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<span class="h4">Open Ticket??</span>
<p>Open tickets are valid for up to 12 months from booking date (see ticket conditions). </p>
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<span class="h4">Open Ticket? </span>
<p>Open tickets are valid for up to 12 months from booking date (see ticket conditions).</p>
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<span class="h4">Trip Details</span>
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<h4 class="hdg_passengers_title">>Passengers</h4>
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RETURNING ON Open Ticket? >PASSENGERS How many passengers? PET DETAILS 0 Pet PASSENGERS How many passengers? PET DETAILS 0 Pets VEHICLE DETAILS How are you travelling? VEHICLE DETAILS How are you travelling? Different outbound/return details? Search Return Trip One way Open Ticket? Open Ticket?? Open tickets are valid for up to 12 months from booking date (see ticket conditions). Open Ticket? Open Ticket? Open tickets are valid for up to 12 months from booking date (see ticket conditions). Trip Details Outbound * people How many passengers? add_circle * pets 0 Pets add_circle * directions_car How are you travelling? add_circle Return Trip * people How many passengers? add_circle * pets 0 Pets add_circle * directions_car How are you travelling? add_circle Different outbound/return details? Search Return Trip One way LEAVING ON Open Ticket? RETURNING ON Open Ticket? >PASSENGERS How many passengers? PET DETAILS 0 Pet PASSENGERS How many passengers? PET DETAILS 0 Pets VEHICLE DETAILS How are you travelling? VEHICLE DETAILS How are you travelling? Different outbound/return details? Search 1. 2. Get the best ferry deals Compare all ferry routes COVID-19 Information Click here to visit our dedicated page for further information on the COVID-19 situation, including vouchers, cancellations, refunds and sailing changes. WHY USE DIRECT FERRIES? 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Prices shown represent the average one way price paid by our customers last month, generally by car carrying 2 passengers. FERRY COMPANIES Baja Ferries Balearia Caribbean Batam Fast Ferry Bintan Resort Ferries Blue Star Ferries Colonia Express DFDS Seaways Grandi Navi Veloci Great Bay Express Hellenic Seaways Hy-Line Cruises Interislander Majestic Fast Ferry P&O Ferries SeaJets Compare Ferry Prices COMPARE FERRY PRICES We are here to help you to find the cheapest ferry tickets on the best ferry route for you, by comparing over 3500 ferry routes and countless prices across the world. With over 350 ferry operators to choose from, we can help you to find the perfect route for you, at the cheapest price possible. With our quick and simple ferry finder tool, finding a cheap last minute ferry ticket has never been easier. So, book a ferry with Direct Ferries today. Find cheap deals How to book Cheap Ferry Tickets? HOW TO BOOK CHEAP FERRY TICKETS? Direct Ferries is the world’s leading and most trusted ferry comparison website, with all the latest ferry sailings and prices available for you when you make your booking. If you are looking to book in advance, or want to find last minute tickets, booking with Direct Ferries will help you to find the cheapest ferry at the best quality for you. We have up to 1 million ferry prices being checked daily, and we are always adding new operators and routes, so we can find you the best ferry experience. Booking a ferry has never been easier. See all destinations ONBOARD THE FERRIES Find out what it's like onboard the ferries before you travel. Ship guides, videos & reviews KEEP UP TO DATE Join us for travel chat, hot deals and giveaways. Be the first to know! * App * Like * Sign Up * Follow Exclusive deals delivered to your inbox Invalid Email The email address entered already exists You have been added to the mailing list. 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