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Posted By: Bill Goodwin via ComputerWeekly May 24, 2022

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Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was implemented on May 25,
2018 to protect citizens from Big Tech, but Europol can do whatever it wants to
vacuum up data from all sources, build AI programs to analyze it and then drive
the results into a massive pre-crime system to catch evil-doers before they
commit crimes.

“Predictive policing” is reminiscent of Steven Spielberg’s 2002 movie, Minority
Report. For all the high-tech emphasis, it was three psychics who predicted the
crimes. Today, AI is playing the role of those psychics, called Precognitives
(“precogs”). ⁃ TN Editor

The European Parliament has voted to give Europol wide powers to collect and
process data on individuals, including people not suspected of any crime, in a
move that significantly widens the power of the European police agency.

MEPs voted on 4 May to widen the mandate of Europol to collect personal data
from tech companies, including telecoms and internet suppliers and social media
firms, and to collect and analyse data from countries outside the European Union

The proposals also give Europol the go-ahead to develop algorithms and
artificial intelligence (AI) systems capable of making automated decisions and
developing predictive policing models.

The Parliament’s draft regulation effectively overturns an order by the European
Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) in January 2020 that required Europol to
delete swathes of personal data it had collected and processed unlawfully.

MEPs voted by 480 in favour of a significant expansion of Europol’s role, with
142 against and 20 abstentions, in a move that will extend Europol’s use of big
data and artificial intelligence in criminal investigations.

The proposed regulation introduces measures to protect the privacy of
individuals, including the appointment of a fundamental rights officer at
Europol and independent oversight by the EDPS.


But the move has been criticised by civil society groups, and some MEPs, which
claim that it amounts to a “massive, unchecked expansion” of Europol’s powers
and could represent a first step on the road to creating a European version of
GCHQ or the US National Security Agency.

“Europol will be allowed to collect and share data left, right and centre,
without much restriction or control,” said Chloé Berthélémy, policy rights
advisor at European Digital Rights (EDRi), a network of civil and human rights
organisations in Europe.

The draft legislation is in part a response to growing requests for Europol to
analyse increasingly large and complex datasets to identify crimes in multiple
countries inside and outside of the European Union.

One example is an operation by the French and the Dutch police in 2020 to hack
into the encrypted phone network EncroChat, sweeping up text messages from tens
of thousands of phones along with details of users’ contacts, notes, videos and
voice messages, their pseudonyms, and unique phone identifiers.

The proposed new legislation will expand the range of data Europol can retain
and process beyond its existing mandate, which restricts the police agency to
processing data only on individuals who had a clear and established link to

The draft legislation will also allow Europol to share data – which could
include IP addresses, URLs and the content of communications – with companies,
including financial institutions and online platforms.

European member states provide Europol with datasets, which are understood to
include passenger flight records, mobile phone locations and datasets of open
source data which might include social media posts scraped from the internet.

Europol will also be able to receive data from internet service and technology
companies, such as Google and Facebook, including subscriber, traffic and
content data that may be relevant to criminal investigations.

It will take on an additional role to assess the strategic risks posed by
foreign investors in emerging technologies in Europe, particularly those used by
law enforcement and critical technology that could be used for terrorism.


The draft law also gives Europol a mandate to research innovative technologies
including AI technology and algorithmic decision-making, which, for example,
could be used to predict which individuals are likely to be involved in criminal

Europol will also be able to legally train algorithms on datasets containing the
personal information of individuals who are not suspected of any crime, in a
move described by lawmakers as necessary to remove bias from algorithms trained
purely on criminal data.

Critics point out that the MEPs’ endorsement of Europol’s use of automatic
decision-making is at odds with the European Parliament’s endorsement of a
ban on the use of algorithms for predictive policing.

Read full story here…


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Patrick Wood is a leading and critical expert on Sustainable Development, Green
Economy, Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda and historic Technocracy. He is the author of
Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation (2015) and
co-author of Trilaterals Over Washington, Volumes I and II (1978-1980) with the
late Antony C. Sutton.


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EU Rules On Data Collection Don’t Apply To Police State – David Icke

May 24, 2022 11:57 pm

[…] Read More: EU Rules On Data Collection Don’t Apply To Police State […]



EU Rules On Data Collection Don’t Apply To Police State - All View News

May 25, 2022 12:06 am

[…] Read More: EU Rules On Data Collection Don’t Apply To Police State […]








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