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<p><span>A hydrating and nourishing treatment cream for face, hands and body. Made with our unique BiaComplex™ herbal formula, this cream helps treat dry, flaky or irritated skin and leaves it silky smooth. </span></p>
<p><span><strong>Fragrance:</strong> Delicately herbaceous with hints of Immortelle. </span><br> <span><strong>Skin types:</strong> All skin types.</span><br> <span>BiaComplex™: provides hydration, soothing and anti-irritant benefits.</span><br> <span><strong>Volume:</strong> 75 ml / 2.5 US fl. Oz. </span><br> <span><strong>Made in: Ireland</strong> </span><br> <span> <svg style="vertical-align: middle;" version="1.1" id="6-months-icon" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" width="22.677px" height="22.677px" viewbox="0 0 22.677 22.677" enable-background="new 0 0 22.677 22.677" xml:space="preserve"> <path fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M20.771,20.777c0,0-10.12,2.471-18.813,0V8.087
c0,0,9.978-2.448,18.813,0V20.777z"></path> <g> <ellipse transform="matrix(0.995 -0.0999 0.0999 0.995 -0.3858 1.1634)" fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-miterlimit="10" cx="11.427" cy="4.436" rx="9.749" ry="1.469"></ellipse> <path fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M1.538,3.532c-0.081-0.808,4.196-1.897,9.555-2.436
c5.357-0.537,9.766-0.319,9.848,0.488"></path> <line fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-miterlimit="10" x1="1.526" y1="3.417" x2="1.748" y2="5.625"></line> <line fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-miterlimit="10" x1="20.929" y1="1.47" x2="21.15" y2="3.678"></line> </g> <g> <path d="M11.463,18.988c-1.02,0-1.791-0.361-2.315-1.084c-0.524-0.722-0.794-1.633-0.809-2.733c-0.015-1.4,0.293-2.456,0.924-3.168
c0,0.77-0.27,1.402-0.809,1.897S12.255,18.988,11.463,18.988z M11.408,17.811c0.402,0,0.742-0.138,1.018-0.413
c-0.261,0.275-0.391,0.637-0.391,1.084c0,0.425,0.136,0.773,0.407,1.045C10.634,17.675,10.982,17.811,11.408,17.811z"></path> </g> <path fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M1.958,9.898c11.928-2.379,18.813,0,18.813,0"></path> </svg> <span style="vertical-align: middle;">Period after opening: 6 months.</span></span></p>
<p><strong>Key Ingredients:</strong></p>
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<div class="ingredient">
<div class="ingredient__popup">
<p class="ingredient__popup-title">Calendula:</p>
<p class="ingredient__popup-latin">Calendula officinalis</p>
<p class="ingredient__popup-description">brings moisturizing and soothing properties to dry or irritated skin; helps protect the skin.</p>
<div class="ingredient__left"><img class="ingredient__image" src="" alt="Calendula"></div>
<div class="ingredient__right">
<p class="ingredient__title">Calendula:</p>
<p class="ingredient__effect">Firms, Soothes</p>
<div class="ingredient">
<div class="ingredient__popup">
<p class="ingredient__popup-title">Comfrey:</p>
<p class="ingredient__popup-latin">Symphytum officinale</p>
<p class="ingredient__popup-description">has keratolytic properties that help shed the drier outer layers of the epidermis.</p>
<div class="ingredient__left"><img class="ingredient__image" src="" alt="Comfrey"></div>
<div class="ingredient__right">
<p class="ingredient__title">Comfrey:</p>
<p class="ingredient__effect">Keratolytic <br>Rejuvenates Skin</p>
<div class="ingredient">
<div class="ingredient__popup">
<p class="ingredient__popup-title">Heartsease:</p>
<p class="ingredient__popup-latin">Viola tricolor</p>
<p class="ingredient__popup-description">creates a protective film to retain moisture and keep the skin hydrated.</p>
<div class="ingredient__left"><img class="ingredient__image" src="" alt="Heart’s Ease"></div>
<div class="ingredient__right">
<p class="ingredient__title">Heartsease:</p>
<p class="ingredient__effect">Retains Moisture</p>
<div class="col-lg-6">
<div class="ingredient">
<div class="ingredient__popup">
<p class="ingredient__popup-title">Immortelle:</p>
<p class="ingredient__popup-latin">Helichrysum italicum</p>
<p class="ingredient__popup-description">keeps the skin hydrated by covering it with a moisture-retentive film.</p>
<div class="ingredient__left"><img class="ingredient__image" src="" alt="Immortelle"></div>
<div class="ingredient__right">
<p class="ingredient__title">Immortelle:</p>
<p class="ingredient__effect">Protective Film</p>
<div class="ingredient">
<div class="ingredient__popup">
<p class="ingredient__popup-title">Marsh Mallow:</p>
<p class="ingredient__popup-latin">Althaea officinalis</p>
<p class="ingredient__popup-description">provides a soothing, protective gel that moisturizes dry, rough skin.</p>
<div class="ingredient__left"><img class="ingredient__image" src="" alt="Marsh Mallow"></div>
<div class="ingredient__right">
<p class="ingredient__title">Marsh Mallow:</p>
<p class="ingredient__effect">Moisturizes, Protects</p>
<p><a href="" target="_blank" title="How to patch test skin care products" rel="noopener noreferrer">How to Patch Test</a></p>
<p>This product has been awarded the following certifications:</p>
<div style="display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; place-items: center; margin: 25px 0 0 0;">
<img src="" alt="EWG" style="margin: 0 18px 10px 10px; max-width: 55px;"> <img src="" alt="ECO-Certified" style="margin: 0 15px 10px 10px; max-width: 55px;"> <img src="" alt="CO2 assessed" style="margin: 0 18px 10px 10px; max-width: 73px;"> <img src="" alt="PEFC" style="margin: 1px 15px 10px 10px; max-width: 42px;"> <img src="" alt="Leaping Bunny" style="margin: 0 15px 10px 10px; max-width: 67px;"><img src="" alt="Vegan" style="margin: 0 0 10px 10px; max-width: 68px;">
<p>Click <a href="/blogs/chapters/safety">here</a> to read our Safety chapter on why certifications are important.</p>
<p>This product has won the following awards:</p>
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<h2 class="sd_title sh3 " style="height: 50px;"><a href="/collections/trending-skincare/products/skin-superfood" title="Bia Hydrating Skin Superfood">Bia Hydrating Skin Superfood</a></h2>
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<p><span>A light, dry oil that helps to hydrate, seal in moisture, firm, and smooth the skin. </span></p>
<p><span><strong>Fragrance:</strong> Delicately woody and herbaceous from Rosemary and Bog Myrtle. </span><br> <span><strong>Skin types:</strong> All skin types.</span><br> <span><strong>Volume:</strong> 30 ml / 1.0 US fl. Oz. </span><br> <span><strong>Made in: Ireland.</strong></span><br> <span> <svg style="vertical-align: middle;" version="1.1" id="6-months-icon" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" width="22.677px" height="22.677px" viewbox="0 0 22.677 22.677" enable-background="new 0 0 22.677 22.677" xml:space="preserve"> <path fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M20.771,20.777c0,0-10.12,2.471-18.813,0V8.087
c0,0,9.978-2.448,18.813,0V20.777z"></path> <g> <ellipse transform="matrix(0.995 -0.0999 0.0999 0.995 -0.3858 1.1634)" fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-miterlimit="10" cx="11.427" cy="4.436" rx="9.749" ry="1.469"></ellipse> <path fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M1.538,3.532c-0.081-0.808,4.196-1.897,9.555-2.436
c5.357-0.537,9.766-0.319,9.848,0.488"></path> <line fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-miterlimit="10" x1="1.526" y1="3.417" x2="1.748" y2="5.625"></line> <line fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-miterlimit="10" x1="20.929" y1="1.47" x2="21.15" y2="3.678"></line> </g> <g> <path d="M11.463,18.988c-1.02,0-1.791-0.361-2.315-1.084c-0.524-0.722-0.794-1.633-0.809-2.733c-0.015-1.4,0.293-2.456,0.924-3.168
c0,0.77-0.27,1.402-0.809,1.897S12.255,18.988,11.463,18.988z M11.408,17.811c0.402,0,0.742-0.138,1.018-0.413
c-0.261,0.275-0.391,0.637-0.391,1.084c0,0.425,0.136,0.773,0.407,1.045C10.634,17.675,10.982,17.811,11.408,17.811z"></path> </g> <path fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M1.958,9.898c11.928-2.379,18.813,0,18.813,0"></path> </svg> <span style="vertical-align: middle;">Period after opening: 6 months.</span></span></p>
<p><strong>Key Ingredients:</strong></p>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-6">
<div class="ingredient">
<div class="ingredient__popup">
<p class="ingredient__popup-title">Rosehip:</p>
<p class="ingredient__popup-latin">Rosa Canina.</p>
<p class="ingredient__popup-description">Soothes, moisturizes and softens the skin. Contains Vitamins A, C and is rich in essential fatty acids.</p>
<div class="ingredient__left"><img class="ingredient__image" src="" alt="Rosehip"></div>
<div class="ingredient__right">
<p class="ingredient__title">Rosehip:</p>
<p class="ingredient__effect">Moisturizes, Softens.</p>
<div class="ingredient">
<div class="ingredient__popup">
<p class="ingredient__popup-title">Bog Myrtle:</p>
<p class="ingredient__popup-latin">Myrica gale.</p>
<p class="ingredient__popup-description">Helps keep pores clean; provides anti-oxidants.</p>
<div class="ingredient__left"><img class="ingredient__image" src="" alt="Bog Myrtle"></div>
<div class="ingredient__right">
<p class="ingredient__title">Bog Myrtle:</p>
<p class="ingredient__effect">Maintains Pores.</p>
<div class="ingredient">
<div class="ingredient__popup">
<p class="ingredient__popup-title">Sea Buckthorn:</p>
<p class="ingredient__popup-latin">Hippophae rhamnoides</p>
<p class="ingredient__popup-description">Helps retain moisture and improve skin elasticity. Contains vitamins, minerals &amp; omega-3 fatty acids.</p>
<div class="ingredient__left"><img class="ingredient__image" src="" alt="Sea Buckthorn"></div>
<div class="ingredient__right">
<p class="ingredient__title">Sea Buckthorn:</p>
<p class="ingredient__effect">Improves Elasticity.</p>
<div class="ingredient">
<div class="ingredient__popup">
<p class="ingredient__popup-title">Prickly Pear:</p>
<p class="ingredient__popup-latin">Opuntia engelmannii</p>
<p class="ingredient__popup-description">Supports a more uniform skin tone. Contains vitamins E, K and is rich in essential fatty acids.</p>
<div class="ingredient__left"><img class="ingredient__image" src="" alt="Prickly Pear"></div>
<div class="ingredient__right">
<p class="ingredient__title">Prickly Pear:</p>
<p class="ingredient__effect">Uniform Skin Tone.</p>
<div class="col-lg-6">
<div class="ingredient">
<div class="ingredient__popup">
<p class="ingredient__popup-title">Serrated Wrack:</p>
<p class="ingredient__popup-latin">Fucus serratus</p>
<p class="ingredient__popup-description">Helps improve suppleness and elasticity of the skin. Contains minerals, and trace elements.</p>
<div class="ingredient__left"><img class="ingredient__image" src="" alt="Serrated Wrack"></div>
<div class="ingredient__right">
<p class="ingredient__title">Serrated Wrack:</p>
<p class="ingredient__effect">Improves Elasticity.</p>
<div class="ingredient">
<div class="ingredient__popup">
<p class="ingredient__popup-title">Rosemary</p>
<p class="ingredient__popup-latin">Rosmarinus officinalis.</p>
<p class="ingredient__popup-description">Helps protect from environmental stressors.</p>
<div class="ingredient__left"><img class="ingredient__image" src="" alt="Rosemary"></div>
<div class="ingredient__right">
<p class="ingredient__title">Rosemary:</p>
<p class="ingredient__effect">Protects.</p>
<div class="ingredient">
<div class="ingredient__popup">
<p class="ingredient__popup-title">Kiwi Seed:</p>
<p class="ingredient__popup-latin">Actinidia Chinensis</p>
<p class="ingredient__popup-description">Helps control sebum production and helps maintain clear skin.</p>
<div class="ingredient__left"><img class="ingredient__image" src="" alt="Kiwi Seed"></div>
<div class="ingredient__right">
<p class="ingredient__title">Kiwi Seed:</p>
<p class="ingredient__effect">Controls Sebum</p>
<div class="ingredient">
<div class="ingredient__popup">
<p class="ingredient__popup-title">Baobab Oil:</p>
<p class="ingredient__popup-latin">Adansonia digitata.</p>
<p class="ingredient__popup-description">Gives elasticity to the skin. Contains Vitamins A, D, E and F.</p>
<div class="ingredient__left"><img class="ingredient__image" src="" alt="Baobab Oil"></div>
<div class="ingredient__right">
<p class="ingredient__title">Baobab Oil:</p>
<p class="ingredient__effect">Improves Elasticity.</p>
<p class="ingredient__effect"> </p>
<p><a href="" target="_blank" title="How to patch test skin care products" rel="noopener noreferrer">How to Patch Test</a></p>
<p>This product has been awarded the following certifications:</p>
<div style="display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; place-items: center; margin: 25px 0 0 0;">
<img src="" alt="EWG" style="margin: 0 18px 10px 10px; max-width: 55px;"> <img src="" alt="ECO-Certified" style="margin: 0 15px 10px 10px; max-width: 55px;"> <img src="" alt="PEFC" style="margin: 1px 15px 10px 10px; max-width: 42px;"> <img src="" alt="Leaping Bunny" style="margin: 0 15px 10px 10px; max-width: 67px;"> <img src="" alt="Vegan" style="margin: 0 0 10px 10px; max-width: 68px;">
<br>Click <a href="/blogs/chapters/safety">here</a> to read our Safety chapter on why certifications are important.<br> <br>
<p>This product has won the following awards:</p>
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${{amount}} Free Shipping On Orders Over $80 Skip to main content menu button < * Shop Skincare * Cleansers * Moisturizers * Eye Creams * Serums & Oils * Mists & Toners * Soaps & Soaks * Gifts & Bundles Shop all By Concern * Dry Skin * Oily Skin * Sensitive Skin * Pores * Fine Lines * Maskne * Psoriasis * Eczema By Collection * Bia Collection * Antu Collection Shaant Collection 4.4 star rating 4853 Reviews sold out Cleansing & Softening THE BLUE PLANET SOAP TRIO sold out * Best Sellers * DermSCORE * About * Blog * cart 0 * * * Account * cart 0 * Shop * Skincare * Cleansers * Moisturizers * Eye Creams * Serums & Oils * Mists & Toners * Soaps & Soaks * Gifts & Bundles * By Concern * Dry Skin * Oily Skin * Sensitive Skin * Pores * Fine Lines * Maskne * Psoriasis * Eczema * By Collection * Bia Collection * Antu Collection * Shaant Collection * Best Sellers * DermSCORE * About * Blog * Account * Search * ENG * ENG * IND CART YOUR CART IS CURRENTLY EMPTY. * Bia Hydrating Skin Superfood Cooling and brightening eye gel that reduces puffiness and dark circles. $15.00 * Bia Facial Oil Cooling and brightening eye gel that reduces puffiness and dark circles. $73.00 WORLDS CHANGE WHEN EYES MEET. Get a Bia eye gel with a Purchase of $100 or more Learn More MICROBIOME-FRIENDLY PATENTED PLANT-BASED PRESENTATION Clinically proven, plant-powered biotech solutions for healthy skin. Plant-Based Eco-Certified Cruelty-Free OILY, ACNE-PRONE SKIN Reduce oiliness, clear pores & calm redness. BALANCE DRY, FLAKY SKIN Deeply hydrate & remove dead skin cells. HYDRATE DULL, SENSITIVE SKIN Restore skin barrier & reduce oxidative stress. REPAIR Previous CLINICALLY PROVEN SKIN SOLUTIONS FOR YOUR HEALTHIEST SKIN. I absolutely loved this serum , completely helped brighten up my complexion and lightened post acne marks. This could be worn under makeup! Will purchase again! KALLYW CLINICALLY PROVEN SKIN SOLUTIONS APPROVED BY DERMATOLOGISTS. For the Shaant skincare collection, Ayurvedic plants, such as gotu kola or patchouli, have been vetted with Western scientific tools, like their effect on gene expression in skin cells and clinical tests on patients with acne. DR. SIVAMANI, M.D., M.S., C.A.T. CLINICALLY PROVEN SKIN SOLUTIONS THAT RESTORE THE SKIN BARRIER. Simply AMAZING! I've been using it for a week now and my skin is smoother, softer, and has a beautiful glow. I would highly recommend it. SREEJA CLINICALLY PROVEN SKIN SOLUTIONS FOR DRY, FLAKY SKIN. Absolutely Amazing product! Definitely the best best dry oil I have used in my life. My skin is very smooth, hydrates and revitalizes. It was surprised because is light and dry facial oil. I am truly seeing a diference in my skin. I really recommend this product. ADRIANA GOMEZ CLINICALLY PROVEN SKIN SOLUTIONS FOR YOUR HEALTHIEST SKIN. I absolutely loved this serum , completely helped brighten up my complexion and lightened post acne marks. This could be worn under makeup! Will purchase again! KALLYW CLINICALLY PROVEN SKIN SOLUTIONS APPROVED BY DERMATOLOGISTS. For the Shaant skincare collection, Ayurvedic plants, such as gotu kola or patchouli, have been vetted with Western scientific tools, like their effect on gene expression in skin cells and clinical tests on patients with acne. DR. SIVAMANI, M.D., M.S., C.A.T. Next * 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 BEST SELLERS Restoring & Softening BIA HYDRATING SKIN SUPERFOOD Add To Cart$47.00 Revitalizing & Balancing BIA FACIAL OIL sold out Softening & Nourishing ANTÜ SKIN BARRIER NIGHT CREAM Add To Cart$63.00 Illuminating & Revitalizing ANTÜ SKIN BARRIER MOISTURIZER Add To Cart$60.00 Clinically Proven DATA-BACKED PRODUCT SAFETY AND PERFORMANCE. Clinically Proven DATA-BACKED PRODUCT SAFETY AND PERFORMANCE. Learn more about the testing we do: PRODUCT EFFICACY TESTING These tests verify a product‘s intended purpose by quantifying its effects on the skin of human subjects. Efficacy testing is crucial to scientifically substantiating product claims with state-of-the-art measurement techniques. HRIPT (HUMAN REPEAT INSULT PATCH TEST) This test determines the potential for irritation, sensitization and allergic contact of the product. It also confirms that repeated applications of the cosmetic product under maximized conditions do not induce delayed contact allergy reactions. PRESERVATIVE EFFICACY TESTING The efficacy of the antimicrobial activity of the preservative in a formulation is tested by challenging the formulation with known bacteria, yeast and fungi. STABILITY TESTING These tests determine the shelf life of products and demonstrate how product quality varies with time and with different environmental factors, such as temperature and humidity. Product attributes such as color, phase separation, odor, extrusion, weight loss, pH, viscosity, density and microbial quality are tested over time. BATCH QUALITY TESTING Defined parameters (e.g., pH, viscosity, density, color, etc) are measured for each production batch to ensure consistency and functionality. LEARN MORE FORMULATION INNOVATION PATENTED PLANT-BASED PRESERVATION FORMULATION INNOVATION PATENTED PLANT-BASED PRESERVATION Our patented PreservX® system supports the microbiome, but also enhances skin hydration and barrier function. PreservX® is based on biotech ferments and organic acids, not fossil fuels, to reduce carbon footprint: LACTOBACILLUS FERMENT Source: Fermentation of Lactobacillus bacteria Action: Broad-spectrum anti-microbial Skin benefits: Promotes a balanced skin microbiome COCONUT OIL/FERMENT Source: Lactobacillus Fermentation of Coconuts Action: Antifungal, Antibacterial & Antiviral Skin Benefits: Helps reduce water loss and softens PROPANEDIOL Source: fermented corn Action: Adjuvant (booster) for other 3 components Skin Benefits: Reduces water loss and softens EDIBLE ORGANIC ACIDS Source: Potassium Sorbate and/or Sodium Benzoate Action: Protects from yeast and molds Skin Benefits: Very mild to minimize irritation LEARN MORE REAL REVIEWS FROM REAL CUSTOMERS YOU WORDS MATTER Previous Bia Hydrating Skin Superfood THIS HAS TURNED MY SKIN This has turned my skin around in less than a week. I love this! - Laura C. Bia Hydrating Skin Superfood THIS HAS TURNED MY SKIN This has turned my skin around in less than a week. I love this! - Laura C. Bia Hydrating Skin Superfood LOVELY CREAM. SINKS IN IMMEDIATELY lovely cream. sinks in immediately and feels great. - Pauline W. Bia Exfoliating Wash I LOVE HOW IT MAKES I love how it makes my skin feel super soft and fresh. - Mareike B. Bia Exfoliating Wash I LOVE HOW IT MAKES I love how it makes my skin feel super soft and fresh. - Mareike B. Bia Exfoliating Wash WONDERFUL In love with this product! Smells great! Not harsh on my skin and a little goes a long way. - Carolyn S. Hydrating & Soothing Bia Bundle IN LOVE WITH THIS PRODUCT! In love with this product! Smells great! Has improved my skin so much - Laura C. Hydrating & Soothing Bia Bundle IN LOVE WITH THIS PRODUCT! In love with this product! Smells great! Has improved my skin so much - Laura C. Hydrating & Soothing Bia Bundle OUTSTANDING! This product is better than any I have tried in the category. Gentle yet very effective. - Christine G. Bia Hydrating Skin Superfood PLEASANT USE, SKIN IS HYDRATED Pleasant use, skin is hydrated and smooth. Packaging is genius and eco. - Katschenka Z. Bia Hydrating Skin Superfood PLEASANT USE, SKIN IS HYDRATED Pleasant use, skin is hydrated and smooth. Packaging is genius and eco. - Katschenka Z. Bia Hydrating Skin Superfood I LOVE THIS PRODUCT. ABSORBS I love this product. Absorbs very nicely. My skin feels soft and not greasy. - Jen C. Bia Hydrating Skin Superfood THIS HAS TURNED MY SKIN This has turned my skin around in less than a week. I love this! - Laura C. Bia Hydrating Skin Superfood THIS HAS TURNED MY SKIN This has turned my skin around in less than a week. I love this! - Laura C. Bia Hydrating Skin Superfood LOVELY CREAM. SINKS IN IMMEDIATELY lovely cream. sinks in immediately and feels great. - Pauline W. Bia Exfoliating Wash I LOVE HOW IT MAKES I love how it makes my skin feel super soft and fresh. - Mareike B. Bia Exfoliating Wash I LOVE HOW IT MAKES I love how it makes my skin feel super soft and fresh. - Mareike B. Bia Exfoliating Wash WONDERFUL In love with this product! Smells great! Not harsh on my skin and a little goes a long way. - Carolyn S. Next * 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 Dr. Barbara Paldus, CEO OUR MISSION To help you achieve your healthiest skin with a new standard: plant-based biotech skincare that blends ethnobotany and dermatology, led by data-driven scientist, Dr. Barbara Paldus. Plant-Based Eco-Certified Cruelty-Free Microbiome-tested Learn more THE NEWSLETTER Sign up for updates through our Mailing List and receive 20% off your first order! Enter * * * SHOP * Skincare * Moisturizers * Cleansers * Serums & Oils * Soaps SUPPORT * Contact * Shipping & Returns * Store Locator DISCOVER * About * Charities * Sustainability * Affiliate Program * * * © 2022 Codex Labs Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 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