Open in
urlscan Pro
Public Scan
Submission: On December 28 via api from US — Scanned from FR
TLS certificate: Issued by Encryption Everywhere DV TLS CA - G1 on March 5th 2024. Valid for: a year.
This is the only time zhiwucloud.com was scanned on urlscan.io!
urlscan.io Verdict: No classification
Domain & IP information
IP Address | AS Autonomous System | ||
11 | | 4134 (CHINANET-...) (CHINANET-BACKBONE No.31) | |
1 | | 24429 (TAOBAO Zh...) (TAOBAO Zhejiang Taobao Network Co.) | |
1 | | 4812 (CHINANET-...) (CHINANET-SH-AP China Telecom Group) | |
2 | 2400:b200:100... 2400:b200:1000::b | 37963 (ALIBABA-C...) (ALIBABA-CN-NET Hangzhou Alibaba Advertising Co.) | |
15 | 4 |
ASN4134 (CHINANET-BACKBONE No.31,Jin-rong Street, CN)
zhiwucloud.com |
ASN24429 (TAOBAO Zhejiang Taobao Network Co.,Ltd, CN)
a.alipayobjects.com |
ASN37963 (ALIBABA-CN-NET Hangzhou Alibaba Advertising Co.,Ltd., CN)
kcart.alipay.com |
Apex Domain Subdomains |
Transfer | |
11 |
zhiwucloud.com |
4 MB |
2 |
kcart.alipay.com — Cisco Umbrella Rank: 186256 |
875 B |
1 |
static.bimface.com |
6 KB |
1 |
a.alipayobjects.com — Cisco Umbrella Rank: 196998 |
71 KB |
15 | 4 |
Domain | Requested by | |
11 | zhiwucloud.com |
2 | kcart.alipay.com |
1 | static.bimface.com |
1 | a.alipayobjects.com |
15 | 4 |
This site contains links to these domains. Also see Links.
Domain |
beian.miit.gov.cn |
Subject Issuer | Validity | Valid | |
*.zhiwucloud.com Encryption Everywhere DV TLS CA - G1 |
2024-03-05 - 2025-03-04 |
a year | crt.sh |
*.alipayobjects.com DigiCert Secure Site OV G2 TLS CN RSA4096 SHA256 2022 CA1 |
2024-07-08 - 2025-08-08 |
a year | crt.sh |
*.bimface.com TrustAsia RSA OV TLS CA G3 |
2024-05-24 - 2025-06-23 |
a year | crt.sh |
*.alipay.com DigiCert Secure Site OV G2 TLS CN RSA4096 SHA256 2022 CA1 |
2024-08-02 - 2025-09-02 |
a year | crt.sh |
This page contains 1 frames:
Primary Page:
Frame ID: A890AF6FC72092940EF23E862D3EBAA8
Requests: 15 HTTP requests in this frame
1 Outgoing links
These are links going to different origins than the main page.
Title: 京ICP备16000992号-3
Search URL Search Domain Scan URL
Redirected requests
There were HTTP redirect chains for the following requests:
15 HTTP transactions
Method Protocol |
Resource Path |
Size x-fer |
Type MIME-Type |
GET H/1.1 |
Primary Request
zhiwucloud.com/ |
1 KB 946 B |
text/html |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
zhiwucloud.com/assets/font_sc/ |
29 KB 21 KB |
text/css |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H2 |
a.alipayobjects.com/g/datavis/g6/1.0.6/ |
241 KB 71 KB |
application/x-javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H2 |
static.bimface.com/api/BimfaceSDKLoader/ |
17 KB 6 KB |
application/x-javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
zhiwucloud.com/assets/bim/js/ |
270 KB 79 KB |
application/javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
zhiwucloud.com/assets/bim/js/ |
3 MB 674 KB |
application/javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
zhiwucloud.com/build/ |
5 MB 1 MB |
application/javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
zhiwucloud.com/build/ |
2 MB 476 KB |
application/javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H2 |
kcart.alipay.com/web/ |
43 B 508 B |
image/gif |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
zhiwucloud.com/assets/ui/default/ |
826 KB 826 KB |
image/png |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
zhiwucloud.com/assets/ui/default/ |
35 KB 36 KB |
image/png |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
zhiwucloud.com/assets/fonticon/ |
46 KB 46 KB |
font/woff |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
zhiwucloud.com/assets/ui/default/ |
2 KB 3 KB |
image/png |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
zhiwucloud.com/assets/images/ |
1 KB 1 KB |
image/vnd.microsoft.icon |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H2 |
kcart.alipay.com/web/ |
43 B 367 B |
image/gif |
Request headers
Response headers
Verdicts & Comments Add Verdict or Comment
511 JavaScript Global Variables
These are the non-standard "global" variables defined on the window object. These can be helpful in identifying possible client-side frameworks and code.
object| G6 function| BimfaceSDKLoaderConfig object| BimfaceEnvOption object| BimfaceLanguageOption object| BimfaceConfigrationOption object| BimfaceViewTypeOption function| postProcessing function| loadResource object| hostConfig object| Glodon object| BimfaceSDKLoader function| $ function| jQuery function| renderParticleSystem function| removeParticleSystem function| cleanAllParticleSystem function| addParticleSystem object| particleSystems function| leaveTrail function| setupTrail function| triggerPoof function| setupPoof function| setupCube function| setupBall function| setupAnim function| setupSnow function| setupRain function| setupText function| setupRipples function| setupWhiteEnergy function| setupSmoke function| setupNaturalGasFlame function| setupFlame function| updateConfig function| updateParticleSystem function| defined number| MAX_POOFS object| g_poofs function| renderImmersionRoaming function| onImmersionRoamingEnd function| onImmersionRoamingStart function| SetCameraPort function| ImmersionRoamingEnd function| ImmersionRoamingStart function| setIRHorizontal function| setIRFootAltitude function| setIRUpSpeed function| setIRSpeed function| setIrCameraRotation function| getIrCameraRotation function| getIrBirthplace function| getModelZMin function| setIrBirthplace function| getIRCamera function| ImmersionRoamingInit object| GLE_IR_CameraRotation object| GLE_IR_horOnObject boolean| isFirst object| GLE_ir_clock object| offsetPoint object| GLE_v3_rotation1 object| GLE_v3_rotation object| GLE_v3_direction object| GLE_v3_velocity object| GLE_downRr object| GLE_horizontalRr number| GLE_horizontal number| GLE_footAltitude number| GLE_iUpSpeed number| GLE_iSpeed boolean| GLE_bSpaceUp function| gotoTop function| SetCubeActorColor function| ReSetCubeActorColor function| render2 function| animate2 function| onCubeMouseMove function| onCubeClick function| onCubeClick0 function| LoadCube function| ViewCubeInit function| SetCubeWindow number| GLE_bCubeControls function| render3 function| animate3 function| mapUpdate1 function| mapUpdate0 function| MapViewInit function| uncMe function| encMe function| HexTostring function| stringToHex function| des_createKeys function| des function| assign object| TN object| Canvas2Image function| Stats function| LoadModelOffset function| LoadModelLayer object| GLE_TagIndexDistance function| ZoomToPos function| GetPosMaxZById function| GetPosMaxZByIdold function| LoadId3prefabricate function| insertStr function| LoadId2prefabricate function| SetActorPositionXYZ function| SetStructurePosition function| SetActorPositionXYZPre function| SetStructurePositionPre function| SetComponentAngle function| SetglbPosition function| ReplaceglbPosition function| RenderId3prefabricate function| StructureArray function| CopyStructure function| PredefinedArray object| GLE_ModelArrayPre object| GLE_ModelPre object| GLE_TagArrayPre function| Rotdeviation function| ZoomTo function| SetTransparentMeshColor1 function| SetTransparentMeshColor2 function| SetTransparentMeshColor function| addAlphaMeshold2 function| addAlphaMeshold function| newGuidAttributesMesh function| addAlphaMesh object| GLE_TransparentArray function| clearAllTransparent function| SetTransparent2 function| SetTransparent1 function| SetTransparent function| GetCenterPosById2ByMesh object| GLE_StopGuidMoveGroup object| GLE_GuidMoveGroup function| clearAllGuidMove function| clearGuidMove function| stopAllGuidMove function| stopGuidMove function| GuidMoveResume function| GuidMovePause function| ExistMoveGuid function| TnGuidMove function| OpenorClosePerspective function| TnGuidMovePerspective function| FragmentShader function| VertexShader function| GuidMoveAnimation function| ResetActorNew function| PointAxisNetDelete function| PointAxisNetSetVisible function| PointAxisNetSpritewords function| PointAxisNetdrawLine function| PointAxisNetResultJosn function| PointAxisNetLoadJosn function| ClearPointAxisNetJsonArr object| PointAxisNetParentArr object| GLE_LabelMeasure function| AddAnchorSprite function| Addlabel2dwords function| FloorSegmentation function| loadfloor function| clearLineSegmentColoring function| IrregularSegmentLineColoring function| ClearLabel2d function| RemoveLabel2d function| AddLabel2dByHtml function| AddLabel2dold function| colorRgb function| AddLabel2d object| GLE_labelArray function| GetInstanceObjectById2 function| GetInstanceObjectById1 function| GetInstanceObjectById function| LoadInstances function| GLE_ZTVr3 function| GLE_ZFVr function| GLE_SCn number| GLE_Zoom function| GLE_dZm function| RotationArrow function| GLE_CSR function| Calculationmodelsize1 function| Calculationmodelsize object| GLE_pickingData function| ChangeZoomDistance function| getcheckguid function| Create2DWindow function| GLE_siy function| OrthogonalScreenshot function| CameraRecovery function| ChangeCameras function| loadEdit function| ccod function| SetValueccod function| SetScaleccod function| SetRotationccod function| SetPositionccod function| SetThickness function| SetClickMode function| FlyAnimation function| FlyStop function| FlyResume function| FlyPause function| ShowActors function| EnableUpDown function| DisableUpDown function| SetPanSpeed function| SetRotateLimit function| SetRotateSpeed function| SetZoomSpeed function| GetPosById function| GetCenterPosById function| GetRevitPosByPos function| GetPosByRevitPos function| GetAreaById function| GetVolumeById function| LatLonToVec function| SetCamera function| onCameraViewPoint function| GetCamera function| ResetAllActor function| ResetActor function| PlateClip function| MyClip function| ResetClip function| SetModelVisible function| SetModelColor function| SetModelAlpha function| SetModelScale function| SetModelRotation function| SetModelPosition function| SetTypeColor function| GetTypeById function| ResetLight function| SetLight function| GetImage function| SaveImage function| ReSetBackGroundColor function| SetBackGroundColor function| ShowAllAnchor function| ShowAnchor function| ClearAnchor function| RemoveAnchor function| AddAnchor1 function| SetAnchorSize function| UpdateAnchor function| AddAnchornew function| AddAnchorold function| AddAnchor function| SetViewPort function| GetViewImage function| SetAutoCorrection function| SetSelectState function| M_GetAngle function| M_GetArea function| M_distance function| M_JudgePlane function| M_subtract function| M_cross function| M_dot function| M_normalize function| PopOut function| MinModel function| GetBBox function| GetIdBox function| ResetPopOut function| SetActorVisible2 function| SetActorVisible1 function| SetActorVisible function| SetActorPosition function| SetActorPos function| GetActorPosXYZ function| SetActorAlpha function| SetActorColor2 function| SetActorColor1 function| SetActorColor function| HighLightActor function| ClearHighLightActors function| SetPrimitiveColor function| SetAllPrimitiveColor function| ShowSpace function| VerifyEngine function| UpdateOrder string| jsPathstr function| SetBackgroundImage function| ClearScene function| RemoveModel function| SetModelNomal function| SetModelWireFrame function| ShowBox function| OnMeasureResult function| OnClickBlank function| OnClickPosition function| OnSelectionChanged function| OnLoadModelEnd function| OnLoadModelProcess function| OnLoadSceneEnd function| OnAnchorClick function| ZoomFit function| MyZoom function| GetIdImage function| SetModelViewPoint function| ZoomFitAll function| ReSetPivot function| SetPivot function| LoadTest function| LoadId2 function| LoadId5 function| LoadId4 function| LoadId3 function| SetBright function| disposeArray1 function| IsExistsFile function| disposeArray function| AddModel object| GLE_instanceModeltagArray function| LoadGLB function| SceneAnimationPlay function| LoadObj function| onSvgClick object| GLE_SvgColorArray function| LoadSvg function| LoadSingleObj function| CalcCamera function| CalculateVolume function| transformMat4 function| onClick function| onClick1 function| onClick2 function| ClearMeasure function| DrawWords0 function| DrawWords function| DrawTrigs function| DrawMesh function| DrawLines function| DrawLineSegments1 function| DrawDashLineSegments function| DrawLineSegments function| DrawPoints function| onPointResult function| OnClickRoutePosition function| ik7 function| ik6 function| ik5 function| ik4 function| ik3 function| ik2 function| RectCheck function| ik1 function| GetMeshById function| GetIdByMouse function| GetTempObjectById function| ik0 function| mapProcess function| render function| DeleteModel function| LodProcess1 function| G_compare function| LodProcess function| animate function| GetCameraDistance function| SetRenderMode function| SetUnit function| SetPrimitiveView function| onWindowResize function| RemoveBackGroundImg function| SetBackGroundImg function| StartRectCheck function| CloseRectCheck function| ReadyForRect function| ShowScene function| ShowAxis function| EngineInit function| CalcFinishBox function| SetMouseMode function| GetVersion function| SetKeyBoardEnable function| ShowMeasureWord function| SetHideProcess function| setNearCconstant number| GLE_nearCconstant object| GLE_AniManager number| GLE_ZoomDistance number| GLE_rotatez number| GLE_windowHeight number| GLE_windowWidth number| GLE_mindivHeight number| GLE_mindivWidth function| G_71 boolean| GLE_bMeasureWord boolean| GLE_bKeyBoard object| vector number| textureSize object| GLE_anchorArray number| GLE_zd boolean| GLE_bVerify object| GLE_RightArray object| GLE_RightArrays boolean| GLE_bNeedCamera boolean| GLE_bLogo number| GLE_PrimitiveViewDistance number| GLE_PrimitiveViewAngle number| GLE_AngleLimit number| GLE_PanSpeed number| GLE_Unit number| G_58 number| G_56 number| G_52 object| G_51 object| G_50 object| G_47 object| G_46 object| G_45 object| G_44 number| GLE_BACK_ALPHA number| G_29 boolean| GLE_AutoCorrection boolean| G_28 boolean| G_26 boolean| G_23 boolean| G_55 boolean| G_17 object| G_12 object| G_11 object| GLE_instanceBoxArray object| GLE_instanceIdArray object| GLE_instanceArray object| G_10 object| G_54 object| G_92 object| G_9 object| GLE_textureArray object| G_8 boolean| G_7 string| GLE_Version string| GLE_VersionType object| _gsScope object| GLE object| _gsQueue object| GreenSockGlobals object| com function| _gsDefine function| Ease function| Power4 function| Strong function| Quint function| Power3 function| Quart function| Power2 function| Cubic function| Power1 function| Quad function| Power0 function| Linear function| TnLite function| TnPlugin function| TnMax function| TimelineLite function| TimelineMax function| BezierPlugin function| CSSPlugin function| BackOut function| BackIn function| BackInOut object| Back function| SlowMo function| SteppedEase function| RoughEase function| BounceOut function| BounceIn function| BounceInOut object| Bounce function| CircOut function| CircIn function| CircInOut object| Circ function| ElasticOut function| ElasticIn function| ElasticInOut object| Elastic function| ExpoOut function| ExpoIn function| ExpoInOut object| Expo function| SineOut function| SineIn function| SineInOut object| Sine object| EaseLookup function| ES6Promise function| JSZip object| JSZipUtils object| GLE_ParticleSystem function| webpackJsonp object| __core-js_shared__ object| core object| global object| System function| asap function| Observable function| setImmediate function| clearImmediate object| regeneratorRuntime boolean| _babelPolyfill object| G2 function| _ function| Cropper0 Cookies
Cookies are little pieces of information stored in the browser of a user. Whenever a user visits the site again, he will also send his cookie values, thus allowing the website to re-identify him even if he changed locations. This is how permanent logins work.
1 Console Messages
A page may trigger messages to the console to be logged. These are often error messages about being unable to load a resource or execute a piece of JavaScript. Sometimes they also provide insight into the technology behind a website.
Source | Level | URL Text |
This is a term in the security industry to describe indicators such as IPs, Domains, Hashes, etc. This does not imply that any of these indicate malicious activity.