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Form analysis 8 forms found in the DOM

GET /search

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POST /cart

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POST /cart/add

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POST /cart/add

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IMPORTANT: Please Read Carefully Before Placing an Order

 * Hojicha
    * All Hojicha
    * Hojicha Powder
    * Bulk Hojicha Powder
    * Hojicha Classic
    * Hojicha Dark Roast
    * Hojicha Gold Roast
    * Hojicha Genmai
    * Kyobancha

 * Teaware
    * All Teaware & Utensils
    * Katakuchi Bowl with Spout
    * Black & Bronze Chawan
    * Hojicha Whisk
    * Whisk Holder

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    * Iced Hojicha Latte
    * Hojicha Latte
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    * Bulk Hojicha Powder
    * Hojicha Classic
    * Hojicha Dark Roast
    * Hojicha Gold Roast
    * Hojicha Genmai
    * Kyobancha

 * Teaware
    * All Teaware & Utensils
    * Katakuchi Bowl with Spout
    * Black & Bronze Chawan
    * Hojicha Whisk
    * Whisk Holder

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    * Iced Hojicha Latte
    * Hojicha Latte
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Enjoy the rich and naturally sweet taste of Japanese roasted green tea. Crafted
exclusively in Kyoto.
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Hojicha Co.


4.967741935 / 5.0

(93) 93 total reviews

Regular price $29.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $29.00 CAD
Unit price /  per  Sale Sold out

Net Weight 100g - Resealable bag 500g - Bulk bag
Product variants
100g - Resealable bag - $29.00 CAD 500g - Bulk bag - $85.00 CAD
Quantity Decrease quantity for Hojicha Powder (Original) Increase quantity for
Hojicha Powder (Original)
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Hojicha Powder is the easiest way to enjoy the sweet taste and the pleasant
aroma of Japanese roasted green tea. The superfine Hojicha Powder makes the
perfect hojicha latte at the cafe or at home. This green tea powder is highly
versatile and can also be used in recipes in addition or as a substitute
for matcha green tea.

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Businesses of all sizes partner with us to purchase authentic Hojicha Powder in

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Experience authentic Japanese roasted green tea directly from the fields of
Kyoto. Each variety of premium roasted green tea in our collection offers unique
characteristics, while containing no additives and no unnecessary blending or
processing. We bring expertly roasted green tea to your cup in its purest form.

 * Hojicha Classic
   Hojicha Co.
   Hojicha Classic
   Regular price From $20.00 CAD
   Regular price Sale price From $20.00 CAD
   Unit price /  per 
 * Hojicha Dark Roast
   Hojicha Co.
   Hojicha Dark Roast
   Regular price From $20.00 CAD
   Regular price Sale price From $20.00 CAD
   Unit price /  per 
 * Hojicha Gold Roast
   Hojicha Co.
   Hojicha Gold Roast
   Regular price $27.00 CAD
   Regular price Sale price $27.00 CAD
   Unit price /  per 
 * Hojicha Genmai
   Hojicha Co.
   Hojicha Genmai
   Regular price $20.00 CAD
   Regular price Sale price $20.00 CAD
   Unit price /  per 

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Browse our collection of authentic Japanese teaware and utensils, especially
designed for enjoying Japanese tea. Crafted by true artisans across Japan, these
curated items will elevate your experience and will reveal the true flavor of

 * Hojicha Whisk
   Yasaburo Tanimura
   Hojicha Whisk
   Regular price $95.00 CAD
   Regular price Sale price $95.00 CAD
   Unit price /  per 
 * Tenmoku Glazed Whisk Holder
   Mino ware
   Tenmoku Glazed Whisk Holder
   Regular price $24.00 CAD
   Regular price Sale price $24.00 CAD
   Unit price /  per 
 * Black Katakuchi Bowl with Spout
   Seto ware
   Black Katakuchi Bowl with Spout
   Regular price $50.00 CAD
   Regular price Sale price $50.00 CAD
   Unit price /  per 
 * Bright Tea Bowl with Spout
   Seto ware
   Bright Tea Bowl with Spout
   Regular price $45.00 CAD
   Regular price Sale price $45.00 CAD
   Unit price /  per 
 * Black & Bronze Chawan Tea Bowl
   Mino ware
   Black & Bronze Chawan Tea Bowl
   Regular price $68.00 CAD
   Regular price Sale price $68.00 CAD
   Unit price /  per 
 * Pink Hojicha Bowl
   Mino ware
   Pink Hojicha Bowl
   Regular price $67.00 CAD
   Regular price Sale price $67.00 CAD
   Unit price /  per 
 * Komaru Kyusu Teapot
   Jinsui Kiln, Tokoname City
   Komaru Kyusu Teapot
   Regular price $95.00 CAD
   Regular price Sale price $95.00 CAD
   Unit price /  per 
 * Black Tokoname Kyusu
   Sold out
   Morimasa Kiln, Tokoname City
   Black Tokoname Kyusu
   Regular price $105.00 CAD
   Regular price Sale price $105.00 CAD
   Unit price /  per 

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Hojicha is a Japanese green tea that originated in Kyoto 100 years ago.

Unlike traditional green teas, hojicha is roasted after the leaves are steamed.
Along with removing all bitterness, the roasting process gives hojicha its
signature earthy aroma, its reddish-brown color and a unique smoky taste.

Since it is low in caffeine, hojicha is the perfect alternative to coffee for
those seeking a warm and toasty drink in the afternoon or evening.


Our original roasted green tea recipes will transform your favorite snacks and
desserts forever. Use our loose leaf hojicha or our ground hojicha powder to
make hot and cold beverages, or sweet and savory dishes. Hojicha is the perfect
flavor to impress friends and family!

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   This delicious Marbled Japanese Pumpkin Bread gets its stunning swirls from
   the vivid kabocha squash and chocolatey Hojicha Powder. What is a Japanese
   pumpkin Japanese pumpkin refers to kabocha, a...

   Brighten up your day with a Hojicha Palmer made from a tasty combination
   of freshly brewed hojicha and homemade lemonade.  Ingredients Homemade
   Lemonade 10 ml (2 teaspoons) sweetener (we used maple syrup)...

   Iced Kabocha Hojicha Latte is a tasty way to welcome pumpkin season, even on
   a warm day. Whether you're baking a pumpkin pie or roasting a winter squash
   for a...

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Discover customer favorites with featured recipes made with hojicha at home. Tag
@Hojicha.Co to share your delicious creations with us!

 * Iced Hojicha Latte

 * Kyoto Fog

 * Hojicha Hot Chocolate

 * Iced Hojicha Frappe

 * Mango Hojicha Latte

 * Hojicha Cookies

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 * Iced hojicha latte
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Hojicha Co. is the first and only brand to specialize in freshly roasted green
tea from Kyoto, Japan.


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