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Jean Carroll's lawyers asked the jury to award her at least $24 million in damages, but after deliberating for less than three hours, jurors went far beyond that amount. Trump vows to appeal decision » * CALISTA FLOCKHART SAYS SHE WAS 'HURT AND EMBARRASSED' BY RUMORS ABOUT HER WEIGHT * LUKA DONCIC TIES 4TH-HIGHEST SCORING GAME IN NBA HISTORY * ARE LAB-GROWN DIAMONDS 'WORTHLESS'? 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OF IDAHO VICTIM KAYLEE GONCALVES REVEALS SHE WAS 'TRAPPED' IN CORNER OF ROOM DURING MURDER Steve and Kristi Goncalves, the parents of Kaylee Goncalves, spoke with 'Good Morning America' on Friday and revealed details about how their daughter was found 942·3 min read Thanks for your feedback! * * US·Fox News CALIFORNIA HOMELESS FOUND LIVING IN FURNISHED CAVES 20 FEET BELOW STREET LEVEL Volunteers with Operation 2-9-99 and the Modesto Police Department found homeless people living in caves in Modesto, California, about 20 feet below street level. 3.5K·3 min read Thanks for your feedback! * Celebrity·Parade HGTV STAR CHRISTINA HALL FIRMLY DENIES CLAIMS ABOUT HER PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT The 'Christina on the Coast' host called the accusations 'highly offensive.' 551·2 min read Thanks for your feedback! * Celebrity·In Touch Weekly TMI! AMY ROBACH AND T.J. HOLMES’ FORMER ASSOCIATES ARE ‘TURNED OFF’ BY COUPLE’S SEX CONFESSIONS TMI alert! During the January 9 episode of their Amy & T.J. podcast, loved-up former news anchors Amy Robach and T.J. Holmes didn’t hold back, sharing shocking details of their drinking habits and sex life, revealing they spent $2,869 on booze in just one month and that they both like “sex more than foreplay” and... 275·3 min read Thanks for your feedback! * US·Parade PROFESSIONAL DANCER ÓRLA BAXENDALE DEAD AT 25 AFTER GROCERY STORE'S 'TRAGIC OVERSIGHT' Dancer's attorney says tragedy happened as a result of 'gross negligence and reckless conduct.' 788·3 min read Thanks for your feedback! TRENDING NOW 1.Bill Belichick 2.Donald Trump 3.Luka Doncic 4.Griselda Blanco 5.Taylor Swift 6.Roadhouse Trailer 7.Expats TV Show 8.Amanda Hanson 9.Texas Border 10.Australian Open 2024 * twitter * facebook * instagram * youtube * tiktok * Terms and Privacy Policy * Privacy Dashboard * Advertise * About Our Ads * Careers * Help * Feedback © 2024 Yahoo. All rights reserved. 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