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Submitted URL: http://slickdapper.com/
Effective URL: https://www.slickdapper.com/
Submission: On June 08 via manual from IN — Scanned from US
Effective URL: https://www.slickdapper.com/
Submission: On June 08 via manual from IN — Scanned from US
Form analysis
7 forms found in the DOM<form>
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Text Content
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UP TO 25% OFF FREE SHIPPING ON ORDER OVER $60 EXTRA 10%OFF CODE: NEW10 BUY MORE SAVE MORE. UP TO 25% OFF BUY MORE SAVE MORE. UP TO 25% OFF FREE SHIPPING ON ORDER OVER $60 EXTRA 10%OFF CODE: NEW10 SLICKDAPPER SLICKDAPPER * Log in * Create an account ${data.data && data.data.count} * Best Seller * New Arrivals * Cowboy Hat * Fedora Hat * Straw Hat * Newsboy&Classic Caps * Shop All Hats * More links ${(function(){ const formatLinks = (links) => { return links.map(link => { link.tag = tags[link.title.toUpperCase()] || {}; link.target_attr = link.target == '_blank' ? 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'target="_blank"' : ''; link.href_attr = link.url ? `href="${link.url}"` : ''; if(link.children && link.children.length){ link.children = formatLinks(link.children); } return link; }) }; const tags = "{}"; let linkList = [ { id: 61931577, title: "Best Seller", url: "\/collections\/best-seller", target: "", levels: 0, product0: null || {}, children: [ ] }, { id: 61931579, title: "New Arrivals", url: "\/collections\/new-arrivals", target: "", levels: 0, product0: null || {}, children: [ ] }, { id: 61931581, title: "Cowboy Hat", url: "\/collections\/cowboy-hat", target: "", levels: 0, product0: null || {}, children: [ ] }, { id: 61931583, title: "Fedora Hat", url: "\/collections\/fedora-hat", target: "", levels: 0, product0: null || {}, children: [ ] }, { id: 61931585, title: "Straw Hat", url: "\/collections\/straw-hat", target: "", levels: 0, product0: null || {}, children: [ ] }, { id: 61931587, title: "Newsboy&Classic Caps", url: "\/collections\/newsboy-classic-caps", target: "", levels: 0, product0: null || {}, children: [ ] }, { id: 61931589, title: "Shop All Hats", url: "\/collections\/all-products", target: "", levels: 0, product0: null || {}, children: [ ] }, ].slice(offset); linkList = formatLinks(linkList); const hasChild = linkList.some(link => !!(link.children && link.children.length || link.product0.id)); return ` * ${link.title} ${link.tag.label} * ${second_link.title} ${second_link.tag.label} ${third_links.title} ${third_links.tag.label} * ${link.title} ${link.tag.label} ` })()} SLICKDAPPER SLICKDAPPER * Log in * Create an account ${data.data && data.data.count} * Best Seller * New Arrivals * Cowboy Hat * Fedora Hat * Straw Hat * Newsboy&Classic Caps * Shop All Hats Log in (function(){ let w = window.innerWidth; function setHeaderCssVar() { const headerEle = document.getElementById('shoplaza-section-header'); if(!headerEle){ return }; document.body.style.setProperty('--window-height', `${window.innerHeight}px`); document.body.style.setProperty('--header-height', `${headerEle.clientHeight}px`); const mdScorllHideEle = headerEle.querySelector('.header__mobile .header__scroll_hide'); if (mdScorllHideEle) { document.body.style.setProperty('--header-scroll-hide-height-md', `${mdScorllHideEle.clientHeight}px`); } const pcScorllHideEle = headerEle.querySelector('.header__desktop .header__scroll_hide'); if (pcScorllHideEle) { document.body.style.setProperty('--header-scroll-hide-height-pc', `${pcScorllHideEle.clientHeight}px`); } } function handlResize() { if(w == window.innerWidth){return}; w = window.innerWidth; setHeaderCssVar(); }; function init(){ setHeaderCssVar(); window.removeEventListener('resize', window._theme_header_listener) window._theme_header_listener = handlResize; window.addEventListener('resize', window._theme_header_listener); } init(); })(); SHOP NOW ${function() { return ` ` }()} SHOP BY CATEGORIES COWBOY STRAW FEDORA NEWSBOY CLASSIC ${function(){ const rules = data.data.rules; return ` ` }()} You May Like * Open Road Royal Deluxe Hat Quick Shop * Leeds Striped Wool Newsboy Cap Quick Shop * The Boss 100X Cowboy Hat-Black-3.5" Brim, 4" Crown Quick Shop * Giovani Untouchable Crushable Wool Fedora Quick Shop * Slickdapper Teardrop Shaped Crown Tonal Grosgrain Band Felt Fedora Hat Quick Shop * Wide Brim Fedora Hats for Men Women 100% Wool Felt Panama Rancher Hat with Lightning Logo Distressed/Burned Handmade Quick Shop * Wool Newsboy Caps Men Herringbone Flat Caps Gatsby Cap Woolen Golf Driving Hats Vintage Inspired Hat Winter Peaky Blinders Quick Shop * Homburg Beaver Hat Quick Shop * Open Road Vented Straw Cowboy Hat Quick Shop * Indiana Jones Fedora Quick Shop * The Rodeo King Cowboy Hat Quick Shop * The Boss 100X Cowboy Hat-Natural-3.5" Brim, 4" Crown Quick Shop * Madison Two-Tone Straw Fedora Quick Shop * Denim Fedora Hat, Fedora hat, Wide Brim Hat, Flat Brim, Stiff Brim, Fedora for men, Fedora for women, Premium Quality, Customized Fedora Quick Shop * 1000X Evilla de Oro Straw Hat Quick Shop * Georgio Two-Tone Straw Fedora Quick Shop * Classic Newsboy Velvet Quick Shop * Atlanta Falcons NFL Team Stripe Cowboy Hat Quick Shop * Men Legendary Collection 6x Longmont Felt Hat SFLGMT-8840 Silver Grey - D Quick Shop * Miller Ranch Fedora -- Patriotic Straw Quick Shop * Stratoliner Fedora Quick Shop * "Harvester Of Sorrow" Handmade Skull Hat Quick Shop * Whippet Wool Fedora Quick Shop * Orleans Distressed Wide Brim Wool Felt Fedora Hat Quick Shop * Monterey 6X Cowboy Hat Quick Shop * HatsMaker Bikary Fedora – Gray Quick Shop * Dobbs Prescott Wool and Fur Felt Fedora Quick Shop * Francesco Natural Straw Fedora Hat Quick Shop * Ferguson Fedora - Ivory Quick Shop * Funky Aged Top Hat Quick Shop * John Wayne “The Cowboys” Hat Replica Quick Shop * Spartan 6X Cowboy Hat Quick Shop * Tempered Teal Quick Shop * Vintage fedora hat Quick Shop * Edward Cowboy Hat Quick Shop * Brenham 4X Cowboy Hat Quick Shop * Bailey Western Lightning 4X Cowboy Hat Quick Shop * Marbella Striped Newsboy Cap Quick Shop * Cassius - Straw Cowboy Hat Quick Shop * Open Road Vented Straw Cowboy Hat Quick Shop * Bernard Fedora Quick Shop * Black Gold Swords Self Conforming Hat Quick Shop * Edwardian Top Hat Quick Shop * Caeser 2-Tone Wool Felt Fedora Hat Quick Shop * Lucky Strike -Wool Felt Fedora Hat Quick Shop * Bespoke Handmade Fedora - Special hat band-Coffee-Camel Quick Shop * Tweed Four Panel Newsboy Cap Quick Shop * Rosebud - Dobbs Straw Fedora Hat - DSRBUD Quick Shop * Painter News boy 8 Panels Cap-panno Quick Shop * Ferrecci Crushable Wool Fedora Hat Perfect Travel Companion Quick Shop * Rodeo King 7X Slate/Slate BE 4 /2in Brim Open Crown Felt Cowboy Hat Quick Shop * SAINT AVILA Quick Shop * Wool Newsboy Cap Classic Button Top Baker Boy Hat Quick Shop * Limited - The Fox Fedora - Two Tone Quick Shop * Bespoke Handmade Fedora - Special hat band-Pink-Colorful Quick Shop * Tropic 504 Ventair - Kangol Flat Cap Quick Shop * Lobo 10X Straw Cowboy Hat Quick Shop * Slickdapper Wooden Beads Bow Strap Two-Tone Tan Grey Straw Fedora Hat Quick Shop * Beth Dutton Exclusive Western Cowboy Hat Quick Shop * The Southern Rocker Hat Quick Shop * Lion Fedora Quick Shop * Bailey 22787BH Giger Panama Fedora Brown Plaid Quick Shop * Resistol Arena Dunn 40X Quick Shop * Lonesome Dove Hat Replica Quick Shop * Lemont Genuine Leather Trilby Hat Quick Shop * Tom Horn Hat Replica Quick Shop * Lightning Fedora Quick Shop * Leeds Thick Plain Newsboy Cap Quick Shop * High Quality Stiff Brim Fedora Quick Shop * Bespoke Handmade Fedora - Special custom Quick Shop * Billy Jack Cowboy Hat Quick Shop * Seneca 4X Cowboy Hat Quick Shop * Clearance-Miller Ranch Straw Trilby Fedora Quick Shop * Shelby Herringbone Newsboy Cap Quick Shop * Ranchers Fedora Straw Hat -Mamba Quick Shop * Dune 5X Gun Club Hat Quick Shop * Red Star Riggings Beaded Band Concho Laced Palm Leaf Straw Hat RSR102 Quick Shop * Classic Trilby-SF781 Quick Shop * SWMOAB-8132MU THE MOAB Crushable Wool Felt Hat Mushroom Quick Shop * Rodeo King Jute 4 1/2" Brim Quick Shop * Ranch Western Wear Vintage Cowboy Hat Quick Shop * Zane Crushable 2-Tone Fedora Hat Quick Shop * Straw Safari- Cod Father Quick Shop * Top Hat-SF801 Quick Shop * Llano 10X Straw Cowboy Hat Quick Shop * Bruno Capelo Julian Pinch Front Straw Fedora Quick Shop * YellowStone 01 100X Cowboy Hat Quick Shop * Twisted Pinch Fedora Quick Shop * Legends of the Fall Hat Replica Quick Shop * "Kenmare" Newsboy Head Layer Newsboy Cap Quick Shop * Nature Calls Beige Fedora Quick Shop * Geoffery Straw Fedora Hat – Toffee Quick Shop * Bailey of Hollywood Hanson Litestraw® Fedora Quick Shop * Alexander Fedora-Green Quick Shop * Wembley Genuine Leather Newsboy Cap Quick Shop * Broner Made in USA 8/4 Apple Jack Cap 100% Wool Newsboy Quick Shop * Tom Horn Cowboy Hat Quick Shop * Can be rolls up for packing-Loreto Ecuador Straw Panama Hat - Paja Toquilla Quick Shop * Oceanus Fedora Quick Shop * Esquire Wide Brim Wool Fedora by Dobbs Quick Shop ${function(){ const isCart = data.data.isCart; const isCollection = data.data.isCollection; const isProduct = data.data.isProduct; const isIndex = data.data.isIndex; return ` ${isCart ? 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"checked": ""; return ` ${value} ` }).join("") } ` })()} * BEST SELLER Upgrade your look with our most popular styles. Shop now NEW ARRIVAL METAL LOGO DECORATION RIBBON ELEGANT MEN AND WOMEN FEDORA HAT $56.00 $120.00 +3 SMALL BRIM THE DERBY JAZZ DISCO BLACK FEDORA HAT $56.00 $120.00 COTTON BAND WIDE BRIM MEN FELTED JAZZ CAP FEDORA HAT $56.00 $120.00 +16 WARPED BRIM BRITISH CAP WOO FEDORAS JAZZ HAT $56.00 $120.00 MEN ROLL BRIM PORK PIE BLACK WOOL FEDORAS HATS CHURCH PANAMA GANGSTERS CAPS $56.00 $120.00 MEN WIDE BRIM SUNHATS TRILBY JAZZ OUTDOOR TRAVEL FEDORA HAT $56.00 $120.00 +7 MEN SOMBRERO HOMBRE METAL PIECE DECORATION WESTERN COWBOY HAT $56.00 $120.00 MEN PATCH DECORATIVE WARPED BRIM WOOL FEDORAS PANAMA BLACK COFFEE BEIGE HAT $56.00 $120.00 METAL LOGO DECORATION RIBBON ELEGANT MEN AND WOMEN FEDORA HAT $56.00 $120.00 +3 SMALL BRIM THE DERBY JAZZ DISCO BLACK FEDORA HAT $56.00 $120.00 COTTON BAND WIDE BRIM MEN FELTED JAZZ CAP FEDORA HAT $56.00 $120.00 +16 WARPED BRIM BRITISH CAP WOO FEDORAS JAZZ HAT $56.00 $120.00 MEN ROLL BRIM PORK PIE BLACK WOOL FEDORAS HATS CHURCH PANAMA GANGSTERS CAPS $56.00 $120.00 MEN WIDE BRIM SUNHATS TRILBY JAZZ OUTDOOR TRAVEL FEDORA HAT $56.00 $120.00 +7 View more * WESTERN COWBOY STYLES Shop now * PEAKY BLINDER CAPS Shop now FAST FREE SHIPPING Free worldwide shipping on order over $60 QUICK RESPONSE Contact US: service@slickdapper.com HASSLE-FREE RETURN Easily return in 30 days if unsatisfied We accept * American Express * Mastercard * PayPal * Visa * Klarna * JCB We accept * American Express * Mastercard * PayPal * Visa * Klarna * JCB Get in touch service@slickdapper.com Get in touch service@slickdapper.com © 2024 slickdapper Contact Us Check Your Orders FAQS How To Determine Your Hat Size Shipping Info Refund Policy Payment & Pricing Terms & Conditions Intellectual Property Rights Privacy Policy About us View Cart ${function(){ const productData = data.product; let product_change_event = '', mouse_over_event = ' '; mouse_out_event = ''; const product_options = productData.options.filter(Boolean) || []; for (let opt of product_options) { product_change_event = product_change_event + `quick-shop-selected-variant-${opt.name}.rerender(data=event.selectedValues.${opt.name});`; mouse_out_event = mouse_out_event + `quick-shop-selected-variant-${opt.name}.rerender(data=event.selectData.${opt.name});`; mouse_over_event = mouse_over_event + `@${opt.name}Mouseover="quick-shop-selected-variant-${opt.name}.rerender(data=event);"`; } const selectedVariant = productData.variants.find(v => v.available) || productData.variants[0]; const statusLan = ((selectedVariant && !selectedVariant.available) || (!selectedVariant && !productData.available)) ? 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'checked' : ''; let thumbImage = null; if (isThumbImage) { const variants = currentProduct.variants; for (let i = 0, len = variants.length; i < len; i++) { const variant = variants[i]; if (variant[position] == value && thumbImage == null) { thumbImage = variant.image; break; } } } return ` ${value} ` }).join('')} ${optionName} ${option.values.map(value => { const selected = data.selectedValues[optionName] == value ? 'selected' : ''; return `${value}` }).join('')} ` }).join(''); }()} ${data.originData && data.originData.value || data.value} 111 GIFTS POINTS Item has been added ${(function(){ const products = data.products; const getDefaultVariant = function(product){ if (product.min_price_variant.available){ return product.min_price_variant; }else { const avail_variants = product.variants.filter(function(variant){ return variant.available; }); if (avail_variants.length) { return avail_variants[0]; } } }; const toQuery = obj => Object.keys(obj) .map(k => Array.isArray(obj[k]) ? obj[k].map(v => `${k}[]=${encodeURIComponent(v)}`).join('&') : `${k}=${encodeURIComponent(obj[k])}` ) .join('&'); const getDefaultTrackParams = function(product, index){ const variant = getDefaultVariant(product); const params = { aid: 'smart_recommend.2.' + data.id, scm: product.scm || data.scm || '', spm: data.spmBase + '.' + index, ssp: data.ssp || '', }; const trackParams = Object.keys(params).map(function(key){ return params[key]; }).join('__'); return trackParams; }; const hasMore = (data.products.length - data.target_top_product_num - data.page * data.limit) === 0; return ` ${(function(){ return ` ${data.config.pop_title} ${data.rebate_tips || ''} `; })()} ${product.title} Added `; })()} class SpzCustomComponent extends SPZ.BaseElement { constructor(element) { super(element); this.templates_ = null; this.container_ = null; this._atcLineItem = {}; this.cart_ = {}; this.top_product_ids_ = []; this.products_ = []; this.activityId_ = null; this.rendered_ = false; this.myInterceptor_ = null; this.i18n_ = {}; this.config_ = {}; this.page_ = 1; this.limit_ = 10; this.loading_ = false; } static deferredMount() { return false; } isLayoutSupported(layout) { return layout == SPZCore.Layout.CONTAINER; } buildCallback() { this.templates_ = SPZServices.templatesForDoc(this.element); this.setAction_(); } mountCallback() { console.log('pop mounted'); this.i18n_ = window.smartRecommendI18n && window.smartRecommendI18n[document.documentElement.lang || 'en-US'] || {}; 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data.target_top_product_num = that.target_top_product_num_; data.i18n = that.i18n_; data.spmBase = `smart_recommend_2`; api.render(data); }) }) } fetchActivityData(data) { const that = this; if (data.product_id) { that._atcLineItem = data; } that.loading_ = true; return that.getCart().then(cart => { that.cart_ = cart.cart; return fetch(window.SHOPLAZZA.routes.root + "/api/possum/recommend_activities", { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", "store-id": window.SHOPLAZZA.shop.shop_id, }, body: JSON.stringify({ "show_type": 2, "line_item": { "product_id": that._atcLineItem.product_id, "variant_id": that._atcLineItem.variant_id, }, line_items: cart.cart.line_items, "page": data.page || 1, "limit": data.limit || 10, }) }).then(function(res){ if(res.ok){ return res.json(); } }).then(function(data){ data.cart = cart.cart; if (data.page === 1) { that.target_top_product_num_ = data.target_top_product_num || 0; } that.products_ = that.products_.concat(data.products || []); 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"checked": ""; return ` ${value} ` }).join("") } ` })()} ${(function(){ const variant = data.variant; return ` `; })()} ${(function(){ const variant = data.variant; return ` ${ variant.options.map(function(option){ return option.value; }).join("/") || 'Not exist' } `; })()} ${(function(){ const variant = data.data && data.data.variant; const defaultText = data.defaultText || 'Add To Cart'; const text = (!variant || variant.available) ? defaultText: data.soldOutText; return ` ${text} `; })()} ${(function(){ let cart = data; if(data.data) { cart = data.data; } return ` ${cart.item_count >=0 ? cart.item_count : '..'} `; })()} ${(function(){ return ` ${data.i18n.checkout} `; })()}