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18 January 2023


The world’s biggest companies, from Netflix to Ben & Jerry’s, are pouring
billions into an offsetting industry whose climate claims appear increasingly at
odds with reality




 * Carbon offsetting
 * Climate change
 * Finance



In 2019, Elias Ayrey, an idealistic scientist freshly armed with a doctorate in
forest conservation, flew from his home in Maine to California and drove deep
into the woods. In a timber-framed house dwarfed by giant redwoods, he and his
host sat late into the night thrashing out the blueprint for a business with
real impact on climate change.

The owner of the house was Diego Saez-Gil, an Argentinian tech entrepreneur who
would become chief executive of Pachama, a company that offers to help industry
reduce harmful impact by offsetting fossil fuel emissions with carbon credits. 

Ayrey was filled with excitement when Saez-Gil invited him to sign on as
Pachama’s chief scientist. “It was beautiful,” he said.

But a year later alarm bells were beginning to sound, even as Pachama’s business
boomed. Ayrey was becoming uneasy that the soaraway success was built on a
fundamental conflict of interest—one that meant Pachama, far from providing a
solution to climate change, was fuelling an industry fast becoming part of the

When Saez-Gil’s forest home, where Ayrey’s dream began, was destroyed in a wave
of wildfires made more likely, scientists said, by erratic weather linked to
global warming, it could almost have been an omen. A year later, Ayrey quit.

A nine-month investigation by SourceMaterial, The Guardian and Die Zeit suggests
that the flaws identified by Ayrey at Pachama—which he continues to believe is
one of the more conscientious offsetters—are rife in an industry whose claims to
mitigate climate change are significantly at odds with reality.

Our analysis of nearly 100 million carbon credits found that only a fraction of
them resulted in real emissions reductions. It raises questions for the
organisations that many of the world’s biggest companies, and the consumers who
buy their products, rely on to set the standard for effective carbon
offsetting—in particular the biggest of them, Verra.

“The implications of this analysis are huge,” said Barbara Haya, head of the
Carbon Trading Project at the University of California, Berkeley. “Companies are
making false claims and then they’re convincing customers that they can fly
guilt-free or buy carbon-neutral products when they aren’t in any way

‘We kept selling the credits’

A couple of years on from that first meeting beneath the redwoods, San
Francisco-based Pachama was on the way to becoming a powerhouse in the fledgling
offsets market: today it has more than 60 employees and almost $80 million from
investors including talk show host Ellen Degeneres and tennis star Serena

> “Companies are making false claims and convincing customers they can fly
> guilt-free”

If anything, things were going too well. With demand roaring, there was “a
constant lack of credits to sell,” Ayrey said. He didn’t doubt his co-workers’
commitment to a shared ideal. But the need for quick returns was leading them to
cut corners—and in one case, he says, to sell credits from a project that seemed
like a sham.

“They really care about their stated mission,” he said. “I just don’t think they
did it. Short-term profits were far more important than really disrupting the

Elias Ayrey, former chief scientist at Pachama

Pachama rates and sells carbon credits. Most often, these are generated by
preventing deforestation: owners of threatened forests create credits by
protecting them, claiming that extra carbon is absorbed by trees that would
otherwise be cut down. As chief scientist, Ayrey’s role was to rate these
projects so that Pachama could market the best ones to its clients.

The problem was that in several cases, Pachama appeared to be selling credits
generated from forests under no threat at all—and in at least one, where
deforestation had actually increased.

In the Madre de Dios region of the Peruvian Amazon Basin, a company called
Bosques Amazónicos (BAM) was paying conservation money to Brazil nut farmers.
Buyers of the resulting credits included Macquarie, the Australian finance
group, and fashion brand Giorgio Armani.

But in 2021 Foodwatch, a campaign group, found that BAM had overestimated the
deforestation it was preventing by a factor of eight, and the company later
admitted that some harvesters had destroyed forest they were being paid to
protect. Satellite images show that tree-clearing in the area has risen since
the scheme began. 

When he analysed BAM’s annual updates, Ayrey noticed that the company seemed to
be excluding areas where farmers had chopped down trees, readjusting boundaries
as their activity shifted. Pachama should have pulled the plug as soon as the
suspicion of irregularities was raised, Ayrey said. Instead, his bosses dragged
out discussions for a month.

“We kept selling the credits the whole time,” he said. 

Deeply frustrated, Ayrey left to co-found Renoster, a carbon markets rating
consultancy that aims to increase market transparency. (SourceMaterial has
purchased analysis from Renoster as part of a separate investigation.)

Saez-Gil, Pachama’s chief executive, told SourceMaterial that when it examines
projects, the company seeks “expert perspectives inside and outside our
organisation”. This involves “healthy and sometimes lengthy discussions” about
their merits, he said, adding that Pachama had not sold the Brazil nut credits
for “a long time”.

“Pachama’s main intention is to help bring more integrity, trust and
transparency to nature-based carbon markets using technology, data and science,”
and the company takes on only one in three projects it evaluates, he said. “Done
well, it’s a mechanism that has an enormous potential to help finance carbon

BAM did not respond to requests for comment.

Carbon offsetting: how it works

The Developer

A carbon credit is created by a project developer—it could be a private company
or a conservation group—for activities that result, in theory, in a benefit to
the climate. Each credit is designed to account for one tonne of carbon being
removed from the atmosphere, or one tonne fewer being emitted.

The most popular form of project involves protecting a stretch of forest that
the developer says is under threat. By preventing trees from being chopped down,
the developer ensures more carbon is absorbed.

The developer has to follow a methodology to prove that the trees were actually
at risk. This methodology is generally written by a developer, sometimes the
same developer who created the project.

The Auditor

Auditors hired by the developer check the project to ensure that it has followed
the methodology. Importantly, auditors do not ensure that the methodology
corresponds to reality.

The Certifier

If auditors give the project a green light, it is then approved by a certifier,
the largest of which is Verra, which issues the project with carbon credits and
allows the project to register on its database.

Once listed on the database, credits can be bought by companies wishing to
offset carbon emissions. Shell or British Airways, for example, can then buy
these credits from the project and use them to claim that people can drive or
fly “carbon-neutral”.

Over the years, the project will submit monitoring reports to Verra to confirm
that it has done what it said it would and Verra will, in turn, continue to
issue credits.

‘Cheaper, less demanding’

Standards for the offsets marketed by Pachama and many of its competitors are
set by Verra. 

Founded in Switzerland in 2007 and now based in Washington DC, Verra’s original
two-person team has swelled to more than 80. At the time of writing, Verra was
advertising 26 vacancies, seven of them with six-figure salaries. 

Household names like British Airways and Gucci rely on Verra to authenticate
their credits, which now approves three out of every four carbon credits
globally. Growth is ramping up, with sales jumping from around $7 million in
2018 to $41 million in 2021. 

During last autumn’s climate negotiations in Egypt, Verra announced it had
issued its billionth carbon credit, meaning that in 15 years it has
rubber-stamped projects claiming to cancel out three times the emissions the UK
produces in a year.

> “Verra has always been very good at undercutting other standards”

Verra’s main role is to publish methodologies for creating carbon offsetting
projects, including  forest protection initiatives, and authenticate the credits
they generate.  

‘Avoided deforestation’ has always been controversial. At best, it underpins
projects that save some of the planet’s most precious resources from
destruction. At worst, it risks degenerating into a sort of protection racket
where landowners extract fees in return for promises not to fire up the
chainsaws. Often, it occupies a grey area in between, relying on hypothetical
projections that can be tough to verify.

Gold Standard, Verra’s main competitor, refuses to issue credits from avoided
deforestation. But rather than discrediting the methodology, this has simply
helped Verra to corner a market, says Axel Michaelowa, head of international
climate policy at the University of Zurich.

Verra’s stance means that at least 30 per cent of credits currently being sold
globally are for avoided deforestation.

“Verra has always been very good at somehow undercutting other standards in the
voluntary market by being cheaper, by being less demanding,” Michaelowa said.
“And less demanding, of course, means having lower environmental integrity.”

SourceMaterial’s investigation casts doubt on vast numbers of Verra’s carbon
credits, raising the prospect that a $2 billion market, predicted to expand
rapidly, is widely based on exaggerated claims.

‘Disappointing and scary’

SourceMaterial and its partners reviewed data shared by scientists who carried
out two major studies on Verra forest projects, together accounting for 95
million carbon credits—theoretically enough to balance the annual emissions from
25 coal-fired power plants or burning 220 million barrels of oil. 

Valeriy Kryukov, Unsplash

Our analysis suggests that only 5.5 million of those credits, or 6 per cent of
the total, were real emission reductions. Of the 29 projects, only eight reduced
any emissions at all.

Both studies, carried out by the same international group of scientists,
estimated the real amount of deforestation prevented by the projects to
calculate how many credits they should have received. 

SourceMaterial then used Verra’s database to compare this with the number of
credits each project actually received in the same timeframe. The disparity is
stark: 94 per cent of those credits are likely to be worthless, the calculations

Companies who bought the credits include Disney, United Airlines, Air France,
Samsung, Liverpool Football Club, Ben & Jerry’s, Netflix and Chevron.

The studies’ findings are “disappointing and scary”, said Erin Sills, a
scientist at North Carolina State University and a co-author of both papers.

In a further analysis, SourceMaterial and its partners used data collected by
researchers at Cambridge University to examine claims made by 32 projects, 19 of
which were also included in the other studies. 

The Cambridge researchers estimated how much deforestation had actually been
prevented in the first five years of these projects.

They found that while the projects claimed to cover forests the size of Italy,
they had only protected an area about the size of Venice. Using a formula shared
by the scientists, SourceMaterial and its partners found that the projects had
exaggerated avoided deforestation by an average 406 per cent. Only six of the 32
had not overstated their effectiveness.

> “I wanted to know if we could trust their predictions. The evidence suggests
> we cannot.”

The findings show that projects have “vastly overstated” their climate benefits,
said Yadvinder Malhi, professor of ecosystem science at Oxford University. 

A Verra spokesperson, Steve Zwick, said that the scientific studies reviewed by
SourceMaterial produced useful data but drew incorrect conclusions as they
didn’t adequately consider “site-specific drivers of deforestation” or
“accurately represent the pre-project conditions in the project area”. 

Verra’s methodologies entail “conservative” estimates of total emission
reductions and are more credible—and revised more frequently—than previously, he

Instead of criticising the studies, Verra needs to show why their methodologies
are better, says Thales West, a lead author on the two international studies,
who previously worked as a project auditor and began his research because of
doubts over Verra forecasts.

“I wanted to know if we could trust their predictions,” he said. “The evidence
from the synthetic controls suggests we cannot.”

‘Crazy’ credits

In Zimbabwe on the shores of Lake Kariba, the world’s largest artificial
reservoir, an offsetting project claims to be protecting a forest three times
the size of Luxembourg.

It is run by South Pole, offsetting’s first ‘unicorn’ or billion-dollar
start-up, now responsible for more carbon projects than any other organisation.
The Swiss company has sold credits from Kariba to Volkswagen, Delta Airlines,
Lidl and the oil giant TotalEnergies, which used them as part of a controversial
claim to have shipped carbon-neutral gas.

Lake Kariba in Zimbabwe (Arpit Rastogi, Unsplash)

Satellite images supplied by Global Forest Watch and analysed by Ayrey suggest
that the project overstated the threat to the forest by up to 30 times. 

Documents seen by SourceMaterial show that South Pole did not originally intend
to push its numbers so high. In an early filing in Verra’s registry, the company
estimated that Kariba would prevent 52 million tonnes of carbon emissions—but
later revised this to 197 million tonnes. 

According to South Pole spokeswoman Isabel Hagbrink, the project initially
adapted Verra’s model to make it more conservative. But Verra objected to the
alterations and ordered South Pole to re-do its calculations, she said.

“The numbers of Kariba always seemed too high,” said an expert with knowledge of
the project, who spoke anonymously for fear criticising the project could harm
their career. “It was crazy how many credits the project threw up.”

South Pole told SourceMaterial the methodology has a “self-correcting
mechanism”, which should cause the number of credits awarded to the project to
fall in the future. Verra declined to comment on whether it had requested a

On one occasion—in Peru, at the Madre de Dios project which triggered Ayrey’s
resignation from Pachama—Verra did warn the operators, BAM, that their plan to
exclude areas where nut harvesters had cut down trees was unacceptable, an
auditor’s report shows.

Madre de Dios, in the Peruvian Amazon (Renting C, Unsplash)

But a few days later, BAM and the auditor decided in a meeting to take no
further action, the document shows, and Verra made no change to the amount of
credits the project generated.  

Verra told SourceMaterial that the original warning was based on a

‘Leap of faith’

David Antonioli, Verra’s chief executive, acknowledged in an interview that
avoided deforestation models can be unreliable.

“The reality is you’re creating a counterfactual,” he said. “There’s a leap of

One of Verra’s most frequently used methodologies, VM0015, was put forward in
2008 by Lucio Pedroni, who runs his own offsetting consultancy. An auditor who
reviewed the model for Verra, Kyle Holland, warned at the time that it would
“grossly overestimate deforestation” and suggested an amendment. Verra’s final
version gave projects the option of using Holland’s change or the original
version he had warned about.

Holland, himself a co-author of the methodology used at Kariba, told
SourceMaterial that it’s very tempting for projects to “abuse the flexibility of
these models” to inflate their impact.

“These methodologies have been so flexible that anything goes,” said Eftimiya
Salo, head of carbon projects at Compensate, a broker. “You could choose the
best option to maximise your profit.”

Pedroni was also involved in the drafting of another of Verra’s most popular
methodologies, VM0007. Early on, Swiss auditors SQS raised concerns because
Pedroni and his co-authors wanted to consider a forest at risk if a project
developer merely declared an intention to cut down trees. 

It’s easy to see how this can be gamed, says Ayrey, citing Yacumama, an
eco-lodge in Peru where tourists can visit untouched Amazon jungle. The owners
claimed that without carbon credits, they would clear-cut the forest. But its
remote location makes this nonsensical, as it would be impossible to transport
the timber to market, he said.

Verra said that carbon finance had allowed Yacumama’s owners to “implement a
more sustainable business model”.

Pedroni told SourceMaterial that Verra’s system “has been abused by some users”,
leading to a few projects overestimating their impact.

“Verra remains one of the most serious organisations that is trying to serve a
rapidly evolving market in a heavily politicised industry,” he said. 

A new empire

Verra regularly updates its methodologies and says it plans to involve national
and local governments more closely, as well as accounting for wider trends in
deforestation. But credits created with outdated models are still on the market,
says Salo of Compensate.

Zwick, the Verra spokesman, said it would be impossible to rescind old credits
if the issuers followed the rules at the time, and that Verra hopes the market
itself will correct the problem as values fluctuate depending on demand. 

“We’ve always had this idea that if something happens and a project is perceived
as having been over-credited, that should be a market decision,” he said.

Any changes are still being figured out by Pedroni and other members of Verra’s
advisory group. Charlotte Streck, founder of Climate Focus, which developed the
VM0007 methodology with Pedroni, is on the stakeholder group for the process.

Despite this, Climate Focus received at least $1 million dollars in licensing
fees for VM0007 in recent years, according to Verra’s tax returns. 

Streck said that “methodologies can be reinterpreted and exploited” and that in
some cases there was a risk of “inflation of credits”. Her company now sends
much of its profit from the model “to NGOs or not-for-profit purposes”, she

Meanwhile, Verra continues to take 10 cents from project developers for every
credit it verifies. The more credits it approves, the more money it makes,
giving it little incentive to limit the number of sub-standard offsets on the

“There is simply nobody in the market who has a genuine interest to say when
something goes wrong,” said Lambert Schneider, a researcher on international
climate politics at the Öko-Institut in Berlin.

The problems plaguing the burgeoning offsetting industry aren’t, for the most
part, fraud or corruption, more a failure to master the complexities, which is
eroding trust, says Ayrey.

“There are very few really bad people out there,” he said. 

Verra has good intentions too, he insists: “Most of the people working there are
really good people but they don’t have the bigger context of just how detailed
and messed-up these protocols are.” 

Verra is becoming increasingly important. In 2021 a court in the Netherlands
ordered a buyer of Verra-backed credits, Shell, to reduce its emissions. The oil
major aims to get its annual carbon credit purchases up to 120 million by 2030
and is using its offsetting plans as part of an appeal against the decision.

Shell is planning to rapidly ramp up its use of carbon offsets (Marc Rentschler,

In Colombia and Singapore, Verra’s credits are integral to climate legislation
that allows companies to buy them instead of paying carbon taxes. If other
nations follow, Verra will be on its way to an “empire”, says Zurich
University’s Michaelowa.

With Verra both setting the rules for credits and getting paid through sales,
some experts fear that a basic conflict of interest is turning a weapon against
deforestation into an empty PR exercise for polluters.

“Companies and citizens need to be able to support projects they can trust,”
said Thomas Crowther, professor of ecology at the university in Zurich. “We need
to urgently create a system where this is a reality.”

Lead picture: Lingchor, Unsplash


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