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Close Menu Search CATEGORIES Brain Entrainment Tech Meditation Devices White Noise Machines ARTICLES How To Fall Asleep Fast How To Lucid Dream Tonight Telepathy Techniques Meditation Techniques For Beginners How To Reduce Hair Fall Why Cant I Lose Weight? Relaxation Techniques For Anxiety Low Self Esteem Symptoms Leadership Qualities List Headache Cures Reincarnation Stories Importance Of Motivation Dealing With Panic Attacks Am I Psychic? Seeing Auras Stress Relief Download How To Love Yourself Chakras For Beginners How To Meditate Properly Best Brainwave Mp3 Create Account Login Loading... Country AUS BEL BRA CAN EGY FRA DEU IND ITA JPN MEX NLD POL SAU SGP ESP SWE TUR ARE GBR USA WHEN YOU HARNESS THE POWER OF YOUR BRAIN, YOU CAN ACCOMPLISH ANYTHING! Create Account Login Online Store Categories Brain Entrainment Tech Meditation Devices White Noise Machines Articles How To Fall Asleep Fast How To Lucid Dream Tonight Telepathy Techniques Meditation Techniques For Beginners How To Reduce Hair Fall Why Cant I Lose Weight? Relaxation Techniques For Anxiety Low Self Esteem Symptoms Leadership Qualities List Headache Cures Reincarnation Stories Importance Of Motivation Dealing With Panic Attacks Am I Psychic? Seeing Auras Stress Relief Download How To Love Yourself Chakras For Beginners How To Meditate Properly Best Brainwave Mp3 Open Menu Brain Entrainment and More Search Facebook X Loading... Country AUS BEL BRA CAN EGY FRA DEU IND ITA JPN MEX NLD POL SAU SGP ESP SWE TUR ARE GBR USA * Special offers Check out our discounts! * Claim Your Free MP3 Audio! Just listen to the 'digital pill' to change any area of your life. * View our informative articles Easy Solutions to Real Problems! BRAIN ENTRAINMENT AND MORE! Enhance your cognitive abilities and explore a wide range of brain entrainment products in the ultimate online destination, Brain Entrainment and More Browse Products FEATURED PRODUCTS View All Featured Products N.O.W. TONE THERAPY SYSTEM PRODUCT REVIEW SCORE 4.65 out of 5 stars 30 reviews €465.98 LECTROFAN PREMIUM WHITE NOISE SOUND MACHINE PRODUCT REVIEW SCORE 4.27 out of 5 stars 135 reviews €175.58 DOUNI SLEEP SOUND MACHINE PRODUCT REVIEW SCORE 4.41 out of 5 stars 162 reviews €33.66 WHOLETONES 2SLEEP FEATURING LIFE, LOVE & LULLABIES PRODUCT REVIEW SCORE 4.35 out of 5 stars 87 reviews €76.73 View All Featured Products BRAIN ENTRAINMENT CAN BE THE KEY TO OPEN MANY DOORS! What can training our brain or Brain Entrainment do to solve life’s problems or experience a better quality of life? Is it not absolutely amazing what the human race can, and has, achieved in this current day and age? Our wondrous feats of technology, power, science, and innovation, and yet we have managed to accomplish these feats using less than one-tenth of the most spectacular organ we have – our brain! You would have most certainly heard the common fact that we only use around 10% of our total brain’s capacity and potential. Some would also argue that only the top-level minds and geniuses of the world actually achieve this level. In contrast, the rest of us “normal” people do not even go close to using that magical 10% of our gray matter! So then, reflect on all we have done and all we can do and then imagine, if you will, just what we could achieve if we all used brain entrainment to harness not only 10% of our brains, but 20%, 35%, 50%, 75% or even dare I say it 90 – 100% of our total brains capacity? Could you imagine what life would be like? I have a fair hallucination that it would be significantly different from what we experience today! FEATURED CATEGORIES MEDITATION DEVICES Explore the transformative power of meditation with top-quality devices to enhance your practice WHITE NOISE MACHINES Relax and rejuvenate with our high-quality White Noise Machines for optimal brain entrainment BRAIN ENTRAINMENT TECH Unlock the potential of your mind with advanced Brain Entrainment Technology FEATURED ARTICLES May 21, 2024 HOW TO FALL ASLEEP FAST? STRATEGIES FOR GREAT SLEEP Simple Tips for Falling Asleep Quickly Aug 17, 2023 HOW TO LUCID DREAM TONIGHT Imagine being in a world that had no rules, no danger and no limits to what you could do? Lucid Dreaming lets you do all that! Aug 17, 2023 TELEPATHY TECHNIQUES The astounding ability of telepathy is inside everyone. SAVE WITH OUR SPECIAL OFFERS Check out our best offers and discounts on top-quality items. Our offers change regularly, so make sure you don't miss out! View Special Offers SOME WORDS FROM OUR HAPPY CUSTOMERS > I already bought a download here and I felt the effects on the first try > itself. I was always interested in lucid dreaming so wanted to try the > product. The very first night I used it, I experienced vivid imagery. the > dream looked more colorful. In the subsequent tries, I became lucid and aware. > This product really works and I'm happy to be associated with the > unexplainable store. Looking forward to more purchases. > > TS LAKSHMI NARAYAN, Purchased Lucid Dreaming > “As a psychotherapist and hypnotherapist, I highly recommend Hypnosis Live. > It’s superior in quality, content, and thoughtfulness.” > > Kim Nagle, > Greatly satisfied with my purchase. At first I was skeptical because I've used > brain entrainment programs before only for them to fall short of their > intended effect. Thankfully, that wasn't the case with this program. Once it > started, I felt my mind relax quickly and easily, and felt each chakra be > targeted in turn. Once the session ended, I felt much more energetic and just > more connected in general. It was great! I am definitely planning to buy more > sessions on here in the future. > > Jerry Hartman, Purchased Chakra Tuning CAN BRAIN ENTRAINMENT HELP US BRIDGE THE GAP BETWEEN ACTUAL USE AND OUR BRAIN'S FULL POTENTIAL? The answer is YES! “We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are.” The secret to increasing our brain function and experiencing things, emotions, and feelings like never before, and changing our bodies' energy and vitality is knowledge and growth. Harnessing the power of your subconscious mind in conjunction with your conscious mind through brain entrainment will allow you to accomplish feats that far exceed your current capabilities and expectations. We speak of deep and powerful brain entrainment meditation states as the “workplace” of this kind of enlightenment and brain use; however, this depth of meditation has previously come at a very high price as a result of years and years of discipline, sacrifice, and training as per the Zen monks we often associate such meditation with. This discipline and training's goal was to put the body and brain in a similar state without the harsh training and life sacrifice through brain entrainment. BRAIN ENTRAINMENT IS NOT NEW… For over 150 years now, brain entrainment has altered men's and women's consciousness. With Binaural Beats mp3 recordings and the even more powerful Isochronic tones, it has never been more accessible and more available to the common man or woman. Regardless of your meditation experience or knowledge of brain entrainment, these recordings can have you reaching the Alta, Delta, or Theta states in just minutes! All you need is your ears! Once you are “in-state,” through these recordings, you can use the power of your brain to stimulate specific abilities and make significant physical, mental, and spiritual changes in your life! Binaural Beats are not dangerous at all and work by adjusting your brain's operating frequency, which results in brain stimulation that allows the optimum environment for advanced subliminal messaging. This messaging, or brain entrainment, lets the meditation beginner, as well as the seasoned meditation professional, the ability to quickly get into such states that stimulate, solve, enhance, and cure all the options on display to the left, such as How To Lucid Dream Tonight, how to reduce hair fall, how to increase IQ, increased energy and motivation as well as healthy skin tips to name a very small few! Very soon after listening to a brain entrainment recording, you will begin to feel the effects as your frequencies and your level of consciousness is changed. Some of the common physical effects are: 1. The body feels heavy, and the inability to move freely 2. Total relaxation of the entire body from head to toe 3. Vivid visualizations, colors, and patterns 4. Separation of the conscious and subconscious mind 5. No Anxiety or Stress. Expect a sensation of all Tension leaving your body. 6. Feeling of sedation Click the links for more information about Isochronic Tones, brain entrainment, and binaural beats downloads. REAL FACTS ABOUT HYPNOSIS “Hypnotists have special powers!”. Afraid not! They can certainly deliver some powerful results; however, it is not as cloak and dagger or supernatural as all those old Hollywood movies would have us believe! Hypnotists don’t have any special powers. They have the knowledge and experience to help put you into a profound state of relaxation and then deliver the right kind of message to your inner mind, which puts thought into action… literally! Effectively, all hypnosis is * self-hypnosis *. You’re the one doing the work and changing your thought patterns. The hypnotist (or the hypnosis recording) supports the process for you. “Hypnosis only works on weak-minded people!”. Um, yeah, it's not quite right on that one again, as it's the wrong way around! Those who can focus and have a more innovative mind get the best hypnosis results. That’s because all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. You’re not being directed by someone else. You’re actually leading yourself. And those people with greater focus and imagination get much more potent results with that process and skill set. In a report for Psychology Today, Dr. Deirdre Barrett, Ph. D wrote an article titled ‘The Power of Hypnosis,’ in which she noted that “modern research shows that hypnotizability is correlated with intelligence, concentration, and focus.”. “During hypnosis, you can be made to do things against your will!”. Now, this one is also totally untrue. Your personal values and beliefs always remain unchanged during hypnosis. Those live shows where you do crazy things or lose your inhibition are not what we do, and even when under that kind of hypnosis, you always know what you are doing. You merely permit yourself to enter into a state of heightened suggestion with hypnosis. At that point, you can ‘reprogram’ your thinking patterns. You’re the involved participant in this. If a hypnotist tries to tell you to do something that goes against your values, you’ll naturally reject it and jump out of your trance-like state. It's sort of like an internal safety clause or seat belt! HYPNOSIS MYTHS KEEP ON COMING! “You can get stuck in a hypnotic state and never wake up!”. This one is getting so old now, and it’s very nearly funny. You can completely never get stuck in any ‘hypnotic trance’! There has never been a single recorded case of this. The state you reach during hypnosis is similar to that of daydreaming. You’re super-relaxed. You can ‘wake up’ again whenever you want to. Normally, that will be at the end of the session when guided to do so by the hypnotherapist. “Hypnosis is an occult! And it’s against my religion!”. Hypnosis is not occult and doesn’t violate any religion at all. Hypnosis is simply a safe and natural method of relaxing your mind and supplying yourself with positive affirmations and concepts. Hypnosis is a psychology division and has absolutely no connection to any religion. “Hypnosis isn’t really successful at changing anything!”. This is CRAZY! Which can be born witness by thousands upon thousands of delighted hypnosis patients. There have been countless studies that have proved the efficacy of hypnosis in a wide variety of environments. HYPNOSIS AS A MEDICAL TREATMENT Hypnosis was endorsed for medical use in 1958 by the American Medical Association, and almost all modern-day hospitals now utilize hypnosis to some degree. When conducted correctly, it has a reported 90.6 % success rate in stopping smoking. (The University of Washington School of Medicine.) It was over 30 times more effective than regular weight loss routines. (Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology.) These hypnosis treatments brought ‘immediate’ and ‘significant relief’ to 75 % of women who used it to assist with their IBS symptoms, with 80 % still reporting progress up to six years later. (American Psychological Association.). It has also been proven to noticeably reduce migraines, speed up recovery from surgery, reduce the magnitude of pain, help conquer drug addiction, relieve chemotherapy symptoms, and lower blood pressure. It’s been found to be as effective as Ritalin in treating ADD in children, and I’m sure you will agree that hypnosis is far better for your child’s health and well-being than drugs! And those are just a few of the actual medical applications! Thousands worldwide have also used hypnosis to improve confidence and self-esteem, release addictions, let go of once crippling fears and phobias, finally, lose that weight, stop smoking, improve brainpower, and so on. American Health Magazine's research study found hypnosis to be more effective than other kinds of self-change, including behavior therapy and psychoanalysis. It mentions that hypnosis had a 93 % success rate after just six sessions– compared to behavior therapy, with 73% after 22 sessions, and psychoanalysis, with 38% after 600 sessions. IT'S NEVER BEEN EASIER TO GET STARTED WITH HYPNOSIS! Hypnosis is an exciting subject that has long been surrounded, cheapened, or laughed off with far too much Hollywood myth. I know you’ll find it very mind-opening and definitely quite interesting! So, let’s get into it, shall we? Click the image below for some great deals at Hypnosis Live! 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