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Submission: On March 08 via api from SG — Scanned from SG
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Home Documentation Configuration Examples Wiki Mailing Lists Find Help APACHE TOMCAT/8.5.35 IF YOU'RE SEEING THIS, YOU'VE SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED TOMCAT. CONGRATULATIONS! RECOMMENDED READING: SECURITY CONSIDERATIONS HOW-TO MANAGER APPLICATION HOW-TO CLUSTERING/SESSION REPLICATION HOW-TO Server Status Manager App Host Manager DEVELOPER QUICK START Tomcat Setup First Web Application Realms & AAA JDBC DataSources Examples Servlet Specifications Tomcat Versions MANAGING TOMCAT For security, access to the manager webapp is restricted. Users are defined in: $CATALINA_HOME/conf/tomcat-users.xml In Tomcat 8.5 access to the manager application is split between different users. Read more... RELEASE NOTES CHANGELOG MIGRATION GUIDE SECURITY NOTICES DOCUMENTATION TOMCAT 8.5 DOCUMENTATION TOMCAT 8.5 CONFIGURATION TOMCAT WIKI Find additional important configuration information in: $CATALINA_HOME/RUNNING.txt Developers may be interested in: * Tomcat 8.5 Bug Database * Tomcat 8.5 JavaDocs * Tomcat 8.5 SVN Repository GETTING HELP FAQ AND MAILING LISTS The following mailing lists are available: * tomcat-announce Important announcements, releases, security vulnerability notifications. (Low volume). * tomcat-users User support and discussion * taglibs-user User support and discussion for Apache Taglibs * tomcat-dev Development mailing list, including commit messages OTHER DOWNLOADS * Tomcat Connectors * Tomcat Native * Taglibs * Deployer OTHER DOCUMENTATION * Tomcat Connectors * mod_jk Documentation * Tomcat Native * Deployer GET INVOLVED * Overview * SVN Repositories * Mailing Lists * Wiki MISCELLANEOUS * Contact * Legal * Sponsorship * Thanks APACHE SOFTWARE FOUNDATION * Who We Are * Heritage * Apache Home * Resources Copyright ©1999-2023 Apache Software Foundation. All Rights Reserved