www.gorebay.ca Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://www.gorebay.ca/
Effective URL: https://www.gorebay.ca/en/
Submission: On July 08 via automatic, source certstream-suspicious — Scanned from CA

Form analysis 3 forms found in the DOM

POST /HandledPages

<form id="mailing-list-sign-up" method="post" action="/HandledPages" novalidate="novalidate">
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      name="MailingListEmail" value="">
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GET /en/search

<form method="get" action="/en/search" novalidate="novalidate">
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        <span class="font-weight-bold">Suggested: </span>
        <a class="text-theme-secondary-dark" href="/en/government/council-meetings"> Meetings &amp; Agendas,</a>
        <a class="text-theme-secondary-dark" href="/en/community/municipal-events">Municipal Events,</a>
        <a class="text-theme-secondary-dark" href="/en/community/community-news">Community Events</a>
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      <div class="text-theme-primary fw-bold text-xlarge mb-3">Get In Touch</div>
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            <path fill="currentColor"
              d="M511.2 387l-23.25 100.8c-3.266 14.25-15.79 24.22-30.46 24.22C205.2 512 0 306.8 0 54.5c0-14.66 9.969-27.2 24.22-30.45l100.8-23.25C139.7-2.602 154.7 5.018 160.8 18.92l46.52 108.5c5.438 12.78 1.77 27.67-8.98 36.45L144.5 207.1c33.98 69.22 90.26 125.5 159.5 159.5l44.08-53.8c8.688-10.78 23.69-14.51 36.47-8.975l108.5 46.51C506.1 357.2 514.6 372.4 511.2 387z">
          </svg><!-- <i class="fas fa-phone text-theme-secondary-dark" style="font-size:1.25em"></i> Font Awesome fontawesome.com -->&nbsp; 705-282-2420</div>
      <div class="text-theme-primary mb-3">
        <div class="pr-4">
          <a class="text-decoration-none" href="mailto:admin@gorebay.ca"><svg class="svg-inline--fa fa-at text-theme-secondary-dark" style="font-size: 1.25em;" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" data-prefix="fas" data-icon="at" role="img" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 512 512" data-fa-i2svg=""><path fill="currentColor" d="M207.8 20.73c-93.45 18.32-168.7 93.66-187 187.1c-27.64 140.9 68.65 266.2 199.1 285.1c19.01 2.888 36.17-12.26 36.17-31.49l.0001-.6631c0-15.74-11.44-28.88-26.84-31.24c-84.35-12.98-149.2-86.13-149.2-174.2c0-102.9 88.61-185.5 193.4-175.4c91.54 8.869 158.6 91.25 158.6 183.2l0 16.16c0 22.09-17.94 40.05-40 40.05s-40.01-17.96-40.01-40.05v-120.1c0-8.847-7.161-16.02-16.01-16.02l-31.98 .0036c-7.299 0-13.2 4.992-15.12 11.68c-24.85-12.15-54.24-16.38-86.06-5.106c-38.75 13.73-68.12 48.91-73.72 89.64c-9.483 69.01 43.81 128 110.9 128c26.44 0 50.43-9.544 69.59-24.88c24 31.3 65.23 48.69 109.4 37.49C465.2 369.3 496 324.1 495.1 277.2V256.3C495.1 107.1 361.2-9.332 207.8 20.73zM239.1 304.3c-26.47 0-48-21.56-48-48.05s21.53-48.05 48-48.05s48 21.56 48 48.05S266.5 304.3 239.1 304.3z"></path></svg><!-- <i class="fa-solid fa-at text-theme-secondary-dark" style="font-size:1.25em"></i> Font Awesome fontawesome.com --> &nbsp; admin@gorebay.ca</a>
      <div class="text-theme-primary mb-3">
        <div class="pr-4">
          <a href="/en/contact-us"> <svg class="svg-inline--fa fa-arrow-up-right-from-square text-theme-secondary-dark" style="font-size: 1.25em;" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" data-prefix="fas" data-icon="arrow-up-right-from-square" role="img" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 448 512" data-fa-i2svg=""><path fill="currentColor" d="M256 64C256 46.33 270.3 32 288 32H415.1C415.1 32 415.1 32 415.1 32C420.3 32 424.5 32.86 428.2 34.43C431.1 35.98 435.5 38.27 438.6 41.3C438.6 41.35 438.6 41.4 438.7 41.44C444.9 47.66 447.1 55.78 448 63.9C448 63.94 448 63.97 448 64V192C448 209.7 433.7 224 416 224C398.3 224 384 209.7 384 192V141.3L214.6 310.6C202.1 323.1 181.9 323.1 169.4 310.6C156.9 298.1 156.9 277.9 169.4 265.4L338.7 96H288C270.3 96 256 81.67 256 64V64zM0 128C0 92.65 28.65 64 64 64H160C177.7 64 192 78.33 192 96C192 113.7 177.7 128 160 128H64V416H352V320C352 302.3 366.3 288 384 288C401.7 288 416 302.3 416 320V416C416 451.3 387.3 480 352 480H64C28.65 480 0 451.3 0 416V128z"></path></svg><!-- <i class="fa fa-external-link text-theme-secondary-dark" style="font-size:1.25em"></i> Font Awesome fontawesome.com --> &nbsp; Contact page </a>

Text Content

 *   705-282-2420
 *   admin@gorebay.ca


 *   Fire Rating
 *   Community Alerts
 * Contact

 * Government
   * By-Laws
   * Council Meetings
   * 2022 Elections
   * Mayor & Council
   * Committees
 * Community
   * Airport
   * About Gore Bay
   * Business Directory
   * Churches
   * Community News
   * Municipal Events
   * Culture & Recreation
   * Education
   * Gore Bay Marina
   * Gore Bay & Area Seniors Centre
   * Harbour Centre
   * Health Care
   * Library
   * Long Term Care
   * Museums
   * Places to Stay & Eat
   * Shopping
   * Theatre
   * The Gore Bay Fish and Game Club
 * Municipal Services & Provincial Offences
   * Administration & Corporate Services
   * Emergency Services
   * Facility Rentals
   * Provincial Offences
   * Service Requests or Complaints
   * Waste & Recycling
   * Pay a Fine
   * Employment, Tenders & RFPs

 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 *   Search
 *   705-282-2420
 *   admin@gorebay.ca
   Fire Rating
 *   Community Alerts
 * Contact

Welcome to


Serving Western Manitoulin Since 1890

Tap card to navigate to Airport
Gore Bay Marina
Tap card to navigate to Gore Bay Marina
Meetings & Agendas
Tap card to navigate to Meetings & Agendas
Community News
Tap card to navigate to Community News
Pay a Fine
Tap card to navigate to Pay a Fine

Gore Bay

Gore Bay is a town of 900 people on the north shore of Manitoulin Island,
Ontario, Canada. Founded in 1890, Gore Bay is a clean, friendly, safe place with
shops, a school, all kinds of services and everything anyone would need for a
good life in a small place. For a quick and comprehensive introduction to Gore
Bay, we recommend watching our welcoming video titled "Welcome to Gore BayThis
link opens in a new window". Better yet, come for a visit sometime and
experience the people and place that is western Manitoulin's largest and most
complete community.

Map of Gore Bay Community Profile

Community News
Downtown Reimagined Project Well Received
Posted July 02 , 2024

The Downtown Reimagined Project went through public presentations and the
feedback was very positive.

Downtown Reimagined Project Well Received


Municipal Office Closure
Posted July 08 , 2024
Tap this card to view the details of Municipal Office Closure
Traffic Control Update
Posted July 04 , 2024
Tap this card to view the details of Traffic Control Update


View All Community News
Municipal Events


Canada Day Celebrations




Breeze Around the Bay Fun Run



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Gore Bay is a town of 900 people on the north shore of Manitoulin Island,
Ontario, Canada. Founded in 1890, Gore Bay is a clean, friendly, safe place with
shops, a school, all kinds of services and everything anyone would need for a
good life in a small place. The fastest way to learn more about Gore Bay is to
watch our welcome video below. Better yet, come for a visit sometime and
experience the people and place that is western Manitoulin's largest and most
complete community.

GORE BAYThis link opens in a new window


 * Staff Directory
 * Service Requests or ComplaintsThis link opens in a new window
 * Community News
 * Contact
 * Disclaimer




 * This link opens in a new window

Town of Gore Bay 2023-2024
Site designed and maintained by vsmarketing.caThis link opens in a new window



Tuesday July 9th from 12pm-1pm the office will be closed
Read More


Contractors will be adjusting the traffic control Friday July 5th.
Read More


Registration is now open for our 5K & 1K Fun Run scheduled for July 28th
Read More


Suggested: Meetings & Agendas, Municipal Events, Community Events

Get In Touch
  Contact page
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Service Request or ComplaintThis link opens in a new window Dog Tag
ApplicationThis link opens in a new window Fire Permit ApplicationThis link
opens in a new window Fitness Centre ApplicationThis link opens in a new window
Find out…
Where to stay and eat Waste and Recycling ServicesThis link opens in a new
window About Employment, RFPs, or Tenders About Swimming LessonsThis link opens
in a new window
Municipal Events