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Network of support for women and pregnant people who don’t have access to safe

How do I make an appointment?

Clients in 2023
Abortions arranged in 2023
Years of experience

"I have no words to express how grateful I am. You have my deepest thanks.
You're truly wonderful people!"
“Everything went well with the procedure. They took really sensational care of
me at the clinic. I arrived home safely. Thank you very much for your help, you
are wonderful.”


The Netherlands is the only country in European Union and one of the only
countries worldwide with legislation that allows for abortion on demand until 23
weeks. With laws around reproductive justice becoming more strict all over the
world, it is essential that there is an abortion solidarity collective that
helps people get the care around abortion they choose for in a country that
provides this type of healthcare until in the second trimester of pregnancy.

On October 22, 2020 it was ruled that women in Poland could only receive an
abortion in cases of rape, incest or when the pregnant person’s life is at risk.
This means that abortions in cases of foetal abnormalities are ruled illegal. It
is estimated that this was the reasoning behind as much as 97% of abortions in
Poland. As a result, people were forced to travel abroad for abortions even more
than before. After the ruling was in place we saw a peak in the demand for our
services, which continues until this day.


We rely on donations from our supporters and volunteer work from people living
in the Netherlands and abroad. If you are able to, please consider making a
small, monthly donation. It would mean the world to us and all the people we
help access abortion in the Netherlands. Any amount helps.

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