a || a > s) && (e = .1), o.speedy && (c = Math.floor(o.lastscrolly - o.speedy * (1 - o.demulxy)), o.lastscrolly = c, 0 > c || c >
                      n) && (e = .1), o.demulxy = Math.min(1, o.demulxy + e), o.nc.synched("domomentum2d", function() {
                        o.speedx && (o.nc.getScrollLeft() != o.chkx && o.stop(), o.chkx = a, o.nc.setScrollLeft(a)), o.speedy && (o.nc.getScrollTop() != o.chky && o.stop(), o.chky = c, o.nc.setScrollTop(c)), o.timer || (o.nc.hideCursor(), o
                          .doSnapy(a, c))
                      }), 1 > o.demulxy ? o.timer = setTimeout(d, l) : (o.stop(), o.nc.hideCursor(), o.doSnapy(a, c))
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      }, e.fn.scrollTop = function(o) {
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      }, e.fn.scrollLeft = function(o) {
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            for (var o = 0, r = 0; o < t.length; o++) e.call(t[o], r++);
            return t
          }, this.push = function(e) {
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            return t[e]
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      ! function(e, o, t) {
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          o || (t.doc = i ? e(this) : t.doc, o = new f(t, e(this)), e(this).data("__nicescroll", o)), r.push(o)
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        getjQuery: function() {
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